IRC log for #devuan on 20170105

00:05.14*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
00:10.59*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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01:15.29*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
01:43.36*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
01:43.36*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
02:01.34*** join/#devuan Wizzup (
02:08.51markizanohey... isn't the release file corrupted?
02:09.06markizano"Components: main contrib non-freeMD5Sum:"
02:09.11*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
02:17.08XenguyI don't read it that way
02:17.25XenguyIsn't that just a heading of sorts?
02:17.57Xenguyfor the specific files that follow?
02:18.40*** join/#devuan jnylen0 (472d0d5c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:22.29jnylen0Hi KatolaZ - suspend/resume works perfectly in latest Ubuntu (live cd).
02:22.56jnylen0So the next thing I'd try is building a new kernel for Devuan.  Not really sure how to do that exactly but I'll muddle through.
02:23.02jnylen0Unless you have any other ideas?
02:23.22jnylen0Also, kind of weird - the touchpad works in Devuan but not Ubuntu.
02:23.45AlexLikeRockjnylen0,   used  a kernel PRIVATIVE
02:24.14jnylen0What do you mean?
02:24.46jnylen0I care more about a *working* kernel :)
02:25.07fsmithredI came in late - stock kernel isn't working for you?
02:25.30jnylen0Ah, yeah, we discussed a bit earlier.  When I resume from suspend, blank screen (Dell XPS 15 9550).
02:25.46jnylen0The standard stuff online (including some Intel register manipulation hacks) is not working for me.
02:25.54jnylen0But, booting from an Ubuntu livecd, suspend/resume seems to work fine.
02:26.02fsmithredthere are a couple of packages specific for dell laptops, but I don't know if they are for your model
02:26.20Xenguysuspend and hibernate both work on Devuan here (I use the pm-h* and pm-s* tools ATM)
02:26.46jnylen0Yep, pm-suspend works, but resume does not.  Haven't tried hibernate yet - dont' care about that as much.
02:27.12jnylen0The machine does resume, at least partially, because it responds to SSH.
02:27.23Xenguypm-hibernate is a bit riskier from what folks seem to say
02:27.43Xenguypm-suspend works here as well
02:27.46markizanoXenguy: Isn't it supposed to be "Components: main contrib non-free\nMD5Sum:"
02:27.47jnylen0I need suspend to work because I plan for this to be my work laptop for the next couple years.
02:28.03jnylen0Anyone know a good guide for building a new kernel? :p
02:28.08markizano^ The others aren't like that
02:28.17markizano <- another example...
02:28.28Xenguymarkizano: I see what you mean but I have no knowledge of that syntax
02:28.51markizanoIt's messing with my apt-ness :x
02:29.01Xenguyjnylen0: A good guide is don't build a new kernel unless you must :)
02:29.25fsmithredthere are a couple of good kernel building guides in the howto section at
02:29.32jnylen0An alternative would be to troubleshoot ACPI events and stuff, as KatolaZ mentioned earlier. But I don't know how to do that either.
02:29.57fsmithredwhat do you need to do with the kernel?
02:30.05jnylen0Fix resuming from suspend
02:30.09XenguyWe sometimes lurch and walk one step at a time, haha
02:30.27fsmithredyeah, do you know how to fix that?
02:30.38jnylen0Super excited to be running without systemd though :)
02:30.52fsmithredyeah, just like old times
02:31.01fsmithredcompiling a kernel is easy
02:31.15fsmithredfiguring out what you need to compile into it is not so easy
02:31.24AlexLikeRockand try
02:31.29jnylen0I guess...
02:31.32AlexLikeRockif  work right
02:31.33jnylen0Though I doubt it will work
02:31.41jnylen0Part of the problem is this is quite new hardware
02:31.50AlexLikeRockmy  PC  not  soport   kernel  3.16  and 4.X
02:32.02jnylen0In what way?
02:32.08AlexLikeRockim  working  with   kernel  2.6
02:32.35jnylen0"not support" - what is it specifically that doesn't work?
02:33.36jnylen0Anyway thanks for the tip fsmithred - I will have a look around
02:33.47fsmithredjnylen0, if your laptop is very new, it might make sense to try the backports kernel
02:34.01jnylen0Ok... how do I do that?
02:34.04fsmithredhang on and I'll find a link to the howto
02:34.06jnylen0I'm already running a wifi driver from backports
02:34.10*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
02:34.32AlexLikeRockjnylen0,   download  by old sources
02:34.36fsmithredaptitude -t jessie-backports search linux-image
02:34.42fsmithredthen install the one you want
02:34.51AlexLikeRocki install from  squeeze
02:35.20jnylen0AlexLikeRock: I am pretty sure I need a *newer* kernel, not an *older* one.
02:35.38AlexLikeRockok, i only aport  ideas ;-)
02:36.04fsmithredprobably linux-image-4.8.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 (or i386)
02:36.37XenguyYou wild and crazy hacker people
02:36.53XenguyAlways coming up with crazy effective different ways to do stuff
02:37.27jnylen0I guess `deb jessie-backports main` ?
02:37.39XenguyI'll shut up now (I watch and learn)
02:38.17jnylen0Yeah, watch me break the sh*t out of this brand new computer :D
02:38.25*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
02:38.31XenguyHai Yah!
02:39.05fsmithredjnylen0, this one is old, but it probably still works -
02:39.23fsmithredlast time I did it was over a year ago with squeeze, and it worked fine
02:39.27jnylen0Though hopefully I won't need it at all
02:39.53fsmithreddo you know to disable the backports repo after you install what you want?
02:40.10fsmithredor pin it to a lower priority
02:40.27fsmithredso that you don't get everything upgraded to backports versions when you do update/upgrade
02:40.46Xenguy(Beware the Dark Arts Harry)
02:41.14jnylen0I can just comment it out of sources.list ?
02:41.28Xenguyj/k fsmithred
02:41.33jnylen0Ok, grub setup looks good so far...
02:41.36fsmithredand run apt-get update again
02:42.09jnylen0Maybe i can look more into what else is in here another day ;)
02:42.29jnylen0rebooting that machine
02:42.37*** join/#devuan alk` (
02:43.39jnylen0hmm, there are 3 entries for each kernel: "Linux $version", "Linux $version (sysvinit)", and "Linux $version (recovery mode)"
02:43.48jnylen0Wonder what the difference is between the first two? should both be sysvinit, no?
02:44.17fsmithredoh,the boot menu?
02:44.24jnylen0Annnnd it's borked :(
02:44.51fsmithredyou installed debian or devuan?
02:45.02jnylen0Devuan :)
02:45.21fsmithredoh, maybe that's a leftover from debian
02:45.37fsmithredthe first two should be the same - both sysvinit
02:45.42jnylen0So yeah, it booted into 4.8, but no graphics, and more error messages than usual.
02:45.51fsmithredthird one is also sysvinit, but in single-user mode (runlevel 1)
02:46.21jnylen0I guess I can still try suspend.
02:46.49*** join/#devuan mystified (
02:46.54jnylen0And screen is back 🙌🏻
02:46.57fsmithreddid you install any proprietary video drivers or create xorg.conf?
02:47.00jnylen0Not super conclusive though
02:47.15fsmithredso suspend works but X doesn't?
02:47.30jnylen0Wifi is down too, though I can probably fix that.
02:47.46jnylen0And something about i2c_hid, which I think is probably the touchpad.
02:47.47fsmithredlol, lots of people around here can coach you on using non-X applications
02:48.05jnylen0Heh, would be kind of funny to buy a brand new laptop and use it CLI-only.
02:48.17jnylen0Though unfortunately not gonna work: I make the $$ as a web developer. :)
02:48.35fsmithredlynx-friendly websites are nice
02:48.40jnylen0Also this terminal is hilariously tiny and impossible to read.
02:48.53jnylen0I agree with you, I just don't think my employer would put that high of a priority on it ;)
02:49.05jnylen0Anyway, I think that's progress
02:49.21jnylen01 step forward, 3 steps back.  typical linux :p
02:49.48fsmithredand when you look up how to do something, there are 10 different ways
02:50.24jnylen010^5 different ways, at least
02:50.32fsmithredwell, yeah
02:50.40fsmithredwhat desktop you using? xfce?
02:50.44jnylen0and that one guy who says "I solved it!" with no details
02:50.46jnylen0Yep, for now
02:51.01fsmithredand you have a display manager? like slim or lightdm
02:51.38*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
02:52.19jnylen0Whatever was default with Devuan.
02:52.46fsmithredwhat kind of graphics in the laptop?
02:52.56jnylen0For another day :)
02:52.57jnylen0That's mostly fine, though I want to swap out the window manager for xmonad.
02:53.00jnylen0Intel somethingsomething and nvidia somethingsomething
02:53.10jnylen0I don't even know which one was in use on kernel 3.x, probably intel
02:53.43fsmithredon-board graphics and a separate nvidia card?
02:54.00jnylen0Not sure tbh.  I will probably just disable the nvidia.
02:54.14fsmithredbefore you do
02:54.18jnylen0Intel Corporation Device 191b (rev 06)
02:54.23fsmithredhave to tried booting with nomodeset?
02:54.29jnylen0Kernel driver in use: 1915
02:54.35fsmithredtype e at the boot screen
02:54.50jnylen08086:191b subsystem 1028:06e4
02:54.58fsmithrededit the linux line to add nomodeset
02:54.58jnylen0Ok, under kernel 3.x or 4.x?
02:55.14fsmithredthe one that gives you a black screen in X
02:55.32jnylen0Ok, older
02:55.53fsmithredoh, that's the older kernel that has the vid problem?
02:56.15jnylen0Well.. older kernel works except for resume after suspend
02:56.20jnylen0Newer kernel works on resume, but no X
02:56.38jnylen0Damnit, forgot to edit the boot line lol
02:56.38fsmithredthen add nomodeset to the linux line for the 4.x kernel
02:56.55fsmithredthat might give you your desktop back
02:57.23jnylen0Anyway, graphics and wifi are broken in kernel 3.x now as well :(
02:57.27jnylen0Will try nomodeset in 4.x now
02:59.49jnylen0nomodeset does indeed give desktop back on kernel 4.x
02:59.53jnylen0wifi and touchpad are broken
02:59.55jnylen0trying suspend now
03:03.35*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
03:05.38jnylen0ya still no resume :(
03:05.40*** join/#devuan k0nsl (
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03:12.22fsmithredyou're not the only one with this problem. I've seen it mentioned other places - maybe dng mailing list
03:14.22fsmithredjnylen0, have you tried pm-suspend on command line with --quirk-*?
03:14.36jnylen0Any particular quirks to try?
03:15.48fsmithredI don't know
03:16.02jnylen0Okay, will do that next.
03:16.10fsmithredthis is the first time I've read about it
03:16.14fsmithredman pm-suspend
03:16.17jnylen0I've seen it mentioned other places too, along with a hacky fix using `intel_reg_read` and `intel_reg_write` - that didn't work for me either.
03:16.41jnylen0Worth trying again under 4.x I suppose, but need to fix wifi first so I can ssh into it.
03:16.47jnylen0I've had about enough for one day though.
03:21.42fsmithredif you installed a proprietary driver for wifi, you might just need to reinstall the same one
03:21.55fsmithredor check backports for a newer one
03:24.38jnylen0I used a driver from backports and copied the firmware files into the right places.
03:25.16fsmithredif it compiled modules, they need to be compiled for the new kernel
03:25.35fsmithredoh, and you would need to install the linux-headers package of the same version
03:44.45*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
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10:24.51*** join/#devuan Fervi (~fervi@
10:25.05FerviHello, is there a replacement for upower?
10:27.19*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
10:29.00zdzichuwhat exactly?
10:33.26Fervinvm, just chromium want to remove upower (not sure why)
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17:37.26weissenbornhow close is devuan now to a non-beta release? I have used alpha, beta1 and beta2, and it flies beautifully. How can you improve it?
17:37.41weissenbornActaully, I might not have used alpha
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17:42.56KatolaZweissenborn: why are you concerned with that? :)
17:45.43KatolaZI mean, with the fact that Devuan is still in beta
17:50.44weissenbornI guess it doesn't really matter. Since it works beuatifully.
17:51.49weissenbornI would like to see a newer version of xfce though for multimon. No doubt that day will get here
17:52.14weissenborn4.10 right now
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17:55.59KatolaZI see :)
17:56.22golinuxweissenborn: Xfce will still be 4.10 in the stable release
17:58.47weissenbornso it is so close that it is essentially a freeze
18:08.22arminThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
18:08.23arminvirt-manager : Depends: gconf2 but it is not going to be installed
18:08.24arminE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
18:08.32armingotta admit i'm running testing :)
18:08.45arminroot@acid:/home/armin# cat /etc/devuan_version
18:09.06arminbtw, fwiw: this kde5 on devuan testing is the most stable kde5 i've ever used.
18:09.22armini'm VERY happy with it.
18:11.03golinuxarmin: testing isn't getting much love atm.  Want to get the RC out
18:13.43*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
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18:52.42weissenbornI undertsand that XFCE is moving to gnome's GDBus. Does GDBus have systemD dependencies? I understood that Gnome has systemd dependencies. Is XFCE hamstrung by this? Going forward I want to keep clear of systemD and that is a large part of why I am happy with Devuan.
18:53.30weissenbornsyetmD is like a virus
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19:28.32AlexLikeRocki agree  weissenborn
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20:04.10thessyhi, I have an omnia turris router (with adapted openwrt on it, on which you can run lxc containers. There prepared images for ubuntu, debian and so on, but not devuan. So I want to create one. Probably one of could be used. But which?
20:04.52thessycpu is ARMv7 Processor rev 1 (v7l), Marvell Armada 380/385
20:06.29KatolaZthessy: is it armel or armhf?
20:07.12KatolaZ(btw, I think I have heard about Devuan images for lxc, but I might be wrong...)
20:08.06thessyyes, you mean
20:08.18thessybut thats only for i386 and amd64
20:09.33thessyI think it's armhf, but how could I check on the device?
20:10.54Leander256I'm not sure you can use embedded images on another system, because they have a specific boot configuration for the targetted device
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20:20.42thessymh, 'uname -m' says 'armv7l'
20:21.40weissenbornWhich DEs are Devuan most unlikely to support?
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21:47.06Centurion_Dankatolaz ARMv7 is typically armhf
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22:19.34KatolaZCenturion_Dan: I missed the "v7" part... :)
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