IRC log for #devuan on 20161222

00:00.09fsmithredI just added that repo and there it is. I also pinned jessie-proposed to a lower priority, so I don't get anything by accident
00:00.17Xenguygolinux: OK, so if I want it now, go with fsmithred 's repo, else wait for the package to get into the main repo ?
00:00.25golinuxCursor should be DMZ (white)
00:00.41golinuxDMZ cursors are in the repos.
00:01.02golinuxOf get purpy off the link I posted.  Either way.
00:01.32fsmithredif you get it from the proposed repo, it should make desktop-base happy
00:01.32XenguyXenguy, having been taught to be cautious, will probably wait for things to settle in the main repo, but thanks for the workaround suggestions guys :)
00:01.39golinuxUnzip and put it in /usr/share/themes
00:02.06fsmithredand maybe make Centurion_Dan happy that you're testing it.
00:02.08golinuxHeck, I created that theme!
00:02.41golinuxAnd put it there so people could snag if before it was integrated.
00:03.01fsmithredyeah, and now it's packaged and desktop-base from main repo wants it
00:03.15golinuxIt's been on my desktop maybe 8 months.
00:04.44fsmithredyou'll have to install the deb, too, once it's in main.
00:04.59fsmithredeven though you already have it.
00:07.23fsmithredXenguy, how often do you do update/upgrade?
00:08.23Xenguyfsmithred: Every time I turn on my laptop ;)
00:09.15fsmithredI don't see any updates for desktop-base currently or in my apt history
00:09.41XenguyI didn't see it this morning, but got the error message when I got home from work
00:10.07XenguySo maybe this is a beta1 issue?  Not sure.
00:10.18golinuxAre you on stable?
00:10.51golinuxI had a desktop-base upgrade maybe last week
00:10.54Xenguygolinux: yep
00:10.57fsmithredoh, I don't have desktop-base installed
00:11.11fsmithredthat explains why no upgrade
00:11.23fsmithredI'll have to start a VM of pure devuan
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01:44.18Centurion_DanXenguy - clearlooks-phenix-purpy is in jessie now.
01:46.38Centurion_DanIf you install desktop-base it should pull all the correct deps for the purpy them now.  I'd suggest also installing slim as well to get the purpy login page too
01:52.15*** join/#devuan egon0 (
01:52.57Centurion_DanXenguy: sorry, I hadn't built it for jessie - it's building now but could be up to 24 hours before it appears in merged.
01:53.02*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
01:54.48Centurion_Daneither add "deb jessie main" or "deb jessie-proposed main" to get it.
01:55.29*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
01:56.17InocuousCenturion_Dan, I just recently had issues with being able to reach and
01:56.24InocuousI had to change to the google dns
01:57.32InocuousI was wondering if that was some kind of attack or something that may have changed with the servers
01:57.46Centurion_DanInocuous: why not run your own resolver, that way your not giving google info about what sites you visit and services you use.
01:58.08InocuousIf I can do it in my router, I don't know much about it.
01:58.15Centurion_DanI dare say it's your ISP's dns got out of date.
01:58.39Centurion_DanYou'd have to do it on a machine in your network...
01:59.22InocuousI didn't really understand it, someone helped me change dns on my local machine.
01:59.54Inocuousthat didn't really resolve it for different os's so I changed the router settinigs
02:00.04Centurion_DanSome day soon I'll build a range of router/firewalls that do all these things properly running on devuan :-) Or just resell dowse which will pretty much do all that already ;-)
02:00.08Inocuousmy att data connection was ok.
02:02.22Inocuousso I double checked my ATT was working and my router wasn't and then called tech support. I asked them to do the same test, only the guy had verizon and he didn't have access with verizon eiter
02:02.57Inocuousanyway, just sharing my experience.
02:03.02Centurion_Danstupid big ISP
02:03.14Centurion_Danto big to care about customers...
02:04.04Inocuousthe guys attitude was if verizon dns wasn't working then it was a site issue.
02:04.28golinuxCenturion_Dan: Will I be able to use a dowse box instead of the isp's box?
02:05.12golinuxOr do I need to put it between me and the isp's box
02:06.18XenguyThanks Centurion_Dan , very appreciated :)
02:07.52Inocuousone trailing thought was if this is something that someone is deliberately sabotaging.
02:08.00Inocuousthe dns issue I mean.
02:08.13Centurion_Dangolinux: depends... are you using adsl?
02:09.21Centurion_Danor what sort of connection is it??
02:09.41golinuxI have no idea.
02:10.34Centurion_Danwhats the make/model of your isp's router?
02:11.34golinuxlooking for that now
02:13.01golinuxIt's an Ariss Touchstone TG1672
02:13.11golinuxOops Arris
02:21.30*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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02:32.49Centurion_DanOk, that's a cable modem/router.  It may be possible to put it in a bridge mode so it passes traffic straight through so you can use another router (DOWSE) to provide all the facilities... depends also on if your phone is integrated and how that is done too...
02:38.30XenguyOn a related(?) topic, any opinions on OpenWRT vs. LEDE ?
02:38.56XenguyJust curious cos it seems a lot of the original developers are with LEDE now?
02:40.12XenguyShould probably ask that on #debianfork
02:54.47*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
03:01.00*** join/#devuan Defiant (
03:02.02golinuxCenturion_Dan: Phone is on a coax connection.  Computers are on two of the four ports.
03:09.46*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
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08:32.07hellekinpeople complain that is down.  I can't fix it since I don't have credentials to watch the droplet on Digital Ocean.  Please someone fix it!  Issue #33 has been pending for months!
08:32.41hellekin(people as in not just Antonio on DNG)
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10:27.01hellekinjaromil: what happened?
10:31.50hellekinDec 22 05:04:17 talk kernel: [    5.855205] init: failsafe main process (739) killed by TERM signal
10:35.20hellekinauth.log.1 is full of authentication failures from a single IP
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10:47.15jaromilfailure processing payments, DO put it on suspend
10:47.22jaromilauth attempts are unrelated imho
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11:02.20hellekinah... :(
11:09.10*** join/#devuan aitor (
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11:09.21aitorhi, anybody here?
11:09.50buZzabout 173 ppl
11:09.54aitorhi, buZz
11:10.48aitorhere you are the code of the socket for simple-netaid:
11:11.08aitorthe program is very simple
11:11.27aitoryou must build it typing:
11:11.36buZzwhy would i want to build it?
11:11.44aitorgcc -o socket socket.c -lpthread
11:12.02aitorit checks the connection
11:12.24aitoryou must run it by the following way:
11:12.33aitorsocket PORT IP
11:12.37aitorin my case:
11:12.48aitor./socket 80
11:13.07aitorit returns CONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
11:13.32buZzwhy would i want that?
11:14.13aitorsome commands like "ip route show" fail in some cases
11:14.33aitorthe idea is very simple
11:14.41aitorthere are two threads
11:15.12aitorthe first one is the socket trying the connection
11:15.58aitorit the socket connects succesfully, the process is killed printing CONNECTED
11:16.19djphaitor: <enter> is not punctuation.
11:16.37aitorotherwise, the second thread delays one sec and prints DISCONNECTED
11:17.34aitorwhat do you mean?
11:18.52buZzi still have no clue why you are sharing this code
11:19.29aitorfor testing purposes
11:19.40aitorand suggestions
11:25.24*** join/#devuan Daniele (~daniele@unaffiliated/daniele)
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11:53.25dethaehm, what does this better than nc -w1 <host> <port>  ? (I know what it does worse - unsuccessful connection still gives a 0 exit code, not good for scripting)
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13:58.14*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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14:15.14aitorhey, appearently it works... thanks !
14:15.53aitori'll test it this afternoon
14:21.45*** join/#devuan paradigm (~paradigm@osuosc/paradigm)
14:22.42aitori was supposing that the connection attempt was a try/catch exception
14:22.51aitornow, i have a doubt
14:23.05aitormaybe, the second thread is not needed
14:23.57aitorit gives to the connection attempt 1 sec. of margin
14:24.29aitorbut, if it's not a try/catch, it has no sense
14:25.03*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
14:25.06aitori added it because i was using:
14:25.14aitorif (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr)) < 0)
14:25.29aitorinstead of:
14:25.33aitorif (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr)) >= 0)
14:25.41*** part/#devuan AntoFox (
14:25.43aitorand sometimes it failed
14:26.36aitorthe idea is:
14:27.32aitorif "ip route show" doesn't give you any IP address, then we are disconnected, 100% sure
14:28.16aitorotherwise, we must ensure about our connection
14:31.21dethaaitor: what is the larger context here? there are many ways in which connections can fail
14:34.29aitormaybe, we have to include a try/catch exception in the first thread, giving to it a time limit
14:36.35aitordetha: time to eat, see you later
14:37.25*** join/#devuan chillfan (
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15:51.24aitorhi detha,
15:51.45aitorthe following code also works, and it's simplier:
15:54.18DusXMTinteresting coding style...
15:55.29DusXMT(also, main isn't a void function, it returns an int; the status code of this program is undefined, quite unfriendly to scripts as someone already said)
15:56.17aitorok, i'll change to int main :)
15:59.29aitorit was true... it's a try/catch
16:00.55aitorthe return of the DISCONNECTED value is delayed in comparison with CONNECTED
16:16.57*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
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21:01.56aitorhi again, it fails :(
21:02.49aitorwe must turn to the multihreaded process, the first one
21:04.29aitorany hints?
21:04.56dethaaitor: with a resolution of 1 second or so, a simple alarm() will do
21:05.41aitoryes, why it fails?
21:06.41dethaset signal handler, alarm(1), try to connect, say 'Nope' if the connect returns EINTR
21:07.03aitorwe don't need any alarm for changing the status icon of simple-netaid
21:07.39dethaI'd rather use one thread with an alarm, than multi-threaded stuff
21:07.43aitormy first socket.c works
21:07.49dethakeep things as simple as possible
21:08.05aitoryes, i try
21:10.11aitori'm not a good scrypter, but i cook well
21:22.23Guest7212sorry, wrong channel
21:23.23*** join/#devuan aitor (
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21:25.34*** part/#devuan AntoFox (
21:32.09*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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21:36.08aitortime to dinner :)
21:38.07Guest7212no, time to sleep
21:39.54*** part/#devuan Guest7212 (~Guest7212@
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23:12.30aitordetha: i had many open folders; yes, maybe time to sleep :)
23:25.51*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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23:58.10*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
23:58.10*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)

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