IRC log for #devuan on 20170112

00:00.06Lydia_KMaybe he's at a high altitude?
00:00.37Centurion_DanLydia_K: And they still expect reproducible results??
00:00.38Lydia_KThe thicker the atmosphere above you the less of the sinister space rays that will get to your memory.
00:00.42Digitmaybe i should keep my potassium supplements further away from my computer.  :3
00:01.26Centurion_Danradioactive potassium?? You wanting to glow in the dark? :-P
00:02.16Digitonly very slightly.
00:02.41Lydia_KThis could also explain the complaints of some results being like a tenth of an inch off..
00:03.11Centurion_DanLydia_K: there are tools for checking ECC and they'll tell you if your ram is ecc
00:03.15Lydia_K(This is for flooding across an entire county, so not a lot in aggregate)
00:03.17underd0ghey guys
00:03.25Lydia_KI'm on a train on my phone right now
00:03.38underd0ganyone ever installed devuan with encrypted /boot
00:04.20Centurion_DanLydia_K: that's probably just a rounding error coming from the shitty floating point implementations.
00:04.56Lydia_KThat's kinda what I was thinking
00:05.16Lydia_KAlso, scientists write terrible code
00:06.07Lydia_KSo ya'know, probably something with their csh scripts that generate csh scripts that generate csh scripts that run calculations.
00:06.38Lydia_KIt's a goddam horror show in there sometimes.
00:07.06Lydia_KI trust nothing
00:07.37Centurion_DanYou need to come to multicore-world in Feb to hear John Gustafson speak.  He's proven that floating point is ummm unreliable...
00:07.57Lydia_KMmm...  how much does it cost?
00:08.10Lydia_KI could run it past the higher ups
00:08.26Lydia_KI doubt they'll pay, but I'd love to go.
00:08.54Lydia_KI think an 800 core grid engine cluster is in the small side for you guys.
00:08.56koollmanCenturion_Dan: it needed proving ?
00:08.57*** join/#devuan dog_ (~underd0g@
00:12.12Centurion_DanLydia_K: the line up of speakers might be of interest..
00:13.21Centurion_Dankoollman: He's proposed an alternative system that solves the problem...
00:13.26*** join/#devuan zdzichu (
00:13.32Lydia_KWow, awesome
00:13.45Lydia_KI feel like so many of my questions are super basic
00:14.45Lydia_KLike "why do my scientists write so much code that wastes more time in cpu system than doing actual work in cpu user?"
00:17.49Centurion_DanI've been the last couple of years doing AV stuff at MCW and that sort of question gets beaten around quite a bit..
00:18.39*** join/#devuan mystified (
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00:19.22koollmanLydia_K: I know part of the answer for that. They usually have no idea of the costs of various real world operations
00:19.42Lydia_KHahaha, you have an answer? Cause sometimes I look at my grafana graphs and just want to start sobbing at my desk.
00:20.01Lydia_KSoooo much time spent shuffling memory segments
00:20.43Lydia_KGood lord addition!? No time for that! I have to move these bits from here and back again!
00:20.55Lydia_K*from here to there and back again
00:21.04Lydia_KSorry, on my phone
00:21.09Centurion_DanIt's a pretty interactive conference allowing lots of times for questions and networking to foster the neccessary collaboration required to improve those sorts of issues.
00:22.16koollmanLydia_K: if they take any kind of interest in the computation costs, most of the theoritical knowledge that is commonly taught is centered on optimizing for number of abstract operations (typically, compare, for sorting)
00:22.21Lydia_KI'm really going to push that our research department hires one real professional programmer to help them with their code
00:22.49Lydia_KIt would go so far too just have one guy going "oh god no, I'll fix that. "
00:23.39Lydia_KYou make a great point koollman
00:23.40koollmanLydia_K: it's a bit harder (even thought it's being slightly more documented) to find anything good/easy to understand mentionning memory latency, numa, syscall, and the overhead of various operations
00:23.55Lydia_KThough many of them have little to no programming experience at all
00:24.11koollmanI remember viewing a pretty good set of videos on optimisation ...
00:24.26koollmantries to remember ... brain is laggy
00:26.54Centurion_Dankoollman: re floating point unreliability, it would help significantly if dev's just ditched the vendor specific extensions as they are the source of most of the problem.
00:27.03koollmanLydia_K: anything in that playlist. (it's specific to cray xc32 and piz daint from cscsch ... but actually there are very good points on optimisations from high to very low PoV)
00:27.13*** join/#devuan dog_ (~underd0g@
00:27.56koollmanI'm trying to remember the exact video that was really nice ...
00:27.59*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
00:28.00Lydia_KI will totally watch that when I'm home
00:28.08Lydia_KThe train is not a good place
00:29.16koollmanhm. anything in that playlist too : (base idea: for a good large scale computation, you need a good node-scale program. and every step you can optimize)
00:30.47koollmanwith a very good comparison of 'theoretically optimal' (a graph showing linear scaling of performance) with 'real life' (seems bound by a higher limit, not even logarithming). When shown on the same scale, the linear-scaling algorithm is way, way slower :)
00:31.10koollman(and there are not enough nodes to ever get the benefit)
00:31.24*** join/#devuan BurntNoodle (6c5198c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:31.37Lydia_KI look forward to watching it.
00:31.47*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
00:31.54koollmanI also remember a paper on the falseness of O(1) memory model.
00:31.59*** part/#devuan BurntNoodle (6c5198c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:32.18koollmanpretty simple, but still something you probably hit a lot in scientific computing
00:32.23Lydia_KI'm afraid it'll be way over the head of my scientists, but I'm sure as hell curious.
00:33.07Lydia_KI mean, I've got some good ones
00:34.09Lydia_KBut I've also got the type whom we've had a month long email thread with cause they seem to refuse to understand that a single threaded program won't run any faster if you give the VM eight more cores
00:34.33Lydia_KAnd he can't deny
00:34.42Lydia_KThose other brothers can deny.
00:34.47Lydia_KOk I'm done.
00:35.47koollmanLydia_K: scientific method. go for empirical demonstration, two vm, 2 cores vs 16, same program, measure variations, ask for counter-proof ;)
00:36.24Lydia_KWe tried!
00:36.36Lydia_KOh god we tried *sobs*
00:36.44Lydia_KJust the lack of understanding.
00:37.14Lydia_K"But it runs faster on X's desktop!"
00:37.31gci_admin"Then use X's desktop."
00:38.07Lydia_KYes, they have 3.5ghz desktop, the servers running the VMware infrastructure are only 2.7, if it's single threaded then higher click speed will be faster.
00:38.22Lydia_KSorry, phone
00:38.38gci_adminclicks faster so his work will get done ;)
00:38.40koollmanLydia_K: so they have part of a counter-proof. run the program pinned to 1, 2, 4 cores on X's desktop ?
00:39.43Lydia_KYou keep trying to use logic, they are impervious to logic.
00:39.45koollmanLydia_K: get your scientists to think about the problem in scientific terms (I know. they should already. But many consider computing ... lets say, arcane. not science)
00:40.13gci_adminScience vs Logic? :D
00:41.09Lydia_KSome of my scientists are great, don't get me wrong
00:41.29Lydia_KI love'm all
00:42.13Lydia_KBut there are a few whom a swear have the incredible ability to respond to an email without ever reading it.
00:42.25koollmangci_admin: I've seen physicists, medical doctors, and many other 'scientists' act pretty much like dealing with computers was some kind of voodoo knowledge. (that, or they know better because they are good in their domain. sometimes it's worse)
00:43.18koollmanso I tried regularly to go back to something close enough to their knowledge that they can see the error in their previous statements
00:43.31gci_adminLydia_K, koollman, I understand. Some people are very good at understanding the minutia of their field of knowledge. Not so great at understanding CPU cores versus clock speed if it is outside their insular field.
00:43.34koollmannot that it always work. but at least some of them get it.
00:44.01Lydia_KIt's hard sometimes, and you are totally right koollman
00:44.48Lydia_KI'm sure these guys are brilliant at flood modeling or earthquake analysis, or whatever their specialty is
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00:45.13Lydia_KBut good damn can it be frustrating answering the same question repeated 20 times.
00:45.16koollmangci_admin: it's not just understanding the details. it's understanding that it still follows rather similar laws
00:46.34Lydia_Ksome of them don't get that
00:46.35koollmanit's like ... I don't know. A mathematician that is really great at game theory and statistics, but maintains that if he plays his dog's birthday on a lottery he will win money
00:46.52Lydia_KPerfect analogy
00:46.59koollman(err, probabilities, not stats. but you get it)
00:47.14Lydia_KAnd that's why it's so frustrating from the outside perspective
00:47.16koollmanso you know he could understand ... but he won't.
00:47.43*** join/#devuan xes__ (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
00:47.48Lydia_KI know they are experts in this type of thinking, yet they seem to stubbornly refuse to apply it to the thing I'm trying to explain.
00:51.18Lydia_KYou must work with scientist koollman
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00:52.16koollmanLydia_K: I did. still do sometimes. I know the pain :)
00:52.58Lydia_KI mean, I do love them, they are great, but they are also so frustrating some times.
00:53.01*** join/#devuan cyteen (
00:55.20koollmana colleague worked with a biostatistician last week. translating ideas/constraints/filters to sql queries and spark programs. Rather painful to listen to ... but maybe the data will be useful some day
00:55.41*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
00:57.21Lydia_KI'm sure it will :)
00:57.34koollmannow, to be fair, most developpers I know have no idea of the cost of their own programs, too. And they also do not know much about science :)
00:57.42Digitwell.  i extracted the data from the .deb, copied the offending file to where it should be, and it fixed it, for a second, then everything went bank n unresponsive.  seems ok now after that forced reboot.  :3  lets see what other mistreatment this can survive.  :)
00:58.18Lydia_KWow, neat!
00:58.39Lydia_KKoollman: LOL!
00:58.56Lydia_KOk, at my train stop, time to drive home, catch you all later
01:11.56*** join/#devuan zama (~zama@unaffiliated/stryx/x-3871776)
01:12.55Xenguyunderd0g: I picked the LVM encrypted volume option during install, if that is what you mean.
01:14.12*** join/#devuan alk` (
01:14.21XenguyWhy do you ask?
01:14.25underd0gbut your /boot is unencrypted
01:14.58underd0gbut I am playing with this atm ;
01:15.12XenguyCould be, I don't really know how it works to be honest
01:15.16underd0gI run LMDE now
01:15.23underd0gthere's a script
01:15.33XenguyLXDE, or LMDE?
01:15.42underd0gmint debian edition
01:15.50Xenguyaha, right
01:16.02underd0gso , it's all fine
01:16.08underd0gbut it's debian
01:16.43XenguyI ran debian for many years, but I will likely be migrating my last debian box to devuan before too long
01:16.55underd0gevery time I click "update" , I wonder what next piece of red hat crap will I get installed this time
01:17.39underd0gtoday I ran apt-get remove systemd* on my test box , just to see what happens
01:17.50underd0gand guess what ?
01:18.42Xenguydo tell
01:19.11underd0geverything gets uninstalled :D
01:19.22Xenguyheh, sounds about right
01:19.45underd0gthey can stop pretending it's debian
01:19.59underd0gand just call it red hat
01:20.09XenguyIt's still Debian, but Debian failed (IMHO)
01:20.27underd0git's just red hat with debian logo
01:20.44XenguyI get your point
01:20.45underd0gif you try to remove gnome or systemd , you can't run it
01:20.46*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
01:21.08underd0gso I'll be moving to devuan , really fast
01:21.41XenguyI only have it installed on my main laptop, and so far it has worked quite nicely, with no problems
01:22.21underd0ghey fsmithred
01:22.44underd0gI've tried your live iso
01:22.48underd0gworks fine
01:23.06fsmithredwhich live iso
01:23.07underd0gtried upgrading LMDE to devuan
01:23.14fsmithredI have about half a dozen scattered around
01:23.25fsmithredrefracta or unofficial devuan live?
01:23.52underd0gdevuan live is made with live scripts ?
01:24.03underd0git has the installer ?
01:24.36fsmithreddevuan isos are not live
01:24.48underd0gI know
01:24.48fsmithredI made a live iso from a devuan install using refractasnapshot
01:24.58fsmithredand it has refractainstaller in it
01:25.07fsmithredjust the cli versions of the tools
01:25.16underd0gso only refracta , no livescripts :(
01:25.28fsmithredwhat do you mean?
01:26.28underd0gI know how refracta works
01:26.48golinuxThen I didn;t understand you question
01:27.12fsmithredwhat are you saying has no livescripts?
01:27.13golinuxDevuan does not have an official live iso available.
01:28.12underd0gthere was a set of scripts trough wich you could create a live cd
01:28.28fsmithredrun it from root terminal
01:28.37underd0gI know
01:28.47fsmithredwhat scripts are you talking about?
01:29.48underd0gcan't find the right term to google
01:29.57fsmithredwhere were these scripts?
01:30.01fsmithredin lmde?
01:30.19underd0grefracta is one way of making it
01:30.32underd0ghow do debian guys build live cd's ?
01:31.07fsmithredand live-build uses live-boot and live-config (among other things)
01:31.19fsmithredrefractasnapshot also uses live-boot and live-config, but not live-build
01:31.31underd0glive-build scrypts
01:31.42fsmithredthey still exist
01:31.46underd0gI know I've read that
01:31.48fsmithredin the repo
01:32.12underd0gso basically , devuan live with installer could be made with those ?
01:32.21fsmithredin theory
01:32.36fsmithredsomeone was working on it, but I haven't heard an update lately
01:33.08*** join/#devuan zone_twelve (~eshafer@2602:30a:2cf9:4710:e60:76ff:fe69:2c5)
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01:33.13fsmithredI think there were some problems getting it to work
01:33.19underd0ganyways , I came up with a new idea how to get my devuan have encrypted /boot
01:33.49underd0gcheck out
01:34.23underd0gso , I'll install boot on USB drive , and later move it back onto HDD
01:34.33underd0gshould work
01:35.07underd0gthe idea I had about upgrading LMDE to devuan didn't pan out too well
01:35.29underd0git's doable , but much pain in the ass
01:37.21fsmithredthat doesn't surprise me
01:37.33fsmithredthe encrypted boot thing is pretty cool
01:37.40underd0git is
01:37.41fsmithrednot really that difficult to do
01:38.13underd0gthat's why I wonder why it isn't in the installer yet
01:38.34underd0git's been out there for quite some time now
01:38.41fsmithredany idea if this works with uefi?
01:38.57fsmithredcan the efi partition be encrypted? I'm guessing it can't.
01:39.16underd0gI've seen refferences to it in that LMDE script I linked to you
01:39.29fsmithredpretty sure you could do this with refractainstaller
01:39.39underd0gefi itself ? doubt
01:39.49fsmithredno, not encrypt efi
01:39.58underd0gI know
01:40.04fsmithredthere's an option to move partitions after they get copied to hard drive
01:40.19fsmithredwas added on for someone who wanted a separate /var
01:40.36fsmithredI got it backward
01:40.41underd0gyeah , but /boot ?
01:40.54fsmithredyou use it to separate something out to its own partition, not the other way
01:41.16fsmithredyou'd have to do it all manually, but there's a place in the middle of the install that pauses to let you work in another terminal
01:42.04fsmithredI don't know if this will get added - I'm still trying to figure out how to combine the uefi and bios installers
01:43.23fsmithredone of these days (weeks) I need to pull those scripts all apart and re-write them.
01:43.29fsmithredThe code is a mess.
01:45.02underd0gmuch work
01:45.34fsmithredyeah, it needs to be reorganized.
01:45.57fsmithredchanging anything in it is kinda like playing pick-up sticks
01:47.44fsmithredwhat happens to the modified grub.cfg when grub gets updated?
01:47.58fsmithreddoes it lose the cryptodisk lines?
01:49.39underd0gwe'll find out soon enough , I'm in the middle of installation
01:50.53*** join/#devuan zdzichu (
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02:40.40fsmithredunderd0g, how's it going?
02:41.10underd0gjust about to finish installing
02:41.28underd0gI hope migrating boot won't take that long
02:41.46underd0gI am working on a VM , so it's pain in the ass
02:41.56fsmithredI understand
02:42.06fsmithredboot is not very big
02:42.54underd0gI am working with two usbs plugged into a VM on an ancient laptop
02:43.04underd0gnot a bright fella I am
02:43.23fsmithreduse what you got
02:44.58fsmithredoh, just a reminder, since you're concerned about security...
02:45.17fsmithredrefracta has ssh server on by default
02:45.19underd0gmy exe's brother peeked over my shoulder once , and he was , like ; I don't know what you're doing to that computer , but it looks like "inception" to me :D
02:46.00underd0goh , don't worry , my OPSEC allows me to have really big security holes
02:46.02fsmithredif you're running linux, there must be something wrong with you
02:46.25fsmithredterrorist, pedophile, spammer or just generally subversive
02:46.51underd0gwell, I am begining to look at the very posibility of switching to bsd
02:47.26underd0gI ain't taking this whole linux mess lightly
02:48.11underd0gif devuan fails , I'll switch to bsd
02:49.13fsmithredthere's still gentoo
02:49.16fsmithredand antix
02:49.19underd0gman I fucked up again . I think . I think I told the installer to update from interwebz
02:49.41fsmithredwhy is that a problem?
02:49.58underd0git will take ages . again .
02:50.16underd0gI'm just testing , I could've just skipped it
02:50.44underd0ggentoo guys are making us float
02:50.47*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:50.52underd0gbut for how long ?
02:51.52underd0gwhat's next after eudev ?
02:53.48*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
02:54.20underd0gmy question was , when do we lay down arms and let the one red hat rule us all ?
02:54.27fsmithreddon't laugh. vdev works
02:54.46underd0gvdev is part of zfs , isn't it ?
02:54.53fsmithreddifferent vdev
02:55.09fsmithredvdev is Jude Nelson's device manager to replace udev
02:55.55*** join/#devuan Hoshpak_ (
02:55.59underd0git's an actor ?
02:56.41underd0gjust poking you
02:56.52underd0gbut I really didn't know about vdev
02:57.09fsmithredit's not ready for prime time, but basically, it works
02:57.53fsmithredtranslating udev rules to something that vdev can use is still new territory
02:58.41fsmithredand I think there's another one that someone was talking about on the mailing list
02:58.50underd0gI get it
02:59.13underd0gand then one day linus will put systemd into kernel , and then what ?
02:59.23underd0gwe fork kernel ?
02:59.26fsmithredwe'll see
02:59.32fsmithredI'm not so sure that will happen
02:59.41underd0gI am most certain
02:59.57fsmithredif he allows it, then it will have been fixed to be sane
02:59.57underd0ghe's kinda fond of red hat , you know =
03:00.42underd0gso what , if systemd is sane , we are all good with it ?
03:08.19*** join/#devuan Xenguy (
03:09.21underd0ganyways , from what I've seen , vdev is abandoned
03:09.23underd0gso ...
03:12.18fsmithrednot completely abandoned - there are two people working on packaging it, there are two sets of packages that work
03:12.48fsmithredit's linux - there are 10 ways to do everything, and the cream rises to the top
03:13.22underd0gI had to give up on the install for today
03:13.25fsmithredbtw, if you install from one of the live images, installation takes about 10 minutes
03:13.59underd0gas I said , it started pulling packages from repos instead from iso
03:14.18fsmithredpulling from repo is not an option with the live
03:14.26underd0gafter more than a hour , it stated it is downloading 1000 packages :D
03:15.00underd0gbut can I install with LVM from refracta ? you said I can't .
03:15.05fsmithredthe official beta1 would only do netinstall
03:15.08fsmithredoh, no lvm
03:15.18underd0gso no crypto
03:15.23fsmithredyes crypto
03:15.44fsmithredwithout lvm
03:16.02underd0gbut without lvm , i don't know if i can merge boot
03:16.16underd0gI'll give it a shot later
03:16.47underd0gI get up in two hours and it'll be a heluva day
03:18.37*** join/#devuan zdzichu (
03:20.21fsmithredmight need to change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=
03:20.35fsmithredbut other than that, it looks like it would be the same
03:21.02fsmithredyou doing a full desktop install?
03:22.39fsmithredyou could just install standard system and add desktop later - would go quicker
03:23.04underd0gdidn't even think of that
03:23.46fsmithredsome people like to un-check everything at the tasksel screen, some like to keep standard system utils checked.
03:24.06fsmithredI'm in the latter group
03:24.29fsmithredI want every utility I've ever heard of to be available in case I need it
03:24.35fsmithred(old boy scout)
03:25.04NewGnuGuyfsmithred: Check all the things!
03:25.51fsmithredwouldn't be the first time I had three or four desktops or window managers
03:26.14underd0gI go with the default setup on every distro
03:26.33underd0glong gone are the days of "i might need a web sever on my desktop"
03:27.04underd0goh , look it has three different flavors of sql servers , why not have them all ?
03:27.31fsmithredwell, I was thinking more like - I want ddrescue, smartmontools.. that kind of stuff
03:27.41underd0gand start it all at boot , with all the whistles and blows :D
03:28.18underd0gah , srry , just reminded me of my first days with linux
03:28.35fsmithredwindows refugee?
03:28.54underd0gI was going crazy cus I could not find root password for knoppix
03:29.27NewGnuGuyfsmithred: ddrescue recently saved my bacon. good stuff.
03:29.34underd0gso I wrote an angry mail to mr. knopper , who was kind enough to point me in the right direction
03:30.01underd0gthe rest was history .
03:31.58underd0gnah , my first system was linux
03:32.12fsmithredwow, that's rare
03:32.36underd0gbut my roommate made me overrun it with 98
03:32.44underd0gso we could play ut
03:34.06fsmithredneed to go feed the stove and finish laundry
03:34.16fsmithredgood luck with the install
03:34.34underd0gc ya
03:59.05*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
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05:54.46Centurion_Danunderd0g: why?  UT always ran better under linux...
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07:04.07underd0gI was a kid
07:04.23underd0gI supposed he knew better
07:04.47underd0ghe knew shit , that's why he used 98
07:32.53*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
07:32.57Centurion_DanI was always the guy running the game server, because my linux box was more reliable even though it wasn't as well resourced as most of the other 'doze machines.
07:33.14Centurion_Danand I usually had a better FPS too.
07:33.51underd0gwell running a server usualy gives you that :D
07:34.14underd0gah FPS , srry I saw something else
07:34.57*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
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07:45.11tuorHi, is there a goal when devuan should be a stable release or is it "ready when the work is done"?
07:51.14*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
08:04.05Centurion-Dan2tuor: real soon now... I hope ;-P
08:14.04s-hellGood morning!
08:15.35s-hellOur trainee "fixed" his apt config on his machine. He added the backports and the testing repository... without pinning something :-(
08:16.11s-hellSo now we have a mix of packages between testing, backports and stable.
08:17.13s-hellI created preferences files for the pinning.
08:17.35s-hellSo can anyone tell me an easy way to roll all packages back to stable?!?
08:22.39*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
08:23.14s-hellok, next great idea from our trainee: 'I have an idea!'
08:23.25s-hellNow he can do a fresh install :-D
08:25.37tuorCenturion-Dan2, ok :)
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13:28.56Venkerhi people
13:33.42Venkeris Devuan Jessie about to be frozen soon?
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13:47.15Venkermaybe I could move to ascii now
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18:21.09hralmim about to install devuan on a mini pc with skylake oricessir
18:21.17hralm* processor
18:21.41hralmI will need some sort of modfication to run in it properly?
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19:46.24Centurion_Danhralm: no idea, but we'd love to hear about it.
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22:54.41Leander256the kernel in jessie is too old for a proper support of skylake GPU (the display will work, but poorly)
22:55.13*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
22:55.37Leander256I didn't know I could try the one from jessie-backports, so I switched my machines to testing
22:58.03Leander256but that's all you need to use skylake on jessie
23:06.56Centurion_Danhralm: based on Leander256's comment you should be fine to do it and just turn on backports support and upgrade to the latest backported kerne.
23:13.50*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
23:14.34underd0gsup guys
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