IRC log for #devuan on 20161105

00:11.02*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
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00:46.42*** join/#devuan mlsmith (~configX@unaffiliated/configx)
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00:58.03*** join/#devuan mlsmith (~configX@unaffiliated/configx)
01:08.47*** join/#devuan mlsmith (~configX@unaffiliated/configx)
01:08.48*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
01:09.46*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
01:18.10*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
01:20.30*** join/#devuan mlsmith (~configX@unaffiliated/configx)
01:20.53*** join/#devuan n4dir (
01:23.09somerandomnickAlso, trying to install Devuan right now *will* *fail* if the default includes the security repository (and I would expect it to!).
01:24.32*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
01:33.51*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
01:41.19golinuxsomerandomnick: You could install from the refracta 'unofficial_devuan_live' iso then upgrade.
01:42.32*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
01:43.26fsmithredmy ears were burning
01:47.01fsmithreddid something change? I installed devuan two days ago.
01:47.36fsmithredI don't recall any problems with it.
01:47.50Xenguyfsmithred: The security repo is malfunctioning
01:48.22golinuxnextime just got back to SA so hasn't been massaging amprolla and the servers
01:48.27XenguyAs of a few hours ago, it seems
01:48.39fsmithredand it interferes with installation?
01:49.01n4diriirc yesteray someones installation hang at "installing base system" (or similar)
01:49.13golinux<somerandomnick> Also, trying to install Devuan right now *will* *fail* if the default includes the security repository (and I would expect it to!).
01:49.13*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
01:49.53golinuxBut who knows
01:49.55fsmithredn4dir, I got that when I tried to install ascii, but not jessie
01:50.19n4dirmhh ... not sure. i think he was speaking of stable
01:50.34golinuxn4dir: You're up late
01:50.44n4dirpointed him to refracta, he wanted to try. hi golinux
01:50.55fsmithredI thought the security repo was just slow, not that it broke the install. But as I said, that was two days ago.
01:51.00n4diri seeem to recall there is a file bout "debootstrap'ing devuan" on refracta ?
01:51.27fsmithredoh, that's right, I did a debootstrap install
01:51.45fsmithredyeah, I followed my own guide, and it worked.
01:51.47n4dirdeletes all info and docu in the blink of an eye, with fire and brimstone
01:52.50n4diri never thought of it, but as refracta comes with devuan repos, i would say it is a good way to get devuan, if the other option fails
01:54.20fsmithredyeah, and I also made live isos from a default devuan beta install
01:54.42fsmithredso it's possible to install it without network
01:55.22golinuxThat's why I suggested it to him
01:56.10n4dirmy problem is that i don't want to say something and it seems i would try to get someone away from devuan, or to refracta.
01:56.31n4diri just think: hey he/she has a problem to install it, that might be an option. To me it's close enough
01:57.00fsmithredit's also possible to use a refracta iso to do a pure devuan debootstrap install
01:57.07*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
01:57.10fsmithredtested two days ago
01:58.11n4diryeah, like said, i wasn't too sure.
01:58.28n4dirjust as i am not that sure how big the differences are
02:00.11*** join/#devuan drawkula (
02:03.30fsmithredthe difference is mostly package selection
02:03.48n4diruhum. well that i consider a minor thing
02:03.50fsmithredand some change in settings, some of which you suggested
02:03.53*** join/#devuan SergioAD (
02:06.52*** join/#devuan Defiant (
02:08.57n4dirfsmithred: can you quickly figure out with apt-file which packages contains the program "update-ca-certificates" ?
02:09.13fsmithredonly in wheezy
02:09.24fsmithredapt-file doesn't work in devuan
02:09.32XenguyI haven't been able to use apt-file successfully in devuan
02:09.33n4diryes, we spoke about it
02:09.51n4dirXenguy: same here
02:10.47fsmithredin wheezy, the package was ca-certificates
02:11.42n4dirah, thanks
02:11.44XenguyIs there another way to find out what package a certain file/program is in?
02:12.02n4dirXenguy: i don't know one
02:17.09fsmithredI think 'dpkg -S'
02:17.42*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:20.41somerandomnickRight now running `apt-get update` exits on what I'm guessing is an out of date certificate, so the moment you do that you may have a problem (guessing the security repository cert is good for 7 days and it has now expired).
02:22.15XenguyThanks fsmithred , that's good to know
02:32.25*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
02:54.33*** join/#devuan Drugo (
03:13.40*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
03:15.57*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
03:17.26*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
03:33.41*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
04:21.17*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
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05:00.44*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
05:09.13*** join/#devuan pav5088__ (
05:24.59*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:27.07*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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07:28.05*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
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07:55.36*** join/#devuan enyc (
08:01.32*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
08:41.20*** join/#devuan Besnik (
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09:05.59*** join/#devuan os|t0 (~freenode@2001:388:e001:900::deb8)
09:21.38*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
09:25.00*** join/#devuan n4dir (
09:46.41*** join/#devuan Besnik (
09:57.34*** join/#devuan jochen (
10:51.35*** join/#devuan Besnik (
10:56.52*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
10:59.09*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
11:20.48*** join/#devuan fbt (
11:24.17*** join/#devuan pav5088 (~markp@
11:29.39*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
11:36.15*** join/#devuan DanMc (6c5198c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:37.23DanMcHi everyone! I realize this may have already been discussed. If so, forgive me. Does anyone know why the In Release Security repository is down?
11:38.22*** join/#devuan pav5088__ (
11:43.00n4dirDanMc: i can't tell you anything detailed. In the info of the IRC channel is the link to the chat-logs:
11:43.18n4dirgo there and enter "security" as a searchterm. It offers a bit of info.
11:43.39n4diriow: it was talked about, but i didn't fully understand
11:44.09DanMcAh...thank you. I deeply appreciate your help...I'm new to IRC. Have a great day! Thanks again!
11:44.38n4dirno problem. i missed it too.
11:48.45*** part/#devuan DanMc (6c5198c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:55.25*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
11:56.32*** join/#devuan debdog (
11:56.43fsmithredn4dir, you been here since I left last night?
11:58.32n4dirno. but most of the time.
12:01.12fsmithredaptitude is telling me there are 1169 updates available. That's on a jessie system I upgraded a little over a week ago.
12:03.32fsmithredI ain't doin' it.
12:03.35fsmithredno way
12:04.16n4diri got no clue. As soon i boot into devuan i will test
12:04.25fsmithredreminds me the time I unintentionally upgraded from sarge to etch.
12:05.08n4dirlol. yes, can happen
12:05.21n4diri found a weird distro this night: sabotage.
12:05.38fsmithredwhy they named it that?
12:05.51n4dirlook at the web-site, it seems to make sense ...
12:08.48fsmithredyou tried it yet?
12:09.45n4dirno, i only discoverd it.
12:09.50n4dirbut perhaps will.
12:10.04fsmithredlooks like there's no iso - you have to build your own system
12:10.18n4diri tried Void as a live. Seems ok, but doesn't come with much software on the live
12:10.49n4diryes, i read quite a bit, and it looks like debootstrap like. But at github there are the scripts, and it seems ok
12:19.06*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
12:19.06*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
12:26.09*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
12:39.39*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
12:41.12*** join/#devuan snux (
12:50.26*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
12:50.28*** join/#devuan giricz81_ (
13:08.31*** join/#devuan Drugo (
13:18.20*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
13:18.41*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
13:29.32*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
13:41.27mlsmithSo it looks like the Valid-Until in is expired
13:41.40mlsmithDo we need to wait for someone in particular to update this?
13:42.31mlsmithFor anyone looking for a tempory workaround, try:  sudo apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update
14:31.40voyohi guys. Im in process to install devuan on top of arm kirkwood machine. Via debootstrap. Recently I tried with 'ceres' , there were some big troubles with dependencies, debootstrap secondstage couldnt finish, I managed to get it work, by downloading and installing manually some packages, but at the end I finished with somehow unstable system. Thus I decided to start from scratch again, but now iwth "stable"
14:32.51voyounfortunately here are also troubles. lots of packages can't finish installing , 'configuration' step cant accomplish - due to (obviously) missing systemctl.
14:33.33voyoI dont wanted to force to install anything, simple workaround for me was to 'ln -s /bin/true /bin/systemctl
14:34.15voyolooks like it helped. but disgust remained :P
14:35.58voyoif anyone is interested about more detailed description, of my steps or environment - please msg me.
14:49.31*** join/#devuan snux (
14:51.00*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:53.16*** join/#devuan Drugo (
14:56.30*** join/#devuan snux (
14:57.03*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
14:58.22*** join/#devuan firegarden (~dionysos@
14:59.06*** join/#devuan snux (
14:59.33firegardenhi boy, i don't understand that E: Release file for is expired (invalid since 16h 52min 58s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
15:05.27firegardeni can use apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update
15:05.40firegardenbut maybe it's important to know
15:19.54fsmithredrunning that line brings my available updates down from 1169 to 6. That's more believable.
15:25.09*** join/#devuan jochen (
15:30.23*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
15:49.13*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
16:00.45*** join/#devuan pav5088__ (
16:03.22*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
16:23.51*** join/#devuan PnUic (5fea1133@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:35.44*** join/#devuan somerandomnick (
16:37.37*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
16:37.57somerandomnickWell, no additional security advisories in the past 24 hours, but there is still a pretty severe one just outside of 24 hours ago which is fairly serious.
16:49.03*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
16:50.43*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
16:54.48*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
17:04.25*** join/#devuan Chanku (
17:06.09*** join/#devuan Besnik (
17:11.23*** part/#devuan Besnik (
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17:15.01*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
17:18.29*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
17:22.21*** part/#devuan Besnik_b (
17:25.43*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
17:31.51*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Krupptus@
17:34.29*** part/#devuan Besnik_b (
17:34.35*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
17:43.25*** join/#devuan Fylgje (
17:53.27*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
17:56.15*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
17:58.19*** join/#devuan Besnik (
18:10.49*** join/#devuan demure (
18:19.12*** join/#devuan pav5088__ (
18:38.52*** join/#devuan n4dir (
18:47.48*** join/#devuan avarzille (~chatzilla@
19:03.26*** join/#devuan Besnik (
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19:15.48*** join/#devuan dimkr (~dima@unaffiliated/dimkr)
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19:22.45*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
19:23.44*** join/#devuan jochen (
19:31.33respiteletting your repositories expire is not exactly inspiring faith in devuan.
19:35.18jochenrespite, you are right. Shit can happen, but I'm worried how long it takes to correct this problem.
19:38.00dethashit happens, indeed. and if anybody could just fix it quickly, that would be more worrying - it would mean too many people have access to master keys.
19:40.11n4diri guess that is also a way to see it.
19:47.08*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@
19:48.27*** join/#devuan Besnik (
19:56.06somerandomnickBeing 48 hours behind on security updates is also rather worrisome.
19:56.43*** join/#devuan debdog (
19:57.16golinuxHopefully nextime will get his bearings now that he's returned to SA
19:59.36somerandomnickMake that 48 hours behind a serious security update and more likely almost 6-8 days behind on less severe updates.
20:05.17*** join/#devuan pav5088 (
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21:37.20*** join/#devuan snux (~snux@
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21:41.15*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
21:49.00*** join/#devuan rrq (
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22:18.36*** join/#devuan n4dir (
22:43.08Xenguybites his tongue...
22:43.56debdogdafugg, that hurts
22:44.07debdogwhy would you do that?!
22:44.44XenguyIf I were to say, it wouldn't be biting my tongue ;-)
22:47.31*** join/#devuan aitor (
22:48.09aitorgolinux: nextime surelly is in SA now
22:48.50golinuxYes.  He arrived yesterday
22:50.14aitornear Johannesburgo?
22:52.44aitoroh, you don't know, and nestime is asleep...
22:54.49aitori'm going to sleep, too :)
23:06.26*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
23:28.19*** join/#devuan ffurrywol (~randyg@
23:34.50*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
23:38.51*** join/#devuan Chanku (

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