IRC log for #devuan on 20160517

00:01.35*** join/#devuan Drugo (
00:02.57crhyloveI prefer CLI for most of what I do anyway, but I'd love to put devuan on more end user desktops, and this is the main blocker for me currently.
00:09.17gci_adminI use Xfce4 and it does what a GUI should do. What else does one need?
00:19.39KatolaZgci_admin: ratpoison :)
00:29.39gci_adminKatolaZ, yes, every Microsoft user should try ratpoison at least once. :D
00:36.40KatolaZevery user should try ratpoison, at leat for a couple of months
00:37.28gci_adminWell, I tried it for a week quite a while back. That was a very long week. ;)
01:08.32*** join/#devuan egon0 (~quassel@2a01:1e8:e100:8035:59c:6df1:3163:7023)
01:42.22*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
02:01.02*** join/#devuan Defiant (
03:11.54*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
03:11.56*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
03:20.06*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:a634:d9ff:feed:eb30)
03:59.57*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:04.45Inocuousthat ratpoison, that's for the hard core linux terminal people.
05:05.07*** join/#devuan towo^work (~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351)
05:05.47Inocuousgui has proven to be much more productive over the years by some significant margin.
05:06.12Inocuousso much for jumping on an old topic. heh.
05:49.31*** join/#devuan zxz (
05:54.19*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
05:58.50*** join/#devuan Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
06:07.50*** join/#devuan Deys (~Deys@
07:02.27*** join/#devuan joered (
07:08.48*** join/#devuan premoboss (
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07:27.49*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
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07:39.45ksx4systemgci_admin: why would one need ratpoison (or any other tiling wm) if there's openbox? :P
07:40.28*** join/#devuan ppisati (
07:54.07*** join/#devuan Ard1t (~ard1t@unaffiliated/ard1t)
07:58.02*** join/#devuan ppisati (
08:09.13*** join/#devuan zxz (
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08:48.17*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
08:58.10*** join/#devuan Subsentient (~WhiteRat@techtavern/subsen)
10:11.47*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
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10:54.01*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@
10:55.03*** join/#devuan Ard1t (~ard1t@unaffiliated/ard1t)
10:58.24*** join/#devuan penelopa (
11:07.03*** part/#devuan penelopa (
11:12.14*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
11:31.28*** join/#devuan antofox (4e0c3df5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:43.07*** join/#devuan asbesto (
11:52.01*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
11:53.38enycInocuous: greetings, there are many here if you ask questions and allow time for people to respond eventually
12:05.41*** join/#devuan davide_at_debian (~davide@
12:12.57terabitInocuous: it's subjective
12:19.52*** join/#devuan rho (
12:52.15*** join/#devuan lars_t_h (~lars@
13:02.36*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
13:19.03*** join/#devuan aminos (~aminos@
13:42.52*** join/#devuan TXX (
14:02.34*** join/#devuan davide_at_debian (~davide@
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14:07.48*** join/#devuan shambrarian (~shambrari@unaffilated/shambrarian)
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14:28.32*** join/#devuan firegarden (~dionysos@
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14:50.12*** join/#devuan MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
14:50.25*** join/#devuan Ryushin (
14:50.54*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
15:07.22*** join/#devuan penelopa (
15:12.12*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
15:13.46DocScrutinizer05I for one never seen my desktop (wallpaper) for the last 4 years or so, since I always have lots of fullsize windows opened
15:14.59DocScrutinizer05CBA to chnage the ugly suse green even (just looked, out of interest)
15:17.37Lydia_KYou don't do transparent terminals?
15:23.52*** join/#devuan davide_at_debian (~davide@
15:29.37*** join/#devuan Bercik (~Yotsuba@unaffiliated/bercik)
15:30.58*** join/#devuan Akuli (
15:31.24AkuliAre my devuan systems supposed to have a non-empty /etc/systemd?
15:34.35*** join/#devuan dimkr (~dimkr@unaffiliated/dimkr)
15:46.29*** part/#devuan penelopa (
15:50.28ksx4systemAkuli: I can see that directory on some of mine, I think it's safe to purge it
15:51.24AkuliLet's try that in virtualbox.
15:52.49ksx4systemoh, now I see
15:52.55ksx4systemthose are fucking unit files
15:53.07ksx4systemit's *perfectly* safe to purge it on Devuan
15:53.14Inocuoushello everyone
15:53.23ksx4systemInocuous: yo :)
15:53.58*** join/#devuan penelopa (
15:55.06InocuousWhat's new in the Devuan world today?
15:55.47penelopaHi all! Nice day!
15:56.47KatolaZInocuous: new version of the minimal live images will be announced soon, if this is of your interest :)
15:57.46InocuousIs that for running on a DVD or a small memory stick?
15:58.19AkuliHehe :D On a vm i removed all files in "locate systemd" and now my mouse and keyboard aren't working.
15:58.20KatolaZis the one which requires 96 MB of ram
15:58.26AkuliProbably not a good idea, i'm glad it's just a vm :)
15:59.58*** join/#devuan ksx4system (~ksx4syste@
16:02.32InocuousIs it basically a terminal only setup KatolaZ ?
16:03.13KatolaZplus framebuffer support
16:03.42KatolaZplus support for braille terminals and speech synthesis
16:03.46Inocuouswhat's the footprint as far as required hard drive space, is that known off hand?
16:03.57KatolaZmore or less
16:04.34ksx4systemwill there be an OpenVZ image?
16:04.35KatolaZwell, it's not mainstream, but there are many niches in which it might fit well
16:04.41AkuliI have devuan on a computer with a 25GB hard drive, and it only uses 6% of it :D
16:04.44KatolaZwhat is openVZ?
16:05.14ksx4systemKatolaZ: old yet still popular container mechanism
16:06.15KatolaZI zee
16:07.08KatolaZno idea
16:08.55*** join/#devuan ksx4system (~ksx4syste@
16:13.05*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
16:20.45*** join/#devuan ksx4system (
16:24.29InocuousI'm trying to launch a scheduled cron job using xterm, I've fine tuned my command line so I can manually launch it from terminal but it won't launch as a cron job. Should xterm be uses as part of the script?
16:26.11Inocuouswhat part of that doesn't make sense?
16:26.55muepit would at least be very unusual to involve an xterm in stuff run from cron
16:27.23KatolaZInocuous: what do you want to do, exactly?
16:27.43InocuousI want to see my script run in a terminal window
16:28.02Akulithen ask whoever is going to use it to launch it from a terminal?
16:28.30Akuli"type there bash, hit the space and drag the file to terminal"
16:28.39Akuliit's not that hard to tell that to people
16:29.05KatolaZdoes your script require the terminal window at all?
16:30.30*** join/#devuan b0stik (
16:30.42Inocuousthere is screen output, I just wanted to see it run so xterm seemed like the way to do that, but it doesn't work. It's not a big deal to me. I just thought it was something that could be done.
16:31.31AkuliYou could make another script that launches it in xterm if you want to :D
16:31.32KatolaZeverything can be done, Inocuous
16:31.43Akulixterm -c ./real-script
16:32.00KatolaZif you are just interested in the output of the script, you might just put the outrput in a file?
16:32.29Leander256if you want to open an xterm in your xwindow session, you'll need the necessary rights
16:34.03Leander256and a valid DISPLAY environment variable to run the cron job
16:34.58Akuliwhat if the user doesn't have xterm?
16:35.08*** part/#devuan Akuli (
16:35.12*** join/#devuan Akuli (
16:35.22MinceRyou could have the cronjob log to file and view that when you want to :>
16:35.25AkuliI'd use x-terminal-emulator instead since it points to the user's default terminal
16:36.48Leander256but it's more fun to have a window pop out of nowhere :)
16:37.09Inocuoushaha, yes.
16:37.36Akuliwhile true; do mate-terminal; done
16:37.45Akuliwell... don't run that, actually :)
16:37.49AkuliIt's kind of hard to stop
16:38.56MinceRhave a window steal focus out of nowhere is somewhat less fun
16:39.06Akulii agree about that :)
16:39.13MinceRwould be harder to stop with an & after mate-terminal
16:39.20Akulinot really
16:39.27Akulimate-terminal backgrounds itself
16:39.44MinceRi thought only gvim did that :)
16:39.56Leander256you can always switch to a virtual terminal and kill the script from there
16:40.05*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
16:41.28AkuliI actually just ran that :D
16:41.39Akulii'm glad i'm aware of TTY's
16:42.04Akulioh crap
16:42.20AkuliMinceR, you were right, the & backgrounds it even better :)
17:23.58DocScrutinizer05Anybody a comment to Seagate ST2000MN0033 ?  Good or lemon?
17:24.39DocScrutinizer05FYI: TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 is crap
17:25.46AkuliDocScrutinizer05, i have no idea what you'd need 8TB for :)
17:26.07Akulii have a devuan computer with a 25GB hard drive. 6% of it is actually used.
17:26.48DocScrutinizer05this is a 2TB
17:27.18DocScrutinizer05as the "2000" suggests ;-)
17:27.45DocScrutinizer05actually two of them, since I'm fed up with anything except RAID
17:28.41DocScrutinizer05I hope the "enterprise" will serve a lil longer than ~2 years before it explodes, but...
17:31.24golinuxDocScrutinizer05: Caviar black  ;)
17:31.31Leander256DocScrutinizer05 you should look at
17:33.20DocScrutinizer05Leander256: sounds mad useful
17:38.12DocScrutinizer05alas no ST2000NM0033, and even minor variations in type cause huge reliability diffs obviously
17:38.54DocScrutinizer05anyway for next purchase it's a great reference
17:39.56Leander256yes, it's too bad that they only have a few models, but to me there's a clear indication that it's best to avoid seagte
17:40.27Leander256that is, if you care about your data
17:41.00Leander256I got a cheap WDC not long ago to store all my games, it's ok if I lose it, I can always download them again
17:47.43DocScrutinizer05seems ultrasor etc are OK
17:48.12DocScrutinizer05HGST (which I never before heard of)
17:48.59Leander256HGST used to be Hitachi
17:49.10Leander256but I'm not sure about the details
17:50.42dimkrI bought a bulk-packaged WD Scorpio Blue
17:50.44dimkrvery cheap
17:51.37*** part/#devuan lars_t_h (~lars@
17:55.26DocScrutinizer05we'll see, got two of those now, to set up a sw RAID
18:06.57*** join/#devuan bulldozer2003 (~v098ef7yg@
18:09.05*** join/#devuan neo42 (
18:10.42bulldozer2003Anyone have the installer return an error message when selecting both "Devuan desktop environment" and "Cinnamon"?
18:11.40bulldozer2003I went back and selected only "Devuan desktop environment" and the installer is proceeding. I have yet to go back and test selecting only "Cinnamon"
18:11.48jaromilnever tried, but may well be
18:11.54bulldozer2003Oh, it just failed again.
18:13.30bulldozer2003Ooh, fun: "task-cinnamon-desktop : Depends: cinnamon-desktop-environment but it is not going to be installed"
18:17.56*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
18:18.42*** join/#devuan neo42_ (
18:24.48*** join/#devuan ksx4system (
18:26.36*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
18:36.06bulldozer2003Is there a bug tracker or just the forums?
18:38.24KatolaZbulldozer2003: all the projects are hosted on gitlab
18:38.53KatolaZyou can open issues in the relevant project there
18:39.23bulldozer2003Thanks KatolaZ
18:40.29KatolaZI believe issues related to the installer should be filed here:
18:40.37KatolaZbulldozer2003: NP
18:41.35ksx4systemDocScrutinizer05: as of my own experience HGST are best "new" drives (just like WD was 5-10 years ago)
18:42.07ksx4systemjust don't buy shitty desktop drives, only server grade stuff (Ultrastar)
18:42.41DocScrutinizer05<yeah, last HDD was desktop crap
18:42.49Inocuoussomeone just asked my what does devuan use for init
18:43.18ksx4system(but you can of course use openrc or even write your own)
18:43.23DocScrutinizer05mature since ages
18:43.24ksx4systemInocuous: ^
18:44.38DocScrutinizer05actually wonders where from this "sysvinit is broken" idea came from
18:44.54Inocuousprobably systemd devs
18:45.10DocScrutinizer05what was the problem that made this sound any reasonable?
18:45.44KatolaZDocScrutinizer05: sysvinit has problems, as any software conceived 30+ years ago
18:45.59KatolaZit depends on whether those problems affect you or not
18:46.04DocScrutinizer05but it nevertheless worked since 30 years
18:46.14DocScrutinizer05or what you said :-)
18:46.33KatolaZwell, computers today are undeniably not similar to what they were 35 years ago...
18:46.56DocScrutinizer05now for step two of the lesson :-)
18:47.01KatolaZI am not saying that I like systemd, though
18:47.22KatolaZI have no lessons to teach, BTW...
18:47.38DocScrutinizer05a pity, I'm always keen to learn
18:48.40KatolaZI believe we mostly learn by our own
18:49.05KatolaZthough talking with others helps a lot in the process
18:49.52DocScrutinizer05now honestly, what been the terrible roadblock those folks ran into, that made then say "we need something completely new"? was it voice in bootmenu? getting bored during 2 minutes of boot time?  problems with multiseat (whoever using such stuff today)?
18:53.39KatolaZThe answers comes from the past
18:53.48KatolaZand from one of the fathers of unix
18:54.09KatolaZThose who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
18:54.14KatolaZ(H. Spencer)
18:54.23DocScrutinizer05yep, that's my fav
18:54.51KatolaZnothing to be added
18:55.13KatolaZif we look at what systemd has become
18:55.45KatolaZit is clear that a lack of understanding of the principles behind unix is the source of that evil, IMHO
18:57.12DocScrutinizer05yep, either lack of understanding or deliberate ignorance ("linux should no longer try to stay compatible to Unix which is broken by design" OWTTE quote Poettering)
18:57.44bulldozer2003I imagine "It's old, that means it must be replaced" or the favorite catchphrase "Let's disrupt [insert thing]"
18:58.15*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:f10a:192:9bdd:c46b)
18:58.16*** join/#devuan Drugo (
18:58.27DocScrutinizer05suddenly thinks "Klingons"
18:59.19bulldozer2003DocScrutinizer05 Space garbage = target practice?
19:00.46bulldozer2003Aren't sysvinit's failings mostly in implementation, aka poor startup scripts?
19:01.23DocScrutinizer05definitely, since sysvinit is basically nothing more than a tiny executable and lots of scripts :-)
19:02.21DocScrutinizer05but the mere fact it uses scripts _at all_ is considered a defect by systemd cabal
19:03.06bulldozer2003I imagine there was some outcry when initrd was introduced as well though? It's kind of a pain, but at least it can be broken open and edited.
19:04.12DocScrutinizer05well, initrd "goes away" pretty switftly, you don't see much of it in a booted system
19:04.34crhyloveI love cron.  I don't understand what the systemd cabal problem is.
19:04.50DocScrutinizer05yeah, they fsckd up cron too
19:05.19DocScrutinizer05their problem is aiui: cron doesn't work like *we* *think* it should
19:05.34crhyloveFigured out how to change the "Main Menu" icon in Mate.  Now for a better wallpaper...
19:05.47DocScrutinizer05I.E. it doesn't excute backlog after a system suspend
19:06.07DocScrutinizer05after resume actually
19:06.14crhyloveDocScrutinizer05, Yeah, it's like this huge "not built here" syndrome writ large across all of linux by redhat and CIA bad actors.
19:06.28DocScrutinizer05which is a *good* thing in my book, however systemd changed that
19:06.50muepAFAIK cron in systemd-using distros is pretty much the same thing as cron in non-systemd distros
19:07.06DocScrutinizer05NIH you meant? :-)
19:07.37DocScrutinizer05~wtf nih
19:07.45DocScrutinizer05!wtf nih
19:12.07*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
19:13.11DocScrutinizer05(cron) I can tell you more about it: is what a normal run of cron-hourly|daily|weekly looks in my syslog now >:-(
19:13.48muepisn't that systemd timers, not cron?
19:15.23muepcron would look like this
19:15.47DocScrutinizer05in the Good Old Times[TM] my syslog for a whole day was shorter than that
19:17.48muepif you run a traditional syslog daemon, can't it be told to not write log entries from programs whose logs you do not want there, or e.g. direct them to some other file?
19:18.57DocScrutinizer05but sure, when everybody and their dog is supposed to use a single logging facility that you should browse with a damn tool like journalctl... this is prolly what you get from it
19:19.26*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
19:19.51crhylovejournalctl is the absolute deal breaker for me.  I can't tail -f /var/lob/whatever.log  ?  I'm out!
19:20.08DocScrutinizer05"why do you complain? use journalctl instead the deprecated syslog-ng and less, so it won't even be visible to you"
19:20.46muepdo you mean that journalctl shows those entries, or that it doesn't?
19:21.11DocScrutinizer05ooh, what logging is in devuan?
19:21.30DocScrutinizer05per default
19:21.50mueprsyslog, I think
19:22.10penelopagood night! bay!
19:22.19*** part/#devuan penelopa (
19:22.22muepI checked in one system that has journalctl, and there it does not have any entries with e.g. text "target" in them for today
19:22.24Leander256I have rsyslog running, so it must be it, indeed
19:26.09muepcrhylove: just FYI, you could do journalctl -f and it would behave similarly to tailing a log file
19:28.11*** join/#devuan barry235 (
19:29.29crhylovemuep, Oh, I know there are workarounds.  But I don't LIKE workarounds.
19:32.26*** join/#devuan Levure (
19:35.47muepI do not like workarounds either
19:42.29*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
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20:24.17neo42_crhylove, have you tried journalctl -f ?
20:30.08*** join/#devuan radsy (~irc@unaffiliated/radsy)
20:35.10ksx4systemDocScrutinizer05: it's rsyslog
21:20.14*** join/#devuan Chanku (
21:23.34*** part/#devuan bulldozer2003 (~v098ef7yg@
21:46.07*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
21:57.36*** join/#devuan Chanku (
22:16.13*** join/#devuan sauron (~quassel@2001:8b0:cac6:0:214:fdff:fe10:cc41)
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22:43.06*** join/#devuan blueness (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
23:16.48*** join/#devuan debdog (
23:59.23Centurion_Danmuep: Yup rsyslog is the default logger in Devuan - and I removed the dependency on libsystemd too.

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