IRC log for #devuan on 20160813

00:00.05fsmithredI've done it several times with wheezy to devuan jessie
00:00.27fsmithredshould be pretty easy unless you're expecting gnome to survive.
00:00.54sled-doggnome can eat a dumpster for all I care
00:01.03fsmithredI think it already has.
00:01.39fsmithredI also think going from wheezy might be easier, since everything is getting replaced with newer versions.
00:02.04fsmithredjessie to jessie might involve more intervention.
00:02.15sled-dogthen do an uprade? makes sense
00:04.36sled-dogI think I'll give this a college try
00:05.36lkclfsmithred: thx
00:06.27lkclfsmithred: that's why i run trinity desktop and/or lxde on devuan, they both work perfectly fine.
00:07.06fsmithredfrom what I can tell, lots of stuff works perfectly fine.
00:07.24*** join/#devuan mmlj4 (
00:07.41mmlj4I was just here, as sleddog
00:07.53fsmithredI can't have a desktop trash icon unless I break down and install libsystemd0
00:08.19fsmithredhi mmlj4
00:08.38fsmithredwhat kind of server you planning to run?
00:14.38mmlj4if I keep it, web/email/vpn/etc.
00:15.04mmlj4if I don't, then another distro (my list is getting pretty short these days)
00:15.33fsmithredyou're used to debian?
00:17.17mmlj4ran it for several years
00:17.23mmlj4then ran away from it
00:17.53fsmithredcool. devuan is more like debian than debian is now.
00:18.49mmlj4centos 6 is getting rather long in the tooth these days, gotta start planning a move
00:19.12fsmithredlol, it's got 4 more years of life.
00:20.45mmlj4only 4 years, plus the last couple are going to be as centos 5 is now... dead, stale, apt to be busted into
00:21.57mmlj4I'm flipping coins... slack, freebsd or this
00:22.14*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
00:22.35mmlj4each has its downsides
00:22.38fsmithredyou wanna try an unofficial live iso?
00:23.00fsmithredI made a live iso from the beta release of devuan
00:23.10mmlj4why? linode is cheap, I'm about to start the migration scheme in a few
00:23.34fsmithredflip away
00:27.44mmlj4frankly, I do not like debian very much. I'm competent with it, it does the job, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy myself while using it
00:36.03mmlj4OK, for the sources... I want to s/jessie/wheezy/ on this page?
00:37.20fsmithredlemme check
00:37.25furrywolfI just called a 1-800-I-drive-like-utter-shit number.  I've never called one of them before.  was surprisingly painless.  I should do it more often.
00:38.17fsmithredmmlj4, yes
00:38.23mmlj4fair enough
00:38.40mmlj4if I have to reinstall, it's your fault ;-)
00:39.40fsmithredit's linux, isn't that what you're supposed to do?
00:40.31mmlj4I'm getting 404s
00:40.47mmlj4lemme get to jessie, then I'll migrate from there
00:41.07fsmithredthen you have to extricate systemd
00:42.10fsmithredyou could try us.mirror instead of auto.mirror.
00:42.19fsmithredI don't know what other country codes work.
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00:58.35*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
01:01.03mmlj4root@debian:~# ps auxw | grep system
01:01.03mmlj4message+  3114  0.0  0.1  28436  2212 ?        Ss   00:58   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
01:01.03mmlj4root      3487  0.0  0.1  28272  2924 ?        S    00:59   0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind
01:01.54mmlj4what's that horrid thing? and I've still got system* stuff in /bin
01:02.21MinceRit's logind, it should be removable painlessly
01:02.35MinceRthough it's strange, last time i installed the beta from scratch, i don't think it had that
01:08.27fsmithredthis was upgrade from wheezy? If so, you already had systemd-logind
01:08.45fsmithredit was one of the three pieces that got merged into libsystemd0
01:09.29*** join/#devuan rrq (
01:11.46mmlj4this? root@devuan:~/bin# dpkg -l | grep login
01:11.46mmlj4ii  login                          1:4.2-3+deb8u1            amd64        system login tools
01:13.05mmlj4libpam-systemd libsystemd0 systemd and systemd-shim too... nuke 'em all?
01:13.09*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
01:13.20fsmithredwait on libsystemd0
01:13.50fsmithreddo the others, then check that one with the -s (simulate) option to see what will go.
01:23.27*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:36.59furrywolflol.  one of the things on my website has a link back to itself with a random number passed to it, to make the browser reload it.  some web bot is following it.  and following it.  and following it...
01:37.21furrywolfI have no idea what is, but it's not very bright.
01:38.19furrywolfit's loaded it 4300 times so far.
01:40.15rrq"Majestic-12 is working towards creation of a World Wide Web search engine based on concepts of distributing workload"
01:40.38furrywolfdistributing it onto my web server generating the same php page thousands of times...
01:41.29furrywolfshould I firewall off their ip, or figure out how to make apache redirect all queries from them to goatse?  :)
01:41.50furrywolf4400 times...
01:42.23furrywolfit's not like it's part of the path or anything...  it just adds ?foo=rand() to it.
01:43.12rrqtheir KPI is "URLs crawled per day" :-)
01:43.32rrqkey performance index
01:45.09furrywolf  it's a trivial example of css...  the ending square has a link that says "click to play a new maze", which links back to itself with the ?foo=rand().  and they keep following it...
01:45.57furrywolfalso, lol.  apparantly five of you have scripts that immediately load and url pasted on irc.
01:49.38*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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02:07.53*** join/#devuan francesc (~francesc@
02:22.35ksx4systemI'm trying to mount a cell phone as an external memory. As far as I see it's supported by Linux kernel (and even usb-modeswitch) but I had no luck in mounting it on Devuan.
02:23.29ksx4systemThe ID is 0e8d:0002 and it should result with two devices - 32KB one and 16GB one (because there's 16GB microSD inside)
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02:49.20fsmithredksx4system, what does fdisk show?
02:50.33*** join/#devuan paw (
02:50.43furrywolfdoes it show in lsusb?  any dmesg messages when you connect it?
02:55.43ksx4systemfurrywolf: dmesg
02:56.31ksx4systemshows in lsusb as MediaTek device (as expected)
02:57.38ksx4systemfsmithred: it looks like it's invisible to fdisk
02:59.37fsmithredis there a switch somewhere in the phone to set it to mass storage device?
03:01.01ksx4systemyes, a popup dialog which you can only react as "OK" (or actually ignore it)
03:01.48ksx4systemleaving it in ignored state paralyzes phone while allowing it to charge, leaving it in OK state should allow to charge, exchange data and even make calls
03:01.58fsmithredthey really don't want you to get at it?
03:04.39fsmithredI just put the vendor and product number in search box, and it looks like you're not alone.
03:05.17ksx4systema bunch of phones (from chinese shit to respected brand ones) share the same ID, maybe the ROMs aren't identical
03:10.48rrqtry jmtpfs
03:14.15fsmithredhow did you determine that it's supported by the kernel?
03:14.33fsmithredis there a module that needs to be loaded?
03:15.21ksx4systemfsmithred: dmesg tells it's mass storage device
03:15.46ksx4systemso kernel seems to know what's that
03:15.48fsmithredbut it doesn't give you a device to use for mounting
03:16.24ksx4systemmaybe it's some anti-piracy MTP bullshit
03:17.38fsmithredmaybe. does the sd card come out?
03:18.10ksx4systemfsmithred: yes, I can fill it using ThinkPad's reader, install back and phone recognizes all files
03:18.37ksx4systemonly thing it wants is music being in "My Music" directory
03:19.00fsmithredthat's all you have access to?
03:19.18ksx4systemPhone sees all directories from SD card
03:19.27ksx4systemjust its mp3 player appliance ignores other dirs
03:22.00fsmithredthis might be a dumb idea, but did you try mounting it with the device name that shows up in the laptop?
03:22.12fsmithredmaybe /dev/mmx or whatever
03:22.34fsmithredmmc not mmx
03:23.45ksx4systemfsmithred: no such device too :(
03:24.06ksx4systemwhatever... I'll continue fight later, now it's bedtime
03:24.09rrqksx4system: you might want to look at jmptfs for mounting
03:24.32ksx4systemrrq: thanks! I'll do so
03:26.47furrywolfhrmm...  the kernel is saying it's usb-storage, but not assigning it a /dev/sdwhatever.  I've never seen it do that.
03:26.47fsmithredgood luck, and good night
04:01.25*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:09.14*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
05:16.09furrywolfyay, the local news site is posting updates at nan:an p.m. again.
05:38.27furrywolfbbl, wolfy bedtime
05:50.26*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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09:42.28aitorOk, lkcl... Luke :)
10:13.17*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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12:02.33*** join/#devuan figlfdev (
12:03.37figlfdevi couldnt take any more of that f***ing google skynet training tool, so im in hexchat
12:04.00figlfdevselect a house! another house! another house! we need smarter drones
12:04.13figlfdevwe need to KNOW this is a storefront
12:04.29buZzfiglfdev: hexchat? vs what
12:04.47figlfdevi dunno, its whats in my own distro (which is based on refracta)
12:04.52figlfdevoh, webchat.
12:05.07figlfdev"free"node :P
12:05.20buZzfsmithred: he means a webbrowser
12:05.47figlfdevfsmithred, how does ocr get better at recognizing letters?
12:05.51fsmithredfiglfdev, you using firejail?
12:06.02figlfdevor voice software get better at understanding speech?
12:06.04buZzmost OCR actually isnt AI
12:06.07figlfdevyou train it
12:06.24figlfdevbuZz, no, but ocr that can do sort-of ai training has existed on consumer level since the 80s
12:06.32buZz70s , yeh
12:06.48buZzits just not whats most common
12:07.22figlfdevbut when youre doing recaptcha, youre certainly training google for image recognition. that doesnt give me a warm and fuzzy even if it is inevitable
12:07.35figlfdevi dont want to "help" that along.
12:07.43fsmithredI hear you.
12:07.56figlfdevalso it got REALLY tedious today. i missed a house somewhere, and it kept showing like 10 of them-- piss off!
12:08.01fsmithredshould I package firemenu?
12:08.04muepI am quite sure that solving captchas does not help with making OCR better
12:08.18figlfdevfsmithred, you should package anything that is small enough and helps people isolate processes optionally
12:08.34figlfdevmuep, you have not used the recent captchas
12:08.48figlfdevand im not talking about ocr any more than im talking about voice recognition. its image processing.
12:08.54muepthe thing that generates the captcha is also able to provide the correct answer, so the captchas could be used for training regardless of if a human solved it
12:09.11fsmithredhave they gotten to presenting faces and asking you to identify them?
12:09.23figlfdevocr and voice recognition were older examples of the same thing
12:09.49figlfdevfsmithred, thats facebook. and they can tell you from the BACK of your head.
12:10.07figlfdevi dont tag people images either. thats basically selling people out
12:10.29muepthey could basically just generate a bunch of captcha+answer pairs and use that for training without having to bother humans
12:10.33fsmithredI wish everyone I knew was aware of that.
12:10.40buZzfiglfdev: i misstrained recaptcha so much :P
12:10.49figlfdevmuep, i want to tell you youre missing the point without picking a fight (which isnt what i came here for)
12:10.50buZzfor some time they gave you two words, and you had to type both
12:11.02buZzfirst word, it already knew what it said, second one, it didnt
12:11.10buZzall second words i typed were 'penis'
12:11.10figlfdevtheyre probably onto you ;)
12:11.19figlfdevwell youve got your own login then
12:11.33buZzi have a nice pile of google cookies :)
12:11.47figlfdevdont we all
12:11.57figlfdevit used to be samples of tide in the mail
12:12.02fsmithredI have a broom.
12:13.11figlfdevanyway, it was meant as an aside, i never intend to you know, start a conversation here :)
12:14.00figlfdevhexchat looks... decent. kind of old fashioned (but this is irc.)
12:14.32fsmithredit's a fork of xchat, and it's allegedly better-maintained
12:14.56figlfdevim not sure what would make it look newer-- window compositing, html5? what does microsoft do for activex now? (.net?)
12:15.16figlfdevyou know me, everythings gotta be gui and shiny ;)
12:16.25figlfdevthats why i use icewm-- the best new window manager in 20 years
12:16.43figlfdev(im going to make a desktop around it called ice de)
12:16.44buZzfiglfdev: i've been hooked to irssi for ages :P
12:17.30figlfdevdont use the term buZz, thats how they "get" you ;)
12:18.07figlfdevwhen i was a dumb kid i used to hack this one poor guy all day-- his ip was
12:18.11buZzif so, i've been had for last 20 years ;)
12:18.14figlfdevhe was good-- got me back every time
12:18.32buZzfiglfdev: he moved to [::1] now
12:18.40figlfdevwrites it down
12:18.45figlfdevhes toast!
12:18.53fsmithredlol, guys, we should be in the OT room.
12:19.03buZzpff humbug
12:19.08buZzfsmithred: dont make me go get an op
12:19.14figlfdevtechnically everything we are talking about happens in devuan.
12:19.17*** mode/#devuan [+o buZz] by ChanServ
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12:19.38*** join/#devuan reetspetit (~john@
12:19.40figlfdevpretty soon every topic will peripheral to devuan
12:19.40fsmithredI forgot that you're the police
12:19.51buZz/nick buZz|popo
12:20.06*** join/#devuan phazz (4f255fa9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:20.15fsmithredhey, I answered a couple of devuan questions last night.
12:20.50figlfdevit should work like ham radio-- as long as you give a shoutout with your call letters (WDVN) every hour, youre good
12:20.53fsmithredrefugees are trickling in pretty regularly
12:20.56buZzi helped a couple ppl realize that instead of trying to disable systemd on debian, they could just install devuan
12:20.57figlfdevsomething like that-- i got suspended.
12:21.26figlfdevtalking about disabling systemd is offtopic too :)
12:21.36buZzit was in #dogecoin
12:21.37buZzso np
12:21.40figlfdevonly installs devuan "for the articles"
12:22.19fsmithredfiglfdev, are you in that place with all the women?
12:22.26figlfdevand the wonderful telephone system, and the majestik moose
12:22.38figlfdevfsmithred, you were there too-- just not that day
12:22.51fsmithredyeah, I figured.
12:23.01phazzhello, nice to meet you, new devuan user here
12:23.17figlfdevhey a user!
12:23.24fsmithredor, I should say...
12:23.28fsmithredwelcome home
12:23.34phazzyep :-)
12:24.13figlfdev"devuan: taste it again, for the first time"
12:24.21figlfdev"lawsuit from kellogs pending"
12:24.57figlfdevdont mind us, phazz-- let us know if theres anything we can do for you
12:25.24phazzoh, i m new on irc too, so i m a little slow
12:25.36fsmithreduse more fingers
12:25.39figlfdevthats ok, irc is rarely this fast-paced. usually it just sits there
12:25.53figlfdevthis is rush hour on the autobahn
12:26.35phazzoh that's good! :-)
12:27.34fsmithredyeah, some of the conversations move like playing chess by mail. the soviet republic
12:28.29figlfdevwhere your mail gets lost several times, and then burned, and the ashes reassembled and run through google recaptcha
12:29.16figlfdevbut your family still speaks about you in a whisper when everyone else has forgotten-- but only in #debianfork
12:32.18*** join/#devuan Drugo (
12:32.33figlfdevoften joins #debian just to be sure the server connection is intact
12:37.44*** join/#devuan aitor (
12:38.06aitorfigldev: you said your own distro...
12:38.08figlfdevive always hoped youd join when i was here. just wanted to say youre totally awesome
12:38.16figlfdevwell not "my own"
12:38.34figlfdevfsmithred did most of the work, and the rest is a complete ripoff of devuan
12:38.34aitorWhich distro? Where can i download it?
12:38.43figlfdevits just a remaster of refracta
12:39.04figlfdevits on, will link you
12:39.22aitorOk. Is the refracta installer based on the missing remastersys of the canadian Tony Brijensky
12:40.04aitorOk , send me a link and will give a try
12:40.44aitorSend it to my email
12:40.45figlfdev (look for figos1.2.iso)
12:40.51figlfdevsorry, i dont email
12:41.07aitorOk, it's enough
12:41.30figlfdevthanks for working on linux-libre, im a fan
12:41.47aitorthis afternoon i'll work in the packages of vdev
12:42.12aitornot at all, thanks to the fsfla, too :)
12:42.13figlfdevcool, im looking forward to trying vdev-- hey i have a q about gnuinos
12:42.28aitortell me
12:42.36figlfdevand alex oliva --  i still have gnuinos installed  on at least one machine btw--
12:42.52figlfdevare they ALL called "gnuinos server?" because thanks to ubuntu that sounds like its cli-only
12:43.03figlfdevbut gnuinos server still includes x, right? on the live iso.
12:43.24figlfdevlike the latest one has x right?
12:43.48aitorgnuinos server doesn't include any X
12:44.01figlfdevbut youre going to release another gnuinos with x in the future?
12:44.21aitorI'll build versions of gnuinos with openbox and lxde, etc...
12:44.22figlfdevi can actually remaster it with x if not... but its good to know
12:44.26figlfdevok, cool
12:44.35figlfdevthanks :)
12:44.45figlfdevoh, and i never used tint2. its quite good
12:44.47aitorBut first i want to finish simple-netaid-gtk and some more gtk applications
12:45.31aitorYes, tint2 is my favourite panel
12:45.39aitortime to eat
12:45.43figlfdevtake care
12:45.49aitorsee you, and have a nice day
12:45.55figlfdevyou too
12:47.27figlfdevwe need more distros with libre as a feature
12:48.23figlfdevluckily devuan has gnuinos. refracta is actually free enough for me, because i can rip the wifi drivers out when im ready (one is actually labeled non-free but they could all be non-free for all i know)
12:48.47fsmithredthey aren't installed
12:48.52figlfdevtheyre there though :)
12:48.59figlfdevits just a preference, no worries
12:49.17fsmithredif you aren't using them, it makes sense to get rid of them
12:49.18figlfdevi was only using linux-libre distros until debian stripped the blobs from the kernel
12:49.35figlfdevi promise im not giving you flak for including them
12:49.52fsmithrednp, I didn't take it that way.
12:49.53DocScrutinizer51blobs?? kernel???
12:50.03figlfdevDocScrutinizer51, it doesnt have any
12:50.19figlfdevbut thats because sometimes debian does something right (like a clock that is right twice a day)
12:51.18DocScrutinizer51never really heard of kernel blobs, well except gfx drivers maybe
12:51.25figlfdevi think theyve had remarkably few scandals for a 20+ year old distro. if not for s5d i think they couldve gone on being #1 for years more
12:51.45figlfdevDocScrutinizer51, all versions before squeeze? the vanilla kernel from linus has them
12:52.03figlfdevits one of those fsf things. aitor stopped by, he puts linux-libre in devuan
12:52.04figlfdevhence the topic
12:52.31figlfdevimo the debian kernel is more or less linux-libre, the only difference is how they get to that point
12:53.02figlfdevlinux-libre is made by using alex olivas scripts to strip binary blobs out of the kernel-- debian uses their own scripts to do it (but not before squeeze)
12:53.31figlfdevyou can still use the same firmware by loading it from a non-free repo
12:54.32figlfdevbut whats cool is if you want a 100% free software kernel all you have to do is nothing :)
12:57.11figlfdevfsmithred, you can actually help me by letting me know if ANY of those wifi drivers are libre. i presume the reason the folder is there is because those arent in the usual/general repo (in which case i thank you for keeping them in a separate folder)
12:57.36fsmithredI believe they're all from non-free
12:57.40figlfdevim happy to remove them from my version, since i eschew non-free drivers (and they take up space)
12:57.48figlfdevcool, everyones happy
12:57.57fsmithredand they are there for anyone who has only wireless connection
12:58.12fsmithredand needs one of them
12:58.18figlfdevoh i get the concept-- i have plenty of wifi stuff that wont operate without things like that
12:58.35figlfdevive even (gasp) activated them now and again. im pretty good about avoiding that
12:58.51figlfdevand i do it for my own practical reasons-- its easy to mistake for an ideology
12:58.56fsmithredand you got rid of one of them.
12:59.12figlfdevif i got rid of one, i didnt intentionally :) how did i do that?
12:59.22figlfdevor easier to answer-- which one?
12:59.24fsmithredthe toshiba
12:59.30figlfdevOH yeah
12:59.44figlfdevi have an old atheros dongle i plug into all kinds of stuff
13:00.14figlfdevthat netbook needs non-free something or other, i normally just plug a usb dongle in
13:00.40figlfdevand i have a newer smaller usb but it needs the ascii kernel/fw :)
13:00.50figlfdeveven tho it does work with free stuff, its not supported in jessie
13:00.50fsmithredyeah, that's nice. I have one that works with linux.
13:01.29figlfdevin a pinch, i would install the non-free drivers for my netbook wifi
13:01.41figlfdeveven stallman uses windows to do a google search if its the only thing around.
13:01.59figlfdevits a terrible habit to get into, i cant recommend it :)
13:02.23fsmithredwhich? using windows or using google?
13:02.27figlfdeveither one!
13:02.31figlfdevbut especially windows
13:02.49fsmithredI always want to wash my hands after using it.
13:02.55figlfdevthe best thing about google is they give microsoft a run for their money. the worst thing about google is theyre even better at being microsoft :(
13:03.03figlfdevand you should! scrub hard.
13:03.36figlfdevuse ajax (just dont build a forum around it)
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16:30.26minnesotagsDoes anyone know the configuration on the Beaglebone Black image? I put it on a MicroSD drive and it looks like it may boot, but I can't connect to it.
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20:57.17minnesotagsHad a question about the beaglebone black image.
20:57.24minnesotagsI asked above.
20:57.32minnesotagsAnyone gotten it working?
20:57.35*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
21:05.59DocScrutinizer51any allah does spam lately?
21:24.00*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
21:26.15DocScrutinizer51MinceR: ta, and a little headsup from our great freenode staff: they are aware of that issue and very alert, ad I used a few keywords in my last post I rather shouldn't, and neither should anybody else who want to stay :)
21:27.33DocScrutinizer51don't quote that spammer
21:28.42DocScrutinizer51greets Sigyn
21:35.51*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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22:16.09furrywolfwhat, they ban people based on keywords now?
22:20.38DocScrutinizer51don't all chanops do the same?
22:21.55DocScrutinizer51and I guess it needs more matches in behavioral analysis than just a mere keyword match
22:27.17DocScrutinizer51furrywolf: that spammer uses a set of a few dozen strings that all match the same regex
22:28.30furrywolfyeah, banning people who paste spam to complain about it is rather silly.
22:29.31DocScrutinizer51and given what I seen in devuan a few weeks ago iirc, his today's attack in maemo got defeated pretty swiftly after only a maybe one dozen posts
22:30.15DocScrutinizer51I fail to understand what you said
22:31.10DocScrutinizer51banning people who paste spam is never silly
22:31.24furrywolfpasting a spam you received to complain about the spam is fairly normal.  banning people for doing it is silly.
22:31.58DocScrutinizer51rather it's stupid to paste spam
22:33.33DocScrutinizer51no matter to which purpose
22:36.06furrywolfI've had plenty of people paste spam to me when asking me to ban the spammer.
22:36.27DocScrutinizer51anyway no matter if silly or standard procedure, there are means in this network to stop anybody sounding similar like our lovely troll
22:37.14DocScrutinizer51furrywolf: when they do in a query, then that's your personal problem
22:39.36DocScrutinizer51pasting spam publicly is generally strongly deprecated
22:42.29*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
22:44.18MinceRlol @ use of 'deprecated'
22:47.34DocScrutinizer51MinceR: too weak?
22:48.05MinceRwe were playing with the term recently on #debianfork
22:48.09MinceRand it called that to mind
22:48.53DocScrutinizer51I'm not on debianfork, so I dont know
22:53.38DocScrutinizer51for the banning on regex, I pondered to implement that with a autoresponder for channels I take care about, but learned that it's prolly not needed, at least for chan with Sigyn
22:55.55*** join/#devuan berndj (~berndj@
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23:11.40DocScrutinizer51furrywolf: if chan has a logbot, users should use irclog urls to the spam rather than pasting it
23:11.53*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)

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