IRC log for #devuan on 20160604

00:01.43*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
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00:52.20*** join/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:01.56figlfdevhellekin: this might help with your ascii/swooshes (especially jp2a which is in the devuan repos)
01:29.09*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:37.08*** join/#devuan Defiant (
01:51.09*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
02:00.50*** join/#devuan luchus (~luchus@
02:16.35*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
02:49.42ksx4systemwill CDE desktop be available for Devuan? it's not on Debian upstream afaik
02:50.05openfbtdIf someone packages it?
02:50.10openfbtdAnd maintains
02:50.23openfbtdI'm not a devuan dev though, that's a guess
02:50.51openfbtdI mean it will probably work as it does with any other distro
02:51.03*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
03:00.55*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (~artemis3@
03:06.09DocScrutinizer05OT: what really sucks is the missing screws to mount them, when you buy a couple of HDD
03:07.07DocScrutinizer05you'd think they could afford to throw a 4 friggin screws into the bag with the HDD
03:08.53DocScrutinizer05could it really cost more than 1ct?
03:11.40ksx4systemDocScrutinizer05: I know what you feel...
03:12.02ksx4systemthe same with 2,5" SSD vendors assuming that you have a laptop
03:12.23ksx4system+5eur for a converter worth fucking 10ct
03:12.36ksx4system2,5 => 3,5" I mean
03:13.25openfbtdDocScrutinizer05, interestingly, my new SSD came with screws.
03:13.38openfbtdActually 8 of them
03:14.27DocScrutinizer05Seagate is stingy
03:16.04DocScrutinizer05now I can wait until the shops open, to continue mounting that raid into my PC
03:16.50ksx4systemFailgate? meh
03:16.53DocScrutinizer05worse: I can drive to same shop again, to **buy 8 screws**
03:17.01DocScrutinizer05ksx4system: indeed
03:17.29ksx4system(not that HGST provides mounting screws, still better drives)
03:17.45openfbtdDocScrutinizer05, I would send you my spare screws, but they will arrive never
03:17.49DocScrutinizer05yeah, but my shop didn't offer those
03:18.27DocScrutinizer05also I didn't know of HGST and their quality advantage
03:21.16DocScrutinizer05prolly you could argue that I should have known. Buying OEM enterprise drives you shouldn't expect them to ship screws with those
03:21.43*** join/#devuan luchus (~luchus@
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03:22.38ksx4systemDocScrutinizer05: enjoy
03:22.41DocScrutinizer05((failgate)) well they also have 5 years warranty, so if I'm lucky I get a second pair for free
03:23.02DocScrutinizer05ksx4system: I guess I already bookmarked that
03:23.08ksx4systemtotally worth tracking if you're on the hunt for new drives frequently :)
03:24.11DocScrutinizer05well, the STx000DM are prolly the cheap desktop variant
03:25.27DocScrutinizer05I got the Constellation ES.3 ST2000NM0033 2TB 7200 RPM 128MB Cache
03:25.32ksx4systemlong story short: server grade HGST 4 lyfe
03:26.18DocScrutinizer05:nod:  if a) I had known that beforehand, and b) my shop (or one shop around here) offers them
03:27.07DocScrutinizer05tbh I'm not happy when my HDD gets delivered by UPS or DHL
03:27.18ksx4systemso do I
03:27.59ksx4systembut where I live it's the only choice if you don't want to wait for weeks until shop fetches them or take a 2,5h train ride to the capital
03:28.19ksx4system(of course if you only buy server grade HDDs)
03:28.52DocScrutinizer05  :-/
03:33.49*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
03:36.25ksx4system divide prices by 4,5 to get EUR
03:37.17ksx4system more
03:38.39ksx4systemso everything's available in "offline" shops but one has to wait...
03:44.36*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
03:49.15*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (~artemis3@
04:00.19*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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13:44.25*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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14:15.20*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
14:44.48DocScrutinizer05hey, experts, an OT question: when I suspend to RAM and then attach a sATA drive to a previously unused non-hotplug-tagged port, that drive won't show up after powering up and resuming the system. Is there a way to make the kernel rescan the sATA ports and notice there's a drive to expose as /dev/sdd ?
14:45.44DocScrutinizer05not that it matters much
14:46.32DocScrutinizer05I hate reboots
14:55.02*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
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15:02.43*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:08.42flrnDocScrutinizer05: just websearched for "udev rescan devices" which brought up this:
15:09.05flrni guess other device managers come with similar commands
15:09.43DocScrutinizer05I dunno if udev is the problem
15:09.57*** part/#devuan lime_ (
15:09.59DocScrutinizer05well, trying can't hurt, eh?
15:10.19flrni guess...
15:10.20detha/sys/bus/*/rescan ?
15:10.52DocScrutinizer05I tried   echo "0 - 0" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host3/scan
15:11.12DocScrutinizer05with mixed results, mostly zilch effect
15:12.04*** join/#devuan Ryushin (
15:12.11DocScrutinizer05I know the BIOS says there's a drive with correct Label on sATA4
15:12.31DocScrutinizer05but the kernel doesn't expose any /dev/sdd
15:20.07*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
15:20.13DocScrutinizer05for host5 I get:
15:20.17DocScrutinizer052016-06-04T17:19:34.272931+02:00 localhost kernel: [1718714.799747] ata6: hard resetting link
15:20.18DocScrutinizer052016-06-04T17:19:34.577940+02:00 localhost kernel: [1718715.104083] ata6: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
15:20.20DocScrutinizer052016-06-04T17:19:34.577966+02:00 localhost kernel: [1718715.104099] ata6: EH complete
15:24.15flrnDocScrutinizer05: i guess it's about doing it the hard way, but did you pull and re-plug the device?
15:25.10DocScrutinizer05no, but I cold-restarted the device into resume-from-HDD
15:26.15DocScrutinizer05maybe a hot replug could actually help, though I doubt since I've seen exactly same problem on eSATA and there a replug didn't help
15:27.00*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~randyg@
15:27.09DocScrutinizer05hotplug works when the sATA bus was in use on last boot, otherwise nobody creates a /dev/sd* for it
15:29.18flrnfor usb replugging works, just tried, udev-foo didn't
15:33.32DocScrutinizer05yeah, but this is sATA. And now I noticed during hotplug that it's literally hot. Need to do another still more annoying construction session to move those drives into a place with more fresh air
15:34.05DocScrutinizer05I guess I'll finally do the reboot mess then
15:36.40DocScrutinizer05 is what I got from hotplugging the supposedly (and obviously) working one
15:38.39*** join/#devuan Tenhi (
15:40.04golinuxthinks this is becoming the DocScrutinizer05 channel
15:42.27furrywolfwill endeavour to talk about strapons or something more often, to change the subject from DocScrutinizer
15:47.05*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
15:53.49flrnlooking at the backlog, has the impression that it's more like singing alone in the dark
16:01.09flrnat least the rain has stopped :)
16:02.03*** join/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:02.46figlfdevhopes that DocScrutinizer05 and golinux in will force furrywolf to implement her "evil plan"
16:04.43figlfdevive been looking for a subtle way to help hellekin and/or katolaz with their ascii art, but then i realized one of them was more or less requesting it
16:05.10figlfdevhows that going?
16:08.31KatolaZfiglfdev: ?
16:08.47*** part/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
16:10.00figlfdevthe current swoosh (as most recently reviewed by golinux) is 32x15, so i will try to do a swoosh from the press kit image that fits those sizes
16:10.28figlfdevKatolaZ: have you tried jp2a ? its in the repos (and only works with jpgs i guess. not sure why)
16:10.45KatolaZfiglfdev: are you Dan Purgert?
16:11.23figlfdevnot at all, im figlfdev:
16:11.26KatolaZfiglfdev: my experiment was done by hand
16:11.55figlfdevi respect that. although if theres a press kit image, im personally inclined to start with that (cleaing up by hand is a very good idea)
16:12.05KatolaZfiglfdev: cool!
16:12.18KatolaZfiglfdev: I actually started with the press kit
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16:12.25figlfdevim also happy to bow to your preferences, but im not doing it from scratch (i would simply bow out respectfully)
16:12.51figlfdevdo you want me to have a go at it?
16:12.56KatolaZand I know that mine was awful :)
16:13.05KatolaZplease do
16:13.26KatolaZI just wanted to spur the curiosity of those who are more versed in arts than me :)
16:13.27figlfdevafter i do the swoosh for the motd i will have a go at the broader (wider) devuan logo
16:13.43*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
16:13.45figlfdevwell im an ascii-art program author, but i actually practice not that often.
16:14.12KatolaZI would not go larger than 10 rows for the motd version
16:14.24figlfdevits currently 15-- are you sure?
16:14.24KatolaZbut this is just personal preference
16:14.36KatolaZI think mine is 12
16:14.53figlfdev <- 32x15
16:15.04KatolaZmainly due to the swoosh
16:15.17figlfdevim referring exclusively to lines that are in the swoosh
16:15.24KatolaZthat's hellekin's
16:15.43figlfdevahh. well, if you think i should do 12 now is the time to insist. but 15 will probably look nicer
16:15.46figlfdevwhy 12?
16:16.01KatolaZmine is this one
16:16.26figlfdevim doing that one next
16:16.28KatolaZno please experiment as much as you can
16:16.31figlfdevtwo designs, two cleanups
16:16.43figlfdevmy plan for yours is to just change the swoosh
16:16.47figlfdevand merge them
16:17.07KatolaZgo on, please
16:17.39KatolaZit would be fantastic to have a 5-rows version of rsignatures, for instance
16:17.48figlfdev5 rows?
16:17.49KatolaZlike the Debian swirl
16:18.10figlfdevi know the one you mean
16:18.49figlfdevthe swoosh loses so much detail at that res (vs a spiral) that only a TRUE ascii artist (meaning someone better than i am) could pull that off
16:19.20figlfdeveven the debian logo loses a lot at that res, but a spiral is more obvious
16:19.37KatolaZI remember a nice one seen in signatures
16:19.55KatolaZbut obviously at that res you need fantasy to fill the gaps :)
16:19.59figlfdevmy first scripting language was for ascii animations
16:20.13figlfdevwell the problem is that its a very simple shape, and it gets wider at the bottom
16:20.42figlfdevi think someone could pull that off, but its destined to look bad otherwise (higher the res, easier it is to do anything)
16:20.59figlfdevits a great logo though, generally speaking
16:21.16figlfdevdid i show you how nice it looks on an icewm button?
16:23.03KatolaZbut you know this does the trick already:
16:25.19KatolaZmy paste closes the connection :D
16:26.01KatolaZand I don't know why :D
16:26.19figlfdevfeel free to paste it on -  i dont think you need more than a user and pw
16:27.00figlfdev(i still dont know why aitor couldnt register. maybe the captcha got him)
16:27.18figlfdevits the google "choose images" captcha
16:27.22figlfdevi hate it too
16:28.46KatolaZagain, it's just a starting point
16:28.51KatolaZbut it's 5 wors
16:29.52KatolaZbetter if you add a "." right after the "+"
16:31.28KatolaZI think I'll put it in my .signature :D
16:33.00*** join/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:33.11figlfdevsorry, connection crapped out
16:33.33figlfdevlogo4 is great-- id chop off the single rightmost @ and call it a day
16:33.58figlfdevit throws off the curve. but one character out of all of them-- not bad!
16:35.41KatolaZthat's handmade, BTW
16:35.53KatolaZusing the same style of the 12-rows
16:37.43*** join/#devuan the_verger (
16:38.26figlfdevits very nice. im about done with hellekins screen-- not much difference, but we will see what golinux says (id value her input)
16:38.50figlfdevit has to be known (by anyone that doesnt realize this) that the aspect of the font will invariably change the aspect of the logo
16:39.14figlfdevso hopefully she loads it in the "standard" devuan font setup (probably.) but even then, only so much can be done about it.
16:43.17figlfdevso here is my version of hellekins swoosh for motd (with motd text)
16:43.37figlfdevunfortunately it is at the bottom (thats the permalink) and you still have to scroll through the original post.
16:50.46golinuxfiglfdev: I saw the link you posted yesterday but you left before I could respond
16:50.50InocuousKatolaZ is it nmap that I would use to do a port scan ?
16:51.02DocScrutinizer05ok folks, don't reset your sATA interface when you have systemd! Systemd is absolutely not happy when dbus blows chunks since some friggin dbus socket on the filesystem vanished. When systemd isn't happy, it won't speak to anybody anymore
16:51.03KatolaZInocuous: yes
16:51.39DocScrutinizer05---> hard shutdown
16:52.03DocScrutinizer05I.E pull the mains plug
16:52.12KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: that's feature, not bug! :)
16:52.22InocuousI'm installing it now. I have another laptop now with devuan, I want test out my ufw
16:52.34golinuxfiglfdev:  The proportions of the swoosh are much improved!
16:53.52DocScrutinizer05I love the swoosh
16:54.59KatolaZInocuous: be careful with nmap
16:55.13DocScrutinizer05hairdryer, I got a hairdryer, which has a "no heater" mode
16:56.41golinuxThe head is pretty good (though the last row doesn't quite work for me),  IMO the tail 'disappears' too quickly but maybe that a rendering issue with my browser.
16:56.58Inocuousquite a lot of options.
16:57.09figlfdevgolinux: cheers. feel free to clean it up, its hellekins not mine (im just giving it a tweak)
16:57.19figlfdevKatolaZ: done with yours too, url in a moment
16:57.25KatolaZok figlfdev :)
16:57.38KatolaZI have updated the one I posted before
16:57.43KatolaZfor signatures
16:57.58golinuxfiglfdev: I have no clue about ascii art and no time to acquaint myself atm
16:58.28furrywolfdid some ascii art in the '90s...
16:58.30figlfdevgolinux: your visual judgment will suffice (i realize i just hinted at more, though that was entirely at your option)
16:58.30KatolaZmade just a few tweaks
16:58.44figlfdevfurrywolf never ceases to impress me
16:58.57KatolaZgolinux: do we have a plase for "contributed" stuff
16:59.03KatolaZlike those ascii-arts
16:59.03furrywolfdidn't do a very good job, not being an artist
16:59.07figlfdevgolinux: you may not like this one as much as the other, but its ready for someone to do finishing touches
16:59.08KatolaZnothing "official"
16:59.10figlfdevisnt an artist either
16:59.26figlfdevKatolaZ s logo:
16:59.32figlfdev(again, at the bottom)
17:00.18furrywolfI personally find the swoosh unattractive.
17:00.21KatolaZI would probably have it more "solid"
17:00.31KatolaZand tweak a bot the swoosh
17:00.34KatolaZe.g. the head
17:00.55figlfdevyou can do anything you like with it-- id tweak it further but i dont think i will personally be able to improve it further (or id try)
17:01.08figlfdevbut whatever you do with it is obviously alright :)
17:01.54furrywolfhow about a non-abstract, attractive logo?  :P
17:02.48figlfdevdoesnt usually design logos, just manipulates ascii
17:03.15figlfdevand sometimes graphics (devuan logo in icewm: -- top left)
17:03.31figlfdevi dont do themes either. thats golinuxs dept
17:03.46furrywolfYAY!  I'm not the only person who still uses icewm!
17:03.55figlfdevoh no, there are several of us here...
17:04.07figlfdevim surprised anyone cares about jwm (its pretty good, i used to rely on it-- but still)
17:04.24figlfdevbut you, me, steve litt, thats 3 (i think there are more)
17:04.35furrywolfwhy not an ascii art version of that logo, rather than the ugly swoosh?
17:05.17figlfdevi dont follow
17:05.42figlfdevis just cleaning up existing proposals (and even that is a matter of opinion)
17:06.09furrywolfI missed part of the conversation, but it looked like people were talking about an ascii art swoosh for the motd.  why not make an ascii version of the "Devuan" text logo, like in the button on your icewm screenshot, instead of the abstract, ugly swoosh?
17:07.09figlfdevwell, KatolaZ did the devuan text logo, which i just posted my version of
17:07.18figlfdevand hellekin did the swoosh for motd, which i posted first.
17:07.31figlfdevin short, there are two options so far, and nothing official
17:07.38figlfdevbut one is the one i think youre suggesting.
17:08.14furrywolfI'm thinking the word "devuan" in the same font as the graphical logo, but rendered as ascii art.
17:08.21figlfdevi can show you both versions (theyre on the same page)
17:08.45figlfdevlook for the two comments on the bottom, one version-per-comment
17:08.50KatolaZfurrywolf: there is already a non-ascii art of the logo :)
17:10.07furrywolfmeh.  I'll think about trying to remember my 20+-years-rusty ascii art skills later today.  now it's time for yard sales.  :)
17:10.20KatolaZfurrywolf: :)
17:10.21*** join/#devuan NewGnuGuy (~david@
17:10.22KatolaZgo on!
17:10.42KatolaZI would love to have ascii-arts of all sizes and shapes
17:10.49KatolaZswooshes everywhere
17:11.01furrywolfdoesn't like the swoosh. no swooshes.
17:11.25figlfdevyou know its the official logo, right?
17:11.52figlfdevhas less horse in this race than furrywolf -- is just posting them in case someone needs/wants them
17:11.59KatolaZfurrywolf: ops! then there is a problem... :D
17:12.15golinuxArtwork can be posted to git here:
17:12.24furrywolfdoes a tail swoosh while heading out for yard sales
17:12.38golinuxneeds to read the scrollback
17:12.39figlfdevgood sale-ing
17:13.09figlfdevgolinux: i took the input from the mailing list, i linked to the output on irc (one of the original authors is informed of it)
17:13.26figlfdevis done with unless there are further requests that dont require a new account
17:15.20golinuxHere's the official logo.  You can get the swoosh proportions from the swoosh there:
17:16.00KatolaZgolinux: why don't we have a "devuanT-art" section
17:16.06KatolaZfor contributed stuff? :)
17:16.20figlfdevi actually made that swoosh from the official logo in the press kit, and merged it with KatolaZs
17:16.25KatolaZwith obvious pun
17:16.43figlfdevbut ORIGINALLY i made a logo directly from the thing youre linking to. it didnt look as good
17:17.17LongHairedHackerQuick question: What's the default login for the jessi beta rasbpi2 image ?
17:17.37figlfdevi think the merged version does justice to KatolaZs entry. if someone is looking for something closer to verbatim, i (not sarcastically) recommend playing with jp2a (in the devuan repos)
17:17.54KatolaZLongHairedHacker: I believe it's devuan/devuan
17:18.14figlfdevjp2a takes a jpg and converts directly to text... playing with options gives you more control over output
17:18.41*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:19.14LongHairedHackerit's not devuan/devuan
17:20.56LongHairedHackerit doesn't seem to have any other users than root and the usual system users
17:21.21LongHairedHackerso maybe root/devuan ?
17:21.41KatolaZif you have only root it's probably root/devuan
17:21.55KatolaZbut I guess we should make them more uniform across platforms...
17:22.17KatolaZfiglfdev: just posted the 5-lines one to the ML, and put it in my .signature :)
17:23.10LongHairedHackerroot/devuan does not work either
17:23.32golinuxNote to all . . . we call it a 'swoosh' but it
17:23.48golinux's actually an orbit!
17:24.10LongHairedHackerKatolaZ: Yes root/toor I just guessed it a few seconds befor your answer
17:24.13LongHairedHackerthanks !
17:24.52*** join/#devuan brabo (~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo)
17:24.59KatolaZLongHairedHacker: but you are right, we should make those uniform
17:25.03golinuxWhich is very appropriate for a celestial body
17:25.06KatolaZalso the minimal live has root/toor
17:25.21KatolaZand devuan/devuan
17:25.38KatolaZwhich is different from the standard i386/amd64 images
17:26.26LongHairedHackeryou should at least have readme somewhere close to the image
17:29.07*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
17:29.54*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
17:30.38*** join/#devuan figlfdev (183e6d83@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:30.47figlfdevhates access points
17:31.35fsmithredyou mean public access points?
17:31.48figlfdevhey there. i mean wifi ap yeah
17:32.12fsmithredsome are not linux-friendly
17:32.26figlfdevits an apple one :)
17:32.29fsmithredcouldn't get a friend online when she was in the hospital
17:32.40InocuousKatolaZ when I scan the router add I get that same port responding
17:32.59InocuousMakes sense I guess.
17:33.24fsmithredflash that sucker with free firmware
17:33.32KatolaZInocuous: uh?
17:34.04KatolaZInocuous: which options are you using?
17:34.11figlfdevnot mine, fsmithred (i dont do apple)
17:34.18figlfdevthough i would take a macbook over windows 10...
17:34.27fsmithredoh,sorry, I was talking to Inocuous  then
17:34.28InocuousI just just used -p
17:34.33*** join/#devuan brabo (~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo)
17:34.36fsmithredI know he has an open port that he can't find
17:34.36Inocuouswell, with the ip of course
17:35.03KatolaZwhich port are you talking about Inocuous?
17:35.05DocScrutinizer05~liskeys raspi
17:35.12DocScrutinizer05~listkeys raspi
17:35.31DocScrutinizer05~raspi login
17:35.32infoboti guess raspi login is pw toor
17:38.32KatolaZInocuous: you might want to try -sV as well...
17:39.36Inocuousok, I'll run it and see. I didn't get the same exact info you gave me last, but the same port, I suspect it depends on the switches.
17:41.18KatolaZmight be the case
17:42.54figlfdevlove the sig, KatolaZ
17:44.49figlfdevalmost cried laughing: "I thought you were supposed to run manctl init so that the mand process could write its binary man journal which you manctl could make human readable." - steve litt
17:59.01*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
17:59.22figlfdevif you want to know the low-end of accuracy in google ads, "insider financial tips" is trying to to convince people that the "military" just released a new "technology" (that isnt military tech, it is a toy jedi lightsaber)
17:59.24InocuousMust be the modem manufacturer. Hon Hai Precision Ind.Co.
18:03.55LongHairedHackerDocScrutinizer05: Cool bot
18:04.31*** join/#devuan brabo (~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo)
18:04.32figlfdevyou thought it was his too? (i guess freenode maintains it?)
18:04.45DocScrutinizer05LongHairedHacker: hah! try ~listvalues !
18:05.13DocScrutinizer05~listvalues devu
18:06.40DocScrutinizer05~tell figlfdev about owner
18:07.22figlfdevis confused... thought its was DocScrutinizer05s bot originally
18:07.27figlfdevi thought you corrected me on this
18:07.46DocScrutinizer05nope, I didn't even know what's IRC when she was young
18:08.18figlfdevif youre the owner, whos the author?
18:08.33DocScrutinizer05~_default owner
18:08.34infobotTimRiker is my owner
18:08.43figlfdevah, ok
18:10.15Akulialright, my laptop runs devuan on an ssd :D
18:10.21Akulicraaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzy fast!!
18:10.28figlfdevAkuli: me too
18:10.34Akuliboots up in 20 seconds or so :D
18:10.48Akulii've never seen any computer do that before! :))
18:10.58Akuliand its so quiet...
18:10.59figlfdevi think mine goes faster than that, and its not even new
18:11.07Akulimine is pretty old too
18:11.16DocScrutinizer05SSD are great
18:11.19Akuli2x23ghz processor, 2gb of ram
18:11.24Akuli32-bit only :D
18:12.46DocScrutinizer05mine even cheated on me, making a dd if=/dev/zero of=/ssd/somefile  claim it copies stuff with 588MByte/s
18:24.51*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
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20:03.47LongHairedHackerAbout the raspi image: Has anyone tried to build gstreamer-omx for it yet ?
20:04.01*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
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20:26.23parazydLongHairedHacker: one can use the deb from raspbian without issues
20:26.33parazydit's not packaged in devuan yet unfortunately
20:26.56LongHairedHackerI noticed that and try to build it from source
20:27.23LongHairedHackerbut I wouldn't play nice with the gst stuff from devuan
20:28.44LongHairedHackerit got blacklisted, because it failed to initialize
20:29.21LongHairedHackerI guess I pulled the wrong sourcecode from
20:29.35parazydyou haven't tried the deb itself?
20:30.11LongHairedHackernot yet
20:30.28LongHairedHackersince I didn't know it was package for raspbian now
20:30.51LongHairedHackerlast time I needed it I had to resort to some third party repository
20:31.11LongHairedHackerwhich is totaly outdated now for obvious reasons
20:31.29LongHairedHackerI'll try the deb from raspbian
20:32.16parazydi got  have one on hand if you wish
20:32.22parazydif you don't have raspbian somewhere
20:36.25LongHairedHackerparazyd: I'll try that one ;)
20:36.47parazydgot the same :D
20:43.05*** join/#devuan gigibi (b975d502@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:45.32*** join/#devuan yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang)
20:52.09gigibiHello everybody. I am trying out devuan with the Mate desktop. Seems to work pretty well. I have only had one problem in iceweasel so far. I would be glad to help: is there a way to file a bug report somewhere?
21:02.35DocScrutinizer05gigibi: I think there is, but please wait for "the boss" to share detailed instructions
21:06.52*** join/#devuan kwachu (
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21:20.24LongHairedHackerparazyd: combining that gst-omx packages with the gstreamer1.0-tools from devuan gets blacklisted
21:22.00parazydi have no experience with those, sorry
21:23.24LongHairedHackerso how did you get it to work ?
21:25.22parazydwho said i did? :p
21:25.34parazydjust saw that the deb is in raspbian's repos
21:25.52*** join/#devuan robert-e (~rob@
21:26.19LongHairedHackerOkay I'll keep on playing
21:27.07LongHairedHackergetting some debug output I now know that /opt/vc/lib/ is missing
21:28.49parazydLongHairedHacker: perhaps this helps:
21:29.06LongHairedHackerI'm missing libraspberrypi
21:31.42parazydwhat else won't they come up with :D
21:35.35LongHairedHackerokay hopefully I'll end up with some weird raspbian devuan hybrit
21:36.01parazydat least you're using stuff that won't pull systemd
21:36.07parazydso far...
21:36.16LongHairedHackerI might as well have broken the bootloader now (libraspberrypi depends on the raspbian bootloader package)
21:36.39parazydnote to self: check if this is possible to repackage
21:38.07LongHairedHackerso if have the omx gstreamer elements now ... I'll test them later
21:38.29parazydwhat are you using gst for btw?
21:40.14LongHairedHackerIt's for remote display for a video installation
21:40.48LongHairedHackerI'm streaming h264 video to multiple screen with pis behind them
21:41.46parazydoh interesting
21:41.59parazyddid you have a working implementation already?
21:42.14LongHairedHackerone for debian and raspian yes
21:42.22parazydhow's the latency?
21:42.38parazydalso, what software?
21:43.16LongHairedHackerif you use h264 you'll have at least about 1s latency because of how the codec works
21:43.57LongHairedHackersoftware is snowmix with a some self written python around it to setup all the gstreamer pipelines
21:44.36LongHairedHackerI'm doing this once a year for a local mountian bike race
21:44.49LongHairedHackerit's the third iteration now
21:45.25LongHairedHackerwe did some field test with the wifi components earlier today
21:46.11parazyd802.11n i guess is the only one that can do hd video well
21:48.09LongHairedHackerfor 720p you can get away with 16Mbit/s if you use h264
21:48.12zdzichuwhat about 802.11ac?
21:48.34LongHairedHackerThis year I was able to get some ac hardware
21:49.01LongHairedHacker242Mbit/s over a 2km link
21:52.47*** join/#devuan Chanku (
21:54.52parazydLongHairedHacker: very neat setup
21:55.53parazydit is :)
21:59.36*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
22:01.34parazydi hate the fact that ap-repeater mode only supports WEP or no encryption
22:01.41parazydeverything else i found amazingly good
22:02.46LongHairedHackerokay streaming to the pi works like a charm
22:03.41LongHairedHackeronly downside glimagesink requires a running X and is laggy as hell and eglglessink is broken
22:04.08LongHairedHackereglglessink was nice since it could scale 720p up to 1080p on the fly using the gpu
22:15.32*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
22:23.41*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
22:38.17DocScrutinizer05filenames against constipation and for first aid after ingesting toxic substances:  .kde4/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/virtuosobackend/soprano-virtuoso.trx
22:49.39*** join/#devuan egon0 (~quassel@2a01:1e8:e100:8035:1992:9a3a:28b4:1f4e)
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