IRC log for #devuan on 20160912

00:11.41*** join/#devuan Chanku (
00:46.26golinuxprobably missed the point of this numerical conversation
00:49.32primalzmine was a mistyped /25 :)
00:54.05DocScrutinizer05my e was a mistyped Pi
00:59.08*** join/#devuan DeeEff (
01:10.39*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
01:12.38robert-e"golinux probably missed the point of this numerical conversation"....robert-e missed it for
01:17.00MinceRmy 24 was an attempt to start a countdown
01:25.06golinuxrobert-e: I ran refracta vdev img in qemu and got the same error on sound "alsa error:snd_pcm_open failed. Permission denied."
01:26.13golinuxIt also wouldn't see my usb scanner/printer or usb flash
01:26.38DocScrutinizer05my 22 were the minutes of post
01:27.30DocScrutinizer05could have waited til 23, but then nobody had noticed
01:27.37golinuxI was thinking age
01:28.34DocScrutinizer05I was aware the 25 was a mistyped /25 most likely
01:28.59DocScrutinizer05seeing this sort of "mistype" every 2 weeks
01:30.05pydsignergolinux: Aw man I was going to make that joke for you
01:30.55robert-egolinux: fsmithred indicated that it was a permissions problem in /dev/snd/timer.  It is on the list to fix.
01:31.29DocScrutinizer05now *I* am losing the context. What's a joke in age:23 (except it would be so awesome)
01:31.44DocScrutinizer05rather 22
01:32.34golinuxI have absolutely no desire to be any other age than where I am now.
01:32.58robert-eDocscrutinizer05:  If I did the thing now that I did when I was 22, they would put me away!  No thanks.
01:33.12DocScrutinizer05I wouldn't minf 22 when I had the experience and knowledge of today
01:33.38golinux20 somethings are idiots.  I was clueless back then.  At least in some ways . . .
01:33.47*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:34.15DocScrutinizer05but heck I could cope with booze back when ;-P
01:35.01golinuxDocScrutinizer05: If I were 22 and had the understanding I do now, the burden of such a long future before me would be unbearable.
01:35.10robert-eGolinux: back on could try changing the perms on /timer and see if sound works in "user"...if you drop to root, it will work without change.
01:35.23golinuxhas never been into alcohol
01:37.26golinuxrobert-e: OK I'll try that next time I'm in there.  I should do a usb with persistence.  I can barely work around an unfamiliar environment right down to the speed of the mouse clicks.
01:38.07golinuxfsr must drink a lot of coffee.  I can't double click that fast!
01:38.23robert-egolinux:  for it to see a flash drive, you need to mount the device, and then choose the partition to a two step operation, but I like it better than using an automount tool.
01:40.19golinuxI didn't see the device but may have missed it.  I tried tried fsr's usbpmount launcher
01:40.22robert-egolinux: Yes, the thing run really fast off the flash drive.  I am impatient for the little bugs to get fixed...the scanner problem seems to be a vdev thing...rrq is looking at that.
01:41.04golinuxI checked groups and user was in all the appropriate ones.
01:42.13golinuxI have to be in just the right mood to try something new.  I move kinda slow these days
01:43.04robert-egolinux:  heh, you are younger than need more coffee earlier in the that I will duck and run.
01:43.19golinuxI'll probably wait till fsr posts an image that doesn't require any intervention to boot from usb
01:44.21robert-eI promised fsmithred that I would do testing for him...since I dont code anymore, it is about all I can do to help.
01:44.30golinuxhasn't had any coffee in decades
02:00.47*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
02:01.14*** join/#devuan aqu4 (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
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02:10.56fsmithredchgrp audio /dev/snd/timer
02:11.11fsmithredchmod 660 /dev/snd/timer
02:13.19fsmithredneed to edit /etc/vdev/actions/sound-alsa-control.act
02:19.03golinuxfsmithred: Hi
02:19.49fsmithredyou have to do that every time if you're running read-only
02:20.00golinuxFoods about ready so just dropped in for a sec
02:20.08fsmithredif I didn't already do it, I'll post the edited file on ml
02:20.16golinuxUnderstood.  Need to dd a usb
02:20.34fsmithredyou just booting img in qemu?
02:21.10golinuxI searched mail for snd_pcm_open in dng and nothing
02:21.21golinuxYeah this aft
02:21.47golinuxWanted to see if it would boot.
02:22.15golinuxOK food time bbl
02:22.15fsmithredok, go eat
02:23.17golinuxis actually watching the new season of Indian Summers at the same time . . . 1935 India, British occupation, rebellion etc.
02:37.35*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
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03:38.17*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
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03:40.05rrqreboert-e: you can adapte /etc/vdev/actions/scanner.act for your scanner by replacing 255/255/255 with 255/0/255
03:40.58rrqseparately, for some reasons, "scanner" is not a defined USB device class.
03:44.54rrqsorry: ^^^^ for robert-e  my fingers run astray
03:46.35golinuxrrq: Printer/scanner wasn't recognized here either.  Or USB stick
03:54.43*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
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04:01.54*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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04:16.33rrqcheck lsusb -v | grep -E 'Bus|bDevice'
04:16.43rrqfind scanner and three lines following
04:18.09rrqperhaps email me  the "lsusb -v | grep -E 'Bus|bDevice|bInterface' output
04:19.32*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
04:22.33golinuxrrq: I will do that tomorrow.
04:38.05*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
04:55.54*** join/#devuan lesta (~user@unaffiliated/jimlesta)
05:09.06*** join/#devuan Maikel (
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05:42.53*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
05:51.08*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
05:56.33robert-efsmithred: rrq:  booted the vdev (rw).  Made sure that the persistant partition was mounted (was).  deleted the S0vdev link from /etc/rcS.d..did the fixes that rrq suggested for audio and scanner.
05:58.18robert-efsmithred:  rebooted...the changes I made were the s0vdev link was back, and the scanner/audio changes were back to before the changes...I think the persistance is somehow not working.
05:59.54robert-efsmithred:  Oh yes..I also used gparted to expand the persistance success...I checked the flash drive in another machine..and was indeed resized.
06:01.53robert-efsmithred: rrq:  I suppose that until the changes can be made persistant, that I will not be able to check out your suggestions?? That said, I will do whatever tests I can for you.
06:03.02robert-errw: fsmithred:  Midnite here...going zzzzz...will check in tomorrow morning.  Good nite.
06:03.46*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
06:04.29robert-errq:  rrw-rrw...damned hp  gn
06:08.43*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
06:22.11*** part/#devuan lesta (~user@unaffiliated/jimlesta)
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10:55.57*** join/#devuan Bercik (~Yotsuba@unaffiliated/bercik)
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20:13.52*** join/#devuan aitor (
20:15.10aitorLydia_K is known now as Centurion_Lydia_k
20:15.23Lydia_KLOL, what?
20:15.38aitoroh, are you there?
20:15.50aitoroh, my darling
20:16.09aitormy darling Lydia_K
20:17.02Lydia_KWhat's with the whole "Mother of Den" thing?
20:17.15aitorjordila is allways quiting
20:17.55aitori know what den mother means..
20:19.00aitorsave.. i haven't any mouse
20:20.22aitori thought that golinux was Den's mother
20:20.44Lydia_Kgolinux: is totally the den mother if I were to give that title to anyone.
20:20.45aitorDen = Dennis Roio (aka jaromil) lol
20:20.55Lydia_KLOL, I'm not his mom!
20:21.11aitori know
20:21.24golinuxNeither am I
20:21.47aitorbut i was sure that he/she was his mother
20:21.49golinuxaitor misinterpreted "den mother" and it's now a standing joke . . .
20:22.37aitoryou explained to me in a private msg :)
20:22.42*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
20:23.15aitoroh, jordila is connected again...
20:23.31aitorhe/she never speak
20:24.28aitorwhat a shynees !
20:25.03fsmithredyeah, second way
20:25.16Lydia_KWell that was fast.
20:25.37aitoroh, jordilla has quit again !
20:25.41fsmithredI wonder how many of the names in here are systemd spies keeping tabs on us
20:26.08Lydia_Kwell that guy "sysd4lyfe" for sure
20:26.20*** join/#devuan Chanku (
20:26.38*** join/#devuan verderon (~verderon@unaffiliated/verderon)
20:27.36aitoroh. my mouse works now !
20:28.18aitorfsmithred: we have the  following scheme.
20:28.38aitorvdev provides udev
20:29.07aitorvdev depends on libudev1-compat
20:29.39aitorlibudev1-compat breaks with libudev1
20:29.41MinceR12 221702 < Lydia_K> What's with the whole "Mother of Den" thing?
20:29.47MinceRsomeone didn't know what 'den' means
20:30.13fsmithredden=where the wolves live.
20:30.22aitorudev depends on libdev1
20:31.18aitorso, both udev and libudev1 will be unsintalled if you install vdev
20:31.33fsmithredaitor, have you and ralph been sharing ideas, or are you working separately?
20:31.47fsmithredyeah, that's probably how it should work for real
20:32.00aitoroh, i'm working separatelly
20:33.21fsmithredprobably need to merge some stuff at some point.
20:34.15fsmithredso if I install from guinos repo now, will it remove udev?
20:34.47aitorhe lives in australia, or new zeland
20:35.02fsmithredyeah, timing is difficult
20:35.12aitori'm not an  owl
20:35.39aitorgnuinos repos?
20:35.46aitorno, still not
20:36.01*** part/#devuan penelopa (
20:36.04aitorwho is *?
20:36.15fsmithredyou gonna put it there, or just make debs available
20:36.40aitori'll put it there
20:36.59fsmithredok, let me know when. I have a virgin installation waiting
20:37.27*** join/#devuan cyteen (
20:37.29aitorfsmithred, read here:
20:38.13*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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20:39.32aitoryou take too lond...
20:40.09aitorwhy don't you click in the link'
20:40.40fsmithredyeah, stepped away for a minute
20:41.01aitoroh, Centurion_Dan !
20:41.21aitormy idol !
20:42.20fsmithredaitor, I don't click that link, because it doesn't work for me in firefox. I have a special button that opens that page in akuli-webbrowswer
20:42.26aitori'm more linnet than you
20:42.42aitori would click in the link
20:43.06aitoris it right?
20:43.38fsmithreda mainly brown and gray finch with a reddish breast and forehead.
20:43.39aitorwhat means linnet, then?
20:43.50fsmithrednever heard of it
20:44.00fsmithredfinch is a bird
20:44.58aitorsorry, a bad translation, lol...
20:46.26aitorCenturion_Dan desappeared
20:47.57aitorfsmithred: see you tomorrow :)
20:48.12fsmithredok, bye
20:59.47*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
21:02.54*** join/#devuan Tenhi_ (
21:04.38*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
21:07.33fsmithredrobert-e, hi
21:12.27robert-efsmithred:  Hi, sorry I was on another window..How are you doing?
21:12.49fsmithredgood. did you get that link deleted?
21:14.18robert-eYes, and did the other things that ralph suggested.  Problem was that when I rebooted, the link was back and all ralph's suggested changes were reverted.  I think that somehow my persistance is not working.
21:14.56*** join/#devuan n4dir (
21:15.10fsmithredlook in the root of the second partition - there should be a file called persitence.conf.
21:15.39fsmithredhi n4dir
21:15.57golinuxn4dir: hi
21:16.06golinuxTha gang's all here!
21:16.33robert-eLet me check with you...I boot off the usb, choose the vdev (rw) on the grub/boot screen.  That eventually starts x.  I then mount the persistance pertition, and then another flash drive, to save/load files.
21:17.16fsmithredfirst time you boot, boot read-only (first or second choice in the boot menu)
21:17.29fsmithredrun gparted to make the second partition bigger.
21:17.33robert-eI then start a root terminal, and remove the vdev link, and then edit the files that Ralph wanted.  It continues to work fine, but if I shutdown and restart, everything is reverted.
21:18.22fsmithredsecond boot, choose one of the rw choices. Then you can delete S03vdev and it should stay away.
21:18.36robert-eI did run gparted and did enlarge the partition and then checked the stick in another computer, and it was indeed enlarged.
21:18.55fsmithredok, then if you boot rw, changes should stick.
21:20.13fsmithredany files you save or change should get saved to the persistent partition. If you look at it when plugged into another system, you should see /var /etc /home but they will only have a few files - the ones that were changed
21:20.51robert-eWell, I did expand the partition before I went to sleep last night, and this morning booted the rw selection, did the changes (again), rebooted, and all was reverted.  Not understanding why I should use the
21:21.02robert-eread only choice first?
21:21.13fsmithredbecause you can't resize a mounted partition
21:21.49robert-eOh, I see...I had gparted unmount it first.
21:21.56fsmithredoh, ok
21:22.05fsmithredthat makes no sense to me
21:22.20fsmithredyou asked gparted to unmount a partition when you were using it
21:22.36fsmithrednormally, it will refuse to do that
21:22.58n4dirmoin fsmithred golinux neither...that is why I quit and went to sleep last get a fresh look this morning..but no change.
21:23.05fsmithredI don't know if you did anything weird to it.
21:23.18fsmithredmaybe partition is bigger but filesystem is still same size
21:23.33fsmithredI would reboot ro and resize it again, even if by a few MB
21:24.09fsmithredor save a copy of persistence.conf and re-make the partition and filesystem
21:24.13robert-eI will put it into another machine, and do a resize it wont make any
21:24.16fsmithredthen copy persistence.conf back
21:26.18robert-ectually, I think I will dd the img back onto the stick, and start over..that way anything funky that could have happened will be eliminated from the equation.
21:27.40fsmithredgood plan
21:28.13fsmithredfor curiosity, mount that second partition, and compare what fdisk -l says vs. df -h
21:29.27robert-eOK, Will do that just before I reimage it.
21:29.48fsmithredmaybe letting gparted unmount it just slipped you into ro mode.
21:31.25robert-eHard to know..I am not all that up on setting up a persistant partition on an os...Abt the only experience I have is with tails...and I dont use that anymore since it now uses systemd.
21:33.18*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
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21:34.07fsmithredwe need to make a sysV tails?
21:35.01robert-eI cannot talk to the tails dev, since they do not allow comments on their site.  I think they wear blinders.
21:35.06MinceRmore like a devuan tails
21:36.18robert-eI used to use it when travelling back and forth to california, to check mail at some pulic/unknown hot spots.  Now I only use the cell fone connection
21:38.03robert-efsmithred:  Well, I will get out of here, and do those checks..will let you know what turns out.
21:38.47robert-enp  happy to help out.  bbl
21:43.14*** join/#devuan sk__ (
21:47.19*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
21:48.19robert-efsmithred:  did; fdisk reports (2 lines):
21:49.58robert-edev/sdd1   *        2048     1722367      860160    b  W95 FAT32
21:50.19robert-edev/sdd2         1722368    11266047     4771840   83  Linux
21:50.49robert-eand df -h reports:
21:50.55*** part/#devuan verderon (~verderon@unaffiliated/verderon)
21:51.11robert-edev/sdd1       839M  753M   86M  90% /media/rob/r8_vdev
21:51.34robert-edev/sdd2       4.5G  3.1M  4.2G   1% /media/rob/live-rw
21:52.15robert-eI has tos remove the / at the line start otherwise it would not post to the channel.
21:52.38*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
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23:52.02robert-efsmithred:  Re-imaged the stick.  booted to read only, ran gparted, expanded to 4 gigs.  rebooted to vdev (rw)..mounted the persistance partition.  Remove the S03vdev file, did the sound and scanner edits.
23:53.56robert-efsmithred:  rebooted again to vdev (rw).  Mounted the persistance image.  Persistance file was still there.  Checked /etc/rcS.d, and the S03vdev file was back and the other edits were again reverted.
23:54.29robert-efsmithred:  persistance does not work, at least for me. Sorry.
23:55.54robert-efsmithred: persistance imag -> persistance partition (above)
23:56.30*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
23:56.30*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
23:57.27golinuxfsmithred: Not good news here either.  Same as robert-e
23:58.12golinuxBut dang I forgot to delete the 503vdev file.
23:59.32golinuxI checked in gparted after booting to rw - did it twice - and the ext2 partition was NOT mounted

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