IRC log for #devuan on 20161231

00:02.08XenguyGood news :)
00:07.12*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
00:55.45*** part/#devuan Fervi (
01:11.23*** join/#devuan Fervi (
01:11.25*** part/#devuan Fervi (
01:18.27*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
01:20.33*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
01:20.34*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
01:58.41*** join/#devuan regulus (~regulus@unaffiliated/regulus)
01:59.16*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
02:10.54*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
02:11.52buZzgood news \o
02:15.06*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
02:28.51*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
02:34.22*** join/#devuan Defiant (
02:43.37*** join/#devuan cyteen (
02:49.46*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Icedove@
03:09.27*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
03:10.15*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
04:04.57*** join/#devuan regulus (~regulus@unaffiliated/regulus)
04:19.05*** join/#devuan Toronja (~Toronja@
04:47.48*** join/#devuan jotik (~7f000001@unaffiliated/jotik)
05:24.26*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:42.51*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
05:54.07*** join/#devuan vbextreme (~quassel@
06:07.35*** join/#devuan cyteen (
06:13.20*** join/#devuan Toronja (~Toronja@
06:44.58*** join/#devuan Chanku (4434bc1f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:45.15*** part/#devuan Chanku (4434bc1f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
07:23.39*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
08:19.00*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:25.35*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@
08:25.47*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
08:26.34AlexLikeRocki got  user /password    at    but not  work at
08:26.42AlexLikeRockare difference ?
08:51.57*** join/#devuan Digitteknohippie (~user@fsf/member/digit)
09:04.27*** join/#devuan Toronja_ (~Toronja@
09:11.35*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
09:24.10*** join/#devuan Drugo (
09:26.50*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
09:43.35*** join/#devuan ppisati_ (
09:49.45*** join/#devuan ppisati (
09:54.46*** join/#devuan ppisati_ (
09:58.27*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
10:04.08*** join/#devuan ppisati (
10:05.14*** join/#devuan _natacha (
10:19.10*** join/#devuan ppisati_ (
10:29.47*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
10:31.01*** join/#devuan ppisati (
10:37.38*** join/#devuan snux (
10:38.44*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
10:49.51*** join/#devuan Drugo (
10:53.56*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
11:01.07*** join/#devuan ppisati_ (
11:08.32*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (~Centurion@
11:10.58CenturionDanHappy New Year!!!  May it be a year full of Devuan development and success!
11:20.28*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
11:24.58*** join/#devuan ppisati (
11:35.45*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
11:38.10*** join/#devuan crash_ (
11:40.05*** part/#devuan crash_ (
11:51.03*** join/#devuan panta (
11:58.03gnu_srs1CenturionDan: Wish you and everybody else the same :)
12:23.54*** join/#devuan cyteen (
12:40.58*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
12:44.26*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
12:48.14*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
13:09.02*** join/#devuan devil (
13:30.50*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
13:37.30*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
13:41.30*** join/#devuan fr33domlover (~fr33domlo@fsf/member/fr33domlover)
13:42.48*** part/#devuan fr33domlover (~fr33domlo@fsf/member/fr33domlover)
14:14.38*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
14:29.22*** join/#devuan snux (
14:34.17*** join/#devuan cyteen (~cyteen@
14:37.45*** join/#devuan devil (
14:38.09*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
14:42.57*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
14:43.35*** join/#devuan Akuli (
15:00.22*** join/#devuan Spagno (~Spagno@
15:02.24parazydhave a systemd-free new year everyone!
15:04.41KatolaZparazyd: same for you mate! ;)
15:05.26Digitparazyd: beautiful
15:38.32Artemis3parazyd, yeah im planning to migrate a 150+ computers when the release is finished.
15:41.59*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
15:44.25*** join/#devuan cyteen (~cyteen@
15:47.26*** join/#devuan unknown__ (
15:59.01*** join/#devuan snux (
16:08.21*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
16:15.44*** join/#devuan DeFender1031 (
16:16.19*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
16:23.15*** join/#devuan Drugo (
16:32.50*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
16:38.08*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
16:48.59*** join/#devuan justinsm (
16:59.57*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
17:03.21*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
17:26.41*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
17:33.14*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
17:52.20*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:53.30*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
18:02.36*** join/#devuan M-16 (
18:08.33*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
18:17.57*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
18:23.16*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
18:23.31*** join/#devuan yann-kaelig (
18:45.33*** join/#devuan cyteen (~cyteen@
18:49.36*** join/#devuan Kruppt (
18:52.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
19:02.46*** join/#devuan _natacha (
19:13.21*** join/#devuan aitor (
19:13.35aitortaking advantage of the fact that my clock is right today, i want to wish you a happy... new year
19:21.21*** join/#devuan justinsm (
19:26.01fsmithredhappy new year, aitor
19:26.07fsmithredslippery guy
19:26.26fsmithredI missed you by minutes again
19:31.10*** join/#devuan robert-e (
19:31.34*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
19:38.21golinuxBut I caught you fsmithred!
19:44.06fsmithredbb in 5 min
19:55.13golinuxSilly holiday.  Like it's some sort of magic
19:55.24fsmithredit is
19:55.31golinuxIt's just another 24 hour cycle
19:55.33fsmithredwe pray to the gods and the sun comes back
20:18.11*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
20:41.09*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
20:45.22fsmithredAntoFox, have you made eudev packages?
20:46.40*** join/#devuan Fervi (
20:47.11Fervican somebody give me a result of "group" command?
20:48.02fsmithredphred dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev netdev
20:48.09fsmithredgroups, not group
20:48.54fsmithredFervi, what's up?
20:49.02Fervii have a little problem with polkit (i think)
20:49.29Fervivirt-manager, decrypt disks etc isn't autohized
20:49.48FerviError executing command as another user: Not authorized
20:50.38fsmithreddid you do a minimal install and then add stuff?
20:51.20Ferviwell, i have this problem few weeks, i using devuan ~1 year
20:51.33Fervierror from service: CheckAuthorization: Action org.libvirt.unix.manage is not registered
20:51.36Fervifor example
20:53.23fsmithreddid you change something or do an upgrade right before this started?
20:53.49Fervii think it can be collision
20:54.00Fervii once add tanglu repository and forgot about it
20:55.55fsmithredyou know how to find packages that were installed from that repo?
20:56.41Fervii must reinstall system
20:56.44Fervii think
20:56.57fsmithrednot necessarily
20:59.11fsmithredthere's probably an aptitude command that will show you those packages
20:59.18Ferviit is possible to get lists from dpkg / apt-get about packages from other repositories?
20:59.20fsmithredand it might not be too painful to replace them
20:59.32fsmithredyeah, I'm trying to figure out how to do it
20:59.51fsmithredhere's a command that will show you what's installed from deb-multimedia
21:00.01fsmithreddpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package}\t${Maintainer}\n' |grep "Christian Marillat"
21:00.30fsmithreddo you know of any packages that you got from tanglu?
21:01.16fsmithredok, so run 'dpkg -l |grep sysvinit-utils'
21:01.37fsmithredsee if there's something unique in the version
21:01.58Fervisysvinit-utilsDebian sysvinit maintainers <>
21:02.05fsmithredfor example, packages that devuan modifies have devuan in the name
21:02.29fsmithredthat looks like a pure debian package
21:02.31fsmithredhang on
21:02.39Ferviyep, ok
21:03.08fsmithredif you're running devuan, you should have the devuan vesion
21:03.24Fervii've got sysvinit from devuan, but sysvinit-utils from debian
21:03.33Ferviand i have a problem with downgrade
21:03.58Ferviwhen i try (by synaptic) i got a huuuuge list to remove packages
21:04.05Fervixorg, apt-get etc
21:04.16fsmithredyou trying to remove the debian package?
21:04.27Fervii want to force version from devuan
21:04.39Ferviwait, restart
21:09.13*** join/#devuan Fervi (
21:11.46*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
21:13.17fsmithredFervi,  you don't have debian in sources.list, do you?
21:14.10Fervibut in the past i've got tanglu repository (debian's fork)
21:15.28fsmithredyou tried 'apt-get install sysvinit-utils=2.88dsf-59.2+devuan2' ?
21:15.45fsmithrednot certain that's right, but worth a try
21:16.40CenturionDanfervi if the devuan version was instaĺled previously you may be able to install it from /var/cache/apt/archives using dpkg -i
21:18.40Fervifsmithred CenturionDan
21:19.15Fervii just need to reinstall
21:19.50fsmithredthat's probably faster
21:20.13Fervibut everything except authorization problem works perfect
21:20.17fsmithredbut you could try from the archived package
21:20.30fsmithredI've had good luck with that method many times
21:22.25Ferviprobably also need util-linux downgrade
21:23.11fsmithred2.26 unless you're in ascii
21:23.31Ferviascii, 2.28
21:23.42fsmithredyou're running ascii?
21:23.57fsmithredso you got stuff from stretch via tanglu
21:24.52fsmithredI wouldn't mess with fixing it unless I had good reason to figure out exactly what went wrong
21:25.13fsmithredyou already know enough for it not to happen again
21:25.29Ferviok, downgraded propertly
21:25.38fsmithredcool, it worked?
21:25.50Fervidunno, restart :P
21:25.54Fervipray for me xd
21:26.04fsmithredyeah, nm
21:29.46*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
21:33.39*** join/#devuan fervi (b225be1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:34.08Guest18203i shouldn't restart :p
21:35.49fsmithredis it dead?
21:36.04Guest18203read only
21:36.37*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
21:36.57fsmithredCenturion_Dan, what is the name of the package that util-linux is part of?
21:40.33*** join/#devuan fervi (b225be1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:40.43ferviok, i remount / and here i am
21:42.24fsmithredgo through the list of devuan packages and check that you have those instead of the debian version
21:44.38Guest85533yep, i've got it
21:46.00fsmithredok, I was thinking of bsd-utils
21:48.54*** join/#devuan Digitteknohippie (~user@fsf/member/digit)
22:01.23Guest85533ok, all packages should be downgraded
22:01.37Guest85533init 6?
22:04.33*** join/#devuan cyteen (~cyteen@
22:09.55*** join/#devuan fervi (b225be1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:13.41*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
22:15.38*** join/#devuan Fervi (
22:16.31Fervifsmithred Centurion_Dan; now authorization problem fixed xD
22:16.40*** join/#devuan nextime (
22:17.04*** join/#devuan nextime (~nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
22:19.48Fervior maybe not, but i can now shutdown my PC without init command
22:23.11*** join/#devuan peetaur (
22:27.14*** part/#devuan Fervi (
22:29.00*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
22:35.36*** join/#devuan asbesto (
22:57.26*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
23:00.31*** join/#devuan yann-kaelig (
23:16.20*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
23:18.15*** join/#devuan _natacha (
23:26.33*** join/#devuan Weeezy (
23:33.07*** join/#devuan Weeezy (
23:38.13*** join/#devuan Hestben (
23:41.39*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
23:42.16AntoFoxhappy new year
23:47.48*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (~Centurion@

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