IRC log for #devuan on 20160712

00:01.56*** join/#devuan Drugo (
00:04.38*** join/#devuan githogori (
00:10.16*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
00:16.15*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
00:27.41*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
00:46.42*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
00:47.12*** part/#devuan KiloJuliet (~gplgeek@pdpc/supporter/student/GPLGeek)
00:54.27*** join/#devuan stevelitt (
00:56.03stevelittnextime, KatolaZ, jaromil, hellekin: What is the official preferred license for Devuan documentation?
00:59.42Inocuoushmm. twice I've lost connection to my keyring passwords in google Chrome, It takes a reboot to get it working again. It's very odd.
01:12.00golinuxChrome is odd.
01:12.32golinuxhas great loathing for the chrome UI
01:15.14*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
01:19.49stevelittgolinux, I've been having great luck with palemoon.
01:20.47stevelittI have both LXDE and Xfce installed on my Devuan Jessie VM. It currently uses LXDE. Does anyone know how I switch it to Xfce?
01:21.17stevelittWhoops, sorry, wrong channel.
01:40.02*** join/#devuan githogori (
01:41.25*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
01:46.11*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
02:01.09*** join/#devuan Bercik (~Yotsuba@unaffiliated/bercik)
02:01.53*** join/#devuan Defiant (
02:05.06*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:07.27*** join/#devuan githogori (
02:09.16*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
02:10.42furrywolfgrrrrrr.  there's even an article on the pokemon game in the local paper!
02:11.24MinceRand pokemon go? :>
02:12.56furrywolfis tired of hearing about pokemon
02:13.15*** join/#devuan githogori (
02:14.27furrywolfare there really so many people with nothing better to do than walk around with their heads stuck in their phones playing pokemon that we need to have news articles about it?
02:15.28furrywolfwe need some form of labor camps such people can be inducted into.
02:17.23MinceRwe have "news" of all sorts of boring, banal stuff
02:21.28furrywolfeverywhere I look on the internet...  new pokemon game this new pokemon game that...  so I read the local news...  and they have an article on it too.
02:22.17stevelittfurrywolf, don't hold back, tell us what you REALLY think!
02:23.59furrywolfstevelitt:  soylent green factories!  :P
02:30.21*** join/#devuan githogori (
02:35.34stevelittNot enough punishment, furrywolf , force them to listen to two weeks of Poettering Pontifications.
02:36.29stevelittBy the way, I personally have nothing against Pokemon. All three of my kids played it, and one of my daughters went on that Pokemon walk yesterday.
02:36.53stevelittLOL, force Poettering to go on Pokemon walks.
02:37.09stevelittThat boy looks like he needs exercise.
02:37.30stevelittHe'll find a way to complexify the game beyond playability.
02:37.39furrywolfare they out wandering around your town staring at their phones wandering in front of vehicles driven by drivers staring down at their phones trying to get to the same place?
02:37.40stevelittThen, no more Pokemon!
02:38.19stevelittHey, does anyone know how to switch my Devuan Jessie desktop from LXDE to Xfce?
02:39.25Leander256could it be by using update-alternatives ?
02:39.28MinceRbut is nintendo stupid enough to hire poettering?
02:39.32furrywolfapt-get install xfce4, then select a xfce session from your desktop manager.
02:39.44Leander256slim won't let you do that
02:40.57*** join/#devuan githogori (
02:45.22furrywolfmy project for tonight is going to be sorting through a box of stuff I got on ebay, and figuring out what usps lost/stole.  box is completly open and suspiciously light.
02:46.03furrywolfit was a box of endmills, clamps, dovetail cutters, etc, which should be closed and heavy..
02:47.56debdogin slim the different DEs and WMs should have asigned Fx keys.
02:48.17stevelittdebdog, sounds good, but I found nothing about lxsession in slim.conf.
02:48.39*** join/#devuan githogori (
03:00.10Leander256stevelitt: see the comments for login_cmd in /etc/slim.conf
03:01.30Leander256you can use the user's .xinitrc to decide with DM to use
03:06.19*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
03:13.01*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
03:16.05*** join/#devuan rleigh (
03:16.05*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
03:18.47*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
03:20.01furrywolfnot as bad as I feared...  two of the five lathe chuck wrenches are missing, but the rest of the stuff is there.
03:35.01*** join/#devuan Chanku (
04:00.53*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:06.39*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
04:16.25*** join/#devuan luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
04:16.40*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
04:17.07*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
04:36.12*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
04:48.50*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
04:51.46*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
04:56.37*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
04:58.44*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
05:16.57*** join/#devuan rleigh (
05:16.57*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
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06:02.10*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
06:47.39*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
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06:53.15*** join/#devuan virrus (~vir@
07:17.51*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
07:31.13stevelittLeander256, when I did that, it gave me an error.
07:31.27stevelittIs there a documented way to switch DEs anywhere?
07:47.26*** join/#devuan joered (
08:10.31*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
08:17.41*** join/#devuan Levure (
08:24.32*** join/#devuan FAESGE (
08:25.27FAESGEhi. how can I enable suspension of my laptop (running debian) when the lid is closed? the power settings don't even have that option (only No Action or Turn off Screen)
08:28.41infobotfreee is probably
08:30.50*** join/#devuan rleigh (
08:30.50*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
08:34.07flrnstevelitt: you can choose the DE at the login screen with the F1 key. if slim doesn't list your preferred one, create the according desktop file in /usr/share/xsession/
08:43.52flrnstevelitt: if you want to go the ~/.xinitrc way, for LXDE use /usr/bin/startlxde
08:44.54*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
08:53.06DocScrutinizer05FAESGE: meh, systemd related
08:53.52DocScrutinizer05you probably might google for solutions from pre-systemd times
09:02.48*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
09:05.50DocScrutinizer05sth like (inverted)
09:17.58*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
09:39.43DocScrutinizer05((<MinceR> but is nintendo stupid enough to hire poettering?)) Nokia was stupid enough to hire Elop
09:40.41DocScrutinizer05when really *everybody* moaned out loud "this is F*CKNG STUPID, this guy is a MS mole"
09:41.56DocScrutinizer05well, now they seemingly finally learned their lesson and will start building own devices again, without any MS affiliation
09:42.32DocScrutinizer05after the braindrain and loss of all assets - fools
09:45.00DocScrutinizer05"burning platform" my ass. What Elop forgot to mention in this BS communique was his plan to extinguish the fire with kerosene
09:57.16DocScrutinizer05ooh he did mention it, however not stating (not even realizing?) that he did too  >>I believe at least some of it has been due to our attitude inside Nokia. We poured gasoline on our own burning platform.<<
10:06.12DusXMTDocScrutinizer05: Nintendo hired Poettering?
10:06.23*** join/#devuan amphi (
10:06.42DocScrutinizer05did they?
10:06.49DusXMTDunno, I'm asking
10:06.50*** join/#devuan amphi_ (
10:07.06DocScrutinizer05I'm not asking, since I don't care :-)
10:07.46DusXMTWell, curiosity still exists by me =3
10:08.30DocScrutinizer05RH definitely has enough drones in the freezer to warm up in case Poettering would leave systemd cabal
10:11.39Teari don't know much about this topic, but are there any theories on why all those distros switched to systemd right away, ignoring or handwaving all user feedback, and even their own procedures for introducing drastic changes?
10:11.48Tearit just seems really fishy to me
10:14.28DusXMTIndeed. That's also the reason why I switched: I wouldn't want to use it even if it was superior, if it was being forced upon people without their consent
10:14.29Tearand all the arguments given by the decision-makers were either false, non-sequitur or other various logical fallacies
10:14.35Teareven though they seemed to be pretty smart people before that
10:14.58DusXMTmade it sound like rape x3
10:15.10Tearit's not far from it honestly
10:17.58*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
10:29.13*** join/#devuan firegarden (
10:30.31DocScrutinizer05I guess quite a fair bit of the "success" is due to lobbying
10:33.16DocScrutinizer05then the promise that everything will be easier for the distro maintainers since they only have to support one init system. And once one big player been on board, the latter argument counts power-2 since the distro maintainers have the choice to either jump the systemd train or have a *lot* of work rolling their own init system integration of *all* packages from now on
10:46.56Tearis supporting a different init system really that much work?
10:47.42KatolaZTear: in principle, not that much
10:48.03KatolaZin practice, systemd is encompassing many more functionalities than that of an init system
10:48.13Teari just don't see how making a single script out of a template is more effort than backporting patches, modifying makefiles to match the distro's filesystem structure, deciding stability, making sure all packages are built against the libs currently in the repos...
10:48.15KatolaZand many applications have started relying on those functionalities
10:48.26KatolaZwhich makes maintaining them a PITA
10:48.30Tearit seems like 1% of the work maintainers do
10:48.52KatolaZTear: you are welcome to help :)
10:49.28Teari haven't tried devuan yet, i'm considering it
10:50.26Teari'm on gentoo right now but some of the software i want is available as .deb only, the pc is a multimedia workstation
10:50.59Teari could theoretically create ebuilds for them, but switching to devuan might end up requiring less effort in the long run
10:51.02KatolaZTear: it *seems* like 1% of the work of maintainers
10:51.18KatolaZbut the problem is not materially providing the init scripts for all the services
10:51.29KatolaZwhich would be less than a couple hundreds ayway
10:51.39KatolaZthe problem is removing the dependencies on systemd
10:51.47Tearnow, yes
10:51.51Tearbut that wasn't an argument back then
10:51.57KatolaZback when?
10:52.07Tearwhat i was talking about, when it was being introduced into distros
10:52.44KatolaZIMHO it's irrelevant to speculate about how systemd got its way through the major distros
10:52.47KatolaZit's there now
10:52.59KatolaZand we have to work hard if we want to provide a solid alternative
10:53.16KatolaZor we will eventually be engulfed by "progress"
11:11.54*** join/#devuan qtnez (dc8e6fc2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:52.04*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
11:52.21*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
11:58.06*** join/#devuan Ruusento (
12:35.08MinceR12 113942 < DocScrutinizer05> ((<MinceR> but is nintendo stupid enough to hire poettering?)) Nokia was stupid enough to hire Elop
12:35.11MinceRgood point
12:52.17*** join/#devuan ppisati_ (
13:12.30*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
13:29.20*** join/#devuan M-baselab (baselabmat@gateway/shell/
13:42.16*** join/#devuan rleigh_ (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)
13:42.22buZzeh didnt know who Elop was
13:42.46buZzso he singlehandidly destroyed everyone's faith in their own company? :D
13:44.56MinceRhe singlehandedly destroyed nokia mobile
13:51.40*** join/#devuan enyc (
14:03.05*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
14:04.15*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
14:05.22*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:29.02*** join/#devuan pdot (
14:51.03*** join/#devuan virrus (~vir@
15:00.45*** join/#devuan Chanku (
15:14.37*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:14.59hellekinthis looks like #debianfork.
15:15.32furrywolfin what way?
15:16.15DusXMTin that there isn't really any talk about devuan development? (am guilty of adding to that myself sometimes)
15:16.46furrywolfand who has a 3/4" indexable boring bar, 4-6" length, they want to send me?  :)
15:17.46*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
15:22.08furrywolf  one of those, but used, so I don't have to spend $25 for a new shiny one when a used one will work just fine.
15:32.14*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
15:32.39*** join/#devuan kraiskil (
15:33.38*** join/#devuan TemporalBeing1 (~Ben_Meyer@
15:38.31furrywolfyay!!  the new top for my jeep just shipped.  I only ordered it six months ago or so...
15:39.28*** join/#devuan gnu_srs1 (
15:39.44Lydia_KWell..  not the six months part
15:40.55furrywolfI knew when I ordered that the company was known for very long shipping times.
15:41.11furrywolfI guess it's only been four months...  they estimated two months, which was mid-may.  now it's mid-july.
15:43.09furrywolfbbl, chiropractor.
15:46.21hellekinin that way :)
15:54.00*** join/#devuan Akuli (
16:06.12*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
16:09.36*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
16:36.32Akuliamprolla is working :D
16:38.44DusXMTLet the updates flow~
16:39.42Akuliso many updates :D
16:41.51*** join/#devuan lupin3rd (~lupin3rd@2001:b07:2ec:ff90:21d:e0ff:fe57:7077)
16:42.38Akulithen again, its been quite a while since upgrading this computer :)
16:42.56DusXMTonly had two, linux-image-3.16.0-4-686-pae and linux-libc-dev
16:43.29Akulii have gimp, fonts, libreoffice, imagemagick :D
16:43.40Akuliand the packages you hvae
16:44.10DusXMTususally updates all his machines weekly, that seems to be the sweet spot
16:44.41Akulii do that usually too, but i hadn't been using this laptop for more than a week :)
16:45.10buZzah ty Akuli !!
16:45.24buZzlets re-enable the security updates :P
16:45.44Akuliwho else commented out the jessie-security line than me
16:46.40Akulitelst4r, didn't you?
16:53.54pdotrandom questions for the distributed masses, does anyone know the current status of repo mirrors?
16:54.28Akulirepo mirrors?
16:55.05Akuliyou mean the stuff you put in sources.list? i just use
16:55.38Akuliso you want a list of them?
16:56.05DusXMTthinks he just wants to know how they're implemented
16:56.45Akulioops :D
16:57.01Akuligoogle things i mean debian when i type devuan
16:57.46Akulimaybe you want this?
16:57.53DusXMTAkuli: try duckduckgo, if you surround something in double-quotes there all results _have_ to contain the exact phrase
16:58.00Akuligoogle dos that too
16:58.07DusXMTReally? nice
16:58.14Akulii use it all the time
16:59.26DusXMT's been using duckduckgo for a while now, they say they give unbiast search results (that is, uncatered towards the user), which I find cool
17:00.13Akulii might move over to it some day also
17:01.31furrywolfno, google does NOT.  double quotes just makes it more likely to include the phrase.
17:02.13furrywolfgoogle will still quite happily return results without the phrase you searched for if it thinks you're more likely to make them money that way, or whatever metric they use...
17:03.54Akuliit has been good enough for me
17:04.42DusXMTonce searched for the largest number one can store in a 32-bit value on google, was too lazy to put (2^32)-1 into the calculator... got really silly results, like this one fake download page with torrents to ebooks about the size of 32-bit numbers, with download speeds and 300~ MB sizes... silly internet
17:06.16furrywolffake pdfs come back way too often.
17:07.23furrywolfif I ran a search engine, rather than using my powers for evil (like pushing useless crap to the top of results), I'd use my powers for good and make sure any site that seems to be returning documents containing content from sites known to generate original content is pushed to the very bottom of the results...
17:07.45furrywolfmost of those fake sites are filled with content scraped from other sites
17:07.54furrywolfand I know google has the processing power to notice this.
17:08.05AkuliDusXMT, i think you can find that on wikipedia
17:08.14*** part/#devuan Akuli (
17:08.18*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:08.28DusXMTAkuli: You can also find that out with a calculator =3
17:08.56DusXMTI know that it's a 10-digit number with 47 as the first two digits though
17:09.32furrywolf~math (2^32)-1
17:09.33DusXMTwhoops, 42-
17:09.46furrywolfhrmm, infobot sucks.  :P
17:10.13MinceRi think it interpreted ^ as xor
17:10.51furrywolfand here I was assuming it'd use the same syntax as bc, units, etc...  what the heck uses **?
17:11.08DusXMTfurrywolf: fortran, from what I remember
17:11.25furrywolfok...  I do hope infobot is not written in fortran.  :)
17:11.30Akulioh, its unsigned 32-bit integer :D
17:12.26furrywolfdamnit, I put up a load of laundry, and ten minutes later the sky clouds over.
17:12.38DusXMTyup, signed is halved (with negative having 1 more digit, at least in two's complement)
17:13.48MinceRpython uses ** too
17:14.00furrywolfall the more reason not to use python.
17:14.23furrywolfbbl, need to dig through my tooling and make sure I don't have a 3/4" boring bar before I buy a new one.
17:14.26MinceRwell, ^ is already taken by xor, due to c
17:14.35MinceR** is common enough to be a good replacement
17:14.36DusXMTfurrywolf: Hey, fortran is legendary in the science community, it is the de_facto science language, so no need to discriminate it :)
17:14.40pdotthanks everyone, after reading the title bar, I'll wait until the repos become 'stable' before recommending inclusion to my local mirror.
17:15.08DusXMTs/it/its syntax when it comes to math/
17:16.48MinceRbash uses ** too
17:16.51MinceR% echo $(( ( 2 ** 32 ) - 1 ))
17:16.53MinceRoops, zsh
17:17.03MinceRbut so does bash :>
17:17.07MinceRmincer@darkstar:~$ echo $(( ( 2 ** 32 ) - 1 ))
17:17.53Akuliare we now going to ditch everything that uses **?
17:17.59Akulii hope not
17:21.38DusXMTBut then again, bash isn't exactly the ideal language for number-crunching
17:23.36MinceRit's ** in R as well
17:24.38*** join/#devuan Drugo (
17:46.15KatolaZit's ** in gnuplot as well
17:46.32KatolaZbut it's ^ in apcalc
17:52.58furrywolfI hate my back.  I just put together a small plastic tote (one of the 6" deep half-height ones) that I can't move.
17:53.53furrywolfbets Lydia_K is strong... :P
17:59.20fsmithredfurrywolf, are you hauling gold?
17:59.29furrywolfHSS and carbide...
17:59.44furrywolftungsten carbide
18:00.24fsmithredwant some scary stats?
18:00.39gci_adminfurrywolf, have you considered getting a luggage cart to haul your tote?
18:01.09furrywolfI've considered suing the person who killed my back until I have enough money for someone else to move heavy things for me.
18:01.42fsmithred185 lb person holding a 30 lb weight with arms hanging down and elbows bent 90 degrees has 2-3 times their body weight on lower lumbar discs.
18:01.47gci_adminfurrywolf, well, there is the law suit route. But in the interim maybe one of these would help -
18:02.39furrywolfgci_admin:  I have a half dozen handtrucks, three large 6-wheel carts, about the same number of moving dollies, an engine hoist, and a 3200lb crane...
18:02.56gci_adminfurrywolf, ha! Nevermind me then. ;)
18:03.54furrywolfand none of them will help unless I can clear a path through the living room and greenhouse.  heh.
18:06.07furrywolf  I bought two of those from costco...  one of them I put big wheels on.  works great for moving large, heavy things around outside.
18:07.10furrywolfwhen the wheels fail, costco disposes of them instead of repairs them....  so I got two with some bad wheels, used the wheels from one to fix the other, put jumbo wheels on one (10" and 12" pneumatic), and have two very nice outdoor carts.
18:09.12gci_adminLove the large cart with only a pair of sandal on it. Classic! :D
18:09.35furrywolfI don't know the history of the picture...  just did a google image search and picked the first one where you could see the cart.  heh.
18:51.12*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
18:52.40furrywolfI owe, I owe, it's off to work I go...
19:02.26*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
19:04.33golinuxCenturion_Dan: o/
19:05.42Centurion_DanHi ;-)
19:06.06Centurion_DanI've been at a conference all week -
19:07.37Centurion_DanToday we have the NZOSS Open source day stream so we'll be extolling the virtues of free software and championing some fantastic open source projects.
19:09.59*** join/#devuan stevelitt (
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21:21.09golinuxfsmithred: msg
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23:44.05*** join/#devuan rleigh (~rleigh@unaffiliated/rleigh)

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