IRC log for #devuan on 20160523

00:06.10*** join/#devuan FNTM-U3 (~androirc@
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00:37.01*** join/#devuan FNTM-U3 (~androirc@unaffiliated/fntm-u3)
00:39.03FNTM-U3What does it mean. That I have no keyboard or mouse in x after installing eudev
00:46.07*** join/#devuan err0rz (
01:09.45err0rzplease, elaborate :)
01:14.00*** part/#devuan boson (
01:21.30bluenessFNTM-U3: let’s bring the conversation here
01:21.40bluenessFNTM-U3: i don’t have enough information to really help you
01:21.52FNTM-U3Ok blueness
01:22.09FNTM-U3What would you need
01:22.20FNTM-U3In terms of info
01:23.21bluenessFNTM-U3: steps to reproduce your problem
01:24.03FNTM-U3Installed devuan from the iso
01:24.09FNTM-U3Worked well
01:24.31FNTM-U3Then compiled and installed eudev
01:25.02FNTM-U3Now I don't have keyboard or mouse after startx
01:25.43FNTM-U3And devuan seems to use vdev
01:26.19bluenessFNTM-U3: expand on your details on how you installed eudev
01:29.48FNTM-U3It saye the device manager here in devuan is udev without systems but the WISH to change that to udev in future. And on how! I just built it. Looked at and used that as bases to compile my own eudev instance
01:31.58bluenessFNTM-U3: sorry there isn’t enough info and i’m not familiar with either crux of devuan to say what might ahve gone wrong
01:34.10FNTM-U3Ok thank anyhow
01:34.49FNTM-U3The mere fact or you answering is appropriated
01:35.52err0rz@FNTM-U3: If you get it figured out, please come back and tell us how! You might help a lot of people, not to mention the Devuan Project as a whole
01:37.36FNTM-U3err0rz. Will do. But first I need a bit of help from you guys to find out what exactly is the devuan device manager atm
01:37.41*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
01:38.20err0rzcurrently udev
01:38.36FNTM-U3I had the same issuea while back. That was with crux linux and the bluntness helped to solve it
01:39.08FNTM-U3It was the kernel them not loading the relevant module for eudev
01:39.28FNTM-U3But now and here I don't know
01:42.45*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:42.52err0rzAre you able to return to a tty? (CTRL-ALT-F1 for example?)
01:42.57err0rzafter startx that is
01:46.09*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:47.36err0rz..have to step away for a few, but what I was getting at is, check your Xorg.0.log. It's quite possibly an issue there
01:48.12err0rzfor reference:
02:34.53*** join/#devuan thewildweasel (
02:42.05*** join/#devuan FNTM-U3 (~androirc@
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09:09.13jaromilDocScrutinizer05: now should be pointing to your host finally. and yes the error was provoked by using the underscore (it was actually making the whole * not resolving
09:52.26*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
10:09.50*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
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10:13.43firegardenFROC HELLO
10:13.55firegardenops wrong chan
10:13.57firegardenscuse me :P
11:01.55*** join/#devuan level7 (~quassel@
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13:07.14*** join/#devuan Guest_84554 (779dd652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:07.17Guest_84554Allah is doing
13:07.43Guest_84554sun is not doing Allah is doing
13:07.55Guest_84554moon is not doing Allah is doing
13:08.06Guest_84554planets are not doing Allah is doing
13:08.16Guest_84554galaxies are not doing Allah is doing
13:08.31Guest_84554oceans are not doing Allah is doing
13:08.39Guest_84554mountains are not doing Allah is doing
13:09.15Guest_84554trees are not doing Allah is doing
13:09.18Guest_84554mom is mot
13:09.37Guest_84554mom is not doing Allah is doing
13:09.50Guest_84554dad is not doing Allah is doing
13:09.57Guest_84554boss is not doing Allah is doing
13:10.14Guest_84554job is not doing Allah is doing
13:10.24Guest_84554dollar is not doing Allah is doing
13:10.37Guest_84554degree is not doing Allah is doing
13:10.51Guest_84554medicine is not doing Allah is doing
13:11.11Guest_84554customers are not doing Allah is doing
13:11.36debdogbet you're doing either :P
13:11.48debdogerm, neither
13:12.21Guest_84554you can not get a job without the permission of allah
13:12.36Guest_84554you can not get married without the permission of allah
13:13.05Guest_84554nobody can get angry at you without the permission of allah
13:13.17flrnGuest_84554: you better believe it^^
13:13.18Guest_84554light is not doing Allah is doing
13:13.49devil_Guest_84554: does he use systemd or not?
13:14.00Guest_84554fan is not doing Allah is doing
13:14.17Guest_84554businessess are not doing Allah is doing
13:14.24Guest_84554america is not doing Allah is doing
13:14.39Guest_84554fire can not burn without the permission of allah
13:15.04debdogwe are all puppets of allah. /me goes to sleep, telling his boss it's allahs doing :P
13:24.40*** join/#devuan Guest_74755 (779dd652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:24.41Guest_74755Allah is doing
13:25.08Guest_74755allah is doing
13:25.14Guest_74755sun is not doing Allah is doing
13:25.22Guest_74755moon is not doing Allah is doing
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13:36.38DocScrutinizer05jaromil: added to vhosts
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13:45.41nat0mmm coffee
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13:48.21DocScrutinizer05Guest*: idiot muslim hater troll, do you really think you can trick us into hating muslims by trolling bullshit here?
13:50.12DocScrutinizer05Guest76868: (Verger) please change your nick ;-)
13:51.16*** join/#devuan thewildweasel (
13:51.28DocScrutinizer05Guest76868: I almost quieted you too
13:57.44*** mode/#devuan [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
13:59.06*** mode/#devuan [-bbbb *!* *!* *!* *!*] by DocScrutinizer05
13:59.16DocScrutinizer05dynamic IP
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14:43.19jaromilDocScrutinizer05: great
14:52.53nat0anyone else find the installer rails in a VM?
15:01.51KatolaZnat0: which VM?
15:02.00KatolaZit works seamlessly in QEMU
15:02.11KatolaZand in virtualbox, AFAIK
15:03.07*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
15:03.37jaromilDocScrutinizer05: mirror address for neo900 updated on website
15:04.23DocScrutinizer05how long does Werner need to keep the interim URL stable?
15:04.38DocScrutinizer054 weeks? 2 months?
15:05.44DocScrutinizer05meh, I'll rely on his inertia ;-D
15:06.04DocScrutinizer05it's stable as long as it's stable
15:23.50fsmithredjaromil, I just successfully made a snapshot of a system other than the one I'm running
15:23.56fsmithredscript works
15:24.18*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:28.25jaromilKatolaZ: ^^^
15:28.52fsmithredI'll post to list when I get it cleaned up.
15:31.05fsmithredI did a standard-system-only install from the official beta netinstall into vbox
15:31.20fsmithredconverted the .vdi to a .img
15:31.36fsmithredmounted the .img and made the rsync copy from that into work_dir
15:32.19fsmithredonly things I needed to install in the standard system were live-boot* and live-config*
15:32.29fsmithreddon't need to install refracta tools or their deps
15:33.03fsmithredKatolaZ, you can get even smaller
15:35.50KatolaZfsmithred: I can get as small as we want
15:35.58KatolaZthe only thing is what we want to do wqith small images
15:36.08fsmithredok, I'll send it
15:36.22KatolaZI am already considering removing most of the stuff from the image
15:36.29KatolaZincluding refrecta, xorriso, and the like
15:36.33fsmithredtwo files - the script and the rsync excludes list
15:36.44fsmithredyeah, you can do that with this
15:36.49KatolaZI mean
15:36.53KatolaZonce you have the image
15:36.59KatolaZready in /home/work
15:37.13KatolaZyou can chroot and remove the unwanted packages
15:37.27fsmithredthey don't need to be there in the first place
15:37.39KatolaZfsmithred: which script are you talking about then?
15:37.41fsmithredonly the live-boot and live-config are needed, so the image will boot
15:37.50fsmithredthe one that I'm not quite finished writing
15:38.17KatolaZwell, you still need xorriso...
15:38.26KatolaZat least on the host system
15:38.26fsmithredwhere is your source system that you're making into a live iso?
15:38.37KatolaZand in fact
15:38.55KatolaZI am experimenting with removing the unwanted software from the target image
15:38.59fsmithredthe snapshotted system can be a mounted disk image, a directory where you're doing chroot installs
15:39.00KatolaZjust chrooting into it
15:39.09KatolaZand apt-get remove --purge
15:39.28KatolaZgot confised
15:39.43KatolaZI am talking about the current workflow of refractasnapshot
15:39.57fsmithredand I'm trying to change your workflow
15:40.14KatolaZno problem :)
15:40.19fsmithredI wrote a script that makes a snapshot of a system other than the one you're running
15:40.32fsmithredso you don't need to have the refracta tools installed in that system
15:40.57fsmithredit works pretty much the same, except you're running the tools in host system
15:41.04KatolaZshould it be loop-mounted then?
15:41.15fsmithredcan be a loop mounted disk image
15:41.18fsmithredthat's what I did
15:41.28fsmithredcould be a directory where you did debootstrap install
15:41.36KatolaZcould it also work with a working qemu image?
15:41.37fsmithredcould maybe be sshfs mount
15:41.48KatolaZI mean, I guess you use rsync, right?
15:41.59KatolaZlet's do that then :)
15:42.01fsmithredI used qemu to convert a virtualbox disk image to raw img
15:42.13KatolaZatm I am working with qemu images
15:42.16KatolaZrunning images
15:42.21fsmithredI'll send it to you today
15:42.22KatolaZwhere I can install packages
15:42.31KatolaZmake config tasks
15:42.45KatolaZand when I am done I call refractasnapshot on it
15:42.48fsmithredyou know how to convert images with qemu?
15:42.49KatolaZand get the image
15:42.52fsmithredor loop mount it
15:42.55KatolaZkindof :)
15:43.08fsmithredwhatever works to be able to make rsync copy of that filesystem
15:43.42KatolaZif it also works through ssh, then it's perfect
15:44.11KatolaZI already have a bunch of scripts to drive simple tasks via ssh on the running qemu img
15:44.20KatolaZthat's how I am producing minimal live images
15:46.21fsmithredshould be fine to run it remotely or even as a cron job
15:47.22KatolaZI don't need a cron job
15:47.41KatolaZanything that does what refractasnapshot does
15:47.43KatolaZvia rsync
15:47.46KatolaZis fine
15:48.52golinuxis digging this collaboration between KatolaZ and fsmithred
15:49.06KatolaZgolinux: ?
15:49.46fsmithredKatolaZ, if you want to do it remotely, you can just ssh in and run the script
15:49.54KatolaZthere is no need
15:50.01KatolaZif the script uses rsync...
15:50.13KatolaZto be clear
15:50.20KatolaZssh-ing is what I have been done so far
15:50.26KatolaZvia expect scripts
15:50.30KatolaZfor all the stages
15:50.37KatolaZit works seamlessly
15:51.04fsmithredyeah, rsync is in the script
15:51.20KatolaZfsmithred: I mean, it should be possible to do whatever the script does just via SSH
15:51.23fsmithredthe part that's not in the script is how you mount or set up the source filesystem that you want to copy
15:51.33KatolaZthat's my problem :)
15:51.36fsmithredyeah, it is
15:51.46KatolaZI already have code to do that
15:52.09KatolaZthe source system is a quemu image, up and running
15:52.18fsmithredit's basically the same as refractasnapshot, except it for which system it copies
15:52.26fsmithredand it doesn't ask you any questions
15:52.38fsmithredjust set variable in the head and let it rip
15:52.47KatolaZ(neither the patched refractasnapshot I have does ask questions ;) )
15:53.38fsmithredok, I guess this will still work on a running system. You'd just need to edit the rsync commands.
15:53.56KatolaZfsmithred: that's great news
15:54.02KatolaZwhich will save me a lot of work
15:54.06KatolaZwhich I was going to do
15:54.14KatolaZwith removing packges from /home/work
15:54.20KatolaZbefore running refractasnapshot
15:54.21fsmithredcool, I figured this would be useful.
15:55.28KatolaZI also think that, within a couple of days, the sdk I have been working on should be ready to be tested on other builds
15:55.33KatolaZe.g. on a full live
15:56.07KatolaZor on other package_lists
15:56.16KatolaZit is extremely easy to use and configure
15:57.16fsmithredyou give it a package list and it builds that system and makes all the different images?
15:57.25KatolaZyou just provide an egg
15:57.32fsmithredway cool.
15:57.33KatolaZa directory with conf file and package list
15:57.38KatolaZand it does the rest
15:57.48KatolaZconf file is very simple indeed
15:58.10KatolaZI am still working on a few small aspects of the whole process
15:58.23KatolaZto smooth some rough angles
15:59.00KatolaZbut I believe this might be a good solution to create several kinds of images
15:59.03KatolaZwith the same workflow
15:59.17jaromili'll make sure to study and plug your work next week to try into vm-sdk
15:59.31KatolaZok jaromil
15:59.38jaromilwants a vm image that is like katolaz' minimal
15:59.40KatolaZI will also include some of your vm-sdk stuff into it
15:59.52jaromilnoone needs bloat on a vagrant image for devops
16:00.00KatolaZjaromil: consider that the current package list is *not* so minimal
16:00.02jaromilnot even manuals are needed there
16:00.05KatolaZbut I have saved a couple of good ones
16:00.19KatolaZfrom which we can scrap all the useless stuff
16:00.23KatolaZincluding manpages
16:00.39KatolaZit's just a matter of creating the correct package list
16:00.43KatolaZthe rest is done
16:00.59jaromili suspect one day also hellekin's package analysis software will be useful
16:01.04jaromilsry phonecall
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16:06.10KatolaZanyway fsmithred
16:06.30KatolaZI would be happy to give a try to your script
16:06.37fsmithredok, coming soon
16:06.41KatolaZthat would save some space from the minimal images
16:06.45KatolaZtake your time
16:07.01KatolaZand will probably smoothen the whole process
16:11.17*** join/#devuan ItSANgo (
16:17.48fsmithredKatolaZ, do you want the part that removes network config files? I left that out for now.
16:17.56fsmithredalso left out creating the package list
16:18.49KatolaZfsmithred: I already have scripts for the package list
16:18.56KatolaZboth in the dpkg format
16:19.03KatolaZand in the standard name+version format
16:19.14KatolaZI don't care about network conf
16:19.29KatolaZfor the moment :)
16:20.50fsmithredit works! :)
16:21.06KatolaZIn the meanwhile, you might want to have a look at my code
16:21.30KatolaZstay in the devel branch anyway
16:21.45KatolaZand please keep in mind that the readme is not updated
16:22.37KatolaZthank you
16:25.26KatolaZfsmithred: query
16:31.45nat0KatolaZ I was trying in QEMU but it kept failing at the bootloader installation.
16:32.08KatolaZnat0: there is no installer working for the minimal iso ATM
16:32.14KatolaZI haven't tested it
16:32.32KatolaZit's just a live, if we are talking about the same image...
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16:47.53fsmithredKatolaZ, you've got refractainstaller in the mini you posted today
16:48.14KatolaZbut I have not tested it
16:48.20KatolaZso I can't recommend using it :)
16:48.32KatolaZI also put a disclaimer on the webpage
16:48.46KatolaZI want to test the installer as well, indeed
16:49.03KatolaZbut the priority was to have something working as a live, at first
16:49.15fsmithrednat0, which iso were you using to install?
16:49.37KatolaZfsmithred: does refractainstaller work with grub or syslinux?
16:49.52fsmithredyup. I tried aitors repack with the devuan-installer, and it runs fine from the boot menu
16:49.55fsmithredit uses grub
16:50.14KatolaZrefractainstaller or aitor's image?
16:50.20KatolaZwho uses grub?
16:50.25fsmithreduses grub
16:50.40KatolaZso we don't need to fiddle with UEFI stuff, probably
16:51.03fsmithredI believe it needs to be already installed in the live system, but live system doesn't use it to boot
16:51.07KatolaZsince it's managed by grub, AFAIK
16:51.24KatolaZit's installed also in the minimal live
16:51.29fsmithredscript will bind-mount stuff then install grub to hard drive in chroot
16:51.34fsmithredthen run update-grub
16:51.50nat0fsmithred devuan_jessie_1.0.0-beta_amd64_DVD.iso
16:52.00KatolaZI will test it then
16:52.05nat0trying again now, seeing as I'm sober. ;)
16:52.27KatolaZnat0: looks like an official Devuan installer, indeed...
16:52.28fsmithredlol, that could help
17:03.46nat0Alright it's worked this time, and I believe I've found where it failed before.
17:04.01nat0Drunk me thought LVMs inside a tiny qcow image were necessary for some reason.
17:10.11nat0So does Devuan still use sysvinit or another init system?
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17:42.49fsmithrednat0, devuan uses sysvinit
17:43.33*** join/#devuan Spagno (~Spagno@
17:45.18fsmithredidentity crisis?
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18:02.16Irrwahnfsmithred: Nick expiry prevention, I guess. ^^
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20:11.25IrrwahnIndeed, but most of us are sleeping under their respective stones.
20:12.39porkjetWhat this chan needs is a few dancing girls.
20:13.07porkjet... or guys, if that's your thing ;)
20:14.30IrrwahnNot sure if ASCII-art dancers would be a real turn-on, though. :^)
20:15.20porkjet"never know until you try"
20:15.42porkjetthinks about all the times that phrase has gotten him into trouble
20:16.46*** join/#devuan fsmithred (
20:17.46porkjetMaybe the new Devuan installer could feature some kick ass ascii pole dancing? :)
20:19.51IrrwahnFeel free to create an issue on :->
20:21.40porkjetIrrwahn you dev on this project?
20:22.03porkjetJust curious, it caught my attention.
20:23.07IrrwahnNope, just offering some help and occasionally reporting a bug here and there. And spending way too much time on IRC and the mailing list the last couple of days. ^^
20:23.50porkjetHey, Idiling on irc is pretty much all I do (can do) as of late, so don't feel bad ;)
20:24.37Irrwahn(Though that might change in the future, once I can get myself to wrap my head around package maintenance.)
20:25.00IrrwahnOh, not feeling bad at all. =)
20:25.05porkjetIt's not that hard, I used to be a DD back.... oh god, over a decade ago.
20:26.03IrrwahnOh? Well, I've been a C programmer most of my career, but not so much on desktop systems.
20:26.04porkjetMaintained a few packages and was on the NM team... but that was "before".
20:26.22IrrwahnAh, I see. :>
20:26.47porkjetBeen away from computers for a VERY long time, came back to Debian and it was not what it was when I left.
20:31.28IrrwahnDefinitely worth it, if I may say so.
20:34.04porkjetWill do. Take care Irrwahn, I'm out
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21:28.14lenovouser95jaromil: I was thinking if it would be a good idea, once non-beta is released, to offer the whole set of DVDs for offline installation just like debian does
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23:43.26golinuxNice to see you, stranger
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