IRC log for #devuan on 20160617

08:09.44*** join/#devuan infobot (
08:09.44*** topic/#devuan is discussion channel (logged at - Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork - /msg chanserv info #devuan
08:13.28*** join/#devuan premoboss (~utente@
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11:48.52jsfarinet@parazyd or someone else who is familiar with OpenRC: In the end i happily installed ascii and set it to use OpenRC. Now my question is, is there a devuan/debian wiki about the use of openrc?
11:49.42djphjsfarinet: not that I've seen, but I'm also not super-familiar with it
11:49.56jsfarinetI'm asking, because i see the implementation seems different from what i knew from manjaro ... There is no /etc/conf.d/ for example in devuan
11:50.18jsfarinetThere conversion is super easy and painless - at least from my - user - point of view
11:50.52jsfarinetand i find the commands are pretty easy (rc-update, rc-status, rc-service ....)
11:51.41jsfarinetI'm interested to know, if i simply could transfer my settings and structure on manjaro to devuan ... ;)
11:53.37jsfarinetquite down to earth: in gentoo there is a really smart script to activate and use zram by openrc (much better than all what i found for debian) which i'd like to implement on devuan
11:56.32*** join/#devuan virrus (~vir@
11:58.15parazydjsfarinet: just create conf.d yourself, it should be recognized
11:58.29parazydalso manpages +
11:59.32*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
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18:07.25*** join/#devuan qis (
18:07.56qisHi, is there a time plan when a stable version is going to be released?
18:09.00hellekinqis: no.  But there's a rough idea of what's left to be done
18:10.11qishellekin: Do you have a link? I don't see anything of that sort on
18:12.14hellekinqis: maybe.
18:13.07hellekinqis: define your 'stable' need.  Maybe the current beta is not going to change much on some aspects
18:14.03KatolaZdidn't we already have a Devuan stable? :^P
18:14.20qishellekin: I need a server development VM with gcc 6.1 and clang 3.8 that is largely compatible with Debian so that I can work on it, test the results on debian and ship it to my clients.
18:17.37ksx4systemqis: I'm not sure if mentioned gcc and clang versions are available on Debian jessie at all
18:17.50ksx4systemif they are - most likely you can get those on Devuan too
18:18.00qisksx4system: I had to compile gcc 6.1 from source on jessie.
18:18.08parazydqis: doing musl?
18:18.13ksx4systemsince there's no systemd malware you should consider Devuan much more stable than Debian is
18:18.21qisparazyd: Would love to. Couldn't find a musl distro so far.
18:18.28parazydalpine linux
18:18.37parazydthere are plenty
18:18.38ksx4systemstali :3
18:18.40qisstali is difficult to get working
18:18.46parazydstali works out of the box
18:18.49qisdon't remember my problems with alpine
18:19.05qisgentoo is the best option but many things are broken as soon as you chose musl
18:19.23qisparazyd: I couldn't get clang 3.8 working with musl.
18:19.31parazydme never tried
18:20.02qisLinux developers tend to disregard C++ development as "not important" and stick with old copmilers that don't have proper C++14 and experimental C++17 features. =(
18:20.20jsfarinetAlso void has a musl version
18:20.35hellekinqis these versions won't be in stable, so you should look into ascii, or jessie-backports.  Anyway Devuan will be stable before these versions reach it.
18:21.27*** join/#devuan thijso (~thijs@
18:21.42qishellekin: What does ascii mean in this context?
18:21.51qisjessie-backports has no modern compilers
18:23.01qisNo GCC at all and clang is stuck at 3.5 - way too old.
18:24.13parazydwhy clang?
18:24.18parazydit's worse than gcc
18:25.25jaromilstali <3
18:25.29jaromili like stali
18:26.25qisparazyd: Because of a (from my point of view) better license, including libc++.
18:31.16qisIs it safe to simply copy over a precompiled GCC 6.1 from debian jessie to devuan jessie or can something go wrong even though it looks to work?
18:31.26parazydjust make a static one
18:32.10qisHm? Why? Different glibc version?
18:32.14parazydthen it works everywhere, but in theory your debian-compiled should work
18:32.21qisOk, thanks.
18:32.36golinuxWhat does ascii mean in this context?  ascii=testing ceres=sid
18:33.43qisgolinux: Ah, I see. Might not be the best name since you get alot of noise when searching for this in google. =)
18:37.37*** join/#devuan dimkr (~dimkr@unaffiliated/dimkr)
18:38.38golinuxqis: All Devuan releases are named after minor planets in our solar system
18:38.58golinuxdimkr: \o
18:45.47qisNice touch.
18:52.43*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
18:54.47qisHmm, I copied over the gcc directory and get the following error when I try to use it: fatal error: features.h: No such file or directory
18:55.18qisIt's /usr/include/features.h on debian.
18:56.14*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
18:56.58qisIt's part of glibc as far as I can tell.
18:57.08hellekinglibc-dev is missing?
18:59.03qisYeah and a bit more. I'll just install build-essential
18:59.29qisInstalling gcc-4.9 seems like a waste of space. ^_^
19:00.31qisOk, everything seems to work fine now. Thank you very much for the information and help.
19:01.11hellekinyou're welcome qis
19:11.30*** join/#devuan zxz (
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20:36.59*** join/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:38.34figlfdevo/ dimkr
20:38.40dimkro/ figlfdev
20:38.47figlfdevi had no idea you were so involved with puppy
20:39.09figlfdevyoure way up on their list of... people up on the list of people
20:39.17figlfdevhey KatolaZ
20:39.21dimkrfiglfdev, I don't do much Puppy work these days
20:39.27figlfdevthey still credit you though
20:39.48dimkryes, I'm definitely a top contributor if you sum all my contributions in the last 6-7 years or so
20:39.57figlfdevi think you lend them some credibility-- let them do it, if you still like what they do
20:40.37dimkrseveral days ago I saw a roadmap was posted in the Puppy forums and someone said "I know this guy" and something about credibility
20:40.41figlfdeva lot has changed (and is still familiar-- more familiar than debian 8 anyway)
20:40.48figlfdevdimkr: that would be me
20:40.48dimkrI'm more than thankful
20:41.15figlfdevim surprised and pleased that tahr comes with python out of the box
20:41.44figlfdevi thought i was going to have to figure out the name of the new package system (when i stopped using puppy there were about 5)
20:43.38KatolaZwhat is the state of puppy now?
20:43.42KatolaZhave they embraced systemd?
20:44.06dimkrbusybox init
20:44.11figlfdevthat would be a stretch. i expected something that looked like the debian mailing list. they seem to be pretty happy with anything that doesnt have systemd, as long as it isnt devuan :(
20:44.33KatolaZdimkr: :)
20:44.50dimkrlong time ago I worked on an early Devuan-based Puppy
20:44.56dimkrhoped someone would pick that up
20:45.11dimkrat that time, Puppy had its systemd debate
20:45.13KatolaZdimkr: the minimal live goes in the same direction, somehow
20:45.17figlfdevit was a very cool idea, but it takes a lot more to get picked up around there
20:45.35KatolaZand we will be able to have minimal systems (not just live) very soon
20:45.36dimkrand the community is very messy after the dictator left
20:45.40figlfdevactually the refracta installer reminds me a lot of how many EASY ways there were to install puppy, back in the day
20:45.51dimkrvery Puppy user swears by his or her favorite community spin
20:46.00figlfdevas does the toram option (pretty standard) in the boot menu (less standard.)
20:46.11dimkrno consensus
20:46.19figlfdevbut thats part of its charm, i suppose
20:46.21dimkrthat's the main problem of Puppy
20:46.25dimkrtrue, figlfdev
20:46.52dimkrbut in a community distro without a development team or some form of leadership, it's a problem
20:47.03figlfdevwell, we need a unified puppy. thats why im working on a puppy init system (called systemDog) to unify all the puplets :)
20:47.04dimkrthere's no workflow
20:47.11figlfdevjumps off a roof
20:47.16dimkrcool stuff, figlfdev!
20:47.33figlfdevno it isnt!
20:47.35dimkrwe're working on init improvements these days
20:47.42dimkrtons of cruft there
20:47.42figlfdevtrumst me, its a crappy idea :)
20:48.10dimkrwe're still struggling with getting rid of crappy ideas that got implemented in code :)
20:48.50dimkrparazyd, I'm almost done with the rk3288 libre build feature
20:48.50figlfdevgetting rid of cruft can be good (depends much on how you do it)
20:49.08figlfdevim not a huge cruft fan (though i do like python)
20:49.10dimkrwasted hours trying to figure out why kernel build fails and now I see it's because bc is missing
20:49.26dimkrdon't believe I fell for that traditional newbie-grade bug
20:49.58figlfdevwell i will tell you a secret about people, they rarely get smarter
20:50.06figlfdevthey get more averse to doing dumb things, and thats not the same
20:50.20dimkrbtw, something cool I'm working on these days -
20:50.54figlfdevneat! (and probably a much better idea than the one i was talking about before.)
20:51.16dimkrthe plan is to add support for async loops, multi-interpreter concurrency and other fun stuff, then provide Devuan containers for things like REST API routers implemented on top of it
20:51.30figlfdevif its a scripting language, where is the language summary? how many commands does it have? what domain does it target? (other than the platform, which is clearly stated)
20:51.47dimkrI mean:
20:51.47figlfdevahh... so i withdraw the relevant questions (the others i repeat)
20:52.13dimkrstill early, though
20:52.28figlfdevlikes what hes reading
20:52.37dimkrtoday I got the szl equivalent of Python's 'for i in range(1,2000): _=i+1' down from 1.5 seconds to 22ms
20:53.24dimkrI think this language has tons of potential DevOps use cases
20:53.32figlfdevVERY cool! to be honest, it looks like szl is to tcl what fig is to python
20:53.50figlfdevive used tcl, and its very cool-- but szl looks more reasonable/consistent
20:54.24dimkryeah, that's the main idea
20:54.38dimkra more streamlined language, but with a more powerful standard library
20:54.40figlfdevdoes it source-compile to tcl, or does it have its own interpreter?
20:54.47dimkrown interpreter, very small
20:55.00figlfdevand the interpreter is implemented in?
20:55.04dimkrsyntax is mostly a subset, but some things (like the parameters of 'for') are different
20:55.07dimkrpure C
20:55.31dimkrthe interpreter has a small C API designed to make it easy to write bindings
20:55.40dimkrgarbage collection is in perfect shape now
20:56.08figlfdevits a pleasure to meet you (again.) i actually think everyone should try making a language (if only as a week-long project to product a toy)
20:56.28figlfdevs/duct/duce ... although szl looks like a useful tool.
20:56.35dimkrit's a great exercise
20:56.56dimkrespecially if you start writing without designing the entire thing first
20:56.57figlfdevit makes you appreciate coding that much more, and it really helps you understand how computers work (better than logo will.)
20:57.17dimkrbtw, here's an example of bindings ->
20:57.35figlfdevi probably wont follow, i learned a little about c but headers i still dont get
20:58.10figlfdevwell, at least its not perl.
20:58.31figlfdevbut thats an impression of the headers file, not the language. the language i might try out.
20:58.56figlfdevhow do i install it? (im being cheap asking for support here, though it doesnt hurt to ask)
20:59.59dimkrmake install
21:00.15dimkrbut beware: no "make uninstall"
21:00.37figlfdevhas never used (or been aware of) "make uninstall" but will not try it.
21:01.07KatolaZfiglfdev: in theory make unistall should be safe and clean, *in* *theory*
21:01.14dimkrjaromil, is there any secret repository of SDK outputs?
21:02.50KatolaZdimkr: what you mean?
21:03.01KatolaZall the sdk development is happening on
21:03.15dimkrI want to compare the size of my modded image with a vanilla one
21:03.20dimkrto make sure everything is sane
21:03.28figlfdevim a little rusty on compiling
21:03.34KatolaZbut it is not currently usable
21:03.40figlfdevszl.h:38:19: fatal error: zlib.h: No such file or directory #### <- does this mean i have to step through deps, or is there an easier way?
21:03.46KatolaZor at least, it's not complete
21:03.54KatolaZit might be there within a couple of days
21:03.56figlfdevisnt kidding
21:04.10KatolaZwe are currently working at providing an easy interface
21:04.18KatolaZ(a shell interface, though)
21:04.20dimkrfiglfdev, sudo apt-get install zlib-dev libarchive-dev openssl-dev libffi-dev
21:04.40figlfdevi think i should have read the readme, sorry :(
21:04.57dimkrmy bad, I meant sudo sudo apt-get install libz-dev libarchive-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev
21:05.01figlfdev(honestly just thought of it now... yes, i know...)
21:05.09figlfdevoh, no problem! (copies the new line)
21:05.41parazyddimkr: most arm images are 1337MB uncompressed
21:05.51figlfdev:) 1337
21:05.56dimkrparazyd, thank you!
21:06.00parazydi think only two are a bit bigger (rk2388 being one of them)
21:06.02figlfdevgoogle mustve done that on purpose
21:06.40figlfdevtries to think of a reason he thinks google are responsible for arm images, and comes up with an almost-good one
21:06.44parazydkudos on the libre kernel, please share back the config when ready :)
21:08.01dimkrI still haven't integrated my custom linux-libre deblobbing scheme, but the "libre" kernel should not have any blobs because all wifi/bt drivers are off
21:08.32parazyddimrk if you want to go the easy way, get the kernel with gentoo (portage)
21:08.44parazydthen you  can USE=deblob
21:09.27dimkrit's more complex here because of the mix of wireless-3.8 with 3.14
21:09.43parazydi see
21:09.45dimkryou need two linux-libre passes with hacked scripts so they don't deblob all files
21:09.48figlfdev./ undefined reference to `crc32' ... Makefile:27: recipe for target '.src' failed (ive looked at the README this time)
21:10.02dimkrChrome OS patches wireless-3.8 enough to break linux-libre
21:10.05dimkrit produces faulty .c files
21:10.06figlfdevwas never good at compiling, needs REALLY specific instructions (make make install isnt working)
21:10.31figlfdevis there a binary somewhere?
21:10.49dimkrfiglfdev, try STATIC_ALL=1 make
21:10.54dimkrafter make clean
21:10.55figlfdev:( did
21:10.59figlfdevoh! right
21:11.25figlfdevnope, make clean ... STATIC_ALL=1 make had the same output
21:12.03figlfdevits gotta be something really obvious im missing. only minor compiling experience here.
21:12.06dimkrmake sure pkg-config is installed
21:12.10figlfdevthats probably it
21:12.52figlfdevno, but it got farther. followed by same errors as usual.
21:13.02figlfdevit says missing libcurl. brb.
21:13.36dimkrfiglfdev, apt-get install libcurl-dev
21:13.51parazydnote: do the same for everything you're missing ;)
21:14.14figlfdevyep, on it :)
21:14.24dimkrtime to test my C201 image
21:14.28figlfdevapt-get install clue-dev
21:15.07dimkrI really like this ARM laptop, wish I could open the case and transplant a USB wifi dongle inside it
21:15.22dimkrit makes a very nice Devuanbook
21:16.21figlfdevokay, final paste: szl_linenoise.c:28:33: fatal error: linenoise/linenoise.h: No such file or directory (i checked, i really dont have it, and its szl-specific)
21:16.42figlfdevtheres a .c but no .h header file (i know what a header file is, only by name an extension though.)
21:16.46lime_so thunderbird got removed from the d*ian repos, i just wondered what replaced it
21:17.27*** join/#devuan Thrasymachus (
21:17.54lime_or if anything could be used in its place to replace it
21:17.57dimkrfiglfdev, you need to git clone --recursive instead of git clone
21:18.17*** join/#devuan devil_ (
21:18.35figlfdevahhh, k (i was just using the zip. i was hoping to avoid installing git, but will now.)
21:18.44dimkrlime_, icedove
21:18.54figlfdevin any case, i wouldve used git clone so this is good.
21:19.49*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
21:21.02figlfdevi give up. its giving me 20 pages of undecipherable shit (as git is wont to do) and the closer i get to understanding compiling, the more complicated they make it.
21:21.26figlfdevnot your fault, dimkr. i accept it.
21:22.04lime_thanks dimkr
21:22.08figlfdevlet me know if theres ever a deb though! (sometimes ive managed to compile things, even python3-pygame-- which debian dds cant seem to do !)
21:22.38figlfdevused git for that. it "just worked"
21:23.16figlfdevor maybe that was mercurial (i have no idea.)
21:23.24dimkrfiglfdev, my main x86 laptop is currently dead, using my ARM machine and cross-compiling to x86 is a mess
21:24.07figlfdevno worries. im sure this is fixable, just not today
21:24.31figlfdevalso its almost definitely my fault, so theres nothing really even wrong :)
21:25.33dimkrI had a fun idea to develop a function-as-a-service thingy on top of this and Devuan
21:26.36figlfdevlike a mitm engine? :)
21:26.55figlfdevis a big cloud-skeptic
21:27.04figlfdevbut smallbasic does it.
21:28.46figlfdevfwiw, it WOULD be fun.
21:30.11figlfdevgci_admin: exactly!
21:30.18figlfdevirony points for putting that on dropbox :)
21:30.39figlfdevthats like uploading rms to youtube
21:31.14figlfdevi half expect him to turn towards the camera and say "please, take this off youtube guys..." (he should do this with a zoom in, it would be a great bit)
21:31.15gci_adminThing is, I am fully aware that it is just a computer somewhere else. I have local copies of *everything* on Dropbox.
21:31.24figlfdev"whoa, how did he know?"
21:31.50figlfdevthen cut that part out to upload to other sites (cant, nd license. drag.)
21:32.18dimkr"thats like uploading rms to youtube" << lol
21:33.33figlfdevthe problem with rms is that all his logic is like functional programming. hes already enclosed "put that on youtube as a joke" within the "dont put it on youtube" function.
21:33.54figlfdevrms would be a lot more fun if he werent stateless, but he wouldnt be as consistent.
21:34.31figlfdev(im not saying its worth it, just that the temptation never goes away)
21:37.14figlfdevlike all functional programming, bugs are less likely to be introduced, but if you manage to ever get one in you will have a heck of a time removing it
21:46.02*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
21:47.10dimkrgnite all
21:50.08*** join/#devuan litko (
21:50.30litkoim trying to get devuan to work on a mac
21:50.37litkois this easy?
21:50.47figlfdevshould be. ive run ubuntu on a mac.
21:50.53figlfdevbut not in a while...
21:51.14figlfdevassumes macbook, intel processor-- rather than older powerpc models
21:51.15litkoso theres no point first installing debian wheezy and then updating to devuan
21:51.27figlfdevcouldnt tell you-- but probably not.
21:51.32litkoyes intel macbook very old
21:51.58figlfdevive only tried the intel ones. and one emac (which was powerpc but i didnt run any other os on it)
21:52.38figlfdevvery old = 5 years?
21:52.42litkolooking to just put devuan on there
21:52.51litkoyes 5 years
21:52.59litkoeven older probably
21:53.03figlfdevive only run live. it worked okay, couldnt get the wifi to work of course
21:53.11figlfdevthe one i used was probably about 5 years old, maybe 6
21:53.18figlfdevi mean it would be now.
21:53.41litkoso what are my options installer wise
21:53.42figlfdevthere is one thing, of course--
21:53.54figlfdevive never installed it, because you can screw up the efi.
21:53.58litkoit would be an offline install from dvd right?
21:54.08litkoyeah i read about the efi
21:54.09figlfdevso i dont know your options with regard to bootloader, etc.
21:54.31figlfdevlike i said, i ran it live. if id screwed up the bootloader my friend wouldve been really pissed.
21:54.45figlfdevhis macbook, though it ran ubuntu okay
21:54.57figlfdevefi on those things is a little finnicky
21:55.02litkotheres some gentoo guys that have gotten it working with grub efi or something
21:55.14figlfdevyeah, i bet its doable. just not as easy as another machine
21:55.16litkobut it sounded real complicated
21:55.24figlfdevsame here. sounds complicated.
21:55.35figlfdevand ive done a lot of installs
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21:55.58figlfdevnot sure its worth it, but that all depends on what you want
21:56.10litkoso what are my options? rEFInd and keep osx
21:56.20litkowell i just want it running linux
21:56.34litkoosx is totally unusable at this point
21:56.37figlfdevit would be nice if you could make it boot automatically from usb, without having to hold down 2-4 keys on every boot at the right moment.
21:56.51figlfdevwell, if youre not using it for anything else, it might be worth trying it.
21:57.07figlfdevive never had a sacrificial macbook to play with :) it sounds like fun.
21:57.28litkoyeah i mean i dont wanna kill it
21:57.29figlfdevand you can still change the battery on that one, yeah? bonus :)
21:57.36figlfdevno, of course not
21:57.49litkobut if the efi is messed up i can just run osx install cds again right?
21:58.16figlfdevi honestly dont know. it should never be so dire just to install an os from usb, but youd have to ask the gentoo guys (maybe)
21:58.18litkoyeah removable battery
21:59.09figlfdevif it were me, id look for a distro that was designed for this (if one exists) and then dist-upgrade to devuan. but thats a risk too! its just the one i would feel comfortable with.
21:59.32figlfdevdefinitely look for people experienced with macbook installs.
21:59.43figlfdevas you obviously have already
22:00.04litkoyeah not sure where to look apart from forums
22:00.14figlfdevim interested, but not knowledgable
22:00.30figlfdevim also curious what the best place to go is
22:00.56figlfdevbut you always have the option of running from usb. its just not as cool or convenient everyday.
22:01.16litkoyeah i guess
22:01.19figlfdevif you screw up efi, who knows if even that will work?
22:01.38litkowow so this efi thing is not to be taken lightly
22:01.41figlfdevmaybe look for how to fix efi if its screwed up. maybe youll feel more confident after that :)
22:01.50litkohaha yeah
22:01.52figlfdevnot imo. but then my opinion isnt the final word on it at all
22:01.54fsmithredgood advice
22:02.09fsmithredI've been doing efi installs all day
22:02.12figlfdevthanks fsr
22:02.25fsmithredubuntu, devuan, refracta
22:02.30litkou have?
22:02.37fsmithredwell, ubuntu was a few days ago, and it's gone
22:02.48litkoare you keeping the original osx on there
22:02.52fsmithredunfortunately, I have no clue what's going on
22:03.01fsmithredno, no osx, no mac here
22:03.36fsmithreddevuan will install with efi
22:03.42fsmithredbut not with secure boot
22:03.50fsmithredububu will do secure boot
22:03.54litkoi forgot windows use efi now as well
22:05.07fsmithredadding a second linux after I got devuan going, I killed the bootloader somehow
22:05.07figlfdevno secure boot on 6 year old macbook afaik. but i cant imagine apples efi is designed to play well with anything but apple
22:05.26fsmithredhad to boot the devuan iso in recovery mode and reinstall boot loader
22:05.28figlfdevonly that some people obviously get it to work anyway. with some degree of effort.
22:06.02litkoarch guys have it working but i want to avoid systemd
22:06.24figlfdevwindows uses a relatively standard uefi. i dont know if the older apple version is really proprietary or non-standard, just that its the kind of thing they do.
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22:06.50fsmithredyou got a hard drive or ssd in that macbook?
22:06.56litkohard drive
22:06.57figlfdev(and afaik with uefi, theres no such thing as standard-- just more standard and less standard)
22:07.14fsmithredok, so if you run from usb stick, you won't really notice a difference in speed
22:07.31fsmithredunless you're using a stopwatch
22:07.45litkoits usb 2 afaik
22:07.54fsmithredyeah, that's all I use
22:08.32fsmithredwell, actually, right now I'm using an old ide drive connected to laptop with usb adapter
22:08.45fsmithredI do notice that it's slow
22:09.16fsmithredbut I've run from usb on several laptops, and it always seems fast enough
22:09.30litkoyeah i guess it depends on the usb as well
22:09.47litkosome sticks jus perform better
22:10.49litkoit only has 2 usb ports from what i can see
22:10.53figlfdevthe only real issue with usb on a macbook (imo) is the timed key combo you need to boot from it.
22:11.17figlfdevyou have to wait for a noise, then hold down multiple keys. if you could make it the default, that ought to suffice.
22:11.26litkoand since linux doesnt support facetimehd i would need a usb webcam
22:11.28figlfdevfor booting devuan on a macbook
22:11.37figlfdevat least of the vintage being discussed.
22:12.24litkoso its tricky even with usb
22:12.37figlfdevnot very. more like mildly annoying.
22:12.52fsmithredrun osx in a vm?
22:13.25litkoyeh i was planning to put devuan minmal install on there
22:14.04litkoand run any osx i need programs as vms
22:14.12figlfdevdoes osx even like a vm?
22:14.36figlfdevfor running in, obviously it runs other things in one
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22:15.00litkoive tried it on virtualbox and it works
22:15.15litkokqemu should be faster
22:15.26litkoclose to native speeds on apple hardware
22:18.12litkoor kvm i think its called nowadays
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23:33.05jsfarinethi all
23:39.51jsfarinetSomeone here has an idea where to check why i do not have zram support with the kernel? It's for 3.16 as well as for 4.6 - but i know it should work!
23:39.58jsfarinetzgrep ZRAM /proc/config.gz
23:40.00jsfarinetgzip: /proc/config.gz: No such file or directory
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