IRC log for #devuan on 20161009

00:00.11pydsignerDo you not have the right driver version for the RX 470?
00:00.22pydsignerThere aren't many errors there
00:03.33TwistedFatepydsigner, yes
00:06.11*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
00:06.41fsmithredthere's also no RX 470 listed there
00:06.54fsmithredyou might need newer xorg
00:08.15TwistedFatefsmithred, sorry i was disconnected for a while, if you typed something before this, i didnt see it
00:09.24fsmithredI just said that rx 470 isn't listed in the log output. You might need newer xorg
00:10.05fsmithredor maybe proprietary driver
00:22.19*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
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00:36.51*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
00:45.01*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
00:51.51*** join/#devuan rrq (
01:34.25*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
01:42.14*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:11.26*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
02:13.00*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
02:30.04*** join/#devuan n4dir (
02:53.44*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
03:04.41*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~skribblez@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
03:13.52*** join/#devuan rrq (
03:40.39*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
03:55.35*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
03:59.48*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
04:07.29*** part/#devuan pencilandpaper (~skribblez@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
04:15.59*** join/#devuan boson (
04:19.07*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
04:25.43*** join/#devuan AbsoluteFreedom (~freedom@
04:30.33*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
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04:48.21*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
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05:02.03*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
05:33.52*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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05:45.26*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
05:55.39*** join/#devuan rrq (
06:24.48*** join/#devuan AbsoluteFreedom (~freedom@
06:29.11*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
06:54.27*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
07:12.35*** join/#devuan jotik (~7f000001@unaffiliated/jotik)
07:12.39*** join/#devuan premoboss (
07:24.53*** join/#devuan stevelitt (
07:30.45premobosshi all. i tried to install devuan beta 1.0.0 jessie x86 32 bit on a virtual machine (kvm). If i do it STANDALONE installation FAILS! i am forcedo to do istallation win real PC connected to internet. this bug is so bad, i suppose it was solved istead is still present.
07:32.15premobossof course i used a comolede tisk (647MB  devuan_jessie_1.0.0-beta_i386_CD.iso) and not the netist iso.
07:35.52*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
07:45.47*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
07:50.47*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
07:56.25*** join/#devuan sacarde (~sacarde@
08:03.23sacardeWhat do you recommend for the services management?
08:06.03*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
08:19.20gnu_srspremoboss: Unfortunately due to a slight mistake the iso file still requires the network :( Centurion_Dan ^^
08:21.43premobossI SELECT ONLU SSH serrvwer and utilities an go on. but fail to install. now i repeat but deselect ssh server and utilities
08:32.34premobossnow i am in cli, devuan is up. grub still report "bebian" istead of "devuan" :-)
08:32.42premobossnow install lxde
08:51.16*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:58.27*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:03.38*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
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09:15.45*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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09:20.58*** join/#devuan Not_a_Robot (
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09:37.26premobossok, now lcde is up and running in devuan :-)
10:14.21*** join/#devuan chomwitt1 (
10:33.12*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
10:41.40gnu_srspremoboss: :)
10:52.12*** join/#devuan mobinmob (~mobinmob@2a02:582:742a:2900:790d:80ac:6158:ef7b)
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10:59.16Centurion_Dangnu_srs: it's a known issue, caused by the on dvd repo not being signed.  The next release will fix this.
11:18.11premobossCenturion_Dan, when nex release will be pushed out? i will like to have wit me always a cd of devuan with no istalling offline bug.
11:20.11*** join/#devuan n4dir (
11:35.03Centurion_DanI can't commit to a date without talking to all the key people.  It is very high on our list of priorities tho.
11:38.19premobossgood it it came for xmas
11:38.23premobossgood if it came for xmas
11:47.09*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
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12:34.23*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
12:52.29*** join/#devuan mns` (~mns@
12:53.14mns`good morning
12:53.50mns`where i can found devuan wallpapers?
13:04.15galluxAs far I could see, there is no enough devuan wallpapers out there
13:05.26galluxI have read that is a freenode channel to devuan's related artwork
13:16.17*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
13:32.35*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan2 (
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16:30.37*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
16:41.46*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
16:53.03*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
16:54.01*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
16:59.18*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
17:01.09*** join/#devuan AbsoluteFreedom (~freedom@
17:04.27rumflumpI have none artwork
17:04.36rumflumpsorry gallux
17:23.30galluxahh don't worry rumflump
17:24.17galluxPerhaps devuan needs some artwork contests
17:25.29galluxto build its identity :)
17:30.30*** join/#devuan amdgoon (~amdgoon@
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17:40.21*** join/#devuan premoboss (~utente@
17:47.19golinuxgallux: We already have an identity
17:47.58*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Krupptus@
17:47.59*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
17:48.04golinuxLogo, wallpaper and color palette for jessie.
17:48.15golinuxWill change for ascii.
17:50.52golinuxWell, the logo won't change.  ;)
17:50.59galluxahh thank you golinux :))
17:51.59golinuxNote that the slim artwork in there is not the current one.
17:59.33golinuxIt's here:
17:59.50*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
18:01.33fsmithredthere's a page at that lists all issues. I've seen it. I've even posted some issues. How do I get to that page now?'
18:02.01golinuxEvery project has issue listings
18:02.26fsmithredok, I'm clicking on Projects to see the Projects, but it doesn't take me there
18:02.44golinux  You're here?
18:03.12fsmithredI'm somewhere stuck in a search page
18:03.23*** join/#devuan penelopa (
18:03.40fsmithredok, that brings me to my project
18:03.47golinuxClick on your avatar
18:03.59fsmithredno, I clicked on Explore Projects
18:04.23fsmithredwhere's my avatar?
18:04.27golinuxUpper RH corner.  It lists your activity
18:04.34*** join/#devuan sheepluva (~sheepluva@unaffiliated/sheepluva)
18:04.40*** join/#devuan Katnija (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
18:05.06golinuxSee what you're looking for there?
18:05.11fsmithredProfile, Profile Settings, Sign Out
18:05.23*** join/#devuan Levure (
18:05.23fsmithredExplore is how I usually find it
18:05.30sheepluvayo. cinnamon packages are broken in beta, eh? (couldn't install it neither during graphical devuan install, nor with apt-get or synaptic -> "broken packages")
18:06.05golinuxfsmithred: They the avatar it's painless
18:06.09*** part/#devuan penelopa (
18:06.34sheepluvarobert-e: thanks :)
18:06.38fsmithredso I have to go through every project to figure out if greenjeans posted about the package descriptions?
18:06.43*** join/#devuan penelopa (
18:06.54*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan2 (
18:07.45golinuxThe c;lick on greenjeans avatar.  Maybe you can see his activity.
18:11.49fsmithredrobert-e, thanks, those are helpful
18:11.53fsmithredbookmarking them
18:12.17robert-efsmithred"  git confuses
18:12.45fsmithredI would like a map
18:13.55robert-efsmithred:  Heh..I would need a guide dog...anyway, I am out of here...heading off to my son's for thanksgiving today..have good one.
18:14.13fsmithredyou too
18:28.25fsmithredI posted an issue about the long package descriptions missing -
18:32.39*** join/#devuan default (
18:33.00*** join/#devuan fanderal (
18:43.02*** join/#devuan Drugo (
18:45.31*** join/#devuan pencilandpaper (~penciland@unaffiliated/pencilandpaper)
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18:45.56*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
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19:57.20*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
19:58.17*** join/#devuan Chanku (
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21:04.43*** join/#devuan rrq (
21:04.46*** join/#devuan Gup (
21:05.32*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
21:05.53fsmithredrrq, hi
21:06.38*** join/#devuan aitor (
21:07.35fsmithredhi aitor
21:08.02aitori'm uploading the beta of gnuinos
21:08.16aitorwith openbox
21:08.48aitorfew minutes
21:09.26aitortomorrow i'll update the repository, including vdev
21:13.12*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
21:14.46aitorjordila :)
21:15.27*** join/#devuan default (
21:19.44rrqmorning, both :-)
21:20.04aitorhi rrq :)
21:20.36*** join/#devuan Gup (
21:20.59fsmithredI just got back to testing your vdev yesterday and today
21:21.08aitori've to do some light changes in vdev
21:21.25fsmithredyesterday (before vdevd-2.0) my camera started appearing in xsane again
21:21.41fsmithredso I made a fresh install and started with the latest debs
21:22.18fsmithredwithout scanner.act I can start xsane, it doesn't give me the camera as a choice, and I can't use the scanner. Permissions don't change.
21:22.38fsmithredwith scanner.act, the permissions get changed and I can use the scanner
21:22.53fsmithredbut xsane gives me a choice of scanner or camera
21:23.24fsmithredralph.log gets generated if I manually stop and start vdev
21:23.39rrqah; is your PRODUCT line in scanner.act saying 255/255/255 ?
21:23.44aitorxsane needs root's permissions with or without vdev
21:25.08rrqbtw please email me /root/ralph/log
21:25.17fsmithredno, with 255/255/255, two usb devices get put in group scanner
21:25.24fsmithredwith product id, only one
21:26.05rrqok; hmm and xsane insists the camera is a scanner...?
21:27.26rrqI had got the impression it relied on the group setting. obviously it's something else, btu the group setting is required.
21:27.44aitorfsmithred, rrq: Tomorrow I had to get up early, see you :)
21:29.41rrqI'm guessing some other .act does something to fool xsane... hmm
21:31.41rrq.. something it shouldn't.. need to figure out whach and what; or maybe discovering "what" will tell us "which"...
21:32.42fsmithredcamera and scanner are essentially the same thing
21:33.29rrq? a single device (USB connector)?
21:34.02fsmithredno, I mean they both take optical input
21:34.11fsmithredscanner is a copy-camera
21:34.46fsmithredthey are different devices on the usb bus
21:34.59fsmithrednot even on the same bus
21:35.47rrqso xsane is able to operate the camera? ie it's right of it to recognize it?
21:36.24fsmithredI did try that, but it didn't work. got 'invalid argument'
21:36.47fsmithredjust thinking that on some level of classification, they are the same
21:37.16fsmithredor it's a bug in xsane
21:37.22*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
21:38.40rrqright. but the software doesn't make that kind of classification of course. It's rather probably that the camera gets lumped in to the list of choices because it is in some list of links or device nodes somewhere.
21:39.26fsmithredI think it's weird that the cam is seen even when its permissions don't get changed
21:40.21rrqI'll need to get xsane installed and poke at it. I wouldn't be surprised ot there's some new code in it that refers dierectly into the /sys tree whereas the active function probably uses the /dev tree
21:41.23fsmithredit's also possible that my usb hardware is wonky
21:44.37rrqpondering the log file
21:44.59*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
21:45.33fsmithredpretty sure the camera is the one from Suyin Corp. usb1
21:47.57*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
21:51.58*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
21:55.00rrqby its modalias, it's declared as "EF=Miscellaneous device" while the scanner is declared ("FF=Vendor specific")
21:55.52fsmithredyou're saying that's how we can tell them apart?
21:56.19rrqthis might lead back to the fact that the USB class codes don't include scanners, and is seriously defunct also for cameras.
21:56.48fsmithredlet me get my jaw off the floor
21:56.51rrqit does know the difference between "RNDIS over Ethernet" and "RNDIS over WiMAX"
21:57.12fsmithredlol, I don't.
21:57.17rrqone might think there has been specific interests driving the classification scheme
21:57.35rrqhow about RNDIS over WWAN?
21:58.18fsmithredudev rules fill the need?
21:59.41fsmithredThe fact that the camera shows up in xsane isn't a big problem.
21:59.57rrqdid/does the same thing happen with udev?
22:00.28*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
22:00.58fsmithredhaving to put the product id into scanner.act is more than we can expect the average use to deal with.
22:01.24fsmithredwere you expecting it to work without scanner.act?
22:02.08fsmithredgonna reboot to double-check with udev
22:02.18fsmithredalso, haven't tried going back to udev on this new install
22:02.33rrqyes; supposedly the group setting should happen because that device is in hwdb
22:03.38rrqyou can see in the log file that "VDEV_HWDB_CATEGORY=scanner"
22:04.06rrqand that should have caused the right thing to happen.
22:04.26fsmithredudev shows the cam as a scanner in xsane
22:04.32fsmithredsame as vdev
22:04.38fsmithredso it's not a vdev problem
22:04.49rrqok; that's what I would have expected
22:05.09rrqneither udev nor vdev can "remove" classifications
22:05.18rrqthey can onld "add" them
22:06.45rrqthe camera (064E/D283/0314) is not in the udev database/rules either
22:07.53rrqbut apparently vdev doesn't do the right thing even though it has the scanner as a scanner in its database.
22:09.15fsmithredone other thing...
22:09.53fsmithredwhen I switch it back to udev, it boots. Works fine in console, then startx, and desktop comes up with no mouse or keyboard
22:10.08*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
22:10.24fsmithredhave to use magic sysrq or ssh in to reboot
22:11.51rrqmmm... no fun.
22:11.58greenjeansHi golinux, you don't happen to have a slim theme laying around that's gray themed, possibly with some blue too?
22:13.05greenjeansdoing a new iso with custom configs, using the aurora engine and mostly grays in the desktop with the blue fog icons
22:13.17golinuxNo just purpy but you should be able to change the colors
22:13.29golinuxYou can fork that pkg.
22:13.38rrqfsmithred: so, without scanner.act, you don't see the group setting happen on the /dev path
22:13.52golinuxNote: it might be getting renamed.
22:14.05*** join/#devuan rumflump (~weechat@unaffiliated/olscumpy)
22:15.50greenjeansokay thanks, i'm just being lazy here
22:17.03greenjeansguess I could boot up the old machine with cs3 on it and do some new stuff myself (heresy I know, but still works better for me than gimp)
22:18.55greenjeansyou ever do anything with fractals?
22:19.08*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
22:19.18golinuxI like to look at them.
22:19.56greenjeanslol, cool, i'll be uploading some stuff i've done in the past sometime this coming week
22:20.06greenjeanssome neat wallpapers in there
22:20.32*** join/#devuan cyteen (
22:20.33golinuxYou will need more than an image editor.  You'll have to tweak colors in the svg theme
22:21.08greenjeansI like doing mixed artwork combining fractal stuff from apophysis, my photography, and some 'shop work
22:21.43greenjeansuggh, vector.....
22:21.51greenjeansinkscape work?
22:22.24golinuxIndeed.  I just have a purpy gradient on my desktop.  Don't like clutter/business of any sort
22:22.58golinuxI would just edit the colors with a text editor.
22:23.43greenjeansyeah, I like a clean desktop too, no icons, just nice wallpaper and a small conky display with date-time and what's currently playing on my music player
22:23.53golinuxI've worked with svg but never installed inkscape.
22:24.45greenjeansI tried it, but i'm a raster man so I lost interest pretty quick
22:28.33ryuujinrasta man
22:29.52greenjeansyep, 3 little birds outside my doorstep
22:30.33*** join/#devuan gallux (~atomic@
22:35.17rrqfsmithred: sent you a patch file on email -- please check if that makes the scanner be workable without using scanner.act
22:38.14*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
22:52.02*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
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22:56.39fsmithredrrq, where do I put that file?
23:02.39rrqoops: started with slash... /lib/vdev/
23:03.28fsmithredyeah, got it
23:03.44fsmithredstop/start vdev didn't change it
23:04.06fsmithredrebuild initrd and reboot is...
23:04.31rrqmm yes it might need to get into initramfs of course :-(
23:05.56fsmithreddidn't change
23:06.47rrqyou are not doing this to me omn purpuse ?
23:07.12fsmithredI wish someone else with a scanner would test
23:08.11rrqI need to send another patch with some more logging ... though might have to be a bit later today
23:08.44fsmithredit's 7pm here, so if it's waiting for me in the morning, I'll try it.
23:10.04fsmithredglad to help
23:10.05*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
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23:30.02*** join/#devuan jotik (~7f000001@unaffiliated/jotik)
23:30.43*** join/#devuan Drugo (
23:34.43fsmithredrrq, here are the error messages from /bin/chgrp: cannot access '/dev/UNKNOWN': No such file or directory
23:35.12fsmithredand: /bin/chmod: cannot access '/dev/UNKNOWN': No such file or directory
23:36.01rrqthanks. yes, my assumptions about the execution environment are wrong.
23:37.14*** join/#devuan Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
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23:53.27*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
23:57.34*** join/#devuan cyteen (

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