IRC log for #devuan on 20170107

00:02.36fsmithredin /usr/share/weather-util/stations.gz, I changed the url in all the metar lines
00:02.40fsmithredlooks like this:
00:02.42fsmithredmetar =
00:02.58fsmithredalso may have changed it in one place in
00:03.07fsmithredor that may have changed automatically - I'm not sure
00:04.29fsmithredthe change is the same on every line, only the last part (station ID) is different.
00:04.37fsmithredI did them all with sed -i something-or-other
00:05.57DocScrutinizer05waaay tooOoooOOOoo c-c-c-cooOOoolDdd_d_d
00:06.03fsmithredwow, I didn't know it was that cold there
00:06.57DocScrutinizer05walking outside, it hits you like a bus
00:07.35DocScrutinizer05a 30 to 40 centigrade more would be appreciated
00:07.59DocScrutinizer05even 50 are still OK
00:09.10fsmithredhere's the bug report. It says it's been fixed upstream, but I don't see any newer version in jessie or ascii
00:09.19DocScrutinizer05well, maybe not at night 1:09
00:09.52DocScrutinizer05I sent Tim the chanlog link, so he can look it all up
00:10.14DocScrutinizer05I barely can *read* perl anyway
00:10.57DocScrutinizer05do blabla UNLESS xy,; #WTF?!' a snytax is that?
00:11.11*** join/#devuan Obri` (
00:11.29golinuxWeather has what to do with devuan?
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00:11.36fsmithrednobody can read perl - it's a write-only language
00:11.40fsmithredhas to do with #devuan
00:12.19golinuxinfobot is useless noise
00:12.39DocScrutinizer05don't go bitching about people *talking* about the bot, please!
00:12.58DocScrutinizer05you're doin g it yourself!
00:14.05DocScrutinizer05actually we even talk about a API change in larger internet
00:14.39DocScrutinizer05totally irrelevant that aPI is for NOAA
00:15.43*** join/#devuan Obri (
00:16.29DocScrutinizer05if you need 'the bandwidth' for some more relevant and urgent topic, please go ahead, we'll hush immediately
00:18.43*** join/#devuan Martin89 (
00:20.14fsmithredweather-util doesn't show up in ceres
00:20.45djphdidn't the weather-util package get borken
00:20.55fsmithredauthor said new version was in the works back in August
00:21.02fsmithredyeah, there's an easy fix
00:21.24fsmithredjust change the links it uses
00:21.45DocScrutinizer05looks pretty simple
00:21.46djphyeah, I downloaded the source / fixed zips / etc. seems the copy in the repos is simply outdated
00:22.23fsmithredput it on and maybe it will get put in the official repo
00:22.44fsmithredand we can be upstream from debian
00:22.56DocScrutinizer05and OT again ;-)
00:37.25DocScrutinizer05On Toppic, here
00:51.12DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: >>put it on and maybe it will get put in the official repo. and we can be upstream from debian<< is clearly 100% on topic for #devuan ;-)
01:04.55*** join/#devuan freedom01 (~freedom@
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01:12.15fsmithredif it gets adopted, that'll be one more thing that works in devuan but doesn't work in debian
01:12.52fsmithred"other" because I already discovered that live-boot works with 4.x kernel better in devuan than in debian
01:13.35fsmithredmaybe live-boot, maybe something else used to make live iso - not sure what
01:14.09*** join/#devuan alk` (
01:31.02*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
02:06.12*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
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03:33.17*** join/#devuan Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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09:57.28aitorCenturion_Dan: are you there?
09:57.55aitoror golinux or jaromil?
09:59.03*** join/#devuan davec_ (
10:00.52*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
10:02.56aitorhere you are a purpy theme for slim:
10:06.30aitori'll be back in a few minutes
10:09.58*** join/#devuan Obri` (
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10:26.21aitorhi again
10:48.19*** join/#devuan aitor (
10:53.44*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
10:54.36*** join/#devuan urigi (25c9f056@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:55.04urigiHi! Is it possible to use devuan repository with Ubuntu?
10:55.58*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:59.45KatolaZurigi: mixing deb repositories from different distributions is normally a bad idea
10:59.59KatolaZit is possible, but you mess-up you are alone
11:01.22urigiokay, thanks!
11:15.10*** join/#devuan xes_ (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
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16:18.46golinuxaitor: Thanks.  But there is already a purpy theme for slim that will be in the RC:   :)
16:19.48*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wildlande@unaffiliated/wildlander)
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17:23.33Centurion_Dangolinux - new desktop-base and xfce-settings in jessie-proposed
17:23.54Centurion_Danshould now properly set the theme.
17:29.20*** join/#devuan mobinmob (~mobinmob@2a02:582:7421:e200:5a85:98bd:f5b6:3baf)
17:33.13golinuxCenturion_Dan: Nice.  Will get to it after b'fast
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20:54.57*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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21:36.05DocScrutinizer05could anybody share a pointer to 2networking for total noobs" please? :-S  I'm dealing with netfilters and route and ifconfig since literally decades, but now I'm lost in connecting two subnets on a router system
21:36.53DocScrutinizer05seems I lack some few elementary details in how that whole network stuff works
21:38.36*** join/#devuan Xenguy (
21:41.22KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: what is the problem?
21:43.02DocScrutinizer05I want a subnet on eth2 of a ERpro8, and I want it reachable from br0 (eth1,3,4,5)
21:43.34DocScrutinizer05sorry s/158/168/
21:44.04DocScrutinizer05sorry s/158/168/
21:44.12XiaomanA router has a routing table. If the kernel forwards packages for IPv4, then when it recieves a package not destined to its interfaces it looks in its routing table and shoves the package out the proper interface to the next hop.
21:44.55DocScrutinizer05and when one of the interfaces *has* the right IO/mask?
21:45.09XiaomanThe machine will route packages for anything it knows about if forwarding is enabled.
21:45.10DocScrutinizer05then  I don't need a routing entry?
21:45.24XiaomanIf it knows about something it is in the routing table.
21:45.32XiaomanIf it isn't in the routing table it doesn't know about it.
21:46.27DocScrutinizer05so everything looks fine, no?
21:49.53XiaomanIf that system forwards packets (did I call them packages before? wow) then it should forward between those subnets, yeah.
21:49.59DocScrutinizer05actually yes, everything looks just fine:
21:50.13XiaomanWhat is your exact issue?
21:50.19DocScrutinizer05so why the heck is my printer not available via http:// anymore?
21:50.41DocScrutinizer05printer =
21:50.49XiaomanThere could be a million reasons.
21:51.43XiaomanThe routed path seems legit, which suggest a filtering, service or configuration problem... Not related to the routing side of things.
21:52.12Xiaomantcpdump is your friend.
21:54.31justinsmand nmap
21:55.09Xiaomanjustinsm: nc 80, does that function in this case :)
21:57.22*** join/#devuan cyteen (
21:58.17DocScrutinizer05do you think a "IP:; gateway:" on the DHCP configured printer (local printer display) looks fishy?
21:59.40DocScrutinizer05shouldn't that maybe rather be gateway: ?
21:59.44XiaomanNot necessarily, since I assume it is trash software.
22:00.29XiaomanCould be it shows the catch-all routing entry.
22:00.50XiaomanIf you can ping it _over the router_ then it obviously has a 0/0 pointing to the router.
22:01.05XiaomanIn which case all is fine.
22:02.17XiaomanBut if you ping it over a switched network (and it works like now), you might be fooled to think it actually is the 0/0 it shows, in which case it is wrong.
22:02.21DocScrutinizer05isn't ping mere ARP?
22:02.51XiaomanA "normal" ping is a part of the TCP/IP suite/standard.
22:03.08XiaomanThere is such a thing as ARP Ping thingy, but I haven't seen anyone use them.
22:04.05DocScrutinizer05know what? :-/ -.-  Browser had dunnowhat friggin persistent data (port number? plus NAT session in router?)
22:04.17DocScrutinizer05restarted browser and it works
22:04.36Xiaoman>filtering, service or configuration problem
22:04.41XiaomanDamn, thought I had everything covered.
22:05.28XiaomanConfirmed: Your printer has shitty as fuck software.
22:05.52Xiaoman(display showing correct information in the wrong place)
22:06.54DocScrutinizer05I *guess* first time browser opened a connection localhost:42424 ->, it created a NAT session for localhost:42424<->${internet}:80
22:07.30DocScrutinizer05oh, of course I also fixed the gateway manually at printer
22:08.26DocScrutinizer05(NAT session) and that prolly took precedence over a later added local NIC with IP:
22:09.06*** join/#devuan Obri (
22:09.32DocScrutinizer05prolly the gateway is largely irrelevant, as you already said
22:09.40KatolaZsorry DocScrutinizer05
22:09.47KatolaZI am back now
22:09.54KatolaZhave you solved the problem?
22:10.09DocScrutinizer05np, seems I found the bug: it's me ;-)
22:10.29KatolaZvery good (that you found the bug!)
22:10.50DocScrutinizer05prolly no bug
22:11.11DocScrutinizer05just a dang "persistent" NAT session
22:12.24DocScrutinizer05does a little victory dance, since it turned out his concept of how networking works wasn't that much off from reality as it seemed
22:13.01DocScrutinizer05and NOW I can finally block internet access for that damn Printer
22:13.48DocScrutinizer05question: I assume the routing table is 'global', in that all NICs use it?
22:15.32DocScrutinizer05or let me put it this way: no matter which network and interface a package comes in from, they all are filled into the one large pot and distributed from there according to NIC IP addr/mask, routing table, and finally firewall rules?
22:17.35KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: if you don't have an iptables rule which says otherwise, then yes, the routing decision does not depend on the device from which the packet has come
22:18.04DocScrutinizer05iptables rule = firewall rule, right?
22:18.20KatolaZwell, iptables is not just a firewall
22:18.27KatolaZis more a packet filtering system :)
22:18.27XiaomanThe decision chain of a packet is a little more complicated, but yes, all packets and interfaces are equal in the eyes of the kernel and routing table.
22:18.50DocScrutinizer05thanks a lot pals!
22:19.51DocScrutinizer05I think I finally can improve my LAN to forbid each crappy "IoT" appliance to call home, receive exploits from internet, and spy my whole LAN
22:20.31DocScrutinizer05honestly, why the heck does the Printer need access to internet?
22:21.16XiaomanHow else are you going to link with the google printing cloud thing? :D
22:21.23DocScrutinizer05and I'd rather put that android device on its own network with no access at all to the other devices in LAN, it *only* needs access to internet
22:21.30KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: ???
22:21.32XiaomanOr receives those "important security updates" from the US? :D
22:22.02KatolaZif you don't NAT ports explicitly from your router, then nothing inside your LAN is reachable from "the Internet"
22:22.42DocScrutinizer05well, except those appliances like the printer, that call out to unknown IPs in the wild
22:22.52XiaomanKatolaZ: In common PAT implementations, the NAT for each device is automatically reflexive for sessions established from the inside.
22:23.09DocScrutinizer05they are not exactly "reachable" but they have a connection to the internet
22:23.33XiaomanOr just wait until all your Internet of Shit starts doing NAT punching.
22:24.04sixwheeledbeastGenerally outbound is allowed on most domestic setups, then there's uPnP too
22:24.19KatolaZwell, they are not "technically" reachable from the Internet
22:24.22DocScrutinizer05uPnP my ass
22:24.27XiaomanWhen will the first IoT device run a tor hidden service for getting secure updates?
22:24.27KatolaZthey have made a connection to a server
22:24.38KatolaZwhich is something you usually want to happen
22:24.50KatolaZanyway, happy to hear that you found the problem
22:24.51*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
22:24.52DocScrutinizer05no, i don't. For the printer
22:24.56sixwheeledbeastP2P connection
22:25.03DocScrutinizer05neither for my home automation
22:25.42DocScrutinizer05and for android, I want internet acces but absolutely no LAN access
22:25.51*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
22:28.14DocScrutinizer05maybe I should mention I looked for an IP camera, and that gave me nausea
22:29.18DocScrutinizer05heck, when I want that critter to be exposed to internet, then *I* do that
22:30.33DocScrutinizer05I don't want my printer, my homematic, my camera all calling home for some weird 'services' that "users expect to work OOTB"
22:31.03DocScrutinizer05"google printing cloud thing"
22:31.29XiaomanIt's a thing, look it up.
22:31.47DocScrutinizer05I even heard of it, I think. Yes
22:31.48XiaomanOr don't, I don't want you to get a heart attack before I can get my hands on a Neo900.
22:31.55DocScrutinizer05doesn't make it less disgusting
22:31.58*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
22:33.00DocScrutinizer05I already pondered to print fuckfingers on arbitrary net exposed printers ;-)
22:34.35DocScrutinizer05 FTW
22:46.06DocScrutinizer05avtech still works great with admin admin
22:47.19DocScrutinizer05once you got access, you also could 'update' the firmware of those avtech cams, to make it a nice LAN-internal spy
22:49.14DocScrutinizer05ponders walking downtown, every now and then shouting "OK GOOGLE! delete all phonebook entries!"
22:49.15*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
23:00.09DocScrutinizer05a question with tongue in cheek a bit: does a /31 network make any sense?
23:00.25sixwheeledbeastavtech, yuk. I hated that stuff 10 years ago
23:03.34Xiaoman/32 for host. /30 is the next step.
23:04.12Xiaoman/31 is equilivant to /32 except for a broadcast to the host, which... Has no purpose in the context.
23:05.38Xiaoman/30 Wastes an address if you only need it for a single link network, but that is one of the reasons why IPv4 is shitty.
23:19.09DocScrutinizer05and why did nobody invent "equilivant" yet? I'm surprised and bow down to Xiaoman's creativity :-)
23:19.11*** join/#devuan bman_ (
23:20.06DocScrutinizer05or wait, is it actually a 'valid' word already?
23:20.40XiaomanSpelling is hard.
23:21.58DocScrutinizer05I think if this word isn't 'official' yet, it should be asap
23:22.28XiaomanIt's how I'm saying it in my head everytime I forgot how to say the real word.
23:23.53DocScrutinizer05looks just too good to believe it wasn't 'true'. Maybe ancient english
23:24.45DocScrutinizer05like "resplended"
23:26.03DocScrutinizer05sorry, replendent
23:30.19DocScrutinizer052nd HAH!
23:33.30*** join/#devuan cyteen (
23:36.14XiaomanWell, I do talk a language that is one of the bases of English ;)
23:36.41KatolaZXiaoman: latin? :)

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