IRC log for #devuan on 20160904

01:09.58*** join/#devuan triffid (
01:22.31*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
01:41.46*** join/#devuan slim107821 (
01:43.07*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:47.46*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
01:56.11*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
02:04.41*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
02:05.08slim107821welcome golinux
02:24.33*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
02:24.58*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
03:25.36*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
03:31.38*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
03:41.35*** join/#devuan slim12001 (
04:01.43*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:01.47*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@
04:07.51*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@
05:49.59*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
07:08.09*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
07:38.35*** join/#devuan rrq (
08:28.35*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:33.24*** join/#devuan Akuli (
08:41.28*** join/#devuan Maikel (
08:48.56MaikelDevuan mirror site deployed. Currently syncing.
09:36.07*** join/#devuan aitor (
09:36.20aitorhi, jaromil
09:36.41aitoras i said, i want to change the provider of my hosting
09:36.54aitoris opennebula also a hsoting provider?
09:39.00aitormy website is availabel at:
09:55.07aitoreven though i'm non unhappy with ovh, but i have the reservation of the domain with another provider
09:55.38*** join/#devuan antofox (
09:58.48aitorthe hosting of gnuinos with ovh...
09:59.09aitorand a dedicated server with soyoustar (which belongs to ovh):
10:00.03aitorthis last one for the repository of gnuinos
10:02.04aitorbut, if opennebula is also a hosting provider, maybe i would change to it
10:02.50aitorthe dedicated server expires in a few days
10:03.07jaromilaitor: we can also host it on servers, lets see
10:03.26jaromilwe do friendly hosting of f/oss projects that are related
10:03.36jaromilthe complication is that you don't have a static site, but use php
10:03.54jaromilopennebula doesn't, it is a virtualisation technology basically
10:04.55aitori do not wish to complicate matters
10:06.37*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
10:06.37*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
10:08.18aitori'm not needed of space, maybe only in the case of a complete repository
10:08.48aitorbut i'll not be in the short term :)
10:09.11aitorthanks anyway :)
10:10.17jaromili'm contacting our sysadmin for php enable hosts
10:10.26jaromilnow is weekend, but will come back to you on that
10:11.02jaromilgnuinos aims to be 100% free plus is based on devuan so its absolutely eligible to receive help from dyne, at the very least hosting
10:11.37aitorok, i'm going to visit my father, see you... and have nice day :)
10:19.50*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
11:21.49*** join/#devuan k0nsl (~k0nsl@unaffiliated/k0nsl)
11:42.48*** join/#devuan k0nsl (~k0nsl@unaffiliated/k0nsl)
11:47.06*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
11:48.33*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
11:51.50*** join/#devuan premoboss (
12:10.53*** join/#devuan Drugo (
12:22.48*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
12:32.51*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
12:33.13*** join/#devuan aitor (
12:33.21aitorhi Digit
12:37.13aitorremastersys is an old tool developed by a canadian enginer (named Tony Brijensky?)
12:40.33*** join/#devuan oldlaptop (~quassel@
12:49.09MaikelI can't seem to get the verification mail of the gitlab from Devuan
12:49.47*** join/#devuan txuangtze (~lewosky@
12:51.02*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
13:02.32*** join/#devuan antofox (
13:03.02antofoxhi guys i have 2 questions
13:03.51antofoxthere is a tool for packaging?
13:05.33antofoxI would be interested in the mate desktop, how to become a manteiner?
13:06.39antofoxover a dpkg-buildpackage??
13:07.17fsmithredsorry, I don't understand the question
13:07.28jaromilhi, if you have experience of debian maintainance then you can already help, if you start from zero then please wait we build all our documentation. I recommend starting from a small package
13:08.20Akulimate is already in the devuan repositories
13:08.46Akulionly thing i don't like about it is that the power applet doesn't update itself, but if i kill it and start it again it shows the correct battery percentage
13:12.21antofoxjaromil: until now I got the packages and have them built for me without making any big changes
13:12.48antofoxAkuli: I noticed I also
13:14.04Akulinot a big deal to me though, upower -d shows the current percentage anyway :)
13:14.37Akulialias bat='upower -d | grep %'
13:35.52*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
13:48.24*** join/#devuan pizzaiolo (~pizzaiolo@unaffiliated/pizzaiolo)
13:48.52pizzaioloHi! I want to upload devuan's logo to Wikipedia. Does anyone know if it's freely licensed?
13:49.54GeneralStupidOMG why does it look like a penis? :D
13:50.27*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
13:51.49*** join/#devuan n4dir (
13:52.43pizzaioloGeneralStupid: lol I think this is the one
13:53.47jaromilthe SVG version is on git (devuan-art repo)
13:54.14jaromilThe logo is released as Creative Commons license CC-BY-SA 4.0 international (same as Wikipedia)
13:54.39jaromilthe logo is also a registered Trademark by the foundation (needs notice)
13:54.57pizzaiolothanks jaromil
13:54.57*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
14:02.09pizzaiolojaromil: I'm having trouble finding this repo. Do you have the link?
14:02.59*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
14:05.18fsmithredpizzaiolo, I think it's this one:
14:06.37pizzaiologreat, thanks fsmithred :)
14:08.29MinceR04 154954 < GeneralStupid> OMG why does it look like a penis? :D
14:08.34MinceRbecause it was submitted by a troll
14:10.23pizzaiolojaromil: I can't find licensing info. Are you sure it's in the repo? I'll need to prove to fellow Wikipedians that it's under a free license
14:10.33jaromilits in the README of the repo
14:11.04pizzaiolojaromil: the readme says Distribution  (TBD)
14:11.18jaromilmore info here
14:11.59jaromiloh perhaps its not in master branch
14:12.14GeneralStupidMinceR: do you mean its from poettering himself? :D
14:13.19jaromili have just merged to master
14:13.31jaromilthe suites/jessie branch so now you'll find all updates and info in the main repo
14:18.31pizzaiolojaromil: sweet!
14:20.03pizzaiolojaromil: I suggest you reword "The logo is released as Creative Commons license CC-BY-SA 4.0 international (same as Wikipedia)." to "The artwork in this repository is released as Creative Commons license CC-BY-SA 4.0 international (same as Wikipedia)."
14:20.08pizzaiolomore broad language
14:20.28MinceRGeneralStupid: not necessarily
14:27.42*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
14:27.42*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:31.15*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
14:33.25hellekinpizzaiolo: we don't know whether all artwork requires the same license.
14:39.09pizzaiolohellekin jaromil fsmithred see
14:40.24hellekinpizzaiolo: this picture is quite wrong
14:40.27fsmithredwhat's with the big black box at the bottom?
14:40.49hellekinfsmithred: it's the wrong file
14:41.09fsmithredah. hm. been there, done that.
14:41.28hellekinpizzaiolo: is the right image
14:44.12pizzaiolothis is looking very strange though
14:45.30pizzaiolofixed that too
14:46.41pizzaioloall right, thanks all!
14:46.42*** part/#devuan pizzaiolo (~pizzaiolo@unaffiliated/pizzaiolo)
14:54.26*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
15:05.55*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
15:22.18minnesotagsSo, popcon.... the graph shows some 400 or so Devuan instances. How does it grab that info? On my native Devuan Jessie installs, there is a devuan_version file. I'm assuming popcon uses the "debian_version" file contents? Is there a separate equivalent?
15:22.53minnesotagsOh, btw, Once again, with the crap cert issue.
15:34.45*** join/#devuan Levure (
15:54.56*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
15:55.23*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
16:11.35*** join/#devuan penelopa (
16:39.48*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
16:39.53DocScrutinizer05OH: "Took us 30 years to fix all the bugs [in Unix/Linux]. It took #systemd less than a year to reintroduce them all again."
16:58.38*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
17:05.49*** join/#devuan ThawedWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
17:11.46*** join/#devuan KatolaZ (~KatolaZ@
17:26.57*** part/#devuan penelopa (
17:28.13*** join/#devuan Drugo (
17:30.40*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
17:35.15aitorantofox: yes, there is a tool over dpkg-buildpackage
17:36.40*** join/#devuan Quetzalcoatl (
17:37.27aitorgit-buildpackage is a wrap for dpkg-buildpackage
17:39.34aitorthis week i'll get into the car...
17:39.44aitordistrowatch :)
17:57.24*** join/#devuan penelopa (
18:07.13*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
18:09.53*** join/#devuan Chanku (
19:12.04*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
19:23.06*** join/#devuan txuangtze (~lewosky@
19:28.52*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@
19:30.30*** join/#devuan antofox (~androirc@
19:30.51*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
19:33.10*** join/#devuan dimkr (~dima@unaffiliated/dimkr)
19:33.41*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@
19:40.42*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@
19:46.25*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@
19:49.02*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@
20:03.44*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@
20:04.56*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
20:18.40*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
20:21.05*** join/#devuan vooshy (
20:37.15*** join/#devuan clopez (
20:42.35*** part/#devuan penelopa (
20:43.04*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
20:49.43*** join/#devuan ffurrywol (~randyg@
20:58.34*** join/#devuan slacko_31073 (
21:06.03*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
21:43.38*** join/#devuan Chanku (
21:57.44*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
22:09.33*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
22:11.03nextimestupid question
22:11.29nextimeanyone would like to suggest an hostname for the machine that will run the new amprolla master repository?
22:12.43furrywolfstupid answer:  amplifier
22:16.56golinuxnextime: How about planetarium?  Too long?
22:17.47nextimegolinux: yes, too long
22:17.56nextime( anyway, good one )
22:18.28nextimemaybe i can use just "earth"
22:18.40nextimeas it will be the master repository :)
22:19.45nextimeor maybe neo ( as near eath objects )
22:20.14nextimebut i don't like neo cause it's too inflated as the neo in matrix
22:20.37nextimeearth make more sense
22:21.04golinuxampedup? (tribute to amprolla)
22:22.08nextimeor kirk ( tribute to startrek )
22:22.15golinux thinks earth is a little too anthropogenic
22:22.34golinuxHeck no!  vulcan all the way!!
22:22.45nextimegolinux: what about "sun"? after all, all minor planets orbits around sun...
22:23.36golinuxSomething quirkier would be more memorable
22:24.20*** join/#devuan Chanku (
22:24.47golinuxstill has a fondness for Start Trek
22:25.11golinuxOops sorry for the typo.
22:26.01MinceRsol, solarsystem, gravity
22:26.13nextimei like sol
22:26.23golinuxtoo long probably
22:26.48nextimefor the moment, sun  and sol are the candidate in my mind
22:26.55nextimeprobably sol more than sun
22:27.08golinuxyes, if it comes to those two
22:27.43golinuxIs the new amprolla ready for action?
22:28.23nextimegolinux: not yet, but i'm actively working on it
22:28.28nextimehello Centurion_Dan
22:28.54Centurion_DanHi nextime,
22:29.22*** join/#devuan aitor (
22:29.27Centurion_DanI'm currently working from my inlaws.  Just spent the last couple of days with my sister and family
22:29.36golinuxbows out after saying hi to Centurion_Dan
22:30.20Centurion_Danso unfortunately i've not done much hacking the last few days.
22:30.29nextimeCenturion_Dan: when you have a couple of minutes, can you please add the missing machines like build-mipsel on keybox?
22:30.41Centurion_Danhi golinux ;-)
22:31.39aitorces't qu'ils sont fous cest romains!
22:31.41Centurion_Dannextime: probably will have to wait until wednesday when I'm back in my office.
22:32.01*** join/#devuan rrq (
22:32.07nextimeCenturion_Dan: that's ok, don't worry
22:32.11nextimedo that when you can :)
22:32.16nextimeno hurry for that
22:32.19Centurion_Danhi aitor!
22:32.29aitorestán locos estos romanos !
22:32.46nextimesono pazzi questi romani
22:32.52aitorpoor dan
22:33.00aitorpoor centurion_dan
22:33.10aitorhe can't surf
22:33.12nextimeaitor: the question is: where are romans?
22:33.21Centurion_Dannextime: sure.  can you send me an email with the details about keybox?
22:33.29nextimeor romulans, as we were talking about startrek?
22:33.38aitorcenturion_dan can't surf
22:33.54nextimeCenturion_Dan: sure
22:34.02Centurion_Danaitor: actually it's more I don't know, as I haven't tried.
22:34.17golinuxaitor: What have you been smoking?
22:34.22Centurion_DanI might be  a natural..
22:35.01aitorcenturion_dan can't surf over withe sharks due to the popcorns
22:35.30aitorisn't it?
22:35.55aitori don't smoke
22:37.00golinuxMagic ones of course
22:37.05aitorlol, nooooo
22:37.11golinuxYou're just not making much sense . . .
22:37.56golinuxrealizes that things get lost in translation
22:41.22aitorcenturion_dan, aren't you on holidays?
22:42.46Centurion_Danaitor, not on holiday, just away from home.  still working .... or trying to when not distracted by chatting on irc ;-)
22:42.59aitorok :)
22:43.09golinuxaitor: If you want to call dan try Centurion_Dan
22:43.55aitori'm calling him/her centurion_dan
22:44.00golinuxassumes that irc is case sensitive
22:44.47aitorok, Centurion_Dan
22:45.48aitorwith all due respect
22:46.25fsmithredmine auto-corrects case (for names in here)
22:47.11aitorgo down on my kenees
22:47.39Centurion_Danaitor: actually it's not case sensitive, but it is a common courtesy to use it as given.
22:48.07golinuxTab completion doesn't work without proper case here
22:48.20fsmithredxchat or hexchat?
22:48.28aitorCenturion_Dan: go down on my knees
22:48.44nextimeirssi does auto-case correction on tab
22:48.51aitori'm with xchat
22:48.53fsmithredfinally found a difference between xchat and hexchat!
22:48.57nextimeand the same was on bitchx years ago
22:49.39fsmithreddinner's ready. gotta go.
22:50.08golinuxwill try another irc client one of these days . . . maybe
22:50.19Centurion_Dannextime: did you check out my SODelta code yet?
22:50.41Centurion_Danit's my first real attempt at python, so I may be doing somethings a little odd.
22:50.46golinuxreally is going to have that stretch
22:52.19DocScrutinizer05I think xchat does tab completion with correct case, no matter if you type upper or lower case first 3 chars
22:52.50nextimeCenturion_Dan: not yet, but i will do
22:53.09Centurion_Dannextime: that said I'm probably also probably heavily influenced by your coding style since I've spent so much time studying amprolla.
22:53.11DocScrutinizer51Centurion_Dan: yep, QED
22:53.17Centurion_Danhow is amprolla2 coming along?
22:53.47*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
22:53.50aitorhow many DoScrutinizers !
22:53.57Centurion_DanDocScrutinizer51: QED??
22:54.00nextimeCenturion_Dan: is going well, i think we will start to have something workable on that mimic the features of the actual amprolla in few days
22:54.04nextimeand then start to expand it
22:54.14DocScrutinizer05Quod Erat... no?
22:54.29nextimeit's higly modular with support for both internal modules and external plugins
22:54.53*** part/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
22:54.55DocScrutinizer05I typed "cen" and then "N900-tab" shift-space on maemo-xchat
22:55.01nextimeso, basically every single feature will be a module or a plugin
22:55.14nextimewe will override the GIL limitation of python using external plugins
22:55.22*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
22:55.34nextimeand at the same time integrate yor code will be easy even if we put it in production
22:56.16Centurion_Dancool.  Have you pushed anything more to git.d.o yet?
22:56.44nextimeCenturion_Dan: yes, there is something online starting to get shape
22:56.55nextimeand i will do daily
22:58.07Centurion_DanI currently have an issue with the algorithm in SODelta when applied to the complex objects and matching on subkeys that I need to work out.
22:58.55*** join/#devuan muep (
23:01.38Centurion_DanI think the delta is correct but the merged result ends up wrong.  I'll need to derive some smaller test cases to tease out the issue.
23:01.51Centurion_Dannextime: excellent.
23:02.18Centurion_DanI will check that out this afternoon and have a good look over it.
23:03.48aitoris this the code of amprolla 2?
23:05.59golinuxaitor:  try this
23:06.14aitorok, thanks
23:09.00nextimeaitor:look at it in the next few days
23:09.10nextimewhen it will start to be something more usable
23:09.23nextimeactually i pushed the scheleton and some libraries and modules
23:09.45nextimebut there is not yet the core part that will glue all things :)
23:10.05aitorok, i'll have a look at it in a couple of weeks
23:10.36nextimeanyway, the main and most evident difference between amprolla 1 and 2
23:10.59nextimeis that amprolla 1 is a script running at regular intervals in crontab
23:11.05nextimeamprolla2 is a daemon
23:11.48nextimealso: amprolla 1 just merge different repos
23:12.05nextimeamprolla 2 maintain the primary repo and merge others
23:12.15nextimeso, it will supersede also dak in devuan
23:13.16aitorwill be available the Contents?
23:13.49aitorgood :)
23:15.22aitortomorrow i'll try to aply devuan-installer to armhf
23:16.13aitori have an idea, but i'm no sure it'll work out...
23:17.13aitoryou live in milano, isn it?
23:18.04nextimei *was* close to milano years ago, varese suburbs
23:18.13nextimenow i live in south africa, cape town
23:19.15aitori saw some videos in youtube, yours...
23:19.53nextimewell, of course as an italian emigrated recently
23:20.05aitori've been several times in italy
23:20.14nextimei go up and down from/to italy/southafrica at least 1 or 2 time per year
23:20.29nextimeas i have family and a lot of things in italy
23:20.49nextimebut i spend most of my time in the south emisphere
23:20.58aitormy cousin is married with an italian
23:21.09aitorbut they live in apulia
23:21.27nextimei don't even know where apulia is
23:21.44nextimeah ok
23:21.51nextimeapulia is the english name for puglia
23:22.07nextimenew english work learned
23:22.32aitoryes, puglia :)
23:24.31nextimesadly italy doesn't live great days in those last decades, and puglia and generally south regions are the more problematic
23:25.16aitorhere also bad decades, very bad decades...
23:25.46aitorworse than italy, i think...
23:26.43nextimeaitor: the real issue in italy isn't the actual situation, it's a sort of false theatre show thanks to the (rich, very rich) past
23:27.06nextimeso, paople actually can live thanks to the wealth of the olders
23:27.07aitori bougth a book about python
23:27.14nextimethe real issue is the future
23:27.30nextimewe have globally only 13% of non-working people
23:27.40nextimebut for under 35yo it's up to 46%
23:27.47nextimeit's matter of time
23:27.51nextimeand italy will collapse
23:28.15nextimeand i think there is no way to avoid it
23:28.35nextimeas the system in italy is a cancer and it's too complex to fix it
23:29.22aitorhere there are not political solutions either
23:30.19Centurion_Dannextime: it's a global issue, and only getting worse, but certainly some countries are in worse state the others.
23:30.43nextimeCenturion_Dan: :yes, it's global, but at least there are countries that CAN do things to fix it
23:30.55nextimeitaly isn't in the list
23:31.43nextimewith more than 130% of debt over GDP
23:31.45aitorwe are without a government for months...
23:31.55nextimeand long recession
23:32.06Centurion_Dantrue, but most will fail to do them and will have to go through a financial collapse also.
23:32.08nextimeand corrruption at high level, and those that aren't corrupted are ignorant
23:32.21nextimeand 70% of real tax pressure
23:32.29nextimeand old population
23:33.02nextimeand more than 180000 laws
23:33.21nextime( and no one know the exact number )
23:33.32Centurion_Danindeed, but this is rather OT for this channel ;-)
23:33.35nextimewith many laws that contractict itself
23:33.40nextimeyes, agree on that
23:33.44aitorcorrupted people adquire diplomatic positions, and then then they can't be processed
23:34.21Centurion_Danaitor: you mean prosecuted?
23:34.21aitorin consulates
23:34.35nextimethe real issue is that when italy will collapse ( not if, but when )
23:34.41nextimeprobably europe will collapse too.
23:35.16Centurion_Dannextime: so the UK did the right thing?
23:35.34nextimeCenturion_Dan: in the longs, probably, yes
23:35.40Centurion_Danby voting to leave the UK.  But will they get out in time??
23:35.48nextimeIF they will really do that
23:35.56nextime( i'm not so sure they will )
23:36.37nextimebut for UK the situation was different: they never adopted euro
23:37.01nextimeso, even staying in EU, they where in some way protected from the euro zone collapse
23:37.16Centurion_Dannextime: I haven't followed recent events, but my impression was that the UK Government although it disliked the decision do seem intent on following through.
23:37.17nextimeok, my english is getting worse, i'm tired :P
23:37.18MinceReven outside the EU, they're controlled by the tories
23:37.21MinceRso they're doomed
23:37.40MinceRand the EPP and the AECR will ensure that the rest of the EU implodes too
23:37.50nextimeCenturion_Dan: : yes, cause the exit will probably give issues in short term
23:38.14aitornextime, CENTURION_DAN: 01:40 here
23:38.17MinceRthough if the frency anti-encryption lobbying is any indication, then even the alleged "socialists" want these states to fail
23:38.19nextimeand the reasons for the brexit were just bullshit
23:38.28aitorsee you tomorrow :)
23:38.31nextimeaitor: : i'm in the same timezone
23:38.51aitorlol, so, i can't sleep?
23:39.04nextimeaitor: : lol, nono, of course you can
23:39.07nextimegnite :)
23:39.42aitorg'nigth too :)
23:40.55Centurion_Dannextime: indeed.  I think it was foolish for territories to abandon their own currencies for a common currency as that took away all the local economic controls, but I guess not having the common currency would have made trade harder.
23:43.15*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
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23:45.04Centurion_DanI think there was plenty of bullshit on both sides of the brexit debate but I'm not surprised at the result.
23:48.00*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@
23:50.18nextimeCenturion_Dan: it's a lot more complex. The issue was to go in a single currency without a common finance and economy
23:50.30nextimewith different taxation, rules, VAT
23:50.43nextimebut with a central common bank
23:51.01nextimeand also, there is an history longer than euro
23:51.15nextimebefore the euro there were the "SME", it was a fixed change between europeans
23:51.30nextimeit has failed with an economic crisis in '92
23:51.44nextimewhen the italian dept exploded
23:52.31nextimethe only way to do that without issues was to do a real europe, both economic and politically united
23:52.37nextimethe united states of europe
23:52.51nextimebut it wasn't feasible
23:53.03nextimeand then the common currency
23:53.32nextimewhere anyone of the members try to advantage itself at the cost of the others
23:53.36nextimeit can't work.

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