IRC log for #devuan on 20170104

00:03.13*** join/#devuan clopez (
00:14.49*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
00:24.52*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
00:58.11*** join/#devuan Esti_Qatzi (~quassel@unaffiliated/esti-qatzi/x-1859420)
01:00.34Centurion_DanFervi: no we don't.   Use dbus-x11
01:02.14Centurion_Danfurrywolf: yes, but that is harder when there are packages like skype that now ship exclusively pulseaudio and don't support alsa
01:02.27Fervibut xfconf require dbus-session-bus, that require dbus-x11. We should add dbus-session-bus or change dependency in xfconf to directly use dbus-x11
01:05.25furrywolfthere's a pulse-to-alsa shim library that's not well maintained...  we could maintain it such that those programs work.
01:05.34FerviMaybe it should fix this PA2Alsa problem
01:06.43Centurion_DanFervi: ok.  I'll fix the dbus package in the next couple of days.
01:07.39golinuxFervi: apulse has been thrown around here for years.  Nothing new
01:27.42Centurion_DanI'll look into apulse... it's currently a stale project but interesting provided we can make it work reliably.
01:32.54Fervior symlink package "skype" to "pidgin" :P
01:33.33Ferviand dialog message "Stallman doesn't like your Skype software, we install pidgin instead"
01:37.17*** part/#devuan Fervi (~fervi@
01:40.44Centurion_Danit's not the only package the depends on pulseaudio.  Something around gstreamer does too.
01:41.34furrywolfnext version of firefox is supposed to depend on pulseaudio too, dropping alsa support
01:45.25TwistedFatewhy do people keep shitting into our lives with such bullshit?
01:45.43Centurion_Danwell then we need to kick up a stink and threaten to drop it from devuan!
01:45.51TwistedFateevery single software maker is falling to the pulse and freaking lennart crap
01:46.00TwistedFatewell not every, but still
01:47.21MinceRallegedly firefox can still be built with alsa support, devuan could do that
01:47.28MinceRor one can replace it with palemoon :>
01:47.58furrywolfyes, it can, _now_...  it's being removed.
01:48.13MinceRnot only from their binaries?
01:49.30TwistedFatefirefox was my browser of choice for years, it seems that they strayed from their path.. :(
01:49.53MinceRthey've been going downhill for a while now
01:50.04furrywolfmandatory plugin signing pissed me off a lot
01:50.23furrywolfbecause obviously firefox should be the sole arbiter of what extensions I'm allowed to use.
01:51.54MinceRaustralis pissed me off
01:52.02MinceRbecause it likes to pretend 'enter' is 'left click'
01:52.26MinceRtype in something in the search box, hit enter, and it opens search settings because the mouse pointer happened to be there
01:53.38furrywolfthat's...  defective
01:54.12MinceRfirefox also started forgetting the icons for my tabs
01:54.23MinceRit seems palemoon doesn't do that, or at least does it a lot less often
01:56.13TwistedFatepale moon seems to be going in a healthy direction and
01:56.24TwistedFateit appears to be having a healthy leadership
01:57.27golinuxFYI you can disable plugin signing in about:config
01:58.39golinuxMinceR: I've never used a searchbox because startpage is my home page
01:58.51MinceRi use the quicksearch bar extensively
01:59.02furrywolfgolinux:  no, you can't.  you USED to be able to.
01:59.18MinceRi have all sorts of site-specific searches there
01:59.25golinuxMost of my searched come from history in the URL bar
02:00.06MinceRoh, yet another way in which pale moon beats firefox: every search in there (including the ones i added) has an icon
02:00.14MinceRin firefox many of them would not have an icon
02:00.19furrywolfI don't care about icons.
02:00.26MinceR(and on australis they don't even have a label, so all i had were blank buttons)
02:00.47golinuxBut all this has gotten far astray from pulseaudio issues.
02:00.49MinceRfirefox mobile also likes to do this
02:00.59furrywolfas of firefox 48, you're no longer allowed to disable signing.
02:01.02MinceRyeah, pulseaudio was a big drop in the bucket for me
02:01.35furrywolftheir justification, which is of course forced onto users rather than based on user input, is that it's for your own good.
02:02.27golinuxI'm still on FF 38 and 45.  Guess I'll stay there until something better comes along.  Palemoon doesn't totally cut it for me
02:04.36XenguyAre there specific issues with Pulseaudio (PA) or is it just that the Devil wrote it? ;)
02:07.14MinceRit is predisposed to skips and stutters
02:07.28MinceRand its client library likes to drop files even when the server isn't even installed
02:07.54MinceRalso, it breaks programs that use alsa's low level API
02:10.34MinceRbut even if PA wasn't a dumpster fire, mozilla's decision to force it on users would still be unacceptable
02:11.00*** join/#devuan justinsm (
02:11.08XenguyIt does sound like a poor decision on their part
02:11.30*** join/#devuan robert-e (
02:11.53XenguyI have used FF for years tho, so I think it would be hard to give up, for me
02:12.43XenguyNot that I couldn't do it if need be; I'd just rather not need to, if possible
02:12.46furrywolfit crashes constantly, it often simply Doesn't Work, it fails to expose mixer interfaces required for using many cards (like the speaker switch on a laptop), its alsa emulation is mostly worthless so non-pulse applications stop working, it uses unreasonable cpu and ram, it takes over your system and prevents any other sound software from working, it adds delay and stutter for no reason, it's a nightmare to configure,...
02:13.51furrywolfit's really a lot like other software from the same source.
02:16.11Xenguyhuh, I had no idea :-/
02:25.32*** join/#devuan justinsm (
02:27.01*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
02:29.22*** join/#devuan juansantiago (
02:29.48juansantiagohola, ¿alguien habla español?
02:31.13furrywolfI do not, and I don't think many here do.
02:59.06*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
03:01.22*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
03:05.04*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
03:29.36*** join/#devuan Lieke (~lieke@
04:14.30*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
04:45.18*** join/#devuan Guest2957 (~Guest2957@
04:47.24*** part/#devuan Guest2957 (~Guest2957@
05:07.58juansantiagofurrywolf, ok, i,m try in english
05:08.18juansantiagowhat de diference in cd iso and dvd iso?
05:09.41furrywolfI'd assume more stuff on the dvd iso, as dvds are bigger.  but I've only ever installed from the netinst cd, so don't know what's on the big ones.
05:09.51furrywolfBut, I'm just heading off to bed.  Someone else here should be able to help more.
05:10.48juansantiagook thanks :)
05:13.27furrywolfIt's bedtime for many of the people in here, so if no one is around, you might try back tomorrow.
05:14.51juansantiagook, i,m a noctrune animal
05:19.19*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:48.40*** join/#devuan justinsm (
05:51.36*** join/#devuan M-baselab (baselabmat@gateway/shell/
06:37.02*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
06:50.08*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi_[m] (kmimatrixo@gateway/shell/
07:34.25*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
07:57.27*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
08:18.33*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
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08:32.20*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
08:43.27*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
08:50.04*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
08:53.08*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:20.21*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
09:24.46*** join/#devuan snux (
09:27.39*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
09:38.02*** join/#devuan aitor (~aitor@
09:43.45aitorjuansantiago: sí, yo hablo español, y alguno más también, como Emiliano Marini (argentino?), aunque no sé si frecuenta esta canal... Es más fácil que le encuentres en la lista de correo
09:44.52aitorTambién están Albert Zuin, y otro Antonio en la lista, y creo recordar también a alguien llamado Israel
09:45.03aitorsi es así, ya somos cinco!
09:46.32aitorpodemos montar un equipo de futbol sala, con camisetas de devuan
09:47.48jaromilque chingoneria :^)))
09:48.54*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
09:50.18aitorups, y puede que jaromil también... él de suplente en el banquillo
09:50.45Centurion_Danjuansantiago: ?
09:51.36*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
09:52.02aitorCenturion_Dan vive en Nueva Zelanda, y creo que es de padres alemanes, así no vamos a poder ficharle
09:52.53aitorbye, bye :)
09:56.51jaromilun poquito de sabor latino aqui no va mal
10:06.08Centurion_Danis a poor english only speaker...
10:08.30Centurion_Danjaromil, I'filed a bug about jenkins-debian-glue issue... will need to find time to fix.  I'm currently working on getting a local pbuilder setup on my laptop so I can do local build of my dev work which will speed results for me.
10:34.45*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
10:36.17*** join/#devuan yann-kaelig (
10:37.05*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
11:10.13*** join/#devuan Andrea993 (
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12:16.20*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
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12:26.22*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
12:35.38*** join/#devuan Xenguy (
12:55.07*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
13:01.41*** join/#devuan cyteen (
13:08.05*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
13:09.05*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
13:20.28*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:21.16*** join/#devuan mystified (
13:23.55*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
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14:07.36*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
14:16.00*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
14:17.17*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
14:20.30*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
14:21.15*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
14:24.27*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
14:41.05*** join/#devuan Obri (
14:41.34*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:42.59*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
14:46.15*** join/#devuan mystified (
14:46.56mystifiedHey guys, I'm new here.
14:47.08mystifiedI have no sound.
14:47.31mystifiedwhat is the default sound pkg.
14:51.29mystifiedIntel Corporation 82801JI
14:51.48KatolaZmystified: ?
14:52.06KatolaZhave oyu checked your mixer levels?
14:52.19KatolaZ(it might well be that the master is muted...)
14:54.46*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
14:54.55*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
14:59.10mystifiedlspci -v | grep -i audio
14:59.10mystified00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller
14:59.10mystified05:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1
15:00.17mystifiedmy desktop is xfce
15:00.36mystifiedI have no sound icon in the panel
15:01.04golinuxSo puy one there
15:01.13golinuxpuy > put
15:02.05mystifiedis it alsa mixer or something else
15:05.10*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
15:05.11mystifiedrunning alsa mixer nothing happening
15:07.36*** join/#devuan mystified (
15:09.33mystifiedhow can I determine if the sound driver is activiated
15:11.26mystifiedlsmod | grep snd
15:11.27mystifiedsnd_hda_codec_hdmi     45118  4
15:11.27mystifiedsnd_hda_codec_realtek    67168  1
15:11.27mystifiedsnd_hda_codec_generic    63181  1 snd_hda_codec_realtek
15:11.27mystifiedsnd_hda_intel          26407  7
15:11.27mystifiedsnd_hda_controller     26646  1 snd_hda_intel
15:11.29mystifiedsnd_hda_codec         104500  5 snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_codec_generic,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_controller
15:11.32mystifiedsnd_hwdep              13148  1 snd_hda_codec
15:11.34mystifiedsnd_pcm                88662  4 snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_controller
15:11.36mystifiedsnd_timer              26668  1 snd_pcm
15:11.38mystifiedsnd                    65338  22 snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hwdep,snd_timer,snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_pcm,snd_hda_codec_generic,snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_intel
15:11.41mystifiedsoundcore              13026  2 snd,snd_hda_codec
15:11.50mystifiedjust no sound playing
15:12.17minnesotagsHmm. You might have more success if you used pastebin.
15:12.32mystifiedThx will do
15:13.35mystified  thx guys
15:13.45KatolaZmystified: what does alsamixer say?
15:14.22*** join/#devuan Andrea993 (
15:14.47*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
15:15.15mystifiedHDA Intel with the option to use HDA Nvidia
15:15.49mystifiedonly 1 wire speaker connected to rear of pc.
15:16.19mystifiedworks fine in Trueos (Bsd) & every other linux.
15:16.23KatolaZmystified: is the master muted there?
15:16.26*** join/#devuan Chanku|Mobile (~Chanku|Mo@
15:17.08mystifiedmaster  ticked
15:17.32KatolaZcan you beep?
15:17.36mystifiedmaster full volume
15:17.48KatolaZok but is it muted?
15:17.59KatolaZ(the MM at the bottom of the widget)
15:18.05mystifiedno muteon master
15:18.57KatolaZcan you beep?
15:19.06KatolaZ(is the speaker active/unmuted?)
15:19.23mystifiedyes active
15:19.28mystifiedhow to beep
15:21.12KatolaZecho -e "\a"
15:22.41mystifiedno.. nothing
15:22.55mystifiedblan line respnse in terminal
15:23.04mystifiednot even user prompt
15:23.18KatolaZyou might have a "beep" widget in alsamixer as well
15:23.43golinuxHave you checked the pulseaudio settings?
15:23.59golinuxYes, it's in Devuan unfortunately
15:23.59mystifiedhow to locate
15:24.21KatolaZmystified: it should be in alsamixer
15:24.25KatolaZtry F6
15:24.44*** join/#devuan knidos_ (~knidos@
15:25.03mystifiedno nothing
15:25.10golinuxalsamixer should launch from terminal
15:25.32mystifiedalsa mixer  is open
15:25.51golinuxScroll forward and make sure that nothing is muted
15:26.41golinuxBut to get alsa to work you might have to fiddle with pulseaufio.
15:26.51mystifiedmuter are mics as I have none
15:26.59mystified& line in muted
15:27.15golinuxor just delete it
15:27.34mystifiedalsa mixer
15:27.56golinuxNo pulseaudio
15:29.39golinuxHave you chesen you soundcard in alsamixer?
15:29.53mystified<golinux> No pulseaudio
15:29.54golinuxs / chosen
15:29.56KatolaZit is done via F6
15:30.08mystified<golinux> No pulseaudio
15:30.14golinuxKatolaZ: Is faster than me
15:30.17mystified<golinux> No pulseaudio
15:30.21KatolaZdo you have more than one soundcard listed in alsamixer with F6?
15:30.26KatolaZmystified: we got it
15:30.35KatolaZwe are trying to help
15:30.37mystified[pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running
15:30.48KatolaZso you DO have pulseaudio
15:30.49mystified[pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed
15:31.09mystifiedran from terminal
15:31.38KatolaZran what?
15:31.57mystifiedI understand & I very mucha appreciate your help.
15:32.14mystifiedIt's not taken for granted on my part !! :)
15:32.31golinuxIs it installed?
15:33.22Hestbengolinux: The error message said "already running", so I suppose so
15:33.46mystifiedsorry I forgotten the command to search for installed pkgs
15:33.58Hestbenmystified: did you try to run "alsamixer" in a terminal emulator and change the levels there?
15:34.02golinuxTry synaptic
15:34.20golinuxSearch there for pulseaudio
15:34.42KatolaZdpkg -l | grep -i pulse
15:34.45Hestbenmystified: And all levels looked fine, were there only one sound card (switch with F6)
15:34.48mystifiedYes ver 5.0.13
15:34.50*** join/#devuan paw (~afong@
15:35.10KatolaZget rid of it,  and see whether *it* is the issue
15:35.28golinux*IT" is a PITA
15:36.08golinuxOr fiddle with the settings as I suggested before.   I've never used it so can't help there.
15:36.40mystifiedr u saying to remove pulseaudio  ?
15:36.53KatolaZapt-get remove --purge pulseaudio
15:38.28mystifieddone should I log out & log in
15:38.50KatolaZthis is not windows mystified  :D
15:39.01KatolaZjust run alsamixer
15:39.09mystifiedthnk God for that !
15:40.27mystifiedmaster in red so that must meen muted
15:41.14KatolaZand it should have been accessible from alsamixer before as well
15:41.20KatolaZthrough F6
15:41.30KatolaZdo you hear anything now?
15:42.14Hestbenhmm, no "MM" in the box between the level means muted
15:42.29HestbenMaster in red means, that is the control selected
15:43.16HestbenThen, the values above it is the % set. And the meter displays the level as well.
15:43.23KatolaZyep Hestben
15:43.28golinuxneed to choose between soundcards first
15:43.47golinuxmystified: Have you done that?
15:44.15*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:44.23mystifiedevery thing at 100
15:44.31KatolaZmystified: is anything muted?
15:44.48KatolaZ(you should see "MM" right below the level for muted ones)
15:44.57KatolaZ(sorry if this is too stupid, as a comment)
15:45.48KatolaZyes means that something is muted?
15:45.51mystifiedonly things like mic's are muted
15:45.52golinuxFirst use F5 to see all the available options.  Default view hides some.
15:46.01KatolaZmystified: ok
15:46.30golinuxUse right arrow to scroll through all the options.
15:47.34KatolaZmystified: if you see all those levels and stuff, your driver was correctly identified and loaded
15:47.51KatolaZso you *should* be able to hear *something*
15:48.07KatolaZis whispering in darwish....
15:48.41mystifiedauto mute enabled
15:50.21mystifiedalsa mixer
15:50.25mystifiedI disabled
15:50.37mystifiedsttill made no difference
15:50.48KatolaZmystified: what did you disable?!?
15:51.00mystifiedtried 3 videos still noe sound
15:51.18KatolaZok mystified, let's start from scratch, shall we?
15:51.24mystifiedThough I try & see if made a diff
15:51.27Hestbenmystified: which program are you using? Double check so that sound is not muted there
15:51.48golinuxI'd start with system sound
15:51.49mystifiedI have only videos & using vlc
15:52.16KatolaZmystified: it might well be that vlc does not have the right audio plugin...
15:52.19golinuxHave you selected pulseaudio in the sound settings in vlc?
15:52.25KatolaZyou should try something "simple" first
15:52.27golinuxI had to do that.
15:52.40KatolaZe.g., the beep
15:52.58mystifiedvlc built in analogue ticked
15:53.12KatolaZmystified: echo -e "\a"
15:54.02mystifiedblank line then root prompt
15:54.20KatolaZback to alsamixer then
15:54.24HestbenKatolaZ: I get no sound from that command. Maybe I have disabled alarm bells?
15:54.26mystifiedsame in user prompt
15:54.41KatolaZHestben: you might ave the corresponding level muted in alsamixer
15:54.49KatolaZmine is always muted
15:57.04golinuxI have "analogue default audio device" ticked
15:57.30golinuxI hear no system sounds on my desktop
15:57.41HestbenKatolaZ: I see, I found a "Beep" channel that was muted, yes.
15:58.02mystifiedyes analogue ticked
15:58.26Hestbenmystified: I also had a "Auto-Mute Mode" enabled, but I have sound from my card
15:59.00Hestbenmystified: Are you using built in speakers, or headphones?
16:00.26KatolaZ(I don'e have any auto-mute mode... I actually don't know how an auto-mute mode should look like...)
16:00.38mystifiedexternal speaker.. works fine on Trueos & all other linux
16:00.50mystifiedJust installed smplayer.
16:00.54mystifiedsame issue
16:01.19Hestbenmystified: strange
16:01.21mystifiedchecked output driver set "Pulse"
16:01.36Hestbenmystified: I'm off, I guess the others here should be able to sort it out.
16:01.56mystifiedThx Hestben
16:02.25KatolaZmystified: if you don't solve the echo -e "\a" problem, you are still at square 1
16:02.50KatolaZinstalling other software at random will not solve your issues
16:03.31mystifiedjust thought it might have to do with maybe something missing in vlc
16:03.56golinuxI had to use an .asoundrc file to get my audio working
16:04.38KatolaZmystified: echo -e "\a"
16:04.50KatolaZsolve this first
16:05.21golinuxJust for kicks try this in ~.asoundrc
16:05.28golinuxdefaults.ctl.card 1
16:05.28golinuxdefaults.pcm.card 1
16:05.28golinuxdefaults.timer.card 1
16:05.35KatolaZmystified: are you trying as root or as normal user?
16:05.39primalzthis forum thread about dns servers is just boggling
16:05.39*** join/#devuan Achylles (
16:06.11golinuxprimalz: Yes, ubergeeks coming out of the woodwork
16:06.28primalzwould think people either use dhcp or know what dns servers they want
16:06.29mystifiedecho -e "\a" still blank line
16:06.36KatolaZprimalz: exactly
16:06.38primalzi choose fuschia for this bikeshed
16:06.43KatolaZmystified: are you trying as root or as normal user?
16:06.43mystifiedbash: ~.asoundrc: command not found
16:06.56mystified@Kat both
16:07.05KatolaZstep by step
16:07.18KatolaZrandomness is the enemy of troubleshooting
16:07.19mystifieduser or root
16:07.24KatolaZyou decide
16:07.27KatolaZbut stick with it
16:07.34mystifiedim at user
16:07.45KatolaZis your user in the group "audio"?
16:07.50KatolaZ$ groups
16:07.52golinuxIt doesn't wotk here either but I have all those sounds muted with xset b off at start up
16:08.15golinuxKatolaZ: Now there's a thought!
16:08.18mystifieddrom floppy audio dip video plugdev netdev lpadmin scanner debian-tor
16:08.41KatolaZso your user shoud be able to access snd devices
16:09.19KatolaZnow please run alsamixer from user
16:09.22golinuxmystified: Just create that file and put it in your user directory
16:09.28KatolaZwait golinux
16:09.37KatolaZfirst understand what is the problem, then act ;)
16:09.52KatolaZ.asoundrc is good when you know what conf you want
16:10.15KatolaZhe might have a different set of availavle levels/devices than yours
16:10.25KatolaZand putting a .asoundrc will complicate things even more....
16:10.58golinuxIf it doesn't work he can delete it.
16:11.24KatolaZ...or he might just forget it, since it is invisible by default... :)
16:11.43mystified? f2 for sys info
16:11.50KatolaZwait mystified
16:11.58KatolaZr u running alsamixer?
16:12.01KatolaZfrom user?
16:12.26KatolaZF6 now
16:12.40KatolaZand you should see a menu that says "Sound card"
16:12.55KatolaZwhat do you see?
16:13.08mystified0 intel
16:13.15mystified1 nvidia
16:13.18KatolaZanything else?
16:13.32mystified- (default)
16:13.43mystifiedenter device name
16:13.43KatolaZhave you removed pulseaudio?
16:14.05KatolaZnow select "0 Intel"
16:14.21KatolaZand then F3
16:14.47KatolaZthe leftmost level should be "Master"
16:15.11mystifiednothing happens with f3
16:15.24KatolaZand then you should have something like "Headphone" "Speaker"....etc.
16:15.54golinuxTry F5
16:15.58KatolaZwait golinux
16:16.07KatolaZmystified: is master muted?
16:16.30mystifiedno on 96
16:16.36KatolaZyou can tell by the presence/absence of a "MM" above the number
16:16.41KatolaZthe number does not count
16:16.53KatolaZyou see whether it is muted if there is a "MM" ABOVE the number
16:16.54mystified00 on bottom of graph for master
16:17.13KatolaZso it's not muted
16:17.15KatolaZnow press "m"
16:17.37KatolaZyou should see that master "mutes" and "MM" replaces "OO"
16:17.51KatolaZwhat about the other levels?
16:17.55KatolaZis any of them muted?
16:18.58mystifiedFrnt Mi muted so
16:19.28mystifiedlfe muted
16:19.39KatolaZthis might be "Front Mixer" or something like that
16:19.44KatolaZnow Unmute all
16:19.55KatolaZall of them
16:21.08KatolaZnow "ESC"
16:21.23KatolaZand you should be back at the prompt
16:21.25*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (
16:21.31KatolaZ$ echo -e "\a"
16:22.00mystifiedblank line
16:22.07mystifiedthen user prompt
16:22.14KatolaZback to alsamixer
16:22.28KatolaZand select "0 Intel"
16:22.36mystifiedhang 5
16:22.42mystifiedmaster muted
16:22.52KatolaZhow comes?
16:22.55KatolaZunmute it, please
16:22.59*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@LINUXGW.THESHINNGROUP.COM)
16:23.03mystifiednow unmuted & have sound
16:23.26mystifiedThank you so much
16:23.33KatolaZyou are welcome
16:23.51mystifiedNo .. you guys are so Gr8!!!!!!
16:23.55KatolaZnow go and install all the media software you want
16:24.07golinuxvlc is working now?
16:24.18KatolaZI bet it is, golinux ;)
16:24.19mystifiedDon't need anthing else
16:24.43KatolaZdon't need anything ALSA ;)
16:24.48golinuxI had a terrible time with the chip on my board.
16:25.08mystifiedah no
16:25.11KatolaZno worries, golinux: your chip is working now!
16:25.22mystifiedsm player yes
16:25.31KatolaZhow cool!
16:25.45KatolaZtry vlc with the previous stuff, just to check
16:25.50KatolaZbut it should be ok now
16:26.24golinuxHere's my tale of woe:
16:27.27golinuxAnd getting it to work on my old videocam required even more in the .asoundrc
16:28.43KatolaZmystified: great!
16:28.53mystifiedwill read link
16:29.25mystifiedKudos to all who helped !
16:29.44golinuxAnother happy Devuan user is our reward!
16:29.45KatolaZHH mystified
16:30.21*** join/#devuan cyteen (
16:33.11mystifiedVery happy customer.. No more sys d
16:33.28mystifiedVery happy customer.. No more sysD distros.
16:34.38mystifiedHey where can I find a cheat sheet for Sysv . I'd like to check out the status & check to see if there are any errors.
16:35.18mystifiedThat is, re Sys V & the boot process
16:35.49mystifiedIn Sys D regardless of what Pc I used there where always errors.
16:36.10mystifiedboot time was never less then 2/12 mins
16:36.39*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
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16:38.28KatolaZmystified: what kind of errors?
16:38.44KatolaZwhy there should be errors at boot?
16:40.00mystifiedthere probably isn't
16:40.35mystifiedBut i'm wondering if there is anything like rc-status like in open rc
16:41.20mystifiedJust to check the state of the boot process in SysV
16:43.23mystifiedIts 3:41 am. I need to crash. Thanks again KatolaZ & golinux.
16:43.41mystifiedsee u in about 12 hrs again.
16:44.07KatolaZsee you mystified
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17:22.01crdilim using but the speed is too slow, 50kb/s , is there any EU mirror that i can use directly? i tried the one in sweden but it didnt work..
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17:23.32crdilsorry wrong channel..
17:23.43*** part/#devuan crdil (~crdil@unaffiliated/cardiel)
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18:03.31Digitwhat would be the smallest bootable devuan core system available for download and at all?  how small is it?
18:06.57*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
18:07.51golinuxDigit: You might look here: Minimal live
18:08.57Digit"a peculiar fixation with small GNU/Linux distros".   oh yes.  :)  this seems like the right place.  :)  thnx golinux
18:09.57KatolaZDigit: if you are not in a hurry
18:10.08KatolaZI am going to release an update on that minimal live
18:10.23KatolaZwithin a couple of days, at the latest
18:12.22KatolaZDigit: there is nothing wrong in the current images though
18:12.42KatolaZDigit: but the updated images will be dist-upgraded
18:12.59KatolaZDigit: and include setnet for network configuration (
18:13.22KatolaZ(but I am going to release an update on setnet as well, hopefully tonight)
18:14.35Digitwell, while swiftly enthused enough to already be downloading 32&64bit versions, i'm in no hurry.  :)  looking forward to seeing the new releases too.    i notice mention of partially tested installation using refracta installer.  is refracta still the route used in this release, and is it working/testing well?  thnx KatolaZ
18:15.29KatolaZDigit: I have not worked on the installer of the minimal live recently
18:15.38KatolaZI provided refractainstaller just for the sake
18:15.58KatolaZmy plan is to put together a brand-new installer for the minimal live, yes
18:16.10KatolaZbut I don'w know when it will come, if ever :D
18:16.32KatolaZa toll to set networking was more necessary than an installer, since it is a live
18:17.05KatolaZ(the new release will include also a couple more packages for personal productivity, all cli and curses stuff, naturally ;))
18:18.22DigitKatolaZ: i might give that refracta installer and refracta respin toolset a test run on your next release.  a feature of respin own configuration is of interest to me.  esp from a smaller (but still useable) core.
18:18.55DigitKatolaZ: i like the "what you get" list.  :)
18:20.51KatolaZok, but I am not part of the refracta team
18:21.13KatolaZso any bug in refractainstaller should be filed to them (i.e., fsmithred)
18:21.28KatolaZI have tested refractainstaller on a couplr of configurations, and it worked fine
18:21.31Digitok. noted.  :)
18:21.43KatolaZI know that there are issues with GPT
18:22.17Digitah.  that, i may have bumped into with other vbox test runs of other devuan spins.
18:22.49golinuxKatolaZ: I though the problem was uefi?
18:24.00KatolaZgolinux: dunno
18:24.03KatolaZdon't remember
18:24.07KatolaZthere were problems :D
18:24.29golinuxDigit: For reference:
18:24.53golinuxI know that fsmithred has about 15 gpt partitions!
18:25.10KatolaZDigit: but again, the devuan minimal live is only my fault, not refracta's
18:25.16KatolaZso I am to be blamed for that
18:25.34KatolaZthe refracta team has done a very nice job on the full (graphical) live
18:25.59golinuxThere are just too many good options out there.  Hard to sort them out.  :)
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20:00.05jnylen0Hi :) I'm running Devuan 1.0.0 beta2 on my XPS 15 and having issues with suspend+resume (screen does not wake up on resume, but machine is available via SSH).
20:00.25jnylen0I think a good next step would be to upgrade to a more recent kernel version.  I assume I'll have to build it myself.  Is there a guide somewhere on how to do this?
20:00.44jnylen0What else can I do to troubleshoot?
20:03.23jnylen0I've seen the hacks floating around online using `intel_reg_read` and `intel_reg_write` to save/restore a missing register related to screen brightness.  Not working for me.
20:03.40KatolaZjnylen0: wait
20:03.52KatolaZare you sure that your screen is not just dimmed down to minimum?
20:04.11jnylen0Well, it's definitely not dimmed when I suspend.
20:04.15jnylen0Backlight is totally off.
20:04.18jnylen0(on resume).
20:04.28KatolaZthis does not mea much
20:04.30infobotmean is probably I
20:04.45jnylen0Keyboard brightness keys have no effect, and I expected to see a /sys/class/backlight/* but there's not one.
20:04.52KatolaZin my case, backlight is totally off when brightness is to the minimum
20:05.00jnylen0Okay.  How do I modify that via CLI?
20:05.10KatolaZ1 sec
20:05.39KatolaZwhich laptop do you have?
20:05.50golinuxXPS 15
20:06.18KatolaZthat it....
20:06.23KatolaZthat is....
20:06.42KatolaZ(I am not a laptop vendor...:D)
20:06.50jnylen0Dell XPS 15 9550
20:06.56golinuxThat's the only info given
20:07.33jnylen0Happy to give more info, and happy to learn more about what is going on.  I know it's all open source but wouldn't know where to start looking really.
20:07.47KatolaZok jnylen0 let's give it a try
20:08.06KatolaZhas brightness ever worked with other distros?
20:08.27jnylen0Brightness itself works fine. It's just the suspend/resume that doesn't.
20:08.49jnylen0I can try suspending from an ubuntu livecd when I get home, but I'm not infront of that machine right now.
20:09.03KatolaZand has suspend worked normally in other distros?
20:09.12jnylen0Good question - I haven't tried.
20:09.34KatolaZsorry for the silly question now
20:09.53KatolaZwhat is your knowledge of acpi/events?
20:09.55jnylen0Np, you've already asked one thing that I probably should have tried already ;)
20:09.59jnylen0Not much.
20:10.04KatolaZ(sorry if the question is too silly)
20:10.06*** join/#devuan hplar (
20:10.20KatolaZdo you know which is the event handler for your suspend button?
20:10.25jnylen0No idea.
20:10.47jnylen0I get the same result from xfce suspend and from `sudo pm-suspend`, if that helps any.
20:11.29*** join/#devuan hplar (
20:11.34KatolaZwhat is the signal handler for the brightness buttons?
20:11.39KatolaZ(if you know that)
20:11.44jnylen0I don't. How do I find that out?
20:13.52KatolaZmust go to dinner
20:13.57KatolaZsorry jnylen0
20:14.00KatolaZI will be back later
20:14.12KatolaZI am sure we will find a way out ;)
20:14.22*** join/#devuan robert-e (
20:14.39jnylen0No worries.  I'll be in front of the machine again later, will try a livecd and google some more stuff.  Thanks for discussing :)
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21:37.14ryanpcmcquenHello! Does Devuan plan to pursue FSF endorsement?
21:38.10markizanoFSF ?
21:39.01ryanpcmcquenThe Free Software Foundation.
21:40.05Lydia_KI don't think anyone has ever brought it up.
21:40.27parazydit's not free software
21:41.01ryanpcmcquenBecause of the nonfree repo?
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21:44.57parazydryanpcmcquen: yes
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21:45.35Centurion_Danryanpcmcquen: not for Devuan, but we will either also produce a fully FSF endorsed derivative or collaborate with a project like gnuinos to do provide one.
21:50.00ryanpcmcquenCenturion_Dan: that is fantastic!
21:50.10ryanpcmcquenI will be your first user.
21:50.21ryanpcmcquenOr at least a very happy user. :^)
22:00.04KatolaZryanpcmcquen: if you use only the main repo and linux-libre, you will still be ensured that only free software is installed in your system
22:00.21KatolaZ(vrms might help, anyway)
22:06.31*** join/#devuan Kaymon (~Kaymon@
22:09.16ryanpcmcquenThat's what I'm thinking. Until GNUinos gets more stable.
22:23.19ryanpcmcquenKatolaZ: What's the main difference between linux-libre and the kernel that ships with Devuan? Doesn't it already have all the binary blobs removed?
22:24.16fsmithreddevuan uses the debian kernel unchanged
22:25.52ryanpcmcquenNothing has to be recompiled for systemd?
22:27.25fsmithrednot the kernel
22:27.31ryanpcmcquenThat's nice.
22:27.57fsmithredpretty sure Linus would not let the kernel be dependent on systemd
22:29.13fsmithredthere's a list of packages that were recompiled to remove systemd dependency at
22:29.52*** join/#devuan yann-kaelig (
22:36.29ryanpcmcquenI'm glad Linus is wary of systemd.  :^)
22:36.48parazydtorvalds uses systemd
22:37.20ryanpcmcquenSure, but that doesn't mean he likes it.
22:37.29ryanpcmcquenHe takes any chance he can get to make fun of it.
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