IRC log for #devuan on 20160926

00:35.05*** join/#devuan cyteen (~cyteen@
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08:21.09*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
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08:25.16*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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09:39.07*** join/#devuan ange (~poloop@
10:03.52*** join/#devuan Gup (
10:07.43GupAnyone else having trouble (or got to work) suspend on lid in xfce4-power-manager under a non xfce4 DE?  I'm using i3wm.
10:07.49GupPower button and idle time settings respect my choice of shutdown/hibernate/suspend but laptop lid seems to be ignored.
10:09.39GupLots of workarounds suggest editing /etc/systemd/logind.conf and letting systemd handle it :/
10:10.41angehmm, that'd be annoying to have to deal with systemd in devuan
10:12.24hellekinange: you're on the wrong channel.
10:12.59Gupyeah! that file of course doesnt exist otherwise i'd give it a shot
10:13.17angehellekin: exactly my point
10:13.54rrq`I've gone for "old school" and use acpid + pm-utils, and a lidbutton script
10:13.56hellekinGup: try pm-utils
10:14.09Gupdebug output looks fine i think: with nothing additional output during a lid close event
10:14.53hellekinrrq`: could you share your setup with Gup?
10:15.27Guphellekin, pm-utils is installed. I think without it xfce4-power-manager wasn't able to suspend on any event
10:15.46rrq`sure; I purged xfce4-power-manager
10:16.05rrq`then used acpid (I believe it was installed)
10:16.36rrq`added /etc/acpi/ script
10:17.12rrq`and /etc/acpi/events/lidbtn-suspend "script"
10:17.26rrq`(the other order, conceptually)
10:17.50Gupok i might give that a shot, would be a shame to loose xfce4-power-manager though
10:18.11Gupi'd need to script all the other aspects it does work for
10:18.13rrq`the latter is two lines: "event=button[ /]lid" and "action=/etc/acpi/ %e"
10:19.22rrq`the other a bit longer as I also trigger xtrlock... in addition to /usr/sbin/pm-suspend
10:20.05hellekinlooks like we have xfce4-power-manager in both devuan-packages and devuan-for-review...  I guess the review is done then :P
10:20.11*** join/#devuan wesbl (
10:20.59rrq`basically just handle the $3=close case and ignore the $3=open case
10:22.11Gupcool, thanks for the idea, looks like powerbutton is handled in /etc/acpi too, maybe i can copy that to get lid working in xfce4-power-manager
10:22.48rrq`I put mine at (I think; never used pastebin before)
10:23.24Gupi _thought_ it worked when i did a clean install with xfce4 as the default and only DE. but i didnt stick with that for long
10:25.06Gupthanks rrq` i'll use that to test the events are coming through correctly, nice debug in there already :)
10:25.49Guphellekin, what is this review you speak of? Do you want me to report/collect any info somewhere?
10:26.33Gupi'll try a clean install with xfce4 full desktop too if i can find a spare partition/disk
10:27.05hellekinGup: devuan-review is a group where "new packages" are supposed to enter so that Devuan developers can evaluate them before accepting them into experimental.  But xfce4-power-manager is already in stable, so this entry is quite irrelevant.
10:27.52hellekinGup: I was looking for a bug report or workaround but didn't find anything yet.  I guess you also looked a bit.
10:30.10Guphellekin, yeah, lots of stuff like but all seems to involve systemd
10:30.48Gupi did try the testing version as it was a point release or two newer but no difference, worth trying unstable/experimental?
10:31.13hellekinLooking at the bug list in xfce4-power-manager I'm wondering whether LXDE is not a better default option for Devuan desktop.  I've seen that installed and running without a flaw.
10:31.53hellekinhas no preference for desktop: been using awesome for years.
10:32.26Guphmm, what power manager does LXDE use?
10:35.30Gupi'm trying to make a fairly non-techy environment as I maintain linux distributions for a few users.  while i'd be happy with scripting stuff it would be nice for them to be able to adjust timeouts in a gui :/
10:36.18hellekinGup: dunno, but it works out of the box.
10:37.18Gupmight try a few different DE's with clean installs then.. i'll report back, thanks for the ideas
10:39.20*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
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11:12.35Guprrq`, your sleep script works, cheers :)
11:13.19*** join/#devuan wesbl (
11:14.42*** join/#devuan mns` (b156ff05@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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11:23.48*** join/#devuan matthewc1 (
11:24.49rrq`cheers :-)
11:33.47*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
11:35.16*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
11:40.09*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
11:43.19*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
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11:51.12*** join/#devuan rypervenche (~rypervenc@unaffiliated/rypervenche)
11:59.38*** join/#devuan djph (
12:06.18*** join/#devuan Gup (
12:23.50*** join/#devuan aitor (
12:23.58aitorRalph :)
12:25.06aitorhi hellekin
12:27.08Inocuousgood morning
12:27.41aitorgood morning :)
12:27.54InocuousMy batter is failing on this laptop. I have to run windows to get to the interface for the support. yuck.
12:27.56rrq`evening :-)
12:28.19aitori'm changing the code of initramfs-tools
12:29.08aitorif ! [ -e /etc/init.d/vdev ]; then
12:30.09rrq`or [ !
12:31.23aitorrrq: if vdev exits, the code will be skipped
12:32.10rrq`wold be better if it could *not* mention either vdev nor udev (?)
12:32.32aitorthere are four delays of 10 seconds waiting for the udev service
12:33.13*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
12:33.30aitortime to eat, see you :)
12:33.43rrq`bon apetit :-)
12:36.36*** join/#devuan jla_ (
12:47.31*** join/#devuan djph (
12:54.02hellekinhey aitor
12:54.15hellekinbon appétit as well :]
12:57.51fsmithredrrq`, I'm gonna install your latest debs today.
12:58.39rrq`should be a breeze ;-)
12:59.47fsmithredwhat's the trick for switching between udev/vdev?
12:59.48*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
13:01.04rrq`e.g. /usr/share/vdev/ dialog
13:05.30*** join/#devuan Gup (
13:23.56*** join/#devuan eddiii (
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13:31.09*** join/#devuan MobileKittuns (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
13:32.33fsmithredrrq`, you ready for a report?
13:32.53*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:33.44*** join/#devuan Gup (
13:34.32Gupok, i was wrong, seems xfce4-power-manager lid event doesn't even work "out the box" on a clean xfce install
13:35.09Guptrying lxde now...
13:48.13*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
13:48.31Inocuousxfce seems deficient in a few areas. But it's so light and generally works pretty well
13:55.55*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (
13:56.06*** join/#devuan djph (
13:58.08*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
13:58.37Gupyeah i recommend it to those who are used to a stacking WM and want a bit of a DE.  Personally the only package I'm trying to use is the power manager.
14:00.13Guphmm, looks like lxde uses the xfce4-power-manager
14:00.20*** join/#devuan Ryushin (
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14:21.18*** join/#devuan paw (~afong@
14:22.52*** join/#devuan paw (~afong@
14:27.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
14:30.53*** join/#devuan PnUic (~androirc@
14:36.07AntoFoxI'm trying to compile cjs from source
14:36.21AntoFoxbut during the process I get this error message:     ./configure: line 2454: `AX_IS_RELEASE(always)'
14:36.51AntoFoxany suggestions on how to fix it?
14:40.51*** join/#devuan Gup (
14:42.07*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:42.25zdzichuupgrade autoconf to newer version? this macro was added on 2015-02-04
14:42.52*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (
14:45.39*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
14:49.44AntoFoxzdzichu: ah ok! now I try
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15:13.34*** join/#devuan eddiii (
15:16.57golinuxGup: Do you have upower installed?
15:20.28*** join/#devuan PnUic (~androirc@
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15:34.18fsmithredgolinux,  Gup is gone. I have upower installed, but lid action does not work.
15:34.39fsmithredI have to select Suspend from the logout dialog.
15:36.16golinuxWell, I've never had a lappy.
15:36.47golinuxMight actually be useful to have one.
15:37.29golinuxCould create captive audiences for a Devuan demo
15:38.07golinuxYeah, I saw he was gone but thought he might read the logs . . .
15:39.54golinuxupower used to be the solution . . .
15:49.22*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:49.39fsmithredI like having a laptop. It gets used more often than I expected.
15:50.02fsmithreduu-oh, wrong channel.
16:06.55*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
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16:50.13Inocuousfsmithred, you can admit to laptops here. we don't ask or tell. :)
16:50.50Lydia_KI'm pretty much all laptop these days
16:51.37*** join/#devuan nixer (
16:51.38Inocuousnice. me too. have been for a couple years.
16:51.46*** join/#devuan nixer_ (
16:52.15Inocuousmy gateway desktop seems to have a memory issue, whether it's just the memory itself or the motherboard, idk
16:52.35Inocuousanyway, that would be a good candidate for devuan if I could get it running.
16:53.03Lydia_KMy old tower is literally living out it's life as an end table.
16:54.03Inocuousnice. haha.
16:56.56fsmithredI need two monitors, and lately, I'm wanting a third.
16:57.20Lydia_KOh I always have a second monitor for my laptop on my desk.
16:57.56fsmithredI might switch to that at some point.
16:58.02fsmithredanyway, I gotta go. See you later.
17:21.34*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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17:52.33aitorGup: there is another battery applet:
17:54.06*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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18:57.39*** join/#devuan lime_ (lime57nort@gateway/shell/
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19:54.30Gupgolinux, i do have upower installed, without it i couldnt select suspend for any action, but like fsmithred lid action still does nothing
19:54.36Gup(i do read the logs ;)
19:55.19*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
19:56.03Gupinterestingly that about having to select suspend from the logout menu reminds me of a workaround i've had to apply to a few ubuntu installs, where resume after lid close resulted in black screen, but suspend from menu worked fine
19:56.30AntoFoxI was able to compile cinnamon on devuan Jessie, but now
19:56.34AntoFoxon ceres
19:57.24AntoFoxthere is a problem, on cinnamon-session should I replace logind
19:58.00AntoFoxif use "login" when start cinnamon this go in crash
19:58.31AntoFoxthere is now an alternative to login?
20:00.51AntoFoxfor "login" I mean this software:
20:02.16*** join/#devuan atrapado (~atrapado@unaffiliated/atrapado)
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20:30.02angeI am looking into getting a base AMI running for devuan, any suggestions?
20:30.16angewould something similar to work ?
20:37.32angehmm that might be more appropriate
20:39.52*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
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20:48.04fsmithredange, it looks like you could adapt the debian instructions for devuan. Use a devuan repo for the debootstrap.
20:50.55*** join/#devuan sauron (
20:51.03fsmithredange, see:
20:54.53angethanks fsmithred
21:04.20*** join/#devuan tox (~tox@
21:12.40*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
21:20.11*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
21:32.59angedoesn't look too bad for now
21:43.07*** join/#devuan Gupz (
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21:47.30*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
21:53.48*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
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21:57.32fsmithredapt-cache search and apt-cache show don't seem to be working properly
21:57.49fsmithredI have contrib and non-free enabled and updated
21:58.25fsmithredapt-cache search rtl8723 shows nothing in jessie and ascii. In wheezy and stretch, it tells me 'firmware-realtek'
21:59.11fsmithredapt-cache show firmware-realtek gives me a little information in jessie or ascii, and gives me that same information plus a list of realtek models supported in wheezy and stretch.
22:00.35*** join/#devuan Chanku (
22:01.38Centurion_DanInocuous: if you've got a high ambient humidity and a good build up of dust on the memory modules, particularly around the edge contact strips, give a good clean.  I've fixed a number of pc's with a good clean using a pastry brush and vacuum cleaner.
22:03.20Centurion_Danyou'd think english wasn't my my first language the way I'm typing today.
22:03.26fsmithredbb 1hr
22:04.32*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
22:09.50*** join/#devuan aitor (
22:10.03aitorhi centurion_DAn, fsmithred :)
22:11.17aitorhi rrp'
22:11.26angewell ... got an AMI, it starts and kernel panic because of the FS
22:11.46angethat sounds like more to check tomorrow ...
22:13.25aitori just send an email to the mailing list
22:14.23aitorif you understand spanish:
22:14.55Centurion_Danhi aitor!
22:15.10aitorhi dan :)
22:15.33rrqgot a participation certificate from the 2-week course in Spanish :-)
22:15.54golinuxCenturion_Dan: You called?
22:15.57aitorthe author mentions to our friend Emiliano Marini
22:16.20aitorHe is from Argentina, i think
22:16.37aitorSo, he doesn't surf
22:18.34aitori talked about this issue months ago:
22:21.03aitorEmiliano Marini translated dev1fanboys guide about how to upgrade from debian to devuan
22:23.15aitorlasombradelhelicoptero means:
22:23.34aitori take my hat off
22:24.07Centurion_Danaitor: :-)
22:24.41aitoryou don't believe it :)
22:24.42Centurion_DanI tried to google translate that page and google failed...  apparently it was too big.
22:25.16Centurion_DanI do, absolutely.
22:25.50aitoryou are talented
22:25.53rrqi got google to suggest "helicopter shadow"
22:26.11rrqwould be "I put my hat on" ???
22:26.50aitorsave.. i'm googling
22:26.58rrqor no: "it blows ny hat off" :-)
22:27.39rrqor perhaps "it blows my mind and my hat is off"...
22:28.01aitorlol.. see you tomorrow :)
22:28.24rrqI'm here already. see you.
22:30.45*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
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