IRC log for #devuan on 20170101

00:21.34*** join/#devuan rleigh_ (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
01:06.20*** join/#devuan TorC (~TorC@fsf/member/TorC)
01:08.21rue_houseoh is that starting already?
01:08.31rue_houseI'm another 7 hours away
01:13.45*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
01:25.17*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
01:27.44*** join/#devuan mystified (
01:56.56mystifiedhi just installed Devuan
02:19.44*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
02:23.52mystifiedjust installed Devuan xfce
02:24.41golinuxmystified: Congrats!
02:24.46mystifiedattempting install of nvidia-34
02:24.50mystifiedattempting install of nvidia-340
02:25.04mystifiedare you familiar with this
02:25.17mystifiedI'm doing thris through synaptic
02:26.52*** join/#devuan Defiant (
02:35.45*** join/#devuan mystified (
02:54.24*** join/#devuan _natacha (
03:00.39*** join/#devuan robert-e (
03:04.29*** join/#devuan clopez (
03:08.25*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
03:12.20*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
04:11.59*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
04:18.45*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (~cyteen@
04:59.56*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
05:02.54*** join/#devuan sauron (
05:06.25*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
05:23.15*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:38.22*** join/#devuan mystified (
06:50.54*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (~Centurion@
07:36.32*** join/#devuan RJules3 (
07:53.04mystifiedHi guys, new here & Happy New Year all
07:53.24mystifiedJust a couple of Qu
07:55.33mystifiedpkg installations, devuan  binary pkgs are they any different to debians. What I'm getting at is installing pkgs that are built for Sysd different to devuan
07:57.07mystifiedSo if I'm unable to install from Devuan repositories can I install from directly install from debian, without having to change the depends
08:09.30*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
08:09.36*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
08:14.55*** join/#devuan zjason (
08:41.17mystifiedThx :rue-house
08:45.25rue_houseI appear to have issued a word based strangers instead of string based :)
09:50.32CenturionDanmystified: there is no need to install from debian at allas we have everything from debian we don't build in our repos anyway
09:53.16CenturionDanWe rebuild some packages to remove hard deps on systemd.
09:54.52*** join/#devuan Wizzup (
10:21.28mystifiedCenturionDan Thx
10:22.54mystifiedwhat if I wish to install a pkg that is not in the Devuan  repositories
10:23.00*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:23.09KatolaZmystified: everything that is in debian repos in in devuan repos, so far
10:23.23KatolaZso if you need to install anything that is outside devuan repos
10:23.32mystifiedFantastic. That answers that.
10:23.36KatolaZyou just proceeed as if you had a debian
10:23.48mystifiedie git etc
10:24.01mystifiedjust build exactly the same
10:24.02KatolaZthe only differences are in packages with systemd-related dependencies
10:24.17KatolaZmystified: Devuan is a Debian without systemd
10:24.20mystifiedwhat does one do there
10:24.31mystifiedThats why I'm here
10:24.40mystifiedI detest "SysD"
10:27.11mystifiedIs there a guide how to compile & how to add dependencies. That is my weak area.
10:27.35mystifiedI have no formal technical skills
10:27.54mystifiedIs Devuan openrc  or sysV
10:28.30KatolaZsysV so far
10:28.49KatolaZmystified: compilation is the same as in Debian
10:30.55KatolaZthe same as in any other unix-like system
10:33.26mystifiedI still not sure on how to do that correctly. I'd like to learn. Where are some good tutorials.
10:33.37mystifiedI understand make install clean.
10:34.18muepthere are common patterns to compiling things, but note that it also tends to vary between specific programs
10:34.26mystifiedwhen I have to add dependsor being able to identify when to use eg. qmakae cmake or json. etc
10:34.58mystifiedI don't  know haoe to add to pkgbuild
10:35.55mueppkgbuild as in PKGBUILD files used in arch linux and its derivatives, or just package build in general?
10:36.14*** join/#devuan mns` (b156ff05@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:36.22KatolaZmystified: in devuan you use apt
10:36.31KatolaZto install missing packages
10:36.33mystifiedyes. Understand.
10:36.36muepyou will not be dealing with PKGBUILD files in debian or its relatives
10:36.48mystifiedI've been using binary for a number of yrs
10:36.57mystifiedBut I'd like  to learn more.
10:37.45mystifiedFor nearly 6yrs i've been using deb/ubuntu systems.
10:38.16mystifiedAbout a yr ago I moved away to arch based distros.
10:38.51mystifiedI'm back here because I do not like the Sysd way of doing of things
10:40.07*** join/#devuan aitor (
10:40.33aitormystified: lo learn more about how to build packages for devuan?
10:40.42mystifiedA few months ago I installed Trueos(Bsd) love it. But there is to much that is beyond my level of understanding. Hence why I've come back deb base without the sysD.
10:41.41mystifiedSimple with apt, dpkg, aptitude
10:42.28mystifiedIf it'sdificult it's easy to google to find the solution or user forums
10:42.46aitormystified: dpkg-buildpackage or git-buildpackage
10:43.12mystifiedThx aitor
10:43.17aitorthere are some how-to's in the mailing list
10:43.37mystifiedI've never looked at mailing lists
10:43.56aitorbut the best way is to start with a concrete example, and ask your doubts here or in the DNG
10:44.16KatolaZaitor: I don't think mystified wants to create new deb packages....
10:44.35aitorok, only build things?
10:44.45mystifiedYes just build !
10:45.23mystifiedTo be able to understand  wht what & when to do something
10:45.44aitorit depends on the used tools for that
10:45.45mystifiedthats "why "
10:45.49*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
10:46.26aitorin the most of the cases there is a configure file, or a Makefile or a CMakeLists
10:46.28mystifiedAs i stated. I'm the blind leading the blind
10:46.49mystifiedYes, I do rhat and it's still crashes.
10:47.11Hestbenmystified: One handy thing in apt-get is the "apt-get build-dep <package>" to get all dependencies for a package
10:47.18aitorqmake is for Qt
10:47.37mystifiedYes, familiar with them
10:48.17Hestbenmystified: If you got a crash, then, you may get more help by asking the developers of that specific application
10:48.22mystifiedFollow the " Install notes" even look the configure logs.
10:48.26aitorfor building purposes dpkg-checkbuilddeps as root in the parent directory
10:48.40mystifiedThanks Aitor
10:49.07muepqmake for programs that ship a .pro file in them. Most of these use also Qt otherwise, but not all Qt-using programs are intended to be built with qmake
10:49.29aitorSee you later, i'm working on simple-netaid-gtk and i'm getting a Segmentation fault
10:49.35mystifiedexactly, did not know that.
10:50.03mystifiedSorry & thx
10:57.09mystifiedHey what is "DNG" stand for Devuan something from aitor comment "  and ask your doubts here or in the DNG "
10:59.50*** join/#devuan cyteen__ (
11:04.45*** join/#devuan Toronja (~Toronja@
11:05.58Hestbenmystified: I think it is about building packages for devuan, i.e. packages that can be distributed to other computers running devuan. Like .deb packages for debian.
11:13.21*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
11:13.29muepmystified: DNG is a mailing list
11:13.52fsmithredDNG: Debian's Not Gnome
11:16.14djphand here I thought it was "Devuan News Group"
11:16.51mystifiedThats it... News group
11:17.28fsmithredthe mailing list is older than devuan
11:19.11*** join/#devuan _natacha (
11:23.44mystifiedThanks to all, for your assistance.
11:50.36djphfsmithred: yeah, but I didn't get interested in devuan til I cared to look up what was going on with Ub 16.04 / Mint18, at which point "nope. time to find something else"
11:56.45*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
12:05.50*** join/#devuan rleigh (
12:05.51*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
12:20.12*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
13:06.52*** join/#devuan pickle_ (~javaserve@
13:12.52*** join/#devuan GavinBelson (~javaserve@
13:22.45*** part/#devuan GavinBelson (~javaserve@
13:23.53*** join/#devuan cyteen__ (
13:33.36*** join/#devuan justinsm (
13:37.31*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
13:40.07DocScrutinizer05happy holidays!
13:40.23*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
13:41.00*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:45.34DocScrutinizer05day time increased from 8.16h at winter solstice (21st of Dec) to already 8,27h here
13:48.48DocScrutinizer05interesting factoid: sunrise time stays almost same (08:11 to 08:09) while sunset gets later (from 16:18 to 16:27)
14:07.48*** join/#devuan Toronja (~Toronja@
14:15.53*** join/#devuan cyteen (
14:23.14*** join/#devuan Toronja (~Toronja@
14:25.05*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
14:26.44*** join/#devuan Toronja (~Toronja@
14:33.13*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:37.56*** join/#devuan telst4r (
14:37.56*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telstar@fsf/member/telst4r)
14:46.26*** join/#devuan mystified (
14:48.44mystifiedHi guys , I'm new  here.
14:49.14mystifiedwould like to install qbittorrent.
14:49.42mystifieddevuan has 3.1.10
14:49.58mystifiedcurrent is 3.3.9
14:50.18mystifieddownloaded from source
14:51.43mystifiedis there a build essential base pkg here in devuan
14:52.36golinuxmystified: Have you tried backports?
14:53.20*** join/#devuan mns` (b156ff05@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:54.30mystifiedfor qbitt  or build essentials
14:54.30*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
14:57.48infobotnextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or
14:59.03fsmithredit's not in backports
14:59.33fsmithred3.3 in ascii if you like to live dangerously
15:01.46DocScrutinizer05 seems to suggest "devuan's bittorrent" is actually the original debian version, so...
15:02.30fsmithredeasy to tell by looking at the version number - it's doesn't say "devuan" in it.
15:09.43*** join/#devuan reetspetit (~john@
15:11.47*** join/#devuan mystified (
15:16.01*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
15:17.47mystifiedfrom synaptic version 3.1.10-1
15:19.46mystifiedInstalled qt5-qmake 5.3.2+dfsg-4+deb8u1
15:20.12mystifiedand qt4-qmake 4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-3+deb8u1
15:20.33mystifiedchecking whether to install the systemd service file... no
15:20.33mystifiedchecking whether to enable the WebUI... yes
15:20.33mystifiedchecking whether Qt4 should be enabled... no
15:20.33mystifiedchecking for /qmake... no
15:20.33mystifiedchecking for /qmake-qt5... no
15:20.34mystifiedchecking for Qt5 qmake >= 5.2.0... not found
15:20.38mystifiedconfigure: error: Could not find qmake
15:21.28mystifiedthis from running ./configure
15:22.33*** join/#devuan panta (
15:26.37zdzichucheck in config.log  how exactly the test looks like
15:26.46zdzichuwhat command is being tested
15:27.33mystifiedthen tried make & make install
15:27.33*** join/#devuan reetspetit (
15:27.37*** join/#devuan ytrezq (
15:27.40ytrezqHello, how to convert a RUNPATH section section into an RPATH one in the case of an already compiled elf binary??
15:29.09zdzichumystified: look into content of config.log file
15:34.02*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
15:35.41mystifiedNo package 'Qt5Core' found
15:35.41mystifiedconfigure:4479: $? = 1
15:35.41mystifiedconfigure:4508: checking for /qmake
15:35.41mystifiedconfigure:4522: result: no
15:35.41mystifiedconfigure:4528: checking for /qmake-qt5
15:35.42mystifiedconfigure:4542: result: no
15:35.44mystifiedconfigure:4554: checking for Qt5 qmake >= 5.2.0
15:35.46mystifiedconfigure:4560: result: not found
15:35.48mystifiedconfigure:4688: error: Could not find qmake
15:35.48*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
15:36.03DocScrutinizer05mystified: please use pastebin
15:36.29*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
15:36.29infoboti guess paste is or or
15:36.46*** mode/#devuan [-o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
15:48.04fsmithredmystified, you want i386 or amd64?
15:48.07*** join/#devuan follinge (
15:48.36follingeIs better zfs support planned with next release? Pretty much the only thing missing.
15:48.41fsmithredthere are packages for 3.3.5 built for antix/MX15 (jessie)
15:49.06follingeProblem solved. Thanks a bunch.
15:49.55fsmithredfollinge, is zfs supported in debian stretch?
15:51.19mystified.deb  even better
15:52.19fsmithred$ apt-cache policy zfs-dkms
15:52.59fsmithredfollinge,  you don't have to wait for ascii
15:54.05mystifiedFsmithred error Depend not satisfiable libtorrent rapster >=1.0.6X
15:54.28follingeGreatly appreciate it. I'll install and test today. Was going to use btrfs, but I'd rather roll with zfs.
15:55.39fsmithredmystified, I think you can fix it with 'apt-get -f install'
15:58.08fsmithredmystified, libtorrent-rasterbar8 is available in same mepis repo
15:59.26mystifiedlibtorrent-rasterbar8 working
16:04.51*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
16:06.16*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
16:06.33*** join/#devuan mystified (
16:07.29mystified@fsmithred installed but unable to find launcher in menu.
16:07.57mystifiedtried from terminal ./libtorrent
16:08.01mystifiedno luck
16:10.14fsmithredI don't think you want to run the library
16:10.28fsmithredisn't qbittorent in the menu?
16:10.35fsmithredwith the network apps?
16:10.51mystifiednow i need to install qbittorrent
16:10.57fsmithredwhich linux have you used before?
16:11.22fsmithredsomething debian-based or rpm-based?
16:11.30mystifiedubuntu/elementary/ arch/debian
16:11.52fsmithredmostly the same
16:12.21mystifiedill try the ubuntu pkg
16:12.31mystifiedbut they are sysd
16:12.38mystifiedwill that make a diff
16:14.21fsmithredinstall the qbittorrent package again
16:15.05*** join/#devuan snux (
16:15.09fsmithredI meant "No, don't use the ubuntu package."
16:22.51mystifiedThanks working now !!!!!
16:23.45fsmithredmx-15 repo is pretty safe for taking selected packages
16:23.49*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@
16:23.52fsmithredI wouldn't go whole-hog with it
16:25.46mystifiedThat was my next question
16:26.24mystifiedI will keep that in mind for future
16:26.36mystifiedso Greeks are good for some things !
16:28.12mystifiedYasou !
16:28.22mystifiedYausou !
16:28.51mystifiedor should it be yaisou
16:31.57mystifiedmx is a greek distro
16:33.21fsmithreddoes the greek part come from antix or mepis?
16:34.29fsmithredso I just learned something new
16:35.21fsmithredI need to go shovel some ice. bbl
16:37.48mystifiedThank again for your patience & gr8 help
16:38.01golinuxmystified: country of origin is irrelevant here.
16:38.54mystifiedI know... But for the fun of it.
16:39.25mystifiedConsidering how bad things are in Greece at the moment..
16:39.39golinuxComments relating to such are not 'fun'.
16:39.43mystifiedIt would hurt to give them a leg up ath the moment
16:40.05mystifiedwhy ?
16:40.35mystifiedThee two good greek linux distros
16:41.42mystifiedwhats wrong with giving them a little praise
16:41.58golinuxI never thought of either of those as 'greek' distros and have hung out there quite a bit.  Your filters are mis-perceiving a bit.
16:43.07mystifiedIs it to racial & that I may be offending Greeks. !
16:47.38*** join/#devuan Fervi (
16:48.23*** join/#devuan justinsm (
16:56.00*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
17:00.30*** join/#devuan knidos_ (~knidos@
17:21.29*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
17:21.55*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
17:34.09*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
17:46.43*** part/#devuan ytrezq (
17:57.36*** join/#devuan xes_ (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
18:20.02*** join/#devuan telst4r (
18:20.02*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telstar@fsf/member/telst4r)
18:53.49*** join/#devuan Akuli (
18:56.18*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
19:11.24*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
19:16.17*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
19:23.03*** join/#devuan wesb (5074b545@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:38.11*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wildlande@unaffiliated/wildlander)
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19:48.21*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
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20:10.37*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
20:13.51*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
20:22.32*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
20:28.35*** join/#devuan level7_ (~quassel@
20:29.49*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
20:57.16*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
20:58.35TorCNew to Devuan, and thinking to upgrade from Debian Jessie.  Looks like the change is just a matter of switching repo URLs and upgrading?  Also, I'm using backports, but haven't managed to find the URL for that, if someone could post that for me.
21:00.43cyteendeb jessie-backports main contrib
21:03.53TorCThanks.  Editing sources.list now.
21:04.26TorCTempted by Ascii for the newer packages, but I'm not sure I want to deal with that quite yet.
21:04.30Centurion_DanTorC: you'll need to apt-get install devuan-keyring first
21:05.01TorCI did find that note, but promptly forgot it.  Thanks for the reminder
21:05.26Centurion_DanTorc, Ascii is not something I recommend at this point in time as it's missing a lot of devuan forked packages at this stage.
21:06.13TorCNot surprised.  Information is still a little hard to come by on the website at this point.
21:06.28Centurion_Danthe focus is squarely on pushing out Jessie at the moment.
21:06.53TorCMakes sense, and needed.
21:13.48TorCdevuan keyring is untrusted, but I figure that's expected bootstrapping.
21:14.25Ferviso install it and apt-get update
21:15.47TorCDone.  Apt seems to be failing to get jessie updates, both main and contrib, binary and source.  IP:
21:16.33TorCI get a 404 on it.
21:18.45TorCOh, that looks like it.  Debian uses /jessie/updates, but Devuan seems to be /jessie-updates
21:19.17TorCSeems to have been something to do with an alternate mirror I had set up.
21:21.13TorCThanks cyteen, Centurion_Dan, and Fervi.  Dowloading updates now.
21:21.51TorCIt'll be time to restart my system anyway, after 139 days.  Past time, one might say.
21:36.52XenguyTorC: Curious how it goes; I have a wheezy box that I'd like to migrate to devuan sometime soon, as long as it's not too risky a migration
21:41.27*** join/#devuan mystified (
21:43.47*** join/#devuan Esti_Qatzi_ (
21:55.23golinuxXenguy:  Migration HowTo
22:00.59*** join/#devuan robert-e (
22:06.21TorCXenguy: Have to reboot to get off systemd to actually remove it.  If I don't remember to let you know, give me a poke when I get back on.
22:06.39*** part/#devuan TorC (~TorC@fsf/member/TorC)
22:09.48*** join/#devuan justinsm (
22:11.18*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
22:25.36*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (~Centurion@
22:29.49*** join/#devuan aitor (
22:30.27aitorhi: solved the pointer error in simple-netaid-gtk
22:40.41*** join/#devuan TorC (~TorC@fsf/member/TorC)
22:42.18TorCXenguy: Well, for about five minutes use after completing, the switch seems to be flawless.  For coming from Wheezy, you'll probably have the usual issues with upgrading one version to another
22:49.41*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
22:56.09Centurion_DanTorC: Actually my experience is that it upgrades from wheezy are equally seemless, although it's a little while since I last did one.
22:58.44XenguyThanks guys...
22:59.27XenguyI have to be careful because that box is basically my gateway/router currently, so if the upgrade fails, I'm off the Net
22:59.43XenguySingle point of failure and all that
23:08.08*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
23:08.46TorCCenturion_Dan: I'm not surprised that is the case.  Usually to upgrade I decide it's a good time to flush all the random packages I installed but have discontinued use of.
23:09.03TorCThus, I typically nuke / and install the new version from scratch.
23:10.06TorCHelps that /home has always lived on a separate partition for me.
23:46.58*** join/#devuan Drugo (
23:47.24Centurion_DanTorC: Indeed.  The problem is retaining /etc/passwd & /etc/shadow and /etc/group etc.
23:53.44*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
23:58.18*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
23:58.28*** join/#devuan john280z (
23:59.53Centurion_DanI find I tend to do clean install for new hardware only unless I've really hosed things (like usually from tracking unstable & experimental)

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