IRC log for #devuan on 20160715

00:02.46*** join/#devuan thrasyma1hus (
00:08.23*** join/#devuan thrasyma2hus (
00:08.39*** join/#devuan minnesotags (~herbgarci@2600:1014:b052:4b3d:222:faff:fe54:322e)
00:19.44*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
00:19.44*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
00:36.59*** join/#devuan Quetzalcoatl1 (
00:48.03*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
00:49.13*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
00:49.52*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
00:55.48DocScrutinizer05vagrant init Neo900-KiCAD
00:56.38DocScrutinizer05not tested yet, but should work if I understood `vagrant init` correctly
00:56.51*** join/#devuan rleigh_ (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
00:58.02*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
00:58.49*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
00:59.52DocScrutinizer05the box not only provides a KiCAD latest release after `vagrant up` (login 'compile', 'kicad'), but also is a working environment to build KiCAD under devuan
01:02.09DocScrutinizer05the box will create a shared dir named ./kicad in your current dir where you run the above command. Needed during compile time and comes in handy for KiCAD project files
01:20.22*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
01:23.18*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
01:34.33*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
01:39.26*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
01:43.48DocScrutinizer05ETA still now+6h++
01:52.47*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
01:58.28furrywolfmeh.  I really need to set up my new laptop.
01:59.58*** join/#devuan Defiant (
02:02.07*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:42.15*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
02:42.47furrywolf“I'm not even going to start talking about the people who prefer to 'box in' their comments, and line up both ends and have fancy boxes of stars around the whole thing," he adds. "I'm sure that looks really nice if you are out of your mind on LSD, and have nothing better to do than to worry about the right alignment of the asterisks.”
02:42.53furrywolfI <heart> linus.
02:55.32DocScrutinizer05LINK! or it didn't happen! :-D <3
02:56.46DocScrutinizer05wistles innocently while pondering where to have a look at systemd sources, with least effort
02:57.41*** join/#devuan rleigh_ (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
02:58.13DocScrutinizer05anyway this looks more like a mix of cocain, weed and alcohol:
02:58.16infobotit has been said that freee is
03:03.20furrywolf  link
03:04.48furrywolfI'm really, really tempted to submit a kernel patch that changes some of the comments to the most absolutely ugly ways I can think of.
03:05.04furrywolfmaybe put them at the start of lines of code?  :)
03:06.07furrywolfhrmm...  /* this will increment x /* x++ /* x++; */ ; /* x is now incremented. */
03:06.14MinceRintersperse them with tokens
03:06.14furrywolfgah, typo.
03:06.20furrywolfhrmm...  /* this will increment x */ x++ /* x++; */ ; /* x is now incremented. */
03:06.23MinceRone word of comment, one token, another word of the same comment...
03:06.48MinceRalso, make the comment markers hard to find and put something that looks like code in comments
03:06.55furrywolfI once got back a programming assignment where every single line had a comment, every comment was 100% correct, and every comment was 100% useless.
03:07.40furrywolfx=y+z; /* add the contents of variable y and the contents of variable z and store the results in variable x. */
03:08.22MinceRthat x=y+z; could use some "read the contents of variable" in it too :>
03:08.52furrywolffprintf(stderr, "foo: %s\n", bar); /* call the function fprintf with the parameters "stderr", "foo: %s\n", and "bar". */
03:13.48DocScrutinizer05furrywolf: I already was about to ask if /* nests now
03:13.57DocScrutinizer05afaik it didn't so far
03:14.12MinceRyeah, it doesn't afaik either
03:14.21MinceRunlike in html, where it's really screwy
03:14.24furrywolfI think gcc has an option for it, but that was just a typo.
03:14.40MinceR(probably also in sgml)
03:15.03DocScrutinizer05/* so this is /* a valid /* comment /* with subsequent real program /* text */ x++;
03:15.09furrywolfactually, googling suggests gcc handles nested comments by default.
03:15.20furrywolfsince there's a -W option to bitch at you for using them.
03:16.20somerandomnickSeveral years ago GCC didn't handle them as nested comments, so if it does now that is a change.
03:16.56somerandomnickThere have been numerous comments allowing them to nest would likely have been better, but when K&R wrote the first compiler, it didn't support it.
03:17.45furrywolfsometimes it's rather nice to be able to comment out a block of code that has descriptive comments in it.
03:19.21MinceRthat's when i use #if 0
03:19.41MinceRor prefix all lines with //
03:19.46furrywolfalthough sometimes I use an if(0).  :)
03:19.49MinceR(i have a vim plugin that can do that)
03:20.07furrywolfI need to find an editor I like.  I've been looking for many decades.
03:24.19DocScrutinizer05furrywolf: ((sometimes it's rather nice to be able to comment)) yes, but sometimes you might have comments that actually would render the whole code fubar when suddenly the compiler would allow nesting
03:25.27*** join/#devuan [0__0] (~0__0]
03:28.04furrywolfI've written lisp...  nested c comments are trivial.  :)
03:28.28DocScrutinizer05I recall having a editor macro for that which did convert all /\(_*\)\*  to /\1\* and same for */, between a block that gets /* commented out */. And inverse for deleting a /*, until next */ which would also get deleted
03:29.00DocScrutinizer05err s /\1\* /\1\_*
03:32.24DocScrutinizer05so /* this */ comment
03:32.48DocScrutinizer05would become: /* so /_* this *_/ comment */
03:33.31DocScrutinizer05and then /*would become: /_* so /__* this *__/ comment *_/ */
03:33.58DocScrutinizer05I wonmder what Linus would utter, seeing this ;-P
03:35.14*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
03:46.34*** join/#devuan Spagno (~Spagno@
03:54.59*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
04:00.55*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:09.49*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
04:11.02furrywolfsigh.  if you start a google search with "which", 6 of the suggestions it has are pokemon.
04:13.30Centurion_DanDoes anybody know if there are existing Devuan AMI's on AWS??
04:14.12furrywolfdoesn't even know what that means!
04:25.55furrywolfcurls up on Lydia_K for bedtime
04:35.34*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
04:51.46*** join/#devuan edbarx (
04:58.43*** join/#devuan rleigh_ (
04:58.43*** join/#devuan rleigh_ (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
05:02.14*** join/#devuan luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
05:53.39*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
06:23.22edbarxGood Morning
06:37.30DocScrutinizer0510 min until ETA of the KiCAD vagrant box
06:39.06DocScrutinizer05vagrant init Neo900-KiCAD; vagrant up
06:45.37DocScrutinizer05I consider the KiCAD buolding sort of a stresstest for devuan, which passed with excellence
06:46.44DocScrutinizer05ok, finished
07:08.25*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
07:36.04*** join/#devuan joered (
07:54.12*** join/#devuan lupin3rd_ (
08:15.06*** join/#devuan midnightmagic (~midnightm@unaffiliated/midnightmagic)
08:24.56*** join/#devuan lupin3rd_ (
08:35.07Centurion_DanDocScrutinizer05: That sounds awesome.
08:36.06DocScrutinizer05test it ;-)
08:36.54DocScrutinizer05vagrat creates a few definitely weird named dirs line ~/ and =/, but aside from that it works just like expected
08:37.18DocScrutinizer05vagrant creates a few definitely weird named dirs like ~/ and =/, but aside from that it works just like expected
08:39.01DocScrutinizer05and the shared dir is ./tmp (this time with meta ~),  not ./kicad like I said, it's only ~compile/kicad inside VM
08:40.09DocScrutinizer05sorry for the size, but it's a complete system, incl all build deps
08:40.30DocScrutinizer05and xfce
08:44.54*** join/#devuan Akuli (
08:49.52DocScrutinizer05when you're fed up, use `vagrant destroy" and nod off "destroy default?"
08:50.56DocScrutinizer05this is probably smarter than simply nuking the complete dir, since it also should take care of VBox stuff sitting whoknowswhere
08:52.31DocScrutinizer05if you're interested in the original Vagrantfile I used, you find it next to *.box in
08:54.01DocScrutinizer05actually you also find it inside and probably also somewhere in the weird dirs vagrant creates
08:56.44DocScrutinizer05I hope the screen resolution is OK, otherwise you could edit the xrandr -s command in xfce's settings-session-autostart
08:59.15DocScrutinizer05for unclear reasons I had to use that approach since neither VBox Guest-blabla did auto-res adjust, not had xorg.config the effect you'd hope for
09:01.32DocScrutinizer05an improved future version will kick out the display manager, so no more login needed, and then xorg.config.d/* might work as expected
09:02.27*** join/#devuan phylophyl (
09:03.42DocScrutinizer05just once more: login is user:compile pw:kicad
09:04.20DocScrutinizer05(or the usual root, devuan)
09:05.49DocScrutinizer05any improved future version should also ship with the standard KiCAd component libs and the templates
09:06.33DocScrutinizer05and probably with Neo900 schematics
09:56.56*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
09:57.23*** join/#devuan rleigh_ (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
10:00.51*** join/#devuan firegarden (
10:49.24*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
11:10.18*** join/#devuan pav5088 (
11:51.23*** join/#devuan sergioad (
11:51.46sergioadHello friends
11:52.50sergioadI must admit that I recently bought a Raspberry Pi 3 model B and I bought a class 10 16 GB MicroSD card wich will have Devuan Jessie
11:53.21sergioaddoes Devuan has XFCE or LXDM on it's ARM version?
11:53.49DusXMTI haven't tried the arm version myself, but I see no reason for them to be missing
11:53.53Akulidoesn't that use the same packages?
11:54.20sergioadif it does I wil be so happy
11:55.00DusXMTsergioad: Most packages come from debian unmodified, so most things that Debian has, we should have as well. (the only things that are modified are things that depend, or otherwise not work without systemd)
11:55.36sergioadI wanted a desktop OS but I do not like LXDE so I preffered to get the devian one
11:55.52sergioadI dismissed raspbian
11:56.22debdogif in doubt, you can grep the package list
11:57.22sergioadfriends seriously, I love how quickly you respond, not many IRC channels has such speed to respond to newbie
11:57.31sergioadnot EVEN Ubuntu
11:57.41DocScrutinizer05here it depends
11:57.50DocScrutinizer05you were just lucky
11:57.57sergioadhahahaha I see
11:58.56sergioadso yes
11:59.06sergioadI chosen Devuan because XFCE
11:59.34sergioadLXDE (for me) is arcaic, specially it's menu
11:59.48sergioadon XFCE you have at least whisker menu
12:00.24DusXMTI personally like Mate, though I don't know how well it'd work on a system like the raspi... but then again, I've heard v3 is quite powerful
12:01.04DusXMTI think you even need a fan to cool the SoC off
12:01.42sergioadI have also downloaded UbuntuMATE but I will have 4 MicroSDs in total so I had one free SD
12:03.32sergioadsoooo.. my first option was Manjaro ARM, unfortunely MJRO ARM has not an image for an easy write to SDs
12:03.51sergioadat least not on it's base edition, only the minimal one
12:04.10sergioadthem I gone for Raspbian but men, LXDE
12:04.24sergioadand finally I landed on Devuan lands
12:04.30sergioadwhat do you think?
12:04.53DusXMTsergioad: I think that judging a distro by the default desktop is silly :)
12:05.29sergioadit is but a DE (for me) needs a modern menu at least
12:05.49DusXMTAh, the times when people made custom debian installer images where they changed the background and called it a new distro...
12:05.50*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
12:06.58DusXMTsergioad: Well, you're still going to have to install it yourself, I doubt the default raspi image has a desktop installed, unneccessary waste of space
12:07.21debdoghmm, the devuan raspi image is rather spartanic. IIRC it comes with openbox by default. though it's easy to install DEs using their meta packages
12:07.42KatolaZit has a default DE, BTW
12:07.44DusXMTOh, so it does come with X at least, thanks debdog
12:07.59KatolaZwhatever it is
12:08.12DocScrutinizer05DusXMT: ^^^
12:09.37DusXMTwell, sorry for spreading misinformation then~ but still, you can't really consider openbox a DE
12:09.55sergioadthat is true
12:10.30sergioadand even for LXDE, it's base is Openbox
12:11.27sergioadsomebody saw the new MiniNES from Nintendo?
12:12.02sergioadlooks nice but with a 3D printer I can make my RPI a NES like console :D
12:12.19debdoghad troubles to configure keyboard layout, raspi-config did not work properly on the image.
12:12.43sergioadwhat is that message?
12:12.59debdogright now I am trying with a raspian wheezy which I've updated to devuan jessie. worked out well so far.
12:13.56sergioadI see
12:14.13DocScrutinizer05that fan is awesome. airflow 0.0002m³/min
12:14.51DocScrutinizer05IOW 0.2L/min
12:14.55sergioadfriends if you buy a Tomee USB controler be warned that it's D-Pad is cheeply built, you should repair it
12:18.50sergioadI specially bouht the Tomee NES dobone USB controller
12:20.01DusXMTI don't mean to be rude, but what does any of that have to do with Devuan, or free software?
12:20.37sergioadyes, if you want to play FCEUX with a NES like gamepad :)
12:21.34sergioadit is good but it's D-Pad is not quite god at all, I gave it 3 of 5 stars on Amazon Mexxico :) I have tited it as "good but may be better" :)
12:21.53sergioadanyway, that is the last thing I will say about that topic :D
12:27.04sergioadfriends how easy is to installing XFCE on my Devuan image?
12:27.15DusXMT# tasksel
12:27.37Akuliapt-get install xfce4-desktop ?
12:28.19sergioadcool :)
12:28.35sergioadthem I will install Devuan
12:28.52Akuliyou can just select xfce4 at the end of the installation
12:29.04Akuliwhen the installer asks what software you want to install
12:29.25DusXMTAkuli: They're going to use the raspi image, not d-i
12:30.37sergioadhas less trash than Raspbian (will be easier to get rid of all the unnecesary software)
12:30.37DusXMTsergioad: tasksel is what the installer normally uses, but if you want a more fine-tuned control over which parts of xfce you want, then perhaps having a look in 'aptitude' (as root) wouldn't hurt
12:31.01DusXMTto install the desktop, that is
12:31.02sergioadthank you very much
12:38.42*** join/#devuan Levure (
12:39.55DocScrutinizer05tasksel [x]xfce  -> downloading 620 packages
12:40.15DocScrutinizer05did that just a day ago
12:40.32*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
12:40.59DocScrutinizer05you'll be able to cram it into <3GB anyway
12:42.10DocScrutinizer05for some odd reason it seems I had to install it twice via tasksel, first time it downloaded 620, second time it skipped download and installed 520
12:45.21*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
12:47.10*** join/#devuan M-baselab (baselabmat@gateway/shell/
13:40.52*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
13:51.35*** join/#devuan leafwiz (
13:52.28*** join/#devuan ppisati (
13:56.27*** join/#devuan Chanku (
13:56.30*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
14:07.47*** join/#devuan shambrarian (~shambrari@unaffilated/shambrarian)
14:25.51*** join/#devuan antani (
14:41.31antanican i use debootstrap in debian jessie to bootstrap devuan jessie?
14:43.47Akulii've debootstrapped ubuntu using debian instructions, so i guess you can
14:48.04*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
14:51.12fsmithredantani, I know you can install devuan with debootstrap, but I've only done it using the devuan debootstrap. Debian might pull in systemd. I'm not sure.
14:58.20antaniokay, i can use --exclude to avoid systemd
14:59.03Akulidoesn't debootstrap get the packages from whatever url you give it?
15:08.49fsmithredAkuli, I think so. I've only used it a couple of times.
15:10.39Akuliin the link i posted, you can basically replace debian with ubuntu and jessie with trusty
15:10.43Akuliand you get an ubuntu
15:12.43fsmithredyeah, it should work. I'd check after, just to make sure the exclude really worked.
15:25.19*** join/#devuan Drugo (
15:31.19*** join/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:32.32jaromilantani: better use our own debootstrap which contains some fixes
15:32.38jaromilnot sure this message went through?
15:33.09jaromilantani: you need in particular the fix by Kenshi Muto who was then rejected by someone having a bad day or so
15:33.11figlfdevLydia_K: "LSP" = l5t "s5d" p8g
15:33.25figlfdevknew i18n notation was good for something
15:34.02antanijaromil, i'm on proxmox (debian 7) and i want to debootstrap a devuan
15:34.07jaromil(antani: scusi lei ha claxonato? scappellata a destra come se fosse muto)
15:34.17jaromilcan't resist the joke
15:34.59jaromilsure go ahead should be no problem but use our own debootstrap which is fixed
15:35.05jaromilthe debootstrap in debian has bugs
15:35.31jaromilwhich were never fixed and which prevent you from using --exclude even if its in the documentation
15:35.34figlfdevmade a puppy/refracta hybrid this morning
15:35.46jaromil(guess why)
15:35.58figlfdevmy first remaster, all automated (still need to figure out what to do with vmlinuz and initrd)
15:35.58Lydia_Khaha :D
15:36.16figlfdevif nothing else its good for a laugh
15:37.03figlfdevpuppy is a labor of love for many fans, imo they should automate more (that way instead of waiting for someone to do it, they can just run a script on the latest devuan/etc)
15:37.40jaromilwhat happened to puppy after the systemd avalanche? survived, dead, assimilated or free?
15:37.50figlfdevoh its still s5d free
15:37.56figlfdevthey have their own init
15:38.14Akulis5d :D
15:38.51Akulilike internationalization or localization
15:39.04antaniso where i can get the right debootstrap version? from the git?
15:39.23Akulii believe its same as the debian one, but just used with a different repo
15:39.48jaromilyes git clone
15:39.48figlfdevjaromil: whenever someone asks whats taking devuan so long, i tell them "theyre not building a distro, theyre building a distro factory with a basic factory model."
15:40.12jaromilfiglfdev: that's a very detailed answer :^)
15:40.28jaromilwell in a few words
15:40.28figlfdevits true though
15:40.44jaromilwill be even more clear once the SDK will be ready
15:40.59figlfdevif i make any sort of puppy or refracta based distro this year, it will be in the form of a script. for one, no real hosting... but also its an underrated idea
15:41.20figlfdevand i wont make a distro, but i might make a REALLY customized remaster script
15:41.38figlfdevdoesnt want to be a distro maintainer
15:43.19jaromilyea i understand, being a martyr is out of fashion... :^D
15:43.35figlfdevwell its different if you have that kind of experience-- and no one is already doing it
15:43.55figlfdevif not for devuan id just be complaining about hw support in bsd all day
15:44.07figlfdevrespects bsd and all, but doesnt prefer it
15:45.22jaromilyea same, i need a/v drivers
15:47.06figlfdevbtw, all you need to do to edit the isolinux boot screen for puppy is open it in mtpaint, edit, save as lss16 (and rename back to logo.16)
15:47.34figlfdevalso mtpaint is very scriptable-- kind of priceless what you can do with it (ive used it for years, didnt know it had so many command line features)
15:49.04DocScrutinizer05moin jaromil
16:06.41*** part/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:30.30golinuxjaromil: ML archive is doing weird things.  I posted something to the ML
16:35.15*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:38.51*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
16:39.15jaromilgolinux: i saw but cannot understand what is the broken link your mentioned
16:44.10*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
16:50.41*** join/#devuan k0nsl (~k0nsl@unaffiliated/k0nsl)
17:01.19golinuxThe url I posted is the one that I finally got to work for dng.  For some reason the old one screwed up for some reason
17:03.18golinuxGremlins in the machine
17:05.25*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
17:14.08*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
17:48.53fsmithredgolinux, I use this link -
17:57.08golinuxfsmithred: I really, REALLY don't like that link.  In fact I think I may have accidentally landed there to start all my confusion.
17:57.48fsmithredwhat don't you like about it?
18:03.47*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
18:21.03golinuxI want to see a list of all entries with the most recent at the top (or in this case, at the bottom) because I'm usually looking for a particular poster or post in chronological order
18:21.26golinuxfsmithred: ^^^
18:30.31fsmithredI forgot that I don't like that link for the same reason - I've gotten used to clicking on View Newest Messages
18:37.09*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
18:37.09*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
18:46.43*** join/#devuan dimkr (~dimkr@unaffiliated/dimkr)
19:12.04jaromilgolinux: what was the old one?????
19:15.43*** join/#devuan n4dir (
19:16.33golinuxjaromil: The old one is this and now it seems to be working OK again
19:16.52golinuxProbably user error.  LOL!
19:42.29*** join/#devuan Quetzalcoatl (
19:47.02*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
20:02.01*** join/#devuan lkcl (~lkcl@
20:06.53*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
20:07.56lkclhi folks i've managed to get devuan (armhf) up and running on an EOMA68-A20 which is available on the live crowd funding campaign
20:08.54lkclwhat's the best way to let people know about it?  and, would anyone like to have a preinstalled option on the crowd funding page?
20:09.37lkcli also need some suggestions for names... puns definitely wanted and welcome :)
20:19.27flrnlkcl: names?
20:21.02Lydia_KI think he means like raspbian being "raspberry pi debian"
20:30.00*** join/#devuan amphi (
20:59.11lkclflrn: so something like... mmmm... devilish devuan computer card, that sort of thing :)
21:05.33*** join/#devuan wesbl (~albe123@
21:08.46lkclMinceR: bless you - do you need a handkerchief for that sneeze? :)
21:10.30MinceRAtchoo GNU/Linux
21:11.58lkclMinceR: i'd love to see what happened if a vampire, werewolf or Warcraft Orc tried to pronounce that
21:12.32*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
21:12.41Akulidevuan is becoming a popular distro
21:12.54Akulithis irc channel has many more users than #ubuntu-mate, for example
21:13.08Akuliit has 95 now
21:15.21lkclAkuli: i was surprised that there isn't a devuan-users mailing list though. there's discuss, dng, announce....
21:15.52lkclis sitting watching "apt-get install task-xfce-desktop chunder through 924 pacakges..."
21:15.58lkclhellekin: ahhh
21:17.00lkclhellekin: hmmm that's not listed on the front page
21:20.07golinuxlkcl: Of course it's listed on the homepage.  Look again for"forum"
21:20.22lkclgolinux: ahh ok.  doh!
21:21.31golinuxBe aware that the devuan-iscuss ML links to the forum
21:22.16lkclgolinux: sorry, "forum" is something i associate with "ubuntu" - it makes me automatically switch off.
21:22.22golinux*devuan-discuss   dng is strictly email
21:22.34lkclgolinux: oh good!  ah that's great, that's really good.
21:22.43lkclgolinux: makes sense.
21:23.06golinuxWhatever floats your boat
21:24.34lkclgolinux: it's good to see that there's a clear distinction, but a link between the two *where appropriate* (forums-lists that is)
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21:25.16golinuxSee you around!
21:25.18lkclgolinux: 30,000 ping-pong balls.  definitely floats my boat.  no really, look up the mythbusters episode! season 2  :)
21:25.57golinuxdoesn't know what mythbusters is
21:26.18Akuliits a great tv series
21:26.21golinuxand is not going to watch a video to find out. ;)
21:26.25lkclgolinux: ahh you been missing out maan.
21:26.50golinuxMaybe.  Maybe not.
21:26.51lkclhaha no don't do it - i watched one and as a result ended up downloading all 750 episodes
21:26.56lkcldon't do it!
21:27.18Akuliits like gaming
21:27.24Akulisome end up doing it too much, some don't
21:28.04golinuxMaybe this is getting more suitable for #debianfork?
21:28.07stevelitthellekin, regarding Not a fan. Content scattered all over the place. Line height so short lines collide. Reading takes a lot of effort. A lot of the posts are almost a year old. I don't see the point.
21:29.58golinuxMe either but it's not my call.
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21:30.26golinuxDifferent strokes, I guess
21:32.56stevelittgolinux, I'm on about 20 mailing lists, keeping up to date. Can you imagine if I had to log into 20 forums, put my password, navigate, and then figure out how to sort them? That's all I'd do all day.
21:35.43golinuxThe few forums I frequent I auto login to unread posts
21:37.00golinuxYou can kind of do that on discourse but still too many clicks and not enough information on the unread post list
21:42.22flrnand if the forum goes down all info is lost
21:43.59golinuxThe whole point is to morph the informative posts into a wiki
21:44.29golinuxI don't think it's working all that well.
21:46.40TwistedFateFor some reason I can't get used to mailing lists. They seem cluttered to me for some reason. I may be used to forums tho..
21:48.07lkclTwistedFate: i use gmane for exactly that reason.
21:48.31lkclTwistedFate: you can even post messages through gmane (including respecting mailing list thread headers/rules)
21:48.38lkclTwistedFate: which is really important
21:53.35DocScrutinizer05the problem with ML are the forks in threads which make reading stuff a nightmare. With fora you need to poll all the time, which is an unsustainable PITA, even when you subscribe to interesting threads per mail notification - you'll still miss the new threads
21:54.31DocScrutinizer05forum usually allows editing posts, which is obviously not possible at all for ML
21:54.34TwistedFatelkcl, hmm doesnt open for me, i will have to take a look some other time. thanks for the mention
21:56.21DocScrutinizer05for tdo, I also have fuzzy aversion against it, more than with most other fora I've seen so far, dunno why
21:56.58DocScrutinizer05prolly too much JD eyecandy and stuff
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22:01.21debdogwhether a forum is good or bad highly depends on its search function.
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