IRC log for #devuan on 20160901

00:06.07nextimeDocScrutinizer05: anyway, soon this explanation on amprolla will be obsoleted by amprolla2
00:23.47*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
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00:27.04DocScrutinizer05nextime: I'm more than happy to fix/update the factoid :-)
00:43.30*** join/#devuan Chanku (
01:45.40*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:55.56*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
03:18.46*** join/#devuan obarun_ (~obarun@
03:48.36*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
04:01.46*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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04:31.09*** join/#devuan mender27 (
04:31.22mender27Hello everyone :)
04:32.01*** join/#devuan Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
04:32.02mender27I wrote a short blog post on Devuan recently at WordPress (linuxmender).
04:33.13mender27But I received some weird, negative comments. Mind taking a look? :)
04:33.58mender27Here's the full link:
04:40.32*** join/#devuan Captain_Beezay (sid146285@funtoo/user/terabit)
04:44.39ksx4systemmender27: great to see ppl writing about the holy Devuan ;)
04:44.52*** join/#devuan txt-file (
04:44.55ksx4systemwill read the article later and comment if needed, now goes to sleep
04:45.50pydsignerLooks like saltiness to me
04:46.06pydsignerMore than anything actually wrong with the article
04:49.21mender27As in, the article is wrong or the comments are?
04:49.29pydsignerThe comments
04:49.47mender27I feel there is some prejudice against Devuan in the GNU/Linux community and I'm not sure where it's coming from :/.
04:50.13furrywolfevery vote for devuan is a vote for bush!
04:50.28mender27I mean, usually people get super excited about new projects.
04:50.47mender27Why diss Devuan then?
04:51.40mender27So far my experience was very positive and highly satisfying.
04:53.35mender27Anyhow, has anyone tried the s6 supervisor suite in Devuan? I would like to give it a go and see whether it has actual merits.
05:04.24pydsignerFor now I'm pretty happy with openrc
05:06.35mender27Oh, you put OpenRC on Devuan? :)
05:07.44mender27That reminds me I should probably write a longish Python + Shell script to automate Gentoo installation :P.
05:16.01*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
05:16.22pydsignerI'm not rolling Devuan currently
05:16.56mender27Manjaro or Gentoo then?
05:43.21*** join/#devuan asbesto (~asbesto@
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11:59.17*** join/#devuan iio7 (~iio7@
12:00.30iio7Since latest dist-upgrade shutdown command is no longer working. Things closes down, but the computer hangs just before final shutdown and requires a hard shutdown resulting in an un-clean umount of the disk.
12:06.36*** join/#devuan antofox (
12:13.15iio7It used to shutdown the computer completely. Maybe the problem actually started when I changed the system from Debian to Devuan.
12:13.23iio7Any ideas?
12:17.37nextimedid you shutdown from where, terminal? desktop?
12:19.31nextimeactually never ear someone with your issue as you exposed, but it is known that there are some issues performing operations like suspend or shutdown from desktop due to udisks2 and so on, can be maybe it's something related?
12:24.20*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
12:29.42iio7I have an alias in bash that runs "sudo shutdown -h now" so I just type the alias in the console and the box shuts down. It's my main desktop.
12:30.59iio7It has been working perfectly for years, but I actually think it was after I changed the box from Debian to Devuan that it stopped working. Everything shuts down, but it halts with no monitor output, but the fan and disk keeps running and it's impossible to do anything but hard shutdown.
12:38.30*** part/#devuan iio7 (~iio7@
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12:43.28*** join/#devuan iio7 (~iio7@
12:49.20*** join/#devuan yuki_is_bored (~yuki_is_b@
12:54.07nextimeiio7: so, it seems that or acpi or the kernel upgrade or maybe something related to umount fs has gone wrong in your upgrade, but as there is no other cases i can't say anything more right now, sorry, more infos are needed to identify where your shutdown fail
13:00.17*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
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13:04.29iio7yeah, I have been searching, but no output is provided and I cannot locate anything useful in messages or similar. I have also checked that none of the acpi packages has gone missing etc.
13:11.36*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
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13:46.03*** join/#devuan Obri (
14:09.03*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
14:09.03*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:12.15*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
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14:49.20golinuxjaromil: Regarding the torrent tracker issue . . . the OP has corrected his typo to this:
14:49.41golinux"I notice that the torrent file uses as one of the public trackers, but that tracker has been down for several months. You may wish to advertise with another public tracker, like perhaps?
14:50.17furrywolfmost public trackers are perpetually down...
14:55.12primalzis it the only tracker in the torrent?
14:57.27zdzichutherefore devuan should run it's own tracker
14:57.56primalzthere is a dyne tracker in the torrent
15:00.16zdzichufor exampe using  libapache2-mod-bt
15:16.15*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
15:18.10*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:23.31jaromilgolinux: no problem, that is one of many and we run our own tracker as primary
15:23.57jaromiljust received the new devuan stickers proof by unixstickers and they are awesome (blink hellekin)
15:27.19jaromiloh this one is from stickermule
15:40.57*** join/#devuan jordila (
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16:10.43*** join/#devuan Gup (
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17:47.10*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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18:31.10*** join/#devuan Drugo (~Drugo@
18:38.05*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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19:46.17*** join/#devuan SaschaKuehl (25189118@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:46.26SaschaKuehlHallo, habe gerade einen devuan mirror unter aufgesetzt.
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22:03.30*** join/#devuan aitor (
22:04.10aitorhi all, i´m with french keayboard now
22:04.39aitorIoFran is now non know
22:04.46aitoras you know now
22:05.22aitorIoFran2 :)
22:06.42aitorIoFran is known
22:07.48aitorfrench keyboard is very difficult
22:08.55aitorcenturion_dan: happy holidays
22:11.30aitori'll try with Provides: udev = 1.2.3 ...
22:14.34*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
22:15.13aitorhi :)
22:15.29fsmithredsorry to hear of the keyboard problem. I feel your pain.
22:15.58fsmithredhow's it going with vdev?
22:16.32aitorshould i change /etc/vdev/actions by  /etc/vdev/actions.examples, or something like that?
22:16.48aitoryou used it for the scanner
22:17.07fsmithredI've been working with Ralph's debs this week.
22:17.48fsmithredI've got it working pretty well.
22:18.02aitorgreat new :)
22:18.19fsmithredI posted to dng several times yesterday
22:18.38fsmithredalso figured out why lpt printer wasn't showing up
22:18.51fsmithredfixed parport.act and printer.act
22:19.33fsmithredand scanner.act using instead of the that I made (which didn't help much)
22:19.50aitorso, vdev gives a lot of possibilities with the hardware, isn't it?
22:20.18fsmithredI think everything of mine is working, but I don't have a lot of fancy hardware
22:20.40aitori this the mission of the actions in /etc/vdev?
22:20.49fsmithredone thing I didn't mention - plug in a usb thumb drive, and /dev/disk/by-id links don't get created
22:21.19fsmithredby-uuid and by-label do get created
22:21.50fsmithredyeah, the action files identify the hardware and tell which helper script to use
22:21.58fsmithredthe helper script does what needs to be done
22:22.46aitorso, you can configure your own actions for your concrete hardware...
22:23.10fsmithredwell, yeah, you can, but I think you shouldn't have to
22:23.13aitorlike you did (with Ralph) for the scanner...
22:23.49fsmithredmost people just want to use their computers, not figure out how to get their hardware to work
22:24.59fsmithredi've been making live isos with vdev and udev, selectable at boot
22:25.23fsmithredI'm tempted to upload one to try to lure more testers into the group
22:25.56aitorinteresting, you talked about that in the mailing list, selecting the initrd.img
22:26.03fsmithredyeah, it works
22:26.46fsmithredwrapper scripts around /sbin/init, one starts vdev and then /sbin/init, the other does the same with udev
22:27.33fsmithredhave to get rid of the S03vdev in rcS.d so that vdev doesn't start after you boot the udev choice
22:27.55aitori tested build the kernel, xorg-server, grub with libudev1-compat, and it works
22:28.11aitori think that that's enough
22:28.34fsmithredsorry, I don't understand what you did.
22:28.53aitori tested building :)
22:28.55fsmithredyou're building packages while running vdev, or you have to build them with support for vdev?
22:29.39aitori'm building packages in gnuinos with vdev, instead udev
22:30.15aitorthe kernel builds succesfully, goog signal
22:30.22aitorand xorg
22:30.46fsmithredgood. Last I checked, xorg in ascii wants libsystemd0
22:31.12aitori would replace libudev1-compat by libvdev1
22:32.20aitori have one or two hard disks with ascii, but i used them only for the kernel
22:32.52fsmithredI haven't done anything with ascii lately
22:34.20aitortomorrow i'll try to solve the issue with the keyboard, this is my only problem for now
22:34.51aitori'm going to bed :)
22:35.00fsmithredwhich issue? wrong language?
22:35.20aitorwrong keyboard, but only in graphical mode
22:35.47aitoroh, and maybe the language too
22:35.51fsmithredoh, weird. using lightdm? slim?
22:36.16fsmithredok, I don't know if slim handles languages.
22:37.11fsmithredlighdm lets you choose. xfce also has a keyboard plugin that lets you switch different keyboard layouts
22:37.13aitorupps..., i'll try tomorrow with lightdm, but i want to find out the way...
22:37.38fsmithreddo you set locale and keyboard at boot?
22:38.06aitorthanks, it's late for me, see you tomorrow, ok?
22:38.12fsmithredok, g'night
23:09.47*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (
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23:57.38*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (

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