IRC log for #devuan on 20160527

00:34.25*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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02:54.40*** mode/#devuan [-o Centurion_Dan] by golinux
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04:00.09*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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04:36.29*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
04:40.30DocScrutinizer05just fun
04:41.16ChankuSo I decided to install freeciv
04:41.43Chankuand I didn't install when I started the gtk version it would say: "Starting local server...."
04:42.06Chankuthen say: "Failed to start local server..." "we probably couldn't start it from here..." "you'll have to start it manually....sorry."
04:43.41DocScrutinizer05"IPv6 is a security threat" was awesome
04:46.22tmyklebumore to the point, how is a 40-byte layer 3 header sane?
04:51.53*** join/#devuan Inocuous_ (
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08:38.03*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
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09:33.54*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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12:08.31*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
12:10.43*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
12:17.33fsmithredKatolaZ, I think I have success in making a uefi-aware live image.
12:18.58fsmithredsample images for anyone who would test to see if they boot on uefi hardware:
12:20.13fsmithredThere's one .iso for live CD or isohybrid image on usb, and there's one .img that's just a dd image of a usb stick set up for multiboot (fat32)
12:20.47fsmithredBoth images have 'uefi' in the name. login:password user:user or root:root
12:25.13KatolaZfsmithred: great news
12:25.22KatolaZI am fiddling with mksquashfs atm
12:25.53KatolaZtrying to use a ramfs to create the image
12:26.08Akulishouldn't casper do that?
12:26.14KatolaZso we don't need to store the fs in disk
12:26.20KatolaZAkuli: what do you mean?
12:26.34Akulii thought casper was what other distros use for their live isos.
12:26.49Akulii mean, for getting the filesystem in ram
12:26.55Akuliknows nothing :D
12:27.37KatolaZwe can already have the filesystem in ram with the current minimal live images
12:27.46KatolaZlive-boot manages it
12:27.51KatolaZand it seems to be working fine
12:28.06KatolaZI was talking about the process of building the live image
12:28.17AkuliOh, right :)
12:28.25AkuliI once used squashfstools to customize an iso
12:28.36KatolaZbut it requires an existing fs
12:28.38Akuliit would boot from a dvd just fine, but not from a usb stick
12:28.58KatolaZthat's managed brilliantly by live-build + xorriso
12:29.00KatolaZit works
12:29.14KatolaZthe problem is avoiding to have two copies of the fs in your disk
12:29.49KatolaZsince when you create the image you construct a copy of the target fs
12:29.55KatolaZand then you mksquashfs it
12:31.00KatolaZI am now trying to use a ramfs to avoid that
12:31.02KatolaZit should work
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12:34.14KatolaZfsmithred: after all we nowadays have GBs of ram :)
12:34.32KatolaZthe minimal live requires less than 700MB unsquashed
12:34.48KatolaZso it can easily fit into ram anyway
12:34.56KatolaZand save disk space
12:37.09fsmithredthe only advantage of having a copy on disk is that rsync only has to copy changes. But I guess that's not an issue if you're not writing the copy to disk.
12:38.07KatolaZyes, but I believe that if we use the ramdisk we actually do not need to "copy" anything
12:38.14fsmithredso your way should be faster than standard refractasnapshot method
12:38.25KatolaZno real copy
12:38.31KatolaZonly references to the actual files
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12:38.50KatolaZI am working on that
12:39.00fsmithredit has to read them
12:39.06fsmithreddoesn't it?
12:39.13KatolaZbut no writes
12:39.35KatolaZas long as you have enough ram on the building machine
12:39.40AkuliRight, reading it from disk to ram would make it a puppy :)
12:39.40KatolaZto store the whole fs
12:40.02KatolaZyou can avoid having a real copy of your fs
12:40.06KatolaZworking on that
12:40.15KatolaZI'll let you guys know when it works
12:40.45fsmithredthat would make it easier to create a live image while you're running from some live media
12:41.36KatolaZthis still requires a bit of a tweaking
12:41.49KatolaZI mean, to have the fs built out of a running media
12:42.02KatolaZshouldn't be difficult though
12:42.10KatolaZI have had little or not ime in the last few days
12:42.17KatolaZdue to some deadline
12:42.21fsmithredI think someone asked about that recently. To do it now, you need to use some hard disk space or an extra partition on your usb stick
12:42.31KatolaZbut I will be back at work on that soon
12:42.50KatolaZoh sure fsmithred
12:43.05KatolaZyou mean using something like refractasnapshot inside a live image :)
12:43.31KatolaZthat would be cool :)
12:43.35fsmithredyeah, you boot from live CD or USB, make some changes, make a new snapshot
12:43.38KatolaZbut one step at a time
12:44.01KatolaZI want to have the whole sdk ready for minimal-lives as soon as possible
12:44.04KatolaZand we are close
12:44.11fsmithredwell, I see a major overhaul on some of the tools for uefi compatibility
12:45.06fsmithredmy tools, I mean
12:45.29KatolaZwhat do you mean, fsmithred
12:45.30fsmithredespecially refracta2usb, which makes multi-boot usb
12:46.07fsmithredwell, if you want to put the uefi iso on a usb stick, you can cc or cat it, because it's isohybrid
12:46.43fsmithredbut if you want a usb stick with multiple live systems on a real fat32 partition, you need to make the uefi image differently
12:46.53fsmithredusb uses syslinux not isolinux
12:47.14fsmithredand when you make the efi image, you have to tell it to look for either isolinux.cfg or syslinux.cfg
12:47.24fsmithredI haven't figured out a way to tell it to look for either
12:47.25KatolaZoh I see
12:47.33KatolaZso you can have either one or the other
12:47.54fsmithredyeah, and that decision needs to be made before you make the snapshot iso
12:48.23fsmithredbut that's only if you want multi-boot usb
12:49.05fsmithrednot something you need to do for releases
12:49.49fsmithredthe ones I uploaded will boot in virtualbox, but I couldn't get them to boot with qemu/ovmf
12:50.01fsmithredwell, they boot with isolinux, not grub
12:50.36fsmithredneed more coffee
13:25.08*** join/#devuan debdog (
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15:10.22DocScrutinizer05daily systemd-WTF:
15:11.31*** join/#devuan Ryushin (
15:12.12furrywolfthat's just...  lol
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15:13.33furrywolflet's make things that have always worked just fine instead require using systemd.  for no reason.  oh, and break them.
15:15.17Leander256and tell people "you should be happy, there's an option to setup somewhere if you guess correctly which manpage you should have read in the first place about that change"
15:16.44furrywolfand, of course, "we'll discuss that within the team" - because actual public participation in anything systemd-related is unacceptable.
15:18.25DocScrutinizer05yeah, the löatter is SO TRUE
15:19.21DocScrutinizer05invent bullshit, forcefeed it down everybody's throat to test if it works. If it doesn't, "discuss with the team"
15:20.20DocScrutinizer05how much more does it take until they're after the systemd cabal with pitchforks and torches
15:20.40furrywolfparazyd:  yes?
15:21.08parazydoh, didn't see backlog :D
15:22.14KatolaZdebian is definitely going downhill guys
15:22.23KatolaZthat's just insane
15:22.28KatolaZterribly insane
15:22.43KatolaZin any unix system you just launch screen and leave your stuff running
15:22.55furrywolfsystemd's not unix (tm).
15:22.55KatolaZnow Linux+systemd will be the first exception
15:23.00KatolaZfor no reason at all
15:23.15KatolaZor, better, just to clean after the garbage left by bad programming
15:23.38KatolaZI know we will all migrate to BSD, sooner or later... :D
15:23.42furrywolfoh, there's many reasons.  one obvious one would be to force everyone to write scripts that work with systemd, or work with the rest of the world, with the hope that they get written for systemd, and thus make the software depend on systemd...
15:24.06KatolaZfurrywolf: the problem here is not systemd scripts
15:24.14KatolaZis simple, bare, user programs
15:24.40KatolaZI have screen sessions in some machines that have been oper for more than three years so far
15:24.49*** join/#devuan jsfarinet (
15:24.52ksx4systemKatolaZ: only if BSD folks won't break stuff in the similar manner
15:24.58KatolaZksx4system: :D
15:25.04furrywolfKatolaZ:  yes.  and if you have a script for something you like to run in the background, or a program with a good reason to run in the background (such as screen), now you have to decide if you're going to make it work only with systemd, only with everything else, or have to maintain two...
15:25.06KatolaZyou're right!
15:25.18KatolaZfurrywolf: sure
15:25.33Lydia_KOMG, that is insane
15:25.34KatolaZbut anyway, that's pretty depressing guys
15:26.07Lydia_KYou can't run processes if you are not logged in? systemd is out of the high preformance computer cluster game.
15:26.13furrywolfit could just be stupidity.  you should never assume malice when stupidity is an option.  but, when it comes to systemd...
15:26.33furrywolfLydia_K:  oh, you can...  you just have to interact with systemd to do it.
15:27.45ksx4systemwhat the actual fuck
15:27.48Lydia_KYeah, my scientists won't be writing code to talk to some esoteric ABI for something they know nothing about, and don't care about.
15:28.08furrywolfis it stupidity, or is it yet another way of implementing something that will force devs to choose between their programs working on systemd and working everywhere else?
15:28.18Lydia_KHalf there stuff are just collections of csh scripts that call other smaller binaries to do the heavy math.
15:28.29KatolaZLydia_K: you can run those process, only you have to do that "the-systemd-way"
15:29.21KatolaZby calling your script through some systemd-cabal
15:29.23Lydia_Klike I said, no way my scientists are going to do that extra work, it's insanity, it's a freakin' computer, it's meant to compute.
15:29.56Lydia_KI seriously want to flip my desk right now.
15:30.06furrywolfsystemd DOES. NOT. COMPUTE.  </bad scifi robot voice>
15:30.23Lydia_KLooks like I'm going to have to move away from CentOS when it comes time to upgrade the OS on the cluster.
15:30.32*** join/#devuan Akuli (
15:30.57KatolaZLydia_K: I know of several large clusters which are help back to old versions of scientific linux
15:31.07KatolaZbecause they don't want to switch to systemd...
15:31.18Lydia_KI'm still running Cent 6.7
15:31.28Lydia_Kcause I'm not putting systemd on there just yet.
15:32.09furrywolfs/just yet/ever
15:33.55Lydia_KIf I get hit by a bus they have to be able to hire some knob who can support it, which generally means sticking with the redhat family. It's a corporate environment and I have to make the right choice for the business.
15:34.09Lydia_KThat said, perhaps the next iteration will go to devuan afterall.
15:34.12ksx4systemLydia_K: I'm afraid you'll be forced to leave CentOS (and/or Scientifical)
15:35.00ksx4systemafaik Devuan is the only well organized binary distro which by default ships without systemd malware
15:35.19Lydia_KI think there are a few others..  there's a list somewhere.
15:35.31Lydia_KDamn, even Rocks is centos based.
15:35.34Lydia_Kno love there.
15:35.43jsfarinetWhat's with alpine linux?
15:35.55Lydia_Kisn't that for ARM?
15:36.11jsfarinetNo, it's full linux
15:36.11ksx4systemLydia_K: list is here
15:36.30ksx4system...and Alpine runs busybox afair
15:36.35jsfarinetarm also. Also Void ...
15:36.41Lydia_KAh, I just took a look, neat concept, but not right for my needs.
15:37.21jsfarinetProbably, busybox is the way to go (?)
15:37.43Lydia_KI both love and hate busybox.
15:37.52furrywolfsystemd will keep finding ways to make normal applications need to interact with it, to try to get more software to depend on it, and more people stuck with it...
15:37.59ksx4systemLydia_K: afaics Alpine now has OpenRC too
15:38.28Lydia_KBut it's not glibc based, that will likely screw with some of my scientist's code, they are not linux experts.
15:38.42Lydia_KI need something standard, and devuan is looking like the only option now.
15:39.03Akulipclinuxos also doesn't use systemd
15:39.06jsfarinetDevuan, for sure is an excellent option
15:39.28Akulii must say, pclinuxos is an interesting distro
15:39.32jsfarinetWhat's with, let's say, Manjaro OpenRC ?
15:39.38Akulithey have some rpm based package manager and apt-get
15:39.40Akuliin the same os
15:40.00Lydia_Kthat is pretty interesting.
15:40.38Akuliakuli@MessyBox $
15:40.40infobotmessy... err busybox is meant for lean scripting. Regarding all the missing options and immanent limitations (see su, passwd, nice, ps, diff as used by mc...) it's not really the interactive shell of choice. A lot of people hate busybox because a lot of system integrators don't understand the difference between busybox and a decent user interactive shell plus unix utils
15:40.48Akuliakuli@MessyBox $ mess
15:41.34DocScrutinizer05!factinfo messybox
15:41.34infobotmessybox -- created by DocScrutinizer05 <~HaleBopp@openmoko/engineers/joerg> at Fri May 17 13:30:35 2013 (1106 days); last modified at Wed Apr 23 16:25:30 2014 by DocScrutinizer05!~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg; it has been requested 29 times, last by DocScrutinizer05, 55s ago; it has been locked by DocScrutinizer05.
15:42.24furrywolfbbl, last-minute projects.  race is tomorrow.
15:42.39KatolaZbusybox is not a viable solution, in most producton environments
15:42.52KatolaZdespite it is useful in many cases
15:46.06jsfarinetI have a totally different, very simple question to you: is there a place where you can make a request for devuan packages (i.e. packages which actually are missing in the repositories)?
15:46.40DocScrutinizer05there shouldn't be any (except massively systemd-infested)
15:46.56infobotnextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or
15:47.35furrywolfdo you mean packaging software that's not available in debian?  because that's something I'd love to see.
15:47.47DocScrutinizer05IOW when some package is "missing" that's most likely either a misconception or a bug
15:48.14Akuliwtf saved me again, the best command-line utility ever :)
15:48.22Akuliwell, chroot has been more important a few times.
15:48.27DocScrutinizer05!wtf wtf
15:48.43Akuli!wtf apt
15:48.48Akulithat's full wtf :)
15:49.03DocScrutinizer05sure, infobot devels are lazy ;-P
15:49.35Akuli!wtf foo; echo this is not secure
15:49.49Akuli!wtf bar; echo this is not secure
15:49.54DocScrutinizer05a system("wtf %s", cmd) is easy to implement
15:49.57Akuliok, that didn't work :)
15:50.18Akuliright, i was just thinking if the ; would make it another command
15:50.26Akulii.e. if that opens up a shell for it
15:50.51DocScrutinizer05no, infobot doesn't do proper cmdline parsing
15:51.33DocScrutinizer05but I gues it's mostly escape-exploit-proof
15:52.04DocScrutinizer05there are a few (secret) fuckups that instantly terminate the process
15:52.35DocScrutinizer05around UTF8 and also in evaluating math expressions
15:54.02AkuliIf the bot is written in python it'd be easy to check whether it's secure :)
15:54.13DocScrutinizer05well, it isn't
15:54.23DocScrutinizer05perl iirc
15:54.25Akuliit either does it the right way or it does it the wrong way. That's python. :D
15:54.54Akulino wait, that's #python the channel, not python the programming language :)
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17:36.28Inocuousis anyone around that could scan my ports for me?
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17:47.47golinuxCan't do it for you?
17:51.18openfbtdInocuous, you don't have a remote shell? :)
17:51.36openfbtdIf you're sure you want to give your IP to a stranger, then sure, I can do that.
17:52.10KatolaZopenfbtd: Inocuous's IP is already public in this channel.....
17:52.20KatolaZ18:33 -!- Inocuous [] has joined #devua
17:52.28openfbtdAh. I didn't bother looking
17:52.52KatolaZand anyway, knowing the IP of a machine does not mean you have broken into it... :D
17:53.09openfbtdYes, sure, but people are weird about it
17:53.53openfbtdI've been told my IP is public so much.
17:54.05openfbtdWith the meaning of “haha you're wide open”
17:54.26openfbtdIt's a hezner box, what are you going to figure out knowing my IP
17:54.32InocuousI've got an open port, that I haven't been able to trace down on my network.
17:54.54KatolaZInocuous: I can scan your IP, if you don't mind
17:54.54InocuousI'm trying to get someone to scan me once I log off. to see if it's from my router or my modem.
17:55.00openfbtdAlso Inocuous might not mean the IP of the machine he's connecting with
17:55.08KatolaZis it
17:55.17openfbtdYes it is
17:55.21Inocuousyeah, that's it.
17:55.29openfbtd7676/tcp open  imqbrokerd
17:55.35InocuousI'll drop out for minute if someone could check it when I'm off line.
17:56.21openfbtdNo problem, it's not like it takes a lot of effort :)
17:56.59openfbtdYou should have a remote shell somewhere though. It's cheap and super useful these days
18:00.39KatolaZInocuous: query
18:07.25*** join/#devuan Spagno (~Spagno@
18:09.35KatolaZa remote shell would not be that helpful in this cases, since stealth scan works only from root anyway....
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23:55.25fsmithredI'm old and don't quite get this technology stuff. How do I work botbotme? If I click on "This Week" (or any of the choices) all I see is one page. How to go to previous page?

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.