IRC log for #devuan on 20160802

00:02.18*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
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16:54.06*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
16:58.19lkclyaaaaa.... trinity desktop 14 armhf currently installing on an EOMA68-A20 computer card... packages all meshed, no conflicts....
16:58.39lkcla 350mb download, 750mb unpacked, still a way to go....
17:05.47*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
17:14.15*** join/#devuan dimkr (~dima@unaffiliated/dimkr)
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17:59.29lkcloo installed, just starting up...
17:59.42dimkrhey lkcl
18:00.07dimkrgreat work with eoma86
18:00.50lkcldimkr: thx
18:02.58lkclooo trinity armhf is working under devuan yippee!
18:03.22dimkrretro \m/
18:04.00dimkrbtw, is the stock OS of the Devuan flavor built with the arm-sdk?
18:04.39dimkrbecause if yes, it would be wise to include open-at9k-htc-firmware
18:05.25lkclarm-sdk?  no idea.. but if you mean "can you do apt-get install build-essential" and everything else the answer's yes
18:05.34lkcldimkr: that got installed by default
18:05.46dimkrlkcl, is that the open firmware?
18:06.17lkcldimkr: yyep.
18:06.54lkcldpkg -l | grep ath9k.... nothing hm
18:06.57dimkrso I guess you installed Devuan manually and this installed copy is dd'ed to all boards purchased
18:07.18lkcldimkr: yeah it is.  i'm just getting everyhing ready that i can
18:07.43dimkrthis one is the non-free firmware
18:07.52lkcldimkr: ack.  i wonder why that's not included... ohh that'll be why
18:08.19dimkryou want this:
18:08.19lkcljust doing apt-get update
18:08.23dimkrthat's the open firmware
18:08.28dimkrbut it isn't packaged in Debian
18:08.35lkcli just installed linux-firmware-free
18:08.58lkcldimkr: thinkpenguin is my sponsor, they sorted out atheros for the ath9k_htc stuff
18:09.06lkclhelped them walk through the process, took 2 years
18:09.31dimkrlkcl, /lib/firmware/htc_9271.fw is only part of firmware-atheros
18:09.44lkcldimkr: yep understood.  just getting it now
18:09.55lkcltrundle, trundle...
18:09.56dimkrI have a prebuilt binary
18:10.38dimkralthough I don't expect you to trust me :)
18:10.47lkclwhat the heck _is_ the arm sdk, anyway?
18:10.48dimkrbinary firmware files, after all
18:10.55dimkrit's a tool for toasting Devuan images
18:11.00lkclohh ok.
18:11.05dimkrthat can be dd'ed to storage of various ARM chips
18:11.15dimkrincluding the C201 supported by Libreboot
18:11.23lkcl*sigh* yeah the only image that should be toasted is a debian-installer netboot
18:11.42dimkrwell, ARM is a special case
18:11.46lkclotherwise you're making decisions for people that are totally inappropriate
18:11.52dimkrbecause of the weird partiitoning layout, targeted kernel, etc'
18:11.57lkcli've dealt with this since around 2010.
18:12.19lkcllook up the gpl-violating ct-pc89e - frans pop made a special version of debian-installer for us
18:12.24lkclhe was the lead developer at the time
18:12.59lkclthat was all that was needed. we dropped that onto a micro-sd card, booted up from it, and it *was* the equivalent of an ISO image
18:13.22lkclleft the NAND and USB drives alone: we could then partition and format them as *WE* saw fit.
18:13.25lkclinstall lvm
18:13.32lkclencrypted rootfs.
18:13.38lkclset our *OWN* password....
18:13.56lkclnot have *SOMEBODY ELSE's* decisions made for us that you then couldn't actually even undo...
18:13.58dimkrI agree, disk images instead of installation images is not a perfect solution
18:14.19dimkrbut it's better than what other distros offer
18:14.45dimkrin the case of the C201, Devuan is the only distro that supports it out of the box without a long, manual installation procedure
18:14.58lkcloh - and what about when the image size is greater than the available micro-sd or other storage size??
18:15.10dimkrstorage size is always the same
18:15.17dimkrall C201s ship with the same 16GB SSD
18:15.33dimkrand images are trimmed to 2GB/4GB, partitions can be expanded if needed
18:15.42lkclso what if somebody shipped with a 1gb NAND partition?
18:15.55dimkryou can toast a special image for that use case
18:15.56lkclthere's hardware out there that's perfectly useable
18:16.13dimkragain, this isn't perfect
18:16.15lkcl.... but.... that requires somebody to do all that work
18:16.32lkclif you set up a debian-installer image, all those problems are gone.
18:16.44lkcli've written about this at some length.
18:16.49dimkrit needs support for cgpt, for example
18:16.55lkclok if it's done _properly_... :)
18:16.58lkclwhat's cgpt?
18:17.00dimkrwell, of course
18:17.03lkclgoes to look that up..
18:17.08dimkrcgpt is the Chrome OS GPT partitioning tool
18:17.35dimkrdepthcharge (the Coreboot/Libreboot payload) looks for a certain partitioning scheme
18:18.00lkclokay... right... bleuch.
18:18.16dimkrof course, we can patch it to make it look for a x86-like partitioning scheme, with /boot/vmlinuz, etc'
18:18.49dimkranyway, "doing things right" on ARM is costly
18:19.17lkclsounds like fun... doesn't sound like something that isn't resolvable.. if nothing else by dropping a copy of debian-installer into a partition, which then copies itself into RAM, sets up RAMdisks, unmounts the partition and then runs the standard debian-installer procedures from there
18:19.43dimkrjust a matter of time and working hands, sure
18:19.51lkclyehhhh.... tell me about it....
18:20.08dimkrthat's the free software world
18:20.38lkcly'know.... i have a theory / hypothesis that i'm working on / testing, which is that "when money gets dropped onto software libre it all goes to shit"
18:21.10lkclcurrently in support of this hypothesis: redhat, canonical, KDE (with the $10m EU grant)...
18:21.20dimkrbtw, any idea about audio latency issues with the A20?
18:21.30lkclHDMI audio will be fine
18:21.32dimkrI'm working on a free hardware device for music education
18:21.44dimkrI'd like to develop a prototype on top of your creation
18:21.50lkclUSB audio you get "the usual" kinds of latency associated with usb audio.
18:21.54dimkrthe main requirement is audio latency in the ms range
18:22.08dimkrand that includes input, processing and output
18:22.19lkclwell... do you have a cubieboard or anything else around with an A20 processor?  bananapi or anything?
18:22.35dimkrnope, waiting for my next salary to land so I can support you :)
18:22.42dimkrgot an old rpi1
18:23.03lkclif you get a CM108AH Usb dongle - they're available from thinkpenguin and also from... who is it...
18:23.19lkclor you can pick them up on amazon for below $5
18:23.25lkclahh :)
18:23.44lkclhmmm 700mhz ARM11... not gonna cut it, but would do as a worst-case demo
18:24.12dimkrif thinks work right, I know for sure that even low-end ARMv7 is good enough
18:24.41dimkrbut it it's too slow, I don't know how much CPU power I need
18:25.11lkclwell let me know which devuan packages i can install and i'll try it out
18:25.49dimkrgot some development to do first :)
18:25.53lkclahh ok :)
18:25.56dimkrit's still in the POC stage
18:26.11lkclwell keep in touch, join the arm-netbook mailing list, best way
18:26.18dimkrI have several problems in the area of physics, besides the software part
18:26.32lkclraises eyebrows @ the physics bit....
18:27.24dimkryeah, sensitive sensors with realtime latency
18:27.55dimkrand the entire thing must be sold at <= $10 if I want this to make sense
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18:31.30muepmy impression is that the rpi1 CPU is not outrageously faster than a slow-clock Cortex-A7
18:31.59lkclARM11 is approx 2.5 times slower than Cortex A8 and A7
18:32.19muepat least A7 is set up with a quite large range of clocks
18:32.39muepwith what benchmark do you get the 2.5x measure?
18:34.23lkclmuep: just a number i heard.
18:34.51lkclof course it doesn't help that data transfer rates are still around the same (slowww) etc. etc.
18:34.54muepin my experience, at least a cortex-a8 and the rpi1 were quite close
18:34.58dimkrwho knows, maybe an Atmel CPU is enough for my needs
18:35.22muepin a quite floating-point intensive thing I was writing
18:35.27lkcldimkr: you mean the Cortex A5 one that they're doing?
18:35.48dimkrall I need is to receives samples from a sensor, do some processing and send them over USB
18:36.00dimkrlkcl, nope - Arduino's controller
18:36.05lkcldimkr: i do recall someone investigating audio for REALLY heavy-duty audio and he said that latency on ARM killed it
18:36.12lkcldimkr: ok so really quite simple then.
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18:36.34dimkrwish I had some numbers to work with
18:36.48dimkror any general idea how this should be implemented in hardware
18:38.34lkcldimkr: write it out in a block diagram, join arm-netbooks, send a link to a URL online of the image.
18:38.43lkclwe'll take a look
18:39.57dimkrlkcl, I'm not a hardware guy
18:40.18muephm, the cubietruck I have here (dual-core Cortex-A7) seems indeed roughly twice as fast as rpi1 on a trivial test that adds floats together
18:40.21dimkrbut I'm very experienced with C, incl. development of scalalbe realtime stuff
18:40.25lkcldimkr: block diagram.  you know what sensor you want.  you know it has to have audio.
18:40.44lkcldimkr: i meant *SIMPLE* block diagram.  square.  with a sensor.
18:40.54lkcldimkr: we can fill in the details from that.
18:41.19lkclit'll be pretty obvious and straightforward once you get down to it
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