IRC log for #devuan on 20160622

00:07.04*** join/#devuan KiloJuliet (~gplgeek@pdpc/supporter/student/GPLGeek)
00:28.53*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
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01:22.46*** part/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:23.59*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:29.10*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:56.58*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:56.58*** topic/#devuan is discussion channel (logged at - Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork - /msg chanserv info #devuan
01:57.19Centurion_Danworse... kay sievers.... Lennarts bestest systemd buddy...
01:57.59Centurion_Danbus1 seems to be a derivation on kdbus
02:02.13ChankuI don't see the whole thing on "Object Oriented" IPC
02:04.50ksx4systemCenturion_Dan: meh
02:14.55*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
02:16.40pydsignerA derivation on kdbus....
02:16.51pydsignerfinds the vomitarium
02:17.46pydsignerIs this the bus that's supposed to get embedded into the kernel itself instead of userspace?
02:17.59pydsignerCan't see that becoming problematic at all
02:22.58*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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02:30.38MinceRwith kay sievers at the helm, i'm sure it will turn out fine :>
02:43.00*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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02:56.52*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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03:55.10*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
04:00.36*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:13.25DocScrutinizer05Centurion_Dan: ~poettering - re Kay (key) Sievers
04:13.37*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@2605:6000:ebc6:d200:96de:80ff:febc:9ea8)
04:13.37*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
04:15.50DocScrutinizer05more concerning than Sievert (deadly on a dosage like 1Sv) is the support by GKH in my book
04:19.54*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
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04:25.57*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
04:35.09DocScrutinizer05[2016-06-21 Tue 16:33:18] <DocScrutinizer05> Piki: I occasionally do, when e.g. slack acts up in konqueror  >>Unfortunately, the calls feature is not available in this browser. Please switch to Chrome.<<
04:35.34DocScrutinizer05NO I WONT!
04:36.23DocScrutinizer05was it here where somebody told me "chrome calls home" OWTTE
04:40.12*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
04:43.44*** join/#devuan namra (
04:44.07namragreetings is it possible to install devuan unattend just like debian via pressed.cfg?
05:11.56golinuxDocScrutinizer05:   Yeah GKH creeps me out.  Looks a bit like Ruk the android on Star Trek!
05:13.07DocScrutinizer05I don't even know how he looks, but I wonder why the heck he does babysitting for Sievers
05:13.53DocScrutinizer05see the links in
05:13.57infobot'sth is poettering' means it acts invasive, possessive, destructive, and generally in an egocentric exacerbating negative way. ``this cancer is extremely poettering'', or you look here for Linus' notion on what's poettering:, or, or see ~systemd cabal
05:14.09DocScrutinizer05for you:
05:19.26DocScrutinizer05well, OTOH when the final result is that the evil systemd cabal doesn't have a word in how bus1/younameit works, since guys like GKH effectively took over leadership/project-management then this might be something desirable
05:21.12DocScrutinizer05I'm really not averse to replace dbus by *anything* new that's almost impossible to be inferior to this crap
05:23.27DocScrutinizer05a kernel based message bus might be a good thing after all if implemented in a sane way, and chances are the kernel guys will take care that no insane nonsense could happen to it, or with it. Like "streaming video raw data via dbus" - something they honestly considered at times
05:23.59DocScrutinizer05I mean WAAAAH REALLY NOW?
05:28.25DocScrutinizer05also points at the original NeXTStep OS docs where they elaborated on how to do lightweight message data transfer by simply handing over the MMU pointer from logical to physical memory to the destination process and adding it to the memory lookup table there
05:29.40DocScrutinizer05I guess the correct term is address translation table
05:34.59DocScrutinizer05sentimentally sifts
05:38.35DocScrutinizer05>>The origional material contained in the manuals converted from rtf to html is copyright© 1994 NeXT Software Inc.<<
05:39.38DocScrutinizer05>>Updated 2000.06.30.0014<<
05:59.47m33DocScrutinizer05: hi, thanks for the next docs :)
06:00.01DocScrutinizer05yw :)
06:00.28DocScrutinizer05those were docs, eh?
06:00.52DocScrutinizer05not the fractal crap you get today
06:08.26DocScrutinizer05a pity the project I offered/managed back when got canceled. Would have been lots of fun to deploy a NeXTCUBE based ISO9000 industry process monitoring and logging system to thousands of companies worldwide
06:14.24DocScrutinizer05after 8 months of work and customer requirements evaluation and system architecure work it turned out the customer Henkel had a similar (though way inferior) product already in their Netherlands branch, which of course was unknown to the German branch :-/
06:20.59*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
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06:28.15DocScrutinizer05if you wonder about details: Henkel (back then) offers solutions to industry sized laundries (>50kg / min, for hospitals and whatnot), and those have rather stingent rrequirements to document that stuff is sterile
06:31.33DocScrutinizer05funny washing machines ;-D
06:41.52*** join/#devuan egon0 (~quassel@2001:4dd0:ff00:8d2c:3c39:bd81:dcce:53d2)
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07:02.17DocScrutinizer05like this
07:11.18dethaDocScrutinizer05: ah, memories. I used to hack extra stuff into the PLCs controlling tunnel washers in those days.
07:14.14DocScrutinizer05yeah. for ISO9000 you need to have barcode readers to identify laundry batch, and a dozen sensors for temperature, pH and whatnot, to document the laundry actually got sterilized
07:17.43DocScrutinizer05fun software project
07:17.59dethaYup. I remember one client who also did surgical instrument sterilization. Little sterilizer, and heat-shrink packager. Lotsa graphs on the temperatures, and be sure you can link each set of instruments to the point in time it went through
07:18.19DocScrutinizer05yep, exactly
07:21.23*** join/#devuan Bercik (~Yotsuba@unaffiliated/bercik)
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08:07.52*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
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09:41.50*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
10:51.55*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
11:11.28*** join/#devuan TsT (
11:11.50djphhi TsT
11:12.01TsTafter sucessfull upgrade from debian/wheezy to devuan/jessie
11:12.14TsTthe lsb_release -a return :
11:12.21TsTNo LSB modules are available.
11:12.21TsTDistributor ID: Debian
11:12.21TsTDescription:    Devuan GNU/Linux jessie
11:12.21TsTRelease:        7
11:12.21TsTCodename:       n/a
11:12.33TsTis it ok ?
11:12.51TsTit seems me a little strange to read Release 7 with a almost-debian 8
11:13.53djph0-based perhaps
11:14.00djphhell if I know :)
11:17.23TsTdjph is it an answer to my question ? :)
11:17.56djphcould be.  do you like the answer?
11:18.30TsTi do not understand it at all ;)
11:19.08KatolaZTsT: I believe there is still some tweaking to be implemented with debian_version and the like
11:24.25*** join/#devuan premoboss (~utente@
11:25.42TsTKatolaZ ok ;)
11:25.52TsTthanks for your answers :)
11:26.17TsTand thanks a lot to save my mind with devuan ;)
11:26.46KatolaZTsT: feel free to post the issue on the project gitlab, please
11:27.50TsTKatolaZ then it seems a real issue ?
11:28.18KatolaZwell, it is
11:28.32KatolaZif you have a Devuan and it says it's a Debian :)
11:28.43TsTit say both
11:29.02TsTbut i focused my attention more about the Release number
11:31.39TsTi think i also experiment bug on the issue website ... :(
11:40.37*** join/#devuan b0stik (~b0stik@
11:44.25TsTissue reported.
11:45.33TsTor not ...
11:46.43TsTi got some timeout from the website ;/
11:46.52TsTbut the issue seems sent
11:46.58TsTthansk for all
11:47.00*** part/#devuan TsT (
11:53.30fsmithredsomeone needs to edit /etc/lsb-release?
11:53.46hellekinthe Release is correct on my machine
11:54.28fsmithredI can't tell - I already changed mine.
11:54.51hellekinIt's also correct on another Debian Wheezy upgraded to Devuan Jessie
11:57.09fsmithredjust fired up a beta1 VM, and it's all correct.
11:58.21hellekinI guess removing /etc/debian_release might do it
11:59.12hellekinat least, adding it doesn't change a thing.
12:01.05fsmithredchecking one I upgraded from debian
12:05.13fsmithredthat one has no "debian" and has "jessie" in the Release field instead of in the codename field.
12:05.38fsmithredand no number version
12:06.03fsmithredversion number
12:10.55*** join/#devuan zocker (~tobias@2a02:418:6a04:178:209:51:134:5504)
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13:24.12*** join/#devuan b0stik (~b0stik@
13:29.31*** join/#devuan Akuli (
14:01.03*** join/#devuan devil_ ( tracker has 100 seeders for devuan_jessie_1.0.0-beta.torrent
14:07.59*** join/#devuan dem__ (~dem@
14:18.44ksx4systemhellekin: /etc/debian_version shows 8.2 for me yet there's no /etc/debian_release (and this box was upgraded to Devuan jessie from Debian jessie)
14:20.26*** join/#devuan b0stik (~b0stik@
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17:58.12robert-ere snappy/flatpak  ...
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18:17.36*** part/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
18:29.36DocScrutinizer05hmm, that's covered by ~systemd
18:29.45infobotsystemd cabal: a bunch of people (Lennart Poettering, Kay Sievers, H. Hoyer, D. Mack, T. Gundersen, D. Herrmann) who want to turn linux into their wet dream perverted version of windows-me-too: -- Rumor has it that 2016 systemd will have replaced kernel. See ~nosystemd"
18:34.50DocScrutinizer05it's a particularly verbose and comprehensive blogpost by Poettering, and thus also one of the most scary ones.
18:34.54DocScrutinizer05>>The systemd cabal (Kay Sievers, Harald Hoyer, Daniel Mack, Tom Gundersen, David Herrmann, and yours truly) recently met in Berlin about all these things, and tried to come up with a scheme that is somewhat simple, but tries to solve the issues generically, for all use-cases, as part of the systemd project.<<
18:36.40DocScrutinizer05>>If you build any kind of embedded device, a server system, or even user systems, you frequently do your work based on complete system images, << MY ASS
18:40.00DocScrutinizer05>>btrfs partitions that adhere to this naming scheme should be clearly identifiable. It is our intention to introduce a new GPT partition type ID for this.<< /me headdesks
18:40.28*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
18:42.28DocScrutinizer05some more headdeskimg: >>When a user authenticates and logs in we mount his home directory from his snapshot.<< The guild of admins will praise you enetranlly for this, Master Poettering
18:42.41DocScrutinizer05eternally even
18:44.40MinceRre snappy/flatpak... AppImage, 0install
18:50.10DocScrutinizer05If only Poettering a tiny bit less would feel like he was God himself
18:50.46*** join/#devuan CHCl3 (~CHCl3@
18:51.18DocScrutinizer05did his parents give him linux as a birthday gift when he was 15? The WHOLE linux, every distro, everywhere in this universe, all his own?
18:51.33*** join/#devuan Levure (
18:52.13DocScrutinizer05what disgusting hubris
18:52.21MinceRno, it was only a small part of the gift
18:52.32MinceRhe was given the entire multiverse
18:52.38MinceRhe became its regent
18:52.48MinceRand thus he was named: Intolerant Regent P
18:58.16*** join/#devuan FlibberTGibbet (
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19:35.22gci_adminMultiverse ... now *there* is a wholly, un-empirical, religion. ;)
19:38.31*** join/#devuan KiloJuliet (~gplgeek@pdpc/supporter/student/GPLGeek)
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19:42.00jonadabHow many multiverses are there, that's the question.
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19:46.26gci_adminThat is not the only question. I would ask, "Are there actually any other universes at all and can one prove it?"
19:46.51gci_adminRegardless, this is probably better discussed in #debianfork. ;)
19:47.26*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
19:48.57jonadab(Yes, personally I have always considered the word "universe" to _by definition_ include whatever exists, so the idea of anythign existing that's not part of the universe is just a contradiction in terms.  But eh, definitions.)
19:51.42gci_admin#DefinitionsMatter !
19:59.06*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (
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