IRC log for #devuan on 20170108

00:06.27*** join/#devuan Achylles (
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00:28.15*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
00:32.17*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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01:12.31*** join/#devuan grpala (~hermit@unaffiliated/grpala)
01:14.16*** join/#devuan alk` (
01:18.23*** join/#devuan regulus (~regulus@unaffiliated/regulus)
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01:50.41*** join/#devuan ccrhy (~ccrhy3@
02:27.18*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
02:27.19*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
02:49.34*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
03:00.23*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
03:07.04*** join/#devuan justinsm (
03:26.58*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
03:50.53*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
03:58.37*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
04:23.04*** join/#devuan weissenborn (
04:28.31*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
04:28.31*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
05:03.37SuicideJunkieAnyone here know about motherboard beep codes?  I'm getting 2 short, a pause and then 5 short, which doesn't match with anything I've seen before.
05:07.06zyliwaxSuicideJunkie: perhaps you've already done so, but you are most likely to find the right answer if you search the web for your particular motherboard's error beeps
05:14.19*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:24.56*** join/#devuan cyteen (
05:32.48SuicideJunkieWell, further testing shows that it isn't even consistent.  I guess it was binned legitimately.
06:01.18SuicideJunkieI did manage to fix a couple things, but it still isn't usable.
06:29.41*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
06:29.42*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
07:20.47*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
07:34.54*** part/#devuan crash_ (
07:36.32*** join/#devuan mystified (
08:07.33*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
08:13.58*** join/#devuan technoid_ (
08:24.13*** join/#devuan Quetzalcoatl (~Quetzalco@
08:27.14QuetzalcoatlHi everybody
08:28.24Quetzalcoatlanyone knows how to disable ipv6 permanently on devuan at an arm?
08:30.55*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
08:30.55*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
08:31.09muepI'd just leave it unconfigured in cases where it is not needed
08:32.40Quetzalcoatlhow? tried editing the sysctl file
08:33.02*** join/#devuan _spOOn_ (
08:33.21Quetzalcoatland every boot ipv6 is there
08:34.08Quetzalcoatlhave to press sysctl -p again.
08:34.23muepI mean I would just leave as it is by default.
08:35.20Quetzalcoatlwhat about loving legacy stuff?? :)
08:35.41muepit does not conflict with using ipv4
08:37.05Quetzalcoatlok. I'll settle with that one. Thanks.
08:37.56muepespecially if you have only link-local ipv6 addresses, programs will not try to use them to reach any of your usual internet destinations
08:38.24muepeven if e.g. DNS says that some domain name has an IPv6 address in addition to an IPv4 address
08:40.50Quetzalcoatlok. actually I think my router supports ipv6, so my computer can get seen everywhere.
08:41.16Quetzalcoatlthat's why I was trying to deactivate it.
08:46.42Quetzalcoatlbut you're right.
08:47.18muepwere you getting non-link-local addresses?
08:53.57Quetzalcoatlnope. as you said, only link-local.
08:57.56*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:22.08*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
09:26.10*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
09:26.22*** join/#devuan Obri (
09:37.24*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
09:43.59*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
10:25.47*** join/#devuan flrn (
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10:40.05*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
10:41.43*** join/#devuan Se7en (~Se7en@unaffiliated/se7en)
10:42.03Se7enHello. I had a question regusrding migration from my current distribution to yours
10:42.18Se7enNow, I wanted to ue my pre-existing /home partition
10:42.28Se7enBut it is encrypted with CryptoLuks
10:42.36Se7enThe HDD is also fully encrypted with a seprate key
10:43.01Se7enWould I be able to transition smootly and keep my /home partition on the current system?
10:48.20*** join/#devuan vbextreme_ (~quassel@
10:48.45*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:48.46*** join/#devuan aitor (
10:48.58jaromilSe7en: so far all people have reported success in these situations
10:49.03jaromilI have had one system like that and no problem
10:49.10aitorgolinux: are you working on the gtk theme?
10:49.23jaromilbut this is not a warranty it will work, just mentioning the experiences so far
10:49.30jaromilso please do keep backups
10:50.11Se7enThank you
10:50.13*** part/#devuan Se7en (~Se7en@unaffiliated/se7en)
10:52.15aitorups, golinux is not available for now
10:56.01aitorsee you in an hour
10:57.03*** join/#devuan edbarx (~edbarx@
10:57.47*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
11:01.09*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
11:02.23edbarxTo whom it may concern: presently, I am adding more functions to simple-netaid's backend. These include reading/saving security settings for wifi connections, support for open unsecured connections, and visual enhancements to the GUI. Some backend functions will be added functionality with the requirement of an added parameter to represent security settings.
12:02.05*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
12:03.22*** join/#devuan cyteen (
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12:14.00*** join/#devuan yann-kaelig (
12:32.47*** join/#devuan Achylles (
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12:36.23*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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12:37.22*** part/#devuan AntoFox (
12:44.59*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
12:46.20*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
12:58.04*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kirk_Krup@
13:08.20*** join/#devuan mystified (
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13:35.00*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
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13:44.30*** join/#devuan justinsm (
13:59.57*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
14:05.05*** join/#devuan aitor (
14:05.49aitoredbarx: this sounds interesting
14:33.16*** join/#devuan vbextreme (~quassel@
14:34.43*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
14:51.46*** join/#devuan vbextreme (~quassel@
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15:06.28*** join/#devuan weissenborn (
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15:22.56*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
15:24.34aitorhi golinux
15:27.49golinuxhi aitor!
15:28.17golinuxHow do I get to jessie-proposed repo?
15:29.16aitorthe jessie proposed repo?
15:32.17golinux(didn't I say that?)
15:32.54aitorare you referring to some concrete new packages like desktop-base, recently mentioned by dan?
15:33.08aitorstill not available in the official repo?
15:35.06aitori've been working this weekend in a gtk purpy theme
15:37.46aitori would like to upload some screenshots comparing it with devuan's in some special cases like synaptic, pdfchain, inkscape (some icons are missing in inskcape with several gtk themes)
15:40.13aitori mentioned pdfchain because of the appearance of the notebooks in gtk3
15:41.28golinuxYes, I need to test desktop-base here but can't find it.
15:41.36aitorand the appearance of synaptic should be also tested with a higher version of gtk (i.e. in ascii)
15:41.54golinuxAnd did you see this note I left for you yesterday?
15:42.00golinuxaitor: Thanks.  But there is already a purpy theme for slim that will be in the RC:   :)
15:42.23aitordesktop base only contains wallpapers, isn't it?
15:42.42aitoryes, golinux, i saw
15:45.48golinuxI'm not sure what all Dan has put where.  But the panel will now be styled properly as well as other theming including slim.
15:46.55aitorthere were a lot of layers in the inputbox blurring the borders in slim
15:47.36aitorvery detailed
15:48.32aitorthe style of the desktop is defined in "skeleton"
15:51.22aitori would not use a purpy colour for the panel, and fsmithred also thinks so
15:58.08golinuxI won't know what Dan finally decided until I can get to the files . . .
15:58.21aitori'm reading the latest change on vdev, by ralph:
15:59.21golinuxYes, interesting stuff.  Even though I don't understand the details, only the broadstrokes . . .
16:10.16*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:23.29*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
16:24.13fsmithredgolinux, you need to add jessie-proposed to sources to get desktop-base
16:26.57golinuxI di.  UI think I have it wrong
16:27.19fsmithredhang on, and I'll see if I can get it. I'm not at home now.
16:27.45fsmithredI think you just replace jessie with jessie-proposed, similar to jessie-backports
16:28.23golinuxdeb jessie-proposed  main
16:28.48aitoryes i'm doing it:
16:28.49aitordeb jessie-proposed-updates  main
16:29.07fsmithreddeb jessie-proposed main contrib non-free
16:30.15golinuxAh.  Makes sense since it's not in the main repos yet.  Thanks.  :)
16:30.21fsmithred1:0.105~2.gbp26bfa1 0
16:30.39fsmithredthat's higher than the version in the main repo
16:31.56fsmithredwhat's the difference between /merged and /devuan?
16:32.19golinuxmerged is the main repos.
16:32.25fsmithredaitor, are you seeing the 105 version in jessie-proposed?
16:32.56aitorsorry, i rectify
16:33.12fsmithredyou do see 105?
16:33.17aitori added:
16:33.20aitordeb jessie-proposed-updates  main
16:33.28golinuxI'm seeing 1:0.103
16:33.40fsmithredchange "merged" to "devuan"
16:33.49aitorbut i didn't add deb-src
16:34.00fsmithredneither did I (no src line here)
16:34.06aitorand i only downloaded the sources..., i'll try again
16:34.30golinuxSo do I need to add -updates?
16:34.42fsmithredI don't have -updates
16:34.52fsmithredpretty sure I got my line directly from Dan
16:35.12*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
16:35.24aitorthe same version again. 1:0.103
16:35.48*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
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16:35.55golinuxAh I do have 1:0.105~2.gbp26bfa1 0 But without the 0 at the end
16:36.12golinuxUpgrading now.  No -updates needed.
16:36.18aitori have both: jessie-updates and jessie-proposed-updates
16:36.49golinuxDrop the -updates and change /merged to /devuan
16:38.51golinuxDownloading now.  Then I'll need to switch users.
16:39.12golinuxOh no! E: xfce4-settings: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2
16:39.32golinuxWhat does that mean?
16:39.57golinuxCenturion_Dan: ^^^
16:41.08aitori installed it without issues
16:41.11golinuxCenturion_Dan: Will email you the log.
16:41.38aitorare you been using backports?
16:42.07golinuxNot atm
16:42.18golinuxNor dmo
16:42.52aitorhave you been, i meant :)
16:42.57fsmithredFWIW, I pinned jessie-proposed to a lower priority just to be safe
16:43.53golinuxaitor: Yes have a few pkgs from bpo/.  Some unintentional.
16:44.36golinuxWhere's the best place to post the error msg? is good
16:45.37fsmithredoops! .net not .org
16:48.13aitorgolinux, fsmithred: brb :)
16:50.55aitorgolinux: you are installing from backports:
16:50.56aitorxfce4-settings (4.10.1-2+devuan1.1~1.gbp4cf37d)
16:51.31aitorno, not backports: gbp means git-buildpackages
16:51.50aitorfrom ceres?
16:52.11golinuxFrom 'proposed'
16:52.36fsmithred4.10.1-2+devuan1.1~1.gbp4cf37d 0
16:53.20golinuxAh.  Looks like he didn't build i386
16:56.17*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
16:56.59fsmithred1:0.105~2.gbp26bfa1 0
16:57.23fsmithred^^^ apt-cache policy desktop-base
16:57.54golinuxThanks fsmithred.  I could probably have figured that out if I'd had time to really look at the log.
16:58.04aitorsee you later, need to go
16:58.12golinuxBye aitor
16:58.31aitorfsmithred, golinux: i'll try to finish my gtk theme today and share with you
16:58.42golinuxHope he can build those pkgs today
16:59.03fsmithredit's there
16:59.17fsmithredapt-get -t jessie-proposed install desktop-base
17:00.01golinuxYou're gonna make me open a terminal!
17:00.45golinuxdesktop-base is already the newest version.
17:02.00golinux1 not fully installed or removed.
17:02.24golinuxSetting up xfce4-settings (4.10.1-2+devuan1.1~1.gbp4cf37d) ...
17:02.25golinuxupdate-alternatives: error: alternative path /etc/xdg/xfce4-original doesn't exist
17:02.25golinuxdpkg: error processing package xfce4-settings (--configure):
17:02.25golinuxErrors were encountered while processing:
17:02.27golinuxE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
17:02.49fsmithredI just installed it on i386 here with no errors
17:10.53fsmithreddpkg -l |grep bpo
17:11.22fsmithredand ignore libpoppler and libpolkit and similar
17:11.31*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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17:12.30golinuxI'll paste it
17:14.15*** join/#devuan alk` (
17:15.29fsmithredok. For future reference, this one is better:
17:15.32fsmithreddpkg -l |awk '$3 ~ /bpo/ { print $0 }'
17:21.54golinuxWant me to paste that one too?
17:22.45fsmithredI can see it's a mess
17:23.13fsmithredI don't know if anything in there would affect desktop-base
17:23.18fsmithredmaybe xorg?>
17:24.43fsmithredDan will probably see something - he was just working on xfce4-settings
17:25.36*** join/#devuan underd0g (~underd0g@
17:25.41underd0ghi people
17:25.49underd0ganybody home ?
17:25.51fsmithredmaybe show him the output from the awk line, so it only shows stuff from bpo
17:25.56fsmithredyeah, we're here
17:26.12underd0ga quick question , please don't flame me
17:26.24underd0gI'm running LMDE2
17:26.35fsmithredand sometimes you might come here and it will seem like nobody is around, but if you ask, you'll get an answer, maybe minutes or hours later
17:26.38underd0gwithout systemd
17:26.52fsmithredthat's based on wheezy or jessie?
17:27.00underd0gdo you think I could swap devuan repos ? jessie
17:27.11fsmithredyes and no
17:27.18fsmithredwhat desktop environment?
17:27.46fsmithredthat might work, but there might be some evil gnome stuff that gets in the way
17:27.56underd0gI was thinking clean install , it's base is somwhere mid 2015
17:28.01fsmithredI don't know if anyone has reported on that situation
17:28.13fsmithredwelcome to jessie
17:28.17underd0ghere's the thing , it has full disk encryption
17:28.47fsmithreddid you just post about this on
17:28.56underd0gI'd go with clean devuan beta , but IDK if I can get it to encrypt /boot as well
17:28.57fsmithredsomeone asked similar
17:29.11fsmithredno, yhou can't encrypt /boot
17:29.15underd0ganyone tried to do that ?
17:29.32underd0gthat's the thing , LMDE has /boot encrypted
17:29.45fsmithredso how do you boot it?
17:30.06underd0git asks you for luks passwd before loading grub menu
17:30.21fsmithrednever done it that way
17:30.22underd0gthere's a script for lmde
17:31.18fsmithredno idea if their script would work on devuan
17:31.18underd0gI am not versed enough to try to hack the script for devuan , I think script is more mint based , than debian
17:31.49underd0gscript itself , I doubt , so that's why I'm asking the repo question
17:32.07underd0gI am prepared to iron out the quirks in the os itself
17:32.10fsmithredit's possible to put all of /boot on a usb stick and keep it in your pocket when you're not using it to boot
17:32.33underd0gI know I am not taking the smartest route here
17:32.36fsmithredis there a place where this script is posted?
17:32.45underd0git's on github
17:32.48underd0gjust a sec
17:35.14underd0gI'm satisfied with LMDE , for now . but I don't expect it to keep v-style init for much longer
17:35.42underd0gif I don't manage it , I'll go with usb /boot , that's for sure
17:40.20golinuxCenturion_Dan: Better list of bpo pkgs:
17:42.00golinuxAsper fsmithred's suggestion.
17:44.13fsmithredunderd0g, I think it would take me more than a few hours to sort out this script.
17:44.45underd0git's based on live cd , for starters
17:44.45fsmithredmight do better to look up how to encrypt /boot using cryptsetup
17:45.07fsmithredI maintain a live-cd installer, but I know my own a lot better
17:45.19fsmithredbut it doesn't support encrypted /boot
17:45.23fsmithredjust / and /home
17:45.30underd0gi know
17:45.30fsmithredand not lvm
17:46.00underd0gi kinda like lvm
17:46.11underd0gfor various reasons
17:46.30fsmithredanother way to do it is to use a keyfile instead of a passphrase, and keep the keyfile on usb
17:46.40underd0gbut devuan will evolve anyways
17:46.52fsmithredregular devuan isos do support lvm
17:47.12fsmithredI just never incorporated it into refractainstaller
17:47.20fsmithredI'm not fond of lvm
17:47.29fsmithredbut I do understand its utility
17:47.45fsmithredextra layer of complexity just so you can change partition sizes
17:47.55fsmithredget the sizes right to start with, and you don't need it
17:48.15fsmithredand if you have several volumes to unlock, put keyfiles in the encrypted /root
17:48.24fsmithredso only have to enter one passphrase
17:49.03underd0gmakes sense
17:49.15fsmithredhave you ever re-sized a volume?
17:49.36fsmithredme too, and I did not like it one bit.
17:49.52underd0ghad cold feet
17:49.57fsmithredlol, yeah
17:50.03underd0gbut it went wel
17:50.10fsmithreddoing it on a test system first would have made it better
17:50.16fsmithredsame here
17:50.33underd0gi did it on test server
17:50.48underd0gidk if i'd do it in production
17:51.22underd0gas you said , risky buisiness
17:56.29fsmithredyou read the guide for upgrading from Jessie to jessie?
18:00.57underd0glink ?
18:06.57fsmithredhang on, I'm not sure where it is
18:07.45underd0gtried googling , but google is not fond of devuan
18:07.58underd0git's all debian for the big brother
18:08.23*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
18:08.29underd0gman I wish d-d-go would catch up with them finally
18:10.04fsmithredI can't find it right now - I think it's at or, and my passwords are not saved in this laptop (not at home now)
18:11.32underd0gyeah , I found those
18:11.47*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
18:12.39underd0ggood one , I'll try it on my test install of lmde and report back
18:13.00fsmithredthanks. reports help everyone.
18:16.00underd0gwell , we will be "stuck" with devuan for a long time , I guess if we want to see it last , we have to help
18:16.25underd0gI've seen the red hat evil coming 4,5 years ago
18:16.54underd0gI still didn't believe it will break the linux world
18:18.02underd0ghad devuan not come along , I'd be sitting in BSD's irc now trying to get along with those guys and hoping it wouldn't hurt much to become one of them
18:18.32fsmithredI gotta go
18:18.36fsmithredgood luck
18:18.49golinuxunderd0g: for migration
18:33.25underd0gthx go
18:33.37underd0gwill give it a shot
18:34.00*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
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22:03.41*** topic/#devuan is discussion channel (logged at - Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork - /msg chanserv info #devuan - Devuan Forum: - beta2 is out:
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