IRC log for #devuan on 20161229

00:00.09fsmithredThe following packages will be upgraded:
00:00.15fsmithredIS THAT CORRECT?
00:00.33aitorare you with vdev now
00:00.56aitorthen you don't need libvdev any more
00:01.29aitorit's a wildcard
00:02.43aitora wildcard for solving dependencies while changing from udev to vdev, and vice versa
00:02.45fsmithredremoving that is not one of the choices that aptitude gives me
00:03.36fsmithredso if I remove it, can I still switch between the *devs?
00:03.43aitorusing vdev-assistant it will be removed automatically after installing vdev
00:04.04aitoryes, installing it again
00:05.11aitorfsmithred: 01:10 here, late for me...
00:05.57aitorsee you tomorrow :)
00:06.07fsmithredsleep well
00:24.09*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
00:48.26*** join/#devuan blade__ (
00:48.50blade__is #devuan happy?
00:49.01blade__putin likes "traditional" things
00:49.18blade__like system 4
00:49.26blade__what is your take #devuan!
00:49.43blade__if you mention the name trump or systemd you get banned from #debian
00:49.51blade__or putin, for that matter
01:04.00fsmithredthis channel is for discussion of devuan, not politics
01:04.19blade__fsmithred: but putin kills your enemies
01:04.35blade__he sends assassins and they are murdered in the street for all to see
01:06.36blade__20:17 < blade__> stoned: TRUMP FUCKING WON
01:06.36blade__20:17 < stoned> Usually I always ran sid chroot and used the apps there
01:06.36blade__20:17 < blade__> You hear that systemd-debian
01:06.36blade__20:17 < stoned> but I ownder now they have those containers and all that
01:06.36blade__20:17 < blade__> your faggot cuck lennit is on the OUTS
01:06.38blade__20:17 < blade__> Trump and Putin control your fate now
01:06.41blade__20:17 -!- zuiss1 [~zuiss1@unaffiliated/zuiss1] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
01:06.44blade__20:17 < altker128> No ops around?
01:06.46blade__20:17 < TomTomTo1> !ops noise
01:06.49blade__20:17 < dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS,
01:06.57blade__20:17 -!- mode/#debian [+o themill] by ChanServ
01:07.00blade__20:17 -!- mode/#debian [+b *!*@] by themill
01:07.03blade__20:17 < blade__> and they do not like faccot feminist loving bitches who are against
01:07.11blade__why was I banned from #debian???
01:15.39rue_housefurrywolf, hey...
01:38.04*** join/#devuan CaptainFixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
02:12.48*** join/#devuan robert-e (
02:15.32furrywolfjust got home...  drive 450 miles today.
02:16.15rue_houseshould we not clutter the channel with my non-devuan related banter?
02:16.26rue_houseseeing its such a BUSY channel and all...
02:16.27furrywolfI often do, but it makes certain people unhappy.
02:17.06rue_houseI'm working on a toy, and need your help,
02:17.47furrywolfoh?  normally no one ever needs me, since I'm not good at much.  heh.
02:18.09rue_housethe encoder generator, there is a rounding error it seems
02:18.49rue_housegets a compressor,
02:18.53furrywolfoh?  I haven't touched that in many years.  what is the error?
02:18.54rue_houseyou feeling depressed?
02:19.08rue_housetwo things seem to agravate it
02:19.21rue_housenumbers that dont divide 360 nicely
02:19.41rue_houseand for some reason, adding the index channel causes it to pucker up
02:19.44furrywolfit was a quick hack...  it may have bugs.  :)
02:20.15rue_houseand I thought I got a backup of the source from you, but cant find it
02:20.20furrywolfurl of a broken one?
02:20.21rue_houseseems I didn't file it under backups
02:21.25rue_housecheck out the funkey slice on the right
02:21.43rue_houseI thknk its a integer/float mixing error
02:22.38rue_houseit has that kinda signature
02:25.47furrywolfI think the small segment is user error.  flaking when drawing the index track is a bug, however.
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02:26.37rue_housewhat combination broke the segment length?
02:26.53furrywolfif you want all your segments to be regular, the number of steps needs to be a factor of 2^bits.  try 20 or 24 instead of 22.  :)
02:27.23furrywolf24 draws a nice neat evenly spaced wheel
02:27.28rue_houseah, its not just divided off 360 degrees
02:27.38furrywolfit's doing exactly what you ask it to do...  you're just asking it to do something stupid.  :P
02:27.44rue_houseits the first time I'v ever tried to do a funkey number
02:28.08furrywolfso does 20
02:28.26rue_housefair enough then
02:29.14rue_housethere isn't a combo of mask parameters that puts one channel hole on one side and the other channel hole on the other side eh? I thought it could do that
02:29.59furrywolfif you select 2 bits, it generates a 2-bit grey code, starting from the index point, and incrementing it for each step around the wheel, wrapping as needed.  it ends wherever it runs out of steps, even if that's not also where the grey code wraps.
02:30.40rue_houseoooh duh...
02:30.41furrywolfthat's the "only draw one slot per group" checkbox
02:31.39rue_house:) well glad to know your still alive and online then
02:31.56furrywolfthere is definitely, however, a bug with the index track
02:34.04rue_houseI didn't understand how its crossing up the count tracks
02:35.11furrywolfwhat do you mean?
02:35.17rue_housewhat was it?
02:35.18furrywolfheh, I last edited it in 2005.  :)
02:35.29rue_house:) see I'm keeping thigs stirred up
02:35.47furrywolfit was drawing the index bit in every track, not just the index one, due to a missing conditional to make sure it was actually drawing the index track.  :)
02:36.10rue_houseone thing tho
02:36.17rue_houseno mask hole for it :)
02:36.27furrywolfgod this is some ugly code.  lol
02:36.42rue_houseyour just that much better now
02:37.05rue_houseso, you've been coding over the last 12 years, anything else good?
02:37.35furrywolfyou have to tell it to draw 3 photodiode slots, not the default 2, if you add an index.  :P
02:37.43furrywolfit's a quick hack.  it does very little for you.  :P
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02:38.29furrywolf  , actually.  no need for the 1/2 bit shift with grey code
02:38.36rue_housewhat the deuce?
02:39.22rue_houseno, I'm still missing a track...
02:40.38rue_housethe  one slot per group kills the outter track... :)
02:41.47furrywolf<furrywolf> you have to tell it to draw 3 photodiode slots, not the default 2, if you add an index.  :P
02:41.48rue_housethis could be a sharpie correction
02:41.57furrywolfjust added a note to the html about that
02:42.30rue_houseam I being an idiot
02:42.45furrywolfalso, don't use the regular binary option unless you really, really know what you're doing.  there's a reason grey code is the default.
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02:43.13rue_houseyea I didn't mean to make it binary
02:44.17rue_houseaha, 3 & 3 ok
02:44.19*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
02:44.25furrywolfchange them both to three, not just one.  and you don't want the offset for non-quadrature wheels
02:45.00furrywolfhrmm, that breaks other things, though.
02:45.05furrywolfthere is another bug there.  can you spot it?  :P
02:45.28rue_house360/3 != 90?
02:45.46furrywolfactually, I think it will still work correctly, it's just ugly.
02:45.58rue_houselooks fine to me
02:45.58furrywolf  if you make it space them differently, then they line up with the mask.
02:48.17furrywolfI figured the store might be broken...  I haven't gotten any money from them in years.
02:48.27rue_housejust need to mix it with a 3d printed enclosure now
02:48.39Centurion_Danfurrywolf, ruehouse - perhaps taking it to debianfork or pm might be a good idea.. this channel is archived for posterity...
02:48.54rue_housethere, see agravated someone, call it!
02:49.19*** join/#devuan Defiant (
02:49.22Centurion_Dannot agravated, just a friendly nudge ;-)
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03:47.55Xenguy.o( The chatter around 21:06 seemed to resemble an alt-right provocateur )
03:48.39MinceRit was also offtopic
03:48.44Xenguyfor sure
03:59.54*** part/#devuan vjacob (
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11:30.48aitori've been working all the morning on vdev
11:31.20aitori just uploaded the definitive packages, but i need to reboot for being 100% sure
11:32.09aitori had problems with the overrides of the header of /etc/init.d/*dev
11:32.15aitorthe is:
11:33.19aitori fixed it
11:34.03aitorif you already have vdev installed and you select vdev, it will be reinstalled
11:34.09fsmithredaitor, my upgrade went badly
11:34.11aitorbut you need to do:
11:34.40aitori just uploaded three minutes ago
11:34.54fsmithredneed to boot the laptop and chroot into that installation to fix it
11:35.28aitorit's easier to reinstall only the roor partition
11:35.51aitori tested the four possibilities:
11:36.06aitorfrom udev -> vdev
11:36.14fsmithredoh, I guess I could do that. Not sure how recent the latest live iso is.
11:36.23aitorudev ->udev (does nothing)
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12:05.20aitorfsmithred: it works
12:05.59aitori uploaded it only in i386, now i 'll build it in amd64
12:08.12aitorthe script removes udeb from the system, udev and vdev don't coexist
12:08.23fsmithredI'm back
12:08.23aitorudev, not udeb
12:08.38aitorhi, did you test it?
12:08.42fsmithredI managed to downgrade to the 1015 version, and it boots again
12:08.44aitorare you in amd64?
12:09.18aitorok, i'll reinstall the root partition in amd64
12:09.43fsmithredI'll wait to upgrade
12:10.02Centurion_Danaitor: is this all via maintainer-script (ie debian/postinst etc) or are you doing something else.
12:11.04aitorCenturion_Dan: did you download the sources?
12:11.34aitorRalph's perspective is different: udev and vdev coexist
12:11.47aitorso, i neede to change his script
12:12.30aitorCenturion_Dan: most is via mantainer-script
12:13.00aitorbut you can't use apt in debian/postinst, etc... because apt is blocked
12:13.50aitorso, i needed a foreign script, that is: vdev-assistant
12:14.33aitoryou will not be able to change from udev to vdev, neither from vdev to udev, if you are not running this script
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12:14.53fsmithredwhen I upgraded last night (about 7 hours ago) I was left without and X would not start
12:15.10aitoryes, i know
12:15.59aitori also uploaded and removed the repository several times along the morning for my testing purposes
12:16.11aitori didn't use a local repo, sorry for that
12:16.34aitorneed to go, see you later
12:28.57Centurion_Danaitor: why not?
12:30.07fsmithredhe's gone
12:30.15Centurion_DanYou should set Provides, Breaks and Replaces in debian/control to
12:30.31fsmithredbut he does read the scrollback
12:30.36fsmithredpretty sure
12:30.49fsmithredwhat did you want to tell me about rootskel?
12:30.53Centurion_Danrelying on another package to run a script to call apt is all wrong.
12:31.46Centurion_Danfsmithred: I wanted to know what you needed changed in /etc/skeleton for the correct desktop setup.
12:32.14fsmithredwhat I ended up doing was copy ~/.config/xfce4 into /etc/skel
12:32.30fsmithredso that if a new user gets created, they get the desktop settings
12:32.57fsmithredI think maybe that stuff should be somewhere else, like /etc/xdg, but my experiment with that failed
12:33.22fsmithredI looked up rootskel, and it looks like that's for debian installer, which I don't use
12:34.24Centurion_Danit should be in desktop-base
12:36.26Centurion_Danthe path in desktop-base is profile/xdg/xfce4
12:37.01Centurion_Danbut be careful your home setup will include a whole bunch of user specific stuff you don't want.
12:37.58Centurion_DanIf you let me know what specific issues there are and ideally identify the specific config options that we need to set I'll do that in desktop-base.
12:38.01fsmithredno desktop-base in refracta
12:38.22Centurion_Danwhy not?
12:38.33fsmithredI couldn't find the user's home mentioned in ~/.config/xfce4
12:38.48fsmithredthe real reason?
12:38.56fsmithredto avoid the space fun theme
12:39.10fsmithredI guess that's not an issue now
12:39.49Centurion_Danwell that's definitely not an issue now.  The package should be easy to fork and tweak for refracta if you want a different theme.
12:39.49fsmithredif I install desktop-base, will I get the purpy theme as default?
12:40.13*** join/#devuan hellekin (~how@unaffiliated/hellekin)
12:40.20Centurion_Danyes, and it pulls in all the deps as well for the cursor and icons too.
12:40.41fsmithredoh, golinux would be delighted if I changed the icons
12:41.28Centurion_DanI had a report from jaromil today that a clean build with desktop-base gave the correct result, but will confirm that with golinux.
12:42.02jaromilconfirming, it works also with a old installer with online mirrors
12:42.22Centurion_Danthere are probably still some loose ends there, but it's getting real close for sure.
12:42.28jaromilhowever we'll roll out a new installer today to try
12:42.43fsmithredso if I upgrade my devuan install that still has the leafy login page, will that change?
12:42.44jaromilCenturion_Dan: one visible thing to remove is the gnome option on tasksel
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12:42.54jaromilfsmithred: not sure about that
12:43.05fsmithredok, I'll try it and let you know
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12:43.43Centurion_Dandesktop-base provides the themes for slim and slim only has it's default which you only get if desktop-base is not installed.
12:45.34Centurion_Danleafy theme will be a test fork of desktop-base to prove the work I've done on that package is sufficient to do a clean theme switch.
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12:48.19fsmithredtzdata and tzdata-java could not be verified
12:55.25Centurion_Danfsmithred: debians apt-key might have changed....
12:56.24fsmithredit worked! I got the purpy theme.
12:57.34fsmithredcursor is right, but I got tango icons
12:57.53fsmithrednot sure what icon set was used before the upgrade
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12:59.17fsmithredI can't test for the grub theme, because another installation is running the boot
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13:17.36Centurion_Danmate-icons is what you should need and should get on a new user.
13:17.58Centurion_Dangrub theme isn't currently working...
13:18.38Centurion_Dangotta go, 2am and the wife just rung me to go to bed :-P
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14:25.57iio7I really wish Devuan would use a normal forum or a mailing list instead of this piece of crap!
14:28.05jaromiliio7: there is a mailinglist and a phpbb style forum as well
14:28.17iio7Where is the forum?
14:28.20jaromiljust pick your poison :P
14:28.59iio7Much better!
14:30.22jaromilimma mailinglist useer so cant tell
14:36.54*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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15:11.11pcg_bcan someone point me to a page where there are step by step instructions to set up a working debian install on a USB? I have this computer that I just bought, I'm having some set up issues on the live CD so I 'm not sure I want to actually write a copy to my hard drive yet.
15:11.49joostvbpcg_b: search for 'debian live'
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15:12.10Akuliis there a live version of devuan?
15:12.16Akulii've always used the netinstalls so i don't know
15:12.40aitorno, there isn't
15:13.15Akulithen pcg_b has a problem
15:13.26blinkdogthere are some devuan derivatives with live versions
15:13.45Akulimaybe pcg_b could try one of them?
15:13.48aitorall of them, i think
15:14.56aitorrefracta? i didn't know it... thanks for the info
15:15.09pcg_bI actually have two working bootable devuan installations on USB, both I created with the beta 1 release. I've not been able to create one with beta 2
15:15.39Akulithat sounds really good to me, now i don't need ubuntu for live use anymore :)
15:18.57blinkdogpcg_b: Where does beta 2 fail that beta 1 succeeds?
15:19.29pcg_bwifi access
15:20.25pcg_bthe install asks for a mirror selection but never polls for my wifi to access it
15:20.56pcg_bit's a newer computer, maybe it's not compatible with linux
15:21.15blinkdogyou're not alone pcg_b; that's an issue I've heard about with Beta 2
15:21.27blinkdogthis forum post might help:
15:21.50golinuxAkuli there in an 'unofficial live' here:
15:22.04golinuxPure devuan + refracta tools.
15:22.06Akuliok :)
15:22.47aitorpcg_b: live images don't any need network connection
15:23.05aitordon't need any...
15:23.52blinkdogahhh, here's the git issue documenting that problem:
15:24.44pcg_bI'm only sensitive to it because I want to be sure it will work eventually, and not find out after I repartition my hard drive that I can't make the wifi connect.
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15:28.12pcg_byeah, that's the same problem in that link that I have.
15:28.39pcg_bI'm not sure about the details he writes about directory structure, but same basic issue
15:32.13pcg_bthanks for the links. appreciate all the feedback.
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18:01.48HestbenAs somebody pointed out yesterday, the has an expired tls-certificate.
18:02.39HestbenDoes anybody know who's responsible for that server?
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18:33.46jaromilHestben: yes, nextime is working on it. between today and tomorrow we'll deploy a new major version of amprolla on a new server so expect that and some more instability on the repository in the coming 24h
18:34.45jaromilbeyond the cert expire, hopefully it will all go smooth but there may be small problems in the way of setting it up
18:35.15jaromilthis is probably the last big thing we have left to do between the beta and the release candidate
18:35.49blinkdogjaromil: Did the WiFi issue with Beta 2 ever get sorted out?
18:36.15blinkdogpcg_b was on the channel earlier today asking about wifi issues with beta 2
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18:42.32jaromilthat is sort of trivial, but yes needs sorting out
18:43.10jaromilthe biggest task right now is some infrastructure change to make sure servers will cope with the load and that we have the new version of amprolla in production
18:43.18jaromili think Centurion_Dan has already a solution in mind for the wifi issue
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18:45.15DocScrutinizer51jaromil: happy new year
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20:42.54Hestbenjaromil: Thanks for the info.
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21:23.39FlibberTGibbethi all, just curious if there's an alternative to dbus and, if so, how to install and configure it?
21:26.19Centurion_Dannope... but we have been doing dbus packages without the dependencies on *systemd*
21:27.36Centurion_Dantechnically it would be possible to develop an alternative, but from what I understand that part of dbus's problem is the polluted API.
21:28.27Centurion_Dan- legacy crap, and system discovery api's are particularly bad.
21:28.42Centurion_Danor so I read a while back.
21:29.19FlibberTGibbetah, ok. thanks.
21:29.39*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
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21:31.15FlibberTGibbeton to devices :) which would you recommend out of eudev and vdev?
21:33.12Centurion_Danneither are packaged for devuan yet, so for devuan, use systemd-udev until we've got them tested and built - probably for ascii, but might sneak them into jessie if I have time.
21:34.00FlibberTGibbetright, will do. thanks!
21:36.39Centurion_DanAs far as I know our systemd-udev package takes pretty much the same approach as gentoo's eudev, which is to build udev from the systemd sources, without systemd deps.  The difference being, they took the udev package from prior to it
21:37.47Centurion_Danbeing usurped into systemd and have been pulling the udev changes from systemd-udev into their fork.
21:39.23FlibberTGibbetsounds like a lot of work for someone
21:56.07Centurion_Danyeah, dbus is a failure because it wanted to be an all encompassing IPC suite
21:58.29FlibberTGibbetwere that kind of thing to be implemented from the ground up these days, what would be the thinking? a simple message queueing system or ...?
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22:00.14Centurion_DanWell, I've been using yate (yet another telephony engine) which has a nice message passing system which allows listeners and hooks and named message queues and I think that might provide a pretty good basis.  It's clean and fast.
22:00.50FlibberTGibbetwish i had the C chops for this sort of thing -- interesting subject
22:01.34FlibberTGibbeti guess if yate is for telephony then it handles distributed messages well...
22:02.42Centurion_Danit has a clean api and bindings for most scripting languages already
22:03.41FlibberTGibbetdoes it do queues? have been looking for a nice method that isn't AWS-specific for a side project
22:04.32FlibberTGibbetgreat, thanks. bookmarked for later reading then
22:05.51Centurion_Danit's a really nice implementation from what I've seen, written in C++, but I'm pretty impressed with it's simplicity and API.  I even wrote a bash script that can talk the API.
22:08.33FlibberTGibbetsounds promising. if bash can speak to it then my crappy python code can probably get through...
22:10.13FlibberTGibbetyup, there's a python library. better still.
22:10.50Centurion_Danwhat's really cool is in that the handlers have a pecking order and must handle the message in a certain time period or that handler get's kicked from the queue and if the highest priority handler doesn't handle the message it puts it back on the queue for the next handler to pickup.
22:12.36FlibberTGibbetdoes that mean it's reasonably certain you can reassemble a message queue after a connectivity problem?
22:15.57Centurion_Danif a handler doesn't respond the the message gets passed to the next highest priority handler if there isn't a response by the current handler within the time period.
22:17.03Centurion_Danso the queue remains intact and doesn't fall over if a handler goes awol.  The engine also has a the ability to detect and restart handlers that have gone awol.
22:17.31FlibberTGibbetah, nice
22:18.10FlibberTGibbetif those handlers can live on different hosts then there's some useful redundancy
22:21.12Centurion_DanIndeed, and that's the whole point.  as YATE is built to provide HA redundancy through that mechanism, so multiple yate servers can monitor each other and pass messages across tcp sockets.
22:23.38FlibberTGibbetthat's ideal for my purposes then. now to figure out the perfect xml format for the messages ;)
22:25.35FlibberTGibbetthanks for all the information
22:26.59Centurion_DanYate is designed for telco grade phone systems clustered and HA failover capable to deliver a very scalable platform that is in production in big telco's with 10's of millions of subscribers.
22:27.37Centurion_Danthe messages aren't xml
22:27.55FlibberTGibbetwas only kidding about the xml part -- know how much everyone here loves it
22:30.03Centurion_DanI built a couple of bolt on modules for voicemail and message waiting indication which doesn't require a database for a small pbx solution that can run on something like a raspberry pi.
22:30.08FlibberTGibbetin my case the data is a little like gps sentences plus a timestamp and point of origin, and that's about it
22:30.21FlibberTGibbetmight be 1 per second or hundreds depending on node location
22:30.34Centurion_Danno problem...
22:31.46FlibberTGibbetif you can run something like a pbx on a pi-type board then it's lightweight enough
22:34.43FlibberTGibbetmuch to digest. will read up over the new year.
22:34.52FlibberTGibbet'by for now
22:46.25*** join/#devuan lisa (~lisa@
22:50.04*** join/#devuan user03099 (59eeb223@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:52.01user03099o/ greetings
22:52.10user03099devuan is great. thanks a lot!
22:52.30Centurion_Danuser03099: your welcome ;-)
22:53.34user03099cheers. i'm trying to fix my monitor's refresh rate and hoping for some help. something's amiss with xorg or nvidia i think
22:54.07user03099my IQT  Q995 can do 150hz @ 800x600
22:54.17user03099nvidia-settings only lists 100
22:54.32user03099likewise for other resolutions from what i read of the EDID file online
22:55.10user03099any thoughts would be appreciated. yeehaa
22:58.27user03099can't locate an xorg.conf. nvidia-settings 361.45.11 if relevant
23:01.43golinuxHave you tried letting sgfxi set it up?
23:02.32user03099i haven't golinux thanks for the recommendation. let me have a look
23:15.02user03099pretty cool!
23:17.01Centurion_Danuser03099: what model gpu
23:17.06KatolaZuser03099: I believe it has been a while since the last xorg.conf file was seen around....
23:17.49user03099haha. 750ti Centurion_Dan
23:17.55Centurion_Danxorg is mostly smart enough to autodect setings.
23:18.15Centurion_Dangolinux: did you get screenies from parazyd/jaromil ?
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23:28.38user03099thanks for the link again golinux. coolest scripts i've run maybe aha
23:29.02golinuxuser03099: YW
23:29.06user03099finished with the graphics bit, went back to desktop with some updated drives
23:29.22user03099same problem for now
23:30.00golinuxCenturion_Dan: jarmil mentioned it but not yet.  He and parazyd just left the office.
23:30.02user03099no change but im guessing there are more tools in that
23:30.16user03099script suite
23:31.11golinuxuser03099: Bummer.  I haven't used it in a long time.  Currently using onboard graphics.
23:31.42golinuxThat's the only script in that suite that I've played with . . .
23:31.57golinuxWell, it was worth a try . . .
23:34.17user03099no question. that stuff puts the fun back into computing
23:34.39user03099nice site
23:43.03*** join/#devuan user39930 (59eeb223@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:43.17user39930no luck on this machine either
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23:49.16user39930hrm xrandr gets it wrong too
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23:56.38fsmithredis it time to upgrade vdev?
23:57.16fsmithredcool, I'll fire up the laptop
23:57.28fsmithredyou gonna stay here and hold my hand?
23:58.15aitori'll be here in a few minutes

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