IRC log for #devuan on 20161203

00:07.55*** join/#devuan chcl3 (~chcl3@
00:17.19*** join/#devuan aitor (
00:19.27*** join/#devuan wulllst (
00:19.52aitorLydia_k, wulllst: Openbox <3
00:20.03fsmithredaitor, hi
00:20.11*** join/#devuan chcl3 (~chcl3@
00:20.39aitoraitor, aka brokenfingers
00:20.49fsmithredhow's your hand?
00:20.57aitorwell :)
00:21.54aitori only broken the fingertips
00:22.10fsmithredwhen you're up for typing a little more, I'd like to talk to you about debian-installer
00:22.59aitortoday i saw the video about devuan beta2
00:23.16aitorthe conference of jaromil
00:23.17fsmithredoh yeah, I forgot to go looks
00:23.50fsmithreddid you hurt your fingers in the garden?
00:24.00aitorthere is also another familiar face in the video
00:24.43aitorlol, you have advanced
00:25.05fsmithredI was just kidding.
00:28.53aitori repeat: there is a familiar face in the video
00:33.46*** part/#devuan wulllst (
00:46.00XenguyDoes anyone have a link to the video aitor mentioned?
00:48.46golinuxXenguy: It's in here:
00:53.09*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
00:55.55Xenguythanks golinux :)
01:04.06*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
01:04.13tuxd3vhi guys
01:04.55tuxd3vthe new amd64 image... I think is has the kernel modules compiled for a previous kernel :(
01:05.05tuxd3vat lest the wireless ones..
01:05.53fsmithredwhy do you think that, tuxd3v?
01:06.07tuxd3vbecause I tried it...
01:06.14tuxd3vI made a install..
01:06.37tuxd3vand in the install faze I would not be able to detect network..
01:06.49tuxd3vnot ethernet and not wireless cards..
01:06.56fsmithredwhat wireless card?
01:07.07fsmithredit didn't find eth0?
01:07.19tuxd3vafter I tried a instalation and I drop in ash she'll to test..
01:07.22*** join/#devuan neutron_stz (
01:07.38tuxd3vI made a dmesg to see why me network was gone..
01:07.48fsmithredI don't know why, but the beta2 installer is not recognizing wireless
01:07.58tuxd3vand the dmesg erros send me in the direction of
01:08.10tuxd3vmodules compiled to a previous version
01:08.24tuxd3vother than 3.16
01:08.51blinkdogin the forums, there was a thread about files missing from the firmware directory
01:09.34fsmithredI tried installing the wireless package in chroot and modprobing it, but the installer still didn't see the wireless
01:09.37tuxd3vcfg80211:Unknown Symbols wireless_nlevent_flush
01:09.47tuxd3vthis is the error message
01:10.17tuxd3vI tried by hand in the initramfs
01:10.28tuxd3vand I have no luck :(
01:10.41tuxd3vI saw realtek modules there
01:10.59fsmithredI've got a realtek, too
01:11.17tuxd3vwhich is my card, but still the firt beta image works nice..the second dont
01:11.38fsmithredhm, maybe I should update one of my installs on that laptop and see if it breaks wireless
01:11.47XenguyThis 45-minute video is a great watch so far - kudos!
01:12.34tuxd3vI think, I don't know, because in initramfs we have few options, but I think the modules are there
01:12.44tuxd3vmaybe some missing I don't know
01:13.33tuxd3vbut to me they have beem compiled to a previous kernel version.. I have fight with the system for hours loading kernel modules and libs for them but with no luck
01:15.04tuxd3vthanks blinkdog, for the update
01:15.46tuxd3vmaybe it's the firmware files that is faulty
01:16.30tuxd3vanother thing: does any one notice the expiration of certificates on devuan yestarday? and some files updated today?
01:16.50tuxd3von download section?
01:17.19blinkdogon the DNG list, jaromil said it was a cronjob glitch and was fixed
01:17.49tuxd3vhá ok then
01:17.58tuxd3vthanks for the update
01:23.39tuxd3vfsmithred, you can try, and you will see, go in the instalation faze
01:23.51tuxd3vuntill detect network hardware
01:24.01tuxd3vit will not detect
01:24.13fsmithredyeah, I know
01:24.18tuxd3vmore it will only detect loopback interface
01:24.20fsmithredI'm going to try something else
01:24.31fsmithredI have a live-cd that has the wireless packages on it
01:24.47fsmithredI'm going to try installing that
01:25.15fsmithredno, I can't
01:25.22fsmithredmaybe tomorrow
01:26.22fsmithredthe iso is i386 but won't do uefi
01:26.30fsmithredand the wireless is on uefi laptop
01:27.13tuxd3von i386 I haven't checked
01:27.14fsmithredno, my install wanted to use eth0
01:27.24tuxd3vI only tested in amd64
01:27.29fsmithredactually, I have done a netinstall on that laptop, amd64
01:27.50fsmithredI used the CD-1 image first time, then DVD second time
01:28.07fsmithredsecond one I used a mirror
01:28.20tuxd3vI will test a netinstall too see if is ok ;)
01:28.59tuxd3vI tried a mirror but without network, no luck on amd64
01:29.11*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
01:29.31fsmithredsorry, but I have to ask - you're sure you have an ethernet port?
01:32.45tuxd3vhehe no problem about the question :)
01:33.02tuxd3vyes I have ethernet port and wireless too :)
01:33.53tuxd3vI am downloading the Netinstall version I will test if it is ok ;)
01:35.04blinkdogi'm installing the beta1 and beta2 images into virtual machines
01:35.08blinkdogi'll see if I can find anything
02:12.19*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
02:13.48*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
02:19.35*** join/#devuan Drugo (
02:23.00*** join/#devuan chcl3 (~chcl3@
02:30.53blinkdogdidn't find any smoking guns, but unfortunately i've gotta go
02:32.20*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
02:43.31*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:51.35*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~skribblez@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
02:54.22*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
02:54.22*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
02:58.07tuxd3vHi, I tried beta 2 netinstall and I have the same problem..
02:58.17tuxd3vno network
02:58.43tuxd3von beta 1 it was ok
02:58.57tuxd3vok cya
03:01.34*** join/#devuan Defiant (
03:07.05*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
03:07.52*** join/#devuan rrq_ (
03:08.38*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
03:12.14Xenguytx tuxd3v
03:12.19Xenguyfor the report
03:12.45tuxd3vno problem
03:13.30tuxd3vmaybe ethernet is ok, but with wireless cards, I can't detect them I get always
03:14.33tuxd3vthat I can see on dmesg
03:14.43tuxd3vit was ok in beta1
03:15.37tuxd3vmaybe it's ok on vistualmachines, Nada ethernet
03:15.49tuxd3vI haven't tested ethernet only wireless
03:16.03XenguyThat is good to know, and check back in, maybe someone will have more questions?
03:34.05*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
03:36.15fsmithredI rebooted my installation (the one I manually installed wireless from the .deb file) and the wireless is working.
03:36.33fsmithreddoesn't matter that the installer didn't see it.
03:36.50fsmithredAnd I recall needing to reboot on previous installations to get the realtek driver to work.
03:37.12fsmithredBTW, I had to install wicd. It didn't get installed with the desktop.
03:37.22*** join/#devuan Chanku|Mobile (~Chanku|Mo@
03:51.45*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
03:56.40XenguyTODO:  Bundle in wicd
03:57.52XenguyIIRC wicd was bundled in to the beta1 installation I'm working with now
03:59.44*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
04:08.43fsmithredyeah, I think it was
04:09.07fsmithredmaybe netinstall gives different from DVD install?
04:11.04ChankuNight all
04:12.17*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan1 (
04:16.30*** part/#devuan pencilandpaper (~skribblez@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
04:18.44*** join/#devuan wulllst (
04:30.31*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
04:30.46wulllsthi, i would like to create a wiki page giving a more or less detailed overview of available openbox themes to prepare for sanely packaging them for devuan. where could i put that?
04:45.54wulllstok, neither the freindsofdevuan wiki, nor grants new users wrte access. while i do get the idea behind that, it also makes me sad.
04:55.40*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
04:55.42*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
05:03.24*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
05:17.22*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
05:22.07*** part/#devuan wulllst (
05:24.36*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
05:46.01*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
05:56.57*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:32.01*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
06:46.06*** join/#devuan MDrights (~mdrights@
06:49.53*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (
06:54.04*** join/#devuan n4dir (
06:55.59*** join/#devuan xes_ (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
06:56.48*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
06:56.48*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
07:21.03*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
07:25.10*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
07:27.35*** part/#devuan n4dir (
07:38.42*** join/#devuan cyteen__ (
07:43.57*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
08:20.42*** join/#devuan peetaur (
08:41.23*** join/#devuan Guest17637 (~yeti@2a00:f440:0:3001:216:3eff:fecf:8283)
08:50.53*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
08:56.23*** join/#devuan aitor (
08:57.56aitorcoming back in a few minutes
08:58.02*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
09:17.42*** join/#devuan MaxBord (~max@
09:18.07MaxBordwheather i use this sources on devuan:
09:18.13MaxBorddeb jessie          main
09:18.13MaxBorddeb jessie-updates  main
09:18.13MaxBorddeb jessie-security main
09:18.28MaxBordand contrib and non-free
09:21.48*** join/#devuan aitor (
09:28.23*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:28.43*** join/#devuan snowmonster (~yeti@2a00:f440:0:3001:216:3eff:fecf:8283)
09:30.41aitor4:40 in boston, so fsmithred is asleep
09:35.01aitorthis weekend i'll build the beta2 of gnuinos-server with linux-4.7.8 and vdev
09:35.56aitoryesterday fsmithred said that he wanted to talk with me about debian-installer
09:36.32aitormy fingers are broken, but i can write
09:37.24aitormy left hand is free and i use the eraser of a pencil with my right hand :)
09:41.35aitorbones will weld quick, i hope
09:41.46aitorthe third phalanges are small
09:50.39*** join/#devuan freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun)
10:05.20*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
10:26.18*** join/#devuan mobinmob (~mobinmob@2a02:582:7419:7f00:6730:3515:1f05:f417)
10:35.37aitorneed to go, see you
10:51.32*** join/#devuan cyteen (
10:59.14*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
10:59.14*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
11:00.48*** join/#devuan yann-kaelig (
11:05.42*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
11:06.55*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
11:07.11*** join/#devuan telst4r (
11:07.11*** join/#devuan telst4r (~telstar@fsf/member/telst4r)
11:15.30*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
11:22.11*** join/#devuan lel (l@unaffiliated/lel)
11:29.23*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
11:32.16*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
11:34.26*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (
12:08.06*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
12:10.21*** join/#devuan DusXMT (~dusxmt@
12:30.06*** join/#devuan chcl3 (~chcl3@
12:58.49*** join/#devuan cyteen (
13:00.27*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
13:20.34*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (
13:28.11*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:35.13*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
13:46.25*** join/#devuan captainfixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
13:50.45*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
13:54.39*** join/#devuan justinsm (
13:54.56*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
14:02.13*** join/#devuan sn0wmonster (~yeti@taskhive/developer/sn0wmonster)
14:17.31*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
14:21.44*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
14:41.18*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
14:46.16*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:54.43*** join/#devuan aitor (
14:55.53*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
14:57.17*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
14:59.51*** join/#devuan jordila (
15:00.54aitorjordila has joined :)
15:00.56*** join/#devuan b0stik (
15:01.40*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
15:01.40*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
15:02.18aitorand roger
15:06.13*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
15:06.56*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
15:09.47aitori just registered in the forum:
15:10.03golinuxaitor: Yes I just saw you there
15:10.38aitori'll keep in mind chillfan's suggestion about the installer in expert mode
15:11.54aitorNewGnuGuy: David Hare?
15:12.14golinuxLooks like the devuan rebels are collecting there (along with hundreds of 'fake' registrations.
15:12.47buZzforums is way too millenial
15:12.59buZzmight as well open a subreddit while you're at it :P
15:13.54golinuxDavid Hare = dzz
15:14.56aitorjordila = gnu_srsX
15:14.58golinuxbuZz: There be no reddit etc on the forum
15:15.07buZzreddit is a forum
15:15.36golinuxI never saw it that way.
15:16.17buZzi cant ever not see a forum :P
15:16.49*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
15:16.53golinuxGuess you won't be joining us.  ;)
15:18.24aitori rectify: they have the same realname, but different countries, so maybe not to be the same
15:19.42buZzgolinux: if i wanted to write a book with 29834798327 other people, i would join
15:19.48buZzbut i dont see any value in that, no ;)
15:20.22golinuxLOL!  See you here then . . .
15:20.23*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
15:22.52*** join/#devuan chcl3 (~chcl3@
15:30.05*** join/#devuan blinkdog (
15:35.17*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
15:43.50*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
15:48.14*** join/#devuan Vall (~Vall@2602:ffda:ccc:1::d2fe:5848)
15:48.48Vallhowdy everyone
15:48.56Vallso, congrats all around for Beta2
15:49.13VallRunning Beta1 on a couple of machines, so far everything is great.
15:49.36VallShould I upgrade to Beta2? In that case, how? "apt-get dist-upgrade" does it?
15:52.53debdog<furrywolf> unless I'm mis-understanding something, the beta 2 is just the current state of the repositories, not a separate thing.  If you've been updating regularly, you pretty much already have it.
15:53.46Valldebdog: did furrywolf ask the same question I did?
15:54.02debdoghe replied to someone asking that question
15:55.06Vallso a simple "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" would do it, right?
15:55.47VallOK, thanks debdog
15:56.23VallThat's how I like things: no drama, no fuzz no muzz ;-) Devuan does it that way again.
15:57.14*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
16:07.14*** join/#devuan atrapado_ (~atrapado@unaffiliated/atrapado)
16:08.59*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
16:11.43hellekinVall: this is exactly why communicating about Devuan is difficult: most of the things are non-events :)
16:12.03Vallhellekin: I like non-events a lot ;-)
16:12.19VallPerhaps some emphasis could be put into this.
16:12.23VallLike a press-release
16:13.44hellekinthis is how devuan-editors are supposed to work, upstream from the non-event.  Sometimes the non-event just happens before communication is done though. :|
16:13.46Vall"we just released Devuan Beta2. If you already run Beta1 and do a "apt-get upgrade" to keep your packages up to date, do you know what you need to do? NOTHING. This is why Devuan is superior for sysadmins and conscientious users alike"
16:14.16VallWell, post-communicate it then ;-)
16:15.10hellekinI'd love to.  Maybe I could ask the DNG list about what changed in beta2 :]
16:18.11jaromilwe may add "no news is good news" on the webpage :^)
16:18.49VallAny VUA knows that "no news is good news".
16:19.09jaromilits one of my golden mottos in life, esp. professional life
16:19.26VallWhat we need to do is to teach this to the not-so-Veteran-or-not-so-Unix-Admin
16:20.36Leander256I've read that the beta2 network install now works as expected, I'll try that soon, but it would be interesting to know what else was fixed/improved
16:20.59Vallthe Phoronix newspiece about Beta2 was like "Devuan after 2 years produces 2nd beta"
16:21.05Leander256or was it the opposite
16:21.08jaromilLeander256: most prominent fix was the installer
16:21.15Vallie, like Devuan was far behind instead of ahead
16:21.35jaromiland the infrastructure behind to correctly provide -security and -backports
16:22.09jaromilVall: phoronix had much harsher tones against us in the past, i think some irony is acceptable
16:23.24VallI have a question re: Refracta Linux
16:23.53jaromiltrue we could go faster with some more funding or sponsors, but anyway time is useful since we really like to call things with their name, stable should really be stable
16:24.02jaromilso to say, systemd should also be considered beta IMHO
16:24.18Leander256I think that Devuan just keeps the old Debian tradition of taking its sweet time to do something :)
16:24.20VallSystemd should be considered Alpha
16:24.23jaromilbut modesty is definitely not among their qualities
16:24.58golinuxVall: Refracta?
16:25.04VallRefracta, being based on Devuan, would automatically move ahead to Beta2 just with "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade", right?
16:26.04golinuxI may be jumping the gun but . . . new unofficial devuan-live isos:
16:26.27golinuxA live iso or the Beta2
16:26.36golinuxor > of
16:26.50furrywolfso are we still developing jessie directly, or are the improvements now going into ascii first?
16:27.26golinuxThe Refracta derivative is a modified Devuan
16:28.09*** join/#devuan aleskandro (
16:28.49Vallthanks folks
16:28.51Vallgotta go
16:37.23*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
16:44.52*** join/#devuan scraiht (
16:48.46jaromiloutstanding review of refracta on linuxinsider congrats fsmithred all well deserved (5 stars!!)
16:54.36*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
16:59.17*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
17:02.52*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
17:02.52*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
17:04.30*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
17:08.48*** part/#devuan scraiht (
17:12.05fsmithredJack Germain, if you're here, thanks for the great review of Refracta.
17:13.20debdog(although you misspelled Jessie ;))
17:19.44golinuxWOW!  Great review!!
17:20.31fsmithredjaromil, have you tried booting the new unofficial isos?
17:20.34fsmithredhi golinux
17:23.11fsmithred60 downloads before it was even announced - nice to see that people are paying attention to what's going on.
17:23.32golinuxfsmithred: Morning
17:27.50NewGnuGuyfsmithred: Is the an official torrent for the latest Refracta ISOs?
17:28.20fsmithredWhat torrent is that?
17:28.41fsmithredoh, sorry, havning some trouble reading green text
17:29.04fsmithredI haven't made any torrents for Refracta isos or for the unofficial Devuan-Live isos.
17:29.38golinuxEverything is here:
17:29.44*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
17:32.28fsmithredNewGnuGuy, if I do make a torrent file, do you know what I do with it to get it out there?
17:33.55*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
17:34.34NewGnuGuyfsmithred: just add the .torrent file to the downloads section of the Refracta website/SourceForge page.
17:37.29*** join/#devuan blinkdog_amd64 (
17:37.39*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
17:38.40*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
17:39.07gnu_srs2fsmithred: Congrats :)
17:40.03AchyllesAny chance for Devuan becoming a rolling-distro in the future?
17:41.29*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
17:41.58golinuxAchylles: Want rolling?  Use testing (currently ascii)
17:43.58Achyllesis sid working as well?
17:45.30golinuxIn Devuan sid =  ceres.  At your own risk, of course . . . ;)
17:46.41golinuxDevuan stable is well . . . STABLE!
18:07.49*** join/#devuan scraiht (
18:10.00*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
18:13.48fsmithredthanks, gnu_srs2
18:14.35fsmithredNewGnuGuy, it just occurred to me that I could  make a torrent file that points to the copy on sf instead of a copy on my little computer at home.
18:14.40fsmithredat least, I think so.
18:14.58fsmithrednot sure how to do that
18:18.16NewGnuGuyfsmithred: I think that's called a web seed.
18:22.11fsmithredNewGnuGuy, you want it for Refracta iso or for unofficial Devuan-Live iso? i386 or amd64? I'll try one.
18:24.03NewGnuGuyRefracta ISOs for i386 & amd64, please
18:24.15Artemis3woot torrentz xD
18:26.02Artemis3i had a friend attempt unsuccesfully the testing branch xD told him to stick to stable for devuan atm
18:29.38justinsmI'm using testing on my thinkpad T400 - everything works and it's awesome.
18:30.15justinsmNot too hard to get working either
18:31.01justinsmMostly intel parts in there though.
18:34.43justinsmused beta2 netinstall image via wired ethernet
18:36.27justinsmthanks VUA, I was starting to despair with the state of debian.
18:36.59fsmithredjustinsm, you installed ascii from the beta2 iso?
18:37.19justinsmwith a dist-upgrade
18:37.21fsmithredor did you install jessie and upgrade to ascii?
18:37.23fsmithredoh, ok
18:38.00fsmithredthat was working better than direct on the beta 1. I didn't try it with beta2.
18:39.13Artemis3justinsm, it worked? ill experiment later
18:39.34justinsmdid a minimal install to start with
18:39.54justinsmthen installed task-mate-desktop
18:40.06Artemis3before or after moving to testing?
18:41.03Artemis3noticed kdm in the task-kde-desktop, wonder if that breaks in ascii?
18:41.48*** join/#devuan aitor (
18:42.38aitorfsmithred: you wanted to tell me somethig about d-i, isn't it?
18:43.04fsmithredI would like to discuss putting the debian installer on the unofficial devuan-live isos
18:43.23fsmithredis there a good howto I could read about that?
18:43.27*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
18:43.36fsmithredso that we can have an intelligent discussion
18:43.55minnesotagsAHA! I see there are updated image on the repository. But the doesn't describe the changes. What's new?
18:43.57fsmithredright now, I'm struggling to open a dropbox account
18:44.19minnesotagsI would struggle opening a dropbox account too....
18:44.23fsmithredminnesotags, install from media instead of netinstall now works
18:44.26*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
18:44.44aitorthere are a lot of posts in themailing list
18:44.46fsmithredit looks like the only way to open an account is through my gmail
18:45.00aitorbut i can do a howto, or better a script
18:46.00aitortoday i've been thinking about the possibility of doing a program in shell or c, or both for that
18:46.14aitorit would be included in the SDK
18:46.33Artemis3you still single handed? take it easy
18:46.35fsmithredd-i installs everything from deb or udeb files?
18:48.12aitorArtemis3: i'm playing darts with my left hand
18:48.21DusXMTwould think udeb files are only temporary and for the d-i live system itself, since you can't uninstall them?
18:49.02aitorDusXMT: not for the live sissions
18:49.42aitorthe udeb packages are only for d-i
18:49.52aitorthey are not installed in the target
18:50.15DusXMTWell, that's what I meant; by "live system" I meant the system that gets booted off the CD to run d-i
18:50.28DusXMTs/CD/bootable medium/
18:50.30aitorok :)
18:51.16aitori've been also thinking about the possibility of a repository containing various kernels
18:52.32aitorthis part of the SDK would generate the dist, pool and install folders of the iso
18:54.25aitori would make some changes on live-installer-udeb and grub-install-udeb
18:55.46aitorgrub-install-udeb fails with a minimal chroot jail (i'm referring to live-systems), because some dependencies are missing
18:56.38*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
18:56.45aitordebian live-systems include some deb packages like lvm2, cryptsetup, ...
18:58.05aitorbut i only include grub-pc, grub-pc-bin, grub-common and grub2-common
18:58.26golinuxArtemis3: This just posted to the new Devuan forum:
18:58.46golinuxUpgrading from Jessie to ASCII
18:59.01muepwhat is SDK in this context? AFAIK most GNU/Linuxes also work as their own SDK in the sense that packagers are expected to run the distro and the distro has all the necessary tools for developing and packaging
18:59.12aitorgolinux. off-topics to #debianfork, we are talking about my fingers
19:00.16aitorneed to go to another computer in another place. i'll try to build linux-libre-4.7.10
19:00.20aitorsee you
19:00.22golinuxArtemis3:  You might also want to look at this classic:
19:00.26fsmithredbye, thankis
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19:09.16Achyllescan I upgrade to testing with "apt dist-upgrade"  -> do I have to edit sources.list before?
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19:14.07golinuxAchylles: See links posted maybe 20 lines up.
19:14.31golinuxalways runs stable :)
19:16.41Achyllesi know, you told me ascii
19:17.31Achyllesbut, should I replace jesse  in my sources.list to ascii?
19:23.06golinuxIt it should say in those howtos.  My guess is that sources need to be changed
19:23.32golinuxto ascii
19:27.38*** part/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
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20:30.46fsmithredNewGnuGuy, are you still here?
20:31.00fsmithredhi nextime
20:31.02NewGnuGuyfsmithred: indeed
20:31.14fsmithredI can't figure out how to make a webseed torrent
20:31.16nextimeAchylles: take care that ascii is at the moment probably the least to be used for devuan
20:31.26nextimeare we are focusing in jessie release right now
20:31.32fsmithredif you can figure it out, here's the link to the amd64
20:32.18NewGnuGuyfsmithred: Thanks, I'll see what I can figure out
20:32.20nextimeand who like me is more "up to date" tend to use ceres
20:32.44fsmithredI found a nice howto for doing it in uTorrent
20:32.53nextimeascii will have more care after jessie release
20:33.12fsmithredbut it's not in the repo
20:33.30fsmithredand apparently, you can't do it with transmission
20:33.39nextimeutorrent isn't in our repos?
20:33.47nextimeisn't it free software?
20:33.58fsmithreddoesn't come up when I aptitude search torrent
20:34.12nextimeso, it isn't in debian yet?
20:34.30NewGnuGuyTry qBittorrent. It's designed to be a lot like utorrent. And unlike utorrent, qBittorrent is free software.
20:35.36Achyllesnextime, thx4the warning
20:37.33*** join/#devuan Akuli (
20:41.26NewGnuGuyfsmithred: I know qBittorrent is in the Ubuntu repos, so I would assume it's also in the Debian/Devuan repos.
20:41.45fsmithredNewGnuGuy, here's a link to the torrent file. Please try it and let me know if it works. If so, I'll do the same for i386 and I'll put the torrent files with the isos at sf
20:42.02fsmithredyeah, it's in the repo, installed and done with it already.
20:42.06fsmithredthanks for the tip.
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20:53.57Xenguyseconds the qbittorrent suggestion...
21:01.14NewGnuGuyfsmithred: So the .torrent file is a valid torrent file, but the web seed isn't working; however, I think that is more the fault of how Dropbox is setup. Try setting the web seed instead to the files on SourceForge (or a new zip on SourceForge).
21:05.16*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
21:15.18fsmithredNewGnuGuy, I replaced the torrent file. Please try again.
21:22.41NewGnuGuyfsmithred: That works! :)
21:23.36fsmithredI'll do it again and put them up on sf
21:27.18NewGnuGuyI would recommend including the .md5 & .asc files with the .isos in the torrents for sf
21:28.48fsmithredif I do that, don't I have to include the whole folder?
21:29.09fsmithredor I can add files individually?
21:29.27fsmithredlemme try again. I would like to include the md5 and asc files
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21:34.11NewGnuGuyI think you can add the files individually.
21:34.20*** join/#devuan xoxoxo (~user@
21:36.04fsmithredyeah, done.
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21:38.55fsmithredthat was pretty easy. I'll make torrents for the unofficial live
21:39.34NewGnuGuyTorrents for everyone! :D
21:40.53*** join/#devuan aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
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21:50.08fsmithredThanks for the help. That turned out to be easy.
21:51.29fsmithredI didn't know about webseeds. I found the torrent files for refracta-606 (squeeze) and I recall that I had to seed from my hard drive with my dsl connection. That didn't last long.
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22:14.07Artemis3qbittorrent if you need the ui, but there are lots of choices that use libtorrent, rtorrent comes to mind for console
22:14.43NewGnuGuyfsmithred: Ok I see a problem with the 64bit Refracta torrent. You included the URLs for all three files in the list of sources for the webseeds, but in the list of actual contents of the torrent you only have the .asc listed. I.e. the torrent client is told to look for seeds of the .asc file (and no other files) in three different server locations.
22:14.48fsmithredgui tends to be faster when I don't know what I'm doing
22:15.03Artemis3some people simply buy a shell somewhere and use that as "seed box", but since your content is also hosted on the web, a web seed makes perfect sense
22:15.37fsmithredI added all three files and all three urls.
22:15.46Artemis3also if you seed yourself, you should use super seed mode, and slow down the upload and limit the number of connection so you can actually do something else xD
22:15.48fsmithredthe i386 is ok?
22:17.17Artemis3publish magnet links and you don't even need to host .torrent files
22:17.54Artemis3but its common to leave the .torrent next to the .iso files in the web/ftp whatever
22:18.06NewGnuGuyi386 has same problem except it doesn't even have the iso url in web seeds list.
22:18.08Artemis3so people connect and know they could use that instead of regular dl
22:18.10fsmithredgood. That what made sense to me.
22:18.43fsmithredok, I'm gonna do it again, but I'm only going to include the iso. THe other files are small and can be downloaded directly.
22:19.59Artemis3yeah i think each iso should have its own torrent xD
22:22.31NewGnuGuyif the iso asc and md5 are in the same torrent, there is less likelihood of them getting separated.
22:23.43Artemis3do note that torrents have their own checksumming
22:26.42NewGnuGuyArtemis3: I know, but that only takes the place of the md5, not the asc (If I understand correctly).
22:27.59Artemis3you may have noticed the other distros don't bother and only put the isos
22:28.38Artemis3but it doesnt hurt if you do, it would be redundant at worst xD
22:33.14fsmithredok, they're all replaced
22:36.03Artemis3NewGnuGuy, also this:
22:36.13Artemis3which is why some started doing sha1sum and others instead
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22:38.41NewGnuGuyYeah, md5 really is only good for determining if the file downloaded correctly, not determining if the correct file was downloaded.
22:40.07NewGnuGuyfsmithred: Refracta 64 torrent works
22:40.17fsmithredyay. Thanks.
22:40.31fsmithredyou're downloading it now?
22:41.14fsmithredhow do I start seeding from my copy here?
22:41.31fsmithredI've added the files and it says it's seeding, but there are no connections.
22:41.35Artemis3i think torrent uses sha1 to verify each piece xD
22:41.51fsmithredDo I need to open a port for it?
22:42.14Artemis3with web seed? i doubt you need to be in the swarm xD
22:42.31fsmithredno, I was thinking of seeding from local machine
22:42.34fsmithredwhile I'm here
22:42.50fsmithredgot pretty good up speed here
22:43.02Artemis3in that case you also don't need to open a port, but it would lead to a bit slower propagation (cant connect both peers with blocked ports)
22:43.35Artemis3dont worry, someone else with the open port can and will pass the blocks xD
22:44.51Artemis3you can be as slow as you want, it only affects the first share, then its all in the swarm you could even leave it xD
22:44.55NewGnuGuyRefracta 32 torrent too
22:45.32Artemis3some other can volunteer their great bandwidth and seed
22:45.55fsmithredI just want to see some action in qbittorrent
22:46.13Artemis3publish in the dev1 forum?
22:46.25fsmithredalso dng
22:46.43Artemis3lemme get xD
22:46.45fsmithredso basically what you're saying is that I can't have the instant gratification I want
22:47.19fsmithredit's ok, I can watch the download count at sf
22:48.45NewGnuGuyone USA peer on amd64
22:48.56Artemis3ill open i386
22:50.08NewGnuGuyAt the very start I saw a Taiwanese peer on 64 for a few seconds. One of y'all from Taiwan?
22:52.50Artemis3this tracker...
22:53.46Artemis3is not connecting, how about using instead (or in addition to)
22:54.03Artemis3should eventually fall back to dht but still
22:54.15fsmithredI'll try adding it
22:54.54fsmithredit said updating then not working
22:54.54NewGnuGuyBelgium on 32
22:57.57Artemis3NewGnuGuy, there are many bots roaming around for whatever reason
22:59.07NewGnuGuyWell, that just makes bittorrent country bingo easier. :P
22:59.46Artemis3oh thats not the actual tracker url xD its their web page
23:01.43Artemis3hmm maybe you could upload the devuan logo xD
23:06.21Artemis3fsmithred, where did you got the udp:// tracker url?
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23:12.42fsmithredArtemis3, I think I copied that from some instructions for using uTorrent with dropbox
23:13.23Artemis3the instructions are very old, that old tracker url i think is no longer valid, check their current ones:
23:13.34Artemis3but if you can use the linuxtorrent tracker even better
23:13.47fsmithredI have to make new torrent files for that?
23:14.03Artemis3you can edit the torrent file
23:14.11Artemis3don't remember if qbittorrent can
23:14.17fsmithredI'll try
23:14.23Artemis3to replace/add trackers etc
23:14.30fsmithredwon't be too bad to re-do them while everything is still open
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23:16.00Artemis3the page looks a bit dubious, i know they were shutdown in the past maybe you should stick to linuxtorrents xD
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23:23.29fsmithredI'll have to redo them
23:26.59blinkdogIs there a bug/feature list that marks Jessie completion?
23:27.02blinkdogI found:
23:27.16blinkdogBut I didn't know if there was a more complete list or not
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23:36.05Artemis3fsmithred, yeah i was unable to even start the download xD tell me when you switch the tracker to re dl the torrent
23:47.18fsmithredArtemis3, files have been replaced with the new tracker
23:48.17Artemis3ill check
23:58.12Artemis3if you want to use linuxtracker you must register, create the torrent as explained, upload to them and then download it again
23:58.50Artemis3pay attention to step2
23:59.54fsmithredwhat's the advantage of using linuxtracker rather than opentracker?

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