IRC log for #devuan on 20160619

00:04.38*** join/#devuan doppo (doppo@2604:180::e0fc:a07f)
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00:26.46golinuxNot one peep all day here.  What's up with that?
00:27.41Inocuouseveryone is so happy with Devuan, no complaints.
00:28.09golinuxNot neuroses today either
00:28.19golinuxNot > no
00:36.09*** join/#devuan doppo (doppo@2604:180::e0fc:a07f)
00:47.27fsmithredI've got a neurosis today.
00:48.17fsmithredwhen I run mksquashfs, it gets to the end of squashing, and my computer shuts off.
00:51.35golinuxOh boy!
00:51.54golinuxYou can't even blame it on systemd!
00:53.06fsmithredonly did it on one computer.
00:53.11*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
00:54.35*** join/#devuan doppo (doppo@2604:180::e0fc:a07f)
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00:55.22jsfarinetgood evening all
00:58.40jsfarinetI have a question regarding copyrights and how to deal with them
00:59.08ksx4systemjsfarinet: could you please elaborate?
00:59.30jsfarineti found a very smart tool to configure jwm and i would like to put into an eventual jwm desktop for devuan
01:00.05*** join/#devuan oldlaptop (
01:00.26jsfarinetIn the header of the script is stated it's under GNU gpl 2 or any later version
01:00.42ksx4systemthen there's no problem :)
01:01.02jsfarinetI don't have even to ask?
01:01.11ksx4systemyou don't
01:01.26ksx4systemGPL allows you to distribute openly
01:01.42jsfarinetWow, that's great. And a great service of the creators of the script!!!
01:02.13jsfarinetBut i have to keep - in the headers - the authorship
01:02.31jsfarinetwhich is the minimum of respect anyway, IMHO
01:03.26jsfarinetThank you ksx4system
01:04.59*** join/#devuan doppo (doppo@2604:180::e0fc:a07f)
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05:42.25*** join/#devuan FNTM-U3 (~taha@unaffiliated/fntm-u3)
05:42.45FNTM-U3I can't mount my LVM volume under devuan.
05:43.06FNTM-U3I even restart my machine with the volume attached but no luck.
05:43.29FNTM-U3the lv name wouldn't show under /dev
06:03.01ksx4systemFNTM-U3: what kernel do you have (default, backports, anything external)? is your /etc/fstab configured properly?
06:03.23ksx4systemis your root partition on LVM?
06:17.11*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
06:59.48FNTM-U3ksx4system: I just installed the devuan so my kernel is what it came with it. and no the LVM is a disk attached to machine by SATA cable. The Devuan is on another disk.
07:01.40FNTM-U3any ideas
07:02.30*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
07:08.13zdzichudid you try "lvm vgchange --activate y"?
07:23.21*** join/#devuan obarun (~obarun@
08:00.12*** join/#devuan Akuli (
08:07.51*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
08:31.24FNTM-U3zdzichu: why? in every other distro even in debian I just plug the disk and reboot thr system. the LVM group would be picked up during the boot.
08:32.06FNTM-U3I had the uestion why not just then and there after connecting to the machine. (like being Plug&Play)
08:32.25FNTM-U3but here in devuan I even can't have it after reboot
08:34.08FNTM-U3dmesg |grep --color lvm
08:34.17FNTM-U3don't show anything
08:34.23*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
08:44.31FNTM-U3what does the command "lvm vgchange --activate y" do?
08:45.17zdzichuman vgchange
08:52.00*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
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09:17.46*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
09:32.14*** join/#devuan Akuli (
09:38.43FNTM-U3zdzichu: not supported under lvm2
09:39.07Akuliwhy does devuan come with slim?
09:54.53fsmithredFNTM-U3, was that a question or an error message?
10:08.07FNTM-U3fsmithred: just a message
10:08.18FNTM-U3Akuli: no systemd I suppose
10:08.27fsmithredwhat's not supported under lvm2?
10:08.42fsmithredyou don't need systemd
10:08.55FNTM-U3fsmithred: lvm vgchange
10:09.02hellekinAkuli: slim is small and does the job.  Do you have an issue with slim?
10:09.06fsmithredis lvm2 installed?
10:09.20FNTM-U3fsmithred: yup
10:09.28fsmithredhere's hwat I do:
10:09.34fsmithredvgchange -a y <volume_group_name>
10:09.35fsmithredmount /dev/mapper/<vg_name-lv_name>  <mountpoint>
10:09.58FNTM-U3fsmithred: what exactly vgchange does?
10:10.08hellekinFNTM-U3: you still didn't read the manual
10:10.20fsmithredit makes it so you can mount the lvm
10:10.39FNTM-U3hellekin: the manual was what I posted earlier "not supported under LVM2"
10:11.04FNTM-U3fsmithred: should I dothat every time?
10:11.58hellekinFNTM-U3: no, man vgchange says: "vgchange — change attributes of a volume group", then you go to the option -a and its says... Well, you know, you can RTFM.
10:12.33Akulihellekin, i don't, but i like to install lightdm anyway
10:12.55*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
10:13.08hellekinAkuli: you're welcome.  Never tried lightdm.
10:13.30fsmithredAkuli, I use lightdm in devuan, and it works well.
10:13.49Akulii guess i'm just used to having it in ubuntu :)
10:14.10fsmithredFNTM-U3, you'll need to edit /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab to have the volume mount at boot.
10:16.22fsmithrednot /etc/crypttab
10:16.27fsmithredunless it's encrypted
10:17.12hellekinAkuli: apparently lightdm will suspend if the lid is closed, which saves battery.
10:17.27hellekinAkuli: but honestly, I've never seen a multi-user laptop.
10:18.34Akuliit doesn't for me
10:19.47fsmithredI don't think my laptop suspends when I shut the lid. I have to tell it to suspend.
10:21.05FNTM-U3fsmithred: thanks
10:27.38hellekinwas reading from comparison between X display managers.
10:27.51hellekinso lightdm has the possibility, I guess it should be configured
10:29.03hellekinmaybe we should have a "desktop environment" task force to figure out all these configuration details and come up with cross-desktop default configurations.
10:29.53hellekin(saying that, but "desktop environment" is actually something I want to get rid of: both the concept and delivery are so misled.
10:32.56fsmithredhellekin, what kind of environment you want to replace it with? Hammock? Kitchen table?
10:36.30Humpelstilzchenin the early days of the republic the suspend was done my acpid..
10:45.40fsmithredAkuli, you using xfce?
10:47.23fsmithredxfce4-power-manager has a setting for laptop lid.
10:51.29jaromilfsmithred: couch. couch is best. "Devuan couch environment"
10:51.52fsmithredthat work. I'm on a couch right now.
10:52.38fsmithredCabaret might be nice once in a while, too.
10:53.07fsmithredget dual-duty from the cdrom tray.
10:53.58fsmithredI really do want to hear more about what hellekin is thinking.
11:01.38*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
11:03.54Akulifsmithred, mate
11:04.11Akuliand its power manager is messed up in devuan for some reason
11:04.38Akulijust displays a warning triangle instead of the correct icon
11:04.47fsmithredI don't know if you could use a different power manager with mate
11:04.52Akuliand doesn't keep track of my battery status unless i restart it
11:05.00Akulii guess i could try installing the xfce one
11:05.18Akulior does it come with the whole desktop? i think i've ran xfce4-panel in mate
11:06.10jaromilfsmithred: hellekin is out collecting hashes from bbqs in the park. cypherpunk poetry.
11:06.47fsmithred'apt-cache depends xfce4-power-manager' looks like you don't need much of xfce
11:09.30Akuliit only runs with xfce4-panel
11:10.04Akulii could write my own power manager but that's a bit too much work just to check the battery status
11:11.30FNTM-U3guys; How devuan tells slim to use consolekit and sh-syntax? In another word how could I set this for every windows manager I have either in conjunction with Slim display manager? exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session openbox-session
11:11.44FNTM-U3openbox-session is just an example
11:12.20FNTM-U3I ask again. how should I set ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session in a system with Slim as its display manager?
11:16.12Akulifsmithred, in arch repositories there's a package called mate-power-manager-upower, but not on any of my debian-based systems
11:16.28Akulii can check the battery status manually with upower just fine so i don't know
11:17.24FNTM-U3Akuli: look at the source-code URL
11:17.41FNTM-U3if there is a package you could get and compile it yourself
11:18.13Akuliit conflicts with whatever is mate-power-manager in arch :D
11:18.18lime_I'm trying to install qemu-kvm on devuan from the repositories, and, no beef
11:18.35lime_loads of conflicts
11:20.06Akuliactually, let me run mate-power-manager from terminal and see if it says anything
11:20.10*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
11:24.26FNTM-U3the ck-launch session wasn't in the login_cmd line of /etc/slim.conf So how do you guts start dbus and consolekit on every boot?
11:29.48Akulilooking at more things in mate-power-manager it knows what the real percentage is but it messes it up with the capacity
11:30.00*** join/#devuan f00Fighter (d5b41242@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:30.08Akuliand when i restart it its correct again
11:30.45fsmithredlime_, what conflicts? I've done it several times. 'apt-get install qemu qemu-kvm'
11:32.27f00FighterGiven the number of people here, I am certain that everyone knows about the website's cert problem already. :) So I'd only say that "chromium --ignore-certificate-errors" helped me temporarily access it. :) And I also got Devuan Jessie installed. Works nicely and the default KDE install seems much more lightweight too. :) I miss networkmanager a little bit, but /etc/network/interfaces is familiar enough.
11:37.52f00Fighter(Will try it for a while on a 3D printing workstation before deploying on any servers, but looks promising, so... many thanks for a shiny new distro. :)
11:38.17*** part/#devuan f00Fighter (d5b41242@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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11:42.11fsmithredlime_, have you done update/upgrade recently?
11:44.00lime_i have, whilst trying to fix it
11:45.54lime_I'm running ceres so it could just be a case of waiting for package maintainers to catch up
11:46.53fsmithredah, that explains why I'm seeing different version numbers
11:47.14fsmithredI don't see any devuan packages for qemu-system
11:48.04lime_I'll compile it from source, no worries
12:17.03*** join/#devuan Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
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12:36.39*** join/#devuan Ofer (86bfe847@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
12:37.13OferHi, there is an issue with ssl certificate on
12:40.33Akulidoesn't work in chromium, but it shows just fine in a browser i made yesterday using webkit.webview
12:40.49OferI tried good chrome and firefox
12:40.51Ofersame results
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14:31.34Akulihas anyone seen figlfdev?
14:32.00fsmithrednot in the last 4 hours
14:32.12Akuliok good, so he's still coming here regularly
14:32.31Akulii'll soon get a really old imac, and i want to know how to boot it into a command-line mode so i can actually use it
14:36.29flrnhey Akuli, some years ago I installed debian (ppc) on an g4 emac. perhaps I can help...?
14:38.19*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (
14:38.29Akulisure :)
14:38.52Akulii don't have the computer yet, but i'm interested in running it without the gui crap
14:38.57Akulijust to see what it comes with
14:39.21Akulieven though the file manager is awful i was able to have a look at /usr/bin using a web browser, and there's a bunch of useful programs there
14:39.24Akulieven emacs
14:39.49flrnso what's the plan? boot osx single user mode?
14:39.57Akulihowever thats done
14:40.13flrni installed xfce and worked fine. ram upgrade to 1GB
14:40.46flrnwebsearch osx single user mode
14:40.56Akulii just did it
14:41.03flrndon't remember the key combo right now
14:41.40Akuliseems to be command-s
14:42.13flrnyeah, I think that's it. intuitive osx ;)
14:46.02Akuliis the single user mode basically gnu/linux with one tty, and different set of programs?
14:46.08Akuliso no gui junk?
14:46.29flrnno gui, like runlevel 1
14:47.13Akuliok, nice
14:47.30Akulii get to actually see how much ram it has :D
14:47.34Akulithere's no way to check that in the gui
14:48.13Akuliat least i didn't find it
14:48.17Akulieven the file manager was useless
14:48.20flrni think the "apple" menu item has some kind of "about this computer"
14:48.23Akuliand of course, no terminal
14:48.35Akulithats possible
14:49.29flrnyou'll find the terminal in a subfolder of "applications", in german it's "dienstprogramme", i think "utilities" in english
14:49.46Akulithere is no terminal there :D
14:50.28*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
14:51.12flrnbut you talk osx? or os 8/9?
14:51.23Akulii'm pretty sure its osx
14:51.28Akulii didn't look at it much yet
14:51.33Akulii'm wondering if it's a powerpc processor though
14:51.42Akulifinding a gnu operating system that's up to date might be hard
14:52.01Akulior is there a ppc version of devuan?
14:52.45Akuliat least i don't see one
14:53.00flrndon't know. debian wheezy should be fine and upgradable to jessie w/o systemd.
14:53.12Akuliwithout systemd?
14:53.30*** join/#devuan firegarden (
14:53.58flrnyou can stay with sysvinit, probably need libsystemd0
14:54.13Akulithis wikipedia page says devuan
14:55.29flrnindeed: lists ppc
14:56.33Akulihow can i install that?
14:56.40Akuliit's not an installer thing
14:56.45flrnalso:'s cert is back
14:58.00flrnif there's no installer, I'd go debain wheezy, do a minimal netinstall and upgrade do devuan jessie
14:58.15Akulithat's one option too
14:58.32flrnbut i don't know if the devuan ppc repo is like only a placeholder?
14:58.34Akulii wonder what would happen if i'd get a debian installer and make it use a devuan repo :D
14:58.57flrnask emmninger, that's his kind of games ;)
14:59.10Akuliwho's emmniger?
14:59.44flrnoh, [DNG]
15:00.54flrnbut i guess if you install from debian jessie installer, you'll run into problems as it expects to install systemd init
15:02.00Akulimaybe i could boot from a stick with a live system on it and do this
15:02.09flrnpointing wheezy netinstall to devuan jessie might be more promising
15:02.22flrnold imac sounds like usb1 ...
15:02.35Akuliyes, there's actually lots of usb ports
15:02.38Akuliwhich is amazing
15:02.50flrnno fun booting - if it is possible at all.
15:03.19Akulii'm not sure but i don't think there's a cd drive
15:03.27Akulior maybe i just didn't see it
15:03.39flrnis it an old crt imac or already tft?
15:03.56flrnflat screen
15:04.16Akuliit'd kill my eyes if i'd work on it too long
15:04.25flrnso at least you can mount an old p-ata cdrom easily
15:04.53flrnif there's none
15:18.05flrngood luck - i'm out^^
15:20.11*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
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21:52.03*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
21:53.31Inocuousstupid question I guess but here goes, I need to reset the password on the user login on my devuan, I have the root. I found a hundred video's how to reset root. nothing on setting user. any help appreciated.
21:55.51KatolaZpasswd username
21:57.01Inocuousok. thanks. let me try.
22:04.04InocuousI guess that's so easy they don't expect anyone to ever ask.
22:04.17KatolaZman passwd :)
22:05.01InocuousI like man but I had no idea what tool to use.
22:07.11KatolaZwell, the same you use to change root's password :)
22:07.19KatolaZone mechanism = one tool
22:07.30KatolaZand one tool = one mechanism
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