IRC log for #devuan on 20160805

00:10.17*** part/#devuan Nick-nosystemd (
00:39.43*** join/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:40.32figlfdevheads up, devuan is going to be on soon (maybe jaromil can ftp the pre-valentine alpha to the uploader, which isnt actually me)
00:41.34figlfdevit sucks when youre relying on an iso for daily use, and the devs have to delete it for space. fortunately the archive has about 40 tb (per rack, and somewhat regularly upgraded)
00:42.03figlfdevso that problems solved
00:42.08*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
00:42.23figlfdevand no ones going to mistake it for the official devuan site, so thats cool (hi golinux. reading the logs?)
00:42.37*** join/#devuan iio7 (~iio7@
00:42.38golinuxI just dropped in
00:43.15iio7What's up with the mirrors? Trying to install stuff getting stuck with a frozen console at
00:43.42golinuxhi figlfdev
00:44.20figlfdevitll be nice when devuan doesnt have to piggyback on debian servers (i give that 2-4 years, but hopefully sooner)
00:44.31figlfdevis only guessing
00:47.45golinuxfiglfdev: It's been in the wayback machine since January
00:48.21golinuxLast snap was August 3, 2016
00:48.27figlfdevgolinux: not that youre going to try my refracta derivative but the iso is at <- (it only goes to refracta mode if you type in "live" at boot)
00:48.41figlfdevdo you have a link? im looking for it now.
00:50.17figlfdevffs. robots.txt is blocking the archive of downloads.
00:50.47golinuxI got a download window
00:50.53figlfdevseriously, jaromil? (this is probably hellekin actually)
00:51.09figlfdevthe isos arent being archived.
00:51.16golinuxOh on the devuan site.
00:51.18figlfdevwell someone put them here:
00:52.58figlfdevmy own version is based on downloading existing isos, so when you delete your iso you break my script. that means that the scripts work a lot better with archive links, which are less likely to break (since old isos get deleted from the site)
00:53.24golinuxI just downloaded devuan-jessie-netboot-i386-alpha2.iso via the wayback machine site
00:55.14golinuxMaybe I missed what you were trying to say.  I've had a long, hard day
00:55.23figlfdevwell thats something. however it looks like any new isos will have to be archived manually
00:55.51figlfdevi dont think you will find the latest devuan on the wayback, as robots.txt is blocking that now
00:55.58golinuxThey will be archived when the next snap happens, won't they?
00:56.04figlfdevim not sure, but i dont think so.
00:56.32golinuxI've gotta go.  I'm spent.  Bye
00:56.37figlfdevthey were archived by hand, and i dont think its possible to get the pre-valentine one either, but at least alpha2 and beta 1 are up.
00:57.31*** join/#devuan somerandomnick (
00:57.58fsmithredbye golinux, hi figlfdev
00:58.06figlfdevhey there
00:59.18figlfdevi love you, golinux
00:59.29figlfdevso it looks like the alpha2 of devuan is already up, and ally put the beta version (of devuan) on the archive-- but it looks like robots.txt is blocking future crawls? (or not i dunno)
01:00.07figlfdevcant believe golinux found the pre-valentine iso
01:00.10ksx4systemfiglfdev: maybe picked up mirrors too (like my
01:00.35*** join/#devuan tjackson (
01:01.07figlfdevhooray, devuans history.
01:01.27golinuxDo you know how to use the wayback machine?
01:01.27fsmithredthat's one I've never seen before - a pre-alpha xfce
01:01.33somerandomnickI'm wondering if we'll see kFreeBSD in Devuan in the near future, also wondering about MIPSel.
01:01.38figlfdevgolinux: sometimes. ive got stuff on there from 2009.
01:02.00figlfdevive used it to pinpoint the week debian went from "debian gnu/linux" to "debian"
01:02.20figlfdevwhich i think was in 2012.
01:02.22golinuxfiglfdev: Here's a perting gift:
01:02.34ksx4systemthinks that Wayback Machine is one of the greatest inventions of the Internet era <3
01:03.02figlfdevksx4system: same guy that invented alexa, and WAIS one of the precursors to the web
01:03.14figlfdevlol, thanks golinux
01:04.17figlfdevsomerandomnick: theyre going ubuntu perhaps? (i dont mean officially. i mean ubuntu is doing more with bsd than debian or we are doing)
01:04.27golinuxReally now I've gotta get off this chair
01:06.27figlfdevthe reason golinux thinks i dont know how works is this link: "Page cannot be displayed due to robots.txt."
01:06.55figlfdevbut at least all the stuff before beta is up. and my friend put the beta up, so thats on there too.
01:08.04fsmithredthere was a no-x vagrant image first
01:12.44figlfdevyeah, but i considered that a dev tool-- a vagrant image isnt an iso, even if you can convert it to one.
01:13.09figlfdevwhen i started using the iso, it took me-- im still not 100% certain what a vagrant image is, and ive been using devuan for over a year
01:13.21figlfdevbut i have some idea, i think.
01:13.42fsmithredI don't know either, but I had one here on my hard drive for a while.
01:13.46figlfdevi know what a qcow is. i try isos in qemu all the time.
01:14.01figlfdevso perhaps a vagrant image is similar to a qcow one.
01:14.07fsmithredI used it in vbox, but I don't recall if I had to convert it first
01:14.26figlfdevim sure the devuan site would tell me exactly what a vagrant image is.
01:15.20fsmithredbb in a couple minutes
01:18.27*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:21.15fsmithredfiglfdev, do you intend for your script to be used by others, or just you?
01:21.51figlfdevdepends. it is being used by others. but its not just a matter of making it automated-- its a matter of being editable, configurable
01:22.07fsmithredyeah, that's where I was going
01:22.10figlfdevif all i wanted was a robot people could activate, id compile it.
01:22.36figlfdevas for "editable" it is-- but im adding features and moving code around as it-- its too early to perfect, its "pre-alpha"
01:23.13figlfdevfirst you make it work, then you make it good-- then you add features and fix bugs (you can try doing all at once... its not common)
01:24.08figlfdevbut i didnt know youd deleted 052x (not the numbering scheme but you know which i mean) until ally told me the script didnt work for those versions :)
01:24.39figlfdevin the future im more likely to point directly to the archive, which is fine of course. quotas are quotas, and i dont like sourceforge anyway
01:24.51figlfdevi do love ibiblio
01:25.05fsmithredthey're easy to work with over ssh
01:25.17fsmithredsf is kind of a pain
01:25.29figlfdevformerly evil, formerly good, now who knows?
01:25.36fsmithredbut sf has a bigger pipe
01:25.41figlfdevi dont doubt it
01:25.56figlfdevnot questioning your choice of sites
01:26.06somerandomnickEverything I've read is SourceForge is circling the drain, no predictions of them going under (yet), but quite a lot of dislike at this point.
01:26.28figlfdevold owners or new ones though? the really bad ones are gone, and the new ones are unknown
01:27.39figlfdevshitdevuansays updated recently using a gmane link, and now gmane is down (for good, at least the web side)
01:27.58figlfdevthey (sds) were silent for a month, i thought theyd given up
01:28.14figlfdevbut gmane going down is big news
01:28.52figlfdevi downloaded all the gopher ml stuff from gmane once
01:31.28*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
01:32.01figlfdevincidentally, the prealpha link on the archive is a dead link:
01:32.27figlfdevi suspect the alpha ones golinux linked to are also dead-- this is devuans robots.txt fault.
01:32.55*** join/#devuan Defiant (
01:35.55figlfdevok, i found alpha2.
01:36.07figlfdevit actually downloads.
01:36.39figlfdevi will try all the dates to see if the preval iso is there
01:38.24*** part/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:46.43DocScrutinizer05sorry OT: anybody around who could help with Firefox >>Fehlercode: NS_ERROR_NET_INADEQUATE_SECURITY<< and how to configure nginx correctly to avoid this?
01:58.12ksx4systemDocScrutinizer05: b0rked SSL?
01:58.43DocScrutinizer05I'm clueless
01:59.13ksx4systemstays away from nginx as much as he can, lighttpd ftw
01:59.46DocScrutinizer05we migrated to new iron last night
01:59.50ksx4systemworks like a charm
02:00.00DocScrutinizer05not in FF48
02:00.25DocScrutinizer05tested yesterday in 47, worked
02:00.33ksx4system use this
02:00.56ksx4systemmaybe it's not your server's config, maybe slowerfox is just broken :P
02:02.03DocScrutinizer05great! thanks
02:02.11ksx4systemdoes it work now?
02:02.28DocScrutinizer05reading analysis
02:04.40DocScrutinizer05 looks absolutely fine
02:05.35DocScrutinizer05except >>HTTP Strict Transport Security not set.<<
02:06.37ksx4systemoh fuck HSTS
02:06.47*** join/#devuan tjackson (
02:07.52DocScrutinizer05is FF48 gone mad?
02:09.13ksx4systemChromium 52 reports perfectly secure connection
02:11.28*** join/#devuan _stephen (
02:12.52sdaughertyDocScrutinizer05, neo900 is fine for me in Firefox 49
02:13.48DocScrutinizer05http works in 48 too
02:14.40ksx4systemso it's just 48 being b0rked
02:16.55*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:29.10DocScrutinizer05[2016-08-05 Fri 04:14:17] <pigeons> Server negotiated HTTP/2 with blacklisted suite: RSA 2048 (SHA256)   |  TLS 1.2  |  TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA  |  ECDH secp256r1
02:29.49*** join/#devuan tjackson (
02:36.07DocScrutinizer05fixed it. ticket closed - many thanks
02:36.29DocScrutinizer05ssl_ciphers "EECDH+AESGCM:EDH+AESGCM:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH";
02:47.37*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
02:50.13*** join/#devuan paw (
03:01.03*** join/#devuan Tenhi (
03:12.27*** part/#devuan somerandomnick (
03:19.28*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
03:29.29*** join/#devuan cgraf (
03:36.04*** join/#devuan Tenhi (
03:46.53*** part/#devuan boson (
03:50.21*** join/#devuan tjackson (
04:01.17*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:10.35*** join/#devuan howieb2001 (
04:20.34*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
04:24.24*** part/#devuan jentron (
04:25.19*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
04:37.52*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
05:40.29*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
05:41.13*** join/#devuan Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
05:51.07*** join/#devuan M-baselab (baselabmat@gateway/shell/
05:59.15*** join/#devuan devil_ (
06:00.18*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
06:04.42*** join/#devuan bill-auger (
06:18.21*** join/#devuan PeteGozz (
06:19.59*** join/#devuan millpond (~millpond@
06:24.01*** part/#devuan PeteGozz (
06:24.58*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
06:26.56*** join/#devuan PeteGozz (76d2c840@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:37.28*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
07:00.16*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
07:05.41enycHrrm, is there some fun with  jessie-backports  an pinning   in devuan ?  e.g. even without jessie-backports deb/deb-src installed, "apt-get source pulseaudio"  gives the source of the backports version anyway....
07:25.05*** join/#devuan trone (
07:39.34*** join/#devuan kraiskil (~kraiskil@
07:40.47*** join/#devuan joered (
07:45.27Centurion_Danenyc: did you do an apt-get update after disabling jessie-backports?
07:50.07enycCenturion_Dan: i should have done since...  in any case that shouldn't be necessary  per myexpreinece--  unreferenced lists downloaded have no effecit i thought
07:52.25*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
07:53.51*** join/#devuan howieb2001 (
07:56.33*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
08:04.25*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
08:08.18*** join/#devuan newbie|2 (
08:36.50*** join/#devuan Nick-nosystemd (
08:40.54*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
08:43.39*** part/#devuan Barzogh (~barzogh@pdpc/supporter/active/barzogh)
09:03.51*** join/#devuan amphi (
09:03.59*** join/#devuan amphi_ (
09:15.40*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
09:57.29*** join/#devuan tjackson (
10:04.25*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
10:19.48*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
10:20.56*** join/#devuan susi_ (
10:22.04susi_Hi, after 6 month absence I upgraded my Debian jessie without systemd to Devuan. Good work! Will try it now a second time
10:22.42susi_But, as I recently upgraded with the new repositoreis I'm getting into troube with a devuan package...
10:23.05susi_apt install gnome-bluetooth (which seems the only one in the repo) does not like to install
10:23.21susi_Maybe yu could help out and I can send you the error message?
10:23.40susi_I have a BT dongle for my mouse
10:23.53susi_Thank you!!! :9
10:25.50susi_#Devuan-fork is empty
10:25.56susi_...why I'm here
10:27.35susi_Is someone here now and can help me shortly?
10:27.37Nick-nosystemdshowing the error message is a start
10:28.19susi_As I'm in the root terminal I don't know how to cat the text from the directory into irssi chat
10:28.32susi_not rt terminal, ups
10:29.17Nick-nosystemdmaybe you can redirect the errormessage in a text file
10:29.33susi_it is in a text file.
10:29.58susi_But I don't know how to redirect into background to paste it here
10:30.07fbtcurl -F 'f:1=<-' < file
10:30.11fbtcurl -F 'f:1=<-' < <(command)
10:30.24susi_okay, wait, need t switch tty shortly
10:30.24fbtcurl -F 'f:1=<-' <<< 'text'
10:30.33KatolaZsusi_: if it is just a few lines, you can past it in the channel
10:30.44KatolaZwith "/exec -out cat filename.txt"
10:30.55fbtIt's atp
10:31.02fbtIt's not “just a few lines”
10:31.08KatolaZoh sorry
10:31.18susi_only 5 lines
10:31.26KatolaZsusi_: go then
10:35.57susi_shall I use curl ... here in the irssi terminal or in the xterm?
10:36.21susi_The following packages have unmet dependencies:
10:36.33susi_apt install bluez was it
10:36.40susi_Now apt install gnome-bluetooth:
10:36.49susi_...The following packages have unmet dependencies:
10:38.19*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
10:38.30KatolaZok susi_
10:38.33susi_I installed 6 mnth ago Debian Wheezy -> Jessie without systemd -> Devuan repository
10:38.39KatolaZit depends on libpam-systemd
10:38.55susi_yes, but in Devuans repo libpamd is REMOVED
10:39.00KatolaZwhich in turn depends on systemd
10:39.08susi_as it is written in the git
10:39.22susi_that's why I tried to install it.
10:39.37susi_I search in Devuans git online for bluetooth
10:39.43susi_Found gnome-bluetooth
10:39.50susi_Viewed the git
10:39.52KatolaZbut you said you knew that it is out of Devuan...
10:39.58susi_libpamd was removed
10:40.11KatolaZlibpam-systemd -> packages -> search bluetooth - gnome-bluetooth
10:41.00susi_son't know the exact name, but it is written online.
10:41.21susi_DoesnÄt matter. How I could get bluetooth up? ItÄ's not in the settings editor
10:41.31KatolaZsusi_: the fact that is in the repository doesn't mean it is installable
10:41.39susi_mmh, okay
10:41.52KatolaZit depends on systemd, which is pinned in Devuan
10:42.06susi_any suggestion to get my bluetooth running without sd?
10:42.18susi_Yes, I pinned systemd previously too
10:42.37susi_I installed task-desktop
10:42.38KatolaZI have used bluez
10:42.47KatolaZfrom the command line
10:43.12susi_The following packages have unmet dependencies:
10:43.29susi_from the terminal too
10:43.34KatolaZI have bluez
10:43.38susi_uh? yes :))
10:44.00susi_It was a very clean Debian Wheezy -> Jessie with pinning
10:44.18KatolaZbut are you using Devuan's repos?
10:44.22susi_removed bluez
10:44.46susi_Just changed the repo today
10:44.51KatolaZno need to shout :)
10:45.03susi_maybe I have some old pinning done by myself?
10:45.38KatolaZ(I assume you have apt-get update'd, right?)
10:45.40susi_I will look in my pinning flder what I have there
10:45.51susi_It is some time ago I pinned some stuff there
10:46.09susi_apt-get upgrade too
10:46.15susi_apt-get dist-upgrade too
10:47.25KatolaZthen it's strange that you can;t install kmod...
10:47.47KatolaZor better, it should already be installed...
10:48.22susi_Here is the list of pins I had/have:
10:48.31Nick-nosystemdhave you tried apt-get install kmod module-init-tools
10:48.57susi_Nich: No, should I?
10:49.12Nick-nosystemdyeah i would not hurt anyway
10:49.15KatolaZsusi_: you should be able to install bluez with apt-get install bluez
10:49.41susi_KatolaZ: /exec -out cat apt.install.bluez
10:49.46susi_The following packages have unmet dependencies:
10:49.58susi_will try Nick's suggestion
10:51.11susi_Nick: kmod is not available...
10:52.17KatolaZsusi_: that's very strange (I should say impossible, though...)
10:52.58susi_Reading package lists...
10:52.59susi_Building dependency tree...
10:52.59susi_Reading state information...
10:52.59susi_Package kmod is not available, but is referred to by another package.
10:52.59susi_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
10:53.01susi_is only available from another source
10:53.17susi_cat kmod.install
10:53.29KatolaZwhat do you have in sources.list?
10:53.57susi_There is also the message:
10:54.04KatolaZit seems like you don;t have "main"
10:54.25susi_W: No priority (or zero) specified for pin
10:54.28*** join/#devuan Drugo (
10:55.42enycCenturion_Dan: looking further -- i don't think this particular devuan-jessie  chroot has ever had  -backports  enabled anyway...  --  I've DEFINITELY now 'apt-get update'  anyway --   'apt-get -yd install pulseaudio'  definitely downloads  5.0-13+devuan2  version --  whereas 'apt-get source pulseaudio'  definitely downloads  7.1-2+devuan1.0~1.gbp0a74b7  source version -- despite deb/deb-src sources.list  lin
10:55.46susi_deb jessie          main
10:55.47susi_deb jessie-updates  main
10:55.47susi_deb jessie-security main
10:55.47susi_# Devuan repositories
10:55.47susi_deb jessie main
10:55.48enyces being consistent!
10:55.49susi_deb-src jessie main
10:56.28enyctheres defintiely some kind of consistency problem with the pinning of jessie-backports and provisioning of deb-src packages for devuan backports
10:57.10susi_6 month ago you suggested to start with Wheezy -> jessie without systemd. That worked wll. :)
10:57.29KatolaZsusi_: you should use auto.mirror/ jessie main
10:57.45susi_Maybe one pinning in my Shall I look? Does it be helpfull or not?
10:57.53KatolaZsusi_: ^^^^
10:58.01susi_I like to avoid DNS
10:58.10KatolaZyou need a / after merged anyway...
10:58.48susi_the repos at the very bottom were introduced by devuan baseconf
10:58.55susi_without a /
11:00.07susi_will look, which pinning was introduced by Devuan and will deactivate the others.
11:00.54susi_mmh, there is n Devuan püinning
11:01.35jaromilfor systemd-sysv
11:01.42jaromiland is not even necessary
11:01.49KatolaZthe pin on systemd is not anymore needed, BTW
11:02.08KatolaZsince it i blacklisted in amprolla, AFAIK
11:02.17jaromili had a weird experience y'day with a package not found, gcc-doc
11:02.24jaromilthen realised i wasn't including contrib
11:02.30KatolaZgcc-doc is in non-free...
11:02.36jaromiland non-free indeed
11:02.37sdaughertysusi_, repository IPs are not guaranteed to be stable.
11:02.52jaromilfor some weird reason debian decided that the gnu gcc documentation is non-free /o\
11:03.04KatolaZjaromil: is due to the FDL
11:03.17jaromiloh sure now a FSF license is non-free
11:03.35susi_ah, pinned kmod to avoid installation - 6 month ago.
11:03.35KatolaZwhich prohibits changes to documents
11:03.41KatolaZor at least, certain kinds of changes
11:03.46jaromilthat's just some sort of weird retaliation IMHO
11:03.53susi_was not easy to find as I do have some pinnings...
11:03.57KatolaZI'm not sure
11:04.00KatolaZthe FDL is strange, indeed
11:04.03jaromili have my opinions
11:04.12jaromiland prefer to pick better fights about freedom
11:04.24sdaughertyGFDL with invariant sections is intentionally non-free, so that alterations changing the character of a document can be prohibited.
11:04.30jaromilsusi_: glad you solved
11:04.37KatolaZnamely, sdaugherty
11:05.26jaromilyes, as upstream i used GFDL for more than one manual in the past and must say i like to have invariant sections, it makes sense in a manual page
11:06.02KatolaZjaromil, I am sure you see that this is not exactly "freedom" :)
11:06.08jaromilprovided that invariant != no derivatives under another name / notice
11:06.24sdaughertyThe rationale of it is so that political and philosophical statements, or even attributions can be protected, while allowing reasonable changes elsewhere in the document.
11:06.27KatolaZbut I recognise that sometimes it is necessary to have invariant sections in documents
11:06.53KatolaZyes, sdaugherty was quicker than me :D
11:06.54jaromilso lets say I go open a website about systemd documentation
11:07.00jaromilmake it high on SEO
11:07.10jaromiland modify the manual inserting little naughty differences
11:08.01KatolaZjaromil: I don't know which is the license iused in systemd manuals
11:08.04jaromilnow shift the case to a distribution, which certainly gets more visibility than upstream nowadays
11:08.04sdaughertyOr Devuan published a user manual, and wants to make a statement there about why we don't use systemd.
11:08.13KatolaZ(I don't even know if systemd manuals exist, to be honest...)
11:08.22jaromilprobably not :)
11:08.25jaromilwas just an example
11:08.31susi_remove libkmod2 did the trick.
11:08.50susi_But I need to reinstall the xserver stuff and alls the others.
11:08.55jaromilanyway i have an upstream POV on most of these things
11:08.57susi_It also liked to remove the kernel.
11:09.11susi_But I could install now kmod and module-init-tools
11:09.17susi_after I removed libkmod2
11:09.36KatolaZjaromil: then you insert an invariant section, and put your manual under GFSL
11:09.57KatolaZspecifying that the statement about why we decided to not use sysemd is an invariante section
11:10.05susi_Unpinning kmod does not helped
11:10.08KatolaZyou see that it makes sense
11:10.32susi_sdaugherty: Okay
11:11.46*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
11:11.48sdaughertyThe needs of prose are much different from the needs of software.
11:12.12jaromilsdaugherty: totally agree
11:12.54jaromili may be wrong on the choices, but believe your basic assumption here holds all weather
11:13.29sdaughertyGFDL invariant sections would keep someone from changing that anti-systemd statement to a pro-systemd one and then trying to misrepresent the guide as originating from Devuan.
11:14.02sdaughertyBut it wouldn't stop someone from improving on the documentation.
11:14.24susi_Does it help you that unistallation of libkmod2 fixed my problem now?
11:14.54jaromilsusi_: i believe that is sort of a normal situation? i don't know well the details
11:15.29*** join/#devuan howieb2001 (
11:15.31KatolaZsusi_: there are normally no problkems with installing stuff that requires kmod
11:15.46KatolaZmaybe it was just a problem related with your pin configuration?
11:16.11susi_no, I removed the pins and the problme still exist.
11:16.24susi_Only the uninstall of libkmod2 was helpfull
11:16.30KatolaZso you still can';t install kmod?
11:16.39susi_I tested it after removing the pins
11:16.58KatolaZsusi_:  I dont' get it
11:17.05susi_And then I got an hint that libkmod2 Version x does nt...
11:17.05KatolaZI have both kmod and libkmod2 installed
11:17.11susi_Then I uninstalled t
11:17.17susi_uninstalled it
11:17.39susi_Maybe it was an old version (at least 6 mnth) of libkmod2
11:17.49KatolaZthe current one is 18-3
11:18.06susi_This was another one
11:18.54KatolaZbut you said that you had run apt-get dist-upgrade.
11:19.04KatolaZso libkmod2 should have been upgraded
11:19.23susi_Yes, it was reinstalled. Now I also can install bluez
11:19.25KatolaZbut it wasn't, since you had a pin on kmod
11:19.30susi_This was nt possible before
11:19.38KatolaZthen you removed the pin
11:19.46KatolaZand had to give apt-get dist-upgrade
11:19.46susi_yes, but I removed the pin
11:20.02susi_And tried the installation f kmod again without any luck
11:20.27susi_ah, I didn't made dist-upgrade after removing the pinning
11:20.27KatolaZyou had to apt-get update
11:20.33KatolaZafter you removed the pin.
11:20.39KatolaZat least apt-get update
11:20.41susi_I did
11:20.46KatolaZthen upgrade
11:20.50susi_did not
11:20.53KatolaZapt-get upgrade
11:20.59KatolaZthat might be the reason then
11:21.00*** join/#devuan doppo (doppo@2604:180::e0fc:a07f)
11:21.13KatolaZif something is pinned, new versions are ignored, AFAIU
11:22.11KatolaZanyway, glad you solved it
11:22.36susi_Okay, now I have a nicer desktop.
11:23.07susi_But without Bluetoth config in the settings editor. What should I use?
11:24.03KatolaZI am the wrong person to ask this question susi_
11:24.09KatolaZmy desktop is not nice
11:25.20susi_Previously I used a window manager.
11:25.50susi_I like to go back to it. What you would suggest?
11:26.13sdaughertyI'd love to see a long term project to produce one or more high-quality Devuan desktop environment task packages and supporting packages, just to prove a "nice" desktop doesn't requires any poiteringware
11:26.52KatolaZsusi_: I have been using WindowMaker and xmonad
11:27.14susi_KatolaZ: Didn't know that.
11:27.38susi_I installed task-desktop. Is this poiteringware-free?
11:28.24sdaughertymostly. There may be some pulseaudio taint left, not sure.
11:28.50susi_Yes, pulse. I successfully removed it
11:28.53sdaughertycd ..
11:28.56susi_bevore upgrading to pulse
11:29.20susi_I only need alsa and jack and or oss
11:29.32KatolaZsusi_: you might still find avahi around
11:29.41susi_before upgrading to Devuan, sorry.
11:29.48susi_I uninstalled avahi
11:29.52KatolaZit's the first piece of poettering-ware that I uninstall
11:29.57KatolaZthen you are done :)
11:30.04susi_but it was coming back after I installed Devuan repository
11:30.27susi_I saw it in the apt-install dialog
11:30.40susi_I was thinking: Okay, they probably remved the p*ware
11:31.05susi_As you can see in the pinnings I uploaded here (the names)
11:31.15susi_I avoided avahi
11:31.48*** join/#devuan clopez (
11:32.47susi_Sorry, but I'm absolutely sure, that I reomoved avahi before successfully.
11:33.23susi_Okay, will remove it again including pulseaudio. This is normal prcedure :)
11:39.07*** join/#devuan premoboss (
11:44.36susi_Thank you. As i do nt have bluetooth now I need to work on another maschine. Will come back!!
11:54.14*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
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12:34.11fsmithredKatolaZ, I saw something in your todo list about finding a smaller installer (or something like that). I could send you the original refractainstaller. It's little more than the system commands to do the job.
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18:31.29golinuxmillpond: Welcome! Nice to see you here!!
18:31.53golinuxAsk away . . .
18:44.07DocScrutinizer05OT: can somebody please interpret those loglines (postfix et al)? looks weird to me
18:46.25gwillenDocScrutinizer05: my guess is that someone sent you an email with a return address of `cat /etc/passwd`, and these log lines represent your server's attempt to send a bounce message, which fails
18:46.41gwillenit's kind of a silly hacking attempt since /etc/passwd does not contain passwords on modern systems
18:46.56gwillenalso I can't think of any plausible way it could work
18:47.00gwillenso uh, maybe someone messing around?
18:47.06DocScrutinizer05aah ok, bounce. than makes sense
18:48.02gwillenmy best guess is that the first line is not related to the other lines? But it's hard to tell, I don't run postfix myself.
18:48.08DocScrutinizer05it's always this sequence
18:48.23gwillenI guess another possibility is that it's not a bounce, but rather a relayed message, and your machine is functioning as an open relay or something?
18:48.27gwillenis you?
18:48.43DocScrutinizer05that's what I'm afraid of
18:48.45gwillenoh, it's possible that you have some kind of page on your website that sends mail
18:48.54gwillenand someone is typing "`cat /etc/passwd`" into a form
18:49.14DocScrutinizer05THAT's it, i'm pretty sure
18:49.16gwillen'wwwrun' is probably the user your web stuff runs as
18:49.19gwillenok, that makes sense
18:50.06DocScrutinizer05saome sucker registwered for newsletter or created a user account, with email addr "cat /etc/passwd"
18:50.15*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
18:50.19gwillenohhhhhh, hah
18:50.27gwillenand now it does this every time you mail your newsletter
18:50.35DocScrutinizer05wild but plausible guess
18:50.57gwillenwell, although the from of "wwwrun" suggests that the sending process is your webserver
18:51.01gwillenis that how your newsletter gets sent?
18:51.19DocScrutinizer05it tries to send the welcome mail, but it interprets the % as @ and thus tries to send to server 7C
18:53.36DocScrutinizer05the .org gets added since tTLD missing
18:54.25DocScrutinizer05still guessing
18:55.05gwillenyeah interpreting "%" as "@" is not unusual, that's a hack that goes back to the early internet for source routing (foo%bar%baz@quux)
18:55.36gwillenadding .org is a little weird but I assume it's because you are and somewhere you have an implicit search domain set as .org or something
18:55.55DocScrutinizer05that's what I suspect
18:57.10DocScrutinizer05now apart from the equally annoying and futile "cat /etc/passwd" I wonder how long this shit will stay in the system
19:14.47DocScrutinizer05gwillen: here's another one, with an unrelated at bottom (5min later). line before start was 1:30 earlier
19:15.16DocScrutinizer05this also is hte most recent one before the one I posted first
19:15.33gwillenDocScrutinizer05: oh, "status=deferred" suggests that your mailserver is trying repeatedly to send the same message because of the failure
19:15.39gwillenI don't know how many times it will try
19:16.03DocScrutinizer05which was 20:18:44.
19:16.57DocScrutinizer05hmmm,  delay=155653, delays=155653/0/0.17 /0  status=deferred
19:17.38DocScrutinizer05whatever 155653 might mean
19:19.06*** join/#devuan aitor (
19:19.16DocScrutinizer05elay=151452    delay=147251   delay=143050 in sort sequence into the past
19:19.57DocScrutinizer05might fit
19:20.20aitorHi :) I'm uploading the repository of gnuinos containig linux-libre-4.6.2, vdev and simple-netaid
19:34.44*** join/#devuan n4dir (
19:46.29millpondgolinux - i have replied, but somehow it created a chaanned in your name, perhaps due to the colon. VERY unfamiliar with IRC, its been 20 years since the last time I paid any attention to it.
20:00.25*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
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20:10.22DocScrutinizer05millpond: are you sure this wasn't just a norml /query on its own tab?
20:11.52DocScrutinizer05the magic commands are: /join $#channel ;   /query $usernick ;   and /part
20:11.57*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
20:13.20DocScrutinizer05with /join #myfoobar7  you not only join that channel, you actually most likely create it since it didn't exist before
20:15.30*** join/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:15.44millpondMight have been, accidentally. IRC a choice of the mailing list debbil and the deep blue sea. Downloaded snorkel.
20:16.19DocScrutinizer05when you open a /query nonexistUser,  you will notice on sending first text, by response   [Error] nonexistUser: No such nick/channel.
20:17.50millpondDoes (username colon) open queries? Using Kvirc...
20:18.00DocScrutinizer05no colon
20:18.18millpondOK - gotcha
20:18.24DocScrutinizer05millpond: nope, this is simple highlighting
20:18.37figlfdevjaromil: is hellekin in charge of the servers relevant to
20:18.48figlfdevid like to suggest a robots.txt entry
20:19.43DocScrutinizer05/query DocScrutinizer05
20:19.57DocScrutinizer05will get you into a PM chat with me
20:20.05figlfdevas will /msg presumably
20:20.18DocScrutinizer05/part witll leave the current channel, whether public or private
20:20.38millpondOncw more ...  I have an ancient boat anchor system, packed to the gills and updated to devuan from Jessie shimmed 8.1 all the way from Squeeze. I have /usr/lub/upowerd and /lib/systemd/upowerd, with udev apparently loaded, but not functioning. Opened up polkit, no difference. Sysctrl not working, and upowerd cannot find org.freedesktop file which is there
20:20.49figlfdevdoesnt know the difference between /query and /msg though perhaps there is one (if not, theyre aliases)
20:20.50DocScrutinizer05figlfdev: /msg is a tad "out of band", in some clients it opens a new tab, in some it doesn't
20:20.59millpondSysctrl not working, and upowerd cannot find org.freedesktop file which is there. Basic question is does Devuan *clean up* older systemd crap??? And if not are there any faqs on how to do it. I'd happily yank polkit too.
20:21.25figlfdevDocScrutinizer05: alright-- without a new tab im liable to breach "pm" and accidentally type in channel
20:21.51figlfdevwhich is usually just noisy, but could be awkward.
20:22.00*** join/#devuan lime_ (
20:22.44figlfdevused irc ages ago-- in dos actually
20:22.51DocScrutinizer05what's really awkward
20:23.07figlfdevlol yeah
20:23.32DocScrutinizer05so I urgently suggest to always switch to server tab for id
20:23.51figlfdevgood idea
20:23.56DocScrutinizer05or actually open a query to nickserv
20:25.36DocScrutinizer05btw what opens the new tab with /msg it not the msg (see /msg ncikserv ) but possibly the reply from server or far end
20:26.32DocScrutinizer05no new tab :-)
20:26.46figlfdevoh yeah
20:27.35DocScrutinizer05IRC is easy, but it smells funny
20:27.55figlfdevit smells like my grandma
20:28.04figlfdevi lie, she was fine.
20:29.02Leander256I'd like to correct all this talk, but I think that reading the RFC 1459 would be faster ;)
20:29.45figlfdevagrees to read rfc 1459 if its sent via rfc 1149
20:29.55millpondQuestion - is there a way to pause and auto-reconnect to channel when turning on VPN, and *possibly*  hiding VPN address?
20:30.41infobotThe key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED",  "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
20:31.58DocScrutinizer05millpond: for hidin your host addr you want to register your nick and then ask for a cloak in #freenode
20:32.04figlfdevwould like to know how many rfc pertain primarily to implementation (obviously several pertain to use, and some most likely to both)
20:38.41millpondDocScrutinizer05: Email required. Perhaps when I have time to set up another guerrila.mail account.
20:39.01DocScrutinizer05which is another drastic example for terrible JS/whatever redering a dirt simple page useless:
20:39.24DocScrutinizer05you're supposed to use a real email that persists
20:39.44DocScrutinizer05this email address won't get disclosed or abused
20:39.56*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
20:40.12figlfdevthinks its rather odd to register a form of anonymity with an email
20:40.38figlfdevof course its more common to use email as a form of id than the more obvious use as a communications medium
20:41.21DocScrutinizer05the email channel is for sending you your IRC password when you forgot it
20:41.48DocScrutinizer05how else would they do that?
20:41.58figlfdevpsychic mediums?
20:42.36figlfdevsmoke signals? western union telegram?
20:42.43*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
20:42.46figlfdev(rfc 1149?)
20:42.50golinuxmillpond: I had opened a msg window earlier then went to have some lunch just getting back
20:42.50DocScrutinizer05do they still do telegrams?
20:42.51figlfdevhey fsr
20:43.16figlfdevyou can still send them i think. as to who does... i dunno
20:43.23millpondI hail from the old school that anonymity on the net is the ideal. Particularly on IRC. I dont want to have to worry obout someone DCCing me anything hinky.
20:43.37figlfdevmillpond: thats why i use webchat
20:43.55DocScrutinizer05block DCC
20:44.17figlfdevalthough im guessing that youre more likely to get a boot sector virus than dcc/buffer overflowed in this day and age
20:45.00figlfdevif you used windows in the 90s maybe youre still a little cautious :)
20:45.44fsmithredwas just catching up
20:46.31millpondAlot cautious, though my win32 system has no Win firewall, no updates, and I can clik on buggers with impunity.
20:47.23golinuxHi fsr
20:47.25fsmithredmillpond, what do you get when you run 'dpkg -l |grep polkit'?
20:47.35fsmithredand do same for policykit
20:48.04figlfdevgolinux: the archive isnt working / will not work
20:48.14fsmithredsome of them should say 'devuan' in the version
20:48.16figlfdev*does* know how it works
20:48.37millpondActually, in WIn32 right now, as must get lil lady's Australian TV shows so I will be on VPN shortly.
20:48.44fsmithredfiglfdev, which archive you talking about?
20:48.47figlfdevi tried to download the valentine pre-alpha from 182 urls yesterday. (thats roughly the number of days in the archive from 2015-2016)
20:48.58golinuxwas just going to ask that
20:49.11figlfdevfsmithred: the archive of -- is blocked by robots.txt
20:49.12fsmithredI know the answer
20:49.16millpondYes, the packages installed cllearly are devuan, deb1-4.
20:49.50figlfdevwhich is a pity, because that means that alpha4 and pre-alpha are both gone -- and, future isos are blocked from being archived
20:50.21figlfdevso the SITE is archived, but if you go to the on the archive, very few links (excepting alpha2) will download. you get a 404.
20:50.25millpondNow does that mean that devuan has no direct FTP access????
20:50.51figlfdevmillpond: not here, if thats what youre asking. this is about archiving old versions
20:50.58figlfdev(and new versions that will be old versions.)
20:51.35millpondOK - is BETA acessible via FTP publicly?
20:51.54figlfdevi dont know, its available (public) via http.
20:52.18figlfdevYOU can get to but cant get to its isos.
20:52.37mns`guys, nice beta release. i just installed it here on another machine, and it's pretty nice
20:52.40figlfdevwhich means when theyre deleted, theyre gone. it got a few alpha2s. it wont get the beta.
20:52.50mns`thanks to all
20:53.28infoboti guess mirrors is  ftp,  http &, or see
20:53.30millpondWhat I *normally* do these days, is locally *mirror* distros I am using that have been stabilized - and 'update' using deb-partialmirror.
20:53.30fsmithredfiglfdev, I've got some snapshots of alpha1 and alpha2, but I didn't keep the originals
20:53.45fbtI wonder if devuan enters a relatively stable state by teh time we at work switch from wheezy :)
20:53.50figlfdevfsmithred: the thing is, this can be done automatically if they fix robots.txt
20:54.09figlfdevcurrently wont go there because of the robots.txt file, but they can add an exception like this:
20:54.43figlfdevUser-agent: ia_archiver (on the next line...) Disallow:
20:55.27figlfdevin other words, Disallow nothing (ia_archiver is the agent for both and alexa, which were both founded by brewster kahle)
20:56.01DocScrutinizer05I don't see why any robots.txt needed
20:56.08figlfdevas long as robots.txt stays like it is, everything BUT the devuan isos (rather the contents of will be archived. this is far from ideal.
20:56.35figlfdevDocScrutinizer05: neither do i, but it probably blocks excessive traffic from search engines. perhaps googlebot downloads all those files.
20:56.42DocScrutinizer05 has no robots.txt
20:57.01DocScrutinizer05or does it?
20:57.03figlfdevDocScrutinizer05: only counts if crawls it, eh? it does crawl the devuan site.
20:57.07figlfdevDocScrutinizer05: i am checking right now
20:57.21DocScrutinizer05tell me if I need to delete anything
20:58.05figlfdevDocScrutinizer05: is that url/folder updated manually? because can be updated manually, allytonx already put the beta isos up after downloading them himself.
20:58.06DocScrutinizer05and no worries about bandwidth and traffic, both in the 0.1% range
20:58.33DocScrutinizer05figlfdev: sorry?
20:58.34millpondYou *should* be able to simply block google and all the other search engines - I have done that on my myBB forum software and now it is essentially darknet.
20:58.44figlfdevmillpond: yes
20:59.12fsmithredmillpond, some commands that might help you...
20:59.13figlfdevDocScrutinizer05: the neo900 site is not crawled/archived anyway, so it wont end up on the archive.
20:59.20fsmithredapt-get autoremove
20:59.29DocScrutinizer05you're welcome to add it to webarchive
20:59.42fsmithredaptitude search ~c and then aptitude purge ~c
21:00.16figlfdevDocScrutinizer05: it can be suggested, but id still like to know how the neo900 site gets stuff from the site- by hand or automatically? (is it told to update, or on a cron job or similar?)
21:00.46figlfdevahh, cool. so its just a matter of pointing the archive to it (not sure if they will or not.)
21:01.08figlfdevthe archive already crawls automatically-- but blocks the isos from it.
21:01.12millpondProblem with apt-get autoremove is that alot of still functioning programs and libraries might get removed. Consider it a last resort, but something which I might need to do. \
21:01.16figlfdevreads the readme
21:01.26millpondAs long as it does not go near /opt!
21:01.38figlfdev"this is a rsync (every hour) of, shared only via HTTP:// by courtesy of Neo900 UG" <- SWEET
21:01.41fsmithredmillpond, check first with the -s option
21:01.48fsmithredthen decide what you want to keep
21:02.01millpondDid not know about -s
21:02.10fsmithredcan't remember if there is a 'keep' command
21:02.25fsmithredvery helpful
21:02.33fsmithredfor installing or removing
21:03.42fsmithredapt-get --reinstall <packages you want to keep>
21:04.08millpondReinstalling would take forever with 20,000 packages....
21:04.13fsmithredthen the package manager understands that they were installed explicitly instead of as dependencies
21:04.14DocScrutinizer05figlfdev: recently truncated it
21:04.27fsmithredwtf do you have so much installed???
21:04.39figlfdev20,000 is modest
21:04.56figlfdevstandard wheezy install is > 30,000?
21:05.01fsmithredmodest? I've got a little over 1500 packages on this installation
21:05.03figlfdevwait, no its like 4,500
21:05.15figlfdevstandard REPO is > 30,000
21:05.16fsmithredusually, I have more, but not several times more
21:05.33millpondIts meand as a *development system* to handle ANYTHING that might need to be compiled. Plus a whole bunch of other goodies like Perl and Ruby- complete.
21:05.55fsmithredok, I guess that adds up
21:06.11fsmithredmuch more than that, and you'd probably be stopped by conflicting packages
21:06.48figlfdevfigures a complete ruby install would take up half the internet, even though it would look like base64 encoding
21:06.52millpondActually it does require a little massaging to the /dpkg files....
21:07.27millpondI have Ruby mirrored with around a half million packages.
21:09.16mns`Perl FTW :)
21:10.01millpondAlso got CPAN mirrored. never counted, though.
21:11.20fsmithredall of cpan?
21:11.28millpondI believe so.
21:12.10fsmithredok, I've looked at enough other stuff that I no longer remember what your problem is.
21:12.29*** join/#devuan ksx4system_ (
21:12.34fsmithredlogout issues?
21:12.54millpondProblem is getting udev to work, and flushing out the systemd residuals.
21:13.37figlfdevfsmithred: out of curiosity, how does refracta do isohybrid? (does it just have the name of the iso and call the isohybrid binary?)
21:13.45*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
21:13.46figlfdevrealizes it may have already done that before you started working on it
21:14.24fsmithredfiglfdev, I used to do it with the isohybrid command, but that seems to be gone. Now xorriso does it.
21:14.48figlfdevgood to know (it isnt gone, its in syslinux-utils)
21:15.08fsmithredok, have to rememvber that
21:15.27fsmithredI read something about running isohybrid with an option for uefi
21:15.39fsmithredi'd like to try that
21:16.02fsmithredoh, I believe you
21:16.08fsmithredit's not installed here
21:16.20millpondAll - must leave for now...
21:16.22figlfdevi noticed, thats why its added to fig os now (1.1)
21:16.36fsmithredgood luck, millpond
21:16.37figlfdevlatest mkfigos runs isohybrid for you
21:16.51figlfdevits also good to know xorriso can do it too
21:17.00fsmithredI'd add it right now, but I need to remove stuff
21:17.15fsmithredto reduce the iso size
21:17.21fsmithredand I don't know what to remove
21:17.35figlfdevncdu and gdmap are your friends.
21:17.57fsmithredyeah, I use gdmap a lot
21:17.59figlfdevtheres a bulkier version of gdmap (called something else) that lets you delete stuff. ncdu has "d" to delete.
21:18.11figlfdevif you ever need a full-featured gdmap i can find it for you
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21:18.16fsmithredkdirstat is gdmap on steroids
21:18.16figlfdevbut its the one i rely on
21:18.27figlfdevfsmithred: kdirstat is the one im thinking of
21:18.43fsmithredyeah, it needs a bunch of kde to work
21:19.15figlfdevhence gdmap :) i only install kdirstat for "industrial" work (ive rolled my own bloat finders several times)
21:19.41figlfdevncdu is highly recommended but you may delete too much :)
21:20.45figlfdev25% of refracta is locales. fig os deletes most but to keep one, just delete the two letters from the giant table and it will be kept
21:21.32fsmithreddelete from list?
21:21.56figlfdevthere are about 10 lines that rm -rf the relevant locales, the locales are separated by spaces
21:22.43fsmithredI might get rid of a few
21:23.00figlfdevso for example, if you see fil fo frp fur (those are actual locales) just delete "fil" from that part of the code and it will be kept.
21:23.35figlfdevif you know enough about locales to select them, its pretty straightforward (and i kept a bunch, just not tons that will likely not be used)
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21:25.19figlfdevi could make it so it only keeps the one with a * next to them, that would be more like a "dialog" selection.
21:26.04figlfdevi could even put a little [ ]next to each one
21:26.04fsmithredtrying to remember which file they're stored in
21:27.37fsmithredI got 24 locales configured, so, someone is getting axed
21:31.02fsmithredI only have one locale configured.
21:31.16fsmithredand a list of 24 I'm supposed to do
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21:34.12figlfdevfsmithred: however many are configured, about/over 150 are available in refracta (at least the previous refracta 8. it may try to delete ones that are no longer included in 0722)
21:34.15fsmithredfiglfdev, you just delete the directories under /usr/share/locale that you don't want?
21:34.33figlfdevfsmithred: thats what i do... im not sure what "best practices" are
21:34.53figlfdevif i do something just awful i tend to do something else in the next version :)
21:34.57fsmithredI really only need to keep the ones I chose to include.
21:35.05figlfdevi cant argue with that
21:35.13figlfdevand you know me, i would if i could :)
21:35.22fsmithredI see 292mb in the amd64 build, and 480mb on my install
21:35.36figlfdevits out of respect :)
21:36.25figlfdev“You only know a hacker respects you if he’s willing to waste his time shooting holes in your ideas.” — Pablos Holman
21:36.50fsmithredmakes sense
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22:26.00lime_for a server, is bacports dangerous?
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23:58.23aitorSorry, i had space problems in the server due to my experiments, but now the repository is available: linux-base, kernel-wedge, linux-libre, vdev and simple-netaid

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