IRC log for #devuan on 20160820

00:02.43*** join/#devuan paw (
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00:55.14*** join/#devuan rianav_ (
00:56.08*** part/#devuan Nick-nosystemd (
00:56.53*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
01:03.48Chankusighs a bit
01:03.53ChankuWait wrong channel >.<
01:22.50*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
01:42.20*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
01:48.56*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
02:00.28*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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02:30.43*** join/#devuan M-baselab (baselabmat@gateway/shell/
02:47.51*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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03:22.14*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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03:58.49*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
04:01.32*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:38.29*** join/#devuan aitor (
04:39.13aitorfsmithred: i removed all my work to the trash, and made a fresh start linux-libre-4.6.2
04:39.29aitordevuan-installer now it works
04:39.59aitortested several times :)
04:40.43aitornow i'll to rebuild the kernel because there is no squashfs-module
04:40.59aitori'll rebuild:)
04:41.37aitoradding the module it'll work in live mode. i tested it in amd64
04:42.55aitori'm doing a core system, without xorg, to work upon
04:55.07*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
04:56.11aitori also added the backend of simple-netaid and you'll have network connection in a very easy way
04:58.46aitoras i said in the mailing list, the official live-installer_49_i386.udeb fails depending on the size of the filesystem.squashfs
04:58.58aitori'll test this issue
05:02.28dnlaitor: out of curiosity, why does it fail? if the squashfs is >2GB or >4GB?
05:02.43dnlor coudn't you pin-point it to a specific size?
05:03.24aitorHi dnl !!
05:03.34aitori'll send you a link
05:04.18dnlhi :)
05:04.54aitortest this image
05:05.23aitorcorenominal patched live-installer
05:05.42aitorthe example above is built without the patch
05:06.12aitorcorenominal is the author of crunchbang, as you now
05:06.45aitorphilip newborough
05:24.07aitorthis is the patch
05:28.54dnli remember that there was a bug about tar being 'broken' in d-i/live-installer context some time ago,
05:29.10aitortoday it worked
05:29.57dnlhowever, that should be fixed since 4 to 6 months ago already, iirc
05:30.06aitorit seems a random behavior
05:30.21dnlthe image from 'unhacked' above worked for me in virtualbox
05:30.59aitori'll test this issue today with a bigger filesystem :)
05:31.31dnltry building a gnome-desktop image (with recommends enabled), that will give you the largest image of the standard set.
05:31.47aitorok, i'' tell you
05:35.04aitorwhen i build d-i, i locate all the *.udeb packages in the localudebs folder with the 586, 686-pae or amd64 kernel modules, depending on the architecture
05:35.42aitorfor example, now i'm working with linux-libre-4.6.0-1-686
05:36.00aitori have 374 udeb packages in my localeudes
05:37.59aitorin my iso i located only 240 *udeb packages, in order to reduce the size of the image
05:39.07aitori use an own script for that which compares them with the udebs of a debian live system
05:39.20aitoris there any criterion for selecting them?
05:42.49aitorfor example localechooser is missing in the pool folder
05:43.01aitorrootskel-gtk is another example of that
05:44.37aitoris this fact reflected in the debian control files of each udeb package?
05:44.57aitordebian/control file:)
05:49.16aitorlocalechooser, rootskel-gtk... and some kernel-modules too...
05:50.07dnlcurrently, the udeb information (= the list of required udebs) is rather static
05:50.14dnlit hasn't changed since squeeze iirc
05:50.36dnland this information is statically maintained as a list in debian-cd (and copied over to live-build)
05:51.39dnlwhat live-build does, iirc, is to fetch all udebs and put all of them (except the static white/blacklist from debian-cd) on the medium.
05:52.15aitorthere are changes, but they are minor changes
05:52.24dnli don't know that part off-hand anymore, haven't (needed) to touch it since fall 2015 :)
05:52.37aitorfor example, in wheezy there was an ext2
05:53.01dnlusually, we did the extensive installer tests before somewhat before the release
05:53.14dnlright, but the source package name is still the same, so that doesn't matter wrt/ ext4
05:54.45dnlare you using live-build to build your images? if so, do you have some patches you would like to be merged back?
05:56.00aitori use it in part
05:56.01*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
05:56.18aitorbut it would be interesting to work on it
05:56.36robert-eUsing devuan, I have this script in init.d called  shutdowncleanup
05:57.02robert-erm -rf /home/bob/.local/share/gvfs-metadata/*
05:57.06aitori build the filesystem-squashfs with live-build setting BUILD-IN-CHROOT to false
05:57.17robert-eand a link from both rc0.d
05:57.34robert-eln -s /etc/init.d/shutdowncleanup     /etc/rc0.d/K01shutdowncleanup
05:57.49robert-eand rc6.d
05:58.05robert-eln -s /etc/init.d/shutdowncleanup     /etc/rc6.d/K01shutdowncleanup
05:58.15aitorin any case, dnl, these changes are trivial
05:58.23robert-eThe script does not run during shutdown, but does run from a root terminal in dir /etc/init.d
05:58.41robert-eWhat am I doing wrong? It does work in mint/ubuntu mate.
05:59.28robert-eI willhang around here for a bit, but it is getting past midnight here.  sleep time.
05:59.56aitorfor example, in linux-4.6.2 there isn't any msci-module
06:00.52aitorrobert-e: are you talking about the bug starting devuan with vdev?
06:01.40aitordnl: i also added the ext2 module to the debian branch of linux-libre
06:02.24aitorbecause i was using the following frame: debian stable + kernel of testing
06:03.08aitorthe installer of debian stable + the kernel of debian testing (for a testing image)
06:06.43aitorThe right name of the variable is LB_BUILD_WITH_CHROOT
06:07.45robert-eaitor:  No, not wrt vdev...only trying out this in devuan..will leave it for now..dont want to make noise on the channel.
06:08.35aitorok, good night :)
06:14.25aitordnl: what's your timezone?
06:15.37dnlaitor: utc+2
06:16.06aitorok, thanks
06:16.48aitorthen, you are in europe
06:16.53aitorlike me, yes; you?
06:17.42aitoryes, spain (basque country)
06:18.19dnlif you have any patches/$whatever, it would be nice if you'd report them against
06:19.18dnl(or tell me about it otherwise)
06:19.32dnlgit tree is at
06:19.47dnl(for the debian package)
06:20.04aitori haven't any patch for now, but i'll notice you about possible improuvements
06:20.11dnland for the upstream sources
06:20.32dnlgreat. any requests welcome :)
06:20.41*** join/#devuan rianav_ (
06:21.44aitordnl: you can email me where you want
06:22.55aitori'm unusual in the IRC in the rest of the year
06:27.54aitorbut i'll try to be connected as much as possible. i've been ussing more the mailing list during these mounths
06:28.23aitori'll notice about my progress towards the live images throughout the day in the IRC
06:28.34aitornice to meet you, dnl
06:28.39aitorsee you later :)
06:37.41*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
06:49.55*** join/#devuan ppisati_ (
06:50.14*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi_ (uid95611@gateway/web/
06:52.44*** join/#devuan tlapka (
06:52.48*** join/#devuan Martin89- (~martin89@2001:470:caab:fd5a:a2::61)
06:56.07*** join/#devuan Tenhi_ (
06:56.11*** join/#devuan wotwot (~teefive@2a01:198:200:85d2:0:dada:cafe:42)
07:02.57*** join/#devuan githogori (
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07:20.46*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
07:54.17*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
07:56.09*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
08:20.32*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:32.18*** join/#devuan slazo (
08:36.18*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
08:39.12*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
08:40.49*** join/#devuan Nick-nosystemd (
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08:55.18*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
09:07.14*** join/#devuan rianav_ (
09:24.37*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
09:25.03*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
09:25.09*** join/#devuan Xiaoman (~Xiaoman@unaffiliated/xiaoman)
09:30.41*** join/#devuan aitor (
09:30.55aitorhi all again
09:32.43aitortoday i'll try to build the kernel within a chroot jail replacing libudev's by Jude Nelson's
09:34.00aitori'll replace and by symlics pointing to:  -->  -->  Jude's
09:36.01aitorThen i'll mantain libudev in the system, but libudev-compat will be used instead
09:36.31aitorand i'll remove libudev-dev, installing libudev-compat-dev
09:36.51aitori'll add to the kernel's debian control:
09:38.11aitorDepends: libudev-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools>  |  libudev-compat-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools>
09:38.53*** join/#devuan jordila (
09:38.53aitorand i'll cross my fingers :)
09:39.15jordilahi #devuan community
09:39.49aitorif it works, i'll do a second attempt removing libudev
09:40.18aitorit breaks xorg, this is the reason why i'am using a chroot
09:41.24jordila" we bring a new world in our CPUs .- ( Buenaventura DurrutiX " ?
09:44.22aitorbuilding udev takes too long, but vdev builds inmediatetly
09:44.45aitorit'll reduce the system a lot, i hope
09:44.53jordilai'm quite impressed by the number of computing platforms Devuan is running on top of ...
09:47.02aitordebian's policy says that libudev-compat must be located in /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu, but this is the location of libudev's runtime librarie
09:47.16aitorSo, Jude Nelson used another path
09:49.29jordila[..] RaspPi [..] BananaPi... etc ..we are just missing Olinolinux - Olmex ... (almost)  Free Hardware boards ?
09:49.56aitor... and i have to use symlinks
09:50.29aitori allways write wrong this word, lol
09:50.50jordilawhich one aitor.. ? :-P
09:50.59jordila  ^^
09:51.05aitoryes, jordilla very interesting
09:51.38aitorit seems cool
09:51.49jordilai knew this guys reciently in Bucharest ... they're manufacturing in Bulgary , BTW
09:52.20aitori had had my eye on that
09:52.33jordilaah ... really ?
09:53.50aitori'm dreaming with a live installation on olimex, wich allows you to do partitions
09:54.35aitori built an image for raspi2 mounths ago, but you need to resize  the partitions in the SDCard
09:56.55aitoron the other hand, the space in the home directory is not durable over time
09:58.10aitor*which* allows you :)
10:13.21aitorwhen i say libudev and libudev-compat, i'm referring to libudev1 and libudev1-compat, obviously
10:14.02aitorelementary, my dear Watson!
10:33.33*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
10:36.48*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
10:36.52jordilaaitor ... , willing to learn here... which are the pro's & con's of RaspberryPi  vs Olimex ?
11:01.30*** join/#devuan pav5088 (
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11:08.53*** join/#devuan SlazO (
11:33.55*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
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11:53.00*** join/#devuan rianav_ (
12:12.06*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
12:16.00*** join/#devuan Drugo (
12:18.46*** join/#devuan webchat (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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12:46.48*** join/#devuan rianav_ (
12:50.26*** join/#devuan premoboss (~utente@
13:10.11*** join/#devuan SlazO (
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13:45.05*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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14:01.03*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
14:08.42*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
14:10.54aitorfsmithred :)
14:11.33fsmithredhi aitor
14:13.04aitori'm uploading an image with linux-4.6.2 and d-i to
14:14.06aitorit still doesn't work in live mode, but you can test the installer
14:14.51aitorit's devuan plus linux-libre and simple-netaid
14:17.17aitorthe size is 254.0 MiB, but check the md5, sha1
14:17.32aitorthe md5 :)
14:18.37fsmithredok. What happens if you try to boot live?
14:21.06fsmithredhow much longer on the upload?
14:23.36aitori can't find it in devuan lurker
14:23.47aitori find the subject "Re: [DNG] Need for documentation"
14:24.13fsmithredI gotta go. I'll be back in 90 min.
14:24.18fsmithredwhat are you looking for?
14:25.07aitor53 min
14:25.30aitor53 min for the upload
14:25.40aitorok, sees you :)
14:25.53aitorsee you :)
14:46.03*** join/#devuan rianav_ (
14:59.27*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
15:02.59*** join/#devuan Oksana_ (~chatzilla@
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16:10.35*** part/#devuan jordila (
16:28.43*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
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16:45.55*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
17:06.48*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
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17:22.56*** join/#devuan bill-auger_ (
17:23.07aitorhi Levure, flrn, IoFran, TemporalBeing1, Scartozzo, bill-auger...
17:24.30bill-auger_hm .. not a bot - wonder what that greeting was for
17:25.30*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
17:27.32aitorthere is available a minimal image of gnuinos-server 686 with linux-4.6.2
17:27.37aitorthe installer works
17:28.07aitorit's devuan with linux-libre and the backend of simple-netaid
17:29.26aitoryou can connect to eth0 via:
17:29.29aitorcd /usr/lib/simple-netaid/bin
17:29.42aitor./backend 9 eth0
17:30.59aitorthe live mode still doesn't work
17:34.18*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
17:37.16*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
18:02.26*** join/#devuan Chanku (
18:11.39*** join/#devuan Akuli (
18:51.25*** part/#devuan dimkr (~dima@unaffiliated/dimkr)
18:51.46*** join/#devuan dimkr (~dima@unaffiliated/dimkr)
18:52.28*** join/#devuan fritsd (
18:52.56fritsdgood evening
19:03.17*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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19:33.27*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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19:49.01*** join/#devuan demure (
19:53.46golinuxfritsd: Hi.  Have you read the botbot logs?
19:54.30golinuxSome interesting discussion with dnl about live-build etc.
19:54.55golinuxfsmithred might have filled you in about it.
20:01.10fritsdhi golinux
20:01.20fritsdyeah i seem to have completely missed the discussion :-(
20:01.37fritsdfsmithred e-mailed me
20:01.48fritsdbut i haven't read those logs; thanks for the link
20:06.51*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Icedove@
20:30.28fritsdi'll go read those logs now. bye!
20:43.11*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
21:01.52*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (
21:02.13*** join/#devuan aitor (
21:02.20aitorHi VUAs
21:08.08aitorhi dan !
21:09.05aitori have aquestion for you, vuas
21:10.25aitori usually say: "i'm going to watering my syster's garden"
21:11.42aitoris it right?
21:11.54*** join/#devuan brdk (uid125727@gateway/web/
21:12.23aitoris it right?
21:12.32*** join/#devuan brdk (uid125727@unaffiliated/brdk)
21:12.32*** join/#devuan brdk (uid125727@gateway/web/
21:13.01aitoris it right in english?
21:14.27aitorreally, i have three sisters with three gardens
21:15.00aitorhow do you say in english?
21:15.37aitori saw Rainer writing it by the following way:
21:15.49aitormy sister/\./s'\/s garden./s
21:15.59aitoris it right in english?
21:18.33aitori detected a pointer error in a golinux comment:
21:18.36aitorfritsd: Hi. Have you read the botbot logs?
21:19.33*** part/#devuan brdk (uid125727@gateway/web/
21:23.07*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
21:25.25fsmithredaitor, are you still here?
21:26.48fsmithredI am going to water one sister's garden later.
21:27.00fsmithredI am watering another sister's garden now.
21:27.01aitorbig garden
21:27.12*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
21:27.28fsmithredIf I water the third sister's garden, I will have watered all my sisters' gardens.
21:27.43aitoryou rock :)
21:27.59fsmithredEnglish is my first language.
21:28.18fsmithredand I don't really have a second, but I've tried.
21:28.56aitorwhat about refracta?
21:29.05fsmithredwhat about it?
21:29.11fsmithredYou mean the distro or the tools?
21:29.36fsmithredthe i386 is ready
21:30.00aitori saw some tools for youtube
21:30.00fsmithredthe amd64 is ready if I give up the idea of having a uefi-capable installer
21:30.20fsmithredyoutube-dl and youtube-viewer (I think) are installed
21:30.25fsmithredand mpv
21:30.31fsmithredno flash
21:30.37aitori know
21:31.08aitordid you try my latest iso?
21:31.09fsmithredoh, maybe a youtube2what script, too. Uses avconv to convert video or audio files
21:31.24fsmithrednot yet. I downloaded it, but I've been busy today.
21:31.29fsmithredI can fire it up now.
21:31.57aitorso, do you want d-i for refracta?
21:33.18fsmithredI don't know if it really fits with the format.
21:33.23fsmithredwhere does it get files?
21:33.31fsmithredother than devuan repo
21:34.29aitorYou don't know if it really fits with the format? Why not?
21:34.48fsmithredwill it install the running system, or does it need deb files?
21:35.37fsmithredd-i will install pure devuan, won't it?
21:35.49aitorThere will be two options: refracta-installer (in live mode), an d-i
21:35.56fsmithredThere's no refracta repository
21:36.13fsmithredyeah, I could see that - if someone wants to use a refracta CD to install devuan.
21:36.24aitord-i will install the filesystem.squashfs
21:36.37fsmithredI didnt' know that
21:37.18aitorI you are teetering :)
21:37.35fsmithredI'm pondering a problem.
21:37.52fsmithredto make a uefi-ready iso, I need to have grub-efi installed
21:38.15fsmithredand if someone boots it on non-uefi bios, they need to install grub-pc
21:38.31aitori'm also interested in uefi, but i've never used it
21:38.52fsmithredI included grub-pc and grub-pc-bin debs in the last amd64 iso
21:39.44fsmithredand I was planning to have the installer find those files and install them into the target system (in chroot)
21:40.06aitorgrub-pc grub-pc-bin grub-common and grub2-common are included in the installer, you don't need to add them
21:40.29fsmithredok, are those udebs?
21:40.57aitorbut there is a grub-install.udeb
21:41.34fsmithredwell, I'm open to the idea, and I want to know more about it.
21:41.48aitoryou have to install all the grub dependencies within the chroot
21:41.59fsmithredI have no philosophical problems with including the d-i, but personally, I hate it.
21:42.35aitorcan you read in spanish?
21:42.49fsmithredwell, maybe, with help from google
21:43.07aitorthere is an interesting link
21:43.55aitorabout how to make a persistant USB with debian-installer
21:44.49aitorin a very elegant way
21:44.55fsmithredcan't just do it by including the debian-installer-launcher in the live-build?
21:45.28aitordebian-installer-launcher is not needed
21:45.53aitori'll search the link
21:46.00*** part/#devuan sixwheeledbeast (~zem@2a01:4f8:c17:101::2)
21:46.21aitorthe translation will be very intuitive, i think
21:46.36aitorbut you can ask me your doubts
21:47.15aitori'm searching the link
21:47.18fsmithredthere's a problem with the isolinux menu. I don't recall how to fix it, but I've run into this before.
21:47.39fsmithredif you TAB and try to edit, it reprints the line with each key press
21:48.11aitorher you are:
21:48.49*** join/#devuan sixwheeledbeast (~zem@2a01:4f8:c17:101::2)
21:49.23aitorthe isolinux menu of what
21:52.37fsmithredtry it. Press TAB at the boot menu, and try to edit the boot command.
21:52.43aitorwhich version?
21:52.45fsmithredyou can do it, but it's annoying as hell.
21:52.53fsmithredthe latest amd server
21:53.12fsmithredyou gave me the link this morning
21:53.56aitorthe recently uploaded image?
21:53.57fsmithredit's not booting for me in virtualbox
21:54.55aitorI uploaded it with a wrong name (amd64) and it's a i686
21:55.24*** join/#devuan rianav (
21:55.40aitori changed the name from the server, once uploaded
21:56.30aitorbut the iso of my computer works
21:56.46aitordid you check the md5sum
21:57.29aitorhere you are:
21:58.01fsmithredcat Gnuinos-2-Server-Beta20160819_amd64.iso.md5
21:58.14fsmithredand the md5sum I get matched the md5 file
21:58.22aitorok, i'll upload again :(
22:02.03*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Icedove@
22:02.53golinuxfsmithred: You missed fritsd a bit earlier
22:03.06fsmithredaitor, you use a bunch of cfg files for isolinux?
22:03.44fsmithredhi golinux, yeah I saw that. I was an hour late.
22:03.53golinuxToo bad
22:04.17golinuxHe must be sound asleep by now.
22:04.34fsmithredaitor, is the link for the iso the same as it was this morning?
22:05.15*** join/#devuan GuntherDW (
22:06.07aitori only renamed it in the server, works for me
22:07.11aitori'll upload it again anyway
22:07.17fsmithreddownloading now. 32 minutes.
22:07.38fsmithredupload what? You gave me the md5 for the i686 version?
22:08.43*** join/#devuan rkj (
22:08.59fsmithredaha! now I know why it won't boot for me.
22:10.01fsmithredfirst name of the file said amd64
22:10.10fsmithredthen you renamed it to i686
22:10.21fsmithredwell, it doesn't work in 32 bit, either
22:10.47fsmithredthe md5sum is not the same as you're showing me here
22:10.52aitorit's a i686
22:10.55fsmithredbut it is the same as what's in the md5 file
22:13.05fsmithredmounting aufs on /root/ failed: no such device
22:13.28fsmithredthen modprobe: module ehci-orion... blahblah
22:14.30aitori know, i explained here, in the IRC, i've to rebuild the kernel including squashfs, aufs...
22:15.00aitoryou asked me in the morning: what are yoo looking for?
22:15.17aitori was looking the answer for that
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22:16.25fsmithredyou want to know how to add those to the kernel?
22:16.32aitori was looking for the answers for that :)
22:16.40fsmithreddid you find the answer?
22:17.21fsmithredI've done that before. Wanted to use a rt kernel in a live iso and had to add aufs.
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22:17.56fsmithredbut I had a config from same version kernel that had what I wanted, so it was easy.
22:18.58aitorthen, is it necessary  to upload the iso again?
22:19.26aitori'll do, i'll do
22:19.28fsmithredI guess.
22:21.40aitori'll try to translate the above link
22:21.54fsmithredoh, the usb link? I read it.
22:22.18fsmithredUnless I missed something, all they did was a regular install onto a usb stick.
22:22.39fsmithredit's no longer a live system
22:23.25aitorit's a usb with persistance, knoppix has also this virtue
22:24.53aitoryou run for the usb stick using the ram, and you install the system in the usb
22:25.32aitorthis is my idea for armhf
22:25.42fsmithredI didn't get that it's the same usb stick.
22:25.50fsmithredThat's pretty tricky.
22:26.06aitorto run the system from the SDCard installing it in the same SDCard
22:26.27fsmithredBut they wipe out the live system when they install, don't they?
22:26.47aitorwould it be possible?
22:27.09fsmithredwell, I've booted to ram and then pulled the stick out, and it's ok.
22:27.25fsmithredI assume it works, since they say they did it.
22:27.42aitorthey wipe out, of course
22:27.44fsmithredBut I wouldn't call it persistence, even though you can save your changes.
22:27.54fsmithredthere's no more read-only partition.
22:28.17aitorTry it :)
22:28.37fsmithredthe way persistence usually works is that you have a read-only partition, which has the same files as the live CD
22:28.38aitorI tried, but be very carefull with the selected hard disk
22:29.10fsmithredand you have another volume, either partition or loopback file, that holds the files you add or change.
22:29.20aitori recommend you to disconnect the hard disk
22:29.28fsmithredlol, all three of them?
22:29.53fsmithredyeah, I've had hard disks change name on my when booting from usb.
22:30.07aitorall three of them?
22:30.15fsmithredthree hard drives
22:30.17aitorwhat are you talking about?
22:31.47fsmithredif you wipe the persistent volume on a live-usb, you'll still have the original read-only system on there.
22:33.27aitorno, the usb is formated
22:33.52fsmithredyeah, if you wipe and install as in those instructions.
22:34.09fsmithredbut it's not a live-usb. It's a usb with an installed system on it.
22:34.33aitorno, it's a live-usb
22:34.37fsmithredthere's no more filesystem.squashfs
22:34.43fsmithredwhere's the live system?
22:35.09aitoryou can do it with any live image of debian/devuan
22:35.22fsmithredusing what installer?
22:35.45aitormy sister's installer
22:36.17fsmithredit looks like the debian installer
22:36.58aitorof course
22:37.45fsmithredafter you do it that way, if you plug the usb stick into a running system and look at the filesystem on the first partition, do you see /boot and /live or do you see /bin /boot /etc /home /lib and so on?
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22:38.11aitorfsmithred   1 - 0   Aitor
22:38.22aitorsee you tomorrow, lol
22:38.38fsmithredok, is the new file uploaded yet?
22:38.46fsmithredand what do your sisters grow?
22:40.00aitori have three sisters, thats true
22:40.28aitorone of them is a twin sister
22:41.04aitori'm the minor, and my twin sister, of course
22:42.22aitorfsmithred: i'll upload the image again
22:42.31aitorsee you tomorrow, ok ?
22:43.58fsmithredok, g'night
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