IRC log for #devuan on 20161023

00:00.45*** join/#devuan neo42_ (
00:11.53*** join/#devuan rrq (
00:35.48*** join/#devuan dexter_ (4b6d67c3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:38.04*** join/#devuan rrq (
00:39.09dexter_hi. I was wondering about libsystemd0 Is the plan to do away with it as well or not? thanks
00:40.43*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
00:41.41dexter_Is there a better place to ask my question about libsystemd0?
00:42.11*** join/#devuan AbsoluteFreedom (~freedom@
00:43.14MinceRthis seems to be the best place
00:49.37*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
00:49.58dexter_anyone have any idea if libsystemd0 is considered an issue or not?
00:50.24MinceRdepends on whom you ask
00:52.16golinuxI think libsystemd0 is supposed to go after the new amprolla gets up and running (but don't quote me on that)
00:52.44golinuxNot_a_Robot: uite aure how they
00:52.55golinuxre going to work around it . . .
00:53.20golinuxBoy did I mangle that!
00:53.47TwistedFateno more tea for you!
00:54.10nextimedexter_: it IS an issue
00:54.25nextimeand it will removed as soon as we found it's safe to do it
00:55.14Not_a_Robotgolinux: beep beep. Input rejected.
00:57.27dexter_any timeline on libsystemd removal or what has to happen for it to be removed?
00:58.48appleshampoois Not_a_Robot actually a robot?
00:58.58MinceRi doubt it
00:59.39appleshampooI've got IRC bots on the brain, working on some sopel modules
00:59.48TwistedFateyou can see it in his nickname, he says hes not
00:59.49MinceRi doubt anyone would go to the effort of including a 2-minute delay in a bot if it's going to say "beep beep"
01:01.25Not_a_RobotYeah, I'm not a robot guys!
01:01.39Not_a_RobotBeep, beep. Humanoid module deactivated.
01:03.39*** join/#devuan rumflump (~weechat@unaffiliated/olscumpy)
01:06.44dexter_If I install devuan will I have libsystemd0 installed? anyone know?
01:08.09MinceRiirc you likely won't (iirc only a few packages depend on it, if any)
01:08.30appleshampooin my limited experience (installing the rasppi image), it was not part of the base image but was pulled in as a dependency when I installed something else. emacs maybe..don't recall
01:08.51appleshampoobut the rasppi image was likely pared down a fair bit, dunno
01:09.49rrqpulseaudio depends on libsystemd0
01:10.11MinceRthe pulseaudio server? you can likely do without that
01:11.29dexter_Yea I dont care about pulseaudio.
01:13.32*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
01:13.36dexter_So can I install xfce and will it function like it would normally on another distro?
01:13.37rrqqemu-system-x86 depends on libpulse0 depends on libsystemd0
01:13.56rrqopenjdk-7-jre-headless:amd64 depends on libpulse0
01:16.29dexter_I dont care about qemu or openjdk, just normal everyday apps.
01:17.07TwistedFatewhats normal for you, may not be for someone else :)
01:17.20rrqyes, I'm not normal ;-)
01:17.47TwistedFatewe're all mad here actually :D
01:18.45MinceRah, so the client library does
01:19.13MinceRhere's hoping that will get fixed soon
01:19.14rrqThough, I'm reviewing my xfce4 on devuan beta + kernel upgrade, and it seems if you can do without libpulse0, pulsaudio and sane, then you should be fine
01:20.28nextimedexter_: basically we need to be sure that no dependency to libsystemd remain in the devuan packages, and find people to maintain packages that needs to be rebuilt without it
01:20.55nextimedexter_: the release of the final stable jessie will be subjected to comply with that
01:21.38nextimerrq: devuan jessie will NOT remove pulseaudio, as the goal for it is to remove systemd and for the rest remain as close as debian we can
01:21.48nextimepulseaudio removal will be discussed for ascii
01:23.07golinuxnextime:  Did you know that pulseaudio is going to be a dependency in FF soon?  :(  That really pisses me off.
01:23.26TwistedFategolinux, WHATTHEFECK??!
01:23.35TwistedFatewith pulse?
01:23.51golinuxLet me find the link . . .
01:23.59MinceRyeah, it's what made me switch to Pale Moon
01:24.04TwistedFatethey are taking our desktops\
01:24.05TwistedFatedamn it
01:24.10nextimegolinux: never saw that, and it sounds strange to me
01:24.19MinceRit was the last drop in the mozilla bucket
01:24.27MinceRfor me
01:24.42nextimewell, i have abandoned ff from years now
01:24.46MinceRthey round up money from sponsors and spend it on making firefox worse
01:25.12*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:25.16MinceRand killing thunderbird off
01:26.02golinuxI found ti when I was having trouble with VLC stuttering
01:26.12TwistedFatewhy are they doing that?
01:26.14TwistedFatelike seriously
01:26.20MinceRbecause they're insane morons
01:26.20golinuxwith alsa output
01:26.35TwistedFatewhy the fuck would you bind your browser and other software with that shit
01:26.50MinceRmaybe redhat pays them for it
01:26.58golinuxIt doesn't stutter with alsa turned off.
01:27.15golinuxI had to downgrade to VLC from wheezy.
01:27.55golinuxTo use recent versions with alsa pluseaudio is needed,
01:28.14TwistedFateit is sad to see how they are destroying gnu/linux piece by piece..
01:28.23golinuxDoesn't make sense that alsa works via pa but not on its own.
01:29.03golinuxIn the bug report thay said just use pa.  Disgusting . . .
01:29.06MinceRgreat, vlc had to jump the shark too
01:29.12MinceRcan you link that bug report?
01:29.55nextimethe pulseaudio api are ok and stable
01:29.59golinuxThere you go
01:30.11nextimeso, maybe someone can think about writing an alternative to it
01:30.37nextimeor just an abstraction layer for alsa
01:30.45TwistedFatewe are grasping by the straws, what are we going to do when all is systemd-ized (ye i made that one up xD)
01:31.43golinuxnextime: Please don't defend pulseaudio
01:32.25MinceRthey say they fixed it in 3.0.0
01:33.05MinceRand someone backported the patches to 2.2.x
01:33.52nextimegolinux: i don't defend it, it's a crappy piece of shit
01:33.57nextimebut the api part are ok
01:34.14nextimeit's all the rest that is bad
01:34.25golinuxYeah, that's what they said but the one in jessie dmo stuttered,
01:34.51*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
01:34.57golinuxI forget the version numbers but spent several days on it . . .
01:34.59MinceRis the whole 'mixing in userspace' thing viable at all?
01:35.38golinuxSure viable for  lock in
01:36.40MinceR(if so, RoarAudio might be worth a look)
01:37.00golinux"Do as 'we' say not as you want to."
01:37.13TwistedFateWe need Alsa Reloaded
01:38.08golinuxAh that's the nextime I like to see.  :)
01:38.37golinuxCalling it like it is . . .
01:38.58golinuxLennart needs a lobotomy
01:39.11TwistedFateLennart needs Gulag
01:39.43golinuxMaybe that too . . .
01:40.13MinceRGrupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux de La Laguna?
01:45.24*** join/#devuan thehornet (~thehornet@
01:46.24*** join/#devuan thehornet (~thehornet@
01:49.15MinceRRA doesn't seem to be terribly active though
01:50.44rrqback to libsystemd0; didn't someone make a dummy variant of some sort? Presumably p8o only tickles the logging subsystem, and one could live without that?
01:51.24golinuxWasn't that systemd-shim?  That's gone byebye.
01:52.07golinuxThey actually asked us if we wanted to maintain it!  We declined.
01:52.38golinuxWE = Centurion_Dan
01:52.59MinceRyes, someone did
01:53.47MinceRif it's viable, it would be nice to replace libsystemd with this
01:54.04nextimema no sense to replace libsystemd0 with it
01:54.16MinceRi think it does make some sense
01:54.24nextimelibsystemd0 if you don't have other systemd related things installed
01:54.29nextimeit's just a bunch of noop()
01:54.36MinceRit would guarantee that the alleged NOPs indeed remain NOPs regardless of code pushed by redhat/debian
01:54.37nextimewe don't need to replace it
01:54.40nextimewe need to eradicate it
01:55.04MinceRbut yes, removing the dependency is even better
01:55.46nextimeour luck is that the way poettering is driving systemd
01:55.53nextimeis to remain strictly linux related
01:56.07nextimeso, any software project that want to run on unix and not only linux
01:56.22MinceRunfortunately, others are imitating it on other unix-like systems (launchd)
01:56.24nextimeneeds to remain also in the way you can run without it
01:56.40nextimeMinceR: launchd is a lot better
01:56.50nextimebut first of all, it doesn't touch us
01:56.51MinceRstill broken in similar ways
01:56.53TwistedFateim just shocked how the managed to trick so many people
01:56.55nextimeas it doesn't have the same api
01:56.59nextimeso, who cares
01:57.11nextimeTwistedFate: I'm not
01:57.20TwistedFatethere really is something wrong with us when we allowed things like systemd to happen
01:57.30nextimebrexit wins in UK, in italy 30% of votes are for the populist party
01:57.31*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
01:57.32nextimeand so on
01:57.35MinceRhumanity is allowing all sorts of fucked up things to happen nowadays
01:57.42nextimethere are a lot of idiots out there
01:57.56golinuxThe majority actually
01:58.05nextimeand expecially new generations of developers aren't aware of the reasons behind the choices done with unix
01:58.12nextimethey don't know unix philosophy
01:58.27TwistedFatesigh... what are we going to do  when linus is gone :(
01:58.28dexter_If I install devuan with xfce will it be any different than say debian with xfce? Will everything work the same and such?
01:58.57nextimeand then, as Henry spencer predicted,
01:59.01nextime"Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly"
01:59.05nextimeit's just happening
01:59.08rrqdexter: yes, I'd say so. It did for me.
01:59.21MinceRTwistedFate: i'm afraid that will be the end of Linux
01:59.41MinceRconsidering what people like GKH and poettering and sievers are trying to do to it
01:59.55nextimedexter_: there are many differences, but they are almost under the hood
01:59.56TwistedFatethey will have opened gates
01:59.59MinceRand that afaict Linus was often the last line of defense against that
02:00.20MinceRthen again, maybe there are enough sane kernel hackers to keep the good stuff going, even if under a different name
02:00.21nextimeso, from a user point of view, the differences are minimal
02:00.49nextimeMinceR:  it can't be the end of linux
02:01.00nextimeit can be the split/fork of it in more currencies
02:01.06nextimebut it can't end
02:01.30nextimeit's open source and free software baby, as long as someone will take the huge work to maintain it
02:01.33nextimeit can't die
02:01.47TwistedFateyep, just like systemd thing
02:02.03MinceRwell yeah, the question whether that will happen
02:02.04TwistedFateif they start to ruin the kernel, people wont do anything
02:02.12TwistedFatethey will allow it, just like they allowed systemd
02:02.20MinceRwhether there are enough people with the skills around with the willingness to keep GNU/Linux alive
02:02.30nextimeTwistedFate:  just like systemd things, there iwll be a group of people that will fork it
02:02.47nextimeWE have forked debian cause of systemd
02:02.52TwistedFatenextime, it would be like going against a current
02:03.13TwistedFatesmall group of people fight to preserve it, a much bigger group trying to make it obsolete
02:03.16nextimeTwistedFate: no, it would be just the ramification of a torrent
02:03.21nextimelike is for us
02:03.53dexter_thanks for the answer, guess i will give it a try
02:03.58nextimeTwistedFate:  we are huge, not small. Linus was alone at the start, vs a current of proprietary big unix variants and windows
02:04.17nextimebut in the end linux wins
02:04.28nextimeand it's today the most used and diffuse OS in the whole world
02:04.45nextimeit's not matter of how many are "they"
02:04.48TwistedFatenextime, there has been what, 2 years or so after systemd hit off? there is no real alternative yet
02:05.01TwistedFatedevuan is trying but its not there yet
02:05.13pydsignerTwistedFate: Devuan is a distro
02:05.21nextimeTwistedFate: devuan is running in hundreds of machines
02:05.34pydsignersystemd is not analogous to Devuan
02:05.36nextimeand also there are other distro without systemd
02:05.52pydsignerManjaro/OpenRC reporting :)
02:05.52nextimeyou CAN today run linux without it
02:06.02pydsignerAnd still have stuff like steam work
02:06.18MinceRthere's also Slackware, Funtoo, Gentoo
02:06.34TwistedFateas you can see, its only a matter of time until they cut us off from the essential software
02:06.42TwistedFateyou cant keep forking everything
02:06.54pydsignerActually you can
02:06.57MinceRwell, whether we can keep forking everything depends on how many of us there are
02:07.16TwistedFatenot enough manpower for that
02:07.30nextimei probably can say that there are today more devuan users than how many debian users there were when i started using debian back in '94
02:07.52nextimeTwistedFate: don't worry, we will have enough man power
02:08.11golinuxTwistedFate: Why don't you go piss your negativity in another corner?
02:09.06golinuxThis isn't your urinal
02:10.28nextimeTwistedFate: we are not a small minority
02:10.31TwistedFategolinux, dont get me wrong, im not hating on anything (except systemd), but such view can easily become a reality
02:10.43TwistedFatelook how easily systemd sneaked in
02:10.53nextimesystemd opponents are ~ 50% of the community
02:11.22golinuxTwistedFate: What have YOU contributed?
02:11.44TwistedFateok but, how do you manage to serve something down the throat of majority of the community if they dont like it? its insane
02:12.03TwistedFategolinux, nothing
02:12.08MinceRit seems most people don't care
02:12.10nextimeeasy enough, there is a thing called money
02:12.29golinuxPeople go to see proctologists too.
02:12.35nextimeand redhat is the linux player with more money and big costumers on the shene.
02:13.32nextimein other words, lobby and a lot of too young people
02:13.36nextimebut it's not so bad
02:13.37MinceRbig customers like the nsa
02:13.43golinuxTwistedFate: Are you running devuan?
02:13.43nextimethere is a huge community against it
02:13.47MinceRand canonical and debian have also become their vassals
02:14.00TwistedFategolinux, yes, why?
02:14.00MinceRand of course red hat and canonical have become microsoft's vassals
02:14.55*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
02:15.02golinuxTwistedFate: Was wondering if you had any commitment to Devuan
02:15.23golinuxRunning on metal or playing in a vm?
02:15.43nextimeis running ~ 90 devuan machines
02:16.02TwistedFategolinux, i am using it on my machine, dual boot though
02:16.25TwistedFatewindows 8.1 pro
02:16.25nextime( only one jessie, all the rest ceres )
02:16.50golinux(nextime likes to live on the edge)
02:17.02robert-eOff topic, but rrq has a start on a vdev man page..if anyone has some examples of usage to include, could then send them to the mail list and I will include them?  Thanks.
02:17.20TwistedFatenextime, that is a lot of machines, good work.
02:17.21*** join/#devuan Drugo (
02:17.38nextimegolinux: : i was used to sid back in debian times
02:17.40*** join/#devuan configX (~configX@unaffiliated/configx)
02:18.18golinuxstays on stable past EOL
02:18.35MinceRdoes so too
02:18.43nextimeTwistedFate: ALL my machines have beenupgraded from debian to devuan even before the release of the first alpha
02:19.09TwistedFatei like the stability of devuan jessie but i am starting to think that the ceres might have been a better option for my needs
02:19.50nextimei must say that i use ceres also in production servers
02:20.02nextimeand also all my devuan related servers are devuan ceres too
02:20.31nextime( the one where the repository and amprolla is running, the one of the web site and so on, they are all o ceres )
02:23.24TwistedFatetime to get some rest, good night my dear rebels! :)
02:25.02configXNice lab, nextime. Just checked it out.
02:25.06*** join/#devuan CasperVector (~CasperVec@2001:cc0:201e:300:3e97:eff:fea9:6aa7)
02:28.00*** part/#devuan CasperVector (~CasperVec@2001:cc0:201e:300:3e97:eff:fea9:6aa7)
02:32.54golinuxnextime: Just saw your note about iridium browser
02:33.36golinuxLooks interesting
02:35.31configXgolinux, I may have to try that too
02:37.37golinuxI'll wait for it to get into devuan repos.
02:38.16configXIs it planned? Unfortunately it looks like we would have to build it manually otherwise
02:39.12*** join/#devuan rrq (
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03:06.21*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
03:35.45*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
03:36.31*** join/#devuan rrq (
03:43.20rrqfwiw, I patched dimkr's stub with the 40 functions, new since 2014, and made it into a stub that p8o functions well with. Obvioulsy I'll miss out on all the educational log messages, but I can hear the mplayer sound as if nothing was changed.
04:17.59*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
04:20.23*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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04:43.43*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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05:43.31*** join/#devuan AbsoluteFreedom (~freedom@
06:22.26*** join/#devuan Vall (~Vall@2602:ffda:ccc:1::d2fe:5848)
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06:39.42*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
06:42.04*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
07:05.42*** join/#devuan rumflump (~weechat@unaffiliated/olscumpy)
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07:41.54premobosshow much more before to have devuan 1.0 stable?
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08:37.10*** join/#devuan Besnik (
08:56.31*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
08:57.06*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
09:00.28*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
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09:38.24*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
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11:04.04*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
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11:14.06*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
11:17.44*** join/#devuan reetp (
11:19.05spygridHow is devuan doing?
11:19.22spygridbesides the iso not working properly as a repo
11:19.39spygriddue to signature error
11:19.58spygridand no new release ?
11:23.55*** join/#devuan exio4 (~exio4@unaffiliated/hacker)
11:36.18*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
11:37.27*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
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11:47.08*** join/#devuan AbsoluteFreedom (~freedom@
11:50.21jaromilpretty well, lots of work on the backend
11:50.40jaromilwhich never stopped working :^) just learning from a few hoops
11:53.52jaromilBTW I am preparing a public speech about the status of Devuan, along with a bigger update, for the FSCONS on 12 November (Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit)
11:54.59jaromilhopefully that will give an exhaustive overview and also leave some space for questions (FSCONS is well participated by experts so I expect questions to be sharp and to the point)
11:55.09jaromilAFAIK there will be a recording, perhaps also a live stream
11:56.37jaromilmeanwhile, we are all eating our dogfood and noone is getting fat it seems :^) metabolism takes a while to be understood eheheh
11:58.16OmegaPhilgets diabetes
11:58.52jaromilhey cmon we aren't adding any sugar, cant blame us rly
12:02.00spygridlong live #devuan....  death to systemd
12:09.18*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
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12:16.58*** join/#devuan mns` (b156ff05@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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12:57.35*** join/#devuan Besnik (
13:12.04*** join/#devuan aitor (
13:12.42aitorjaromil, a conference in november about devuan?
13:15.07aitorin which country?
13:17.36*** join/#devuan Besnik (
13:20.29*** join/#devuan CasperVector (~CasperVec@2001:cc0:201e:300:3e97:eff:fea9:6aa7)
13:21.37CasperVectorHello #devuan, has the `backports' repositories been devuan-ised now?
13:25.08*** join/#devuan Bercik (~Yotsuba@unaffiliated/bercik)
13:26.18aitori don't know, i don't use backports
13:27.21aitori have to reboot the system, see you later
13:27.46nextimespygrid: which signature error?
13:27.51nextimeis there a bug open about it?
13:30.21spygridsingature error was apt-get would not accept any packages from my local repo, due to this signature error,  I did not check for a bugh
13:31.01spygridI tried importinng the debian9. pgp keys, of course that didnt work
13:31.53nextimespygrid: if you have a local repo you should import the key of your local repo
13:31.58nextimenot the debian keys
13:32.31nextimeand please, we are in beta, this would mean that anyone find a bug should open an issue so we can fix it
13:32.42nextimewe cannot fix something we are not awere of
13:34.06*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
13:34.09spygridsure, tomorow i will squak about it,  whats your name ?
13:35.56CasperVectoraitor: I remember dev1fanboy's doc saying `backports' repos were not devuanised. Also attempting to install a certain package resulted in warning about conflicts; but the same thing did not happen when I enabled jessie-backports just now :|
13:37.25nextimespygrid: I'm "Franco Lanza", but it doesn't matter, if you want to refer to me, @nextime on gitlab will do
13:38.40*** join/#devuan aitor (
13:39.08aitorCasperVector: yes, of course
13:39.13spygridnice to know you Franco, i'll help out tomrow, goodnight
13:40.01aitorusing backports solves some dependency problems if you want to use a more modern package
13:41.50aitorbut i prefer not to use them, with the exception of some cases (for example, slim)
13:41.55CasperVectoraitor: Actually I mean attampting to install pkg::backports caused conflicts several months ago, but now it seems to work...
13:43.21aitorMmmh..., i'll consider this option for gnuinos openbox
13:44.03CasperVectoraitor: :)
13:44.09aitorthat would allow me to use linux-4.8
13:44.10*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
13:44.43aitori'm a stubborn :)
13:46.19aitor15:45 and i have no eaten yet :(
13:46.25aitorsee you
13:50.23*** part/#devuan CasperVector (~CasperVec@2001:cc0:201e:300:3e97:eff:fea9:6aa7)
13:56.05premobossim am doinf istallation of devuna beta for x86. i want to install bare CLI and later add GUI. i prefere lxde, i ask if it is present and stable in devuan
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14:48.39nextimepremoboss: it's in devuan repos, and "shoould work" but it's not intensively tested actually, so, it's not guarantee it will not try to grab some systemd-something dependency, as in devuan is just a 1:1 packages with debian lxde at the moment
14:49.02*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
14:49.20nextimeso, please try it, and eventually report us any issue
14:49.26premobossim installing it righrt now. i will report in case of malfuncion
14:49.37nextimeit will be a precious contribute as we are in beta and we need people try things and report bugs
14:49.57premobossrelly urge to see 1.0 stable to wipe out all debian machines i have
14:50.26muep_you do not really have to wait for someone to say that it is now 1.0
14:50.45nextimepremoboss: we are working towards it and any issue reported help us to get close to it
14:50.55premobossi am a "classic" user, in NEED to see "stable" printet somewhere :-)
14:52.03premobossqeustrion: if lxde need systemd-something but systemd is NOT present in devuan, so lxde will be broked, tight?
14:52.32nextimeREQUEST FOR HELP: if anyone would like to contribute to devuan and has rest API automation experience and is proficient in any interpreted language that can run on linux
14:53.04nextimewe are searching someone to write a migration script to migrate whole things, repos, issues, wikis, groups and so on from gitlab to gogs
14:53.56muep_premoboss: there might be some broken features, but it would likely still mostly work. but of course it would depend on how exactly lxde needed some systemd item
14:54.02nextimepremoboss: probably not, as we actually only ban systemd and systemd-sysv packages, other systemd-things are present in our repo to avoid to broke systems until we are sure we can get rid of it
14:55.03nextimewe would love to ban all systemd related packages as soon as possible, but as we are VUA we know that remain conservative is a precious thing for users and admins
14:55.09premobossnextime, do you mean that devuan is still not "purified" from systemd?
14:55.13nextimeso, we try to be as conservative and carefull we can
14:55.31premobosswhat does mean "VUA"?
14:55.37nextimepremoboss: yes, i mean that, it's not yet totally purified, this is why we are in beta and not at release state
14:55.49premobossok got it
14:56.00nextimepremoboss: VUA stands for "Veteran Unix Admins", the name of the informal group that started devuan project
15:05.03muep_mostly just curious, but do any of the popular configuration management tools like ansible, puppet, salt and suchlike work well with devuan?
15:05.55muep_I've been trying it a bit with ansible and it does not seem to always detect that it could well use its existing debian-specific code paths
15:09.04Leander256I tried salt a bit and it seemed able to use the package manager correctly
15:09.28muep_e.g. here with the version of ansible that devuan ships in its repos, the variables beginning with ansible_distribution are basically empty
15:10.54muep_though an admin using ansible is quite unlikely to use exactly that version. it would need to get fixed in whatever version the admin uses
15:14.59*** join/#devuan h_ll_k_n (~how@unaffiliated/hellekin)
15:16.38nextimemuep_: as a common rule, if anything works with debian you can usually assume it works in devuan too
15:17.35nextimeand if it doesn't work in debian, if anyone will point us at it, we will make it work on devuan :)
15:22.52*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:23.18premobosslxde installed ok. removd clipit. now installing libreoffice.
15:25.21nextimeio that's great
15:25.30nextimes/io\ //g
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16:31.10premobosssomeone will package dowse for devuan? more general, there will be packager in devian that there will be no in debina? will devuan evolve to diverge from debian massively?
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17:10.56premobosshi. i compiled dowse. run ./ many error came: error object '/usr/lib/x86_64-lib-gnu/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (canot ope shared object file): ignored. my system is 32bit, not 64. htop report /udsr/locsl/dowse/bin/webui is running, tskr s lot of cpu (i hsvr s old monocore).
17:16.13premobossi open firefox  on and i see 2 lsbrl "thing found" and "statistics". i click on things found but nothing happens
17:16.39premobosswhat i do wrong?
17:22.21Akulidid you install the dependencies?
17:22.54premobossah i reading readme...
17:23.12Akulithe git commands are a bit screwed up on the readme
17:23.23Akuliif you're viewing it on github
17:23.42premobossok i did /usr/dowse/build/bin/dowse-to-gource | gource --log-format custom -
17:24.09*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
17:24.19premobossi gitted the source
17:24.55premobossi grt "connecting to redis on port 6379 but no more came after thuis
17:26.37premobossif i run geurce salone i see some "colored balls" going around but if i run firefox i don see more palls
17:38.06jaromilpremoboss: dowse is a project using devuan as a base, it will release arch specific images ready for install when its ready for beta, likely in a couple weeks
17:38.36premobossciao jaromil :-) ok aspettero'.
17:38.42jaromilwe have a channel for it on #dowse
17:39.05premobossfor now on my machine devuan is ok.
17:39.14premobossi will report bugs if i will find.
17:47.23*** join/#devuan mlsmith (~configX@unaffiliated/configx)
17:52.34golinuxOne reason I think I remember is that gitlab ci can't be disabled
17:54.14mlsmithAh ok, that makes sense
17:55.37mlsmithgolinux: this is Mike by the way
17:56.24golinuxmlsmith: Yes, I know that  ;)
17:56.51mlsmithGeez, nothing gets past you
17:57.02golinuxgitlab is also going down a road of less user choice in other areas.
17:57.14VallHello everyone. How do I install this under Refracta?
17:57.35VallIt doesn't show up on "apt-cache search zfs", even after a "apt-get update"...
17:57.40VallShouldn't it?
17:57.49mlsmithI guess they are getting cocky now that they are gaining ground on github
17:58.25golinuxThe gitlab news is depressing.  They are now on the GitLab World Tour
17:58.39*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
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18:00.43golinuxVall: Seems I m=remember something about zfs on the refracta forum but a search just came up dry.
18:01.22Vallthanks anyway for trying to help, golinux.
18:01.25golinuxYou might want to poke around there with some better keywords
18:01.48VallMy question transcends zfs. What I want to know is, how to enable installation from Debian repos?
18:02.12VallOn Devuan generally, not necessarily Refracta.
18:05.43golinuxmlsmith: Yes, nothing much gets past me.  I have spent many hours in musty administrative docs.  ;)
18:08.10jaromili still have fingers crossed for gitlab. the founder is dutch and we can connect locally over common friends if he ever gets back over here. after our 1.0 release the size of our project will become evident and we'll be able to negotiate some community deal perhaps, to shield us from the silicon-valley driven commercial path gitlab has taken lately
18:09.05jaromilelse, we'll migrate, no big deal. someone should re-brand silicon-valley as the place where open source community projects go die
18:12.52*** join/#devuan mlsmith_ (
18:17.26Valljaromil, golinux, mlsmith: what prevents us from opening another github? Isn't all source code public?
18:18.50jaromilVall: the Devuan community at large already expressed its opinion on the matter, there is no consensus on using github (which is a proprietary third party platform). I speak as somoene who wasn't against, yet noting there wasn't consensus. It became more evident with time, that this was a wise choice, since Devuan is way bigger than what a "group" on github can offer
18:19.40VallI did not know github was proprietary. This is definitely Not Good (TM).
18:20.03VallWhat was the opinion of the Devuan Community at Large, if I may ask?
18:20.12Vall(sorry for being so disinformed)
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18:26.00mlsmithjaromil, that's a sad truth about silicon valley
18:27.09golinuxThat's the sad truth about predatory capitalism
18:28.38Vallgolinux: to paraphrase Winston Churchill, capitalism is absolutely the worst economic system... except for all the others that have been tried until now ;-)
18:28.51VallBut I get your point, it doesn't have to be "predatory"
18:29.42mlsmithThat's it, I'm going off the grid and taking the Internet with me. Sorry, folks.
18:29.53Vallmlsmith: LOL
18:30.25mlsmithWow golinux...I haven't seen you use hard acronyms before.
18:30.43golinuxI have my moments.  ;)
18:31.46golinuxI think I get what you were saying now . . .
18:32.06golinuxAnyway this is OT for #devuan
18:32.47mlsmithok, fine. Boss lady has spoken.
18:35.29golinuxYou can move over to #debianfork
18:35.44mlsmithI did :-)
18:47.03*** join/#devuan indeo (
18:47.57VallRepeating in case someone haven't seen it yet:  how to enable installation from standard Debian repos? For example, I want to install this, but it doesn't show up under Devuan:
18:48.18*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
18:50.36Lydia_KVall: I think the opinions on using github are as varied as members ofthe devuan community themselves.
18:51.31cyteenVall: zfs is moving from zfsonlinux packages to debian maintained packages. The move happens in stretch/sid and reflected in ascii/ceres. The important bit for a usable zfs is that zfs-dkms can see a matching spl-dkms source in /usr/src. The most common error in the building of zfs-dkms is that it says it can't find spl source. As of yesterday this was the case for stretch/ascii. It usually sorts itself out eventually.
18:52.43VallThank you cyteen, Lydia_K.
18:52.57VallSo I should just move to Ascii?
18:56.18cyteenVall: At them moment I try to stable and add ascii repo to sources.list only to install needed packages (that work) and then take them out again. Pretty much what I'd for debian. If you've looked at the script from the other day you must add contrib to the sources.list as well for zfs not from zfsonlinux
18:56.38*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
18:59.29Vallcyteen: good idea!
19:00.11VallI'm somewhat of a novice in Debian, having run RHEL almost exclusively for the last 12 years or so...
19:00.36Vallcyteen: what do I need to add to /etc/apt/sources.list to enable ascii repos?
19:01.32cyteenecho "deb ascii main contrib non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ascii-devuan.list
19:01.50cyteenecho "deb-src ascii main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ascii-devuan.list
19:02.05VallBest to put it into a separate file in /etc/apt/sources-list.d/* ?
19:02.16Vallyou already did that ;-)
19:02.27VallThen, to deactivate, just open the files and comment all lines, right?
19:04.36cyteenThats my preferences, but then I always get bitten by changes to /etc/apt/sources.list. Comment out the lines, easy, or move the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d to /etc/apt/sources.list-available and symlink, then you can delete the symlink and still have a file to link to next time you need.(a bit overly elaborate)
19:08.49VallThanks cyteen!
19:10.42cyteenVall: and for zfs-dkms in ascii, it's not building from me atm
19:10.55VallI don't like DKMS at all.
19:11.22VallI'm much more for compiling the stuff directly, if possible.
19:11.25VallIs it?
19:12.10Vall(I mean, making the modules available under /lib/modules/xxx, then regenerating the initrd disks with mkinitrd)?
19:16.30cyteenYou may have more luck with that approach, once I got a stable zfs install I moved on to the next thing to rescue from the previous install. I only really need the ascii version for 4.x kernels atm which can wait.
19:23.15*** join/#devuan Gup (~bob@2a00:1a48:7807:102:d292:6934:ff08:70e0)
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19:33.28ansabhailteIs anybody on?
19:35.00ansabhailteI was told to come here
19:35.14ansabhailtebasically I want to install Devuan on my chromebook
19:35.33ansabhailteparazyd(?) is working on the ARM branch?
19:36.02ansabhailteAlso is this channel English, because I know the Devuan devs are Italian
19:36.10mlsmithansabhailte, is your chromebook definitely ARM?
19:36.38mlsmithOnly curious because I have one too but it's a celeron
19:36.43ansabhailteyes. its the flip c100p
19:36.48mlsmithOh ok
19:37.00ansabhailteI even verified that it's the same as the c201 and a user on reddit had flashed to this one as well
19:37.15ansabhailteits the RK3288 chip
19:37.35ansabhailtealso Im having a little issue with libreboot if anybody knows about that
19:38.46Vallcyteen: what about zfs-initramfs? Does it do what I want?
19:39.42cyteenkernel panic on reboot without it.
19:40.02mlsmithansabhailte, sorry I don't have much experience with either either libreboot or arm. Was libreboot on by default? I'm stick with coreboot
19:40.18ansabhailtecoreboot was default, I flashed libreboot successfully
19:40.34ansabhailtebut it wont boot to chromeos now. not sure why
19:40.45ansabhailteand nobody seems to be on #libreboot right now
19:40.59Vallcyteen: thanks!
19:41.21VallInstalling zfs-initramfs, getting the following messages during install:
19:41.24VallLoading new spl- DKMS files...
19:41.24Vall/etc/lsb-release: line 2: Devuan: command not found
19:41.24VallFirst Installation: checking all kernels...
19:41.24VallBuilding only for 3.16.0-4-amd64
19:41.24Vall/etc/lsb-release: line 2: Devuan: command not found
19:41.26VallBuilding initial module for 3.16.0-4-amd64
19:41.26Vall/etc/lsb-release: line 2: Devuan: command not found
19:42.01Valllooks like /etc/lsb-release is b0rked...
19:44.58cyteenI remember a problem with the use of spaces in the release string
19:45.30mlsmithansabhailte, sorry I can't help with that
19:47.04ansabhailteDoes anybody know when parazyd usually gets on?
19:47.08ansabhailteI was told to talk to him
19:47.46golinuxHe's on but not present atm
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19:48.37ansabhailtegotcha. I need his help with ARM
19:49.09golinuxparazyd: ^^^
19:49.25ansabhailteanother devuan dev told me parazyd has been working on a devuan image for arm notebooks
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19:55.46golinuxansabhailte: Did you see these?
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19:59.50Vallapt-get install zfs-initramfs failed here.
19:59.53Vallconfigure: error:
19:59.53VallError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.16.0-4-amd64 (x86_64)
20:00.20VallI would have said that the spl kmod should have been installed along with ZFS itself...
20:03.05VallHumrmrmr... perhaps Devuan is not so ready for use on standalone servers as I thought... ZFS On Linux is essential in these circumstances ;-/
20:03.40VallWell, no prob, will keep running it on my VMs ;-)
20:04.27cyteenYup thats what I get using dkms, the sources of spl and zfs or miss matched (I think thats the error). This is an error in the debian up stream rather than just devuan.
20:05.04Vallcyteen :-/
20:05.09VallThis sucks :-/
20:05.48cyteenI'm giving a build a try now in a container just to check.
20:06.42Vallcyteen: container.... OpenVZ or LXC or Docker or... ?
20:06.56cyteenthis was the reason I used the zfsonlinux repo with stable and stayed with 3.x kernel. Docker
20:07.08VallGood experiences with Docker?
20:07.42VallI've been using  hardware-based, traditional VMs so far, but want to start playing with containerization on Linux
20:07.54VallBeen trying to decide between OpenVZ and Docker.
20:08.14VallOpenVZ seems to be much more traditional and well-established
20:09.24VallBut it seems Docker has all the attention nowadays... and specifically I want to install this, which apparently won't run without Docker:
20:11.10cyteenNot sure how to answer that one, not a fan as such but really but has its uses.
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20:13.55Vallcyteen: Have you tried OpenVZ and Docker and prefered Docker? Or have you preferred docker for some other reason?
20:14.16Vallcyteen: but anyway, Docker is running OK for your use cases?
20:17.23cyteenNo, nothing to compare it with, I'm still converting projects to the docker way and none really stress it. The zfs was to test the docker zfs backend (which has a little gotya on reboot) so really its testing at the moment.
20:20.12VallThanks for the tips cyteen
20:20.18Vallmuch appreciated.
20:20.35VallI think I'm going to install Devuan plus Docker in a VM here, to see how it goes.
20:20.57VallIf it works OK, will move it to a remote VPS for testing.
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20:59.22ansabhailteparazyd you on?
21:06.45*** join/#devuan rrq (
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21:09.47k0nslgolinux: My Devuan mirror was down unexpectedly but is now back to normal again. Now there should be no issues.
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21:14.36golinuxk0nsl: OK.  No reports came in on this channel that the mirror was down.  Glad you're back up.
21:15.28aitorappearently the FSCONS X 2016 will be in Sweden
21:19.19aitoris Robert Storey the great scripter robert-e?
21:27.23rrqI believe them (him?) to be distinct individuals
21:30.31rrqnextime: woke up and saw your "REQUEST". please pm me, say 10h from now(?)
21:30.48rrqor make it 12h perhaps
21:30.58aitori'm mistaken again
21:32.14*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
21:33.34aitorrrq: i did some changes in vdev-initramfs
21:34.08aitoroh, rrq has quit
21:36.30nextimerrq i'm really busy right now
21:36.44nextimeyes, quitted.
21:36.54aitorrrq is asleep
21:39.10*** join/#devuan e (e@freenode/staff/spy.edk)
21:39.51aitore has joined #devuan
21:43.49aitorbedtime, see you tomorrow :)
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22:48.38ansabhailteparazyd are you online?
22:49.50golinuxansabhailte: Did you see the link I posted for you above?
22:51.49golinuxHe's probably asleep now
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