IRC log for #devuan on 20160718

00:30.37*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
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13:09.10*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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13:19.54sysop2first time Devuan users here, long time debian/ubuntu user. How can I get KDE5 on Devuan??
13:25.03Leander256I think that the short story is: KDE5 depends on systemd, so there's no KDE5
13:25.29sysop2oh no!
13:26.05debdoghmm, IIRC some gentoo user told me his on KDE5 and I am very certain he does not use systemd. let me check
13:27.09*** join/#devuan Akuli (
13:27.12telst4rmaybe KDE5 can be compiled --without-systemd ?
13:27.20telst4ror --disable-lennart ?
13:27.52sysop2this says its optional. but it could be full of it.
13:28.28debdogI am not a kde user. but what do the version numbers mean there?
13:29.11debdogyes, he confirmed. kde5 without systemd. mayhap the gentoo wiki knows something about it
13:30.04DusXMT# aptitude install kde-plasma-desktop
13:30.07DusXMT0 packages upgraded, 358 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
13:30.45DusXMT(or is it that Jessie has kde4?)
13:31.15DusXMTNo, 5:84
13:31.35debdogso it should be the deafult, right?
13:31.59sysop2jessie has KDE4 as far as I can tell.  hold on let me make sure
13:32.03Leander256apt refuses to install kde-full, though, there must be a systemd dependency somewhere
13:32.38DusXMTsysop2: yes, you're right, plasma-desktop: 4.11.3
13:33.02DusXMTSo sorry for bringing your hopes high =3
13:33.18sysop2thanks. I double checked the plasma programs name and its named plasma-desktop insteal of plasmashell.
13:33.35sysop2so def kde4
13:33.39debdogthe conversation with the kde5 guy:
13:34.08debdogso the gentoo guys prolly know how to compile it without systemd and even without pam
13:34.23DusXMTdebdog: With Gentoo, it's as easy as USE='-systemd'
13:34.24sysop2sweet I have no problems with sddm
13:34.42DusXMTWhich is the default in most "system profiles"
13:35.01sysop2does pam uses systemd now?
13:36.54DusXMTdoesn't pam stand for "pluggable authentication module"? I'd think it's just a feature that can be turned on and off to allow key-based login, but forgive my ignorance if I'm incorrect =3
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13:50.50debdogDusXMT: right. my point was, if it works on gentoo it might be possibe to compile it on devuan, too
13:53.17DusXMTdebdog: It's definitely possible, but at the same time, it'll increase the amount of packages that need to be "forked" from debian
13:53.33DusXMTBut at the same time, it's better than not having it at all
14:04.03*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
14:31.22zdzichuanother classic Poettering's quote:
14:31.24zdzichuBut I am not
14:31.24zdzichuconvinced that fear-driven development is really the best strategy to
14:31.24zdzichuwin the future...
14:32.12hellekinbelongs to #debianfork anyway
14:33.20zdzichuoh, you're right hellekin; I'm sorry
14:35.34hellekinI guess we need more active development, so there's no incentive to derail the discussion.
14:36.27zdzichuis it me, or is the virtually zero development discussions on this channel?
14:36.29hellekinWith more development, there will be no time left to waste on Poettering.  Frankly, I don't understand that "cult of anti-personnality".  There's something morbid about it.
14:36.45Lydia_KThere is sometimes development discussion in here.
14:36.50Lydia_KIt comes in bursts
14:37.05hellekinzdzichu: this is Summer time, everything is slowing down.
14:37.49Lydia_KI'm sure once we have an offical non-beta release we'll start to gain more attention, and as a result more contributers.
14:46.58zdzichuI'm here since 2014 and it is hard to come by real dev discussion
14:47.53Lydia_KI've been here almost a year, and I've seen a decent amount. There was like a month there were this channel actually was mostly dev discussion stuff, but yeah, still mostly non-dev related.
14:56.01golinuxhellekin: Can you please have a look at
14:57.32golinuxAnd the one following
14:57.48golinuxIs that doable?
15:02.58hellekingolinux: I need to make space on my computer to run a VM with slim and have a look.  Two things: 1) the slim config we have now was made for single user, single DE; 2) multi-user, multi-DE slim is probably not the best choice (but don't take my word for it, since I don't use multi-* nor a session manager in general)
15:03.30hellekinI've been running out of space for at least two months and it's quite annoying actually.
15:05.45*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
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15:08.33golinuxhellekin: Who said anything about multi-user?
15:09.19hellekingolinux: someone mentioned it
15:09.49golinuxWe would just like to put some notes on the login page to point user how to 1)switch DE and 2) shutdown etc. from the login window.
15:10.25golinuxI don;t remember seeing that. I agree that single user is all we need.
15:10.54golinuxI hope that there will be enough room on the panel to do that.
15:11.01golinuxhellekin: ^^^
15:11.16DusXMTWhat about lightdm? Does it have the required multiuser features?
15:11.47hellekingolinux: how would you do that in non-English?  I don't think it's supported
15:12.13hellekinman slim would be a better place for this information.
15:12.57golinuxDusXMT: slim is et for Jessie.
15:13.03hellekinDusXMT: lightDM isn't as light as slim from what I can remember
15:13.13golinuxProblem is that people don;t rtfm.
15:13.29golinuxIt's already on the README
15:14.23golinuxWhich amazingly I managed to find.  Which shows you how few users think to look at basic docs, me included.
15:15.24golinuxThe login option is not up for debate for Jessie.  Period.
15:15.58golinuxhellekin: English is better than nothing.
15:16.43hellekina package README is for maintainers, not users. The man command is for users, and they should learn to use it.
15:17.06golinuxhellekin: How about an external hdd? Or a bigger internal?
15:17.26hellekinI disagree with "English is better than nothing".  English is only one language, and if a program does not support any other language, that's a defect IMO>
15:17.34golinuxalmost never uses man pages
15:17.43hellekingolinux: I don't have any resource to buy anything.
15:17.55golinuxWhat about dyne?
15:18.11golinuxjaromil ^^^
15:18.19hellekinI already have two (full) spare 2.5 disks from older laptops, but no adapter (I left it in Buenos Aires)
15:18.54DusXMThellekin: As a non-native speaker, I personally consider English to be _the_ universal language, since it is taught all across the globe. Having something the majority of people can understand is better than not having anything
15:18.59hellekinand frankly that's not a priority
15:19.13DusXMTI know esperanto tried to take this position, but English unfortunately beat it
15:19.48hellekinDusXMT: it's just a very bad design to have some opening screen with a foreign language, especially for a feature 99% of users will ignore.
15:19.59hellekinbut I'm not the authority on this you know.
15:20.07DusXMTThen there should be an easy way to disable it
15:21.19golinuxhellekin: Is there even enough room to put that info on the panel?
15:22.40golinuxIt's a bit of a kludge but as DusXMT agreed, better than nothing.
15:23.40DusXMT(by the way, I'm just an observer and user, don't take my opinions too seriously :)
15:28.36hellekingolinux: it probably depends on the display size, and how much information is necessary.  Maybe there's a tooltip that could be used.
15:30.59golinuxOK.  Now that the sludge dump is history, I can focus on Devuan.  It's soooo nice to be back.
15:31.31Lydia_Ksludge dump?
15:33.03hellekinLydia_K: golinux started a campaign against a chemical dump in her zone, but the project was canceled soon after the campaign started.  Probably they have other alternate places with less citizen watch over ecological matters.
15:34.19Lydia_KOh wow
15:34.32DusXMTVery impressive
15:34.33Lydia_Kso literal "Sludge dump"
15:34.36DusXMTgolinux: Good work!
15:34.48Lydia_KThat's pretty awesome golinux :)
15:35.24hellekin(OT: see also Monsanto giant GMO seed factory in Malvinas Argentinas, lots of resistance in the last two years; Nuclear waste dump project in Bure, France, where the construction is already going on, violating Forestry Code and anticipating Parliament decisions by a couple of years.)
15:37.14golinuxTook less than two months for them to turn tail and run.
15:38.03golinuxTheir bad luck of the draw that they tried to put this on my head. ;)
15:38.25golinuxIt was a team effort with local government.
15:38.55DusXMT"Debian RIP" :)
15:39.10golinuxBad part it's going to land on someone else's head.
15:39.18golinuxThere's no good solution.
15:39.29golinuxDusXMT: You like that?!
15:39.54DusXMTgolinux: Not sure, but it is a message
15:40.17golinuxIt is a link!
15:40.25golinuxClick on it!!
15:40.34DusXMTdid, I've read this one already :)
15:40.44DusXMTA long while ago, back when the topic was recent
15:41.19golinuxIt's my favorite summary of the "d" problem.
15:42.08Lydia_KNice work golinux! Sounds like they weren't ready for organized opposition.
15:42.41golinuxThought we were county bumpkins most likely
15:43.35hellekinnobody's ever ready for organized opposition.  But it's so hard to organize, right?
15:43.36golinuxThere is a group of us here that have been working together for up to 20 years.
15:44.10golinuxWe know all the players and they ;isten
15:44.32hellekinthat's it.  Organizing takes time and some dedication.
15:44.32hellekinlook at us :]
15:45.22hellekintime is most often underestimated (unless you have industrial/military organization with a clear chain of command and pawn-like actors)
15:45.57hellekinthen what's underestimated is the territory
15:46.32golinuxYeah, it's not linear
15:46.32*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
15:48.23Lydia_KAll this talk really makes me want to get my startmeup scripts buttoned up and packaged properly so that they can be included in devuan properly.
15:48.31golinuxSo back on topic.  hellekin please let me know when you're ready to work on the login manager.
15:49.02golinuxLydia_K: Yes!
15:50.38hellekinLydia_K: startmeup?
15:51.26golinuxI actually took a look at it in git the other day
15:52.02golinuxWas delighted to see it there!
15:52.43golinuxhellekin: You need to hang out here more often.  ;)
15:52.44Lydia_KI got sick of the regular flow of people going "But packages will stop supporting sysvinit start/stop scripts!"
15:53.03*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:53.27Lydia_KSo I wrote a little script that utilizes a generic start/stop script template to install scripts for arbitrary daemons.
15:54.30Lydia_KI need to learn how the whole packaging system/workflow works and document it for other people.
15:58.45jaromilLydia_K: sounds good :^) the name too
15:58.51jaromilhybrid approaches are powerful
15:59.44*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
15:59.47jaromilalso the "openrc support" mention veeery good. we are proceeding on that too for ASCII so. very well.
16:02.19telst4rprepares to be kicked
16:03.40golinuxtelst4r: No kick for that!
16:04.05golinuxWe all listened during the naming session
16:04.09Akulilol :D
16:05.49golinuxOops not that vid.  Right music wrong images.
16:07.50Lydia_KSomeone made a request about OpenRC and I was like "Why not?"
16:08.07Lydia_KI always liked OpenRC, and it's not really much additional work to support it.
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16:08.26Lydia_KLOL, yeah, golinux came up with the name, I couldn't think of anything good.
16:09.09Lydia_KIt's actually a pretty perfect name, doesn't collide with other projects, recognizable, self explanitory, contains a cultural reference, it's got it all!
16:10.02Lydia_KWhat I really need to do it get it packaged before the first offical release, I'd love for it to be part of the default install on a devuan box.
16:11.01Akulicreating debian packages is easy
16:13.21*** join/#devuan firegarden (
16:14.05Lydia_KAkuli: I've never done it before, I've done ebuilds and RPMs, but never a deb
16:14.58Akulii've never built an rpm succesfully
16:15.05Lydia_KThey are pretty easy
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16:15.23Lydia_KIt's been a while since I've done it, but they are pretty simple.
16:15.27Akulideb packages are easy, just create a file structure representing the / of the system, and a DEBIAN folder in it with a control file
16:15.40Lydia_KOh, that does sound pretty easy.
16:15.51Akulivery straight-forward
16:16.00Lydia_KBut I still need to understand the whole devuan workflow so that I can do everything properly in that department.
16:16.03Akulithen you just dpkg-deb --build folder
16:16.07fsmithredis the changelog also necessary?
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16:16.16Akuliits not, but probably good practice
16:19.04*** join/#devuan Xiaoman (~Xiaoman@unaffiliated/xiaoman)
16:20.01fsmithredAkuli, I played with your browser a bit. I couldn't get file:// to work.
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16:45.41Akulifsmithred, i think it worked just fine last time i tried it
16:45.41Akulilets see
16:46.21Akuliit works just fine for me. which python are you running it in?
17:00.18fsmithredsorry, I went afk
17:00.27fsmithredAkuli, python3, I think
17:00.38fsmithredcan't test right now, the big computer is off
17:00.55Akulifile:/// works fine for me with python 3
17:01.39fsmithredoh, maybe I needed a third slash
17:01.59hellekinthe third / matches the filesystem's root directory
17:02.22fsmithredchoosing a file from file manager (thunar) didn't work, either
17:02.52fsmithredhey, if you don't have to run off right away, I'll fire up the beast and try it again
17:03.08fsmithredgonna make coffee right now. brb
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17:11.30Akulifsmithred, yep, you need three slashes
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17:15.45fsmithredyup three slashes and full path. I tried with a file in the same directory before
17:17.20Akulioh, with a relative path?
17:17.50Akuliyou can use something like ./ file://$PWD/coolfile.html for relative paths
17:19.25*** join/#devuan Martin89 (~martin89@2001:470:caab:fd5a:a2::61)
17:21.24fsmithredstill can't get it to work in thunar: right-click, open with other application, then select, I get about:blank
17:21.42fsmithredalso tried adding %f after it (file with full path)
17:22.13Akuliin that case we need to change the way it works
17:24.12fsmithredI was gonna do that but...  I don't know any python.
17:24.17Akulifsmithred, better?
17:24.25Akulii didn't test it but it should work :)
17:24.42fsmithredI gotta get the new version.
17:24.46fsmithredhang on.
17:25.06Akuliyou can actually feed code into python from stdin
17:25.11Akuliyou just need to give it a pipe as stdin
17:25.15Akulie.g.  cat | python3
17:25.24Akulithen copy-paste some code there and send an EOF to run
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17:28.30fsmithredcool! it works.
17:29.21fsmithredAkuli, are you planning to continue developing this, or was it just a fun project?
17:29.48Akuliprobably not, at this point its what i want it to be
17:30.07Akulia very minimal browser for use when ram usage really matters
17:30.12fsmithredok, thanks for adding requested features.
17:30.45gci_adminHowdy folks. I have installed Devuan beta 1 on an HP ZBook 15 for one of our managers. Everything works. The only problem that I see is when one logs out of the desktop, the screen goes blank and the system no longer responds to keyboard input. The only "fix" is a hard power reset. :(
17:30.46fsmithredhope you don't mind that I renamed it -
17:31.02gci_adminWhere do I go to diagnose this?
17:31.13Akulifsmithred, no problem
17:32.21fsmithredgci_admin, can you get to a console with ctrl-alt-fn?
17:32.37fsmithredI mean when still logged in to desktop
17:32.43Akuliyou probably mean like ctrl+alt+f1 or something :)
17:32.54fsmithredyes, n=number
17:33.01Akulifn is a special key in most new laptops
17:33.05Akuli"new" :D
17:33.12fsmithredyeah, I thought about that after I typed it
17:33.22fsmithredon this laptop that has a Fn key
17:33.44gci_adminfsmithred, while logged in, yes. Akuli, i knew what he meant, even though there is a [Fn] key. ;)
17:34.07fsmithredok, what first came to mind is to boot with 'nomodeset' in the boot command
17:34.31Akuliso you think its a graphics driver issue?
17:34.32fsmithrednvidia is famous for black screen, but I don't think they're unique in that.
17:34.57gci_adminFTR, the console fonts are freaking tiny. Fairly difficult to read with me old eyes. :P
17:35.03Akulito me they usually occur while doing some heavy work, like watching a video
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17:36.18gci_adminApparently this is being set to some ridiculously high resolution.
17:36.50Akulisetfont is a command for changing the font.. im trying to figure out how to actually use it :D
17:37.39fsmithredmaybe change grub gfxpayload or run dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
17:38.35gci_adminfsmithred, thanks, I'll check that.
17:39.32fsmithredI always change the console font to vga, with makes it a little bolder
17:39.42Akuliby the way, how can i change my default keyboard layout?
17:39.56fsmithreddpkg-reconfigure keyboard-layout, I think
17:40.01fsmithredmaybe layouts
17:41.34fsmithredpretty sure you can set it at boot, too.
17:41.51fsmithredI know I've done it with syslinux, I'm not sure if it's the same with grub
17:43.15Akuliturned out to be keyboard-configuration, thanks
17:43.21gci_adminHmmm, changed to VGA, restarted, hit Ctrl+Alt+F1, console font is still tiny.
17:44.39gci_adminNow, cannot get a desktop. :/
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17:46.35fsmithrednot ctrl-alt-F7(or 8 or 9)?
17:48.17gci_adminI get the Devuan default login screen, try to login, screen flashes and does nothing for several seconds with the green background still visible, then goes blank and does not respond to keyboard. This is worse than it was. :P
17:49.04gci_adminLuckily, I can get console /before/ trying to login. So I will see if I can fix it.
17:51.49fsmithredtry adding nomodeset to boot line
17:51.55fsmithredto linux line
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17:56.02gci_adminYup, nomodeset did the trick. Logging out of the desktop works now too. I should make that permanent.
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18:00.36gci_adminHmmm, this thing has nVidia chipset. I presume it is using nouveau for that. I would like to try the official nVidia driver, is that available in the repo as "nvidia-support"? (Looking in Synaptic at the moment.)
18:04.54gci_adminAh, "nvidia-driver" seems to be what I want.
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18:17.38fsmithredmaybe nvidia-vdpau-driver and maybe nvidia-dkms
18:18.22fsmithredbeen a  long time since I used the nvidia driver from the repo - I usually get it from nvidia
18:19.41gci_adminGot it. I used "nvidia-driver", but on reboot had no X screens. So had to install "nvidia-xconfig" and run that. Then logged in as a user, ran "startx" and got a desktop. logged out, rebooted and all is well. :)
18:20.12gci_adminApparently nouveau and this hardware just don't play well together. ;)
18:21.42fsmithredwith my old nvidia card, I had to add nomodeset when running the nvidia driver to avoid black screen, then wtih the newer card, I had to stop using nomodeset, because it caused a black screen
18:21.56Akulifsmithred, did you try single user mode?
18:21.58fsmithrednow I use nouveau, and it has some weirdness, but basically works
18:22.02Akulior wait, that doesn't have internet i guess
18:22.11fsmithredsingle user for what?
18:22.21gci_adminfsmithred, yeah, tricks like that are part of what make Linux fun. ;)
18:22.46gci_adminwanders off to get some work done.
18:22.56fsmithredyeah, I've learned over the years. Just keep kicking it around until it does what you want.
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20:25.27slim248221hi Centurion_Dan
20:29.57Centurion_Danslim248221: hi
20:30.46Centurion_DanLydia_K: there are several packaging templates for debian packages - dhmake is the one I typically use.
20:34.06*** part/#devuan Irrwahn (yottemitte@2a01:4f8:120:1107::2)
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20:34.45Centurion_DanIt's been so long since I had a chance to really get stuck into devuan stuff....
20:35.09slim248221I am building devuan puppy
20:38.08Centurion_DanIt's time I took a good hard look Devuan, what needs to be done to get 1.0 out and then start rallying people to get on with it.
20:40.21slim248221Devuan is moving up on distrowatch
20:40.55slim24822112 months: 270 (13), 6 months: 267 (27), 3 months: 153 (55), 4 weeks: 125 (62), 1 week: 118 (63)
20:41.15slim248221oh wait nevermind
20:41.44slim248221oh  yes it is
20:41.55slim248221number in brackets are hits per day
20:42.06slim248221not in brackets is position
20:43.01fsmithredI predict that will shoot way up with beta2 (or rc?)
20:44.28*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
20:51.18golinuxfsmithred:   Don't we already have a beta2?
20:51.42golinuxWe're looking to RC1, I think.
20:52.44Centurion_DanIt's great we've got people hacking on various side projects, but now is the time to focus on the core, and get our release out.  So who's up for helping to orghanise Devuan's inaugural international hackathon - 48 hours of round the world hacking to get Devuan to close to a release.
20:53.35Centurion_DanWe have beta(1) out so the next release will be beta2.
20:54.22golinuxAh, that was wishful thinking . . .
20:54.25Centurion_Danfollowed there-after hopefully by RC(s) and then final 1.0 release
20:54.36*** join/#devuan firegarden (~dionysos@
20:54.38golinuxCenturion_Dan: Did you see these new issues?
20:55.06golinuxAnd stevelitt' email summarizing
20:55.33fsmithredCenturion_Dan, do you have any builds you want tested?
20:55.48golinuxIIRC you've hacked on slim a bit
20:56.16Centurion_DanI've been so out of it lately I've hardly touched anything devuan outside of a few installs.
20:58.17Centurion_Danfsmithred: not currently.  We have a big issue still with amprolla that I need to catch up with nextime on.  He was apparently rewriting it while soaking up the sun on a beach somewhere in France, but I haven't heard from him in a while.
20:59.00fsmithredyeah, I heard some rumors about that
20:59.23fsmithredmust be a very powerful laptop screen he was using
21:00.47jaromilCenturion_Dan: i'll be in at least for a 48h during august
21:01.07jaromillooking forward to what nextime comes with
21:04.24fsmithreddoes the purpy theme need to be packaged? I could do that.
21:10.04Centurion_Danfsmithred, I have a bunch of todo's around the theme and desktop-base packages to do.  We'll also have to apply a fix to grub2 to add support for grub themes.
21:11.32Centurion_DanI also need to sort out a proper approach for SVN & bazaar based debian packages, as they are problematic - particularly the gnome packages.
21:12.36Lydia_KCool, I'll check that Centurion_Dan :)
21:19.17Centurion_DanLydia_K: it creates a bunch of templates in /debian that either need modifying or deleting if they're irrelevant to your needs.
21:19.38Centurion_Danjaromil: have you been in touch with nextime recently?
21:20.02*** join/#devuan lupyxe (~laureen@unaffiliated/laureen)
21:20.15Centurion_DanI hope he wasn't caught up in that horrible situ in Nice.
21:20.17Lydia_KDo I just add all that to my git repo? Or do I build a deb and put it somewhere else?
21:23.25Centurion_DanLydia_K: make a suites/experimental branch and do it there.  The /debian dir adds all the bits that are used by the debian build tools  to make the package with all the metadata etc - very similar to rpm in that respect.
21:26.43golinuxCenturion_Dan: nextime wasn't in Nice.  Neither was hellekin thankfully.
21:28.09golinuxThey are both in France though
21:28.53Centurion_DanLydia_K: theres a bunch of to read from
21:29.42Centurion_Danlots of guides there.  Ignore quilt and the bits related to using tarballs - that's not needed when using a vcs and native packages.
21:34.29Centurion_Danjaromil: I'm a bit miffed at the approach to adding openrc and other init support.
21:34.33*** join/#devuan githogori (
21:35.47Centurion_DanIt seems completely stupid to have scripts around from all init systems all the time.  That's a recipe for confusion and something I strongly disagree with.
21:36.24jaromilCenturion_Dan: he was 20km away from the tragedy and not he wasn't caught up, I immediately checked that night..
21:37.27jaromilCenturion_Dan: as long as its clear which directory belongs to what startup command, who wants can test the init and then work can go on to check
21:38.16Centurion_Danwe can manage install/uninstall of them using package triggers tied to the installed init system package.
21:39.15Centurion_Danthe only time we should see more then one set of init scripts|service files etc is during a transition from one init system to another.
21:40.31Centurion_Danotherwise debugging can be problematic when one has to try and figure which is the installed init system.
21:43.05*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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23:24.39stevelittYeah, that went well, LOL
23:51.45*** join/#devuan Drugo (~andrea@

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