IRC log for #devuan on 20160605

00:00.57fsmithredDocScrutinizer05, what? KDE includes hidden first aid information?
00:24.26LongHairedHackerparazyd: fyi the omx stuff works now, but glimagesink is still broken and installing gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad from raspbian does not fix it
00:24.39LongHairedHackerso I'm stuck with using raspbian for now
00:25.20LongHairedHackerbut I'll look into porting the gestreamer stuff from raspbian to devuan as soon as I can spare a few nights
00:39.16*** join/#devuan geturafr1nordr (
01:00.02*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
01:25.04*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
01:27.35*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
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01:35.53*** join/#devuan preta (
01:36.06pretahola sirix
01:37.53pretadevuan acepta el escritorio mate?
01:38.44pretatu usas devuan?
01:38.47sirixpreta: y puedes desactivar el avahu sin dramas
01:39.09openfbtdIt is, however, pretty rude to talk in a language most people on a channel don't understand
01:39.58sirixpreta: arriba en el topic de la sala, estan los enlaces
01:40.08sirixpreta: no tienes que disculparte
01:40.17sirixpreta: suerte
02:23.22*** part/#devuan preta (
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10:54.11*** join/#devuan LongHairedHacker (
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14:32.07terrylrgood morning
14:33.16terrylrI have downloaded devuan for raspberry pi and have booted a raspberry pi 3 with the beta release. What is the default account and passwd
14:33.51golinuxI think it is root/toor
14:34.07*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
14:34.25golinuxThat's just from hanging out on irc though not from experience
14:34.27jaromilyes it is
14:34.35jaromilnext time will be also root/devuan
14:34.39jaromilone thing to fix
14:34.43jaromilthansk golinux for reminding
14:35.03golinux:)  Just good timing
14:36.02terrylrto the devuan folk, thank you for the release without systemd
14:37.42terrylrthat works thank you.
14:38.26*** part/#devuan terrylr (
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14:42.09jaromilopenfbtd: we have an open language policy on all dyne operated channels, so please as long as its on-topic ignore episodes like this
14:43.01jaromilwe may want to open separate language channels if true need arises, yet I believe exposure to more languages does good to everyone
14:48.29ksx4systemjaromil: why not root/toor? this one seems to be pretty universal
14:50.42jaromilwell, we never really had this conversation, just adopted root/devuan since the beginning so root/toor was considered a deviance (Adopted by parazyd while developing arm-sdk)
14:51.02jaromilbut if this needs a debate or vote of sorts so be it, we are in time to change
14:51.46*** join/#devuan yann-kaelig (
14:52.06ksx4systemjaromil: at least it's not the "pi" user nonsense ;)
14:52.24*** part/#devuan yann-kaelig (
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14:53.47jaromiloh yea, that one, no way
14:59.45*** join/#devuan penelopa (
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16:13.17openfbtdjaromil, oh. It's the default position of the overwhelming majority of other channels I'm on, so I assumed.
16:13.32openfbtdI still think it's extremely rude to do this personally tho.
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16:21.06*** join/#devuan flrn_ (~flrn@
16:21.25hellekinDocScrutinizer51: (regarding the favicon)
16:22.00hellekinDocScrutinizer51: it's incredible how they come to the "easy" conclusion that matches their business logic, without considering alternate perspectives tha tcould convince them otherwise.
16:22.24hellekinjaromil: maybe we need to meet them before I get pissed ;)
16:24.04TwistedFateHi everyone, sorry to bother, I was wondering if you maybe know where can I find hosts file in Devuan? I would like to edit it so it contains lists of ads sites to get them blocked.
16:24.50ksx4systemTwistedFate: /etc/hosts
16:25.51TwistedFateksx4system, Ah, thanks!
16:25.56ksx4systemnp :)
16:26.51*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
16:30.49jaromilah, the beauty of defaults
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16:31.52jaromilhellekin: re favicon, how about a redirect rule of sorts on the http server
16:32.11fsmithreddoes anyone ever put it somewhere else?
16:32.12jaromiland btw, I'm following the progress of
16:32.25fsmithredbeen a long time since I've used a non-debian distro
16:32.40jaromilits so pleasantly similar to github
16:33.16jaromilfsmithred: one never knows... see what debian 7 did already to /etc/resolv.conf :/
16:33.50jaromili never liked that move, sorry
16:33.59jaromilnot sure it was in 7 or 6
16:34.04fsmithredwhat did they do to it?
16:34.08DocScrutinizer05hellekin: (favicon) indeed
16:34.10jaromilits rewritten
16:34.25fsmithredonly if you have network manager
16:34.31jaromiloh ok
16:34.36jaromilof course
16:34.44fsmithredthat issue was my birth at fdn
16:35.48fsmithredI had network manager and static ip in interfaces, and we kept fighting with each other (nm and me)
16:36.07DocScrutinizer05jaromil: yes, rewrite rule sounds like a nasty but simple fix, no?
16:36.14fsmithredthat was the last time I installed nm
16:36.30jaromilDocScrutinizer05: its the best fix afaik
16:37.25jaromilon apache RewriteRule with [R] does it
16:38.59hellekinWe would have to put an nginx in front of the gitlab nginx just for a favicon, seriously?
16:39.45jaromilgitlab controls nginx?
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16:41.09flrnfsmithred: iirc you can tell nm in /etc(/default?)/NetworkManager to ignore an interface
16:41.59hellekinthe omnibus package controls everything to the point you can't change a favicon.  although I didn't try forcing it to them with a 5mn crontab as DocScrutinizer05 or parazyd suggested earlier
16:42.12jaromili think one should willingly tell nm to take over an interface
16:43.26flrni dont'care about nm anymore, as long i don't have to go umts
16:44.31flrneven that i once managed to work with wvdial
16:44.36hellekinin my experience nm is a pain is the ass without resolvcong
16:44.36fsmithredflrn, I use wicd on laptop, interfaces file on desktop
16:45.11flrnfsmithred: on the laptop i have wicd, too
16:50.23*** join/#devuan KatolaZ2 (~devuan@
16:50.40KatolaZ2hi there
16:50.53KatolaZ2testing the minimal live from an old laptop :)
16:51.34flrnis off for of bowl of salad
16:52.01KatolaZ2hi fsmithred
16:52.36fsmithredyou boot from CD or USB?
16:52.47KatolaZ2from USB
16:53.05KatolaZ2don't have a CD on this one
16:53.59fsmithredI do... I guess I should burn a few and test
16:54.13KatolaZ2a few guys have tested the CD version
16:54.23KatolaZ2and reported that it works
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16:54.40KatolaZ2I am now working a bit on the accessibility side
16:54.51KatolaZ2let's see what we can come up with
16:55.17fsmithredI've been working on the uefi - put up some experimental debs
16:55.36KatolaZ2fsmithred: does it work now?
16:55.44fsmithredso far, it boots in qemu and vbox
16:56.01KatolaZ2have you tried real hw as well?
16:56.01fsmithredI expect to have newer hardware soon, and then test for real
16:56.19KatolaZ2I might have some new hw shortly as well
16:56.25KatolaZ2within a couple of weeks
16:56.30KatolaZ2and that should have uefi
16:57.05KatolaZ2well in principle it is still possible to boot from isolinux also on uefimachines, right?
16:57.26fsmithredwell, maybe - there seem to be modules for it
16:57.39fsmithredbut I don't know how to use them
16:57.39*** part/#devuan sirix (Elite16648@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-bjmkkdummjltjupa)
16:58.17fsmithredor are you talking about switching to legacy bios?
16:59.08KatolaZ2oh that's always an option, indee
16:59.14infobotYes, indeed!  katolaz2 is da man.
16:59.33KatolaZ2~infobot wtf?
16:59.34infobotwtf is probably what that's fine?
17:00.08DocScrutinizer05~wtf wtf
17:00.13ChankuAnyone want to help me with compiling openspades?
17:00.24infobotinfobot is probably A program on the IRC that helps users, ask it to do something by putting a ~ and then say a command!
17:00.53KatolaZ2Chanku: what is openspades?
17:01.17ChankuAn Open Source client for Ace of Spades 0.75/0.76
17:02.35ChankuI somehow got it to compile earlier...
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17:03.05Chanku(I ended up trying to recompile to fix a compilation error...but now I can't get a working compile again
17:03.32ChankuAnd when I try to get it to recompile like I did earlier
17:03.35Chankuit only gives an error
17:03.44Chankusaying it's missing the header for SDL_Image
17:03.48KatolaZ2have you tried to turn it off anf on again?
17:04.04Chanku(Even though I'd assume that the header file for SDL_Image would be in the dev package)
17:04.14ksx4systemI would write down configure/make/whatever invocation between results (this way you would know how to retry what gave you positive result)
17:04.59KatolaZ2ok, gotta go here
17:05.04ChankuSee you
17:05.12ChankuIt doesn't give that error
17:07.02ChankuIf I hand compile and make install the SDL_Image thingy that is
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17:28.10hellekinDocScrutinizer05: how's the favicon now (might require a new private window)
17:52.17DocScrutinizer05oops sorry missed the highlight
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17:56.27DocScrutinizer05anyway it seems nothing has changed in Konqueror and in FF even with new private window
17:57.05DocScrutinizer05I'd nevertheless not trust any of those browsers _not_ to cache the favicon for ages
17:57.21hellekintry C-S-r
17:57.38hellekincontrol shift tr
17:57.39DocScrutinizer05and what does it do?
17:57.54hellekinforce reload
17:57.54DocScrutinizer05tr ?
17:58.02DocScrutinizer05in FF?
17:59.20DocScrutinizer05no effect in FF
18:02.23DocScrutinizer05<title>Sign in · GitLab</title>
18:02.25DocScrutinizer05<meta content='software freedom, your way' name='description'>
18:02.26DocScrutinizer05<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/assets/favicon-075eba76312e8421991a0c1f89a89ee81678bcde72319dd3e8047e2a47cd3a42.ico" />
18:02.54DocScrutinizer05hellekin: when you replaced the iconfile, you also need to "recompile" the cache aiui
18:03.01hellekinha that's why.  This asset pre-compilation is breaking everything
18:03.14DocScrutinizer05when you added a rewrite rule, it seems to not work
18:04.00hellekinI don't use a rewrite rule, I brute force the file to the filesystem.  But then it needs pre-compilation, not sure this will work.  Or I use the final asset fliename...
18:04.56hellekinll *css
18:05.43DocScrutinizer05    >>Since we alter the production server, remember to recompile the assets<<   aka sudo -u git RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
18:06.57hellekindoesn't work with the omnibugs package.  Something else.  Won't stop me from going out for dinner though :)
18:12.54DocScrutinizer05jaromil: hellekin: add a rewrite on webserver (apache/nginx) level, for /assets/favicon.*\.ico  -> devuan-tiny.ico ?
18:16.20golinuxNo change in the favicon after a rest
18:17.12*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kirk_Krup@
18:21.04DocScrutinizer05golinux: of course, when the "sudo -u git RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile"  `cache update´ has not been done
18:22.28DocScrutinizer05then you *also* need to refresh nginx cache since I guess nginx won't notice you changing file content without changing file name or other page properties that nginx checks for to determine if a reload aka chache refresh is needed
18:23.24DocScrutinizer05the nginx cache is both its advantage and biggest trouble
18:25.41DocScrutinizer05it works fine for static content but frequently fails miserably for dynamically created (or 'secretly' changed) content
18:27.04DocScrutinizer05jaromil: could you restart nginx (or otherwise make it refresh the cache) please?
18:28.11DocScrutinizer05unless I'm completely mistaken regarding the way nginx works on
18:45.21*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
18:45.42DocScrutinizer05hellekin: you seen ?
18:46.16*** join/#devuan Bercik (~Yotsuba@unaffiliated/bercik)
18:53.11DocScrutinizer05hellekin: also
18:57.00golinuxDocScrutinizer05: The favicon Changer didn't work for you?
18:57.38DocScrutinizer05what helekin did (whatever it was) had no effect on what I see when opening
18:58.28*** join/#devuan cyteen_ (
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19:15.31DocScrutinizer05golinux: hellekin:   gwenview <(wget -O -$(wget 2>/dev/null -O -|grep '<link rel="shortcut icon"'|sed 's#<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="\([^"]*\)" />#\1#'))
19:24.32golinuxDocScrutinizer05: I'm sure we discussed this several days ago
19:25.52golinuxYou don;t need to hassle hellkin to do something that you can do yourseldf with an addon.
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19:58.53DocScrutinizer05golinux: please understand that we're talking completely different issues
19:59.20DocScrutinizer05[2016-06-05 Sun 18:21:18] <hellekin> DocScrutinizer51:
19:59.43DocScrutinizer05I'm not hassling hellekin
20:00.35DocScrutinizer05antagonizing comment
20:00.56DocScrutinizer05tbh I don't even give a FSCK
20:06.20golinuxMaybe I misunderstood that you wanted the devuan gitlab icon to be changed to the swoosh so you could differentiate various gitlab projects.
20:06.42DocScrutinizer05actually better meets the requirement to distinguish from generic do pages, than it helps for sorting the problem hellekin posted to gitlab talk in
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20:07.13golinuxIt sounded like you did give an FSCK
20:07.46DocScrutinizer05you're mistaken
20:08.04golinuxI offered a solution for personal use.  Of course, It will do nothing to address the problem at its source
20:08.24DocScrutinizer05I forwarded a user concern, which also occurred to me though I didn't care too much
20:08.59golinuxIf hellekin were to be able to change the favicon to the swoosh, I would change it to something else to differentiate it from the website.
20:09.21golinuxMaybe make it a different color
20:09.58DocScrutinizer05this shure can get done, if it can get done at all (which should be possible in at least 2 different ways: messing with gitlab and by rewrites in webserver)
20:10.13DocScrutinizer05and I agree it should be done
20:10.30DocScrutinizer05different color sounds nice
20:11.48golinuxWould be good if favicons for git and the site were not identical.  Maybe git could have the light swoosh on a dark bg.
20:14.26*** join/#devuan merlin1991 (~merlin@Maemo/community/cssu/merlin1991)
20:14.34DocScrutinizer05you're the design queen, no? :-)
20:14.38DocScrutinizer05your call
20:16.23*** join/#devuan merlin1991 (~merlin@Maemo/community/cssu/merlin1991)
20:17.17golinuxI'll post an issue in a bit
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20:26.49DocScrutinizer05on a sidenote: that's (among others) why I love Konqueror still
20:29.56DocScrutinizer05iirc this feature is as old as Konqueror
20:30.58DocScrutinizer05and it makes a lot of sense since konqueror bookmarks can point to literally any generic URL, be it http:// or file:// or irc://
20:33.15*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
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20:55.18golinuxDocScrutinizer05: The git favicon has been changed!  It is now the swoosh with a red heart in the middle!!
20:56.06DocScrutinizer05fires up another gwenview <(wget -O -$(wget 2>/dev/null -O -|grep '<link rel="shortcut icon"'|sed 's#<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="([^"]*)" />#1#'))
20:56.30DocScrutinizer05\o/ excellent!!
20:57.14golinuxJust to be clear . . . not my doing
20:57.29golinuxI assume hellekin did it
21:01.12KatolaZit's not a heart, rather the gitlab logo :)
21:01.29KatolaZbut looks undeniably as a heart
21:04.16*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
21:14.16golinuxSo it is!  I thought it was the onelove heart
21:16.33*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
21:33.20DocScrutinizer05alas in FF and konqueror that favicon doesn't show up
21:35.14golinuxDelete you cache
21:35.33golinuxI'm seeing it in iceweasel.
21:35.47DocScrutinizer05the css(?) still has view-source:  as favicon, aiui
21:36.07golinuxNo In FF and the K thingy
21:36.19DocScrutinizer05<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/assets/favicon-075eba76312e8421991a0c1f89a89ee81678bcde72319dd3e8047e2a47cd3a42.ico" />
21:37.29DocScrutinizer05possibly a cache issue, not fixable with ctrl-shift-r however
21:39.18golinuxEdit > Preferences > advanced> Network  > Cached Web Content > clear now.
21:39.42golinuxOr use cacheviewer
21:39.43DocScrutinizer05jr@saturn:~/tmp> wget 2>/dev/null -O -|grep '<link rel="shortcut icon"'|sed 's#<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="\([^"]*\)" />#\1#' still has the same URL and it shows the new icon
21:41.09DocScrutinizer05"> Cached Web Content > clear now." no dice
21:41.17DocScrutinizer05what the heck
21:41.47golinuxDocScrutinizer05: You sure do know how to complicate a simple procedure
21:42.00golinuxRefreah your browser after
21:42.14DocScrutinizer05you think I'm a retard?
21:42.44golinuxAre you?  ;)
21:42.57golinuxIt's always the obvious things that trip me up
21:43.16DocScrutinizer05obviously not as much as you suggest I were. of course I already _did_ refresh
21:43.42golinuxI cleared my cache earlier, went to eat something and the was switched out when I came back.
21:43.48DocScrutinizer05but that shit called FF doesn't care
21:44.14golinuxThere could also be an IP cache somewhere that's not updated
21:44.31DocScrutinizer05I already seen similar crap with a lot of edits on my own webpages
21:45.04golinuxYou're just lucky I guess.  LOL!
21:45.06DocScrutinizer05that's why I came up with the wget solution, to start with
21:45.40DocScrutinizer05I'm _almost_ sure wget has no nasty caches and it shows the correct new icon
21:45.43golinuxAnyway, I have other things to do.  Hope it sorts out for you
21:46.42DocScrutinizer05anyway is obviously irrelevant, I guess
21:47.14KatolaZbtw it does not work for me either
21:48.09DocScrutinizer05which browser?
21:49.14DocScrutinizer05while golinux prematurely closes a ticket
21:49.52DocScrutinizer05that's why I hate all "webdesign"
21:50.19DocScrutinizer05you simply never can be sure it works
21:50.24*** join/#devuan sh4 (sh4@2a01:d0:ffff:4730::2)
21:51.59golinuxI even tried to reset it with my favicon changer on iceweasel and it's still OK
21:53.30DocScrutinizer05I killall firefox and it's still the wrong one
21:54.01DocScrutinizer05I guess the simlest test is to use another computer that never before opened a page
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21:55.17DocScrutinizer05dunno where those favicons are stored locally. Possibly in a dozen of different locations
21:55.48DocScrutinizer05as long as the name doesn't change, all those locations possibly never get invalidated of flushed
21:56.07DocScrutinizer05favicons are nasty
21:56.58KatolaZgolinux: how do one finds the favicon changer?
21:58.19golinuxBeat me to it!
21:58.42golinuxshould give up even trying to get there first
21:58.55DocScrutinizer05we hat _lots_ of fun with favicons on and I think it still doesn't work 100%
21:59.46golinuxThe favicon changer will put them in the bookmarks toolbar only.  Not elsewhere
22:00.13KatolaZshould I change manually the favicon?
22:00.21golinuxYes you can
22:00.27KatolaZbut should I?
22:00.32golinuxIn the bookmarks toolbar
22:01.07golinuxIf it makes it easier to find things why not
22:01.19KatolaZbut what about the favicon I see in firefox?
22:01.23golinuxI only have icons on my toolbar
22:01.40golinuxWhat about it?
22:01.56KatolaZI don't see the new one in
22:02.37golinuxYou can change it to anything you want
22:03.16KatolaZbut still I don't see it in the tab...
22:03.19DocScrutinizer05well, that doesn't help. When, as you just sttaed, it only changes the *bookmark* icon, not the tab icon
22:03.43golinuxI don;t do tabs.  tabkiller is alive and well here
22:04.05KatolaZgolinux: this does not mean that other users don't use tabs...
22:04.10DocScrutinizer05then we're talking completely different purposes
22:04.18golinuxSo sorry can't help with that.
22:04.37KatolaZok np golinux
22:04.41KatolaZthanks anyway
22:04.51golinuxTabs are not my problem.  I know nothing about them except that I don't like them
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22:05.16golinuxI bet there is an addon that will do that though.
22:05.17KatolaZwell golinux but it's not about your webpage :)
22:05.25KatolaZI think no addon is needed
22:05.50KatolaZif I change the favicon on my webpage, that gets refreshed when I clead the cache in iceweasel
22:06.24KatolaZanyway, np
22:06.38KatolaZnot an important issue
22:10.05DocScrutinizer05one is Devuan, two are, and I could have added a half a dozen other completely unrelated sites, all with same favicon
22:10.52DocScrutinizer05even worse: "Devuan" doesn't even show up in the window title
22:11.37DocScrutinizer05window title of :  >>Projects Dashboard Gitlab<<
22:12.01DocScrutinizer05now I start to bother
22:12.58DocScrutinizer05neither favicon nor window title gives away the real browser window context
22:13.39DocScrutinizer05I bet a >>Projects Dashboard Gitlab<< could be found on as well
22:15.33DocScrutinizer05ok, it's called >>Projects Explore Gitlab<< there
22:19.08*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
22:22.42DocScrutinizer05if that's not puzzling shit outa everybody, I dunno what does
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22:33.46DocScrutinizer05heck, I spoiled it :-/ should have used above ;-P
22:34.23DocScrutinizer05guess what's its window title ;-)
22:35.06fsmithredDocScrutinizer05, what did you want to know from a web browser that's never been to I've got one up now.
22:35.27DocScrutinizer05so BUG: and are impossible to distinguish in task switcher and on browser tabs
22:35.40fsmithredfavicon at
22:35.53fsmithredI still see the coyote head
22:36.06DocScrutinizer05without swoosh in background?
22:36.15fsmithredon a browser in a live snapshot made in may of 2013, so I know it's never been there.
22:36.23fsmithredno swoosh
22:36.42DocScrutinizer05ok, so it's not fixed yet, at least for some browsers
22:36.45fsmithredyou mean this one, right?
22:37.02fsmithredlooks cool. wish I could see it in my bookmarks.
22:37.16DocScrutinizer05hehe, that's the whole purpose and goal
22:38.58fsmithreduh, don't know if this is helpful, but when I go to the favicon image page and save it as bookmark, there's no favicon in the bookmarks menu
22:39.25fsmithredjust a blank square
22:40.13fsmithredthis is iceweasel, wow, 10.0.12
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22:47.45DocScrutinizer05heck, I almost closed the window since I thought it was
22:49.03fsmithredDocScrutinizer05, I got a 404 on the issues page, and I got the swoosh favicon in the tab
22:49.15fsmithredthat's in my current browser, not the old live
22:49.18DocScrutinizer05[2016-06-05 Sun 23:01:56] <wpwrak> (git favicon) on  ? still looks the same here
22:49.57DocScrutinizer05404? nasty
22:50.04DocScrutinizer05private project?
22:50.21fsmithredI guess
22:50.33fsmithredbut wouldn't that be a different error?
22:50.47DocScrutinizer05at least read permissions should be 'world', no?
22:50.58fsmithredanyway, the new favicon shows up in the tab, next to "The page you're looking for could not be found."
22:51.03DocScrutinizer05yes, different error
22:51.48DocScrutinizer05what is the generic project to report bugs related to the site?
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22:52.49DocScrutinizer05meh! prolly
22:56.30DocScrutinizer05oooh kay:
22:56.58DocScrutinizer05whatever might be
22:57.30DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: can you read ?
22:57.43DocScrutinizer05if yes, please add your findings
23:02.41fsmithreddo I click on Add or Comment?
23:03.40fsmithredI can't.
23:03.57fsmithredI think I have limited powers there.
23:06.13ksx4systemis there any open source ZX Spectrum emulator capable of running straight from audio files (or even better - line input)?
23:06.46DocScrutinizer05dammit, the editor mangled the commandline
23:11.20DocScrutinizer05four spaces, meh! at least it works
23:12.09DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: are you logged in?
23:13.56DocScrutinizer05>>Line-breaks, or softreturns, are rendered if you end a line with two or more spaces<<
23:14.26DocScrutinizer05ok, so I'll add a comment or even a ticket to that as well?
23:14.47fsmithredI have to type something in the box first.
23:14.52fsmithredI think
23:14.59DocScrutinizer05yes! :-D
23:15.35DocScrutinizer05funny enough I already wondered what will happen when you click "comment" without writing any text
23:15.50DocScrutinizer05I gather the error message isn't useful, eh? ;-)
23:16.28DocScrutinizer05ooh, simply no error msg at all
23:16.58fsmithredno response when I first hit that button
23:17.01fsmithredstill typing...
23:17.16DocScrutinizer05yeah, just tested it, it's no button until you wrote text
23:19.10fsmithredshould I mention the 404 error?
23:19.24DocScrutinizer05hmm, good question.
23:19.32fsmithredin parens
23:20.04DocScrutinizer05maybe doesn't hurt to let those who are in charge know that there's a project of unknown purpose and not visible to general public
23:20.25DocScrutinizer05got mail :-)
23:22.56DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: thanks
23:23.13DocScrutinizer05weird you see the new icon on a 404 page
23:24.41fsmithredyeah, but it happened while I was searching for Neil Gaiman, so maybe not so weird.
23:25.33DocScrutinizer05could you again browse to that 404 page, view page source, search for "<link rel="shortcut icon""
23:25.47DocScrutinizer05<link rel="shortcut icon"
23:26.05DocScrutinizer05see if it's thjere at all (I guess not)
23:26.39DocScrutinizer05or what's the href= value if there is any
23:27.07DocScrutinizer05also search for "fav" on whole sourcecode
23:28.11fsmithredwhere the hell did 'view source' go?
23:28.21DocScrutinizer05context menu?
23:28.38fsmithredgot it
23:30.06fsmithredno href, just img src
23:30.39fsmithredno link rel (or link at all)
23:31.04DocScrutinizer05<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/assets/favicon-075eba76312e8421991a0c1f89a89ee81678bcde72319dd3e8047e2a47cd3a42.ico">   is what I get on any arbitrary page
23:31.20fsmithredyou want the source in pm? It's not terribly long.
23:31.35DocScrutinizer05sore, go ahead, joerg at openmoko org
23:31.48fsmithred55 lines
23:32.36DocScrutinizer05in 2 minutes it will finish ;-)
23:33.52DocScrutinizer05or not, if there are more lines with >300 chars
23:34.04fsmithredI'll email
23:35.02DocScrutinizer05nah, got it
23:36.19DocScrutinizer05I see there's no favison of any sort defined in this page
23:37.47DocScrutinizer05the embedded img sourcecode is for the huge foxhead on page content, I guess. So your browser prolly downloaded
23:38.12DocScrutinizer05while mine uses any cached version anywhere
23:39.02DocScrutinizer05way more puzzling though is why you get the old icon on a page that's not 404
23:39.48DocScrutinizer05even in a browser that's sopposedly never been used before to browse any d.o. favicon
23:40.54DocScrutinizer05hmmpf, I get old icon on
23:41.13DocScrutinizer05(the href= of above)
23:45.35fsmithredme too
23:48.11DocScrutinizer05LOL, I bet I know now
23:48.27DocScrutinizer05forced forward http:// -> https://
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23:48.46DocScrutinizer05I can't get FF to display
23:49.09DocScrutinizer05while wget doesn't care about that shite
23:49.23fsmithredsame here - all https
23:49.25DocScrutinizer05I bet a beer that's it
23:49.38fsmithredis there a ff extension fo http only?
23:49.44DocScrutinizer05 ok, old one
23:50.17DocScrutinizer05prolly somebody actually implemented a rewrite and forgot https
23:54.58DocScrutinizer05I *think* I recall the private mode is supposed to stop FF from doing the forced https on its own, won't however help for server side rewrites
23:57.48fsmithredI still get redirected to https in private browsing

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