IRC log for #devuan on 20160829

00:06.31*** join/#devuan Drugo (~Drugo@
00:55.22*** join/#devuan twotwenty (
00:55.58twotwentydoes running testing or unstable work as well as lets say running debian testing or unstable?
00:57.00twotwentyif no will upgrading into testing break for sure?
00:59.28*** join/#devuan golinux (
00:59.28*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
01:19.12*** join/#devuan matthewc1 (
01:19.18*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (
01:24.35Leander256twotwenty: it's pretty much the same
01:25.47Leander256I'm running a desktop and a laptop on testing (because of better support for skylake GPU) and it's been a smooth ride
01:27.43*** join/#devuan kwmiebach (sid16855@gateway/web/
01:28.21*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
01:29.27*** join/#devuan rah (
01:31.39*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
01:36.29*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
01:40.51*** join/#devuan rah (
01:46.41*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
01:49.22*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:56.47*** join/#devuan bill-auger_ (
01:59.31*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
02:03.19twotwentyLeander256: thanks
03:05.17*** join/#devuan jaromil (
03:05.17*** join/#devuan jaromil (~jaromil@unaffiliated/jaromil)
03:22.22Centurion_DanOmegaPhil: ascii-proposed is essentially a scratch environment to build packages for ascii and test before releasing them to ascii.  (Eventually this won't be needed as we get ceres/unstable and automated migrations happening).  That said, debian migrates binaries from unstable->testing->stable, whereas we will do that at a source level only and build the packages from source for each of them.
03:22.57*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
03:43.50*** join/#devuan aitor (
03:52.31aitorCenturion_Dan: golinux is a female and she identifies as such
03:53.21aitorSee in the website:  Golinux :: art direction, webmistress, editor, quality assurance
03:54.34*** part/#devuan twotwenty (
03:56.04aitori read somewhere that she is Den's mother
03:56.38aitorwho is Den? Denis roio, i suppose
03:56.54aitoryes, i read it somewhere
03:58.29golinuxaitor: PM
03:59.22aitorpost meridian?
03:59.49aitorso, you are not Den's mother
04:01.11golinuxI am talking top you privately because this is OT.
04:01.43*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:23.18golinuxDen's mother?  That's too funny but no.  A den mother is a woman who leads and cares for groups of young children like the Girl Scouts.
04:23.49golinuxSince I am about the oldest person here, everyone else seems like a kid to me.  So it's a bit of a joke.
04:24.53furrywolfI think he/she is referring to a person nicknamed Den?
04:41.58*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
07:04.14*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
07:17.39*** join/#devuan joered (
07:18.09*** join/#devuan ThomasKeller (
07:26.08*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
07:36.56*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
07:44.56*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
08:11.23OmegaPhilCenturion_Dan: Thanks for the explanation :)
08:12.31*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
08:13.38*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
08:26.49Centurion_DanOmegaPhil: your welcome.
08:29.43*** join/#devuan PnUic (~androirc@
08:31.40*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
09:03.02*** join/#devuan PnUic (~androirc@
09:04.36*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
09:26.41*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
09:27.13*** join/#devuan aitor (
09:27.18aitorhi again
09:27.38aitori'm doing some changes in the packages of vdev
09:28.45aitorthe changes included in the initramfs-tools must be included in vdev, not in the initramfs-tools (like in udeb), obviously
09:29.41aitori'm building an image cointaing libudev1 and libudev1-compat, and the kernel build with this libraries
09:30.45aitori want to change the provider of my domain and it will not be available for 24-48 horas, maybe
09:31.36aitormy email is not availabe eventually, but i'm following the discussions in
09:44.28*** join/#devuan major (~major_thr@
09:52.45aitorhow many changes in your names!
09:52.52aitori,m confused :)
09:54.45aitoris now Guest34695 male or female, i'm so confused...
09:58.18zdzichuit doesn't matter
09:59.02Guest34695aitor, zdzichu is right
10:00.03aitoroh, yes, there is a zdzichu in the bottom
10:00.39aitoris she the den mother of all the irc?
10:01.14Guest34695could be, but don't know
10:26.48*** join/#devuan premoboss (
10:56.44aitorthis is what i get trying to regenerate the initrd.img:
10:56.51aitor(live)root@devuan:~/vdev-initramfs/tools# sh
10:57.08aitorGenerating initrd.img-3.16.7-1-586
10:57.24aitorE: /root/build-initramfs/hooks/vdev failed with return 1.
11:01.06aitorok , i see some x86_64-linux-gnu in the hooks/vdev, and i'm in i386
11:02.16aitori'm going to take a coffee
11:02.21aitorsee you:)
11:07.57*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
11:27.42*** join/#devuan premoboss (
11:31.03*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
11:40.13*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
11:40.14toprohi there, I got a few desktop pcs running devuan jessie (actually upgraded from debian wheezy). they are mounting a remote filesystem as /home (CephFS). Everything was fine untill a apt-get update/dist-upgrade about 2-3 weeks ago. some clients now won't mount their /home on boot anymore (CephFS in /etc/fstab). a amnual "mount -a" after every single boot fixes that. any idea what might be broken?
11:41.59toproI'm using jessie, jessie-updates and jessie-security as well as jessie-backports repos from
11:42.23djphsounds like it's trying to mount before networking is up (MAYBE)
11:43.24toproI have had a look to the net-fs mounting scripts, though they are quite "complex"
11:48.04djphanything from the boot logs perchance?
11:52.12OmegaPhilInit.d scripts don't really log I've found, have had to go to the console and scroll up the buffer to find interesting failures
11:52.30OmegaPhilStill don't actually tell you what went wrong, but give you a start to search in the scripts
11:53.16toprois there a way to get back to the boot console output once tty1 login is shown?
11:53.31OmegaPhilYeah, in X, Ctrl+Alt+F1
11:53.40OmegaPhilOuside of X, just ALT+F1
11:53.54OmegaPhilThe scrollbuffer can be moved by SHIFT+PgUp/Down
11:54.14toproI'm well aware, but Ctrl+Alt+F1 takes me to tty1 which only shows login, the boot log output gets truncated (cleared)
11:54.14OmegaPhilX is usually on VT7, so Alt+F7 to get back to X
11:54.35OmegaPhilOr whatever its called
11:54.55toproscrollbuffer (or whatever its called) also gets truncated whenever you switch vt
11:55.18OmegaPhilI mustve been very lucky then when I needed it
11:55.28OmegaPhilIn the past I've taken a photo as it went past
11:55.50toprowell I could capture it by camera, goot idea ;)
11:58.29toprodjph: will have a look at the boot logs again. first look didn't reveal anything of interest
12:01.24toproi personally got the feeling that some changes to the network filesystem mounting scripts forgot to correctly handle CephFS. Saying CephFS is a "not so commonly used" filesystem would still be a wild exaggeration ;)
12:03.09toproanother idea: do I need kernel modules for network filesystems in initramfs to mount them on boot, or will they get mounted after mounting /
12:05.52djphI would assume network filesystems come up after / ... but then again...
12:14.50topronothing in the logs, sorry. but i found another trace. the machines which fail to mount cephfs on boot seem to be exactly those machines which mount cephfs as their only network file system from fstab. working machines seem to be the ones which additionally mount some NFS shares. will keep investigating
12:19.27*** join/#devuan thehornet (~thehornet@
12:44.47*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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12:59.36*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
13:34.42*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
13:45.32*** join/#devuan premoboss (
13:51.51*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
13:54.42*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
14:03.00*** join/#devuan thessy1 (
14:04.30*** part/#devuan thessy1 (
14:05.59*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
14:14.46*** join/#devuan paw (~afong@
14:14.51*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
14:23.36*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
14:26.43*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
14:33.15*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
14:37.57*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
14:39.31*** join/#devuan M-baselab (baselabmat@gateway/shell/
14:41.43*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
14:43.22*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:52.03*** join/#devuan Nick-nosystemd (
14:52.15*** part/#devuan Nick-nosystemd (
14:55.58*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
15:00.49*** join/#devuan mobinmob (~mobinmob@2a02:582:7405:aa00:b0ac:7f29:4d8e:695e)
15:06.28golinuxSorry for the OT . . . aitor needs more than coffee.  THERE IS NO DEN'S MOTHER.  That is his misunderstanding of English language. I have sometimes referred to myself as "den mother" for reasons explained above.  Please refer to the botbot logs - not going to repeat it here.
15:08.04golinuxfurrywolf: If you aren't aware of my gender by now, you need more coffee than aitor.
15:08.32furrywolfof course I'm aware of your gender.  remember when I suggested to you how wonderful life with another woman might be, and you got mad and ignored me?  :)
15:10.07golinuxThat being said . . . biological attributes are irrelevant to this project so please let's move on.
15:10.12*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
15:10.26furrywolfsighs and puts the box of strapons back under the bed
15:11.46*** join/#devuan Not_a_Robot (
15:23.22*** join/#devuan kini (~kini@unaffiliated/kini)
15:36.07*** join/#devuan clopez (
15:39.02*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
15:41.30*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
15:42.38*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
16:02.02*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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16:06.03*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
16:06.21*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
16:40.33*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
16:44.15*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
16:45.32*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
16:48.45*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
17:06.20*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
17:07.48*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
17:24.03*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
17:27.24*** join/#devuan blueness_ (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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17:43.36*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
17:51.11*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
17:57.46*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
18:01.16*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@LINUXGW.THESHINNGROUP.COM)
18:07.23gci_adminNot really sure that last bit from you was appropriate for this channel furrywolf. I'll shutup now since I am not a chanop. :P
18:09.04*** join/#devuan Akuli (
18:09.21Akulihow did kadiro's installing go?
18:10.25*** join/#devuan Levure (
18:11.02Akulinevermind, i found him on another channel :)
18:13.57*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
18:14.25*** part/#devuan syco_ (~mike@2a02:a03f:1c4e:8900:317f:47c3:972c:a2e1)
18:14.53*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
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18:17.57*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
18:26.38golinuxgci_admin: furrywolf is often inappropriate which is why she is on my ignore list.  Unfortunately botbot doesn't know about that . . .
18:28.55fsmithredHAH!  I just got vdev to see my scanner at boot!
18:29.33golinuxThat's some progress!!
18:30.14*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
18:33.20fsmithredudevadm works with vdev running. I guess we need a replacement for that. It's the only way I know to figure out what variables to use to find the right device.
18:45.26*** join/#devuan drawkula (
18:47.48*** join/#devuan mender27 (
18:48.15mender27Just installed Devuan on my MacBook 2009 again. Love it!
18:49.24mender27I love how Devuan uses some of the standard UNIX tools like sysctl and dhclient. I have them on FreeBSD, too :).
18:52.51mender27Quick one, though - is there a wpa_supplicant init script somewhere or should I write my own? ;)
18:53.27*** join/#devuan wesbl (
18:56.11*** join/#devuan mender27 (
18:57.55Akulimender27, if there's not, you can use startmeup which generates the init script for you :)
18:58.19mender27Akuli, manpage for details, right?
18:58.39mender27ah, there isn't one
18:58.59Akulii think there will be one when startmeup is added to devuan
18:59.45mender27Oh...and additional details on the Devuan website or should I go on a Google venture?
18:59.56mender27I mean, details about a possible wpa_supplicant init script.
19:10.29mender27Alright, I'll figure something out myself :).
19:11.22*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
19:17.50fsmithredmender27, hang on a minute
19:18.28fsmithredI'm using wicd, and that takes care of it, but I can check the mini iso.
19:21.54mender27Lovely, thanks a bunch :)
19:22.06mender27I'm still in the process of assembling tools for my current install.
19:22.09fsmithredyeah if I can figure out how to set the keyboard
19:22.45fsmithredyou gonna use wicd?
19:23.41mender27I'm using wpa_gui for my wireless connections
19:23.53mender27Other than that, only command-line stuff
19:24.52fsmithredok, I know katolaz uses wpa_cli with his mini iso, so I'm looking in there now
19:26.35fsmithredwow, I can't login if I set locale and keyboard. If I boot without adding those, I get autologin, but I can't type what I want.
19:29.06mender27Oh wow
19:29.17mender27Sorry, Qupzilla had some major issues with youtube :/.
19:29.20fsmithredwhere might the pipe key be?
19:31.24mender27Wish I knew that :D
19:31.56*** join/#devuan otremblay (~otremblay@2607:f0d0:1104:4:2b::12c)
19:32.38mender27I see a couple of other minor issues - no battery monitor is actually reading the battery properly :P.
19:33.05fsmithredusing xfce-batter-plugin?
19:33.21mender27nope, I tried wmbattery and xbattbar so far
19:33.37mender27I'm running WindowMaker
19:34.22mender27gotcha, wmacpi reads properly
19:35.24fsmithredyou sure you need an init script for wpasupplicant? I don't see one in my wheezy install, either.
19:35.46mender27then it means it's handled differently
19:36.04mender27maybe there are knobs for dhclient and then dhclient calls wpa_supplicant?
19:36.08fsmithredwhen I haven't used wicd, and I set wireless with wpa in interfaces file, it worked fine. That was on the wheezy installation I'm looking at. Pretty sure wicd was disabled.
19:36.13mender27that's the way it works on FreeBSD, I think :).
19:36.45mender27Because on FreeBSD one doesn't need to touch wpa_supplicant much.
19:37.00mender27most things are done in /etc/rc.conf, which Devuan doesn't have, though.
19:37.20mender27But sysctl and dhclient are present, which I'm very happy about :).
19:37.20fsmithredcheck /etc/default
19:37.42mender27there is /etc/default/rcS
19:38.12mender27I noticed I also got rc1-rc5.d directories in /etc/
19:38.40mender27most of them seem to have the same content
19:39.05fsmithredyou used debian before?
19:39.14mender27I did, yes
19:39.27fsmithredrunlevels 2-5 are the same
19:39.33fsmithred2 is default
19:39.52mender27I simply haven't seen those rc*.d directories on other distributions.
19:40.15fsmithredI don't remember what suse and rh use
19:40.38mender27I'm not sure either, since I haven't touched them before much
19:40.47mender27I do remember that CRUX has only a single rc.d
19:41.00mender27and same goes for Gentoo? not sure about that, though.
19:41.17fsmithredthat uses openrc instead of sysvinit
19:41.30mender27yes, but there is only 1 rc.d directory.
19:42.00fsmithredpretty sure suse has multiple directories.
19:42.10mender27I see
19:42.25mender27I'll simply get used to it :).
19:42.45mender27So what does Wheezy use instead of wicd?
19:43.04fsmithredwheezy had wicd if you installed it
19:43.11fsmithredI avoid network manager like the plague.
19:43.21mender27I checked the "networking" script on Devuan Jessie and it doesn't call wpa_supplicant
19:43.26fsmithredbut that would be the default in debian, along with gnome, which I also avoid.
19:43.27mender27I also try to avoid NM
19:43.36mender27yes, gnome too I avoid
19:43.43mender27and pulseaudio to top it off :P
19:47.28mender27fsmithred, and what did Wheezy use when wicd was not installed?
19:48.36fsmithredstatic IP set in /etc/network/interfaces
19:48.42fsmithredalong with wpa info
19:48.52fsmithredyou need to see an example file?
19:49.24mender27one moment
19:49.56mender27ha, no, it's fine
19:49.59mender27Found it!
19:50.55fsmithredthat was quick
19:50.59mender27It's the same file. However, I realized I tried adding my wireless to /etc/network/interfaces already and it locks boot, because wpa_supplicant is not being called
19:53.23fsmithredI wouldn't expect that to stop you from booting. Just stop you from connecting to net.
19:53.37mender27It times out after 2 minutes from what I noticed
19:54.02fsmithredif you get tired of waiting for the network, you can press ctrl-c to bypass it
19:54.03mender27So no, it doesn't lock boot completely ;)
19:54.21mender27I tried, in this case it doesn't work, because keyboard input is not brought up yet
19:55.12mender27Now, appending the wlan0 interface with the "dhcp" option should then call dhclient, right? I need to put wpa_supplicant into the picture somehow :P
19:57.33fsmithredscroll down to the bottom, and maybe you'll see something you need to add
19:57.56*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
19:58.31mender27right now youtube is killing my Qupzilla session :P.
19:59.54*** join/#devuan crhY (~ckrhY@
20:02.09mender27fsmithred, thanks a lot for providing the solution!
20:06.12mender27I set the wlan0 interface to be handled by dhcp though
20:06.22mender27I'll restart and see whether this actually works
20:11.19*** join/#devuan Not_a_Robot (
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20:20.55mender27Alright go
20:26.01*** join/#devuan mender27 (
20:26.51mender27Whoops, wrong channel, my bad
20:46.13*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
20:48.48*** join/#devuan mender27 (
20:49.42mender27fsmithred, I think I'm getting somewhere with dhclient, ifconfig and the /etc/network/interfaces config :).
20:51.01*** join/#devuan reetp (
20:52.00Centurion_DanI'm liking what I'm seeing reported about progress with vdev.  As soon as I've got my hack on amprolla complete, I will build the packages for vdev
20:58.56*** join/#devuan paw (
21:02.16mender27Centurion_Dan, do you have experience with configuring /etc/network/interfaces for wireless interfaces? :)
21:04.24Centurion_Danyeah, but that was back with debian squeeze, so quite a while ago.  It requires wpa_supplicant and appropriate wpa_supplicant.conf.'
21:04.33mender27I'm trying to figure out a way to properly call wpa_supplicant via the /etc/network/interfaces config.
21:04.47Centurion_DanI can dig out the laptop that still has that config...
21:05.00mender27So far I noticed one can do "iface wlan0 dhcp", but that only calls dhclient.
21:05.21mender27Hmm...would be great, of course. Only if you have some time on your hands at some point, though :).
21:05.30mender27I know you probably have more pressing things to do.
21:06.34parazydmender27: wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
21:06.52mender27parazyd, thanks, I'll have a look
21:07.06parazydthat's the line supported in /etc/network/interfaces
21:07.19mender27that's so simple, cannot believe this ;D.
21:07.20parazydperhaps there's more, but this is the only one i ever needed :D
21:07.29mender27that's that I think
21:07.41mender27I'll give it a wizz.
21:08.13parazydminnesotags: i've had low connectivity for the past week, will email you about the thing. so sorry i couldn't reply earlier :/
21:08.22mender27the name of the interface doesn't have to be on the same line, right?
21:08.45parazydmender27: you still do 'iface wlan0 inet dhcp'
21:08.53parazydthen on the next line call wpa-conf
21:10.46mender27I managed to get a working setup for wpa_supplicant in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf.
21:10.57mender27Now I'm trying to link it via /etc/network/interfaces :).
21:11.09mender27parazyd, you divine person, you! It worked!
21:11.57parazydbest part is - with systemd it probably doesn't work :D
21:11.57mender27registering the interface via ifup completed the trick
21:12.00*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
21:12.23mender27FreeBSD has a similar setup, but uses ifconfig instead of ifup and ifdown :).
21:12.40parazydifconfig is deprecated
21:12.44parazydalso vulnerable
21:12.55mender27I see
21:12.58parazyduse ip
21:13.12mender27Is ifconfig going to be removed from Devuan or was it never a part of it?
21:13.30parazydi don't think it will be removed
21:13.42mender27Because legacy setups?
21:13.50parazydbut if you have scripts using it, you maybe wish to port them to use iputils
21:13.54parazyd^^ for this reason
21:15.09mender27hmm...does Devuan have a global service that handles networking altogether?
21:15.45parazydsuch as?
21:16.03mender27netif in FreeBSD? :D
21:16.12Centurion_Danmender27: I'm spinning up my old laptop.  It's doing FS checks as a result of not having been checked in over 900 days ;-)
21:16.24parazydmender27: wouldn't know (wicd maybe?)
21:16.37mender27I remember CRUX had very simple scripts for network stuff. One-use only
21:17.02mender27Centurion_Dan, parazyd managed to help me. It was quite trivial, but not commonly found on the Debian website :)
21:17.10fsmithredmender, if you used the example I gave you, just change 'iface wlan0 inet static' to iface wlan0 inet dhcp and remove the address, netmask and gateway lines
21:17.24fsmithredthen ifup/ifdown should work
21:17.39Centurion_DanI'll post something into or a project in git about it.
21:17.47mender27fsmithred, parazyd helped me to get the stuff working with "wpa_conf /path/to/wpa_supplicant.conf"
21:18.00fsmithredI've never messed with that
21:18.12mender27I couldn't find it on the Debian wiki myself :(
21:18.38mender27I mean, WPA encryption is old already and there wasn't a single line on it in the NetworkConfiguration wiki entry :P.
21:19.01parazydwpa enterprise <3
21:19.36buZzWPA enterprise love here aswell
21:19.57buZzi usually just install wicd
21:20.18buZzand use for our WPA enterprise implementation
21:20.33parazydi just use wpa_gui and dhcpcd
21:20.35parazydworks just fine
21:20.46buZzit does :) i just lust after TUIs
21:21.32Centurion_Danparazyd: wpa_gui is fugly tho.
21:21.51Centurion_Dananyway back to hacking on amprolla.
21:21.52parazydCenturion_Dan: not at all, why?
21:21.57*** join/#devuan aitor_ (
21:22.00aitor_hi :)
21:22.22parazydi find it better than networkmanager or wicd
21:22.50mender27The only thing that bothers me with wpa_gui is that it uses qt.
21:22.57parazydqt > gtk
21:23.20mender27Probably, but I feel bad when using qt for something like wpa_gui :P.
21:23.27parazydqt5 doesn't need dbus, while gtk3 does :p
21:23.35mender27that's a pinch, yes.
21:23.44aitor_great news
21:23.51mender27Until someone writes a wpa gui in tk ;P.
21:24.06aitor_i just built an image of gnuinos with vdev and it works in live mode
21:24.09parazydwpa_cli works too
21:24.22mender27parazyd, but the GUI!
21:24.24parazydaitor_: have you tested lvm?
21:24.31mender27I heard girls dig GUIs ;)
21:24.33aitor_i still didn't try mountin/umounting devices
21:24.45parazydGoddamn Unimportant Interface
21:25.02aitor_it's a server versions and i only tested it in live mode
21:25.25parazydi'm looking into nldev mysef
21:25.28aitor_but my keyboard is detected
21:25.50mender27ah, suckless. the place for things UNIX.
21:26.48aitor_it does strange things during the booting, but it works
21:27.06parazydlike what?
21:27.21parazyd^^ link above
21:27.30aitor_yes, i see
21:28.06aitor_parazyd, you want to say lvm2?
21:28.19parazydit's like mdev + hotplugging
21:28.26parazydaitor_: yup
21:28.35aitor_logic volume manager
21:28.56aitor_i'm uploading the image to:
21:29.11aitor_one sec
21:30.11aitor_ups, uploaded appearently
21:30.19parazyddont have virtualbox/qemu working right now, but i'll grab it
21:30.26aitor_i didn't test the installer
21:30.58mender27Alright, I'll leave you 2 to your devices. Need to focus on learning MySQL :).
21:32.03aitor_keep in mind: the backend os symple-netaid is installed
21:32.08mender27If the wpa-conf "gimmick" needs to be put in an accessible place, I'll do a writeup on my blog at linuxmender.wordpress and then from there we can copy the stuff to the Devuan wiki or so.
21:32.46mender27parazyd, haha, loved the reference ;).
21:33.46mender27*high five*
21:33.52mender27Alright, now I'm seriously off.
21:34.09mender27over and out! o/
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