IRC log for #devuan on 20161209

00:02.48*** join/#devuan regulus (~regulus@unaffiliated/regulus)
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00:05.24*** join/#devuan mlsmith (~mlsmith@unaffiliated/configx)
00:13.36*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
00:32.28*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
01:01.49jonadabMinceR: I don't know what changed in RedHat 7; that was early days for me and I was trying out different distros on purpose.
01:02.16jonadabMandrake 7 was slightly more up-to-date than RedHat 6 (still current at the time), so I went with Mandrake for a bit.
01:02.43jonadabI also tried Storm at one point.
01:02.50MinceRmaybe KatolaZ knows
01:03.37jonadabNote that this was RedHat 6 under the earlier RedHat version numbering scheme, before there was Fedora, etc.
01:03.56jonadabI tried out a CentOS release some time later, briefly.
01:04.13MinceRthat rh7 was the first gnu/linux i had on my own equipment
01:04.15jonadabI've used a slackware-derived distro, but it was rather out of date when I used it.
01:04.42jonadabI know that the default GUI in RedHat 6 was Gnome 0.something, back when Gnome still had features.
01:05.01MinceRi think rh7 had that too
01:05.11MinceRor maybe 1.x, but it still had features nevertheless
01:05.28MinceRlike a wm selector in gnome control center, and the ability for the panel to swallow arbitrary windows
01:06.02jonadabAnd floating always-on-top panels, so you could have a clock positioned where it would be just to the left of the minimize button on a maximized window :-)
01:07.03jonadab(Not partial transparency, though; that would've been harder to do on the hardware of the day, I think.)
01:07.34jonadab(A shame, because a 40% opaque always-on-top panel with a clock, positioned right there, would be perfect to this day, IMO.
01:08.19jonadab(Floating, so the panel is only large enough for the clock and a small right-clickable margin so you can adjust it if needed.)
01:09.30jonadabMATE is too little too late.  Somebody should've forked Gnome back when the remove-all-features jihad first got started.
01:14.25MinceRat least we still have Trinity
01:22.13*** join/#devuan regulus (~regulus@unaffiliated/regulus)
01:28.25*** join/#devuan cyteen (
01:29.55*** join/#devuan gci_admin (
01:31.36*** join/#devuan yolan (
01:31.50yolanWhas is the advantages of not using systemd?
01:33.03MinceRthis is a question better suited for #debianfork, but here's a good starting point for reading up on it:
01:33.37*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
01:33.50yolanOk thanks, because ithought you were not using systemd in devuan?
01:34.00MinceRindeed we're not
01:34.41yolanOk ahaha, why then debian's dev choose to keep it?
01:35.37MinceRi'm not sure, i _think_ that the gnome devs on redhat's payroll told them that if they want to keep offering gnome as the default desktop, they'll have to switch, because gnome is going to depend on it hard
01:35.56MinceRor something like that
01:36.02yolanoooh it makes senses
01:36.10yolanyes it's perfectly logical :)
01:36.22MinceRi'm not sure if what's behind the decisions of their inner circle are privy to public scrutiny
01:36.30yolanAnd devuan is soon to be approved by the fsf as well?
01:36.39yolanas i've seen :)
01:36.45yolanIt's all free software
01:36.53MinceRprobably not, but i've heard of a derivative of devuan that's aiming towards being fsf-approved
01:37.58MinceRanother possible reason is simply that debian's circles were so filled up with people who grew up on windows that they honestly believe that aping windows is the "modern" and thus desirable way to do things
01:38.01*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
01:38.09MinceRand therefore the only right way was to force systemd on debian users
01:38.51technoid_slackware for life
01:39.03MinceRthis is the derivative i meant >>
01:40.10*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
01:41.06yolanwith all of that Gnewsenses is really left behind :s
01:41.22yolanthanks for the link, you're awesome! :D
01:51.19Artemis3jonadab, no need to take fuzzy guessing: woody used kernel 2.2 with 2.4 as an option.
02:24.41*** join/#devuan reetspetit (
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02:32.26*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
02:37.16*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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04:27.27*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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05:08.37*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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05:29.38infobotsystemd cabal: a bunch of people (Lennart Poettering, Kay Sievers, H. Hoyer, D. Mack, T. Gundersen, D. Herrmann) who want to turn linux into their wet dream perverted version of windows-me-too: -- Rumor has it that 2016 systemd will have replaced kernel. See ~nosystemd"
05:29.50infobotmethinks nosystemd is
05:30.16*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
05:35.02*** join/#devuan Thoric314 (
05:40.03KatolaZMinceR: rh7 was a complete failure
05:40.16KatolaZput out well before it was a proper beta
05:40.23KatolaZnothing worked
05:40.27KatolaZmismatched libraries
05:40.34KatolaZbroken packages
05:40.41KatolaZand so on
05:40.56KatolaZthey tried to fix it in RH 7.1, and it was another major bloat
05:50.15*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:56.28*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
06:18.44*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
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06:48.52*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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07:38.57*** join/#devuan aitor (
07:39.13aitorgood morning
07:41.46aitorMandrake, what times those were
07:43.57aitorthe magician Mandrake
07:44.11aitorthey lost a lawsuit and had to change its name to Mandriva
07:55.02*** join/#devuan Wizzup (
08:13.38*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
08:38.01*** join/#devuan kraiskil (~kraiskil@
08:59.16*** join/#devuan ddg_ (
09:09.53*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:29.34*** join/#devuan chillfan (~chillfan@
09:35.22*** join/#devuan nand1 (~nand1@
09:45.09*** part/#devuan nand1 (~nand1@
10:01.05*** join/#devuan aqu4_ (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
10:13.54*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
10:15.46*** join/#devuan whistlingkappa (
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10:19.34*** join/#devuan damiano (
10:21.15*** join/#devuan damiano_ (
10:22.07*** join/#devuan damiano (
10:24.14damianoI wish to compliment all devuan people for the work done on beta2
10:24.49damianoI am testing beta2 in Kde mode and it is brilliant, so far no setback found, great
10:25.15whistlingkappaI'm intrigued by the concept. Torrenting now
10:31.20*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
10:38.54MinceRKatolaZ: i see
10:40.03MinceRi thought Mandrake became Mandriva because they merged with Conectiva
10:42.13*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
10:47.12*** join/#devuan yolan (
10:47.51jaromilthanks and happy hacking :^)
10:48.10KatolaZMinceR: don't remember why mandrake had to change name
10:48.30KatolaZbut aitor seems to remember of a lawsuit
10:48.45KatolaZanyway, it was long, long ago
10:49.03KatolaZand I had stopped fiddling with RPMs by then :D
10:49.10*** part/#devuan whistlingkappa (
11:17.10*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
11:26.24*** join/#devuan aitor (
11:28.26aitorKatolaZ: the lawsuit was with the family of the author of french cartoon character, i seem to remember:
11:29.01KatolaZthanks aitor :)
11:30.13KatolaZactually, also wikipedia reports the same story
11:30.32KatolaZI had forgotten it completely
11:31.42KatolaZ(and I used to have mandrake 5.x installed, at some point)
11:31.43*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
11:33.08aitorconectiva emerged from an internal crisis in mandriva
11:33.17aitorand, after that, mageia
11:33.23aitori think
11:36.21KatolaZconnectiva was a separate distribution, as far as I remember
11:36.32KatolaZMandrake was originally developed by a French team
11:36.39KatolaZand connectiva by a brazilian one
11:37.02aitoryes, that's true, i was wrong
11:38.49KatolaZbut I didn't know that Mandriva had been discontinued
11:39.18KatolaZI just learnt that the project is now split between OpenMandriva and Mageia
11:39.49aitormandriva was economically unsustainable
11:40.20KatolaZI have no idea
11:40.49KatolaZsince 2001 for me it was just a matter of when the next Debian stable would have been announced
11:40.58KatolaZso that I could have switched to testing again
11:41.47KatolaZI only followed a bit the small and tiny distributions in the meanwhile
11:42.36aitorsome code of the current resmastering tools has the origin in mandriva
11:43.03*** join/#devuan aqu4 (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
11:43.11KatolaZI remember we used to give away Mandrake/Mandriva CDs at installation parties
11:43.51KatolaZbut now I feel like a stegosaurus... :(
11:45.15aitormandriva sold persistant usb sticks
11:46.32aitor~13:00, brb
11:49.00*** join/#devuan ThomasKeller (
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13:39.17*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
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13:51.41Artemis3KatolaZ, and i remember ubuntu giving cds and stickers away, and even shipping those for free to contries like mine xD
14:03.14chillfanthe days of helpful communities.. I remember this :p
14:04.33chillfanthe quality of community was quite high back then
14:05.56Artemis3interesting that a cli only 32 bit install takes 132m of ram atm
14:06.47*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
14:07.17Artemis3and that /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd --daemon process xD
14:07.18*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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14:27.41*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
14:29.13fsmithredArtemis3, I see around 30-40m of ram used in cli. 132m sounds wrong. What's running?
14:32.14Artemis3nothing, just did a base install
14:33.35Artemis3ok rebooted free says 69m
14:33.45fsmithredok, that's a lot better
14:33.58fsmithredI'm booting now to see what mine really is
14:34.14Artemis3but i did apt upgrade and it brought the backports kernel xD
14:34.41Artemis3so 4.7 instead of 3.16
14:34.50Artemis3lemme reboot and pick the older one
14:36.17*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
14:37.14Artemis3and i haven't installed anything else either shows only 34m used.
14:38.17fsmithredlast time I checked antix, I think it used around 65 with the desktop running
14:38.27Artemis3where is that python script?
14:38.46fsmithredlet me see if I can find it
14:40.10Artemis3maybe its the buffers stuff nvm
14:40.48chillfanyou can clear out the caches with echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
14:44.15chillfanusing 187M here after clearing caches, only using openbox and irsii though
14:44.38Artemis3im getting pip installed xD
14:49.34n4dirhow is it rocking, fsmithred?
14:53.54fsmithredhi n4dir
14:54.23Artemis3ps_mem says 19.3m free says 78m minus buffers 8.8m cached 38m
14:54.54fsmithreddidn't it list individual programs with their mem use?
14:55.15Artemis3dhclient is the biggest with 5.4m
14:55.22Artemis3then bash with 2.5m
14:55.35Artemis3then systemd-udevd with 1.7m
14:56.34Artemis3exim 1.5m, rsyslogd 1.5m, getty 1.3m, login 1m...
14:56.41fsmithredtry it when you're running a browser on a desktop
14:56.55Artemis3need to install a desktop first xD
14:57.25fsmithredsome would tell you otherwise
14:57.39chillfan19.3M free.. are you running 128MB system?
14:57.48Artemis3hmm which desktop to try...
14:57.55chillfanoh nvm I misread
14:58.06Artemis3now thats ram used
14:58.12Artemis3according to ps_mem
14:59.31*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
14:59.54fsmithredif you have time to play, try a few different de's or wm's
15:00.36Artemis3ill throw tasksel desktop and let it install xfce i guess
15:00.39chillfanthat python script is a nice idea actually..
15:01.01fsmithredyeah, it's helpful for nuking useless stuff
15:01.49Artemis3at my work place i have various computers i can experiment with as well, already had a preseed working for devuan installs xD
15:04.17*** join/#devuan blinkdog (
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15:09.35*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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15:25.53*** join/#devuan rypervenche (~rypervenc@unaffiliated/rypervenche)
15:39.56KatolaZArtemis3: "a cli only 32 bit install" of what takes 132MB of RAM?
15:42.41*** join/#devuan regulus (~regulus@unaffiliated/regulus)
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16:03.17*** join/#devuan jathan (
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16:18.55jellysomething glibc-based
16:19.32jelly5M RES for a dhcp client sounds huge
16:22.12*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
16:26.32*** join/#devuan blinkdog (
16:44.24Artemis3i said it was a devuan base install
16:44.38KatolaZsorry Artemis3, lost that bit
16:46.00*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
17:19.44txt-fileare there backports for jessie?
17:25.10KatolaZtxt-file: you can use Debian-backports
17:29.19txt-fileKatolaZ, will do
17:37.05golinuxtxt-file: Use the repo not Debian's
17:37.14golinuxfor backports
17:44.04*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
17:44.10Artemis3with task-desktop installed it reports 172.2 MiB ram use
17:45.58Artemis3168.2 MiB using kernel 3.16 instead of 4.7 from bpo.
17:46.08KatolaZgolinux: do we have a backports merged iat
17:46.15KatolaZI knew about updates
17:46.20KatolaZnot backports
17:46.24KatolaZI'll double-check
17:48.56golinuxI use it.
17:49.14golinuxSecurity too
17:50.49golinuxRemember in the beginning both bpo and dmo were merged with the main repo.  It was an amprolla test.  Then nextime separated them but still in the devuan repos
17:51.22golinuxNot a good idea to use 'uncleansed' debian stuff
17:53.17KatolaZI was wrong, indeed
17:53.26KatolaZI was still using bpo from debian :D
17:55.26blinkdogis there a list of what still needs cleansing?
18:03.02*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
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19:46.13*** join/#devuan peetaur (
19:47.34peetaurhow do I troubleshoot a startup issue...  service postgresql start  works just fine, but on boot, it won't start or log anything.
19:48.02peetaurwith openrc, /var/log/rc.log has all that info, but is there a way to enable it with sysvinit?
19:53.53peetaurusing this trick I can find it is actually running the init script, just postgres fails to start, without logging it's postgres' fault
19:54.01peetaurin the init script:   exec 1>/tmp/init.log 2>&1
19:56.43blinkdogpeetaur: what do the postgres logs say?
19:56.59peetaurblinkdog: it only shows the shutdown, and not the startup
19:59.26blinkdogand what about the logging configuration in /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf ?
20:00.51peetaurit's 9.4, and I just have default logging options... which I would always assume must log errors
20:00.58peetaurwhich option do you suggest?
20:01.19*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
20:02.30blinkdogmake sure log_destination is going where you expect, then turn up (make more verbose) client_min_messages, log_min_messages, log_min_error_statement
20:03.13blinkdogthat might help to find out where postgres fails during the init process
20:04.05blinkdogor at least help confirm that postgres is actually run and logging during the init process
20:04.53peetaurthe last time I caught it in ps -ef, so it is running and then stops after a while
20:07.20blinkdoghmmm, mine looks like:
20:07.21blinkdogpostgres  1496     1  0 09:02 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
20:08.27*** join/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
20:08.33peetaurafter I manually start it, it looks like that
20:09.20blinkdogyour cap has pg_ctlcluster, and it says on the man page has a location for the log: /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-cluster-version-cluster-name.log
20:09.38blinkdogand a location for the config:  /etc/postgresql/cluster-version/cluster-name/pg_ctl.conf
20:10.02peetaurok here's with *_min_messages = debug3 and log_destination=syslog:
20:10.37peetauronly interesting thing there I see is    mmap with MAP_HUGETLB failed, huge pages disabled: Permission denied
20:10.50blinkdogyeah, just going to say that one looks fruitful
20:12.27peetaurit's a grsecurity kernel btw 4.8.13, and previously it was same with 4.7.10
20:12.49peetaurmaybe I'll test it with 4.7.10
20:13.14blinkdogwhat is your huge_pages set to in the configuration for postgresql?
20:14.26peetaurworks with my 4.7.10
20:15.00peetaur#huge_pages = try
20:15.36peetaurgrep ^HugePages /proc/meminfo  shows all 0's
20:16.31blinkdoghmmm, when set to try I wouldn't think it would die if it couldn't use huge pages
20:16.44blinkdogbut it must be something else about that 4.8.13 if 4.7.10 is working
20:17.53peetaurand here's the first part of the syslog debug output when it works (kernel 4.7.10)
20:18.12peetaurwhich oddly starts with different output than the previous failed one
20:18.25peetaurnext I'll diff the kernel .config
20:20.25peetaurdunno what to say there
20:20.55peetaur(I grepped only the starting with + and -, and removed the "is not set")
20:23.31peetaurand the config just came from an older debian config and make olddefconfig basically (plus changes to apparmor,selinux,grsec,virtio)
20:23.39blinkdogit's odd that debug output says logging to stderr will stop and go to syslog instead
20:23.51blinkdogthat was from syslog, right?
20:27.34blinkdogi confess i'm out of my depth with kernel configs
20:27.57peetaurmaybe I should test a vanilla 4.8.13, and then if it works, report it to the grsec forum
20:28.10peetaurit's pretty frequent that I run into grsec bugs and report them, and then they fix them very quickly
20:28.54peetaur(sometimes because I use things maybe nobody else does, like gpm... the daemon that gives you mouse support in text ttys)
20:29.01peetaur(which triggered one bug)
20:29.25blinkdogthe debug messages do seem to stop after the shared memory setup
20:29.46blinkdogso maybe it's grsecurity saying no soup for you
20:29.59peetaurthe 2nd one is much longer but I just took the first part
20:30.14blinkdogoh okay
20:30.43peetaurand looking for it again....omg so much spam....I need to separate the log file
20:31.31peetaurnext line after the paste is :   LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
20:31.56peetaurso thanks for looking at it... I guess I have to test it more to solve it, and will run 4.8.13 with a watchdog for now
20:32.07peetaur(all the server does right now is xmpp and postgres)
20:35.57blinkdoga chatlogger?
20:37.37*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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21:47.54peetaurblinkdog: in case you're still here, no just a chat server that uses the database for config or whatevers
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23:02.13*** join/#devuan Vall (~Vall@
23:02.25VallHowdy everyone
23:03.14VallJust came in to report I've just finished my second installation of MIYO Linux (Devuan-based) and everything looks peachy
23:03.35furrywolfwe already have things based on us?  what do they do differently?
23:03.47VallThat was on a Asus EeePC 1005 notebook with an Atom processor and 1GB RAM
23:04.28Vallwith firefox logged into GMail and XChat up, I still have more than half the RAM free! ;-)
23:05.24*** join/#devuan Wizzup (
23:05.35VallSo congrats to the MIYO, Devuan and Refracta developers
23:06.04VallDevuan and its derivatives is quickly shaping up to be my go-to distro for everything
23:07.58*** join/#devuan Wizzup (
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23:08.58VallBTW, what is the MIYOlinux developer nickname here on IRC?
23:25.09*** join/#devuan Chanku2 (
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23:35.26InocuousI tried to do a beta install a few minutes ago, Both mirrors listed faulted out.
23:35.31Inocuousanyone know about this?
23:35.53Vallcrash_: you mean, his nick? not on the list.
23:36.23VallInocuous: been working fine here. You checked the usual culprits (connectivity, etc)?
23:43.40crash_Vall: oh i meant what miyo was, never heard of it :)
23:45.02Vallcrash_: You should check it out:
23:45.18VallBest lightweight distro I've seen for a while
23:45.31VallAnd Devuan-based to boot ;-)
23:46.25*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
23:49.49crash_looks like crunchbang :)
23:51.01*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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23:59.00*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@

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