IRC log for #devuan on 20160623

00:11.19*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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01:26.30*** join/#devuan Defiant (
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01:37.33*** join/#devuan KiloJuliet (~gplgeek@pdpc/supporter/student/GPLGeek)
01:44.32*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
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03:48.30*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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06:22.04*** join/#devuan Levure (
06:43.39*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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07:17.18*** join/#devuan jsfarinet (
07:17.28jsfarinetGood morning!
07:17.41AkuliHi jsfarinet
07:18.12jsfarinetI have an urgent and hopefully simple question: What's the name of the small program which shows you the key values?
07:18.38Akulicharacter map?
07:19.04jsfarinetNo it's a small app which shows the x values when you click over
07:19.33jsfarineti need to know how xdotools read the mod4 (=window) key
07:20.27pydsigner_I forget its name but I know what you're talking about
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07:21.10Akuliyou mean something that listens to keystrokes?
07:22.09pydsigner_I think so
07:22.14pydsigner_There's a specific x program
07:22.23pydsigner_That shows keystrokes and mouse presses
07:22.30jsfarinetpydsigner: :) Me too, bad memory
07:23.01jsfarinetin any case: i found it for the special case: xdotool reads <super> as the window key
07:23.59jsfarinetBackground: I looked for a way to configure in spacefm the equivalent to pcmanfm menu://applications/
07:28.54*** join/#devuan joered (
07:36.32jsfarinet@akuli: *YOUR* script does not well the suspend + screenlock. It locks the screen but fails the suspend. In the original cb-exit script i now found the trick: first the suspend command and after the screenlock. So,if you unsuspend (and the machine awakes) the screen gets locked :) :) Simple, but effective :)
07:41.50AkuliOk, let's see what i have there
07:47.49pydsigner_Don't you need a forking locker?
07:49.39*** join/#devuan edbarx (
07:51.17edbarxPg 48 "At this point we have covered what might be called the conventional core of C." :D
07:58.57*** join/#devuan b0stik (~b0stik@
08:03.19*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
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08:13.15*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
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08:49.33LongHairedHackerpydsigner_: Did you mean xev ?
08:51.04DocScrutinizer05dang, beat me to it
08:51.23*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
08:51.30DocScrutinizer05and actually it was jsfari who asked
08:54.14DocScrutinizer05>>So,if you unsuspend (and the machine awakes) the screen gets locked :) :) Simple, but effective :)<<  yes, but also very badly flawed, since it exposes whatever been the display content until finally the screenlock kicks in. Now think you might have confidential or security-relevant text on your display... :-/
08:54.58AkuliDocScrutinizer05, does the version i just pasted do that?
08:55.07DocScrutinizer05I dunno
08:55.40Akulioh, you're not running this stuff :)
08:55.44DocScrutinizer05I just noticed that it's the way fedora as of a few years ago did screenlocks/suspends on my laptop
08:56.53DocScrutinizer05when I resume the laptop, it shows the acient display content for several seconds, until finally the lockscreen comes up covering that potentially security relevant content
08:57.25DocScrutinizer05*very* bad behavior
08:59.05DocScrutinizer05it completely evades me why the screenloacker isn't run in background&
09:00.02DocScrutinizer05and the suspend waits a few seconds until the screenlocker had enough time to properly cover the original display content
09:01.27DocScrutinizer05honestly you don't want to save the original display content as active framebuffer content to the HDD/RAM
09:05.04DocScrutinizer05now he's gone too :-/
09:05.14DocScrutinizer05looks flawed as well
09:07.11DocScrutinizer05should at least be
09:07.52parazydDocScrutinizer05: do you use /etc/acpi ?
09:08.01DocScrutinizer05me? why?
09:08.11parazydfor the things you're typing
09:08.24DocScrutinizer05I'm not typing, I'm quoting
09:08.37DocScrutinizer05[2016-06-23 Thu 09:44:13] <Akuli>
09:09.23parazydfwiw: first lock, then suspend
09:09.52DocScrutinizer05[2016-06-23 Thu 11:01:27] <DocScrutinizer05> honestly you don't want to save the original display content as active framebuffer content to the HDD/RAM
09:10.28parazydsry, lost that part of the buffer,but ok :)
09:11.31DocScrutinizer05I bet I could even "ctrl-C" the screenlock after resume, when it gets *started* only after resume
09:12.34DocScrutinizer05a kbd with convenient embedded macro function easily could accomplish all that
09:13.34DocScrutinizer05it opens a terminal for me, and sends a killall Shutdown-dialog before the screenlock kicks in
09:16.32DocScrutinizer05it could do other stuff as well, like establishing a ssh tunnel to arbitrary remote machine, so I got all the time in the world to kill the screenlocker "from within"
09:16.34parazydthe system call is ugly :D you can just print "mem" into /sys/power/state
09:18.29DocScrutinizer05but probably a simple ctrl-alt-esc would suffice (kill-window skullbones cursor)
09:18.43parazydxkill you mean
09:18.53DocScrutinizer05yeah, that's the name of the binary
09:18.56parazydsuffice for what? to kill i3lock?
09:19.09parazydctrl-alt-backspace also
09:19.12parazydto kill x
09:19.26DocScrutinizer05lol, that's not the 'purpose"
09:19.43parazydjust saying :D free shell
09:19.58DocScrutinizer05I'm trying to make a point why it's futile to run i3lock *after* suspend
09:20.10parazydpoint is: don't
09:20.17parazydthat's it
09:20.24DocScrutinizer05exactly my point
09:20.53DocScrutinizer05there's a bazillion exploits how to hijack such "locked" session
09:21.37*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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09:22.23DocScrutinizer05since in fact it isn't locked until a few (milli)seconds *after* resume
09:22.56DocScrutinizer05thus first make damn sure you locked, then suspend
09:23.41parazydpersonally i have locking binded to a key combination, not on lid close
09:23.43DocScrutinizer05and make sure you not only locked but actually covered/hidden the display content
09:23.59parazydsometimes i just want to suspend without locking
09:24.44Akulimaybe we should lock it, leave the locking process in the background, sleep a few seconds and then start the screensaver?
09:26.13Akulii mean, then suspend
09:26.24Akulilock screen, sleep a few seconds, suspend
09:26.33DocScrutinizer05for me lock and screensaver always seem to be used as synonyms
09:26.45DocScrutinizer05yep, that's what I suggested
09:27.01DocScrutinizer05[2016-06-23 Thu 11:07:11] <DocScrutinizer05> should at least be
09:27.03DocScrutinizer05[2016-06-23 Thu 11:07:11] <DocScrutinizer05>         os.system('sleep 5; sudo /sbin/s2ram &')
09:27.04DocScrutinizer05[2016-06-23 Thu 11:07:11] <DocScrutinizer05>['i3lock', '-c', '7b7691'])
09:27.32Akulithat would sleep 5 seconds, and then suspend and start the screensaver :D
09:27.40DocScrutinizer05I should say "at *very* least"
09:28.21DocScrutinizer05well, when os.system is a sync call, you might need to make it async
09:28.46Akulios.system is pretty bad anyway, i'm using it just to background the stuff
09:28.57DocScrutinizer05I was a tad shy to suggest os.system('(sleep 5; sudo /sbin/s2ram) &>/dev/null &')
09:29.22Akuliwhy to redirect the output?
09:29.49DocScrutinizer05just because... ;-)
09:30.58DocScrutinizer05you don't want the background process to abort when forground process closes STDOUT handles
09:31.24DocScrutinizer05not that I'd expect that to happen
09:31.31Akulii think the & process will run just fine when python has exited
09:31.44DocScrutinizer05yep, usually it should
09:33.25IrrwahnUnsolicited interjection: From the i3lock manpage: i3lock forks, so  you  can  combine  it  with  an  alias  to  suspend  to  RAM  (run  "i3lock  &&  echo  mem  > /sys/power/state" to get a locked screen after waking up your computer from suspend to RAM)
09:33.58DocScrutinizer05but when you want a child process to really detach from parent, redirecting all STD* handles is one of the measures to take
09:34.42DocScrutinizer05Irrwahn: that's pretty bad advice
09:34.59Irrwahn*shrug* just quoting ^^
09:35.00DocScrutinizer05it creates exactly the race condition we discuss here
09:35.11IrrwahnHm. I see.
09:35.56Irrwahnslock has a builtin feature to avoid this (I presume): slock is a screen locker for X. If provided, the post_lock_command will be executed when the screen is locked.
09:36.31Irrwahnwhen invoked like this: slock post_lock_command
09:36.39DocScrutinizer05that sounds better
09:40.06Akuliso something like slock s2ram should be enough?
09:40.21IrrwahnThat's how I understand it.
09:40.24Akulithats great
09:42.16Akuliamazing. termbin just switched to paste id's with 5 characters!
09:44.55IrrwahnSkimming over slock source code (only ~350 lines) it looks like it does the right thing. "Yay!" for suckless tools, I guess. ;o)
09:45.16DocScrutinizer054 chars!
09:45.34Akulitermbin is crazy
09:46.39DocScrutinizer05anyway thanks for termbin ;-)
09:47.35Akulinc 9999 < yourfile
09:47.41Akulican't get easier than that :)
09:48.14DocScrutinizer05even iron900 apt-cache policy mc|termbin
09:52.17Akulialias termbin='nc 9999 <'
09:52.20Akulithat actually works
09:52.20DocScrutinizer05which is amazing since the apt-cache output contains lots of URLs and that makes most pastebins fail
09:52.23Akulithen i can just termbin file
09:52.54Akulionly thing i don't like about termbin is that i can't just nc 9999 and write out the stuff myself
09:53.07Akuliafter a few seconds it times out and says "Use netcat." even though i'm using netcat :D
10:01.36parazydAkuli: you can cat and pipe to netcat if you want to type in the terminal
10:02.05Akulii thought cat echoes things line by line
10:02.13*** join/#devuan Leander256 (~Leander25@
10:02.23parazydcat <<EOF | nc 9999
10:02.25parazydthen type
10:02.28Akulioh now i see
10:02.29parazydend with EOF
10:06.17Akulithats better
10:06.36Akulii can even use my environment variables if i run that with " instead
10:08.16*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
10:08.29Akuliline continuations with \ don't work in ' mode
10:10.09Akulihow much ram does devuan jessie use with xfce4 when no applications are open?
10:10.18Akuliother than terminal to check the ram usage, of course
10:13.37djphAkuli: this box has been running for a while (albeit MATE), and is sitting at about 5G ... but I think that's because the system keeps incrementing buffers / cache for itself
10:14.23Akulithis computer has 256MB and i'm wondering if it would run, and this ubuntu 12.04 runs just fine
10:14.50djphyeah, it's getting power hungry (or I have something big running somewhere that I forgot about)
10:14.51hellekinAkuli: it runs fine.  The default install of KatolaZ's minimal live CD uses 64M.
10:15.12hellekindjph: your story sounds like a memory leak
10:15.35djphbut it's also been up for 2 months straight and has 10 users ...
10:15.43Akulithen the next problem is how am i going to get it installed :D
10:15.52djpho_O wonder why it has 10 users
10:16.25hellekinAkuli: your biggest memory huggers are Mozilla products more likely.
10:17.16Akulimy free -m with xchat and gnome-terminal running
10:17.20djphhellekin: nah, no memory leak, just me forgetting about several heavy programs running on the desktop (I'm ssh'd in)
10:17.25Akuliand xfce4-session, of course
10:25.39edbarxDid an online C test to get feedback about my learning progress. Got 12/20 :(
10:28.27DocScrutinizer05((line continuations with \ don't work in ' mode)) why would you need those anyway?
10:30.12DocScrutinizer05\0x13 is just a shell-special sequence to tell shell that the CR doesn't mean CR but is a ordinary ascii char
10:30.47DocScrutinizer05inside ' everything is just ordinary ascii char
10:31.27DocScrutinizer05except *maybe* \0777, not sure about those
10:32.51DocScrutinizer05well, actaully inside echo '' *everything is plain ascii
10:33.36DocScrutinizer05unless it gets interpreted by line discipline
10:34.14DocScrutinizer05backspace for example still is backspace, and CR still is CR
10:35.02DocScrutinizer05other than that, only the delimiter itself (') is special
10:35.54DocScrutinizer05then comes echo which doesn't do anything unless you do echo -e
10:39.12DocScrutinizer05if you want even less of any special chars, cat <<THISISTHEEND is your friend
10:44.41Akuliprobably it is
10:44.48DocScrutinizer05Akuli: while in " mode your "continuation lines" work exactly like they are defined: only showing up on input, not on output
10:45.10DocScrutinizer05echo "test\
10:45.19DocScrutinizer05becomes testtest
10:45.23Akuliyes that worsk
10:50.57DocScrutinizer05especially for you ;D ->   mcedit x&&nc 9999 <x&&rm x
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11:36.20arminso when is that "beta" to be removed from devuan's naming? :)
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11:47.46fsmithredI think we're still waiting for beta2
11:48.15fsmithredbut that really applies to the installer. Devuan is mostly Debian, and jessie has been stable for over a year.
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12:02.36MinceR"stable" by lendows standards, for what it's worth :>
12:06.15hellekinarmin: when it's ready :)
12:10.44edbarxIs this OK in C? I need to output count tabs.
12:10.49edbarxif (count < tab_width && count > 0)
12:10.54arminMinceR, hellekin: any way i can contribute or help?
12:15.44hellekinarmin: :)
12:32.02*** join/#devuan shambrarian (~shambrari@unaffilated/shambrarian)
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12:44.42arminhellekin: perfect. i would love to contribute a german translation.
12:45.05arminhellekin: does a wildcard ssl certificate for * exist?
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13:04.57arminhellekin: so what's the git branch that actually is in use? "beta" or ""?
13:16.24hellekinarmin: no we don't have a wildcard certificate
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13:18.31arminhellekin: thanks!
13:18.59arminhellekin: should i just "git checkout -b" from the HEAD of and start working? is that appropriate?
13:19.40hellekinarmin: checkout your own branch, e.g.,, against
13:19.46arminperfect. ty.
13:20.14hellekinyeah, sorry, my response could have been shorter :]
13:23.07arminhellekin: all fine. i'll keep idling here and am happy if this project grows further.
13:24.16arminhellekin: i can not even promise i'll be comfortable with all things, i just *try* to help, and so do you. if the outcome is good that's the highest achievement we could get. i hope we will.
13:30.59arminthe string "alpha was released about a year ago" is doomed to be outdated soon, btw.
13:33.54*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
13:42.07arminstatus: ./source/pages/ fully translated, working on final touches.
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14:18.08pydsigner_LongHairedHacker: Yes I did
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15:32.07golinuxarmin: A very welcome contribution!  Thank you!
15:32.41armingolinux: the phrasing is just a bit hard. trying to improve this.
15:33.44jaromilarmin: amazing!! thanks!!!
15:34.24arminit's more to translate than i thought if we really want to cover everything. :'-(
15:35.06armini'm doing my best though. :)
15:37.02armincan i somehow easily test how an .erb would look rendered?
15:37.54armin([copy the <span class="icon-magnet"></span> link][magnet])
15:38.04arminnot sure about that one for example
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16:04.19jaromilarmin: bundle exec middleman server -p 5000
16:04.34jaromilhaving ruby's bundle and middleman installed
16:04.50jaromilwill launch a local http server on porto 5000 with the website previewed
16:04.57hellekinarmin: ([THIS IS TO BE  <span class="icon-magnet"></span> TRANSLATED][magnet]
16:24.50*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
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16:37.05edbarxC constants: L, U, F, leading 0 (octal), 0X (hex), 'x', operator priority, ...
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16:48.56arminjaromil, hellekin: thx!!!
16:59.56*** join/#devuan Bercik (~Yotsuba@unaffiliated/bercik)
17:12.55Lydia_KSo guys, I wrote a little start/stop script manager thing, it contains template files for a generic start/stop script and a config file, and just by providing the full path to the binary you can add a start/stop script for it and a "config file" under /etc/conf.d/
17:13.15Lydia_KI was thinking I should probably host it under the devuan umbrella
17:13.40Lydia_Ksince people keep worrying that people will stop providing sysvinit style start/stop scripts.
17:15.28Lydia_KIf you don't feel it belongs under the devuan umbrella I'll just stick it up on github.
17:15.54Lydia_KIt's not totally finished, still plenty to do, but all the basic functionality is there, it's *super* simple.
17:16.20Lydia_KI kinda wish I had done this years ago for all the times I've written start/stop scripts for oracle stuff and such.
17:17.42Lydia_KAlso I totally need a name for it.
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17:37.23golinuxLydia_K:  startmeup?
17:37.36dethaSimple Start/Stop Daemon is taken already. onoffd ?
17:37.42Lydia_KThat's..  pretty good.
17:38.11Lydia_Kdetha: It's actually just templates and scripts to create a start/stop script for any daemon you want.
17:38.44dethastartmeup sounds good for that
17:38.56Lydia_KYeah, I like that :)
17:40.26Lydia_KA quick google seems like startmeup doesn't collide with any other similar names either.
17:40.39Lydia_KDone. Nice golinux, thanks! :)
17:41.14Akuligolinux, i want name inventing help too :D
17:41.27Akulinot right now though
17:41.58Lydia_KI dunno if you guys think this belongs under the devuan umbrella specifically or not.
17:42.00jsfarinet@akuli: Sorry, this morning i crashed  .... ;)
17:42.09Akulino problem :)
17:42.19Akuliand today i was too lazy to come here
17:42.41golinuxLydia_K: I don't see why it shouldn't be in devuan!
17:42.42jsfarinetToo hot ... Better stay inside ;)
17:44.42golinuxI 'll take heat over cold any day
17:44.59Akulijsfarinet, discussion about the script earlier today
17:45.55golinuxLydia_K: You do the the Stones reference. right?
17:46.37Lydia_KI did when I googled it and their music video was the number one hit :)
17:51.12golinuxAkuli: OK.
17:51.26DocScrutinizer05aaah Stones
17:51.38DocScrutinizer05thought it sounds strangely familiar
17:52.15Akulijsfarinet, my link also includes another termbin paste :D that one should actually work
17:53.32DocScrutinizer05Lydia_K: link?
17:54.10DocScrutinizer05Akuli: see topic, we got a rather nice chanlog by botbot
17:55.21Lydia_KI'm making a project on the devuan gitlab right now, then I'll get it up there.
17:56.43Lydia_KIt's not done, and it's super simple, but I want to add more options to make it as "stupid proof" as possible.
17:57.13gci_adminRolling Stones ... dead people walking. :p
17:57.58golinuxgci_admin: Watch your step there . . .
17:59.02golinuxThe minute you'
17:59.39golinuxforget it
18:02.21golinuxLydia_K: Welcome aboard!
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18:08.07gci_adminI like it Lydia_K. Nice work!
18:08.55Lydia_KThanks, I have lots more to add, but honestly I spent way more time writing comments than I did code.
18:09.19Akulii always spend way more time organizing code than writing code
18:09.20Lydia_KI'm just sick of people freaking out that people might stop shipping sysvinit scripts.
18:09.30Lydia_KNow it's not a problem.
18:10.26gci_adminLydia_K, in a way, I appreciate the comments more than the code. I have had to deconstruct *way* too many uncommented scripts over the years. ;)
18:14.48Lydia_KI mean, it's easy to write a simple start/stop script and install it via insserv or update-rc.d, but some of that stuff takes a lot of digging to understand so that you do it the right way.
18:17.20Lydia_KI figured it was time to get some more eyes on it, like I decided that '$network $local_fs $remote_fs' were a sane set of required startup/shutdown services, and would generally cover 99% of use cases, but maybe someone else has a different opinion on that.
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18:28.30DocScrutinizer05ohmy!! seems my ulimits of ~3GB for Konqueror works
18:30.07gci_adminDocScrutinizer05, love the red! Looks very ... red. :)
18:30.48DocScrutinizer05I didn't invent it, must be gitlab
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18:36.09gci_adminDocScrutinizer05, maybe you need to run Devuan with Xfce4 and use IceWeasel:
18:41.41Akulii'm using a very minimal xfce installation now
18:41.58Akuliunfortunately on ubuntu 12.04, consumes a bit too much ram :)
18:42.35gci_adminwhispers "use Devuan Akuli"
18:42.56Akulii would, but my ISO is not ready yet :D
18:43.08Akuliand i don't know how to install devuan with a debian iso
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18:44.35Akuliwhat is xfce's default image viewer
18:44.39Akulisome xfce fan
18:45.07DrugoAkuli, "ristretto" i guess
18:45.47Akulithanks :)
18:45.56gci_adminAkuli, TBH, I am waiting to see what Beta 2 looks like before I install it on my gear here. Will play with it in a VM first.
18:45.57*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
18:47.16Lydia_Kgci_admin: it works fine, might still pull in some systemd deps if you install certain things, but otherwise it's rock solid.
18:47.53gci_adminLydia_K, oh, is Beta 2 out then? I missed it if so.
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18:48.12Lydia_KBut I understand your "better safe than sorry" approach, especially at work.
18:48.29AkuliI like that :)
18:48.34Lydia_Kgci_admin: I dunno, I've been running since it on my machines since the alpha release.
18:48.37Akulinot all distros do that
18:49.45gci_adminLydia_K, ah, okay. Yeah I have Beta 1 on stuff here for evaluation. But for my netbook I have to have something that will install direct from the media instead of off the 'net.
19:02.48hellekinDocScrutinizer05: I hate to shit that, but Konqueror is a pile of shit.
19:03.00hellekinconkeror is nice though :)
19:07.05hellekinDocScrutinizer05: or maybe it's just KHTML?  In any case, Konqueror is in the place IE6 was for a long time, and that's ridiculous.  Every other browser out there renders more or less the same, but Konqueror is lagging behind in weird ways.  HTML5 + CSS3 are not properly implemented yet.  Would be time.
19:08.25*** join/#devuan edbarx (
19:08.42DocScrutinizer05KHTML? doesn't work since ages and isn't the recommended choice for Konqueror's rendering engine. webkit it is ;-)
19:13.48DocScrutinizer05and honestly >> <tr class='line_holder new' id='8ec9a00bfd09b3190ac6b22251dbb1aa95a0579d_0_6'> <td class='diff-line-num new old_line' data-linenumber='6'> <a id="8ec9a00bfd09b3190ac6b22251dbb1aa95a0579d_0_6" data-linenumber="&nbsp;" href="#8ec9a00bfd09b3190ac6b22251dbb1aa95a0579d_0_6"></a> </td> <td class='diff-line-num new new_line' data-linenumber='6'> <a id="8ec9a00bfd09b3190ac6b22251dbb1aa95a0579d_0_6" data-linenumber="6" href="#
19:13.49DocScrutinizer058ec9a00bfd09b3190ac6b22251dbb1aa95a0579d_0_6"></a> </td> <td class='8ec9a00bfd09b3190ac6b22251dbb1aa95a0579d_0_6 line_content new noteable_line' data-line-code='8ec9a00bfd09b3190ac6b22251dbb1aa95a0579d_0_6'> <span id="LC6" class="line"><span class="gh"># TODO</span></span> </td> </tr>  <<  DAMN ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
19:16.21DocScrutinizer05NB this is ONE line of sourcecode, in that mad batshit called git??b or whatever
19:16.52DocScrutinizer05with the incredible value "6: #TODO"
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19:18.06DocScrutinizer05when Konqueror bails out rendering this, I feel with it, pet it a bit and say "well done! don't touch such stuff ever again!"
19:19.52DocScrutinizer05I mean, how many classes and objects could you possibly create for ONE line of sourcecode?
19:20.13DocScrutinizer05and for EVERY SINGLE line of sourcecode
19:23.28DocScrutinizer05those are 327,368 characters HTML sourcecode for a humble <450 lines of content
19:23.55DocScrutinizer05*what for?*
19:28.17DocScrutinizer05~dict Purtiness
19:30.21gci_adminDocScrutinizer05, as in "That thar is mahty purty!" or "So, whut you in jail fer? Anyways, you gots a purty mouth boy." ;)
19:31.08gci_adminA mispronuciation of "pretty", in other words.
19:31.18DocScrutinizer05aah thanks
19:32.25gci_adminDang fingers.
19:32.41DocScrutinizer05got it :-)
19:38.01DocScrutinizer05anyway, even while that's pretty insane stuff I ranted about above, konqueror usually renders it just fine, only very very slowly
19:38.36DocScrutinizer05this however is a whole new class of breakage I never seen before, and most likely _not_ related to any ulimit
19:41.56hellekinDocScrutinizer05: so, Konqueror uses WebKit and is behaving differently than any other WebKit-base browser? :doublefacepalm:
19:44.54DocScrutinizer05ctrl-A, click&pull:
19:45.16DocScrutinizer05also note the favicon!
19:46.30enycHrrm. at what point can we consider devuan jessie 'stable' not 'beta' ?
19:46.43DocScrutinizer05the color seems to be that of this "fancy" progress bar at top of page
19:49.23*** join/#devuan sh4 (~sh4@unaffiliated/sh4)
19:50.02hellekinthe favicon may not have survived the upgrade.  No time to investigate, maybe the crontab will do the job.  Oh, and I didn't recompile the assets yet so it might be using the official gitlab one still
19:51.13DocScrutinizer05anyway it's clearly the progress bar that covers the whole page eventually
19:52.23DocScrutinizer05it's progressing to random between 50% and 80%, then when new page content starts rendering, the whole page turns red
19:53.37hellekinenyc: when amprolla is ready, the visual experience is correct, and some bugs are cleared out.
19:54.03hellekinI'd say this year.
19:55.59DocScrutinizer05aaaand disabling javascript and plugins the page suddenly renders fine, though I'm not sure about the content
19:56.33hellekinDocScrutinizer05: could that be a corrupted cache?
19:56.37DocScrutinizer05MEH! only until I click "files"
19:56.51DocScrutinizer05nope, no cache issue
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19:59.02DocScrutinizer05ooh, for some reason clicking "files" re-enabled JS. Disabling it again gives me
20:00.07DocScrutinizer05lightning fast too
20:00.32DocScrutinizer05disables JS for whole in konqueror settings
20:03.01enychellekin: is there a buglist to be seen?
20:05.38jaromilenyc: this view is quite exhaustive
20:15.23GeneralStupidhi i have a little problem, sometimes my software crashes with segfault and the console where i started it does not echo any characters i type. is there a way to reset it?
20:16.52Lydia_KGeneralStupid: "reset" will reset the terminal and will fix that 98% of the time.
20:17.22GeneralStupidLydia_K: sometimes the answer is to easy :D
20:17.26GeneralStupidLydia_K: thanks it works
20:17.34Lydia_KNo problem :)
20:17.58Lydia_KI have that happen to me all the time when I accidentally cat the wrong file or otherwise spray garbage through my terminal.
20:20.20jaromilme too :)
20:21.51Lydia_KI'm terrible about stuff like that. "What's this? *cat* OH GOD IT'S A 1 GIG BINARY"
20:22.32jaromilit feels so goofy
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20:28.12DocScrutinizer05recurring scenario: mc or less or whatever switched screen mode, and then the ssh session goes down. reset to the resque
20:28.33DocScrutinizer05rescue even
20:29.05DocScrutinizer05Lydia_K: use less instead ;-)
20:29.39Lydia_KOh yeah?
20:31.20DocScrutinizer05yeah, less is the better cat for sure
20:31.39Lydia_KOh, you mean instead of cat
20:31.46Lydia_KLOL, yeah, you are totally right about that
20:31.54Lydia_Kit's one of those bad habits
20:32.05Lydia_Klike I cat | grep all the time, even though there's no reason to.
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20:32.55DocScrutinizer05cat rndm |grep foobar  -> less +"/foobar" rndm
20:34.02DocScrutinizer05some of my aliases: alias help-env='man bash|less +"/^expansion"';  alias help-redirection='man bash|less +"/^REDIRECTION"
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20:38.43DocScrutinizer05(cat|grep)  even   grep foobar rndm|less
20:39.43gci_admin<Lydia_K> I'm terrible about stuff like that. "What's this? *cat* OH GOD IT'S A 1 GIG BINARY" <- So, a systemd-ified log file. ;)
20:40.11Lydia_KEh, I should do things like that..  but I dunnno, I'm so used to the way I do things, also I log into so many different boxes I can't really rely on aliases.
20:40.14Lydia_Kgci_admin: LOL!
20:40.51Lydia_KLogs, the most important thing to have after a server crashes, I KNOW, LETS PUT THEM IN AN EASILY CORRUPTABLE FORMAT!
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20:41.15gci_adminYes! Then set up a company to recover them! Profit!
20:41.30DocScrutinizer05Lydia_K: I'm just about to unify my environments on all boxes
20:41.54gci_adminread that as uniXfy for some reason
20:41.56DocScrutinizer05possibly even automatically installing stuff like ~/.aliases and ~/.bashrc with every login
20:42.49gci_adminDon't forget your ~/.screenrc too.
20:44.25Lydia_KDocScrutinizer05: I can't unify my environments as I log into tons of different machines as root all the time, and that's not exactly "my" environment.
20:45.16gci_adminlogs in as a regular user and su's to root
20:46.07Lydia_KYeah, that's on my list, eventually.
20:46.12gci_adminOur company security policy forbids direct remote root logins.
20:46.19Lydia_Kbut bigger fish to fry around here right now.
20:46.32gci_adminUnderstood. Have to prioritize.
20:47.12Lydia_KWhat I'm *most* worried about is getting the ability to get root out of the hands of our terrible developers who trash linux boxes on a semi-regular basis.
20:47.32gci_admin^^^ Yes!
20:47.52Lydia_KI don't care about me and the three other infrastructure people logging in as root, I care about the clueless devs doing chmod 777 / -R
20:48.05Lydia_Kthat's happened like five times in the last year, maybe more.
20:48.21DocScrutinizer05gci_admin: .screenrc?
20:48.38gci_adminDocScrutinizer05, if you don't use screen then you don't have that. ;)
20:48.39DocScrutinizer05that would imply I'm using screen
20:48.51Lydia_KDocScrutinizer05: tmux?
20:48.56DocScrutinizer05ssh ;-)
20:49.11Lydia_KYa'll need screen
20:49.19DocScrutinizer05why switch screens when I can switch terminals?
20:49.20gci_adminUh, ssh works in screen.
20:49.37Lydia_KDocScrutinizer05: And when you get disconnected and you lose your sessions?
20:49.43DocScrutinizer05well, I occasionally use screen as the better nohup
20:49.47gci_adminLydia_K, I use tmux *in* screen on some remotes. :D
20:49.54Lydia_KGood lord why?
20:50.17Lydia_KI mean, sometimes I attach to a screen session in a screen session by accident..  but why?
20:50.17gci_adminWhy not?
20:51.21Lydia_Kbut why at all?
20:51.29DocScrutinizer05recalls times at Arbeitsamt Statistics, where he occasionally had 10 ssh sessions running around the 5 relevant machines in two circles
20:51.31gci_admintmux uses a different key stroke set. So I can use screen locally and tmux for multiple screens on the remote.
20:51.45Lydia_KOhhhh, ok, that makes sense.
20:52.21Lydia_KThat is actually kinda useful, maybe I should bother to learn the tmux keybindings after all
20:53.13gci_adminThink of tailing a log *and* running tcpdump on the remote. Fire up tmux in screen.
20:53.21DocScrutinizer05but regarding ssh disruptions, I hardly ever see those, except each morning at 6:00 when my DSL gets forced-reconnected
20:53.43Lydia_K"hardly ever" "execept every morning"
20:54.14DocScrutinizer05well, I know the 6:00 schedule, so I know what to expect
20:54.34DocScrutinizer05haven't seen an unexpected disconnect in years
20:55.00gci_adminHeh, I get ssh disconnects in our company LAN overnight all the freaking time. Damn Windows centric dinks in IT always messing up my persistent connections.
20:55.07DocScrutinizer05so unless I start a job that's taking ages to complete, no need for any screen
20:56.00gci_adminPlus it is not predictable. Connection may be stable for days ... then *poof*.
20:56.37Lydia_KI leave tons of terminals logged in for months at a time.
20:56.43Lydia_KI feel sorry for you two
20:57.11Lydia_KI still use screen to compartmentalize specific tasks I'm working on in a way that I can return to at any time.
20:58.04DocScrutinizer05Peers: 0(0) Min/Max: 100/200 Slots: U:0/50 D:0/50 U/I/C/A: 0/0/0/0 Unchoked: 0/0 Failed: 0
20:58.12DocScrutinizer05clear screen candidate ;-)
20:59.36gci_adminLydia_K, well, I do too. It is only some of the network that gets disrupted. I can stay connected to some of my servers practically "forever". Just not others.
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21:04.18DocScrutinizer05and hooray, I accidently killed the screen session
21:05.31DocScrutinizer05I guess I'm not that fluent in screen usage
21:05.56DocScrutinizer05detach didn't do what I thought it should
21:06.36gci_adminSo 'screen -r' didn't work?
21:06.50DocScrutinizer05no, "screen terminated"
21:07.12gci_adminCtl+a d
21:07.21gci_adminTried that?
21:07.23DocScrutinizer05did ^A ? ^D d
21:07.54DocScrutinizer05then in shell I did ^D again and that was screen's death
21:09.22gci_adminMy screens -
21:10.30gci_adminPretty much every tab has a screen or tmux session.
21:17.01DocScrutinizer05gci_admin: thanks!   [detached from 31109.20342.pts-1.newbie]              jr@newbie:~> logout
21:17.27gci_adminDocScrutinizer05, you're welcome. Glad I could help. :)
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