IRC log for #devuan on 20160727

01:01.29*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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02:25.04*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
02:39.58*** join/#devuan iio7 (~iio7@
02:40.09iio7Is it me or is curl missing for php7?
02:42.05furrywolffucking lawyers.  got my new magic wand rechargable.  the owner's manual for it is 15 pages.  the first six full pages are warnings, and about 2/3rds of the area of the remaining pages is warnings.
02:42.51furrywolfiio7:  I haven't used that recent of a version of php, but they often tend to add features to the language that were formerly provided by libraries, breaking your existing code...
02:48.35iio7furrywolf, yes, but I checked, normally it's 'php5-curl', so I thought maybe it would just be in PHP7, but phpinfo() shows nothing, so I was wondering if it moved into another package.
02:51.58furrywolfwhat php 7 version?
02:52.11furrywolf7.0.3 apparantly had curl issues according to google...
02:54.41furrywolfhrmm, testing has a php7.0-curl package
02:55.59iio7Hmm, I was using backports.
02:56.04furrywolfI'm guessing you're using ascii?  since I don't see a php7 anything in stable.
02:56.04furrywolfdid you install php7.0-curl?
02:56.09iio7So it hasn't been backported yet.
02:56.37iio7We really need :)
02:58.35furrywolftry installing the package from testing and see if it installs or tries to drag in too much crap
03:00.21iio7Yes, I'll do that. Thanks.
03:02.34furrywolfyou can use for ~99% of packages at the moment
03:02.49iio7Good to know. is a very frequently requested feature, but right now development effort is going into actual development, not shiny.
03:04.23*** join/#devuan ffurrywol (~randyg@
03:04.43ffurrywolgrrr, stupid internet connection.
03:04.48ffurrywol<furrywolf> you can use for ~99% of packages at the moment
03:04.50ffurrywol<furrywolf> is a very frequently requested feature, but right now development effort is going into actual development, not shiny.
03:04.59ffurrywol<furrywolf> the only packages will be wrong for are the ones maintained by devuan, which is just init-related, things unncessarily dependent on systemd, and some udev stuff, as far as I know.
03:07.26*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
03:12.37MinceRthere is a   , but i don't know its scope
04:01.10*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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13:45.34lkclhiya folks Devuan is up as an option now
13:47.59hellekinlkcl: great news :)
13:50.14hellekinNumero Uno Computer Card :)
13:51.20hellekinlkcl: once we're settled with JESSIE there *will* be Devuan support for linux-libre, and I know some of us are very interested in the Guix package manager as well.
13:54.32*** join/#devuan paw (~afong@
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13:59.12lkclhellekin: awesome.  that would be fantastic to have linux-libre
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14:01.42hellekinlkcl: indeed.  I've been looking for it for a looooong time. (Parabola got me started, and I convinced Emulatorman to package the Knock patch as well, which makes Parabola the only distro with linux-libre+knock)
14:10.59lkcloh btw i noticed that there's been some changes to debian-installer?
14:11.41lkcli noticed because i tried to do an install with no network... and it refused to work.  this is on amd64 not armhf
14:12.23lkcldebian-installer is *extremely* complex - it's really important that you don't mess with it.  even the slightest "simple-seeming" change could have massive implications and terminate a huge set of functionality
14:12.53lkclin this case, the possibility for installing without a connection to a network has been TERMINATED.
14:30.59jaromillkcl: we know this was an error for the beta release, Centurion_Dan knows already the details I believe its not too difficult to fix
14:31.11jaromilits on top priority to fix for next release candidate
14:31.43jaromilgood news for the numero uno btw :) i'm going to order one
14:34.48lkcljaromil: ahh that's good to hear.  i did end up plugging in an ethernet cable... it worked for 3 hours... then failed.  don't buy an HP 250 budget laptop... :)
14:35.23OmegaPhilIf only you bought EOMA
14:35.28lkcljaromil: btw when you speak next to Centurion_Dan do mention to him that phil hands has been creating a maaaasssive set of automated testing cases for debian-installer
14:35.38lkclOmegaPhil: he has!! :)
14:35.50lkcljaromil: yay!
14:35.59OmegaPhilNo ethernet port though :p
14:37.03lkcljaromil: what phil has done is, make it possible to run debian-installer in qemu (different architectures) but then some sort of screen-scraping is done, i think possibly with image-recognition... i don't know the full details... but basically it can remote-control qemu and then check everything is working and gets the desired results at the end
14:37.57lkclOmegaPhil: yeahhh, had to take it off and replace the pins with USB 3.1 - USB 3.1 is 10gbit/sec and a general-purpose bus, GbE is 1gbit/sec and a dedicated specific purpose interface...
14:38.22OmegaPhilDon't worry, I'm the same person thats spammed you via email in recent days
14:38.29OmegaPhilRead all about it ;)
14:41.27jaromilwow i'm impressed
14:42.52jaromild-i is one of the hariest hairball i've ever seen. good approach to have a test env. we are doing that by hand so far, but indeed tested only the online situation so that bug slipped in
14:48.25lkclOmegaPhil: i know man lol.
14:49.06OmegaPhilHave just finished configuring my first Devuan Testing environment yesterday (laptop), nice to have less broken crap
14:49.34lkcljaromil: phil hands maintains the debian ftp uk mirror, he has done for over 20 years now.  debian-installer is so complex (because it has to be) that people are now actively afraid to contribute to it.  hence the reasons for the automated test suite
14:49.39Lydia_KI'm glad to hear that, I was doing some reading about d-i for a while for some reason and was totally confused by the lack of documentation and seemingly haphazzard way that everything was just mashed into it.
14:49.48Lydia_KI thought maybe it was just me..
14:50.01lkclOmegaPhil: you wanna know something hilarious? the boot time on devuan is FASTER than any of the other systems i've tried
14:50.56lkclLydia_K: debian installer has to cover a massive number of use-cases in a very very resource-limited environment
14:51.41lkclLydia_K: so it can't use dpkg or bash... because those require too much space.  busybox and a special cut-down version of dpkg is needed.
14:52.02lkclLydia_K: there's also pre-seeding which helps pre-answer many of the questions that you get asked
14:52.11Lydia_KI'm sure, and I don't mean to shit on it, I just found the whole thing really confusing.
14:52.15lkclthere's options for running debian-installer over different prptocols
14:53.47lkclLydia_K: you will.  it's written by some extraordinarily gifted programmers who understand the complexities of covering dozens of different use-cases on dozens of different OSes, using layer on layer of abstraction to refine things down to fit inside the absolute minimal environments
14:54.30Lydia_KI got the feeling that it was one of those things that grew out of control early on and now would be a momumental effort to change or break up, but that was just my impression of it from digging around for a while trying to find some answers.
14:54.30lkclit has to fit into an initrd - including busybox - and be capable of bootstrapping its way up to larger environments
14:55.14lkclLydia_K: if you started from scratch i can tell you right now that by the time you had replaced it with something that was functionally equivalent, you would end up with something that was just as complex.
14:55.53lkclLydia_K: except you would have just spent about 5 years of your life and would *still* have 5 years of work to catch up on!
14:55.55Lydia_KOh I'm not suggesting that.
14:56.17lkclLydia_K: :)
14:57.45Lydia_KI wish I could remember what I was trying to do that led me to dig into it..
14:58.21lkclLydia_K: it gets especially complicated in the arm world, because arm doesn't have any kind of BIOS to create a "common boot environment", and debian-installer has to do hardware-level bring-up.... so the process has to be customised pretty much for each piece of hardware
14:58.43OmegaPhilIsnt that the device tree stuff?
14:58.49OmegaPhilOr is that still too primitive?
14:59.33lkclLydia_K: much of what people want to do can be covered by creating a "task-xx-xxx" and then just pre-seeding that with a single line as the main target package to be installed with apt-get during the boot process.
15:00.06Lydia_Kugghhh..  that to me feels like it's something that should be outside of d-i, but I'm sure it made sense to whoever wrote it. Also, damn, that's a huge pain, I didn't even think about that sort of stuff on ARM.
15:00.09lkclOmegaPhil: don't get me started on device-tree and how ineffective it is at "solving" the problems of arm...
15:00.30jaromillkcl: I do have the hitch of rewriting it but then to cover waay less targets
15:00.43jaromilsince nowadays embedded targets are mostly handled with dd of an image
15:00.47lkclLydia_K: it can't be!  how could it be? you have to bring up the hardware in order to install stuff onto the disk!
15:01.03jaromilwell, writing an alternative
15:01.48lkcljaromil: i know... which means that you just forced *your* choices of options onto absolutely everybody.  what if i don't *want* the crap-for-brains default root password that was chosen?  what if i don't *want* the networking options that were chosen? or i want to do encrypted LVM or have a set of RAID drives?
15:01.55Lydia_KYeah but, that feels like something that's more like grub or syslinux (I know, not the same thing, but same ballpark), something that handles getting the hardware up then passes it off to d-i for the rest.
15:02.06jaromilOmegaPhil: so well done, but then you confirm there is no test unit for the ethernet problem, right?
15:02.11lkcljaromil: or if i prefer a split set of  home partitions?  or anything-else-that-is-right-there-in-debian-installer?
15:02.40jaromillkcl: yes I agree that's why corrected myself in "writing an alternative"
15:02.50jaromilwhich may cover still 80% of cases with a simplier installer
15:03.05lkclLydia_K: you can't *get* grub or syslinux for ARM (ok you can, now, sort-of) but it still doesn't help: grub is merely a "selecter-of-what-to-boot" - it doesn't actually do anything beyond that
15:03.15jaromilhowever is just a hitch. I think live-cds solve this perfectly fine
15:04.20lkclLydia_K: this becomes quite a problem in itself, there is an example for the A20, what they did is, you intialise the LCD or HDMI in u-boot then pass over an address in memory (device-tree entry) for "simpleframebuffer" to the linux kernel...
15:04.52Lydia_Klkcl: I know that, that's why I said "more like a" and "I know, not the same thing, but the same ballpark", a bootloader does not initialize hardware, I get that.
15:05.01lkclLydia_K: can you see how that would be problematic?  the mainline linux kernel doesn't *have* any way to flip over from LCD to HDMI... or to initialise dual-screens.... or change the resolution... or change the monitor...
15:05.46lkclLydia_K: so applying the same sort of thing to debian-installer, it *really does* have to know about all the different hardware it could possibly be installed on...
15:07.32lkcljaromil: but on arm embedded systems, how would you boot to a live CD on a system that doesn't have a SATA port?  USB?  now you have to initialise the USB subsystem, look for a USB storage device, you also need the kernel modules for ISO filesystems... etc. etc. - how do you bootstrap up to those?
15:08.00lkclfrans pop very kindly made us an initrd-based debian-installer image for the GPL-violating CT-PC89e
15:08.06lkclit worked really well.
15:08.22jaromili'm sure you have more expertise on the topic, nor i have now time to go over this in detail so just en passant :)
15:08.32*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
15:08.37lkclbasically he fitted the entire netboot debian-installed into an initrd.
15:08.51jaromilbut generic vision: basic d-i, arm -> dd image, desktop easy -> livecd
15:08.59lkcljaromil: the way to do it is to create netboot initrds.  that solves all the problems
15:09.14jaromiloh yes that we need to do
15:09.32lkcljaromil: and covers all possible use-cases.  and isn't a lot of work.  and has been done many many times.
15:09.50jaromilinjecting things into a vanilla initrd is not hard
15:13.19Leander256I inject my preseed.cfg into the initrd for installing via PXE, it's a bit awkward but that's apparently the only way to feed it before d-i configures the network
15:14.49Leander256I suppose it should be possible to use a preseed.cfg transferred by TFTP, but maybe that's one of these things that bloat the installer
15:15.30Leander256or maybe it should be isolinux's job to do such a thing
15:16.12lkclLeander256: yyep :)  i've done that before (a while ago), told d-i where the preseed.cfg file was over TFTP.
15:16.44lkclit was... fun.  months of work.  i really should have just set up a "task-kde-custom-thingy" instead :)
15:20.11Leander256lkcl did you try to submit your patch upstream? or was the code really too ugly?
15:20.25lkclOmegaPhil: about devicetree and how it doesn't help -
15:21.13lkclLeander256: it wasn't a set of patches, it was a MASSIVE set of pre-seeding options plus scripts... they're around somewhere...
15:21.27OmegaPhilTHanks, will read
15:22.04lkclLeander256: i worked with phil at the time, we ended up making some improvements to debian-installer (he's friends with joey hess) but they handled that
15:24.42*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
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15:29.49Leander256that's a pity, I would really have loved to have something like specifying on the kernel command line the URL for the preseed.cfg, instead of having to compress it by hand every time I change it (which happens a lot when trying to figure out the correct options for d-i)
15:37.16*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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15:55.05hellekintried to contact Joey Hess about his mention that the Debian Constitution "is a toxic document" but didn't get anywhere so far
15:57.44lkclhellekin: iinteresting.  i think.... hmmm... have you heard of "bob podolski" and his book, "Flourish"?
15:58.31hellekinlkcl: no I didn't
15:59.07hellekin ?
16:00.33hellekinI like how 3 white males promote an "octologue", a cooperative made of 4 men and 4 women.
16:02.03lkclhellekin: :)  well, then, we know that when they get to 4 men and 4 women promoting it, it'll be much better-promoted :)
16:03.01hellekintalking about this, we need more women in the core of Devuan activity.  Hear!  Hear!
16:03.26*** join/#devuan Akuli (
16:03.55Lydia_KI agree, but getting people just because they are some one gender/sexuality/color/whatever instead of getting *the right people who do the job best* isn't always the right thing.
16:04.31Lydia_KI'd love to see more women contributing to devuan, but honestly, the population of women in the Unix/FOSS world is pretty low.
16:05.28Lydia_KAlso, I'm a fan of meritocracies so take my opinion with however much salt you feel is appropriate :)
16:07.03FrozenWesthe question is, are those people currently not part of the FOSS world because they're not as good as those who are, or are they not part of it because of other reasons
16:07.58Lydia_KWell, much of the online/tech communities are pretty toxic towards women, which prevents them from getting involved, often even preventing them from pursuing the field when they are younger.
16:08.17Lydia_KI will see that seems to be getting better in recent years, though that's just my perspective.
16:08.39hellekinLydia_K: I agree with you, yet we *know* there are women here who remain silent just because there's a general bias against women in tech.
16:08.41FrozenWesexactly, so if you were to attract more women you wouldn't have to accept less talented people, because there's plenty of talented women out there
16:09.14hellekinlike-minded opinions so far :)
16:09.20FrozenWesi.e.: if you make FOSS more friendly towards women you wouldn't need to compromise on skill to attract more women
16:10.37Lydia_KWell, yes and no, I've met some incredibly talented women, but the ratio is like ten talented man to one talented woman, maybe worse, so it's harder to *find* talented women. That's all I'm saying, you are correct that you don't *have* to comprimise on talent, but it's a lot harder to find those talented women.
16:10.42Lydia_KThat's my only point.
16:10.44hellekinlkcl: honestly this thing sound a lot like wishful thinking.  Did you know that the Kurdish society in Rojava actually *implemented* institutional equality, where all public offices are taken not by one person, but by a male/female pair?
16:11.08lkclhellekin: coooool
16:11.13Lydia_KThat's an interesting idea.
16:11.56lkclhellekin: there do exist societies which have duplicated what bob is advocating - it's nothing new, but it's the first time i've ever heard it properly formalised
16:12.21Lydia_KThe problem with that is what about people of color? different sexualities? and so on, focusing on gender is only one part of a larger problem. Still, pretty interesting idea, I wonder how it's panned out.
16:12.31lkcli would strongly suggest that devuan look at creating a charter based around having read bob's work *before* writing the constitution
16:12.34FrozenWesI'd argue that putting in the efford to find those women is worth it, and that if you do over time less efford will be needed :)
16:12.57Lydia_KThat is true FrozenWes! :D
16:13.12OmegaPhilOh god, there isn't going to be a covenant right
16:13.27lkclOmegaPhil: The Cult Of Devuan... mwahahahaahh
16:13.29Lydia_KSigh with your blood!
16:13.41OmegaPhilYeah, I hope not
16:13.50Lydia_KOne of us! one of us!
16:14.06lkclhey i'm thinking of starting a cult - called "" - be your own cult leader!!!!  total membership permitted: One!!!
16:14.11OmegaPhilKeep a freedom of expression environment where you can say stuff that 'hurts feelings', but anyone being pointlessly disruptive is dealt with
16:14.17Lydia_Klkcl: LOL
16:14.55Lydia_KOmegaPhil: Deciding where that line is between those two is the hard part, which is why people tend to lean towards one extreme or the other, it's easier that way.
16:15.01lkclOmegaPhil: bob's work is based around defining ethics.
16:15.33lkclethical act is defined as, "an act which increases truth love awareness or creativity in anyone... WITHOUT decreasing any of those qualities for ANYONE"
16:15.39hellekinLydia_K: I'd argue that it's much better to have a female/male pair than one male, and that non-binary gender people should recognize that as well. The fact mammals reproduce in female/male pair doesn't mean non-binary gender does not exist, it just means that how nature worked out mammal sexual evolution.  You can be non-binary and accept facts as well.
16:15.58lkclthus, bureacracy is *defined* as 100% unethical... :)
16:16.17lkclhellekin: it's a really really good idea.
16:16.37lkclbut also "majority voting" can also be *defined* as being "unethical".
16:16.46Lydia_KOh I'm not arguing with you there, two sexes is the approriate number in order to properly encourage genetic diversity *AND* stability, and that's the 99%.
16:16.47lkclit all stems from that definition of what an "ethical act" is.
16:18.13hellekinI also think that "affirmative action" is not such a good idea, as it focuses on the problem ("being black") rather than a solution ("being human").
16:18.25Lydia_KI was actually working on a genetic algorithm for a while and had multiple parentage (which seemed like a good idea at the time) and was a reading a Dawkins book on evolution, he had a whole chapter on "Why only two sexes?" when I got to the end of it I closed the book, went over to my code, limited the number of parents to two, and within just ten or twenty generations I was seeing significantly better
16:18.30hellekinthe *perceived* problem
16:19.11Lydia_KI feel like affirmative action is a band aid on an infected wound, it doesn't solve the problem at all, but it makes it look/feel a little better in the short term.
16:19.14hellekinso, in a nutshell, why two parents?
16:19.45*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
16:21.05Lydia_KIt's been like, 10 years now, so I may not remember everything, but in a nutshell with too many parents you get too much diversity, positive traits are less likely to take hold, they don't get the chance to flouish and go on, so with two parents when good genes are introduced the children are far more likely to carry said genes and pass them on.
16:21.18Lydia_KThis goes hand in hand with "Why is the rate of mutation so low?"
16:21.19hellekinaffirmative action to me has the same effect that exposing CEO wages: instead of public shaming of CEOs, it turned their pay into a race to the top.  Affirmative action stigmatizes the minority ("poor black, give him a job") and reinforces racism ("asshole, your skin color gave you MY job")
16:21.40Lydia_Kwhich was the other thing that I turned down right away, I had it jacked up really high, and it was doing more harm than good.
16:22.06hellekinmore counter-intuitive results :)
16:22.13Lydia_KYes! Very much so!
16:22.57Lydia_KThe best part of that was I had already read like three or four books on evolution and felt like I already understood it plenty, but then right there it prooved to myself my own ignorance, and made me glad that despite my arrogence I continued to do research.
16:23.18Lydia_KIt was a nice lesson in "Always remember how stupid you are." ;)
16:23.38hellekinIt reminds me of an early IRC experience.  One day a friend stormed into my channel and urged me to take a female nick and see what would happen.  I did, and wow, before I had the chance to settle down I was caught in 20 private conversations.
16:24.00Lydia_KThe code in question in case you are wondering:
16:24.14Akulii doubt that would happen anymore
16:24.17OmegaPhilBasically lots of desperate males cooped up in a channel?
16:24.22Lydia_KIt's a lot better than it used to be.
16:24.22hellekinThe bias is so strong I'm even surprised you Lydia_K keep the hint of your gender so visible.
16:24.36Lydia_KI went by a gender neutral nick for so many years.
16:24.50hellekinso I guess you got the gist :)
16:24.54Lydia_KThen at some point I just stopped giving a shit.
16:25.05Lydia_KAnd things are better than they used to be.
16:25.36Lydia_KStill I regularly get PM's from people who ask like two questions, usually about my location and age, then disconnect before I even have a chance to respond (which always baffles me)
16:25.56Lydia_KOnce in a while they'll talk to me for a while, I like to screw with them :D
16:26.02lkclLydia_K: 2 is a really special number - 2+2 = 2x2.  2-bit multiplication can be done *really* efficiently.  i worked for Aspex Semiconductors: they did 1-bit processors but extended them to 2-bit later
16:26.17lkclLydia_K: oh so you're a fan of 419 scammer baiting, then? ;)
16:26.45Lydia_KWell like one guy kept after me, getting sexual obviously
16:27.24Lydia_Kso I look up his IP, get a location, stick that into google maps, and find out it's northern italy, right near the boarder of france.
16:27.41OmegaPhilNice place for a visit
16:27.44hellekinLydia_K: does the repo on github keep history of the stages you mentioned?
16:28.04Lydia_KSo this guy wants to cam with me so I go "Northern Italy!? That's practically france! As a Sicillian I don't think I can cam with you anymore." and I send him the google maps link to his small town.
16:28.22Lydia_KFreaked him right now! Paniced, said something about leaving him alone, and signed off.
16:28.27Lydia_KI thought it was hilarious.
16:28.42hellekinhehe the stalked stalker
16:29.19OmegaPhilI wonder if this 'sexual solicitation of totally unknown strangers' is a fetish
16:29.47Lydia_Khellekin: I developed that code years and years ago, should have posted it, but quite frankly the "interface" (if you could even call it that, you really can't) is a mess, so finally I just dumped it onto github with a little bit of "documentation" I threw together.
16:30.05OmegaPhilWhat 'normal' attraction could come about from harassing totally unknown people, no idea what they look like, etc
16:30.08Lydia_KSo um, I don't even remember if it was in git originally..  so maybe it's in the commit history?
16:31.10OmegaPhilOh lol, just remembered - offtopic = debian-fork
16:31.23Lydia_KOmegaPhil: I think it's more of a power thing for guys, they get to either shame women, convince women to do things for them, or just otherwise feel superior to women (probably cause they don't feel superior to anyone else)
16:31.28Lydia_KOh man, you are so right OmegaPhil
16:31.33Lydia_KLet's move this all there.
16:31.45hellekinOmegaPhil: there's one famous psychologist who "discovered" the fabric fetish.  People would flock to his cabinet for therapy.  He was kind of a superstar in his field, and a disciple of Lacan.  After his death, a fabric fetish room was found in his home.  The guy had the fetish himself, and turned it into a job.  A psychiatrist acquaintance told me the story, I was both amused and baffled.
16:32.35hellekinOmegaPhil: we started on-topic but derived quite fast
16:33.30*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
16:33.34*** join/#devuan lime_ (
16:34.11lkclLydia_K: frickin funny.  err... so you've looked up the IP address of... errr... my server? ;)
16:34.33lkclwonders if he's routing this traffic through his VPN or not... and whether to switch it off if it is ;)
16:34.57Lydia_KLOL, naw, I don't have time to stalk everyone
16:35.06Lydia_KJust people who catch my interest ;)
16:35.15ksx4systemLydia_K: automate it and stalk everyone lol
16:35.59*** join/#devuan lime_ (
16:36.14Lydia_KIn the old days I would have done stuff like that.
16:36.29*** join/#devuan lime_ (
16:36.31Lydia_KBut my hacking skills are pretty rusty these days, what with having a real job and all that.
16:36.38lime_software for my simcard slot in my thinkpad?
16:37.14ksx4systemlime_: wvdial of course
16:37.50ksx4systemlime_: easy to config, super easy to operate, works with nearly any 3G modem on the market
16:38.22Lydia_Kwvdial <3
16:38.32ksx4systemLydia_K: the best stuff <3
16:38.47lime_thank you ksx4system
16:38.59ksx4systemlime_: np :)
16:39.20Lydia_KI miss the days of my PCMCIA Cell card modem and my RV antenna on a Mic stand.
16:39.36ksx4systemI don't miss those days lol
16:39.49ksx4system384kbit/s was torture
16:40.22ksx4systembut well, it was way nicer than current USB modems...
16:40.29Lydia_KYeah but, signal from like, anywhere.
16:40.40lime_i remember dial up days on irc
16:40.57ksx4systemLydia_K: I have 4G signal "from like, anywhere" in here
16:41.01Lydia_KFrom the mountains of Maine to the concrete bunkers of basement clubs.
16:41.09lime_56k modems and all
16:41.36ksx4systemlime_: that was funny stuff :D 45min to download a song, 5mins for e-mail client to refresh...
16:41.52hellekinthat's an illustration of dial up :)
16:42.05*** join/#devuan lime_ (
16:42.55ksx4systemhellekin: shortly after 56k modem days I was forced to use *even slower* packet wireless (GPRS)
16:43.37OmegaPhil5 minutes??
16:43.44OmegaPhilJust the headers?
16:43.56Lydia_KCDMA was pretty damn good.
16:44.04ksx4systemOmegaPhil: yes, just the headers :D
16:44.15OmegaPhilDo not comprehend
16:44.39hellekinksx4system: I went from 600Mbps at INRIA to 28.8Kbps at home.  I didn't understand how people could stand having to connect to check email, disconnect to read and reply, reconnect to send, and everything was so slow.
16:44.41OmegaPhilGlad I kept away from dialup
16:45.43ksx4systemOmegaPhil: fiber or LTE, nothing else matters
16:46.05OmegaPhilhas VDSL2, pretty good
16:46.09*** join/#devuan vimel (~vimel@unaffiliated/vimel)
16:47.43ksx4systemOmegaPhil: LTE on 1800MHz here, too slow!
16:48.00Lydia_KGuys, this should be in #debianfork :)
16:48.06Lydia_Kgolinux is gonna be mad at us!
16:50.18golinuxLydia_K: This channel went off the rails quite a while ago.
16:50.57golinuxI got up late so just now finished reading the scrollback.
16:51.28golinuxWish I'd been around for the gender discussion.
16:53.39Lydia_KIt's nice to see that sort of discussion even happening.
16:54.06Lydia_KConsidering that even just a few years ago I never would have seen something like that talked about.
16:55.20Lydia_KPersonally, the fact that both you and I are here makes this the highest female populated open source code specific channel I've ever been in.
16:55.20*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
17:00.18golinuxLydia_K: Then there's Stephanie on the ML.
17:00.41Lydia_KI need to keep up with the mailing list better
17:01.17Lydia_KI tend to look at that once or twice a week and read the threads that look interesting.
17:01.54golinuxThere's a lot of useless back and forth that drones on and on
17:01.56*** join/#devuan windowsrefund (~windowsre@unaffiliated/windowsrefund)
17:02.10ksx4systemunfortunately missed the gender discussion, will have to read the backlog
17:02.11golinuxbut some good stuff too.
17:02.40*** join/#devuan al3xus (
17:02.52Lydia_KI've certainly read some interesting threads.
17:02.59Lydia_KBut I tend to be more of an IRC rat.
17:03.07Lydia_Khiya al3xus
17:03.24al3xusplease help me setting apt...
17:03.33al3xusdevuan website says:
17:03.34golinuxI have the time to do both.  :)
17:03.43al3xusdeb jessie          main
17:03.43al3xusdeb jessie-updates  main
17:03.44al3xusdeb jessie-security main
17:03.52al3xusother guides say:
17:04.23Lydia_Kgolinux: I should spend more time on the train catching up on the mailing list, I really do have the time, but I tend to spend it just sitting and decompressing.
17:04.46golinuxLydia_K: Decompressing is good.
17:04.52al3xusdeb jessie           main
17:04.52al3xusdeb jessie-updates   main
17:04.52al3xusdeb jessie-security  main
17:05.08al3xus(please excuse for the mess)
17:05.17ksx4systemal3xus: use what Devuan website suggests and *please* use pastebin for long pastes
17:05.18golinuxthe package source is outdated
17:05.37ksx4systemgolinux: ?
17:05.40golinuxThat was hardly a long paste  ;)
17:05.57Akulihe did say sorry at the end
17:06.01Akuliso i think thats ok
17:06.07Lydia_KI think three lines is an acceptable paste length :)
17:06.26ksx4systemgolinux: oh, this one
17:06.33Akulial3xus, i use the ones
17:06.44golinuxYes, that is the right one
17:06.53Akulii mean
17:07.00*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
17:07.01al3xusah ok
17:07.08golinuxchillfan needs to update his wiki pages
17:07.15*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
17:07.21al3xusso '' is the right one
17:07.31Lydia_KI have, but my install is from the early alpha, so I should probably update that.
17:07.46al3xusgood thanks
17:07.54al3xusjust another question...
17:07.57golinuxLydia_K: you can do it like that too
17:08.35al3xusis it ok using also merged jessie-backports ?
17:08.44al3xusI mean:  deb jessie-backports main
17:08.58al3xus(1 row paste ;)
17:09.08ksx4systemal3xus: yes, it's ok :) works like a charm
17:09.46ksx4systemjessie-proposed-updates seems to work too
17:10.00golinuxal3xus: Let us know how it goes
17:10.17Akulihow are you installing if you need to configure apt manually?
17:10.42ksx4systemAkuli: probably debootstrap or migration from Debian
17:10.47al3xussome packages I need (ex. rt kernels) seems to be present only as backports...
17:11.24al3xusI want to upgrade from whhezy...
17:11.30Lydia_KRT kernels, what do you need those for? (honestly curious, it's been a while since I've had a need for something like that)
17:11.51al3xus<Lydia_K>: realtime audio
17:12.01Lydia_KNice, using jack?
17:12.16Lydia_K<- has done a bunch of realtime audio
17:12.26al3xus<Lydia_K>: yes... alsa+jack, *no* pulseaudio
17:12.41Lydia_Kpulseaudio is garbage when it comes to latency
17:12.49Lydia_KDoing recording? Using Ardour?
17:13.00ksx4systemLydia_K: pulsaudio is 100% garbage in any scenario
17:13.05al3xusthat is the idea ;)
17:13.16al3xus<ksx4system>: agree
17:13.33Lydia_KNice, the husband and I ran a small recording studio for a while using a setup like that.
17:14.11al3xusI have my hifi and pc connected...
17:14.51Lydia_KArdour is a really nice piece of software.
17:15.06al3xuspc audio using a maudio pci card
17:15.40al3xus<Lydia_K>: agree :)
17:16.14Lydia_KVery nice, MAudio makes great hardware.
17:16.57al3xus<Lydia_K>: yeah... lp and fm radio recordings and edit are good
17:17.29al3xus<Lydia_K>: but i "serious" audio setup is necessary
17:17.41al3xus<Lydia_K>: a "serious"...
17:18.11Lydia_Kby LP you mean recording vinyl?
17:18.24Lydia_KAwesome! :D
17:18.34Lydia_KA friend of mine is a serious record collector.
17:18.55Lydia_KAnd my husband has tons of vinyl.
17:19.07Lydia_KThere are so many turntables in my house.
17:19.16Lydia_KAnyway, sorry, getting super off topic.
17:19.22al3xusah ok
17:19.53al3xuscome back to apt sources... and upgrade...
17:20.12al3xussomeone is using Mate dm?
17:20.42Lydia_KI don't, but I *think* I've seen other people talking about using it.
17:20.51Lydia_KIt's old gnome2 so it should be free of systemd hooks
17:21.10Lydia_K<- openbox
17:21.17al3xusare there known problems with Mate?
17:21.25Lydia_KI don't think so.
17:21.47jonadabThe are known issues with building Mate if your shell is not bash-compatible.
17:22.03jonadabBut that's only build-time.
17:22.24al3xusI am using Mate as a good compromise between load and usability...
17:22.58al3xusjonadab: please can you explain better?
17:23.18jonadabal3xus: The Mate build system makes assumptions that aren't valid if your shell is e.g. ksh.
17:23.25al3xusah ok
17:23.30jonadabThese can be worked around, but it requires manual fiddling.
17:23.34*** join/#devuan kraiskil (~kraiskil@
17:23.44jonadabIt's easier to just make bash your shell for a few minutes.
17:24.14al3xusmy default shell is bash...
17:24.21al3xusno problem anyway
17:24.25jonadabMy biggest problem with Mate is they didn't fork soon enough.  By several years.  So some of the really useful functionality Gnome used to have was already gone.
17:24.30*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
17:24.42ksx4systemLydia_K: openbox <3 <3 <3
17:25.44gci_adminwanders in, grabs the mic, shouts "Xfce4 > *", drops the mic, wanders off
17:26.16al3xus<ksx4system> <Lydia_K>: I know openbox is very good... maybe it will be my next migration...
17:26.51ksx4systemwanders in with handheld megaphone and shouts through it at a mic: OPENBOX!!!
17:26.59Lydia_KI actually went back to fluxbox (one of my old loves) for a little bit recently and found that there was some functionality in openbox that I couldn't replicate in fluxbox
17:27.05Lydia_Kand that I really loved that functionality
17:27.10Lydia_Kand ended up going back to openbox.
17:27.48ksx4systemgood for you
17:28.32al3xusehm... again to apt sources...
17:28.34Lydia_KUgh, time for the meeting with my scientists
17:28.47Lydia_KI love repeating myself ten times.
17:28.47jonadabOBTW, this isn't specific to Devuan, but does anybody know of a utility that can take an arbitrary string and font and size and screen position and opacity level and amount of time, preferably at the command line, and put it up OSD/overlay for that amount of time?
17:28.57jonadabOn an X11 display, I mean.
17:29.11al3xuswhat about adding also 'deb-src' lines?
17:29.11*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
17:29.44Lydia_Kjonadab: Going to overlay large "OBEY" at 99% alpha on your friends X session?
17:29.44Akulial3xus, if you want to apt-get source stuff
17:30.11Lydia_Kok, seriously, meeting time, back in a bit.
17:30.21ksx4systemjonadab: notify-send plus dunst?
17:30.28jonadabLydia_K: I was thinking of other things...
17:31.13al3xus<Akuli> sometime i need sources... but the dubts is if sources are mirrored...
17:36.44jonadabksx4system: Hmm, that might just about work for some of the things I had in mind.  I don't see transparency support listed in the dunst feature set, though.
17:37.08jonadabOnly one thing I was thinking of doing with it would need that, though.
17:38.06*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
17:38.25ksx4systemjonadab: you should be able to set transparency in config
17:38.31ksx4systembut I'm not 100% sure
17:38.44jonadabAh, I'll look into it in any case.
17:44.21Akulican there be a window around the text?
17:44.29Akuliif so, it would be really easy to do
17:48.18jonadabI don't particularly mind a window around the text, if the window can be customizable in color and transparency.
17:51.37al3xusthanks all... starting upgrade to devuan... 3 minutes to system self-destruction ;)
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17:57.08Akulithe text would be just as transparent as the window :D
18:01.47*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
18:02.26*** part/#devuan al3xus (
18:09.18Leander256I'm having a strange problem on a laptop on which I just installed devuan
18:09.29Leander256and upgraded to ascii
18:10.07Leander256my slim version is stuck at 1.3.6-5+devuan1, it should be 1.3.6-5+devuan3
18:12.01Leander256just to provide a bit more of context, during the installation I didn't check any box in tasksel, then I first did a dist-upgrade to ascii, and finally I installed slim and other stuff
18:12.36*** join/#devuan al3xus (
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18:12.55al3xushere again...
18:12.57al3xusand need help...
18:13.19al3xusI ma trying to migrate wheezy->devuan
18:13.35ksx4systemal3xus: what happened?
18:13.41al3xusbut running apt-get dist-upgrade
18:14.18al3xusthere are some pakages with broken deps
18:14.56al3xuspackage 'libnm-gtk0' brokes 'network-manager-gnome' 'network-manager'
18:16.13al3xuslibnm-gtk0 : brokes network-manager-gnome
18:16.31al3xusmodemmanager : brokes network-manager
18:16.49al3xusppp : brokes  network-manager
18:18.33golinuxYou're using NM?  :-0
18:19.03ksx4systemal3xus: ok, did you execute apt-get upgrade before apt-get dist-upgrade? did you install devuan-baseconf?
18:19.15ksx4systemalso nm sucks, connman is better
18:22.02al3xus<ksx4system> oh right... forgot apt-get upgrade...
18:24.45al3xus<ksx4system> apt-get upgrade... 524M... wow
18:25.56al3xus<ksx4system> i am upgrading from wheezy... not sure i need to install devuan-baseconf...
18:26.54ksx4systemyes, you have to
18:27.38al3xus<ksx4system> ah ok... can you explain me why please?
18:28.47ksx4systemlooks to sources
18:29.02al3xus<ksx4system> i suppose apt pinning... what other?
18:29.08ksx4systemoh well, you don't have to by now (you did your sources.list by hand)
18:29.43al3xus<ksx4system> yes I changed apt sources by hand...
18:30.21ksx4systemthen ignore devuan-baseconf package
18:31.20al3xusok... do i need to config pinnind by hand also?
18:31.39ksx4systemno, it's curated server side
18:32.24ksx4systembut set pinnings as you need for any external (non-Devuan) repositories (like MX if you want Liquorix 4.6 kernel)
18:32.54al3xusok thanks
18:33.55ksx4systembut afair you'll be better with RT kernel (Liquorix isn't real time)
18:34.55al3xusanothr question... apt update is asking me if I want to use dpkg --path-exclude
18:35.50al3xusi am lost...
18:36.33ksx4systemif you have enough disk space to perform upgrade then you don't have to use --path-exclude
18:36.56al3xusso 'NO'... thank you again
18:37.03ksx4system(you can purge unused locales later anyway)
18:50.58*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
18:59.01*** join/#devuan LunaLovegood (~alice@
19:02.17al3xusexecuted: apt-get upgrade
19:02.33LunaLovegoodWould doing 'apt-get --purge purge udev' cause problems?  My xorg is not using evdev inputs.
19:02.41al3xusstill errors with apt-get dist-upgrade
19:07.44*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
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19:10.58*** join/#devuan Akuli (
19:19.51LunaLovegoodCan removing udev cause problems?  I'm not using evdev inputs in xorg
19:20.42Akulial3xus, ..and you apt-get updated at some point?
19:22.12al3xusAkuli: yes apt-get update was done
19:22.31Akulican you pastebin the errors:
19:22.39Akuliusing, for example
19:23.16*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
19:24.48al3xusAkuli: i am trying to resolve broken deps using aptitude...
19:25.09al3xusAkuli: it is working...
19:25.21Akuliapt-get -f install
19:27.06al3xusAkuli: hoping aptitude will solve... and do not broke all my system
19:28.00al3xusAkuli: errors with apt-get dist-upgrade were
19:28.02Akuliare you following a tutorial or doing this based on whatever works?
19:28.14Akulilink here
19:29.31al3xusjust a memo... not the exact output
19:30.28*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
19:30.40al3xusanyway, aptitude is working and seems doing the dist-upgrade automatically solving broken/wrong deps...
19:31.10Akuliyes, aptitude is nice
19:31.21al3xusi am waiting for the incoming disaster... ;)
19:32.31al3xusi followed some guides (devuan site, dev1fanboy guides) and some hints by people here
19:37.34*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
19:38.00al3xusdev1fanboy guides (github) seems to be a bit outdated... i suggest developers to include more complete and updated guides direcly in the devuan website
19:38.04*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
19:42.11al3xuswhich the best alternatives to network-manager?
19:42.49Akulimost devuan users run wicd
19:43.02Akuliit should come with it by default
19:43.11al3xusi know it... ok good
19:44.25gci_adminYeah, I like wicd.
19:44.35Akulionly problem is mobile broadband connections
19:44.53Akulii tried setting one up manually, but i couldn't get it to work
19:50.49*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
19:51.43flrnAkuli: I never used connman besides a temporary-because-curoious-install, but it says it can do mobile broadband using ofono
19:52.15flrnwasn't able to test ofono due to lack of a sim
19:53.21Akuliwhat's connman and what's ofono?
19:54.05Akulimaybe it would be possible to set up ofono manually
20:11.17al3xus<Akuli>, <flrn>: here is a memo about wireless connection i wrote some time sgo:
20:12.16al3xusshell only... hope it helps
20:13.58flrnal3xus: if i need wireless, i simply use ifup/down with wpa_supplicant, configured in /etc/network/interfaces
20:14.32flrnbut i'd be curious about experiences with connman/ofono
20:17.29al3xus<flrn>: the procedure in the memo i linked works creating a config file for networks you want to connect and use it with simple scripts to connect/disconnect to these networks
20:20.23*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
20:20.43flrnbut IIUC only wifi, no mobile broadband. For 3g, until now I only used nm resp. with one modem also wvdial
20:22.17flrnso i'd be curious to hear opinions on ofono
20:22.23al3xus<flrn>: ah ok... with mobile broadband there was sakis3g... great... maybe you can find it in the internet archive...
20:22.50fsmithredLunaLovegood, I don't think you can get rid of udev. Maybe if you replace it with eudev or some other.
20:23.45flrnbut that might be more on topic over at #debianfork...
20:25.43*** join/#devuan n4dir (
20:26.51fsmithredn4dir, hi
20:27.36golinuxThe gang's all here!
20:31.06ksx4systemal3xus: connman
20:31.07ksx4systemwith cmst if you want GUI
20:32.31al3xus<ksx4system> thanks
20:32.44n4dirmoin, fsmithred
20:32.49n4dir(and all, of course)
20:33.42fsmithredhi nice to see you
20:34.54n4diryeah, same here.
20:38.32fsmithredI started working on refracta-ascii last night
20:38.54fsmithredwill probably upload a nox iso soon
20:52.15flrnok, just checked
20:52.24flrnducks and disappears
21:17.56*** part/#devuan al3xus (
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22:29.57gnu_srs1jaromil, hellekin, Centurion_Dan: I'd like to start working on a Devuan distribution of GNU/Hurd using GuixSD/Shepherd. How to proceed?
22:32.50ksx4systemgnu_srs1: "In short: just say NO TO DRUGS, and maybe you won’t end up like the Hurd people." by Linus Torvalds
22:32.51hellekingnu_srs1: first step, you receive my warm congratulations and entire support.
22:32.55ksx4systemcouldn't resist
22:33.53hellekingnu_srs1: then, I guess you want to dig into the devuan-sdk development. jaromil, KatolaZ, and parazyd are working hard on it so you want to follow this closely.
22:34.28hellekingnu_srs1: next step: hack hack hack hack hack, commit, push?
22:35.33hellekingnu_srs1: more seriously, I think you should announce your plan on the mailing list and just do it.  I have no idea how I can help, but I'll be looking at you :)
22:37.57*** join/#devuan lime_ (~lime_@
22:53.53Centurion_Dangnu_srs1: We can set up a hurd port in our build system so you can begin building packages for it.  We'd need a hurd build host (can probably be virtual) for each hardware architecture setup.  I have no idea about GuixSD/Shepherd tho.
22:57.43lkclCenturion_Dan: earlier discussion a few hours ago, look up work by phil hands (friend of mine) on debian-installer, he created automated qemu-based screen-scraping system of tests for debian-installer.
22:58.01lkclCenturion_Dan: you neeed to be running those aaaany time that you modify debian-installer....
23:12.01golinuxlkcl: Numero Uno . . . I LOVE it!
23:14.05lkclgolinux: :)
23:14.28lkclgolinux: you can thank my partner marie for that one :)
23:19.03golinuxWell done!  Kudos to Marie!!  Devuan is of course numero uno in my world.  :)
23:20.13lkclgolinux: she thought the pun on "dev-uan" would be appreciated
23:20.31lkcli liked it too
23:25.22fsmithredwhat are you guys talking about?
23:28.07golinuxthinks that fsmithred didn't read the scrollback this morning.
23:28.26fsmithredI wasn't logged in most of the day
23:28.37golinuxYou can read it on botbot
23:28.46fsmithredand the botbot doesnt' show everything
23:28.56golinuxIt did here
23:28.57fsmithredthere's no way to page back
23:29.06golinuxOf course there is
23:29.10fsmithredI've been trying for months. Maybe I'm not computer literate.
23:29.49golinuxI just scrolled back to July 25
23:30.04golinuxusing the mouse wheel
23:30.33*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
23:31.24fsmithrednope. It stars with ksx4system saying "no, it's curated server side..."
23:31.35fsmithredand I can scroll down to the present.
23:32.22golinuxdidn't understand that last bit
23:32.36golinuxI catch up first thing every morning.
23:32.53fsmithredI'm telling you what part of the converstation is the beginnin of what's displayed on the page
23:33.24golinuxAnd sometimes I do searches that go back months.  No problem.
23:34.30fsmithredif I click on This Week, I get a piece of what happened a couple days ago - I'm guessing on the time/date, because there's no way to tell
23:34.34golinuxAfter a refresh (from suspend) the page is current then I scrollback to where I left off the previous night.
23:35.49golinuxfsmithred: did you figure out the Numero Uno thing?
23:36.07fsmithredok, now I've lost most of what was displayed, and I only see the last few minutes
23:36.29fsmithredno, the video didn't play for me - I'll try again now that I've globally disabled noscript
23:36.36lkclfsmithred: if you install "screen" then run irssi or other curses irc client that will solve that problem
23:37.07fsmithredhow will that help with the web page?
23:37.10lkclfsmithred: yeah sorry, crowdsupply use vimeo - you can actually get to that page
23:37.33lkclfsmithred: reading earlier what you were talking about with golinux.
23:37.52lkclfsmithred: you log in to a remote server (which has 100% uptime), run "screen irssi"
23:38.19lkclyou'll need to look up how "screen" operates, first.
23:38.20fsmithredlol, I know a server I could do that with, but I probably shouldn't.
23:38.33fsmithredI've used it a couple of times. Not recently.
23:38.36lkclfsmithred: :)
23:39.20fsmithredso, is there a vimeo link for this video? Or just go there and search?
23:39.47lkclfsmithred: 1sec...
23:40.38lkclfsmithred: try this
23:40.56golinuxis not a vimeo fan
23:41.16fsmithredthanks, that works
23:41.17*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
23:41.27lkclfsmithred: looking at the single-line-of-html-source (!!!) it apparently has noscript options yay
23:42.08lkclgolinux: neither am i, it's what crowdsupply's semi-techie team are happiest with
23:43.14fsmithredlkcl, are you one of the earth-friendly team?
23:43.27golinuxlkcl: Are you going to post the naming news to dng?
23:43.40golinuxPrime mover
23:43.42lkclfsmithred: i'm the lead developer and creator of eoma68
23:43.49lkclgolinux: ok can do
23:43.55fsmithredit's a brilliant idea
23:44.33golinuxDid you see the announcements on the ML?
23:44.39lkclfsmithred: thx.  if you can help us get to the MOQ of 250 (we're at 75% so far) that's one of the critical thresholds
23:44.45lkclgolinux: not yet!
23:45.16golinuxJaromil first posted about it on the 22/23
23:45.25fsmithredgolinux, I don't think so. I think I heard about it here or debianfork
23:45.42fsmithredoh yeah, I did see that
23:45.47lkclgolinux: is that devuan-discuss?
23:46.02golinuxUnfortunately that email got lost from the archives during an outage.
23:47.07lkclis having difficulty working out how to subscribe to the dev list for devuan... help!
23:47.33golinuxlkcl: No  . . . discuss interfaces with the discourse forum.  You've been posting the dng which is strictly a ML.
23:47.53lkclack.  ahhhh okay, dng. doh.  forgot :)
23:47.57fsmithredgolinux, I've got that email
23:48.02fsmithredyou want it?
23:48.09hellekinlkcl: devuan-discuss is another mailman
23:48.11lkclgolinux: gotitgotitgotit
23:48.22hellekinno interface with yet
23:48.31hellekin(btw, upgrading just now)
23:49.15*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
23:49.25golinuxhellekin:  Why is DNG not on this list?
23:50.57hellekingolinux: dunno, maybe to encourage people to move to devuan-* lists?
23:51.31golinuxThat sucks that dng has been removed
23:51.47hellekinthis page is not used, the list is
23:51.54hellekinwhere dng appears AFAIK
23:52.37hellekinand dng also appears on
23:53.00hellekinI never saw the /admin page before you posted it golinux
23:54.35golinuxjaromil: Why is dng not included here?
23:54.57golinuxfsmithred: I have it thanks

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