IRC log for #devuan on 20161125

00:01.43*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
00:07.35*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
00:21.53*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
01:01.49*** join/#devuan Rory_ (4b67ba89@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:02.33Rory_could anyone recommend any network managers for a laptop in a school without systemd?
01:03.26Rory_specifically, one with WPA2, TLS, & a large number of channels?
01:04.23Rory_NetworkManager needs SysD, and wicd is grossly incapable of the job
01:05.35*** join/#devuan davec_ (
01:06.13debdogis using wicd, Rory_
01:07.05Rory_OK, but I've had some problems with it (namely, the lack of multi-channel support)
01:08.22debdogsomeone in here is working on another manager, just cannot recall who and its name
01:08.28Rory_rendering it practically unusable in a school with a large amount of connector points
01:08.36debdogdunno about its capabilities either
01:09.14Rory_and I am assuming that NM cannot work without SysD?
01:11.31debdogsorry, no clue about that
01:15.54*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
01:16.24*** join/#devuan cyteen (
01:27.02XenguyI quite like wicd, now that I've seen it for the first time, but I also don't have any special requirements
01:30.16*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
01:32.48Rory_I tried it once
01:33.00Rory_could not get it to work with my school's WiFi
01:33.15Rory_also it listed each of the channels in the entire school
01:33.22Rory_not the best thing
01:33.24*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
01:34.58*** join/#devuan cyteen (
01:35.25XenguyBoring people are so boring
01:36.13debdogahh, I think CenturionDan is the network manager guy, right?
01:36.27XenguyIf so, he's here
01:36.38Rory_sorry for bothering you all
01:36.48Xenguyno bother at all
01:37.04*** join/#devuan chcl3 (~chcl3@
01:53.44*** join/#devuan cyteen (
01:58.08*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
02:07.37*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
02:08.47*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
02:11.40*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
02:24.33*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
02:24.49*** join/#devuan yuki_is_bored (~yuki_is_b@
02:45.25Artemis3debdog, there is another called connman
02:47.10*** join/#devuan DusXMT (~dusxmt@
02:52.58*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:54.39*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
03:16.14golinuxdebdog: And don't forget simple netaid in git written for Devuan
03:18.02*** join/#devuan pav5088__ (
03:30.55*** join/#devuan yuki_is_bored (~yuki_is_b@
03:39.09DocScrutinizer05actually for a school I'd ponder writing a dirt simple bash script that just offers to connect to a limited number of predefined networks and does all the config "hardcoded"
03:39.47*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
03:40.21DocScrutinizer05"wired DHCP | WLAN1 | WLAN2 | offline"
03:41.26DocScrutinizer05sudo connectmeto wiredDHCP
03:43.42DocScrutinizer05assuming you don't want to grant your users root access anyway, neither allow them to connect to arbitrary networks
03:44.16DocScrutinizer05meh whatever, Rory is gone
03:45.13Artemis3whats wrong with /etc/network/interfaces? xD
03:49.15DocScrutinizer05the missing link to a particular network manager is what's wrong with it for me
03:50.22DocScrutinizer05the wurstion was "which network manager to use that doesn't need systemD and is ok for school?"
04:09.44*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
04:10.01*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
04:19.23*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
04:41.41*** join/#devuan Defiant (
05:02.29*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:23.27*** join/#devuan pav5088__ (
06:00.29DocScrutinizer05folks, which backup program to use for a single server?
06:01.21DocScrutinizer05I used duplicity but it turns out this stuff seems not exactly reliable
06:03.51DocScrutinizer05or rather, I failed to notice it doesn't do outomatic purge on old backups, and when I manually triggered it on a config that says "12 full backups, one per month, and one month of daily incremental backups" it happily deleted all *full* backups that were older than 2 months
06:11.15*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@
06:11.15*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
06:17.11*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
06:27.06*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
06:51.46*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
07:26.10*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
07:32.42*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
07:40.02*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
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07:47.57*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
07:54.50*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
08:02.05*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
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08:15.55*** join/#devuan yuki_is_bored (~yuki_is_b@
08:25.45*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
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08:55.37*** join/#devuan cyteen (
09:05.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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09:29.11*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
09:40.22*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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09:57.49*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
10:20.59*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
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11:01.03*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
11:03.35*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
11:13.49*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
11:16.16*** join/#devuan aitor (~aitor@
11:17.06aitorfrits (Godefridus Daalmans): are you there?
11:22.09aitorok, i was going to talk about gnuplot, frits mentioned it in the mailing list
11:37.11*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
12:08.33*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
12:15.04aitornot exactly about gnuplot, but about a scientific plotting library for gtkmm:
12:15.37aitorHere you are some examples:
12:16.28aitorinteresting link
12:17.24*** join/#devuan Vortex_v (~Vortex_v@
12:17.59aitori have in mind to develop a numerical control simulator
12:28.09*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
12:31.28*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
12:31.35fsmithredaitor, are you around?
12:33.31*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
12:33.41*** join/#devuan MY_R (~MY_R@unaffiliated/my-r/x-3859955)
12:48.36*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
12:51.53*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
12:57.16Hestbenfsmithred: you missed aitor with 14 minutes.
12:57.43fsmithredHestben, yeah, that happens all the time.
12:58.12fsmithredHe's usually in and out quick.
13:00.27*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
13:21.42*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
13:26.17*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
13:51.04*** join/#devuan Rory_ (4b67ba89@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:51.31*** join/#devuan chomwitt1 (
14:00.49*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
14:01.02*** join/#devuan j3nkins (~jenkins@unaffiliated/j3nkins)
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14:04.43*** part/#devuan Guest1593 (~Guest1593@
14:06.53*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
14:08.10*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (~gianni@
14:09.15MinceRthat's what she said.
14:17.52*** join/#devuan aitor (~aitor@
14:18.03aitorfsmithred" i'm here
14:18.25*** join/#devuan DanMc (~dan@2602:306:c519:8c60:72f1:a1ff:fe6c:d505)
14:18.39fsmithredaitor, did you compile a 4.x kernel with aufs support?
14:18.39aitorany question?
14:19.08aitori did it in july, but in ascii...
14:19.19fsmithredoh, ok
14:19.19aitori want to try it again in jessie
14:19.33*** part/#devuan DanMc (~dan@2602:306:c519:8c60:72f1:a1ff:fe6c:d505)
14:19.37fsmithredgolinux had trouble with the jessie-backports kernel (4.7) making a bootable snapshot
14:19.42aitormy last attempt was in august
14:19.53*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
14:19.59fsmithredbut I just made a bootable snapshot with 4.8 in ascii
14:20.12fsmithreddidn't need to fix anything
14:20.54aitori think that aufs4-standalone needs a higher version of kernel-wedge or/and gcc
14:21.58aitordebian testing/unstable doesn't include the requered quilt patch for installing aufs
14:22.18aitorit's not included in the sources of the kernel by default
14:22.46fsmithredok, so aufs is gone for good?
14:23.17fsmithreddoesn't look like refractasnapshot needs it for ascii
14:23.27*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
14:23.43aitornooo..., debian only include aufs in the stable branch
14:23.52aitorincludes :)
14:24.05fsmithredI am annoyed that a display manager is required in ascii
14:24.23aitorthere are only live images available for the stable branch
14:24.43fsmithredyeah, that's pretty much always been the case
14:24.51aitorso, testing and unstable don't need this module
14:25.54aitorrefractasnapshot doesn't need it
14:26.03fsmithrednewer live-* packages don't use aufs
14:26.04aitorbut, it works in live mode?
14:26.17aitorgreat news
14:26.26fsmithredlive-boot* and live-config* 5.20160608
14:26.30aitoronly squashfs is needed?
14:27.03aitorthen, i will try to build those packages in jessie
14:27.18fsmithredmount shows me: overlay   /   type overlay
14:27.40fsmithredbuild which packages?
14:27.44*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
14:28.03aitorLuka_K has joined
14:28.17aitorshe is allways appearing and dissapearing
14:28.29aitori know
14:28.52aitorhe/she recorded some videos about devuan at home
14:28.54fsmithredso you want to backport live-* to use with backports kernel?
14:29.19aitoryes, instead of all the backports for jessie
14:29.20fsmithredactually, I think that version is already in backports
14:30.11fsmithred1:20160511~bpo8+1 0
14:30.48aitorok, thanks
14:31.06fsmithrednot sure why the dates don't match on two different computers
14:31.29fsmithred0608 vs 0511
14:31.56aitorthe fist one is the latest upstream version
14:32.08aitorno changes in the debian branch
14:32.24aitorthat is bpo8+1
14:32.38fsmithredoh, duh - I was comparing live-boot to live-config. They were made on different dates.
14:32.55aitoras you can see: i have no probles searching any symbol with vdev
14:34.04fsmithredI'm not using vdev, but it seems to work on everything I've tested
14:34.06aitorif i write something wrong from now on, that means that i'm using the spanish keyboard again
14:34.11aitori.e, udev
14:34.35fsmithredthe u and the v are switched?
14:35.01aitori will rename the vdev-initramfs package to vdev-assistant
14:35.08Artemis3but there is an annoying key next to enter
14:35.38aitorthis tool installs/uninstalls vdev, but udev is allways present enabled or disabled
14:36.03aitorbecause there are many packages depending on libudev1
14:36.17aitorthe kernel, the grub, xorg...
14:36.40aitorcrucial packages
14:36.56fsmithredname change makes sense
14:37.38fsmithredoh, I played around a little with making a panel button to switch between udev and vdev
14:37.51fsmithredI used parts of Ralph's script with dialog
14:38.11fsmithredso you click on button, terminal opens with dialog window, you choose
14:38.14aitoryes, it's included in his vdev-initramfs
14:38.24fsmithredand I made it work with your vdev
14:38.31aitori read it, of course
14:39.01aitorgood code
14:39.08fsmithredI don't think I have your latest version. Last time we talked about it, you said you had one that hadn't been added to rep yet.
14:39.28aitoryes, that's true
14:39.42*** join/#devuan dutch100p (
14:39.44aitorlast weekend i worked on the dinamical menu for openbox
14:39.56dutch100p2 years under a stone... and I installed Debian. What a shocker!
14:39.58fsmithredyeah, I looked at that. It's nice.
14:40.06Vortex_vHey all. I've got an old eeebox with 1gb of ram and I'm running Kali on it. Any one know if it's possible to use Devuan and then "add" the Kali packages so I can slim down my ram a bit more and not worry about systemd?
14:40.46aitorsometimes i change my planning work along the way
14:41.33aitorare the kali packages a complete repo?
14:41.33fsmithredVortex_v, probably possible with some work
14:41.49fsmithredthere's a lot of stuff in kali that's not in debian repo
14:41.51aitorif so, it'll not be possible
14:41.58fsmithredI have no idea what they have to do to install all that
14:42.12fsmithredand no idea how much those packages depend on systemd
14:42.33fsmithredVortex_v, you know there's a version of kali with xfce? That would be lighter on resources.
14:43.57aitorfsmithred: now, i'll disappear like the Guadiana
14:44.09aitorThe Guadiana is a spanish from Andalucia appeared and disappeared over time, because of its subterranean tributary
14:44.36aitorsee you :)
14:45.38dutch100pNoob question. how many apps (est.) in devuan require systemd ? you guys think debian packages increasingly depend on it , in the years ahead?
14:46.05dutch100pim wondering on either devuan or just removing systemd for sysviint
14:47.06Vortex_vfsmithred: I've done the convert to xfce after install.
14:47.11dutch100pi.e. the latter does the trick, at least for now , so what's the advantage of migrating to devuan ?
14:47.17Vortex_vso now I'd like to see if I can get ride of dbus/systemd
14:48.04Vortex_vfsmithred: they have some weird "rolling apt update" thing going on now as of 2016ish.
14:48.49Artemis3dutch100p, for now, this list might be of interest:
14:49.07dutch100pArtemis3: thx
14:49.15Vortex_vdutch100p: as I understand it there is no solid comitment from debian to make sure sysvinit etc are upkept.
14:49.15Artemis3that is literally the work debian refused to to to maintain init freedom
14:49.55Vortex_vAny one remember Windows v3 IPC?
14:50.19Vortex_vthis makes me think of dbus from some of the potentual dbus exploits I've read about.
14:50.35Vortex_v\O/ enjoy your hung system.
14:51.19fsmithredVortex_v, try it and see if it works. Post your results.
14:51.32dutch100pthe reason why I raised this in #debian is I found an all that can be sploited remotely and connects to gstreamer / systemd . haven't looked at the latter yet, but systemctl commands don't leave usual traces on filesystem IDS and such . i feel schizophrenic running systemd in a traditional lnx environment :P
14:51.34fsmithredyou're probably not the only one interested in it
14:52.08dutch100pipc yeah
14:52.31dutch100pfamous for enumering systems in pentest environemnt
14:52.36Artemis3MY_R, huh? you can't view
14:52.41dutch100pdbus is going to be ipc on steroids
14:53.30Vortex_vI wonder how much latency dbus has.
14:53.50Vortex_vfsmithred: Some one care to look at the deb lines in kali if I post them?
14:54.03Vortex_vI have no clue what's what etc.
14:54.26fsmithredI can boot a vm here and look at it
14:54.35Artemis3just tell kali to use devuan as upstream xD
14:56.45fsmithredwhat's login and password for kali?
14:57.31Artemis3a classic
14:57.45dutch100pit's how i figured it in the first place :)
14:57.51dutch100p1990s shit
14:57.59MY_RArtemis3, I can, but not this link... weird
14:58.32fsmithredVortex_v, I only see a single repo - two lines, deb and deb-src
14:59.02Vortex_vyeah it looks like:
14:59.11fsmithredI think if you start with devuan and then add the kali repo, you'll run into all kinds of trouble
14:59.40MY_RArtemis3, mose precisly, can look mai page but non of the link on it... wtf
14:59.56Vortex_vperhaps a tool to extract the packages from kali rooling?
15:00.04fsmithrednope, I see: kali-rolling main contrib non-free
15:00.23fsmithredget the package list from kali: dpkg -l
15:00.42fsmithredor dpkg --get-selections
15:00.48fsmithredinstall devuan
15:00.58Artemis3ah kali is debian testing?
15:01.00Artemis3yeah not good xD
15:01.28fsmithredguess so - this one has 4.6 kernel
15:01.55MY_RArtemis3, whatever, part of my internet not working... my side problem, sorry for interrupt :P
15:02.02fsmithredyou could download the packages you want from kali and install them with dpkg
15:02.19fsmithredor maybe, add the kali repo and VERY CAREFULLY add the stuff you want
15:02.32fsmithredkeeping a close eye on what else wants to install with it
15:02.43Artemis3or pin with lower
15:02.54Artemis3but if there was a proper devuan testing
15:02.57Vortex_vlike a diff of the fsmithred: that's what I'm thinking
15:03.06*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
15:03.12Artemis3guess youll have to wait more
15:03.16fsmithreddiff of the package lists is a good place to start
15:03.31Vortex_vis the contents.gz files in Index of /kali/dists/kali-rolling/main just a text file?
15:03.35fsmithredpinning the kali repo to lower priority is a good idea
15:03.52fsmithredI think so
15:04.08fsmithredzless contents.gz
15:04.18Vortex_vI might be bored enough to try :D
15:04.48fsmithredcheck the kali community, too - someone else might have the same idea
15:05.05Vortex_vI googled it.
15:05.10dutch100pkali packages may be antiques :P
15:05.14fsmithredanything come up?
15:05.19Vortex_vcan't see much in results for "how can I remove systemd kali"
15:05.35dutch100pVortex_v: time for a kavian then.
15:05.40Vortex_vother than posts on redit etc saying "OMG liek why dew you wanna dew that!"!@#?!@11" etc
15:06.05fsmithredor kal1 (kal-one)
15:06.10Vortex_vdutch100p: the kali v1 and kali v2 packages are all static now.
15:06.28dutch100pKali1-  without the hax0r crap because you're not a scriptkiddie
15:06.30Vortex_vthe new system they have some magic tool that picks known working packages for them and installs them.
15:07.03Vortex_vperhaps swapping out apt/dpkg with a wrapper that logs what that tool wants to install then checking it's not system d might work.
15:07.41Vortex_veh. I just find getting nvidia and cuda etc etc a pain in the arse to work :)
15:07.48Vortex_vor at least when I tried it last.
15:07.51*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (~gianni@
15:07.58Vortex_vthis little eebox dosn't have that stuff.
15:08.09Artemis3another solution: get v1.1.0, that is from when jessie was still testing xD
15:08.50*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (~TheLastPr@
15:08.56dutch100pVortex_v: drivers for X?
15:09.03Artemis3i think the switch to stretch is marked by v2
15:11.10Vortex_vdutch100p: more like drivers to get rainbow cracking working nicely on cuda etc.
15:12.48Artemis3and they use gnome...
15:13.34Vortex_vgnome makes me angry :/
15:13.41Vortex_vIt might have gotten better now though.
15:13.42dutch100ppyrit mm
15:16.18golinuxfsmithred: I couldn't boot the 4.2 bpo kernel and I was using the -live stuff from bpo also
15:16.33golinux(Just catching up atm)
15:16.40*** join/#devuan MY_R (~MY_R@unaffiliated/my-r/x-3859955)
15:16.48dutch100pnever tried pyrit. cowpatty seems faster on benchmarks
15:19.11fsmithredgolinux, ok, 4.2. I might test with 4.7
15:19.11*** join/#devuan chcl3 (~chcl3@
15:19.19fsmithredbrb, need food
15:22.02Rory_again I ask
15:22.15dutch100pVortex_v: using cuda on amazon?
15:22.15*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
15:22.28Vortex_vna. I had a pc with a decient gfx card.
15:22.39Rory_any SysD-less alternatives to NetworkManager with roughly the same capabilities?
15:22.40Vortex_vnow that pc is not here.
15:22.57Vortex_vRory_: bash? :D
15:23.06Rory_WiCD is out of the question
15:23.10dutch100pamazon charges by instance-hour, you can get 5000 servers for an hour doing the same price as one server running 5000 hrs
15:23.26dutch100pafaik some have 2 gfx gpus
15:23.39Rory_and I do not know how to get a TLS-WPA2 system to work without NM
15:23.50Rory_and NM  needs SysD
15:24.13dutch100pVortex_v: i'm guessing you have a big NAS setup then =]
15:25.22golinuxdutch100p: Try KAVUAN
15:26.27dutch100pgolinux: what's that? never do any cracking
15:27.03golinuxVortex_v: time for a kavian then.
15:28.07*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
15:29.51dutch100pgolinux: Oh that was a joke
15:30.14dutch100pgolinux: devuan= debian without systemd. kavian = kali without pentest tools
15:33.11Vortex_vdutch100p: I'm in vietnam atm. I'm from australia.
15:33.24Vortex_vI have a ~20TB ish box at home but not plugged in.
15:33.35Vortex_vhaven't touched it in about 2 or so years.
15:35.17*** join/#devuan firegarden (~dionysos@
15:35.20dutch100p20tb.. enough for some basic password lengths :P
15:35.50dutch100palways nice to have
15:39.55Vortex_vMy next big hobby OS will be qubes I think.
15:40.23Vortex_vwent I upgrade this laptop to a desktop I'll make sure I get something that'll run qubes.
15:41.49dutch100pBack in Nam' ...
15:42.40Vortex_vok. I think I'm going to install devuan and then try katoolin
15:43.53Vortex_vafter I kill some more empire and rebel scum in starwars empire at war forces of corruption.
15:44.19*** join/#devuan jathan (
15:56.15golinux(Too much testosterone for me)
15:58.17dutch100plooking at NAS options under 3k euro
15:58.22*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
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19:13.46chillfanI have a few packages un-systemd that I'm maintaining, would now be a good time to start building them?
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19:21.17chillfanjust wondering, don't want to distract anyone before this is wanted really
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21:56.23aitorchillfan: dev1fanboy :)
21:56.49aitoroh, he's gone
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