IRC log for #devuan on 20161002

00:28.22*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
00:33.25*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
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01:35.57*** join/#devuan captainfixerpc14 (~captainfi@unaffiliated/captainfixerpc14)
01:49.32*** join/#devuan boson (
01:52.43*** join/#devuan Hoshpak_ (
02:42.31*** join/#devuan Not_a_Robot (~soul@
02:46.38*** part/#devuan boson (
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03:15.26*** join/#devuan VlijmenFileer42 (~vlijmenfi@
03:20.53*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
03:27.42*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
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03:30.18*** join/#devuan CenturionDan (
03:31.55*** join/#devuan rumflump (~weechat@unaffiliated/olscumpy)
04:50.52ryuujinhi poettering
05:13.00*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
05:25.57*** join/#devuan Gargravarr (~raj6@
07:27.57*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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07:52.38*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
08:15.56*** join/#devuan Gup (
08:27.57*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
09:00.11*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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09:26.21*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
09:37.49*** join/#devuan rumflump (~weechat@unaffiliated/olscumpy)
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10:50.54*** join/#devuan rumflump (~weechat@unaffiliated/olscumpy)
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12:20.12*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
12:27.03*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
12:41.06*** join/#devuan KaiO^ (
13:01.19*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
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13:33.25*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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13:43.25hellekinryuujin: I guess you mean 'heil'.  If that's the case, you can /join #debianfork, where some people will be more responsive to that kind of gratuitous provocation.
13:44.00hellekinryuujin: if you really meant 'hi', then I must tell you Poettering has probably better venues to haunt than this channel.
13:55.22*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
13:56.09*** join/#devuan KaiO^ (
14:03.00*** join/#devuan KaiO^ (~stealth@
14:05.59*** join/#devuan Ryushin (
14:20.01*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
14:35.12*** join/#devuan Nukien (~Nukien@
15:04.19*** join/#devuan lime_ (lime57nort@unaffiliated/lime-/x-5173982)
15:04.19*** join/#devuan lime_ (lime57nort@gateway/shell/
15:31.24*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
15:53.39*** join/#devuan Chanku (
16:01.01*** join/#devuan Levure (
16:02.45*** join/#devuan n4dir (
16:08.48*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
16:09.53*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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16:22.28*** part/#devuan Nukien (~Nukien@
16:23.18*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
16:28.38*** join/#devuan premoboss (
16:37.02*** join/#devuan captain_fixerpc1 (~captainfi@
16:50.11*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
17:09.01*** join/#devuan premoboss (
17:14.59*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
17:20.34furrywolfI think hellekin said he's going to kick anyone who pastes that again.  )
17:21.14InocuousI've never seen that link posted.
17:21.19demuremaybe it should be added to the topic then "we've heard of the magical tweet"
17:22.29n4dirshort one: did anyone ever successfully run ascii or has heard of someone doing so?
17:22.49furrywolfI have ascii on my other laptop.
17:22.57furrywolfwhat is your specific problem?
17:23.51n4dirlibsystemd0 get's installed, startx fails to start, upgrades ask for --fix-missing, webbrowser segfault, ... all kind of errors
17:24.01n4dirsometimes this ones, sometimes others ...
17:24.24MinceR"we've heard of the magical tweet. however, the guys at #debianfork haven't."
17:24.48n4dirwhat i sure don't get is how come libsystemd0 gets installed though *systemd* is pinned ...
17:25.01furrywolfyeah, libsystemd0 gets installed.  but not systemd.  X works fine, although I have a DM starting it, not using startx.  firefox works fine, for the part of the definition of work that ever applies to firefox...
17:25.10Inocuouswhere has this link been posted so that it is such an annoyance that someone would be kicked for it?
17:25.37InocuousI must be missing some excellent source somewhere.
17:25.51furrywolfa lot of problems depend on libsystemd0.  ascii is actually behind jessie, in that jessie gets unsysmtemded packages before ascii does, from what I can figure out.
17:26.18n4diranyway: you use it daily, upgrade it regularly and it works?
17:26.47furrywolfI use it occasionally.  I keep meaning to make it my main laptop, but laziness (and lack of time) results in my still using this one.
17:27.12hellekinfurrywolf: I said we should have a bot that kicks people mentioning systemd to redirect them to #debianfork :)
17:27.40furrywolfyeah, and you said it when I asked for the blog link.  :P
17:28.08n4dirhard to avoid mentioning libsystemd0 if it gets installed and one wants to ask how that comes ...
17:29.37furrywolfit's better than this laptop in every way...  an i5-540m instead of a core2duo, a 1tb ssd instead of 60gb hdd, 8gb of ram instead of 3gb, 1920x1200 lcd instead of 1024x768, usb3 instead of 1.1,....  except this laptop is already set up exactly how I like it.
17:30.42furrywolfand so it gathers dust while I keep using this one.
17:41.06n4diranyway: doesn't sound as if many would do it
17:56.13fsmithredhi n4dir
17:56.26fsmithredI'm in the middle of an upgrade from jessie to ascii
17:56.47fsmithredcan't get x running even after installing libsystemd0
17:58.19n4diruhum. Thanks for that.
17:58.28n4dirI am on my way out, let's talk about this later.
17:59.05n4dirlike said : i think it is a bug in one of the xorg packages. My way was to use stable in sources, remove xorg, install xorg from stable
17:59.19n4dirthen use apt-mark to set *xorg* and *xserver* on hold
18:00.04n4dirwhy firefox and midori started to segfault is beyond me (not sure if it relates to the libsystemd0 dummy package or something else
18:00.59fsmithredlater is good
18:01.18fsmithredI still have to kick it around some more
18:01.41n4dirtry what i said to confirm it works, if you like. later
18:01.44fsmithredI tried editing Xwrapper.conf
18:01.48fsmithreddidn't help
18:04.46*** join/#devuan emilis (
18:17.46*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
18:19.02fsmithredfurrywolf, which dm are you using in ascii?
18:19.55*** join/#devuan emilis (
18:32.05*** join/#devuan rumflump (~weechat@unaffiliated/olscumpy)
18:40.56*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
18:40.56*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
18:43.35TwistedFateForgive me for intruding, I intend to learn Debian through "Debian Administrator Handbook" while using it on my machine. Is Devuan changed/different in some way that would render that more difficult or impossible to accomplish?
18:44.08*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
18:44.13OmegaPhilIsnt that handbook pretty old?
18:44.36TwistedFateOld, but not obsolete.
18:44.51OmegaPhilYeah, so you should be fine?
18:44.56OmegaPhilDevuan is a very recent thing
18:47.34fsmithredmost of what's in the wheezy handbook should apply to devuan jessie
18:47.45fsmithredbut I don't know how you'll know what's not the same
18:47.49fsmithreduntil you run into it
18:51.22TwistedFateHmm, that will be tough since I know nothing yet. :)
18:54.47TwistedFatefsmithred, What are the known Devuan issues?
18:54.59TwistedFateThe ones worth mentioning at least.
18:55.03fsmithredinstaller only does netinstall
18:55.57fsmithredinstaller has errors installing standard system utilities (I think) and you need to go back and repeat sections for it to complete
18:56.24*** join/#devuan ddg (~dd@unaffiliated/ddg)
18:56.53fsmithredthere seem to be some delays in updates - some things are newer in debian than devuan for longer than people might like.
18:57.15fsmithredthey're working on the infrastructure; don't know when that will be ready
18:57.34TwistedFatefsmithred, Oh dear.. Well that is a deal-breaker for me, since I probably would not be able to solve the installation issues..\
18:57.35fsmithredmostly, everything works in jessie
18:57.47fsmithredI have an unofficial solution for you
18:58.59fsmithredit's a live snapshot of a devuan beta install. bootable isos
18:59.10TwistedFateAh, someone made a live ISO, nice.
18:59.22TwistedFateIs it rid of the installation issues that Devuan has?
18:59.41fsmithredyes, run 'refractainstaller' from a root terminal
18:59.56*** join/#devuan Drugo (
19:00.12fsmithredit's not as full-featured as the standard debian installer
19:00.15fsmithredno lvm or raid
19:00.37fsmithredno automatic partitioning
19:00.55fsmithredno network install
19:01.03fsmithredyou get what is on the cd
19:01.13fsmithredactually, you get what is running
19:01.36fsmithredso if you make any changes in configs, (system or desktop) they get copied to the installation.
19:02.34TwistedFateAh, well I never really knew how to do partitioning from CLI..
19:03.02fsmithredcan't recall if gparted is installed
19:03.22fsmithredif you're not short on RAM, run apt-get update and then install gparted if needed
19:03.56TwistedFate8GB should suffice.
19:04.05fsmithredlol, yeah
19:04.36fsmithredI'm gonna check it. I've got it installed in virtualbox
19:04.51TwistedFateThank you.
19:06.12fsmithredno gparted
19:06.47fsmithredso, either install it while running live, or use a different live CD or a different installation on the same computer to make the partition(s)
19:07.07fsmithreduh, you using uefi or bios?
19:09.01TwistedFatefsmithred, I have a motherboard with UEFI but I only activated/checked legacy options in it..
19:29.17*** join/#devuan mns`_ (~mns@
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19:30.10*** join/#devuan milobit (~milobit@unaffiliated/milobit)
19:31.00*** join/#devuan penelopa (
20:02.00*** join/#devuan n4dir (
20:02.42*** join/#devuan greenjeans (~greenjean@
20:04.54greenjeansafternoon folks!
20:07.02greenjeansanybody know if the coinor libraries on a devuan install are just there for Libreoffice?
20:07.07*** join/#devuan premoboss (~utente@
20:09.01n4diraptitude why <package> lists why it is installed, but, iirc, not all reasons. There is a package like apt-listdeps or such, or rdepends or whatever.
20:09.26n4dirtry something like "apt-cache search depends" or "apt-cache search apt depends" ...
20:10.03greenjeansthanks, trying to whittle down new version of project i'm working on
20:10.09n4diruninstalling the lib will also tell you which ones depend on it :-)
20:11.27greenjeanspackages are listed in Synaptic as autoremoveable, but I know for fact there is something in there probably not anything coinore related, but something that if you remove it it will bypass pkexec
20:12.02n4diryou could also use "deborphan --guess-all" , "aptitude purge ¨c" "apt-get clean" to get rid of unused stuff which uses space. removing uneeded locales might be an option too.
20:12.47greenjeansgot most of that all done, down to 390 mb on the last iso I ran last night
20:13.11n4dirwell: base of it is refracta, yes? it is set to not install recommends, which is .... a bit of a pain in the butt. I would change that.
20:13.22n4dir390 sounds cool.
20:14.30greenjeansI'm using Refractasnapshot and Refracta installer to build it, but off of a stock devuan install, just whittling it down to only include utilities and mate desktop
20:14.56greenjeanspreserving everything else that's default in devuan
20:15.25n4dirah, ok. Then recommends should be fine
20:16.28greenjeansremoving Libreoffice generated a ton of autoremoveable stuff, and some other stuff I took out did the same
20:16.46n4diri guess so :-)
20:17.12n4dirwait, you installed devuan and during installation have choosen "desktop" ?
20:17.36n4dirif yes, and if you install without installing desktop, you won't have to remove stuff later ....
20:19.00greenjeansNot quite, what I did was a netinstall, and at the software select I unchecked everything but "mate desktop" and system utilities
20:19.20greenjeansbut that still got me Libre, firefox, gimp etc.
20:19.32n4dirnetinstall doesn't matter. It matters what you choose during installation.
20:19.55n4dirand choosing (*)desktop offers shitloads of stuff one doesn't want ... :-)
20:20.10n4dirthough if you're down to 390 you are pretty fine
20:20.50greenjeansI got the first one down to 384, but it broke pkexec, but everything else works
20:21.11greenjeans2nd version i'm doing now is solid so far, just fine-tuning now
20:21.44greenjeansand trying to narrow down what package I uninstalled that hosed pkexec
20:22.32greenjeansand checking on incidentals like the coinor libraries and if I can dump them safely
20:23.00n4diryéah, i am reading the thread, but got no clue.
20:23.25greenjeansGot an issue with the power manager icon in the system tray too while i'm rolling here
20:24.41greenjeanslittle triangle now instead of changing icons, not a big deal that, but it's not updating the battery status during a session
20:26.05*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
20:26.33greenjeansfsmithred are you around?
20:38.05*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
20:38.41greenjeansguess not, posted question to the forum, small wicd deal with snapshot
20:39.27greenjeansanybody know if the multiple spell-checkers are really necessary? Aspell, Ispell, Hunspell all needed?
20:39.36greenjeansseems a little much,
20:40.08greenjeansthe description of aspell even states it's supposed to be a complete drop-in replacement for ispell
20:43.11*** join/#devuan zocker (~tobias@2a00:1158:2:9b20::666)
20:45.04*** part/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
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20:45.49fsmithredgreenjeans, I don't know
20:46.54greenjeansabout which? lol
20:47.05fsmithredmultiple spellers
20:47.13fsmithredI think they all came in automatically
20:47.30greenjeanshmm, may have to test dump one
20:47.41fsmithredaptitude why <package>
20:47.59greenjeanscheck the question I just posted on the forum about wicd when you have a chance
20:49.40greenjeansnew runs are turning out nice, about to do what might be a last run on the new one, added your lines to the script regarding etc/skel and will be trying that out later today
20:50.11fsmithredall automatically installed, and they blame it on abiword
20:51.35greenjeansprobably something similar here, they had Libre writer and also pluma for text editing, they probably are set up to use different spell-checkers
20:54.32*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
20:54.32*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
20:55.21fsmithredyes, that wicd config file should be excluded or removed
20:55.39fsmithredhave to check to see how I did it with the other
20:55.57fsmithredI think it gets removed, not excluded
20:56.01n4dirfsmithred: like said: as far i can tell aptitude why lists one reason why a package is installed, but not all
20:58.16fsmithredmutt and xfce4-dict want ispell
20:59.18fsmithredjust mutt is installed
21:01.46greenjeanspluma is using libenchant, which uses ispell i guess
21:02.03greenjeansI uninstalled mutt
21:02.19greenjeanslots of extra mail programs in there too
21:02.38fsmithredhunspell and ispell are not installed
21:03.11fsmithredone libhunsepell for iceweasel/ff
21:03.46fsmithredand myspell installed, either
21:04.00fsmithredI'm looking at amd64. Is i386 different?
21:04.25greenjeanshmmm....wonder if libenechant will switch to aspell for pluma?
21:05.03greenjeansI'm running on 32 in this partition, but all the stuff i'm working on right now is 64
21:07.20greenjeansI can try an exclude on that wicd file and see if it gens a new one, hard sometimes on these things because I know you're using xfce and i'm not sure all what works differently in the two
21:09.01fsmithredno, add it to the script, around line 740
21:09.04fsmithredrm -f"$work_dir"/myfs/etc/wicd/wireless-settings.conf
21:09.16fsmithredthat way, if you want to keep the configs, the option to do that will work
21:11.15fsmithredmake sure there's a space between -f and "$work_dir"
21:12.41greenjeansperfect, will do, sorry for making you work on a sunday lol
21:15.28fsmithredI've been messing with this stuff all day.
21:16.22fsmithredI really, really want to be done with jessie.
21:16.39fsmithredand you're helping me get it right. Thanks.
21:16.46greenjeansme too, so close to being done with a really nice iso
21:17.36greenjeansshoot, some days I think i'm a bigger bug than the ones I find
21:18.00greenjeansbut I sure appreciate your help
21:18.54greenjeansi'll be looking to ascii next too, but got to get this done and a similar one in 32 bit first
21:19.27greenjeansand maybe one custom one
21:20.06greenjeansgot rid of all the QT last night and everything still works
21:20.36greenjeansand 50 mb or so of nothing but stuff to enable viewing pdf's
21:21.35fsmithredI made a lean jessie install with icewm and few apps - 371mb snapshot
21:21.52fsmithredupgraded to ascii and the snapshot is now 711mb
21:22.06fsmithredsome of that is the extra kernel, but I don't know what the rest is.
21:22.23greenjeansif you're looking for extra space there's so many little boogers in there, /usr/share/aptitude has a ton of translations
21:22.50greenjeansyikes, your 371 grew to 711 just on upgrade?
21:22.55*** join/#devuan BambooCactus (
21:23.00fsmithredyeah, I should run localepurge - that might be a lot of it
21:23.10fsmithredthose numbers are right
21:23.46greenjeansusr/share/docs is always huge
21:24.32greenjeans371 is nice, wouldn't mind test-driving that one
21:24.56greenjeansbeen thinking of a cli-only ever since you mentioned it
21:25.27greenjeanswonder if you can do a netinstall and uncheck all the boxes but system utilities and get a cli version?
21:26.41fsmithredthat's how I started
21:26.48fsmithredthat's how I usually start a build
21:29.28greenjeansI like de-constructing to build, reverse-engineering sorta
21:30.19greenjeansbut getting the urge now to try building from the ground up....just not like full-on gentoo building, lol
21:34.52*** join/#devuan shana_ (~shana@
21:35.17greenjeanshey pookie
21:35.52shana_aint this just all modern and shit
21:37.01greenjeanslol, wrong channel ma'am
21:41.32fsmithredoh, I solved the size problem - I didn't use my custom config file, and the default does not use xz compression
21:44.52greenjeansnice, yeah I ran a gzip the other day by mistake and it was much larger, but only took like ten minutes as opposed to xz's 45 minutes
21:47.39*** part/#devuan penelopa (
21:54.04fsmithredok, 545mb now, after localepurge and xz compression
21:54.50fsmithredI did have to add a display manager (wdm) otherwise X won't start
21:55.14fsmithredand I had to run 'xhost +' for root to be able to run the gui snapshotter
21:55.44greenjeansdid you use the -Xbcj x86 option for xz?
21:56.00greenjeanshelps a little
21:56.34greenjeansstill don't think it's using xz at full potential, but that's a squashfs issue
21:56.36fsmithredI will add that as an optional option. Yeah, I think I knocked about 15-20mb off a CD size iso
21:56.57greenjeansgets me about 3-4% extra reduction
22:02.02fsmithredso, if I run xhost + right before I make the snapshot, does that carry over into the iso?
22:08.05fsmithredit does not carry over.
22:08.52greenjeanscoinor libraries are most definitely for Libreoffice
22:09.10greenjeansfunny they don't list them as a depend on their wiki, but debian does
22:09.30greenjeansand they will be going bye-bye
22:09.57greenjeansminimal livecd goodness coming up
22:12.14greenjeanspower management systray icon not updating- upstream issue I guess, not sure I can fix
22:17.59*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
22:26.51greenjeansLibreoffice still screwing up menu, hoping this gets fixed at some point by libre folks
22:27.15greenjeansuntil then doesn't seem good to include it by default
22:29.56fsmithredI install libre afterward
22:30.00fsmithredsame with vlc
22:30.12fsmithredthey're both to big for a live CD
22:31.34fsmithred515mb after running bleachbit and removing extra locale files
22:34.59*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
22:35.39greenjeansdon't know if it's the same in xfce, but in mate trying to open menu causes it to hang, because libre apparently doesn't have right icons and default behavior is to try and load the svg's
22:36.07greenjeansbeen that way at least since debian cae out with 8.0
22:37.36greenjeansvlc drags in some QT too
22:38.12greenjeanseverything works on vlc, but in my experience mplayer works better at high-def stuff
22:38.36greenjeansgnome-mplayer doesn't get much love unfortunately
22:38.48fsmithredwe dumped that in jessie
22:38.55greenjeansand smplayer drags in the whole qt shebang to work
22:38.56fsmithredusing mpv now
22:39.24fsmithredvlc also likes to keep running sometimes after you close it
22:39.36fsmithredI made a panel button just to kill vlc
22:40.08greenjeansit's gotten pretty ubiquitous in linux, does everything I guess
22:40.26greenjeanseven works the webcam on my machine, record video etc.
22:41.48greenjeansi keep the kill applet for everything on my panel, lol
22:42.09greenjeansnice little panel button, always like that about gnome 2/mate
22:43.03greenjeansdangit, sorry. spilled coffee, brb
22:43.42*** join/#devuan os|t0 (~freenode@2001:388:e001:900::deb8)
22:54.05greenjeanshey, found my old copy of the Oxy-2-zen icons, need to upload some of this old stuff to site, some is pretty neat
22:54.43greenjeansmade a graphics section, gonna add some of my old artwork, and start making some new stuff for devuan
22:57.11*** join/#devuan Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
22:59.35TwistedFatefsmithred, How come no one from Devuan made an updated ISO with live session?
23:05.56greenjeansblack file/folder icons
23:06.30greenjeansgoes well with dark themes
23:07.22fsmithredthere are problems adapting live-build and the installer to get a proper devuan live
23:07.29fsmithredpeople are working on it
23:07.41*** join/#devuan Chanku2 (
23:08.16greenjeansI have a working devuan livecd, but it's minimal, will have another up in a day or so that works even better
23:16.19fsmithredneed to get some food
23:16.23fsmithredback in awhile
23:19.55*** join/#devuan Drugo (
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23:53.26*** join/#devuan n4dir (
23:56.34*** join/#devuan sxpert (

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