IRC log for #devuan on 20161128

00:06.55*** join/#devuan mns` (~user@
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01:13.01*** join/#devuan mlsmith (~mlsmith@unaffiliated/configx)
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02:15.31follinge_Anyone install Docker on devuan?
02:24.38*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
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10:31.29*** join/#devuan Vall (~Vall@2602:ffda:ccc:1::d2fe:5848)
10:34.13*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (
10:35.02VallHi Cyteen! How's it going?
10:36.03*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
10:39.17VallI'm getting a beelinkX2 (AllWinner H3 mediaplayer-oriented box: I see at that quite a few ARM boards are being supported. Is support for BeelinkX2 in the plans?
10:46.30*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
10:52.08VallMorning, AntoFox
10:55.10jaromilVall: is there already an OS ported to it, kernel patches available? is the device compatible with something? the person to talk to is parazyd here, he is taking care of ARM builds
10:57.26AntoFoxjaromil: what you need for desktop-base?
10:58.34VallThanks for the reference, Jaromil. To answer your questions: ARMBian has a full debian-like distro ported to it, including kernel+userland: I haven't got my hands on the device yet, but from my research it seems its hardware is mostly compatible with the OrangePi boards, cf "Given the minor differences when comparing the fex files between several Orange Pis and Beelink X2 it s
10:58.34Vallhould be relatively easy to provide OS images using mainline kernel later."
10:59.43VallI wonder if, even without an ISO ready for install on the Devuan download directory, it is feasible to proceed by just installing the Raspbian distro and then doing as this guy here did:
11:00.29Vall(ie, simply changing /etc/apt/sources* to point to the Devuan repos and doing an "apt-get dist-upgrade").
11:00.33VallWhat do you think?
11:01.43*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (
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11:29.37Vallping parazyd
11:30.02*** join/#devuan pav5088 (
11:32.34parazydVall: pong
11:33.13Vallparazyd, have you seen my questions regarding Devuan and BeelinkX2, above? If not, I can repost.
11:33.23Vall(if you are not too busy, that is)
11:33.35parazydyeah sure
11:33.58VallSo, should I repost?
11:34.10parazydi can look into it tonight. but keep in mind i don't have the board, so if it doesn't boot the first time you'll have to test together with me
11:34.20Vallno prob.
11:34.49VallIt's just an exploratory question for now... it will still be something like 2 weeks until I get my hands in the device
11:35.04parazydah ok
11:35.15parazydstill, i'll ping you when it's done so you can try it out
11:35.36parazydallwinner boards are quite nice and easy to hack :)
11:35.38VallThanks! I would love to be able to run Devuan on it, as I'm doing on everything else.
11:35.52Vallparazyd: easy to hack, due to FEL, right?
11:36.15parazydthe whole schematic is very good imo
11:36.19VallI just read about FEL/FEX and thought it's a wonderful idea
11:36.42Vallby schematic, you mean the electronic diagrams, right?
11:36.58buZzwhat device?
11:37.23buZzoh beelink something
11:37.25parazydbuZz: allwinner boards
11:37.38parazydVall: yeah
11:37.45buZzH3 cpu isnt superwell supported
11:37.59buZzit will improve over time though
11:37.59VallbuZz: BeelinkX2, yeah
11:38.24buZzVall: there is #linux-sunxi for the community of kernel devs for all allwinner platforms
11:38.33buZzand devs in general
11:38.46Vallparazyd: I read there are overheating concerns regarding the H3, and throttling on the Linux kernel isn't perfect yet.
11:38.59buZzyep, here
11:39.07VallBuZz: thanks for the info, I've been checking things on too
11:39.15buZz:) excellent
11:39.31VallbuZz: in fact I even pasted the URL above ;-)
11:39.39buZzi'm blind today ;)
11:39.54VallThe hardware seems to me to have a lot of potential, cheap and powerful.
11:40.31buZzyeah most allwinner socs are quite nice imho
11:40.36buZzi love that CHIP platform
11:40.38VallI mean, the *complete* system, delivered to my US address, is costing me less than $32. And this is for the board mounted in a case, with the power supply and even an HDMI cable...
11:40.44buZzthe stuff
11:43.06buZztheir OS -does- run a mainline kernel ;)
11:43.38*** join/#devuan Not_a_Robot (
11:43.53Vall1 min, phone
11:46.55Vallimpressive, this C.H.I.P. stuff
11:48.24Vall$9 for a 1Ghz/512MB RAM/4GB Flash, with Wifi/Bluetooth built-in, is a great price.
11:48.57VallActually, very good cost-benefit...
11:49.30VallBuZz: is it running Devuan already?
11:49.45*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
11:50.04buZzi tried to devuanify while inside the OS but ended up with a broken install
11:50.11buZzdidnt spend a lot of time on it though
11:50.38buZzits quite infected with poetering stuff , so would need some loving
11:51.25VallPoetering and his thugs are really ruining everything... :-/
11:52.14VallI'm reading up on the C.H.I.P. here right now. Thanks for the pointer, buZz.
11:52.55buZzwelcome ;) there is #chipsters aswell
11:54.08VallJust hopped there, thanks for this too ;-)
11:55.16VallReading on the CHIP Pro now. I don't really get it: it has half the memory of the "plain" CHIP, and costs almost 3x as much?!
11:55.41buZzits intended for a different market
11:55.44buZznot 'pro users'
11:55.48buZzbut 'pro industry'
11:55.51buZzignore, imho :P
11:56.19VallErm, I meant 2x
11:56.30VallOK, makes sense.
11:56.38VallSo, market segmentation at work ;-)
11:56.47buZzamericans :)
11:57.09VallCraziest people in the world ;-)
11:57.25VallThey just elected an orange president, I've been told ;-)
11:57.46buZzyeah a former oompaloompa
11:57.49VallAnd I thought the House of Orange was in the Netherlands ;-)
11:58.13ttraparently Castro said he will die when America will be destroyed... he died after US election... figures :P
11:58.45ttr(not to mention he fought capitalism all his life, his death was annouced on black friday)
11:58.55VallCastro must have seen the results on the TV and said: "Now I can finally rest in peace" ;-)
11:59.05ttryup :)
11:59.59VallPoor americans, unless the vote recount changes something, seems they will have to endure His Orangeness for the next 4 years at the very least
12:00.33ttrthey long overdue for pesidentiall assasination anyway :P
12:00.44VallFor us living somewhere else, I just hope H.O. doesn't get trigger-happy with that nuclear button :-/
12:00.53buZzi wonder how long it will take before a US president will change the law to be >8 years in service
12:02.14VallI hope H.O. isn't assassinated and lives to finish his mandate. The kind of wreck he's going to put America through will be remembered for generations, and will hopefully be enough to prevent him (and anything even remotely like him) to ever get elected again.
12:02.26ttroh lol... some dude in my work place "I'm not network eng, I'm just monkey working for a banana"
12:02.38Vallttr: LOL
12:03.19buZzVall: well dno, they elected a similar person in germany some ~80 years ago after a similar economic 'oopsy' about 10 years before
12:03.36VallBuZz: you are right. The big problem with electing bullies like H.O. is that they try to perpetuate themselves in power by any means necessary.
12:03.51VallLet's hope Americans are not that dumb to let him do it there.
12:04.03buZznot sure we should depend on that
12:04.08ttrVall: wishfull thinking :)
12:04.28buZzto be fair
12:04.33buZzthe german guy was way less orange
12:04.48VallBut to get back to the CHIP: how many useable GPIO pins are there? Do any of them have ADCs? Where can I find more about the CHIP embedded capabilities?
12:04.49ttrim confident that if we remove safetylables, population of US will see sharpest decline
12:05.03ttrbuZz: he was not german actually :)
12:05.06VallBuZz: the german guy was actually austrian ;-)
12:05.14VallHe was a fake german ;-)
12:05.37buZzVall: arent all americans fake anyway
12:05.49buZzif they were native they would be speaking cherokee
12:05.50VallbuZz: figures ;-)
12:06.03VallbuZz: or diné ;-)
12:06.07Vall(aka Navajo).
12:06.12buZzVall: i'm responding to your chip questions in chip channel ;)
12:06.34VallThey even used Diné talkers during WW2 as crypto on radio communications.
12:06.53VallbuZz: getting the questions there, then ;-)
12:06.54buZzi dont talk outside of 7bit ascii
12:06.57buZzwhat did you mean?
12:09.51*** join/#devuan clopez (
12:10.12ttrlol "C.H.I.P. does serious work
12:10.20ttrand screen of exel :)
12:10.30ttr(i know is OT)
12:15.00*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
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18:52.54*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
18:54.20galluxHello :)
18:59.04*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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19:26.52jaromil...haters gonna hate...
19:26.58jaromilso nice they still remember us :^)
19:27.21jaromilthe bully attitude is still very visible innit
19:29.03*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
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19:44.49hellekinI can't remember any celebration. :]
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20:36.02debdogjust stumbled on a flaw in Jessie.
20:36.11debdog$ ls -l / | grep ^l
20:36.22debdoglrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    31 Mai  2  2015 initrd.img -> /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-4-amd64
20:36.29debdoglrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    27 Mai  2  2015 vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64
20:37.22debdogshouldn't the links target bot either start with or without "/"?
20:38.01debdogrealigns with the keyboard...
20:38.22debdogI'd vote for both start without
20:38.50debdogfrom a lilo point of view. dunno 'bout grub
20:42.36*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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22:40.05*** join/#devuan Vall (~Vall@2602:ffda:ccc:1::d2fe:5848)
22:41.32VallCongrats to Devuan on the new Phoronix article:
22:46.28gci_adminOld news, Vall. gallux posted that here a few hours ago. ;)
22:46.51VallOh... sorry about that, then.
22:47.15VallI was just notified of it from my Google Alert on Devuan...
22:52.17VallSo I thought it would be news here too.
22:53.43gci_adminGoogle fails? Nuuuu! Say it ain't so! ;)
22:55.40*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
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23:03.34VallbuZz: ping
23:05.19Vallparazyd: ping
23:07.32parazydfe fi fo fum
23:10.24*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing (
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23:27.22*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@
23:28.27VallI was going to ask about the Pine A64, but I just answered my own questions (not enough GPIO ports, only seven... all of the remaining 53 pins are reserved for something else)
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