IRC log for #devuan on 20161015

00:14.31*** join/#devuan Chanku (
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00:37.55*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
00:50.54*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
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01:31.56*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
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04:27.35*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
04:29.24*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:39.41*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
05:22.27*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
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07:05.17*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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08:57.25*** join/#devuan Gup (
09:01.18Gupanyone had issues booting the raspberry pi image? i get a few flashes on the ACT light, then nothing.
09:01.45Gupi dont have a screen for it so no error message clues. I guess its hung at the bootloader
09:02.49Gupi could probably find a keyboard... maybe its waiting for me to press enter
09:04.22Gupnope, thats not worked. no caps/num lights either
09:05.22parazydGup: are you using the beta2rc1 or beta1 image?
09:08.18*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
09:08.38Gupi didn't see another option, is it hosted elsewhere?
09:08.55parazydthere is a newer image in the testing/ dir
09:09.01parazydbut this image was reported working
09:09.12parazydhow did you put it on your sd card?
09:10.46parazyddid you uncompress first?
09:10.53parazydsorry if questions are dumb
09:10.57Gupi did pipe though pv though to monitor process, and i did mount and edit /etc/hostname
09:11.02Gupyep, decompressed
09:11.39Gupmight try again without mounting it first, though i've not had problems making that change with raspbian
09:11.52parazydhmm dunno
09:12.08parazydare you using pi 2 or pi 3?
09:12.53parazydnot sure also if pv did anything weird
09:13.15Guppi 2
09:13.41Guppv shouldn't mess with anything but i'll leave it out this time
09:14.09parazydweird, that same image worked for me on my pi 2
09:14.14parazydcheck the sd card slot
09:14.21parazydsometimes it doesn't read the card well
09:14.46*** join/#devuan Narel (~Narel@unaffiliated/narel)
09:14.50parazydtake the card in and out a few times
09:14.53NarelHi I've a question
09:15.12NarelWhen systemd will be integrated in linux kernel .
09:15.13Gupyeah its in an awkward place the way i have the board mounted, so will check that
09:16.09tox_Narel: I fear that moment
09:17.31Gupparazyd, thanks for the tip, also downloading the testing version now you've alerted me to its presence, another route to try, cheers
09:17.43parazydyes please try it and report back
09:22.18*** join/#devuan eddiii (
09:24.32Gupparazyd, well the pure dd, unmounted, unmodified copy has made no change :/ going to try beta2 now
09:32.18*** join/#devuan berndj (
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09:37.55*** join/#devuan pydsigner (~pydsigner@unaffiliated/pydsigner)
09:44.41*** join/#devuan RypPn (
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09:45.05Gupparazyd, erm, its not a pi 2, its just a pi 1, revision 2 (Raspberry Pi Model B)
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09:45.13Gupthats probably the problem
09:45.21parazydah, yes
09:45.28parazydthat one doesn't boot armhf
09:45.44parazydin due time i will provide rpi1 builds as well
09:45.55parazydthere are just some specific things to take care of
09:46.04parazydsorry :/
09:46.25Gupno worries
09:46.38Gupi guess a dist-upgrade from raspbian is going to fail?
09:47.06parazydi believe so. i remember getting lots of segfaults when i did it
09:47.16*** join/#devuan ThomasKeller_ (
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09:47.34Gupi'm tempted to get a newer model ;)
09:48.17parazydyeah why not? the pi 3 is quite fast
09:51.23Gupmoney is tight is the only reason, and this one does its job just fine
09:51.34Gupi'll continue to think of ideas to justify it ;)
09:52.39Gupi look forward to the rpi1 builds, let me know if you need a hand testing them or anything
09:53.21parazydyes sure :)
09:56.03Gupwhats the issues? I debootstrapd onto an O2 Joggler recently and that went well, although that is x86. is it arm related?
09:58.47*** join/#devuan eddiii (
10:02.59*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
10:05.22parazydi need armel packages to make it work
10:05.44parazydinvestigating where to get them from (probably raspbian, but still not sure) because the debian ones don't seem good
10:09.00*** join/#devuan Quetzalcoatl (
10:09.25nextime_if i remember right, the issue is that armhf packages from debian/devuan are armv6, rpi1 is armv5
10:09.31nextime_so they don't work
10:09.38nextime_rpi2 and 3 are armv6 so no issues
10:09.58parazydno, rpi1 doesn't even support hard float
10:09.58*** join/#devuan AbsoluteFreedom (~freedom@
10:09.58nextime_to make devuan works on rpi all binary packages needs to be recompiled
10:10.16parazydthe raspbian armel ones do work
10:10.19nextime_parazyd: ok, so, armel packages are armv6 instead of armv5 then
10:10.31parazydbut devuan isn't compiling that yet
10:10.38*** join/#devuan nextime (~nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
10:10.45parazydarmv6 is fine
10:10.54parazydjust has to be armel, not armhf
10:11.25nextimeparazyd: we already have both armel and armhf
10:11.39nextimebut our armel packages, like the debian one, won't work on rpi
10:11.39parazydhmm they didn't seem to work
10:12.02nextimeand it's related to armvX or to something like that
10:12.28parazydmhm, but couldn't amprolla use the ones from raspbian for armel repos?
10:12.54*** join/#devuan Guest22725 (~Human_G33@
10:12.56nextimeparazyd: yes, of course we can do that
10:13.14nextimeBUT we also need to setup a build server for that architecture/flags
10:13.23nextimefor packages we build
10:13.57nextimeour armel build server is using the same flags as the debian one right now
10:14.21nextimewe can even setup an additional one and then having two set of armel packages
10:14.31nextimeno issue in do that
10:14.35*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
10:14.39Gupwell its all over my head but sounds like progress :)
10:15.51nextimethe point is: how usefull will really is to do that? how many rpi1 out there will use devuan and how many rpi1 there will be in future?
10:17.30parazydnextime: n900 is the real reason
10:17.47parazyddevuan can then be the new upstream for maemo
10:17.55parazydkind of a big deal :)
10:19.05nextimeparazyd: well, i'm the owner of two abandoned n900, as they are obsolete at hw level today in my hopinion, but yes, i know there is a huge user base out there, so, it make sense
10:19.49parazydhaving up to date packages on maemo is great
10:20.07parazydbut you know, if it's not a problem to set it up - consider it :)
10:20.32nextimei will, but not before amprolla2 release
10:36.39*** join/#devuan asbesto (
10:39.10*** join/#devuan cyteen (
10:50.25tox_parazyd: rpi1 is armhf
10:50.42*** join/#devuan eddiii (
10:55.33*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
11:04.53Gupi'm just running some updates on my rpi1 now and it does say armhf:
11:04.57GupGet:5 wheezy/main libgd2-xpm armhf 2.0.36~rc1~dfsg-6.1+deb7u5 [222 kB]
11:05.16Guphowever uname -a says armv6l
11:05.21GupLinux rpi 4.4.23+ #913 Tue Oct 4 13:56:56 BST 2016 armv6l
11:06.07parazydtox_: regardless, armel+armv6 will work anywhere
11:06.13parazydarmhf+armv6 won't
11:06.37parazydalso killing 2 birds with one stone if we do armel+armv6
11:07.36parazydnextime: will amprolla be source agnostic? i mean, will it be able to use another amprolla as upstream?
11:07.54parazydex: amprolla > devuan's amprolla > debian
11:07.56DocScrutinizer05nextime: ((two abandoned n900)) shame on you! ;-)
11:33.17*** join/#devuan bpmedley (
11:36.00dethaparazyd: no reason why you couldn't do that. amprolla's all the way down.
11:36.13*** join/#devuan eddiii (
11:37.31*** join/#devuan Gupz (
11:39.23parazyddetha: ok, cool :)
11:39.44parazydgonna be useful for derivated distros
11:41.07OmegaPhilWell well, I know partly why apt-get source is suddenly failing to verify .dsc files
11:41.23dethaIt will be more and more difficult to faultfind things though - which of the 3 intermediate repos did package X come from?
11:41.37OmegaPhilWith Devuan its not bothering to call gpgv with any keyrings (???), yet in Debian Testing it does
11:41.38*** join/#devuan eddiii (
11:42.35parazyddetha: it's always upstream's fault :D
12:01.35DocScrutinizer05(faultfind) isn't it best common practice to always just escalate to next higher layer?
12:08.38*** join/#devuan Gupzz (
12:21.45DocScrutinizer05just asking
12:36.50*** join/#devuan Drugo (
12:38.43Drugowhy there are images of beta2 for arm since wednesday  and stil nothing for amd64?
12:52.33OmegaPhilHow do you tag an issue in the Devuan tracker?
12:52.52OmegaPhilClosest I see is Labels but there doesn't appear to be a UI for a reporter to change them
13:16.00nextimeDocScrutinizer05: n900 doesn't have lte.
13:16.07DocScrutinizer05we got a tracker now?
13:16.10nextimeparazyd: yes
13:16.21DocScrutinizer05nextime: indeed
13:17.01DocScrutinizer05tbh it couldn't use it either, lack of memory bandwidth being the bottleneck even in UMTS HSPA
13:17.14*** join/#devuan AbsoluteFreedom (~freedom@
13:18.44parazydDrugo: it's different for arm. i don't need as much stuff as amd64/i386 does
13:18.51parazydthings like the installer and stuff
13:22.45*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Krupptus@
13:35.33infobot""Tracker currently has a function called tracker_memory_setrlimits() which sets the limitation of RLIMIT_AS and RLIMIT_DATA clamping it between 50% of total memory and MAXLONG (2GB on 32-bit) as an upper limit.""   Between 50% and MAXLONG of memory? WHAT THE F*CKING HELL SUCKER?!
13:35.50OmegaPhilBug tracker
13:36.24DocScrutinizer05~listkeys #devuan *track*
13:36.41infobot[bugtracker] (soon)
13:39.13*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
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14:03.16*** join/#devuan asbesto (
14:07.01OmegaPhilgolinux: Just make me supreme sysadmin of devuan and its sorted :)
14:09.38golinuxOmegaPhil: I don't have those magic powers
14:10.21golinuxIt's good that I don't actually ;)
14:10.43*** join/#devuan n4dir (
14:10.47golinuxGit is still pretty much a mystery to me.
14:12.08OmegaPhilI've used it for some years now, but luckily nowhere that needs lots of active branches
14:12.22DocScrutinizer05not git, this github stuff
14:14.32MinceRgitlab, actually :>
14:14.51DocScrutinizer05whatever git??b
14:15.03golinuxWasn't there talk about changing platforms?
14:15.35MinceRgithub is nonfree and as such can't be self-hosted
14:15.41MinceRso it's unlikely to be an option at all
14:17.10golinuxI recently got a notification from gitlab with the subject: "Continuous Integration, GitLab World Tour, and More!"
14:17.20*** join/#devuan penelopa (
14:17.21golinuxgroan . . .
14:17.22DocScrutinizer05gitlab maybe is possible to self-host but obviously way beyond the state where it can get self-maintained
14:17.45golinuxAnd modularity is so quaint.
14:17.48OmegaPhilTook a minute or so to even sign in, lol.
14:17.48DocScrutinizer05and JS infested fubar
14:17.54*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
14:17.57OmegaPhilYeah, JavaScript cancer :/
14:18.04*** join/#devuan penelopa (
14:18.05golinuxSeems that gitlab ci can't be turned off
14:18.26golinuxWhich is vexing nextime
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14:20.00golinuxlkcl:  So how is the unofficial-live install working?
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14:20.53DocScrutinizer05I mean I'm fine with websites using JS for implementing stuff you can not do in plain HTML. But when not even a search textbox or dirlisting works without JS, just because, then... >:-(
14:21.32golinuxBecause it's SNS!
14:22.06*** join/#devuan penelopa (
14:22.50DocScrutinizer05having a text input box or a tiny icon in front of text are genuine functions of plain HTML which you really shouldn't need JS for. When a website doesn't even allow *optional* alternative plain-HTML for such basic stuff, then shoot the devels^H designers with owl shit
14:27.01*** join/#devuan snux (
14:29.49MinceRmaybe gogs is better?
14:34.06golinuxYeah, that's what was suggested as an alternative
14:34.36*** join/#devuan zjason (
14:34.43golinuxOctober 10th, 2016
14:34.43golinux4:47 pm
14:34.43golinuxanyway would like to take this task for devuan as we plan to give gogs a chance over gitlab?
14:35.29*** join/#devuan thd (4e8137fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:35.29golinux(botbot logs are very useful)
14:35.57DocScrutinizer05I still fail to get the hilarity my last post caused
14:36.35golinuxGotta laugh to keep from crying (or breaking things)
14:36.58DocScrutinizer05what's SNS?
14:37.09golinuxSiny New Shit
14:37.15DocScrutinizer05aah k
14:37.17MinceRi think the funny part was "owl shit"
14:37.31golinuxThat too . . .
14:38.05golinuxThey really deserve elephant dung
14:38.52DocScrutinizer05owls supposed to be wise ;-)
14:39.38Lydia_Kgogs is ok, but it's very simplistic.
14:39.42DocScrutinizer05elephant dung only for people who forget the errors they made yesterday and do them again today
14:45.25*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
14:50.19DocScrutinizer05err what??  >>It's all on GitHub! <<
14:51.15Lydia_KYeah, their code is on github, I used it at work for a bit
14:51.38Lydia_KI actually contributed a few tiny patches, I honestly don't remember what anymore, really small fixes, nothing special.
14:52.36golinux(Anything Lydia_K contributes is special)
14:52.50DocScrutinizer05shouldn't a git webservice host itself, just like a compiler builds itself?
14:55.42DocScrutinizer05you'd think this would be a question of honor
14:56.34DocScrutinizer05just like microsoft doesn't run linux on their webservers ;-)
14:57.15MinceRexcept they do
14:57.24MinceRthey hide their crap behind akamai's gnu/linux systems
14:57.28DocScrutinizer05lol, really?
14:57.33MinceRor at least used to
14:57.52MinceRcan't tell anymore as they've learned to fake the headers(?) used to identify them
14:57.53DocScrutinizer05well, akamai know their shit
14:57.58MinceRunlike m$ :>
14:58.19MinceRmaybe gogs will eventually self-host
14:58.23DocScrutinizer05akamai's not that bad
14:58.41MinceRi doubt any systems self-host from the first moments of their existence
14:59.04DocScrutinizer05sure :-) That's the "trick": how to bootstrap
14:59.30golinuxDocScrutinizer05: Maybe they don't have the resources to d that yet.
14:59.46DocScrutinizer05possible, yes
14:59.52golinuxYou want to donate the resources?
15:00.28*** join/#devuan n4dir (
15:00.43MinceRalso, reportedly, when m$ centralized skype, they used gnu/linux servers to do the routing that used to be done by random skype users
15:00.47MinceRthey probably still do
15:01.21golinuxAnd we have wandered very OT
15:01.27*** join/#devuan tox1 (
15:04.02Lydia_KDocScrutinizer05: They probably started there before it was really functional, and now, well, why bother moving when it's all there and all your contributers are there?
15:04.42Lydia_KPlus I get the feeling their target is more like small groups, not so much "Joe Public", and maintaining systems where any person can make an account anytime they like can be a hassle.
15:04.55Lydia_KMight as well just let github deal with it, they already have the infrstructure and the people in place.
15:06.14DocScrutinizer05Lydia_K: ack
15:06.54MinceRthey could move to notabug :>
15:09.01*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
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15:19.30galluxHello :)
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17:08.01dethaDocScrutinizer05: you underestimate the effort it takes to not use javascript.
17:08.36*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
17:09.21golinuxNot one of the sites I designed has any native js
17:09.34golinuxdetha ^^^
17:10.03golinuxAnd no icon navigation either!
17:10.32golinuxJust straight markup + css
17:10.48OmegaPhilI want to be exploited by dubious web fonts
17:11.21dethagolinux: I try to make things at least usable without js. Since html5 that is mostly possible, but sometimes.....
17:12.15golinuxThat would depend on your definition of usable
17:14.56dethagolinux: example. I have a form, with many many fields, a lot of them required. It has a submit button. Client also would like a 'back' button. Oh, and if user hits back button and then goes to the form again, it must retain the part already filled in.
17:16.15dethawith js, I can easily do that. without js, I either lose pre-check on 'required' or 'retain whatever already filled in'.
17:17.00golinuxYeah, interactive presents problems.  I use a php contact form (not written by me)
17:17.56OmegaPhilJavaScript was made for form validation though
17:18.03OmegaPhilDon't think theres a problem there?
17:18.26*** join/#devuan snux (
17:20.02dethahtml5 removes the need for most of the javascript form validation - it can check for required fields, valid date or email, and against regular expressions. The only thing it cannot do is 'if field 3 is 'yes', then field4 and field5 need to be filled in'
17:20.10OmegaPhilOh nice
17:20.35OmegaPhilStill, do that stuff server side
17:21.10buZzdetha: just would require double work
17:21.23buZzdetha: cause imho you cant assume 100% of your users have html5 support
17:21.41dethaIt needs to be server-side (if only against bots and people with firebug). However, users expect pre-check these days
17:21.51buZzwhich is why i usually spoof browser ident to NSCA/Mosaic 2
17:21.59OmegaPhilLol :)
17:22.30buZz <-- its amazing fast btw
17:22.42buZzand compiles on recent distros ;)
17:23.09dethadoes it render modern sites though?
17:24.46OmegaPhilProprietary license
17:25.29buZzdetha: a bit
17:26.27buZzdetha: makes you realize what toxic influence javascript has to reduce accessibility ;)
17:27.52dethabuZz: I know all about it - my default browser has javascript off. (Which is why sites I build have to at least render properly without js)
17:28.17buZzdetha: i get a nodejs/meteor dev ask me often 'how does this site work'
17:28.34buZzfirst response is always, 'it doesnt show me anything' 'do you have js turned on'
17:30.37dethaI like that concept
17:32.47*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
17:40.59*** join/#devuan Deformat (6d632a12@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:42.41DeformatI'm a Fedora user who's a bit sick of systemd and the way it works. I was wondering: On the site of Devuan isays that it "offers" multiple init systems. I get that at the base install, or?...
17:43.04buZzbase install you get all the repos
17:43.13buZzand sysv by default iirc
17:43.13Leander256actually it just installs sysvinit
17:43.15fsmithredyou get sysvinit
17:43.36fsmithredif you want something else, you need to change it manually, after install
17:43.44DeformatI see.
17:43.49buZzyeah it wont automagically change ;)
17:43.52fsmithredprettys sure. I've never tried it
17:44.13fsmithredmaybe it's possible to do it from the start with a debootstrap install
17:44.22fsmithredjust a guess
17:44.45DeformatI see. Thanks a lot! Might actually try this
17:44.47fsmithredwhich one did you want?
17:45.00DeformatI heard some pretty nice stuff about OpenRC
17:45.14fsmithredI think someone wrote a howto for openrc
17:45.35fsmithredfor devuan, I mean. I'm sure there are some for debian.
17:46.00Deformatthis, I guess?
17:46.03fsmithredand devuan is almost indistinguishable from debian pre-systemd
17:46.19fsmithredyeah, that one should work
17:46.29Deformatyea, what can I say
17:46.34Akuliwhat's better in openrc than in sysvinit?
17:46.35DeformatI've been a long-time Fedora user
17:46.37Akulii'm just curious
17:46.55Deformatand got pissed lately at the way my laptop's going
17:48.04Leander256openrc has nice features like script dependencies, and easy network configuration
17:48.45DeformatTBH, I'm no real expert, and I might be a huge idiot for doing this
17:48.49Leander256and the runlevels are easier to manage IMHO
17:48.55Deformatsystemd is using my resources as hell
17:49.06Deformatsysvinit AFAIK has some security issues
17:49.11Deformatso I'm going for an alternative
17:49.33Deformatand OpenRC seems to be pretty popular
17:49.34fsmithredDeformat, are you familiar with debian? Or you've been strictly on rpm-based distros?
17:49.49DeformatI did run Debian for a while
17:49.57Deformatthat was, like, a month or so
17:50.06Deformatand I did use it for my basic CS uni shit
17:50.26fsmithredmight be easier to go with defaults at first
17:50.27Leander256I'm a long-time Gentoo user, so I'm quite familiar and happy with OpenRC
17:50.49DeformatI know that there's the risk of a Frankendebian happening
17:51.02Deformatbut yea, I guess I can do it
17:51.08Leander256but I don't get what you mean by security issues with sysvinit
17:51.12fsmithredno, I'm just thinking you should give yourself a little time to learn some of the debian secret commands
17:51.32Deformat"secret commands"?
17:51.50fsmithreddebian-specific scripts used for system administration
17:52.00fsmithredscripts and programs
17:53.50DeformatSorry if I sound totally stupid, but I know bash and C, that's not an issue. I don't intend to become a sysadmin tho.
17:53.51fsmithredI started with redhat and suse, and when I switched to debian, it took me a while to get used to some different ways of doing things
17:54.21DeformatIt's just that I woke up lately that my old laptop was using its resources to the max
17:54.32Deformatfor really small stuff
17:54.35Deformatand it's...too weird
17:54.45fsmithredwhat desktop you using?
17:55.03Deformathtop showed me that systemd was really resource-hungry on my system, for some reason
17:55.25DeformatCinnamon, but truth be told, I tried using Openbox lately, but I barely feel any difference
17:55.28fsmithredmaybe 'cause it's trying to do everything?
17:55.35Deformatand for 3GB of RAM...
17:55.38Deformatit's just too weird
17:55.44fsmithredthey should feel different
17:56.25Deformatand Cinnamon lately is using 100-110MB of RAM lately, and quite less CPU as it used to a year ago, let's say.
17:56.31DeformatI just don't get it what's going on
17:56.39Deformatnm-applet was using 3% of the CPU
17:56.48Deformatand that's a pretty decent i3, mind you.
17:56.56DeformatI've never had issues in the past years with this laptop
17:56.58buZznetworkmanager is poop, confirmed
17:57.02buZzwicd is cool
17:57.07buZzno nonsense
17:57.30Deformatbut now it's becoming less and less usable.
17:57.34buZzDeformat: keep in mind, cpu usage of nm will change based on the USB devices you have connected ;)
17:57.34Deformatso right now
17:57.45Deformatwell, it was only my mouse last night
17:58.12buZzprobably untrue, most laptops for instance have touchpad on USB , and BT radio
17:58.51Deformatokay, I guess that makes things a bit more legit, but it's still pretty awkward
17:59.33Deformatso I'm looking right now to changing, so I'm looking at Devuan, Void, SliTaz, heck, I'm tempted even by FreeBSD.
18:00.14*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
18:07.15golinuxWhy don't you try the unofficial-devuan live?
18:07.28golinuxDeformat: ^^^
18:07.41golinuxYou can get a feel for it that way.
18:08.12DeformatYeah, will do! :)
18:08.39golinuxYou might also want to read some here:
18:09.16golinuxand here:
18:12.20DeformatThanks, those will really come handy!
18:19.32*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
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20:14.49*** join/#devuan Humanoid (~anonymous@unaffiliated/humanoid)
20:21.12HumanoidIf you include jessie-backports in your sources.list, upgrading debootstrap with "apt-get install debootstrap" will overwrite the devuan debootstrap with the debian debootstrap.
20:24.19HumanoidWhen doing "apt-cache policy" jessie-backports get the same priority 500 as jessie.  I think this is the source of the problem.  On a debian system, debian-backports ends up getting only 100;
20:28.18fsmithredyes, you need to pin backports at a lower priority
20:28.57fsmithredor when you do an apt-get dist-upgrade, you'll get everything from backports
20:30.16*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
20:33.28*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
20:33.30HumanoidHow come when using a debian reposity, jessie-backports automatically get 100, but not on
20:34.40HumanoidCan the server at be set to automatically give it a priority of 100, so we don't have to change our apt preferences?
20:37.13HumanoidI think it can be fixed in this file:
20:37.25HumanoidCompare it to this one:
20:37.51HumanoidThe debian version has some extra lines like: "NotAutomatic: yes" and "ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes"
20:41.03*** join/#devuan cyteen (
20:48.54hellekinHumanoid: mixing devuan repos with Debian's isn't working well, as Devuan repos already overlay Debian's
20:49.15Humanoidhellekin: I'm not mixing them.
20:49.34hellekinoh, I misunderstood that sorry
20:50.06hellekinHumanoid: if you have issues with devuan packages you should report an issue with Amprolla so nextime and Centurion_Dan can check this out
20:52.09HumanoidIt's not the package, it's the Release file from jessie-backports, that doesn't automatically get pinned to 100.  I managed to do it myself in my configuration as fsmithred told me to, but I think it should be fixed in the release file.
20:53.27fsmithredI posted an issue awhile ago, and I've spoken to Centurion_Dan about it.
20:53.55fsmithredFrom what I remember, it wasn't working the way it was supposed to be working.
20:55.06fsmithredI don't know if that's going to be sorted out by amprolla2
20:56.58*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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20:58.52HumanoidWhat's the difference between jessie-updates and jessie-security on devuan?  I noticed debian uses jessie-updates for security updates.
21:02.20HumanoidThe package lists are different too.
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21:08.51hellekinHumanoid: explains the difference
21:10.14*** join/#devuan snux (
21:10.21HumanoidAh good, thanks!
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22:36.04aitorhi all
22:37.36aitori'm having a look at ralph's git repo of vdev
22:38.28aitori would like too work together with him on the packaging, but we are using different methods
22:38.45aitorand it's a bit confusing for me :)
22:39.09aitorhe added the man pages, very good !!
22:44.30aitori'll try closely match my vdev-scripts (that is, the scripts for adding/removing vdev) to ralph's vdev-initramfs
22:45.52aitoron the other hand, i think that all the packages:
22:46.44aitorvdevd, libudeb1-compat, libudev1-compat-udeb, libudev-compat-dev, etc...
22:47.11aitorshould have the same upstream version number
22:47.27aitorbut that's may opinion :)
22:48.01aitorat the same way, this should be applied separately to.
22:48.22aitorall the packages of fskit
22:48.33aitorand all the packages of pstat
22:50.02aitorthere is an unique Makefile for vdev, which builds all the packages at once
22:52.10aitorralph also changed the sources of some vdev helpers, added example/insserv-overrides-udev, etc...
22:53.51aitoroh! i wrote may opinion :)
22:54.08aitor*my* opinion (IMHO)
22:57.39aitornobody here?
22:58.15furrywolfI'm mostly not here.
22:58.51aitorhi, furrywolf
23:01.57aitorthere is also lisp code in tools/udevrules
23:02.38*** join/#devuan KittenNIX (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
23:03.59furrywolfI went to the local public auction today, but left after a few hours due to constant, non-stop pouring rain.  over 3" of rain during the time I was there.  now I'm watching it online, like I should have done from the beginning!
23:04.21furrywolfsadly, the actual live audio/video doesn't work, due to it being nothing but a blank page with a .swf file.
23:06.34aitori see the following code in vdevd/helpers/LINUX:
23:06.51aitorif [ -n "$HWDB_FS" ] && [ -f "$HWDB_FS" ]; then
23:07.01aitor/bin/mount -t squashfs -o loop "$HWDB_FS" "$HWDB_DIR" 2>/dev/null
23:08.31aitorso, the hwdb.squashfs file doesn't need to be mounted during the installation of the package
23:08.53aitori have to fix it in my packaging
23:11.01*** join/#devuan rrq (
23:11.10aitori rectify: in  *vdevd/helpers/LINUX/*
23:11.15aitorrrq :)
23:11.20aitoryou are australian
23:13.15aitorand US?
23:13.48rrqand SE
23:15.03rrqis waking up, gradully :-)
23:16.39aitorexcuse my ignorance: SE means sweeden?
23:17.21rrqtrue. maybe spelt slightly differently, but near enough ;-)
23:18.29aitorsweden :)
23:19.51aitori tested fsmithred's vdev2 iso, and i like it
23:19.59aitorfsmithred: fred smith?
23:20.34rrq... you're ever the curious, arn't you :-D
23:22.08aitorlol..., yes, i am
23:23.03aitorfsmithred adde an application for managing devices
23:23.33aitorit uses steve litt's pmount, i think
23:23.40aitorbut i'm still not sure
23:23.56aitorif so, i'll use it in gnuinos too
23:25.05aitortoday i removed all the server versions of gnuinos
23:25.19aitori'll upload them again tomorrow
23:25.48aitorsome bugs in the installers neede to be fixed
23:26.31aitori hurried uploading them, but they will work tomorrow
23:27.01rrqi'll try gnuinos as it arises; I didn't have any luck with fsmitred's iso in my qemu set ups. But I don't have the time to worry right now.
23:29.58aitorrrq: time to bed... see you :)
23:30.11aitori'll follow your commit in git
23:30.21aitorand thanks for your work
23:30.52rrqnw. g'night
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