IRC log for #devuan on 20160714

00:07.14*** join/#devuan _stephen (
00:14.22_stephenCan anyone help me troubleshoot a wireless nic issue on my CB5-311 (acer chromebook tegra k1)?
00:15.03_stephenI managed to get devuan on it and booting but the nic claims it can't do things like scanning or... well anything.
00:21.43_stephenThe modules are loaded (I copied the lib dir from chrome os) but I can't figure out how to get the card to scan or connect.
00:24.50*** join/#devuan Vall (
00:49.02*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
00:50.22Vallwrong window ;-)
00:50.53fsmithredVall, there should be apt-get commands to clean the cache, but I don't use them. Check the man page.
00:51.17Vallfsmithred: I checked it already, to no avail.
00:51.33fsmithredthen apt-cache, maybe
00:52.18fsmithredapt-get clean
00:52.22VallBut relax, "aptitude clean" is doing good
00:52.49Vallafter all, what's 11MB more or less in a system already topping 1GB of disk space used?
00:53.15Vallsighs and earns for the good old Unix times when a 80MB harddisk was practically infinite
00:57.05VallI used a PDP11/70 running Unix version 7. It had a 60MB hard-disk and it served the whole university. Some hundreds of accounts...
00:57.14VallThat was in 1984...
00:57.16fsmithred_stephen, what's your wireless nic? run lscpi to find out
00:57.36Vall32 years ago to be exact.
00:57.58Vallis getting too old for this
00:58.28fsmithredI first ran linux on a 166MHz pentium with 128M ram.
00:59.14fsmithredit didn't handle gnome very well.
01:00.23VallIt was GNOME that didn't handle your machine very well
01:00.38Vallthe PDP11/70 was equivalent of a 286 with 1MB RAM
01:00.55VallA Pentium was more like a very well configured VAX
01:01.05Vallwhich was a dream machine for running Unix
01:01.23VallIt's the same old joke: what is the different between a mouse and an elephant?
01:01.39VallAnswer: a graphical user interface
01:04.18_stephenfsmithred: no lspci command but it's a marvel wifi 8897
01:05.11Vallfsmithred: 'apt-get clean' worked, thanks!
01:14.56DocScrutinizer05vagrant box with devuan-beta_amd64 and native built KiCAD (no X11 yet):  (ETA now+6h for the - the build been done on a "synced / shared dir" on host which is mounted to /home/compile/kicad. user compile has password kicad, user root has devuan as usual
01:15.16DocScrutinizer052.7GB size
01:16.21DocScrutinizer05well, KiCAD needs some 3GB of packages preinstalled to satisfy build dependencies, plus then another maybe5GB for the build itself
01:17.13DocScrutinizer05the Vagrantfile might be interesting anyway
01:17.26_stephenas far as I can tell (via dmesg on both) devuan and chromeos have loaded the exact same modules for wifi, but iwconfig says mlan0 has no wireless extensions
01:20.17fsmithredthe modules have to match the kernel
01:20.30VallDoes Devuan have the equivalent of Debian's contrib repo?
01:20.54Valler, I mean "contrib archive area"?
01:21.13fsmithredvall, yes
01:21.38VallHow do I enable it in apt? got a look around /etc/apt but can't find any clue
01:22.41DocScrutinizer05on a sidenote that vagrant/Vbox VM has guest extensions installed, something that's woefully missing in genuine devuan vagrant box
01:23.00fsmithredadd to the deb lines in /etc/apt/sources.list
01:23.11fsmithredafter "main"
01:23.32fsmithredcontrib (and optionally, add non-free)
01:24.18fsmithred_stephen, maybe install firmware-libertas which is for Marevll Libertas 8xxx wireless cards
01:25.49Vallthanks fsmithred
01:26.11VallDocScrutinizer05: I installed the virtualbox guest additions by myself
01:26.41Valljust add the linux-headers package, then mount the VBox CDROM and run the install script
01:26.50Vallworking great here.
01:27.30DocScrutinizer05((add to the deb lines in /etc/apt/sources.list)) /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ?
01:28.13DocScrutinizer05Vall: obviously I did same
01:28.33VallDocScrutinizer05: so what is the issue?
01:28.43DocScrutinizer05what issue?
01:29.04Vall' woefully missing in genuine devuan vagrant box '
01:29.21Vallnever mind :-P
01:30.15VallAnyway, so far Devuan has been working fine here in a VM. I plan on making an OpenVZ template for it and install it in my OpenVZ server, probably tomorrow
01:30.24VallKudos to everyone for a job well done.
01:31.07VallSo, what's holding Devuan in beta? any roadmap to moving it out of Beta?
01:31.45fsmithredrumors of a september release candidate
01:31.46DocScrutinizer05let's start with "all install 'CD' images are basically a netinstall"
01:32.17Vallfsmithred: that would be great
01:32.33fsmithredand what doc said is probably the main issue
01:32.49Vallan "officially" production-ready, non-systemd, mainstream linux
01:32.52fsmithredonce you get it installed, it works well
01:33.10VallI don't remember any issues here with the install
01:33.30fsmithredyou didn't try it without a network connection
01:33.34Valljust booted from the ISO in my VM and it installed everything, including graphical desktop (XFCE?)
01:33.45Vallfsmithred: correct.
01:33.53DocScrutinizer05you might not realize it until you try to install on a machine w/o connectivity
01:34.16Vallbut now I made a tarfile of the complete install, and I can install it anywhere with or without network connection
01:34.31Vall(alas, I always do that with all linux systems I bring up)
01:35.04fsmithredmakes sense to save it, once you go to the trouble of configuring it.
01:35.07VallI'm really looking forward to moving from RH clones to Devuan
01:35.31Vallyeah, and the tarfile works as a kind of "template" for any other machine I bring up
01:35.43Vallbeen doing it that way for some decades now :-)
01:36.35DocScrutinizer05n8 folks
01:36.49_stephenfsmithread: unable to locate package...
01:36.50Vallneight, Doc ;-)
01:37.14fsmithred_stephen, you may need to enable contrib or non-free repos
01:37.23fsmithredare you using synaptic or command line?
01:37.31DocScrutinizer05and don't forget apt-get update ;-)
01:37.43_stephenno gui, so I'm using command line
01:38.26fsmithreddo what I just told Vall - edit /etc/apt/sources.list to add the words, contrib non-free, to the deb line, after 'main'
01:38.30fsmithredthen apt-get update
01:39.04_stephenrebooting back into devuan...
01:39.27_stephenI have to boot up chrome os and chroot into devuan to use the network
01:39.49fsmithredyeah, ok, that makes sense.
01:41.13_stephenLooks like the package over-wrote a bunch of the modules that I had copied over from chromeos, so hypothetically it should have loaded these new ones...
01:42.32_stephenIn dmesg I see mwifiex_sdio: FW already running! Skip FW dnld
01:42.42_stephenand WLAN FW is active... and all the same details as before.
01:42.54_stephensuppose I have to cold boot to get it to reload the firmware?
01:43.45VallOk, folks, good night everyone, and thanks for the help, specially fsmithred
01:44.07_stephensame messages from a cold boot
01:44.11Vallhope tomorrow I have an OpenVZ template for Devuan 1.0.0 Jessie beta amd64 to contribute
01:44.20DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: wouldn't it be smarter to create a new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ instead of adding stuff to /etc/apt/sources.list ?
01:47.42fsmithredcontrib and non-free?
01:48.12fsmithredI suppose you could put them in a separate file. What's the advantage?
01:49.22fsmithred_stephen, you could 'rmmod <module>' and then modprobe it again, but it should be the new one after a reboot.
01:49.34_stephenIt doesnt' remove cleanly.
01:49.34fsmithredor modprobe -r to remove
01:49.58_stephenget a trace after trying to rmmod mwifiex_sdio
01:50.07_stephenThen other stuff stops worknig
01:50.27fsmithredget rid of the stuff you copied from chrome
01:50.54fsmithreddid you copy a whole directory that has the kernel version in the dir name?
01:51.04_stephenIt's the same kernel
01:51.51_stephenSome back story:  I downlaoded the devuan image for armhf (had acer in the name) and extracted it from the xz file
01:52.02_stephenThen I had to dd the rootfs from that image
01:52.29_stephenI used vbutil to take the same kernel that chrome was booting and put that on a new partition and set the command-line so it would know where to look for the root filesystem.
01:52.44_stephenThe system came up just fine, but no wifi...
01:53.18_stephenSo then I used dd to copy the kernel out of the devuan image over top of the previous kernel, and the system booted up just fine, but still no wifi.
01:55.08fsmithredok, I'm lost. Anyway, what are you using to determine if the wifi is working?
01:55.24fsmithrediwlist? network manager?
01:55.34_stephenA few things, I check the output of iwconfig to see if it claims to support wireless extensions
01:55.41_stephenThat fails, says it doesn't, so I ifconfig up the device.
01:55.49_stepheniwconfig still reports it doesn't support wireless extensions
01:55.57_stephenThen iwlist gets all kinds of pissed off at me.
01:56.06_stephenAnd then I try to use wpa_supplicant anyway...
01:57.15fsmithredno ethernet port?
01:57.25_stephensadly, no
01:57.27*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:57.45_stephenhence the reboot & chroot to install stuff
01:59.23fsmithredsorry, I don't know what to tell you.
01:59.38_stepheneh, you gave me some stuff to try at least
02:00.21_stephenOther than the network, everything seems to work
02:03.24*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:31.54furrywolfgrrrr.  too many companies add you to their mailing list when you buy from them or contact them, and refuse to remove you.
02:34.37furrywolfin the last 24 hours, "Iron Edison July System Spotlight", "News about your AmEx card", "The next generation of strap-ons by RodeoH", "Allbattery's largest sitewide blowout", "Blowout harbor freight deals for your shop", etc, etc, etc...  just because I bought something from you in the past, or contacted your tech support, doesn't mean I want to be on your mailing list!
02:49.55*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
03:22.08*** join/#devuan zdzichu (
03:28.03*** join/#devuan luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
03:30.32*** join/#devuan zdzichu (
04:00.57*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:36.22*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
04:50.47*** join/#devuan rleigh (
04:50.48*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
05:28.41*** part/#devuan _stephen (
05:39.13*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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06:12.59*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
06:17.36*** join/#devuan detha (~detha@unaffiliated/detha)
06:47.36dethahands furrywolf a spare domain. Next time a company wants an email address, use, add a catch-all into one mailbox, and block the senders you don't want to see.
06:48.59jaromilwell, my life would be impossible without whitelisting
06:49.57furrywolfI do that for a lot of them...  the problem comes when I reply from my actual mailbox, because iceweasel is too fucking stupid to let me use multiple outgoing addresses from one account.
06:50.36jaromilstephen is gone, however his problem may have been related to rfkill
06:50.44jaromilthe pseudo-hw switch for wifi on/off
06:51.06jaromilfsmithred is also gone
06:51.08jaromilso well whatevs
06:51.37*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
06:51.45jaromilfurrywolf: now i think of it, also jaro-mail is T.F.stupid
06:51.54dethaiceweasel will, as long as you go through the effort of account-preferences|manage-identities|add
06:51.56jaromilits a feature i wanted to add but don't have time yet
06:52.10jaromilhowever i suspect one could add mutt triggers
06:52.37jaromili am not a graphical desktop user, sorry
06:55.53furrywolfbbl, wolfy bedtime
07:02.09*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
07:25.20*** join/#devuan Bercik (~Yotsuba@unaffiliated/bercik)
07:32.12*** join/#devuan joered (
08:01.24*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
08:08.02*** join/#devuan Levure (
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11:12.22*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
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11:27.34*** join/#devuan GeneralStupid (
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12:56.25*** join/#devuan Drugo (
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13:47.07*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
13:48.22DocScrutinizer05hi folks, what's the "official default desktop manager" in devuan? XFCE?
13:50.02Leander256the default one at install time is xfce
13:50.54KatolaZuh? in my case there was no DM installed in the default installation :)
13:50.55Drugodesktop environment, not manager
13:51.05KatolaZand no DE, for that matter
13:51.23Drugoand display manager is slim
13:51.46Leander256I checked something like "X packages" without selecting a particular DM/WM, and got xfce installed
13:57.51DocScrutinizer05Leander256: ta
14:04.20*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
14:06.55DocScrutinizer05tasksel: apt-get failed (100)
14:07.35DocScrutinizer05pretty unfortunate when the repo doesn't work
14:08.17DocScrutinizer05even worse when you don't know if it's the repo's fault at all
14:14.36Leander256 <- at this particular screen, even if you don't check any DM/WM, as long as "Devuan desktop environment" is checked, you'll get XFCE
14:20.07*** join/#devuan ItSANgo (
14:22.18*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
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14:34.25DocScrutinizer05sorry nevermind, I accidentally was in the obsolete 32bit-ALPHA VM
14:34.52enycDocScrutinizer05: thinking about it, is apt-get update  apt-get dist-upgrade  working too ??
14:34.53DocScrutinizer05I should destroy that vagrant box right away
14:35.57*** join/#devuan snux (
14:35.58DocScrutinizer05tasksel [x]Xfce works fine, downloading 628some packages now
14:36.15*** join/#devuan firegarden (
14:56.31*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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16:34.53*** join/#devuan arca_vorago (~user@unaffiliated/arca-vorago/x-3627237)
16:35.05*** join/#devuan Drugo (
16:35.16arca_voragoAre there any similar projects to devuan for removing the init system that shall not be named?
16:36.41fsmithredarca_vorago, there are some devuan derivatives. I think they're listed on the devuan home page (
16:37.32fsmithredthere's Trios, which is a debian deriv that uses open-rc
16:37.41Lydia_Karca_vorago: There are other distros which are not adopting systemd
16:38.11fsmithredpretty sure antix is sticking with sysvinit
16:38.40fsmithredprobably some others I can't remember or don't know about
16:38.43GeneralStupiddont forget the BSD's
16:38.58GeneralStupid(operating systems without systemd...)
16:39.15KatolaZarca_vorago: you will also find a list of distro w/o systemd here
16:39.47fsmithredbrb need food
16:40.41muepare there others that are specifically "same as ${FOO} but without systemd"?
16:41.38arca_voragoThank you all
16:53.40KatolaZArch OpenRC
16:54.57muepmy impression is that funtoo predates systemd by quite a lot
16:55.25arca_voragoYep, he forked gentoo a long time ago
16:55.50arca_voragoDid systemd start inside redhat or did they just absorb it later?
16:56.07Lydia_KI believe it started inside redhat.
16:56.15Lydia_Kbut maybe someone knows for sure.
16:56.16muepmy impression is that it started as a personal project of poettering and some other developers
16:56.19arca_voragoWhich honestly makes me even more suspicious of it
16:56.40Lydia_Kmuep: And they were all working for redhat at the time I thought?
16:57.03Lydia_KMaking it more of a rouge internal project/employee innovation
16:57.50Lydia_KDepending on how Redhat feels about that sort of thing. Some companies encourage you to run off and spend some of your time trying to innovate as long as it doesn't impact your regular duties
16:58.15Lydia_Ksome companies don't like that and only want you working on what you are assigned to work on, I don't know the internal redhat culture
16:58.31muepI'm not sure. RH may have hired him after they decided that they'd want to use systemd. I do not know where I could check when someone worked at some company
17:00.48Lydia_Kwikipedia says "Lennart Poettering and Kay Sievers started the project to develop systemd in 2010"
17:00.58Lydia_Kwith no mention about what he was working for redhat
17:04.18Lydia_K*SEEMS* like he was working there at the time: "As a senior software engineer at Red Hat, Poettering received some validation when Red Hat adopted systemd into Fedora in place of init"
17:04.40zdzichuMay 02, 2012
17:04.41Lydia_Kalso, he did pulseaudio and avahi before that, and I'm *pretty sure* those were redhat projects
17:04.48zdzichuFive years and one day ago I joined Red Hat.
17:05.08Lydia_Kin 2012
17:05.13Lydia_Kmeaning before 2010
17:05.16Lydia_Kpure redhat
17:05.24zdzichuPA started in 2004 :
17:05.35Lydia_KNice find zdzichu
17:05.37*** part/#devuan Gottox (
17:05.55muepI think he did work at least on libdaemon in the past
17:06.12zdzichuI've been in linux community for a long time
17:06.20zdzichuaround 20 years
17:06.28*** join/#devuan Tenhi (
17:06.45Lydia_KI'm at 15 I think?
17:06.48Lydia_Kwhat year is it?
17:06.53Lydia_Kwho am I again?
17:12.47fsmithreddid LP graduate high school before 2004?
17:15.52Lydia_Khaha, I like "LP" cause it reminds me of "LSP" (Lumpy Space Princess) from Adventure Time who was like the most selfish and douchey character on the show.
17:16.03Lydia_KPlease tell me his middle name starts with an S
17:16.24zdzichufsmithred: according to wikipedia, he was 24 in 2004
17:16.24Lydia_KNot to mention annoying
17:17.16zdzichuI think around that age you get your Master's Degree
17:17.44zdzichuin Germany, that is
17:17.57Lydia_KIf he got one
17:19.24*** join/#devuan Eadrom381|X250 (
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17:22.29fsmithredso he's 35 or 36?
17:23.37fsmithredsome of the quotes I've read made me think he was 15
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17:32.15Lydia_KWhoa, he's slightly older than me.
17:33.39Lydia_KAnd yeah, he acts like a 12 year old in many of the threads I've read.
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18:01.39wesbli have crackling with pulseaudio if i make heavy tasks, anyone knows why?
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18:05.04MinceRbecause pulseaudio is garbage
18:09.24*** join/#devuan somerandomnick (
18:12.19Drugois there some plan to replace wicd with something better? It is so slow to reconnect after suspension that makes devuan not very suitable for a laptop
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18:15.22wesblDrugo: i use connman
18:16.19wesblMinceR: i know :( , but it's the first time that i have crackling...
18:17.40KatolaZDrugo: I just use wpa_supplicant and wpa_cli
18:17.46KatolaZand reconnection is zero-lag
18:17.57KatolaZI algo got pissed off with wicd
18:18.44*** join/#devuan Fylgje (
18:18.45KatolaZthere is also simple-netaid, developed by Edward Bartolo
18:18.49KatolaZbut I haven't tried it
18:19.01KatolaZso I can't tell more
18:19.09Drugowesbl, KatolaZ i'll look into those ones, thanks
18:19.10fsmithredI have, and it works, but I don't think I've tried it with suspend
18:19.27*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
18:19.36KatolaZDrugo: please consider that wpa_cli is mostly caveman-job
18:19.47somerandomnickI'm getting suspicious someone broke Mailman between 2.1.15 and 2.1.18, sometime in the past year I'm suddenly having trouble with a bunch of mailing lists using Mailman.
18:20.01KatolaZbut if you don't have 100s of connections, works very well
18:21.18KatolaZsomerandomnick: sounds unlikely, given the diffusion of Mailman...
18:21.21somerandomnickSeems someone who didn't know what they were doing didn't allow for many valid characters in e-mail addresses (notably '+' in the user portion).
18:22.35somerandomnickKatolaZ: You might think so, but almost simultaneously I'm having troubles with several mailing lists...
18:24.56KatolaZsomerandomnick: I am not saying it is impossible, only unlikely :)
18:27.02somerandomnickKatolaZ: Of note I've tried to subscribe to devuan-discuss both via e-mail and the web form, and neither has been successful (I'm also missing error messages, so I've got no idea what is going on).
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18:29.57KatolaZsomerandomnick: again, I believe you
18:30.10KatolaZonly, Mailman 2.1.18 wnt out more than two years ago
18:30.52KatolaZso if there is such a problem
18:31.08KatolaZit should be probably reported in the Mainlman bug reports
18:33.30somerandomnickHmm, looks like may be related.
18:35.16KatolaZsomerandomnick: ?
18:35.46KatolaZcan't see how this is related to your problem, but maybe I have misunderstood your problem
18:37.22somerandomnickI'm guessing someone added something which attempted to check for valid e-mail addresses (likely on the theory of preventing Spam), but they had never met the RFCs and never bothered to realize how much variety in e-mail addresses there is.
18:38.09KatolaZwait somerandomnick
18:38.22somerandomnickNot too many people are using tagged e-mail addresses, so it could take a while for someone to notice (and in such circumstances, many people say "well just use an untagged address instead, problem solved").
18:38.46KatolaZthe bug you posted is about adding the original From: field in in Reply-To:
18:39.22somerandomnickYeah, forget about that it may or may not be related.
18:42.34*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~Human_G33@
18:43.25KatolaZsomerandomnick: this might be somehow connected, instead:
18:43.43KatolaZbut it seems that the but has been lying there for the best part of the last 14 years :)
18:48.21somerandomnickPossibly small relation, this only showed up recently though.
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20:49.47DocScrutinizer05 ETA now+7h
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