IRC log for #devuan on 20160603

00:00.30DocScrutinizer05I thought it's a minor fix, supposed to arrive very swiftly
00:01.57gci_adminI need to be able to install from the media for my netbook. Unless the installer can fire up my wireless adapter on it. It does not have an ethernet port.
00:02.43gci_adminSo, I await the fixes.
00:03.10DocScrutinizer05I've seen installers that had a "load proprietary drivers" feature for that, allowing to get those drivers from any random source
00:04.23DocScrutinizer05just for tossing around some ideas
00:04.28gci_adminWell, it is a chicken and egg problem if the installer is wanting to get on the net and I only have wireless with drivers only available on the net. ;)
00:05.01DocScrutinizer05yep, that's why those fetaures usually defaulted to CD
00:05.31gci_adminSo, I await the fixes. ;)
00:05.54DocScrutinizer05"please insert the CD/DVD with drivers into any drive, or plug in the USB memory stick containing them"
00:06.53gci_adminRight. A conundrum of a conundrum. :)
00:06.53DocScrutinizer05yeah, that fix is urgently needed, no matter what
00:08.48DocScrutinizer05I'd feel seriously pissed as a "end user" when I can't install despite I picked the large image on purpose since I knew I won't have internet access for netinstall
00:09.43DocScrutinizer05I also think there's missing a BIG WARNING about that on the website
00:10.14DocScrutinizer05as a stopgap measure until the fixed install images arrive
00:10.50gci_adminWell, it is still beta, so caveat emptor. ;)
00:10.55DocScrutinizer05unless they already did and I didn't notice ;-)
00:15.28*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
00:23.07DocScrutinizer05hmmm,  no. No updates since Sat May  7 20:27:01 CEST 2016 for MIRRORS.txt
00:24.11DocScrutinizer05my logfile is a PITA to actually search for any updates :-/
00:24.49DocScrutinizer05well, maybe with grep and regex it would be feasible
00:25.01gci_admingrep FTW ;)
00:28.29DocScrutinizer05a series of grep -v should prolly do
00:28.53DocScrutinizer05ideally serverside
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00:40.27DocScrutinizer05let's see
00:50.24DocScrutinizer05yup, better
00:51.48DocScrutinizer05grep/search for "./"
00:52.40DocScrutinizer05though I dunno if this would actually get listed as updated when a file in a subdir gets updated
00:52.52DocScrutinizer05prolly not
00:58.59DocScrutinizer05jaromil: hellekin: suggestion-> add a file "LastUpdate.txt" to, listing the files that were updated last (in a bunch). Obviously this file would always have the timestamp of last update and always be found on same position in file tree "root"
01:02.38fsmithredgci_admin, DocScrutinizer05: today, hellekin told me beta2 maybe by the end of the month
01:02.58gci_adminNice, thanks fsmithred.
01:03.17fsmithredgci_admin, if you can't wait for your netbook, you could install refracta, which does not require network and has deb files for wireless in case you need to install
01:03.49fsmithredit's really just devuan
01:04.00gci_adminfsmithred, I can wait. I have been waiting more than a year already. ;)
01:04.09fsmithredlol, I understand
01:04.29DocScrutinizer05fsmithred: I already thought about you and your minimal image
01:05.06fsmithredright now, I've only got xfce versions up
01:05.21fsmithredgot as much packed into them that will fit on a CD
01:05.22DocScrutinizer05can't user run the installer form netinstall in a refracta booted system?
01:05.40fsmithredno, I didn't include the devuan/debian installer
01:06.01DocScrutinizer05no, I meant form a install CD with netinstall image on it
01:06.31fsmithredit's based on having a running system
01:06.57fsmithredand uses rsync to copy the system, then squash it and put it in an iso file along with isolinux files
01:07.08fsmithredsnapshot does that
01:07.14fsmithredinstaller does opposite
01:07.32fsmithredputs the running live CD/USB onto a hard drive, again using rsync
01:07.57DocScrutinizer05boot the minimal system, crank up network (WLAN), insert netinstalled CD, mount it, start installer
01:08.47fsmithredthat might be possible
01:08.49*** join/#devuan Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
01:09.45fsmithredbut I think with the official installer, you can have drivers on a second usb stick
01:09.54fsmithredand add them at the beginning of the install
01:10.09DocScrutinizer05that's the driver install option I mentioned?
01:10.20fsmithredin expert install, I think
01:10.24fsmithredI've never used it
01:11.07fsmithredor, you know, use one of those 5-ft wires you have laying around
01:11.22DocScrutinizer05hehe yeah
01:11.42DocScrutinizer05but then, gci_admin said his device only has wlan?
01:12.15fsmithredoh, that changes things
01:12.27DocScrutinizer05indeed ;-)
01:12.30fsmithredespecially if it's not supported by kernel
01:13.39fsmithredand if it is, even then it's a crap shoot - I've heard plenty of people complain that the (debian) installer used their wireless for the install, but then when they booted into the system, wireless didn't work.
01:14.52*** join/#devuan zdzichu (zdzichu@2001:470:71:68d::1)
01:14.53DocScrutinizer05hmm yeah, that might be possible. But also possible to fix maybe
01:15.17DocScrutinizer05the device still has kbd and display, and a USB jack
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02:55.35SuicideJunkieHrm.  Well.  Video card is worse than the built in graphics.
02:56.31SuicideJunkieOn boot there was some messages from Nouveau about unknown chipset however.
03:06.37SuicideJunkieThe NVIDIA-Driver on the other hand runs it fast and smooth until randomly locking up the system and corrupting files.
03:06.52SuicideJunkieAny suggestions on what to do here?
03:16.03DusXMTI'd recommend looking for a graphics card that's supported by free drivers - like you've said, the proprietary ones work nicely when they do, but quite often they also misbehave (I once had fglrx, the radeon driver, cause quite a significant memory leak in X, to tke point where it could choke the system if I used OpenGL for too long without restarting X)
03:17.24DusXMTRadeon cards will probably be better supported, since AMD is more supportive of free GPU drivers
03:27.36DocScrutinizer05video driver corrupting files? Ugh!  how's a friggin video driver supposed to even have a call to write()
03:27.57DocScrutinizer05unless of course it writes to /dev/*
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04:56.31*** join/#devuan FNTM-U3 (~taha@unaffiliated/fntm-u3)
05:00.53FNTM-U3hello people. I am trying to build tlsdate and in spite of having openssl and sslh installed by apt-get; I get this error while doing "./configure" :
05:01.00FNTM-U3any one could help?
05:03.36DocScrutinizer05you need the devel packages
05:05.02DocScrutinizer05sth like /usr/bin/openssl won't help
05:05.43DocScrutinizer05check the file lists of the packages
05:06.33DocScrutinizer05configure: error: OpenSSL is not installed, openssl/sslh is missing  says it all
05:06.54FNTM-U3DocScrutinizer05: what package should I install?
05:07.15DocScrutinizer05checking for openssl/ssl.h... no  is what actually names the missing file I guess
05:08.02DocScrutinizer05I would suspect you need a package like openssl-devel or the like
05:08.22DocScrutinizer05the names differ by distro
05:08.32FNTM-U3DocScrutinizer05: how should I search for the package containing that file then?
05:08.52DocScrutinizer05search for packages like *openssl*
05:08.54FNTM-U3just asking this a general Q?
05:09.26FNTM-U3DocScrutinizer05: gentoo had a command for that does debian/devuan/
05:09.48DocScrutinizer05apt-cache search openssl
05:11.17DocScrutinizer05dunno, I just found libssl-dev which may or may not be what is missing for you
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05:12.28DocScrutinizer05I'm really the wrong person to ask
05:12.44DocScrutinizer05wait a while, somebody else may chime in
05:15.08DocScrutinizer05>>libssl-dev - SSL development libraries, header files and documentation<<
05:16.09DusXMTDocScrutinizer05: I think they're asking in general - eg. if I wanted to know which package contains ssl.h, what command would I use? (I personally just do the crude thing of looking at
05:17.05DocScrutinizer05I got no clue how to handle that, except in Yast ;-P
05:17.29DocScrutinizer05and even Yast doesn't show file lists for non-installed packages
05:17.51DocScrutinizer05so prolly google is a fair bet
05:18.02FNTM-U3yes that was my Q? a command line to search for the exact package/s containing the specific file/library
05:18.48DocScrutinizer05never used aptitude, so I can't tell if it's of any use here
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05:22.08DocScrutinizer05  is the first hit on google for ssl.h
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05:23.03DocScrutinizer05however 2nd link is
05:23.24DocScrutinizer05which talks about a library, so libssl-dev
05:23.52DusXMTOr perhaps: (but there should be a way to do this from the cli)
05:24.30DocScrutinizer05possible, just I have no clue about that stuff
05:24.58DocScrutinizer05btw ssl.h not ssh.h
05:25.10DusXMTI know, but same principle =3
05:27.47DocScrutinizer05some time ago somebody claimed dpkg dependencies were a mess
05:29.23DocScrutinizer05usually a HowTo page for X claims which packages Y Z the X depends on, so you can install those beforehand
05:30.48DocScrutinizer05searching for a particular file might not be worthwhile since the same file name might occur in several packages
05:31.52DocScrutinizer05so yes, I think google is a fair bet
05:31.59DusXMTDocScrutinizer05: And often you don't even need a HowTo page, just read the README file
05:32.50DusXMTThat'll usually list dependencies, optional or not, and then finding the package with the headers is just a matter of apt-cache search, or a little session in aptitude
05:38.09DocScrutinizer05apt-cache search $projectname | grep "-dev"
05:56.13DocScrutinizer05tlsdate is a pretty poor idea tbh
05:59.50DocScrutinizer05it doesn't compensate for RTT at all, it has no notion of stratum at all, and thus it trusts random and it doesn't scale since at a certain point it trips over and gets 110% recursive for the whole system
06:02.21DocScrutinizer05the suggest to use a or sth for mitigating those flaws, but that's again a single point of failure, with same problems like any ntp root
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06:06.33DocScrutinizer05the name already gives it away "parasitic...". When you get more parasites than hosts then the whole thing collapses
06:10.53DocScrutinizer05so why the heck would you want to use such a thing?
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11:39.50TXXHello armin :) what's up?
11:40.14armini'm fine. i just removed the last systemd box from my home and replaced it with something better.
11:40.24arminwas quite some work to migrate all those hosts.
11:40.31arminbut there we go.
11:40.36armini'm officially systemd free right now.
11:41.16Defiantwonders if this is the channel of the anonym systemd users
11:41.30arminwho knows.
11:41.35arminon the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.
11:42.28TXXDefiant: sort of, but devuan is a little more than just bad systemd experiences
11:42.44TXXalso armin how many hosts? how'd you go about it?
11:42.49Defiantnever had a bad systemd experience
11:45.55*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
11:57.11arminTXX: wrote a few scripts that do post installation tasks, migrated my kvm virtualization host to voidlinux, most VMs are running freebsd, one of my notebooks runs freebsd, another one openbsd.
11:57.21arminTXX: i used git a lot.
12:00.25arminTXX: also wrote a wrapper script for xbps that makes bootstrapping new voidlinux hosts easy:
12:00.47*** join/#devuan radsy (~irc@unaffiliated/radsy)
12:01.13TXXarmin: :) whoa awesome, have you tried Ansible?
12:01.47arminTXX: not yet, but it's on my todo-list definitely. i do most configuration management like things in plain bash.
12:03.00armini have to admit i gave devuan a too small focus with this.
12:03.31arminwill definitely try it again on a spare x220 within the next days.
12:04.31armini also moved to peervpn for most VPN needs.
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12:14.42TXXarmin: hows the kvm support on Void Linux? Are you running with libvirt?
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13:11.56InocuousI'm doing an install on an old laptop, it's asking me which kernel to use, the cpu is a pentium I beleive.
13:13.04lime_the latest?
13:13.25lime_unless you have a reason not tooo
13:14.43InocuousIt's highlighting linux-image-686-pae out of a list of 7 or so
13:16.05lime_ah yes
13:16.50lime_Pysical address extension
13:17.06lime_leave it on that
13:18.28InocuousOk. thanks.
13:19.12lime_Inocuous: if you want to read more on PAE
13:20.00InocuousI should, I'll have a few minutes waiting here. thanks for the link.
13:30.18Leander256if you have less than 4GB of RAM (and I assume that's your case, since it's an old laptop), PAE is useless at best
13:30.28*** join/#devuan FNTM-U3 (~taha@
13:32.23Inocuousgood point Leander256. probably will never cross 4gb on that machine.
13:32.28lime_aye, it's to let 32bitcpus access largerspaces than is constrained the 32bit top limit
13:32.48lime_is the short and sweet version of it
13:33.47InocuousIs Devuan using the option to report most used packages, or is that a left over from the Debian install?
13:34.42*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
13:43.24lime_I forgot how noisy these 15k SAS drives are
13:52.27InocuousI was using a what'sapp extension in Chromium up until a week or two ago. I came up with a message saying it needed more permissions so it could make changes to every web page I visit. what the hell. that's a big NO
13:58.51*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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15:05.09jaromilInocuous: we haven't installed our own popcon server
15:05.36jaromilbut we may in future, just not a priority now, meanwhile that is reporting to debian's popcon
15:06.45KatolaZlikes pop-corn...
15:07.10InocuousI left it in the off position so I guess that was the right thing in this case.
15:08.53lime_I'm liking the hidden service
15:09.02lime_nice feature
15:10.36SuicideJunkieDusXMT: I suppose I'll go that route.  Main downside is it will involve building a new PC.  Terrible selection in half-height cards.
15:10.37SuicideJunkieDocScrutinizer05: That's part of the mystery.  I'm thinking maybe the total system freeze it causes means other things are in the middle of I/O when it all goes down.
15:27.30*** join/#devuan firegarden (~dionysos@
15:34.01DusXMTInocuous: I know I'm saying this too late, but a 686 kernel wouldn't even work on a pentium 1 machine; 686 uses instructions from the Pentium 2 as well, so at the very least you'd get a bunch of Illegal Instruction fault.
15:35.20DusXMTis kinda curious now to see how Devuan would perform on a Pentium 1 machine
15:36.51DusXMTIf anyone with such a machine would do some benchmarks, I'd gladly see them =3
15:37.36Lydia_KI might have one kicking around..
15:37.37furrywolfI still have a pentium 1 laptop, but I haven't used it in a while.  I kept it because it's rare, tiny, and cute.
15:37.46Lydia_KActually, might be a pentium 2 WITH MMX!
15:37.51Lydia_KAnd old IBM laptop
15:37.59furrywolfthe lack of memory was worse than the lack of cpu.  firefox caused swapping.  and sucked even worse than firefox does normally.
15:38.05*** join/#devuan Ryushin (
15:38.06DusXMTfurrywolf: yay :)
15:38.11Lydia_KAwww, that is cute ^.^
15:38.29DusXMTHow much ram does it have installed?
15:38.42furrywolfnote that it's narrower than an atx case is wide, and a cd jewel case covers 2/3rds of it.
15:39.10furrywolfI think I put in a 64 in addition to the 16 it had...  don't remember now.
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15:40.34Lydia_KNow I wanna dig out my old IBM laptop and see if it still works. Good old blacktop, that thing was indestructible.
15:41.29KatolaZDusXMT: but in the i386 minimal live image we have the 586 kernel by default.... ;)
15:42.36KatolaZDusXMT: if you still have a pentium I I available, I would be delighted to see how the minimal live works on that
15:42.40DusXMT's just gotten himself a Powerbook a while ago; not nearly as old as these other laptops, but it's a nice little thing to have, especially to make sure your programs handle different endiannesses properly and work on non-x86
15:42.42furrywolfheh, I got it in 2005 according to the dates on my pictures.  it was a lot less obsolete then.  :)
15:43.12furrywolf  compared to a desktop monitor.  :)
15:43.16Lydia_KIt was still pretty obsolete then :p
15:43.48furrywolfyes, but a lot less than it is now!
15:44.00furrywolfit's incredibly cute.  it's smaller than a netbook.
15:44.11furrywolfand it weighs nothing.
15:44.13DusXMTWow, that's tiny
15:44.35KatolaZfurrywolf: if you want to get rid of it, by anu chance, please consider
15:44.39furrywolfno removal media...  you couldn't fit a cd drive in it.
15:44.52DusXMTfurrywolf: Not even a floppy?
15:45.03DusXMTDoes it have PCMCIA?
15:45.05InocuousDusXMT I'm up on the old machine. It must be a pentium 2 class, it's working well. I looked at the CPU details in windows but I've forgotten the exactly model number. Not sure how to call it up in Devuan
15:45.18furrywolfits current state is the battery is bad and the hard drive (the fucking THIRD one I put in it) is flaky and usually won't boot.
15:45.21furrywolfDusXMT:  two slots
15:45.33KatolaZInocuous: minimal-live-i386 ;)
15:45.35furrywolfwhich is good, as it has no usb or ethernet.
15:45.36DusXMTInocuous: cat /proc/cpuinfo
15:46.00DusXMTMy sorta-old machine:  model name      : Pentium III (Coppermine)
15:46.12KatolaZwow, that's not terribly old
15:46.28DusXMTYup, 900MHz, 512 megs of ram
15:46.35DusXMTPretty capable little thingie
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15:46.40furrywolfI rebuilt the battery once already using chinese cells, which promptly failed.
15:46.59furrywolfDusXMT:  I still have my dual p3-866 in storage.  it'd blow away early p4s.
15:47.23InocuousIntel(r) Pentium(r) Dual CPU T2230 @ 1.60Ghz DusXMT
15:48.32DusXMTInocuous: I think that's the new generation pentiums =3 You have nothing to worry about then
15:48.53DusXMTIt might even support x86_64
15:49.04DusXMT(that is, 64-bit)
15:49.21DusXMT(Pentium 1 is a processor from the mid-90s)
15:50.25furrywolfyeah, pentium 1s topped out at around .133 GHz, not 1.6Ghz...  :P
15:54.18DusXMTOne thing I'm interested to see is how the PowerPC G4 (7450, clocked at 500MHz) compares with the Pentium 3 (clocked at 900MHz), the benchmarks will be interesting to compare (I'm still building gentoo on the power-lappy)
15:54.50DusXMTIt seems to feel reasonably fast
15:54.55Lydia_KI'd like to hear the results of that!
15:55.14KatolaZDusXMT: you will be surprised by the results
15:55.26KatolaZsince the G4 has a larger L2 cache
15:55.52KatolaZand should in general have better performances than anything until an early P4, IMHO
16:00.38furrywolfearly p4s were worse than p3s.
16:02.19KatolaZand p3s were worse than G4s...
16:02.39KatolaZand needed a large fan to not burn off
16:03.05DusXMTHuh, mine has a small fan, I guess those are high-end P3s
16:03.47DusXMT(this is one of those "compact computers" with a really small case and specially designed motherboard)
16:04.46furrywolfI used a pair of big orb fans on my dual p3.
16:07.08furrywolf  I had to alter the motherboard a bit to make them fit.  it needed recapping (yay chinese insta-splode caps), so I nudged the replacements over a bit.  :)
16:08.14KatolaZfurrywolf: it doesn't surprise me, indeed :)
16:58.16Inocuouscan someone suggest a tool for a firewall? I do apt-cache search firewall, there are dozens of options. I need the beginners firewall that clamps down my system until I know better.
17:01.07lime_Inocuous: man iptables
17:03.56lime_and if that's too much try
17:08.48Inocuousok. thanks. I had ufw on ubuntu. I ran it on a new install it gives me an empty conf, so not much help for a novice.
17:11.51debdogby default it blocks everything from outside. pretty much what a std. desktop PC needs.
17:14.02debdogit's not 'perfect' but still better than no fw at all
17:26.45hellekinBTW I removed the fancy from to match parazyd's requirements with minimalism ;)
17:27.11hellekinshouldn't cause downtimes anymore
17:27.29*** join/#devuan FNTM-U3 (~taha@
17:28.22hellekinoh, and we now have 10Gbps mirrors in Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Washington DC, Dallas TX, and San Jose CA, thanks to our friends at
17:28.48*** join/#devuan figlfdev (498f2dec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:30.27hellekinWho should we contact for mirrors in Russia?  I'd love to see those sprouting as .ru is quite effervescent regarding Devuan.
17:31.43lime_moving to devuan ceres, wish me luck
17:31.53figlfdevgood luck!
17:31.56hellekinlime_: no luck needed
17:32.09figlfdev(for ceres? maybe a little luck?)
17:32.18lime_aaye I know
17:32.22hellekinluck is not an engineering concept, so it sould be factored out :)
17:32.32lime_+ 1
17:32.55figlfdevgood luck factoring out luck, hellekin ;)
17:33.27hellekinimagine you're upgrading a kernel and you have only 85% it succeeds.  Yuck.
17:33.52hellekinor an SLA announcing 99.999% uptime (if you're lucky).  Probably not a good business plan.
17:34.04figlfdevi dont think thats what he meant
17:34.15hellekinof course not, I'm kidding :)
17:34.19figlfdevk :)
17:34.40lime_seems my kernel builds have a similar build boot rate ;)
17:35.12figlfdevhas 76% battery (less than it sounds like) and no power supply handy-- is relying on luck to stay on right now
17:35.35Akulifor some reason mate-power-manager doesn't want to work with devuan
17:35.39lime_if only i would be happy with a non-minimal kernel
17:35.43figlfdevwhen it gets to *somewhere* around 50% ...
17:35.46*** part/#devuan figlfdev (498f2dec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:35.54Akulii've made a script that kills and restarts it every 10 seconds and added that as an autorun
17:36.02*** join/#devuan figlfdev (498f2dec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:37.38hellekinAkuli: mate-power-manager is not in devuan-packages group, so it must come from Debian.  Did you have a look at their bug reports for this package?
17:38.05Akuliactually, it's whatever comes with devuan when i choose to get the mate desktop
17:38.08Akulilet me check
17:39.40*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
17:39.52hellekinAkuli: there's an active group of Devuan supporters working with Mate.  Maybe they have a clue.  This might be relevant
17:40.45hellekinAkuli: the conversation mentions: "mate-applets and mate-power-manager just need rebuild"
17:40.56hellekin(which sounds a bit weird to me but...)
17:40.58lime_because gnome 2
17:41.32hellekinthen maybe Devuan should do that. ^^ Centurion_Dan
17:41.48figlfdevwhich part of devuans setup: sdk, amprolla, jenkins... (i think jenkins) would put new forks of mate-power-manager package together?
17:42.06figlfdevthinks jenkins does the build and amprolla handles the download... doesnt know what the sdk does
17:43.49Akulimate-power-manager also shows a warning triangle instead of a battery icon in my system tray
17:43.59Akuliso something is wrong with it
17:44.17figlfdevmissing icon package?
17:44.28Akulii doubt it, it's not the standard no-icon icon
17:48.41gci_adminfiglfdev, did you see the sign I made with your Death Star reference from earlier this week? :)
17:49.04figlfdevno but im sure id enjoy it
17:49.40figlfdev(and if the laptop shuts off i will see it in the botbot logs)
17:51.52figlfdevis very flattered
17:52.18gci_adminIt was a great quote. Especially if you came up with it yourself. ;)
17:52.52figlfdevi may have subconsciously plagiarized it, like george harrison and "my sweet lord" (hes so fine)
17:53.01figlfdevbut i *think* it was mine originally
17:53.23figlfdevi would look it up on the mailing list to be sure. it sounds like something steve litt would say
17:54.26Akulithe battery tray icon looks like this
17:54.35Akulithat's a screenshot from my laptop
17:56.35figlfdevdid a search online, found a book that refers to a star system named "system d"
17:57.46*** join/#devuan SuicideJunkie (
17:58.00lime_going for reboot
17:58.19lime_see if i nuked the system
17:58.26figlfdevgci_admin: look what i found
17:59.25figlfdevand look at the quote from chronos on the right
18:01.58figlfdevjust one more: theres this but s/d is only mentioned from a comment
18:02.08*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
18:02.15figlfdevso i think credit has to go to the force, this time
18:05.58*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@
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19:00.28parazydhellekin: also commented on this about the mirrors:
19:01.15parazydwontclick: make all the mirrors a round-robin as
19:12.34*** join/#devuan Chanku (
19:14.56DocScrutinizer05hellekin: so the gitlab .favicon is a genuine problem?
19:17.43DocScrutinizer05I'd expect it to be at very least per installation configurable. after all it can only be a .png or whatever file with easily changeable content
19:18.18DocScrutinizer05worst case you need a cronjob to restore devuan's own favicon content every 5 minutes
19:18.32hellekinit's part of their marketing I guess.  Anyway any changes made after install may or may not work (I had the login page to work at some point but couldn't reproduce)
19:19.07hellekinyes that could work maybe
19:19.28DocScrutinizer05pretty rogue approach to intentionally build huirdles to change something like a favicon in a FOSS package
19:19.31*** join/#devuan dardevelin_ (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
19:19.32hellekinif someone finds a solution I'll be happy to implement it.  Not sure I can spend much time on this.
19:20.05hellekinthe "easy" solution would be to compile from sources.
19:20.31hellekinneed to run
19:26.11*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
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19:35.34DocScrutinizer05isn't gitlab some sort of ... errr... plugin or whatever, for e.g. apache? How about a rewrite rule?
19:36.21DocScrutinizer05sorry I have NFC how gitlab is implemented
19:37.35DocScrutinizer05tbh I'm surprised it needs compiling. Would have thought it's python or perl or PHP or whatever
19:38.36*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
19:39.20mueparen't at least some parts written in ruby?
19:44.21DocScrutinizer05hmm  >>If you don't have any plans on upgrade the gitlab (or you don't mind on repeating this process everytime you upgrade) try the following:<<  Shouldn't this at least be script-able?
19:47.53djphDocScrutinizer05: I would imagine it is, but I've not used the backend at all, so I don't know any additional stuff that one would need to worry about
19:48.18DocScrutinizer05the answer seems comprehensive
19:51.57*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
19:53.49DocScrutinizer05I seem to have acquired a better idea what hellekin meant by "compiling" now
19:54.14DocScrutinizer05thjough: "from sources"?
19:56.01DocScrutinizer05thought the reference was to >>Since we alter the production server, remember to recompile the assets<<
19:56.31DocScrutinizer05aka sudo -u git RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
19:58.19DocScrutinizer05also >>...if you work at a company that uses omnibus, consider going for the Enterprise Edition where this process would be more easier and at the same time you support the future development of GitLab <<  Could Devuan get a (sponsored?) enterprise version?
20:05.27InocuousI'm coming up empty for a way to stream netflix am I missing something simple?
20:16.36djphInocuous: last time I tried, I ~needed~ google chrome (and setting HTML5). I don't know if chromium works with the stupid netflix DRM these days.
20:17.43gci_adminInocuous, Android or Cyanogenmod with Netflix app? :p
20:18.43parazyddjph: for me netflix failed on chromium
20:19.06parazydit should, because iirc it doesn't include drm handling
20:19.20djphI haven't tried it on Devuan yet, probably will need to grab chrome then.
20:22.25parazydfirefox >=42 could work too
20:22.51parazydno, >=38
20:24.48parazydcc jaromil: (see my comment)
20:33.38DocScrutinizer05ooh anc could somebody pretty please fix that damn gitlab comment editor to _not_ remove linebreaks? that sucks donkeyballs
20:34.16DocScrutinizer05when I hit CR I do that for a purpose
20:38.42DocScrutinizer05parazyd: ((issues/133)) dev-1 also would allow to still reference to top level (aka root, or source) fileserver via You can't make that roundrobbing since then where from would the mirrors sync? Right now they all sync to so you don't want to change that URL to be roundrobbing
20:39.38DocScrutinizer05apart from that: full ack
20:40.27*** join/#devuan cdanderson42 (~nuhrin@
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20:44.03DocScrutinizer05tries to figure what happens when actually got randomized. Particularly what does a rsync to own mirror do?
20:45.03DocScrutinizer05oooh apropos, not all mirrors offer rsync, so this would get even nastier
20:46.25parazydmaybe just then as a roundrobin?
20:46.36DocScrutinizer05asee my comment
20:47.14DocScrutinizer05already introduced somewhat
20:49.44DocScrutinizer05btw robing is also a word though I can't link its meaning to the purpose ;-)
20:51.47DocScrutinizer05weird enough the round robin has alrready made it to wikipedia
20:52.39parazydDocScrutinizer05: roughly, a pool of websites (DNS entries), a round-robin on example then takes you to one from the pool
20:52.42*** join/#devuan matteo (~quassel@openwrt/developer/matteo)
20:52.50parazydwe'll see what happens
20:53.55DocScrutinizer05I think round robbing means a resource gets robbed from one owner and assigned to another. Dunno if they mean some robes are shared instead or whatever
20:57.12parazydyou don't have to own other people's dns. you just input a list of ip addresses
20:57.14DocScrutinizer05parazyd: regarding your explanation, I understood that. What I failed to convey is that this would resultr in self-referencing aka recursive rsync runs on all the mirrors since they use this very URL as master fileserver
20:58.03parazydit would work for mirrors that offer rsync (like leaseweb), but i am not really sure about http/ftp only
20:58.23DocScrutinizer05and sorry, I don't follow your last post. Is it related to the URL I posted? I did this only because they spell it "round robbing" - I didn't look at the content
20:59.09DocScrutinizer05parazyd: you don't want mirrors to update from a random mirror, you get increasingly unpredictable behavior
20:59.16parazydunrelated, just saying
21:00.07DocScrutinizer05worst case a mirror would update from itself, which obviously makes no sense at all
21:02.00DocScrutinizer05when you want a multy-level update scheme for mirrors, you at very least should use unambiguous URL for the upstream fileserver of each particular mirror, so the update is predictable
21:03.52DocScrutinizer05with mirrors updating from a upstream that's a randomized round robbing URL, you could worst case get delays up to a dozen syncs until last mirror has the new version
21:04.54DocScrutinizer05and it gets worse with the number of mirrors, since the chance for each mirror to hit the already up-to-date upstream is 1/N for N mirrors
21:05.31DocScrutinizer05very interesting mathematical problem
21:12.18*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
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21:31.00DocScrutinizer05N=servers total;  Updated + Old = N;  for first cycle U=1 ( upstream), O=N-1;  new Un = O * U / N= (N-1) * 1 / N ~=1; after 1st cycle U=2
21:32.24DocScrutinizer05for N >> 1
21:42.19DocScrutinizer05for N=50, U=5, the next cycle Un = 4.5 new updated mirrors, thus N'=50, U'=9, O'=41
21:44.49DocScrutinizer05~9 + (41 * 9 / 50)
21:45.47DocScrutinizer05~16 + ( 34 * 16 / 50)
21:46.29DocScrutinizer05~27 + (23 * 27 / 50)
21:47.06DocScrutinizer05~39 + (11 * 39 / 50)
21:47.28DocScrutinizer05~48 + (2 * 48 / 50)
21:47.53DocScrutinizer05~50 + (0 * 50 / 50)
21:48.58*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
21:50.47DocScrutinizer05statistically mirrors updating from a random mirror would need 8 cycles to propagate a new version to all of them, when N=50
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