IRC log for #devuan on 20160809

00:27.10*** join/#devuan djph (
00:34.25*** join/#devuan Drugo (
00:36.13Centurion_Danminibus: yeah, and ??
00:36.33*** join/#devuan bob_ (
00:39.34fsmithredCenturion_Dan, that was a hit and run in both channels
00:40.12Centurion_Danhit and run in slow motion??
00:40.26fsmithredlol, yeah, 15 min. attention span
00:40.38fsmithredI guess that's good these days
00:41.04Centurion_Danfsmithred: you saw my response about jessie source for pulseaudio?
00:41.34fsmithredhow long ago?
00:41.48fsmithredI see it
00:42.15Centurion_Danabout 5 hours... It's just above the slow mo driveby..
00:42.27fsmithredyeah, I just read it.
00:42.43fsmithredit was enyc who brought it up.
00:43.02fsmithredand I was able to reproduce it
00:43.22fsmithredI am not able to install it - my head would explode.
00:45.26fsmithredCenturion_Dan, do you happen to know the total number of devuan packages?
00:45.50Centurion_Dansince then we've changed to doing test builds in suite/<suite>-proposed rather then try and fail in the main tree.  I have to discuss further with nextime about better managing the uploads into Devuan.  We don't really want to have do them as a manual step, but we should apply some sanity checks so that sources go only when one or more architectures binaries get uploaded too.
00:46.24fsmithredyeah, that makes sense
00:47.47Centurion_Danbut that means getting more hands on with dak, a tool nextime detests and probably for good reason, but I can't see us developing a reasonably featured replacement anytime soon.
00:48.50fsmithredI know little or nothing about all that software
00:49.10fsmithredI should probably learn how to set up a repository
00:49.50Centurion_Danavoid it if you can ;-)
00:50.15Centurion_Danit's a bit of a mind bender... but also necessary...
00:50.19fsmithredit would only hold about half a dozen packages
00:50.41fsmithredrefracta tools and a few other tweaks that we use in refracta
00:50.50Centurion_DanIf we get our ppa's working that should be sufficient.
00:50.58fsmithredthat would be cool
00:51.16fsmithredI assume those are easier to use
00:51.46fsmithredthe last ubuntu I used was still in the first half of the alphabet.
00:52.13fsmithredmaybe first quarter
00:54.35Centurion_Danyeah, for individuals it will just be a bare repo, but for derivative distro's we'll probably offer a merged repo with the derivatives packages overlaid as a higher priority over devuans packages.
01:13.14fsmithredthe derivatives get to choose the priority?
01:33.06*** join/#devuan Defiant (
01:41.26*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
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03:45.40*** join/#devuan Xiku (~xikufranc@
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06:34.26*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
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07:33.16*** part/#devuan bob_ (
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07:51.41*** join/#devuan aitor (
07:58.20aitorfsmithred: i wrote something about how to set up a repository in the mailing list
07:58.40aitorSee the thread "Mirroring Devuan"
07:59.22aitorIt should be enough for your purposes
08:00.19aitorI didn't add refracta installer to the repository of gnuinos, because i'm using d-i
08:00.31aitorbut i have in mind to fork it
08:00.46*** join/#devuan ThomasKeller (
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08:18.59*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
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08:34.01dethaaitor: from skimming that thread, that looks like 're-build and put in a repo' ?
08:37.02*** join/#devuan snux (
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08:56.15aitorNo, it's not a rebuild of packages. You put all the built packages and the sources in the folder "devuan-mirror"
08:56.40aitorI can't find the whole thread in devuan/lurker
08:57.30*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
09:00.09*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
09:00.36aitorHere you are:
09:02.30aitorYou can uncomment #SignWith: yes in "config/distributions" for the trird step, that is:
09:02.31aitorfind ./devuan-mirror -name "*.dsc" -exec reprepro --ask-passphrase -b . -V -C main includedsc jessie {} \;
09:03.15fsmithredaitor, I don't want to mirror devuan. I was just thinking of putting my own packages in a repo.
09:03.23*** join/#devuan rianav (
09:04.43aitorThat's the issue of my post. Maybe i should have open a new post for that.
09:05.26fsmithredDan said that eventually, they will have ppas for us to use.
09:05.47aitorRead the whole post. You put all the content in a folder and use reprepro.
09:06.04fsmithredthat sounds easy
09:06.52aitorAs i explain in the thread, reprepro isn't compatible with the git source format
09:07.41fsmithredoh, I just read that.
09:07.55fsmithredwarning: I'm not really awake yet.
09:09.30aitorFirst, you have to create your own gpg signature and import it, for example, with seahorse
09:10.42aitorYou can specify the signature (if you have more than one) in the config/distributions with:
09:11.01fsmithredaitor, can I pm you?
09:11.13aitorSignWith: XXXXXXXX
09:11.35aitorI repeat: only for the third step: i.e. the sources
09:12.05aitorWht means pm?
09:12.12fsmithredprivate message
09:12.20aitorOf course
09:14.08aitorI'll answer in a couple of hours
09:15.24fsmithrednot email - private message here in chat.
09:15.43fsmithredwhat irc client you using?
09:15.43aitorOh , ok
09:15.47*** join/#devuan antofox (4e0c3a27@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:16.16antofoxmorning guys!!
09:25.33*** join/#devuan rianav (
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09:31.11Centurion_Danantofox: evening ;-)
09:31.49*** join/#devuan snux (
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12:41.39wwsnew Gernam mirror for (aka:, update */3 hours, bandwitdth 1 Gbps, proto HTTP
12:43.30*** join/#devuan ppisati (
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19:32.38DrugoWhat will be the next release? Beta2?
19:32.50Drugoor stable?
19:32.56Akulishould be stable :)
19:33.15Akulipeople talk about when the beta is removed from the name :)
19:33.29Drugook, thanks
19:38.35*** join/#devuan oldlaptop (~quassel@
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23:15.00*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
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