IRC log for #devuan on 20160729

00:18.13*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
00:24.58*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
00:50.22furrywolfPUPPIES!  Puppies everywhere!  apparantly my neighbor's dog had a litter at his ranch, and he brought them here.  I count ten of them.  I've been nosed and nibbled and climbed on and licked...
00:55.21furrywolfeww?  :(
00:56.44golinuxOr any other little furry things
00:57.01furrywolfpuppies are wonderful!
00:57.15furrywolfdeclares golinux to be odd
00:58.02golinuxagrees. I march to a different drummer.
00:59.22golinuxReplication is silly and futile.  Best to dismiss it.
01:00.06furrywolfand yet you insist on only liking replication-compatible relationships...
01:00.57*** join/#devuan clopez (
01:21.37*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:ea94:f6ff:fe08:498c)
01:21.37*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
01:21.49*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
01:22.51golinuxLOL!  Why would you think that!  Coupling is a waste of time and energy in any form.
01:26.05*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:28.47furrywolfbecause when I mentioned how much fun women and strapons were, you /ignored me?  :)
01:32.31golinuxYou are still /ignored. Doing this from botbot logs
01:34.52golinuxEnough. Way off topic.
01:43.35*** join/#devuan tonberry-king (~delaine@unaffiliated/tonberry-king)
01:45.05*** join/#devuan Defiant (
01:50.41tonberry-kingWhen configuring apt sources can i use stable testing or unstable instead of the release name?
01:55.27fsmithredwhy you want to do that?
01:55.49tonberry-kingit's just what i do on my laptop
01:56.12fsmithrednot sure, but I think it works, and I know it's not recommended
01:56.22tonberry-kingi understand
01:56.33fsmithredbetter to upgrade from one release to another on your own schedule
01:56.41golinuxThat could cause you a world of hurt if you accidentally upgrade
01:56.46tonberry-kingto protect from release's
01:56.49fsmithredbeen there, done that
01:57.41fsmithredit was on someone else's machine, and I figured the large number of upgrades was because it had been a long time.
01:58.04golinuxknows what's coming
01:58.16golinuxA big oops.
01:58.49fsmithredyeah, it was sarge to etch (xfree86 to xorg disaster)
01:59.16tonberry-kingwas it recoverable ?
01:59.25fsmithredtonberry-king, what you definitely don't want to do is use devuan and debian repos together
01:59.43tonberry-kingi know that
02:00.20tonberry-kingit's what i have on my laptop as i upgrade i use stable instead of jeese
02:00.48tonberry-kingcurious if this able to be done on a devuan system
02:01.19tonberry-kingit's honestly not that important i was curious
02:05.34*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
02:06.55*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
02:10.10*** part/#devuan tonberry-king (~delaine@unaffiliated/tonberry-king)
03:16.30*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
03:21.15*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
03:56.30*** join/#devuan xar- (
04:01.11*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer06 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:25.40*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
04:36.14*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
04:46.01*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
05:38.08*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
06:13.45*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
06:44.25*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
06:58.59*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
07:05.50*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
07:28.11*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
07:39.59*** join/#devuan vimel (~vimel@unaffiliated/vimel)
07:51.12*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
07:52.11*** join/#devuan vimel (~vimel@unaffiliated/vimel)
08:01.12*** join/#devuan Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
08:27.25*** join/#devuan r2rien (
08:29.16hellekinSticker POLL!
08:31.58*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
08:37.58*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (~AndChat11@
08:40.59*** join/#devuan kraiskil (~kraiskil@
08:41.55*** join/#devuan joered (
08:46.14*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (~AndChat11@
09:02.16*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
09:16.18Centurion_Danhellekin: voted... also add "software freedom your way" tag line option!
09:18.37fbtWhat does the badge say?
09:18.45fbtDing ding ding ding ding didingding
09:19.05*** join/#devuan amphi (
09:19.10*** join/#devuan amphi_ (
09:23.05hellekinfbt: that's what the poll is about
09:24.13fbthellekin, I was making a reference
09:24.33fbtgoogle://what does the fox say
09:25.52hellekinfbt: no clue what you mean :(
09:26.37fbtGoogle that :)
09:29.08hellekinOMFG... A Gangnam Style copyca... copy fox.
09:29.49hellekinplease be kind to my old neuronal network.  Shock can break some brittle connections.
09:44.55*** join/#devuan NeonLicht (
10:18.17*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
11:07.48*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi_ (uid95611@gateway/web/
11:26.28*** join/#devuan jmpzer0 (~jmpareja@
11:33.34Centurion_Danhellekin: see what you mean.  Could be good to have that tag line on the long Devuan tho.
11:34.18Centurion_Dansimilar to how we have it on the desktop backround.
11:35.50*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
11:37.04*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
11:38.32Centurion_Danhellekin: could have software freedom below the D and your way above the Devuan.
11:47.41*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
11:51.48*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
11:51.51*** join/#devuan Akuli (
12:00.41hellekinCenturion_Dan: we could also make a specific design for that, reproducing the shape on the desktop background.  I see no reason why that wouldn't be possible.  On the other hand, I think it's easier to use it for t-shirts and stuff.
12:22.21*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
12:33.08*** join/#devuan n4dir (
12:46.33*** join/#devuan schmetho (~chatzilla@
12:49.40*** part/#devuan schmetho (~chatzilla@
13:17.13*** join/#devuan Tenhi (
13:18.36*** join/#devuan Akuli (
13:52.29*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
13:52.29*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
13:56.34*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
14:00.59*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
14:07.20*** join/#devuan jmpzer0 (~jmpzer0@
14:09.55buZzso, no more systemd spam? gud
14:10.09buZzomg STICKERS
14:21.54Lydia_KI have mixed feelings about a sticker like that.
14:22.01golinuxThat tagline isn't gonna happen
14:22.08Lydia_KBut hey, if that's what people want to buy, then that's what people want to buy.
14:22.38golinuxat least not as an 'official' Devuan offering
14:22.46Lydia_KOf course, I also had mixed feelings about the "hot pants" and bought a pair anyway..
14:22.51Lydia_KThat's good.
14:23.20Lydia_KBashing systemd is all well and good, but "offical" mech that bashes systemd is kinda low class.
14:23.40golinuxRxactly.  We are about much more than that.
14:23.53golinux/me never had a pair of hot pants
14:24.04Lydia_KMe either honestly.
14:24.24Lydia_KNot really my thing, but kinda cool for around the house on a hot day
14:24.48MinceRit would be bashing if it was unsubstantiated, but it isn't
14:25.17Lydia_KLet's be fair, it's still bashing, even if it's the truth.
14:25.32golinuxI'm a tank top and undies type
14:26.31Lydia_KI bought the Devaun tank top too :)
14:26.43*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
14:28.19*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
14:29.37jaromilthe hot pants inside story is that
14:29.55jaromilthe freaknet made men's underwear back in 2002 with a penguin on
14:30.16jaromilwhich became nearly legendary in italy and everybody wanted it and women were protesting it was only for man
14:30.17Lydia_KI actually thought they were underwear when I bought them, that would have been more useful.
14:30.50jaromilso when we saw there was at least an option for women hotpants on spreadshirt, it was a go
14:30.51Lydia_Kwhaaaaaattt..  I have never heard this story..  when you say penguin, you mean tux specifically?
14:30.56jaromilyea tux
14:31.10jaromilit was mostly viral in italy and croatia, during a couple of summers
14:31.16Lydia_KI can't believe I've never heard that story, and how the hell did that become the rage in Italy?
14:31.34jaromiltchocke we sold in hacker camps
14:32.09golinuxVery cool story, jaromil
14:32.45Lydia_KThat does sorta explain the hot pants.
14:32.57jaromilthere is no trace online unfortunately but ok. i remember being featured on a croatian student magazin in that underwear
14:33.10golinuxI don't wear 'messages' but my car would love a bumpersticker
14:33.28jaromilended up as the cool teacher of gnu/linux in the summer school camp
14:34.23golinuxwould like to see that!
14:34.49Lydia_Kgolinux: That's funny, I don't like putting messages on my car, but will wear such things on me (but only if I agree with them, no freakin' corporate logos, no Nike logos or anything)
14:35.44golinuxLydia_K: I even have a 4linux license plate!
14:36.23Lydia_KThat's awesome!
14:36.24golinuxDebating whether to switch that to Devuan this fall.
14:36.59golinuxBut probably will keep the 4linux and add a devuan sticker.
14:37.15Lydia_KChanging your license plate is a pain
14:37.33golinuxIt costs to have it but one of my few indulgences
14:38.02golinuxNot really here.
14:38.28golinuxState makes money off of it and it keeps the inmates busy.
14:40.28Lydia_KI've always shyed away from vanity plates, I don't like to stand out on the road.
14:41.32fsmithredI would like to see someone modeling the hot pants.
14:41.36jaromili dislike wearing tags on overclothes, but don't mind on clothes that are shown only at will
14:41.54jaromilfsmithred: i'll try that for you
14:41.59golinuxI have the plates and about 5 "issue" stickers.
14:42.08fsmithrednot what I had in mind!
14:42.10fsmithredbut thanks.
14:42.14jaromilok i'll ask hellekin
14:42.20Lydia_KI would like to see jaromil modeling the hot pants :D
14:42.26fsmithredomg, YOU, PLEASE
14:42.35Lydia_KHe has previous underwear modeling experience!
14:42.36jaromilwhat? he is less hairy than me
14:42.38Lydia_KHe's a pro.
14:43.00fsmithredI don't really know what he looks like
14:43.02jaromilthis is getting so OT
14:43.13golinuxBut it's fun  :)
14:43.16fsmithredbut if the avatar is any indication, I think they'd fit you better.
14:43.45*** join/#devuan paw (~afong@
14:44.18fsmithredok back on topic - I'm in the middle of making a live snapshot of ascii
14:44.32Lydia_KNice fsmithred :)
14:44.33jaromilwell, i'm up for modeling sometimes. i had never idea fashion was so much fun until the right people explained it to me
14:44.55*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
14:45.00jaromili like the part in which one gets to choose among stuff that is made artisanally by people whom are more or less known and there is a story behind
14:45.28jaromilcontrary to the sweat-shop approach of anonymous mistreated workers in a factory. but perhaps i'm too naive and is almost all produced that way
14:46.01jaromilthis was a concern also with spreadshirt btw. however the company is in germany and it seems they have some fair labour deals (me hopes is true)
14:48.08Lydia_KThat's awesome that you guys looked into that :)
14:48.36hellekinwhat do you want to ask me jaromil?
14:49.03jaromilwell we also choose american-apparel which has fair-labour rules on multinational level at least on paper
14:49.10jaromilhellekin: modeling the hotpants for fsmithred
14:49.31golinuxhellekin: Just do it!!!
14:49.40fsmithredwait! I think we have a misunderstanding!!!
14:49.48Lydia_KI'm gonna have to agree
14:49.48jaromilhe is bicurious i think
14:49.57Lydia_Kwe need more modeling of hot pants.
14:50.12fsmithrednah, guys don't smell right.
14:50.22jaromilwell, summer is here and devuan's next presentation is in south of italy mid august
14:50.48fsmithredif I win the lottery, I'll be there. Where in south?
14:51.05jaromilfsmithred: if its a matter of smell then i must agree. in any case gender matter less than smell i think. one has to follow the nose
14:51.19fsmithredyou may be right about that
14:51.23jaromilpescara. ryanair flyes there
14:51.40fsmithreddon't know it. My momma was from near Salerno
14:51.42jaromiloh sorry english page
14:52.05golinuxYeah I saw that a few days ago
14:52.23jaromilpeople in pescara speak sort of the same dialect
14:52.49jaromilthere is a rather large italian crowd attending from the security industry mostly
14:53.43fsmithreda bunch of Italian hackers camping together?
14:54.00fsmithredsounds like serious fun
14:55.24jaromilits sort of crazy fun at times yes
14:55.29golinuxfsmithred: Why don't you go and report back to all of us!
14:55.37jaromilluckily in summer people is not supposed to drink too much alcohol
14:55.42jaromilyes please!
14:56.08fsmithredlike I said, I need to win the lottery first.
14:56.12jaromilif expenses are a problem, i'll liaise with org about that see if something can be covered
14:56.35jaromillast edition we had a developer from coreboot coming over, he had good fun
14:56.44fsmithredtimes like this I think about setting up a refracta pay-pal
14:57.28jaromilwell refracta is now based on devuan and if we get most of the visibility for donations we shall redistribute it as well, especially for things that benefit the community
14:57.40golinuxfsmithred: Just do it!
14:57.47jaromilplus can also be sponsoring plus the olografix as well
14:58.09jaromilso if you confirm me in private itinerary and fly within eu then we can proceed
14:58.39fsmithredok, I'll look into it. Fly to Rome, or somewhere else?
14:58.47jaromilif you don't require an hotel i can see to have you hosted by friends, the olografix president has a spare guestroom and she told me can host, or others
14:59.08jaromillucky in summer there is a flight direct to pescara from most UK cities
14:59.27jaromilits lousy ryanair but ok. lasts 2h30
14:59.31fsmithredI'd be coming from NYC or Boston
14:59.37jaromilgosh that's far
14:59.41jaromilveery far
14:59.44Lydia_Kfsmithred: You near Boston?
14:59.49fsmithredyes, Lydia_K
14:59.49jaromilmore than triple the price
14:59.55Lydia_KI work in Boston.
14:59.58jaromilfrom uk is a 150eur
15:00.15jaromilthen i'm afraid is hard to cover that you need to organise something in boston! :^D
15:00.29fsmithredyeah, I don't think it'll happen this time.
15:00.36fsmithredBut I really want to go to Italy.
15:00.42jaromilmakes sense to combine with a longer tour
15:00.48fsmithredI'll let you know if/when I do.
15:00.53Lydia_KI would love to go to Italy
15:01.10Lydia_KNot this year though.
15:01.15fsmithredwell, if I win big, Lydia, I'll pick you up on the way.
15:01.26Lydia_KThat would be sweet.
15:02.12fsmithredgolinux, get to the east coast, and you can come with us.
15:02.23golinuxlives in fuckwit land
15:02.38fsmithredDon't they have roads there?
15:03.01jaromilwell, once stable we shall have a devuan gathering of sorts between here and there. most people i spoke to so far agree and encourage it, planning in advance shouldn't be hard on the wallets.
15:03.32golinuxYeah,  I don't get on them often though.  Have had my new car for 4 years and only 11,000 miles on it
15:03.56golinuxI leave my bubble once a wekk.
15:03.58Lydia_KMy current car has 250,000
15:04.18fsmithredLydia_K, are we driving the same car?
15:05.32Lydia_K2002 Honda Accord
15:05.39golinuxI would find a way to get there for a devuan gathering (if I'm still breathing).
15:05.42fsmithred98 outback here
15:06.03Lydia_KI had a '91 Accord that I got to 290,000+ miles, then it got stolen!
15:06.12golinux2012 Accent here.  Bright spring green.
15:06.12Lydia_KI was so pissed! I just wanted to hit 300K!
15:06.46jaromilOK well i'm going to jump on my bycicle now
15:06.46Lydia_KI'm taking this Accord the distance, providing the transmission doesn't up and die on me (this model the transmission tends to just up and die)
15:06.50golinuxOnly new car I've ever had.  Had the GEO Metro for 21 years
15:06.54Lydia_KLater jaromil
15:06.58jaromilrefurbished Dutch Union frame from '90s
15:07.14jaromiland bring kombucha and ginger beer starters to the food coop, for a change
15:07.16fsmithredhave fun
15:07.45golinuxEnjoy, jaromil!
15:07.53jaromilthanks!! you too!!! bubbles!!
15:09.15golinuxAh, right . . . the bubble club!
15:14.21fsmithredwhat's the bubble club?
15:15.56fsmithredanyone know what happened to arpscan? I can't find it in ascii repo.
15:18.31fsmithredn/m found it: arp-scan
15:18.46KatolaZginger beer?!?
15:18.53fsmithredthat's what he said.
15:19.03fsmithredyou know where his co-op is?
15:19.05KatolaZOMG we are doomed
15:19.20KatolaZginger beer cannot sustain a project like Devuan
15:19.42*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:20.05Lydia_KI.. I looked at that webpage and I still don't understand bubbleclub..
15:22.10KatolaZLydia_K: it seems like a coop focused on fermentation
15:22.21*** part/#devuan jmpzer0 (~jmpzer0@
15:22.53fsmithredstewards of starters
15:23.17Lydia_KI see..
15:23.45fsmithredmakes me think of the greek and armenian women who brought their yogurt cultures with them across the ocean a hundred years ago.
15:24.31KatolaZfsmithred: they rightly did so
15:25.10hellekinhmmm... Isn't "hot pants" for women?  (I had never heard the term before jaromil showed me the item)
15:25.24Lydia_KThat sounds like an interesting bit of history..
15:25.38Lydia_Khellekin: I'm sure you can work it.
15:25.44KatolaZhellekin: define "hot pants"
15:25.46fsmithredsome of those cultures are still around, passed down the generations
15:25.55Lydia_KThat's kinda crazy
15:26.20fsmithredyou could be eating yogurt from the same culture as Alexander the Great
15:26.39Lydia_Koops, wrong person, and I was too slow
15:26.39*** join/#devuan jmpzer0 (~jmpzer0@
15:27.15KatolaZoh I saw those
15:27.37KatolaZI like the back... :D
15:27.40Lydia_KI bought those :p
15:27.41hellekinLydia_K: make a crowdfunding for it, I'll do the modelling and will give a progressive percentage to the Devuan project: < 1000 50%, > 10000 90% :)
15:28.26Lydia_KHrrm... tough but fair. But we'll need to see a sample photo or two before we can start ;)
15:29.25KatolaZLydia_K: you mean, proper samples...
15:32.07hellekinthen Lydia_K you should do the modeling :)
15:32.07hellekinhahaha didn't see the back. lol
15:32.32Lydia_KI'll trade you hellekin, one for one :D
15:35.26*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
15:35.38*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (~AndChat11@
15:41.08*** join/#devuan thrasyma1hus (
15:55.33*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
16:39.00*** join/#devuan Akuli (
16:43.18*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
17:01.13*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
17:03.24*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
17:05.20*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
17:15.55*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
17:26.51fsmithredrefracta ascii live:
17:31.15furrywolfrandomly sets a puppy on golinux's head
17:33.05*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
17:37.44hellekinLydia_K: then we can prepare a PR campaign about "Devuan Leaks" :)
17:45.48fsmithredis it too soon to look for the pics at piratebay?
17:46.03furrywolfhands Lydia_K a puppy too
17:46.32hellekinfsmithred: definitely too soon.  I don't have the "hot pants" yet :]
17:48.15gci_adminI /would/ volunteer to model the hotpants, but I imagine you want to actually sell some. ;)
17:49.37furrywolfLydia_K:  my yard is overrun with puppies.  the neighbor's dog had a litter at his ranch, and he brought her and them here...  all ten (by my best count) of them.
17:49.51furrywolf(my neighbor shares a yard, as the fence has a non-existant gate)
17:51.27Lydia_KDawwww <3
17:52.47furrywolfI'm somewhat worried about them...  they're acting very hungry and trying to nurse, but I think the mommy is out.  too many puppies at once.
17:52.48gci_adminoffers Lydia_K a "Puppies Screen Saver" ... it does not run a bot-net in the backgroud ... honest ;)
17:53.07furrywolfsets a second puppy on golinux's head
17:53.42golinuxfsmithred: Congrats on the ascii refracta!
17:54.04golinuxStill has xfce?
17:54.07fsmithredthe nox images are pretty easy to make
17:54.10fsmithredno X
17:54.36Lydia_KMy dog!
17:54.44golinuxOh . . . it didn't have that in the name
17:55.01fsmithredit's in the iso's filename
17:55.08gci_adminLydia_K, awwwwww. :)
17:56.21golinuxdoesn't always read carefully
17:56.59furrywolfis that a model m?
17:57.04golinuxis ignoring the furry talk
17:57.16golinuxor trying to . . .
17:57.55fsmithredgolinux, right now, xorg requires lsd0
17:58.29Lydia_KDamn right it is! :D
17:58.34Lydia_KYou pass the nerd test
17:59.36golinuxfsmithred is a ninja nerd!
17:59.49furrywolfLydia_K:  we need to convince golinux that puppies are the best thing ever
18:00.29fsmithredgolinux, I'm pretty sure the Lydia_K was referring to furrywolf.
18:00.54fsmithredI had to look at the pic a second time just to find the piece of tech they were talking about.
18:01.29golinuxhas the furry thing on ignore ;)
18:03.42Lydia_KWhen I show that pic of my dog to nerds they almost always go "OMG, Is that a model m!???"
18:03.54Lydia_KBecause it is, and it's not for sale, because I loves it.
18:04.00*** join/#devuan thehornet (~thehornet@
18:04.05Lydia_KThe dog it pretty good too I guess
18:04.08*** join/#devuan Tenhi_ (
18:04.11furrywolfis not much of a nerd
18:04.22fsmithred<- fake nerd
18:05.53furrywolf  that was my dog...  she passed away a while ago.  I haven't had the time, money, and space for a dog since.
18:09.54furrywolfand I'm not enough of a nerd to hide keyboards in my dog photos.  :)
18:10.18*** join/#devuan dimkr (
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18:12.06*** join/#devuan atrapado (~atrapado@unaffiliated/atrapado)
18:12.06Lydia_KIt wasn't intentional :)
18:12.22Lydia_KCute dog furrywolf
18:16.56*** join/#devuan _stephen (~stephen@
18:17.29_stephenwhere would one report a typo on the page?
18:18.35_stephenThe paragraph following the bulletted list, "act" should be "acts"...
18:23.22golinux_stephen: I should be able to correct that
18:26.15*** join/#devuan thehornet (~thehornet@
18:27.33*** join/#devuan fsmithred_ (
18:34.21golinux_stephen: Thanks for reporting that. I have no control over when it will get merged but I did make the change.
18:35.17golinuxneeds to start proofing pages on the site again
18:35.41*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
18:37.45*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
18:39.42furrywolfit's a lot better than some sites, where I suspect the only proofing done was consuming things rated in proof while typing...
19:00.55furrywolfbbl, work
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22:23.24Centurion_Dangci_admin: you have a ferret?
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22:37.30gci_adminCenturion_Dan, yup. :)
22:37.57gci_adminShe's a sweetie too.
22:41.10Centurion_Danmy wife had one when I met her, took him a while to get used to me ;-)
22:41.50gci_adminHeh, yeah the males are a bit more ... rambunctious shall we say.
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22:42.22gci_adminThey are also usually a third to half again larger than the females.
22:42.34gci_adminThis is our fourth ferret.
22:44.50Centurion_Danin the end we had to euthanise him due to carcinomas.  By then the law here in NZ was changed to ban breeding ferrits as wild ones were really hard on our native birds.
22:45.28Centurion_DanHe was the runt of the litter and really small.
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