IRC log for #devuan on 20160927

00:21.29*** join/#devuan Chanku (
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01:54.13*** join/#devuan rumflump (~weechat@unaffiliated/olscumpy)
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02:14.43*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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02:32.27Inocuouslooks like more ddos tonight
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04:03.16*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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09:18.02*** join/#devuan tox (
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11:00.50*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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11:08.01*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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12:20.48*** join/#devuan sysop2 (
12:21.32sysop2hi guys, just wanted to say to whoever said that trinity desktop couldn't use QT5, I have it installed and it appears to work. anyone know of a good test.
12:23.10sysop2unless someone picks up KDE4 and does a trinity with it, trinity desktop is going to be the only actively developed KDE based GUI that does not require systemd.
12:23.34sysop2also its fast.
12:26.07sysop2so could you guys include it with the distro?
12:26.50toxThat's a good news, I want to use KDE when I'll get a new laptop :D
12:28.41sysop2its a fork from 3.51, so its a little like going back in time, but its rock solid and fast. so I am pretty happy with it. If KDE4 was going to be continued to be developed I would switch to that, but try not to run dead OSes
12:29.24sysop2not OSes, meant GUI sorry.
12:30.11toxYes, I know. I loved KDE 3.5
12:30.11sysop2but check it out
12:30.54sysop2sweet, another TDE user, they just need some tshirts to buy
12:31.27sysop2ttyl gotta get some stuff done.
12:31.43toxI had trinity on porteus live, a fork of Slax :D
12:32.44sysop2I respect slackware's age but I am a debian based os guy, it was my first and every other non debian one I have tried I end up not liking as much.
12:34.22sysop2suse locked up on me, gentoo a mime type error killed my email client, never found a fix for it and on and on.
12:36.13toxI've started with muLinux, a floppy-based distro running kernel 2.0 with fvwm desktop :D Later Peanut, Mandrake, Slax (installed on hdd!), Slackware at work and finally Debian and now Devuan
12:56.40*** join/#devuan Ryushin (
13:00.21*** join/#devuan Ryushin (
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13:11.25djphheh, I think I had a 2.x kernel as well (RedHat... 5?) when I started... then 'buntu/Mint, and now Devuan
13:12.56*** join/#devuan Chanku (~Chanku@
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13:19.54angedjph: redhat 5 was in 97 to 98  with 2.0.x kernels; memories...
13:28.38*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
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13:30.35djphhm, maybe 5.x or 6 then, as I didn't really start using *nix til '99-'00
13:31.06djphthough I got the install media from a teacher, so could've just been old
13:35.17*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (
13:35.59angeyeah same for me, I do remember reading stuff about the 2.x kernels when I started ... but can't remember for sure what was in the box...
13:37.30djphI remember when 3.0.x was the big thing
13:38.06djphthink I ran 2.6.6 or something like that forever ...
13:41.44angeoh yeah, 2.2, 2.4 and 2.6 were kind of big
13:42.57tox2.6 was mainline and 2.4 was stable "for serious thing which need to always run"
13:45.14algernonrunning odd kernels, that was the thing.
13:45.38algernonhas fond memories of 2.[135].x
13:49.18djphyeah, I think my frankenbox running ftp for myself (note - dumb kid at the time, but knew enough to keep it off the internet) was 2.4 until the hardware gave out
14:04.33*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
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15:35.55*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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19:56.37lime_this is a test
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19:59.13Lydia_Ktakes her finger off the button
19:59.14*** join/#devuan MobileKittuns (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
19:59.16Lydia_Konly a test? awww..
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20:58.12aitorLydia_K is now known as my darling Lydia_KittenGNU
20:58.58FlibberTGibbethi all, is it DDoS Tuesday or something on freenode?
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21:00.35Lydia_KIt sure is FlibberTGibbet
21:01.16aitorLydia_K :)
21:01.27FlibberTGibbetah, glad it's just that. was worried for a minute that the irc server software had been rewritten by lennart's posse...
21:02.31Lydia_KFlibberTGibbet: They are just updates! Perfectly normal! You see ircd runs as PID1 now
21:02.38Lydia_Kso it boots faster.
21:02.47FlibberTGibbetLydia_K: aaargh.
21:03.00Lydia_KWhich it really needs since it'll be rebooting so much due to updating PID1!
21:03.17Lydia_Kaitor: I'm confused..
21:04.52aitorwhy are you confused?
21:05.14Lydia_K16:58 < aitor> Lydia_K is now known as my darling Lydia_KittenGNU
21:05.29MinceRit's so fast without userspace overhead!
21:06.21FlibberTGibbetlet's get recursive with the new kuserspaced :)
21:07.14Lydia_Kthat's why aitor
21:08.03aitorejem...  see you the next year...
21:09.09aitorit's a joke
21:09.41Lydia_Kbut but..  I'm confused!
21:10.04FlibberTGibbetyou're confused? i've wandered into a surrealist drama here :)
21:11.39aitora romantic drama...
21:12.08FlibberTGibbetah, romance!
21:13.19FlibberTGibbetdon't let me get in the way. just pretend i'm not here and definitely not listening in...
21:13.46*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
21:14.06aitordon't laugh at me...
21:14.16golinuxAnd on the wrong channel to boot.
21:14.40golinuxNice to see you FTG
21:14.48FlibberTGibbetand you golinux
21:15.22golinuxDon't see you here often
21:15.57FlibberTGibbetdon't be so tough on the young folk. we're all just leaves blowing in the wind, and the carefree days won't last forever :)
21:16.05FlibberTGibbetyep, have been busy lately
21:17.10FlibberTGibbetkeeping well?
21:19.30aitorsee you :)
21:24.26*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
21:30.02golinuxFlibberTGibbet: Yeah, fine.  ATM writing to a local LUGer who wants to install devuan!
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23:56.31*** join/#devuan amdgoon (

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