IRC log for #devuan on 20160514

00:04.29flrnif you mean the init: yes, as long as you don't pull it in from a debian mirror.
00:08.09MinceRif you tell apt to remove it, does it want to take something with itself?
00:08.16MinceRdisregard that
00:16.44*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
00:18.41flrnjust noticed, that i had a lingering systemd-shim and finally even got rid of that annoying cgroup manager :)
00:23.24*** join/#devuan Drugo (
00:35.44golinuxflrn: Yeah, I got rid of the shim a while ago.
00:39.07flrndid you find what's clinging to libsystemd0, golinux?
00:40.09golinuxWhen I try to remove it it wants to take  stuff like avidemux, vlc, dvdstyler for starts
00:41.43golinuxffmpeg, gimp, smplayer yada, yada
00:42.33flrnwhere did you get avidemux from?
00:43.59golinuxI got the gtk version (which is no longer supported) from wheezy repos.
00:44.14golinuxThe Qt version is terrible
00:44.45flrngimp, smplayer and libavtools as well as ffmpeg i have installed, but no vlc.
00:44.53golinuxThe don;t even have a crossfade anymore . . .
00:45.51golinuxI'm still doing most of my media editing on squeeze.
00:46.02*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
00:46.08golinuxBut set this up on devuan to play around with
00:48.45flrni'm not too much into media stuff, so i can do the most on the cli...
00:49.40flrni remember desperately looking for a version of avidemux, but don't remember for what
01:01.32*** join/#devuan ItSANgo (
01:02.50*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
01:17.09*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
01:27.38*** join/#devuan flrn_ (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
01:44.16*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
01:45.23*** join/#devuan Hoshpak (
01:48.29*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
01:55.50*** join/#devuan jfl (~chatzilla@
01:56.52jflHello, again
01:57.50jflThings are looking up. I am so happy to be done with systemd. I feel as though I've got the NSA out of my machine.
01:58.31jflI read a lot about OpenRc and vdev ... are they available via apt-get?
01:58.41jflI guess I could just look, eh?
02:03.19*** join/#devuan Defiant (
02:08.15qmr... the NSA is linked to systemd ?
02:08.41flrnqmr: NASA
02:08.51MinceRthe NSA is a major client to red hat, which controls and develops systemd
02:16.46*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
02:19.35InocuousMinceR, I strongly suspect that systemd is compromised, but I've never really heard of actual proof.
02:20.14Inocuousthat's why I'm using Devuan, because it's quite likely.
02:25.10golinuxMinceR: I thought that nsa was responsible for selinux
02:25.56MinceRthey are
02:26.01golinuxnot systemd
02:27.21MinceRwell, it hasn't been proven yet that the NSA was directly responsible for systemd, afaik
02:28.09MinceRbut it seems highly likely that they at least support the idea of pushing a big bloated hairball with poor QA and code review to every computer running Linux
02:28.30MinceRespecially if it's controlled by a corporation they can easily influence
02:28.57golinuxI'm sure that makes them happy to have Lennart et al creating such swiss cheese
02:29.42golinuxthis is getting a bit OT
02:31.12MinceRthere was also this:
02:31.27MinceRmakes sense that they'd try something like systemd after that failed
02:34.12*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
02:36.48Inocuousthanks for the link MinceR
02:38.08qmrMinceR:  Inocuous:  pretty sure Torvalds has said he was joking about that
02:39.04MinceRpossibly to avoid being assassinated
02:39.33InocuousI understood the possiblity of a compromised systemd by NSA or some other group, to be part of the reaseon for Devuan development. is that wrong?
02:39.56MinceRdunno, ask a VUA :>
02:40.15MinceRsystemd can be compromised even without the NSA being involved, at any rate
02:40.57MinceRwe might not be entirely sure _why_ systemd is the way it is, but we know it is the way it is
02:41.03MinceRand that's sufficient to want to avoid it
02:41.09InocuousI agree.
02:49.48*** join/#devuan txt-file (
02:54.41*** join/#devuan jfl (~chatzilla@
02:55.58jflI installed OpenRC, and it seems to work. On startup it says something about an unresolved dependency
02:56.41jflbut I cannot find the message in the logs. It only lasts for a few seconds on the screen.
02:57.46jflThe note that came up after installation said I could archive the contents of rc.d? Where does OpenRC keep its stuff?
02:59.47jflAs well, both iceweasel and icedove are crashing ... not just themselves but the whole system.
03:00.39jflI get various death screens, have to power down and restart the system. Used to happen with debian jessie as well
03:01.30jflbut not as consitently as it's doing now. Feels like a windows box. Rebooted at least a half-dozen times in the past hour.
03:02.54jflThis is not fun. I cannot find any account of a similar problem on the net. I'm assuming its got to do with my ~10 year old nvidia chip. But who knows/
03:03.54jflI have a browser open now ... I'm afraid to open the icedove. I'll try to find out what's up with OpenRC.
03:04.14jflIf anyone can help on either of these counts, much appreciated/
03:07.43MinceRmaybe iceweasel crashes the nvidia driver via webgl? just guessing
03:07.50MinceRnotsure how icedove would do that though
03:07.57InocuousIf you are using 10 year old hardware, it might be time to upgrade. Just a thought.
03:10.26MinceRor maybe cpu load goes up, some electrical components get stressed and/or heat up and hw crash results
03:13.39Inocuouswhat WN/Desktop are you using jfl?
03:14.00InocuousI have heat issues with WM that are processor heavy.
03:14.36InocuousYOu might try monitor the cpu temp
03:15.15MinceRor check for dust in the case/fans/ducts :>
03:16.20jflMinceR, wheezy never had a problem. Crashes almost immediately on startup, The mouse freeze, no window ever appears. Icedove or ice weasel, both the same.
03:17.23MinceRi'm dealing with weird qemu freezes nowadays
03:17.34MinceRtypically when i do history search (^R)
03:17.36jflIf they run they're 'fine' ... but if I click on a url in an email or another non-broweer application the crash happens as well, whether iceweasel is runnin or not at the time.
03:18.13MinceRvm limited to 1 core suddenly runs at 100% on 2 cores, entering "stop" in qemu command line results in command line not writing prompt ever again
03:18.25jflInocuous,, xfce
03:18.57Inocuousyeah. me too. there is a sensor prg on the menu. that might be something to check but, sounds more like driver issues to me
03:20.03jflInocuous, I agree. But can find nothing on it on the web.
03:21.41jflcoretemps are 39 to 43 C
03:21.55Inocuousthat sounds good, that's where I am on mine.
03:39.03*** join/#devuan DusXMT (~dusxmt@
03:58.26*** join/#devuan radsy (~irc@unaffiliated/radsy)
04:00.04*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:27.27jflOn OpenRC ...
04:27.34jflI found /etc/rc.conf, and changed 3 lines :
04:27.41jflrc_logger="YES" # login is off by defualt
04:27.50jflrc_verbose=yes  # I know from nothing so I'll see what I can learn
04:28.00jflunicode="YES"   # because that's what I like
04:28.09jflapparently the way to set per service options is via
04:28.36jflfiles similar to this global one
04:28.46jflI'll let you know what I find out. I'll just wait until iceweasel or icedove crashes my system and see what's in
04:29.02jflwhen I reboot.
04:36.12jflI lucked out here ...
04:36.15jflWith OpenRC, volume management services for block storage devices are no longer run automatically at boot. This includes LVM, RAID, swap, device-mapper (dm), dm-crypt, and the like. System administrators must ensure the appropriate initscript for these services has been added to the boot runlevel, otherwise it is possible the system will not be able to boot.
04:36.26jfl... none of the above.
06:00.15*** join/#devuan ruenoak (
06:01.01*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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07:02.29*** join/#devuan dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin)
07:19.36*** join/#devuan Akuli (
07:23.06Akulii have too many primary partitions on a dualboot system, how can i flag my windows partition as non-primary, or should i even do that?
07:23.34Akulior should / and /home be logical??
07:25.21DusXMTAkuli: It doesn't matter much whether a partition is logical or primary; and no, you can't "mark a partition as primary" afaik, one thing you might try is recreating the partition table with the same partitions at the same offsets/sizes but of different types, though I don't guarantee that windows will boot after that
07:25.59Akulihow about using logical partitions for / and /home?
07:26.06DusXMTAkuli: I see no problem in that
07:26.30AkuliOk :)
07:26.30DusXMTThe logical partitions are just a way to overcome the "anicent DOS" 4 partition limit
07:26.44Akulilets do this then :)
07:28.44DusXMThas his devuan system all in logical partitions - dual (tripple) booting as well.
07:29.49DusXMTYou might also decide to opt for the GPT partition table (instead of the DOS MBR partition table), that removes this primary/secondary confusion and allows for gigantic partitions
07:35.20DusXMTFun fact: The way the BSDs do multi-partitioning in a cross-platform way is that they have a single platform-specific partition, eg. an MBR primary partition, which is called a disk slice, and they cut up this slice into different partitions, eg. /boot, /usr, /home, swap, etc. using what they call a disklabel, so they have their own kind of logical partitions =3
07:36.23AkuliSeems like the installer doesn't know how to create logical partitions.
07:36.37DusXMTAkuli: How many partitions do you have already?
07:36.58DusXMThuh.. Is the second one logical?
07:36.58Akuliwindows partition, some little 100MB piece of crap, and a swap
07:37.06Akulionly the swap is logical
07:37.24Akuliand the free space here is at the beginning
07:37.27DusXMTBecause I recall that if you do a primary partition after a logical one in d-i, it can't create another logical one
07:37.51Akulidoes it help if i remove the swap and do that again?
07:38.16DusXMTAkuli: You can try
07:39.04AkuliJust a moment
07:39.10Akulilet me take a pic of what i have so far
07:41.04*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
07:41.26Akulii used to have a cable for plugging my phone to my computer, but seems like i don't have anymore...
07:42.12*** join/#devuan Deys (~deys@
07:42.29DusXMTAkuli: You can get "Primitive FTPD" from the f-droid repo and use sftp to get data off of it via network, is more convenient imho
07:42.49DusXMT(f-droid is a repo of free software for Android)
07:43.25AkuliNot a smartphone
07:43.29DusXMTOh, I see
07:43.38Akuliand i won't get a smartphone until i can install a sysvinit-based system on it
07:45.05DusXMTTheorethically, it should be possible on most phones where you can replace the OS image... though the problem will most likely be getting X to work, and wifi
07:45.20DusXMT(or even doing IO at all)
07:45.23Akuliright :D
07:45.37Akulimate would probably be customizable enough for getting a decent panel layout
07:47.07AkuliKind of a mess but you can see it
07:47.24Akuli"looginen" means logical and "ensisij." means primary
07:48.20DusXMTIs there no "new partition" option?
07:48.34AkuliSelecting a partition will edit it
07:48.47Akulithe highlighted one is empty space, so that'd create a new one
07:49.03DusXMTAnd what happens when you click that?
07:49.08Akulienter :D
07:49.18AkuliI can make one partition, but not two
07:49.21DusXMTor [CR]
07:49.32Akulinow that works
07:50.16AkuliI remade the swap
07:50.30Akuliand i was able to make that logical
07:50.56Akulibut didn't work, the space in the beginning can still be used as primary only :(
07:52.08DusXMTAkuli: Ah, now I see what you're trying to do. Logical partitions need a continuous extended partitions that they are to be put into, keyword: continuous
07:52.27Akuliso all logical ones first, then the rest?
07:52.40*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
07:52.41DusXMTUsually last, but yes
07:52.51AkuliI only have 2GB after the win partitions
07:52.59Akuliwhich used to be swap, but i guess i'll leave that empty
07:53.23DusXMTThen ignore the 2gb free space at the end and use the free space at the beginning :)
07:53.34AkuliYes, that's what i'm doing
07:53.50AkuliIn which order should i put /, /home and swap?
07:53.59DusXMTIt doesn't matter afaik
07:53.59Akuli/ first, then /home, then swap?
07:54.06AkuliRight. it doesn't
07:54.24AkuliI was just thinking if there's a good practice for that
07:54.52AkuliNow i see how this works
07:55.17DusXMTTheorethically, you could talk about seek times and how to optimize your layout for the shortest possible seek times, but unless you have a database that needs the best possible performance, it shouldn't matter much
07:55.23DusXMTAkuli: No probs~
07:55.42AkuliNice :)
07:57.23AkuliNow i have 50GB /, 841GB /home, 2GB swap, some 104MB windows crap, 104GB windows and 2 GB free space.
07:57.35AkuliNice :)
07:59.09DusXMTAkuli: If it's a portable computer, you could also think about setting up an encrypted LVM, so incase someone steals your machine they won't be able to get to your stuff
07:59.37AkuliI don't have anything that secret :)
08:00.00DusXMTAkuli: Passwords in the web browser are one thing that's very easily abused
08:00.07AkuliAnd besides, most people i work with don't know much about linux anyway
08:00.18AkuliDusXMT, i agree about that
08:41.37*** join/#devuan ThomasKeller (
08:47.06*** join/#devuan Youbi (
08:47.35YoubiHello, I’m a total noob on cross-compiling, is there a guide to build ffmpeg on my arm box running Devuan?
08:58.38AkuliHehe i can chroot to / :D
09:05.41*** join/#devuan antofoc (4e0c2852@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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09:24.09*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
09:24.11enycYoubi: hummmmm do you need cross-compiling anyway? etc
09:24.53enycYoubi: if you have a working box on which you anwnat to run ffmpeg, just compile and run it on that?
09:25.30enycYoubi: also, i notice debian jessie-backports contains ffmpeg *anyway*, it may be their backports binary packages will just do the job ...
09:26.43Youbienyc: ow great, a binary package is just what I need ^^
09:27.00YoubiI’m addin backports to my source file
09:27.58YoubiBut is it possible that I break my devuan by adding a debian repository?
09:29.26AkuliAdd the repository, install your stuff, remove the repository :)
09:29.43AkuliThen you can run apt-get upgrades again.
09:29.51YoubiOh, thanks for the tip :)
09:37.32enycYoubi: yes, you don't want to mix packages generally, but if certain debian packages don't bring in  an yproblematic dependencies, thats' fine temporarially
09:37.53enycYoubi: also note ''cross-building'' is normalyl only for the 'core' debian build environment
09:38.31enycYoubi: typcially a real archituceture machine or a qemu-chroot is used to build general packages for some architucture
09:44.47YoubiOh, ok. The “cross” part was a bit obscure to me ^^
10:15.43*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
10:26.50*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
10:29.55*** join/#devuan molekulo (
11:02.33*** join/#devuan premoboss (~utente@
11:15.09AkuliCan someone help with installing nitroshare?
11:16.00AkuliIt needs libunity9 but it's not in devuan's source. How should i install it=
11:18.55KatolaZwhat is nitroshare?
11:19.09AkuliIt's a simple program for transferring files
11:19.27AkuliBut anyway, i got everything installed, i just downloaded the libunity9 ubuntu package :D
11:19.33DusXMTAkuli: sftp/scp is even simpler :)
11:20.11DusXMTand if that's not enough, sftp:// in most file browsers (nautilus, thunar, k-something)
11:20.13AkuliBut why can't i remove iceweasel and icedove?
11:20.17AkuliRemoving one installs the other
11:20.27KatolaZyou can also use yafc, if you want to avoid some of the idiosyncracies of sftp/scp
11:20.44*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
11:21.01KatolaZAkuli: there might be some package which depends on www-browser
11:21.09AkuliI have chromium
11:21.12KatolaZsome installed package
11:21.40KatolaZthen it might be news-reader
11:21.52KatolaZor imap-client
11:22.06Akuli"Virtual packages like 'news-reader' can't be removed"
11:22.12KatolaZyou see
11:22.22Akulisame for imap-client
11:22.31KatolaZoh no
11:22.34KatolaZI am saying
11:22.45KatolaZthat you have some package XYZ
11:23.06KatolaZwhich requires the feature "news-reader" or "www-browser" or "imap-client"
11:23.22KatolaZor one of the features provided by iceweasel/iceape
11:23.28Akulilet me check rdepends
11:24.04Akuliumm how can i grep the output so that it includes only lines that are also in some other output?
11:25.13KatolaZAkuli: what happens if you apt-get remove --purge iceape?
11:25.23KatolaZare you using apt-get or aptitude?
11:25.43KatolaZAkuli: what happens if you apt-get remove --purge iceape?
11:26.04KatolaZit should tell you why it needs to install iceweasel
11:26.40KatolaZso it's mail-reader
11:26.56Akulimate-desktop-environment suggests icedove
11:27.15KatolaZwell, suggests....
11:27.16Akuliand mail-reader...
11:27.19*** join/#devuan Drugo (
11:27.29KatolaZso apt-get should ignore it
11:27.50KatolaZunless you are automatically installing also suggested packages
11:28.33AkuliI removed mate-desktop-environment and installed mate-desktop-environment-core
11:28.44Akulinow i'll install all the stuff autoremove would remove, we'll see if this works
11:29.14KatolaZI am not sure I follow you... :)
11:29.26Akuliit still wants to install iceweasel...
11:31.46Akulixul-ext-mozvoikko has some weird depends
11:32.19AkuliNow i got everything removed.
11:32.22DusXMTIf you're installing xul-ext-* stuff, then it will probably want a mozilla-based browser :)
11:33.11AkuliAlright, time to move my files back to the laptop :)
11:37.45*** join/#devuan john280z (
11:51.28devil_download server lives up to its name. it's doen (for me)
11:51.34devil_down even
11:52.10AkuliWhich repository should i add to install compiz? Ubuntu 14.04's repos?
11:53.50*** join/#devuan Deys (~deys@
11:55.37DusXMTAccording to , epositories that can create a FrankenDebian if used with Debian Stable: Ubuntu, Mint or other derivative repositories are not compatible with Debian!
11:56.28DusXMTthought compiz was meant to impress windows users =3
11:58.21AkuliI like compiz
12:00.18DusXMTI'd personally rather compile it than to use a binary package for a different system - but even compiling had its quirks, in particular, it's good to stage-install compiled packages and get a list of installed files using that, so they can later be removed/upgraded
12:00.38Akulii don't want that
12:00.57DusXMTon the same page, it recommends this:
12:02.41AkuliThat seems nice
12:04.18muepone could use the deb sources to rebuild the thing on the other OS
12:04.36DusXMTgood point, ^
12:05.12AkuliI don't want to build it, because i already know installing the dependencies would be a real mess
12:05.20muepfor compiled programs, it would provide at least some confidence on the APIs used in the program being available
12:06.00muepif you build the deb package sources instead of plain upstream source, you can use just the package manager for the deps
12:08.30AkuliI think i'll add an ubuntu source, download all the dependencies, remove the ubuntu source and install
12:12.37Akulinot as easy as i thought it'd be...
12:13.12enycAkuli: that can work, it just depends on the version and compatible denepdencies as you say
12:13.26DusXMTyou're making a frankendevuan... It's your system, so I won't complain from now on, but trust me, you will run into a lot of trouble
12:13.48enycDusXMT: i really think this entirely depends on the package verision
12:13.50KatolaZDusXMT: I agree with you
12:14.10KatolaZIMHO, the best way to use a Debian-derived system is to stick with one repo :)
12:14.29KatolaZthe only exception being dmo
12:14.32AkuliDusXMT, i just noticed that. generally i'm not too arfaid of mixing things as long as i know where they go and i can come back and remove them, but this attempt was just too messy.
12:14.42Akulididn't install anything yet.
12:14.47enycKatolaZ: depneds if teh package you want is in there =)
12:15.02*** join/#devuan brabo (~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo)
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12:15.12enycAkuli: exactly
12:15.15DusXMTdoesn't even trust 3rd party packages - they're a great way to show that "even Linux can get viruses"
12:15.26KatolaZwell, it's easier to compile and repackage by yourself, than mixing things up, IMHO :)
12:16.33Akulii get this from apt-get install compiz
12:16.49Akuliwhich is what this wiki page suggests
12:17.11DusXMTIt's been removed in wheezy
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12:21.26AkuliBut if i'd build compiz from source how could i install all the dependencies?
12:21.47enycAkuli: case by case basis
12:21.58*** join/#devuan argwings (
12:22.01enycAkuli: ofte,n get the build deps for those and their source too =)
12:22.06*** part/#devuan argwings (
12:22.18Akulifrom where?
12:22.28enycAkuli: get evyrthing possible out of devuan itself
12:22.48enycAkuli: only get extra soruces from outside when package isn't there, etc.
12:26.04Akuliand its not
12:26.23Akuliwell, i did install geany and python 3.5 from source because i wanted newer versions of them
12:29.12enycAkuli: beware in *some* circumstances the frankenstien-mix whatever ...  CAN be a proble .. sometimes you are better off with chroot's or virtual machines  for different versions/tools
12:30.18AkuliYes, the python is all in my home folder and i know where geany got installed
12:48.54AkuliThat was a lot of work
12:49.12Akuliand i still dont have all the dependencies...
12:49.14Akulitime to go to eat
12:57.49*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
12:59.28*** join/#devuan flrn_ (
13:01.50*** join/#devuan Spagno (~Spagno@
13:02.52*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
13:11.04flrnhopes not to be too annoying while improving his irc experience^^
13:11.38AkuliNo problem :)
13:23.41*** join/#devuan argwings (
13:46.34flrnAkuli: seems I finally got it :)
13:53.06*** join/#devuan Leander256 (~Leander25@
13:56.32TwistedFateIt's a shame that no one is seeding the torrent :(
13:58.19premobossTwistedFate, what torrent?
13:58.28TwistedFatepremoboss, Devuan torrent
13:58.33premobossI AM doing
13:58.39premobossnot complete
13:58.44premobossonly x86
13:59.13premobossand AMD64
13:59.15Leander256there are a lot of seeders
13:59.29premobossthe iso of CD. i have nto whope torrent cose of size.
14:01.04TwistedFateOh, I think I know why it didn't work
14:01.06TwistedFateI had a proxy
14:01.17TwistedFateBtw, which version would you recommend CD or DVD?
14:02.03AkuliI didn't even know there's a DVD version :)
14:02.16DusXMTalways uses netinst ;)
14:02.31TwistedFateAkuli, There is :D Meh, I just put DVD to download, it will be done soon.
14:03.00AkuliOk :)
14:03.10DusXMTwaste of bandwidth, imho; unless you plan on deploying the system on several machines
14:03.12AkuliIf you have DVD's and a writing drive then sure
14:03.31TwistedFateNo, just a single virtualbox.
14:03.56DusXMTthe netinst (~200MB) will do just fine in that case
14:03.58TwistedFateI don't use optic anymore, only USB memory sticks
14:13.07*** join/#devuan FrozenWes (~FrozenWes@unaffiliated/frozenwes)
14:13.23MachinaeWolfAlright so it hates my ~/.xinitrc but if I login as regular user on lightdm it loads up right no lockup
14:14.22MachinaeWolfWhat do I need to set so my touchpad enables with tap = click as well? It's only letting me use the touchpad button clicks as clicks
14:15.02AkuliMachinaeWolf, your desktop environment's settings should have an option for that
14:15.08Akuliat least MATE has
14:15.14MachinaeWolfwell this is i3wm lol
14:18.31MachinaeWolfok thanks
14:18.47MachinaeWolfIs there a set of things you can set lightdm to autoload for you?
14:19.21DusXMTMachinaeWolf: how about ~/.xsession? ~/.xinitrc is for startx from what I remember
14:19.57DusXMT's ~/.xsession: exec /bin/sh -l $HOME/.xinitrc
14:20.41*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
14:20.50DusXMTgets launched and loaded by XDM at least; dunno about lightdm
14:21.15*** join/#devuan firegarden (
14:21.26DusXMTnever quite had the need to migrate from xdm :)
14:25.21MachinaeWolfIs something extra needed to control fn volume keys?
14:25.39MachinaeWolfmy fn brightness keys worked automatically
14:30.28*** join/#devuan the_verger (
14:30.42*** join/#devuan obarb (~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo)
14:32.00MachinaeWolfrunning synclient with any options I get Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?
14:34.04enycMachinaeWolf: dpkg -l xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
14:34.39MachinaeWolfI have it installed it shows
14:34.44enycMachinaeWolf: hrrm you presumabbly must haev installed otherwise you wouldn't have /usr/bin/snynclient
14:41.39*** join/#devuan dimkr (~dimkr@unaffiliated/dimkr)
14:48.32MachinaeWolfWell the docs are for 2.x kernel but I don't see it saying LoadModule: "synaptics" it does mention synaptics though
14:51.51enychrrm not sure =)
14:52.03enyci could only suggesh making careful comparisyts to what ohoppens with other OS livecds etc etc
14:52.13enyccompare kernel and xserver logs etc etc
14:52.26enycsee if  gsynaptics or other 'graphical' tool orks where 'synclient' doesn't  and all the rest of it
14:52.30*** join/#devuan flrn (~flrn@unaffiliated/flrn)
14:53.45MachinaeWolfapt-cache search can't find that one
14:55.33*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
14:57.30enycMachinaeWolf: check via  for debian versions at least
14:58.26enycok so in wheze ythere was a gpointing-device-settings ;p
14:58.32enycbut not in jessie, apparently!
14:59.46MachinaeWolfwell xfce4-mouse-settings didn't help lol
15:00.15*** join/#devuan the_verg1r (~verger@
15:01.09golinuxAkuli: As to using other repos . . . Take a look at this:
15:01.10*** join/#devuan brabo (~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo)
15:01.56golinuxis just getting caught up with the scrollback
15:06.25Akuli"Et tu, StackExchange?"
15:06.27Akulifunny :)
15:06.52Akuli"Another one bites the dust:"
15:13.31MachinaeWolfoh yeah do I need to install some flash player things for that to work right?
15:14.06Akulifor what to work?
15:14.22MachinaeWolfyoutube and other flash videos etc
15:14.58flrn"(It) isn't broken. It just keeps mutating!"
15:15.05MachinaeWolfI see at least 3
15:15.13AkuliYou don't need flash for youtube
15:15.26Akuliit uses html5 nowadays
15:15.39MachinaeWolfwell some videos don't
15:15.56DusXMTMachinaeWolf: For those, you can always youtube-dl
15:16.25flrncclive ~= youtube-dl
15:16.31MachinaeWolfanywho there's flashplugin-nonfree , pepperflashplugin-nonfree, and browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash
15:16.47AkuliAre you sure you need it?
15:17.04AkuliIf you need, apt-cache show them and read their descriptions
15:17.53DusXMTAnd get ready for the amazing security holes that Flash will provide you with :)
15:19.28MachinaeWolfhmm no sound on youtube vids but I have alsa
15:19.43*** join/#devuan Akuli (
15:21.45*** join/#devuan brabo (~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo)
15:21.47MachinaeWolfand soundcloud needs some plugin, it's failing to load songs on purpose
15:21.55*** join/#devuan the_verger (
15:31.50MachinaeWolfbut more importantly how do I get multilib/multiarch setup so I can use 32bit versions of stuff?
15:33.09Akulisudo dpkg --add-architechture i386
15:33.10Akulii think
15:33.10InocuousMachinaeWolf, did you figure this out? I've had that 2 or 3 times. I think it happens when the sliders are adjusted manually
15:33.37MachinaeWolflet me check alsamixer
15:34.38MachinaeWolfnope still doesn't work
15:35.20InocuousI had to reboot if I remember correctly. It seems to get confused on which device it needs to send sound to, the headphone or the speaker, at least for me.
15:35.54*** join/#devuan Ryushin (
15:36.00InocuousI haven't used the ear buds for a while and it hasn't come back.
15:37.02InocuousI tried stopping and restarting alsa with no change.
15:41.00*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
15:41.47*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1b1:99ce:3896:6eb1)
15:42.55InocuousI lost my backlog. Oh well.
15:44.42MachinaeWolfyeah I have sound, just not on firefox...
15:44.55MachinaeWolfjust tested and confirmed with mpv
15:48.48MachinaeWolfwell no sound on iceweasel to be exact
15:50.04*** join/#devuan brabo (~brabo@globalshellz/owner/brabo)
15:51.14ksx4systemMachinaeWolf: does it work on real Firefox (latest version preferably)?
15:51.31MachinaeWolfhaven't tried yet
15:51.49ksx4systemtry it, 38.x Firefox/Iceweasel is kind of outdated
15:52.04DusXMTseriously doubts it's that
15:52.19DusXMTMachinaeWolf: How about html5 audio/video, does at least that work?
15:52.29MachinaeWolfvideo yes, audio no
15:52.32golinuxMachinaeWolf: You might also want to see if there's anything about missing sound over at mozillazine
15:52.37ksx4systemMachinaeWolf: do you have pulseaudio malware installed?
15:52.37DusXMTThat should use gstreamer as its av backend
15:53.10MachinaeWolflol no I have alsa, well it wouldn't let me remove one pulse library but alsamixer doesn't show pulse anymore :)
15:53.23MachinaeWolfso should all be alsa running
15:54.14*** join/#devuan the_verg1r (
15:55.15ksx4systemMachinaeWolf: yup, it's not PA then
15:58.10MachinaeWolfI have gstreamer0.10-alsa , gsteamer1-.0-libav , gstreamer1.0-plugings base , gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-x libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0 , libgstreamer0.10-0 libgstreamer1.0-0 installed
15:58.20MachinaeWolfMaybe I should install ffmpeg too?
15:58.35MachinaeWolfhmm already is
16:00.44*** join/#devuan ksx4system (
16:05.54MachinaeWolfksx4system: tried actual firefox from site, still no sound on youtube
16:06.35MachinaeWolfand soundcloud isn't working either
16:08.10*** join/#devuan zxz (
16:11.40golinuxMachinaeWolf: You might want to check the mozallazine forum.  Some Linux users there (but mostly buntards)
16:12.00Inocuousbuntards. haha. nice
16:12.47InocuousI had to install flash on iceweasel to get streams on youtube, html worked for most things but not streams
16:19.11MachinaeWolfalright so sound works on youtube in chromium
16:19.53MachinaeWolfyeah soundcloud works like it should too
16:20.06MachinaeWolfBut firefox uses less ram though doesn't it?
16:21.03Wizzupit does
16:21.28MachinaeWolfalright time to check the firefox forum
16:24.45Inocuouswoot woot Chromium!
16:25.32MachinaeWolfI like it in general better, just more ram than firefox
16:26.02Inocuousthat may have been he real answer to my problem too. I made a change to Chromium about the same time.
16:26.24WizzupI prefer firefox for privacy and freedom reasons
16:28.30Inocuousfirefox didn't go well at first on Ubuntu 16 for me.
16:29.40*** join/#devuan molekulo (
16:42.32MachinaeWolfand my mouse cursor disappeared for some reason :o
16:42.52MachinaeWolfit's i3wm so I can navigate but I'd like it back
16:46.41*** join/#devuan Drugo (
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16:52.44MachinaeWolfnvm external hdd was slightly on touchpad...
16:53.53*** join/#devuan molekulo (
16:55.38MachinaeWolfIs there no i386 package of playonlinux? I can see playonlinux in the repo though but I can't apt-get install playonlinux:i386
17:00.24Liekeno, there is only a playonlinux for every arch
17:01.05MachinaeWolfwell if it lets you use the x86 wine versions that's fine
17:08.34MachinaeWolfworks, woot
17:12.21MachinaeWolfWill this give me some issues?
17:12.34MachinaeWolftheir repo says stable and I'm running testing repos
17:29.17*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
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17:36.24*** join/#devuan Alca (~Alca@2001:8003:a51a:6f00:46f7:eb00:d7f1:cd96)
17:44.06MachinaeWolfDoes anyone have a guide for installing spotify and steam on devuan?
17:44.58MachinaeWolfthe regular .deb from the sites have unmet dependencies jockey and zenity that can't be installed without jockey
17:46.04*** join/#devuan weems (~hagrid@unaffiliated/weems)
17:48.46MachinaeWolfShould I try cdeboostrap and bootstrap a debian system, I think those 2 programs work fine on debian...?
17:53.47AlcaDoes Devuan have any official support for Linux-libre or other kernels in general?
17:56.16IrrwahnMachinaeWolf: steam has its own repos:
17:56.20Irrwahndeb [arch=amd64,i386] precise steam
17:56.20Irrwahndeb-src [arch=amd64,i386] precise steam
17:58.02MachinaeWolfBut should I add that? Would it work?
17:58.38IrrwahnAt least it works for me, FWIW.
17:59.05IrrwahnStandard disclaimer for suing 3rds party repos applies, as always.
18:00.18*** join/#devuan Artemis3 (~artemis3@
18:00.23MachinaeWolfso in sources.list add deb precise steam ?
18:00.37MachinaeWolfor add that [arch] bit too?
18:00.59IrrwahnThat's what I did. However, I should add I'm using testing (ascii). Not sure if that makes a difference.
18:01.10DusXMTfeels like some people are rather looking for #ubuntu
18:01.10MachinaeWolfsame I'm on ascii
18:01.15Irrwahnthat arch bit too
18:01.33Artemis3as far as i know it works fine with debian jessie so it should
18:02.15IrrwahnDusXMT: In case you're referring to me: I don't. :P
18:07.22MachinaeWolfwell can't use those repos Irrwahn signature couldn't be verified no pubkey
18:08.01IrrwahnAh, that should be available from the steam site, but I'd have to look it up.
18:10.29*** part/#devuan DusXMT (~dusxmt@
18:11.13IrrwahnMachinaeWolf:  should be: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys B05498B7
18:11.30IrrwahnIf g00gle didn't betray me ...
18:12.16MachinaeWolfWell I found this if that's good?
18:12.37MachinaeWolfheh that quit message
18:13.15IrrwahnThat page looks ok-ish to me, but I cannot verify in any way right now.
18:19.33DocScrutinizer05steam and nosystemd, suuure
18:20.16IrrwahnThere is a connection between the two?
18:20.32IrrwahnIf so, I'd like to be enlightened.
18:21.02MachinaeWolfDocScrutinizer05: that does indeed work, I had steam on gentoo no biggie
18:21.06MachinaeWolfhad to use an overlay but it worked
18:21.20MachinaeWolfand I didn't have systemd installed on that install
18:21.52MachinaeWolfman my wifi likes to auto kill on me and then I have to /etc/init.d/networking restart ...
18:21.59MachinaeWolfthen it goes back
18:22.03DocScrutinizer05tbh I wouldn't dare to run stuff like steam on anything but a VM
18:24.12IrrwahnTbh, I wouldn't dare to connect a computer to the internet. Alas, well, how shall I put it?   /sarcasm
18:24.46DocScrutinizer05or let me put it this way: I'd rather hand over control over my machine to systemd and friends than to a commercial enterprise like steam
18:26.55IrrwahnMy 0.257 ct: I'd rather not maintain a false sense of security in the 21st century. YMMV etc. etc.
18:27.17DocScrutinizer05and that's related how?
18:28.07IrrwahnIOW: I have neither the time nor the knowledge to audit any single line of code that runs on my machine, whatever the source, and however credible it may be.
18:28.36DocScrutinizer05so why the heck you care about devuan?
18:29.34IrrwahnWhy wouldn't I? Systemd simply does not work as advertised, has no benefits for me, but has a lot of disadvantages.
18:30.00IrrwahnSee, I'm not the religious type, and never will become one.
18:30.28DocScrutinizer05well, you're aware that unlike systemd and devuan, for steam *nobody* can review and audit any single line of code?
18:30.51MinceRyeah, play free software games instead
18:31.01IrrwahnLike xlennart.
18:31.12MachinaeWolfomg games must be trying to shut your system down cause they totally hate linux
18:31.17MachinaeWolfwut??? wut
18:31.37DocScrutinizer05you're *completely* missing the point
18:32.06MachinaeWolfthe point is you don't like valve?
18:32.06IrrwahnI get your point. It's simply not my POV.
18:32.44MachinaeWolfI don't think they're trying to bring down linux systems...
18:33.00DocScrutinizer05is puzzled abiout this amount of... wel, nevermind
18:33.10MachinaeWolfthat would be counter-productive to porting games to linux or even having athat option
18:33.30MachinaeWolfand they would lose some business
18:33.38MinceRor like xonotic
18:33.50IrrwahnDocScrutinizer05: Taken to the extreme, I'd suggest you rip out any hardware part that has closed source firmware on it out of your computer.
18:33.56MachinaeWolfanywho steam games aren't evil man, it's ok
18:34.06DocScrutinizer05no, they don't, neither does lennart poettering. But they don't give a shit about your system, your privacy, and your interestes, they only care about making money from you
18:34.12IrrwahnThen you're really safe. And using an abacus, which is a fine invention btw.
18:34.14MachinaeWolfyoink adios mobo Irrwahn XD
18:34.46DocScrutinizer05Irrwahn: try harder, you can troll better I'm sure
18:35.06IrrwahnNobody except myself gives a shit about my system, just like nobody gives a shit about me. That's how this world works, and I accepted it.
18:35.19Irrwahnwho's trolling now?
18:35.23MachinaeWolf^ woot lol
18:35.24DocScrutinizer05still extremely poor
18:35.44MachinaeWolfwe don't need rich trolls, oh wait Donald Trump XD
18:35.58MachinaeWolfI mean we don't need him just saying...
18:36.35MachinaeWolfgetting back on topic, it's a bit concerning to have to run /etc/init.d/networking restart ...
18:36.56DocScrutinizer05why? doesn't steam do that for you?
18:37.19MachinaeWolfDocScrutinizer05 has lost it
18:37.28MachinaeWolfand btw this is before installing steam...
18:37.33MachinaeWolfit isn't even installed
18:37.36IrrwahnMachinaeWolf: That is indeed very strange. Is there any indication in the system logs?
18:37.46MachinaeWolfgoes check
18:38.50DocScrutinizer05headdesks a little about "let's install this app too, it's the latest hottest shit and I don't care what it does"
18:39.43MachinaeWolfwell I'm not sure if this is when I have to run network restart or not but dmesg has iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0 wlan0: disabling HT as WMM/QoS is not supported by the AP
18:41.21IrrwahnNot sure what that means *exactly*, but it doesn't *appear* to me that'd be the reason.
18:41.43MachinaeWolfwell iwlwifi is the wifi driver and wlan0 is the interface name
18:43.24IrrwahnI could tell that much, but simply disabling a feature shouldn't drop a connection, IMHO.
18:43.28*** join/#devuan Drugo (
18:44.34IrrwahnHowever, a web search for the message (modulo the IDs, ofc) brings up several threads from several forums of several distros that look related.
18:45.06IrrwahnMaybe that might help to find the root cause. I'm not an expert on wifi, sadly.
18:46.17*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi (uid95611@gateway/web/
18:49.38*** join/#devuan MobileKittuns (~KittenGNU@unaffiliated/kittengnu)
19:00.17golinuxwonders if the moon is full
19:00.43Inocuousthe sun is full right now.
19:00.56IrrwahnFirst quarter, full moon on May 21st. ^^
19:01.05golinuxnope. but be some other causation
19:01.20golinux*but > must
19:01.25Inocuousheat stroke
19:02.28golinux . . . this channel is getting too weird
19:04.21golinuxInocuous: Just ignorance of free (as in libre) software, I think
19:05.11golinuxMakes me sad . . .
19:13.01*** join/#devuan githogori (~githogori@
19:26.57gnu_srs1Hi, previously people reacted if there was too much OT discussions here and referred them to debianfork. What is the current status?
19:27.32*** join/#devuan zxz (
19:27.40DocScrutinizer05a good tradition we should revive :-)
19:28.31gnu_srs1Reading this channel after not doing that for some days is too much, just have to skip to the latest entry.
19:28.46*** join/#devuan Martin89 (~martin89@2001:470:caab:fd5a:a2::61)
19:29.52golinuxgnu_srs:  The channel is getting flooded with newbies
19:32.00gnu_srs1Nice to see so many new people entering ;-) However, we should propose to them to discuss general matters in #debianfork :P
19:33.36Centurion_Danthere should be a mention of #debian-fork in the title
19:33.52MinceRwhat's #debian-fork?
19:34.32Centurion_Danoops.. should be #debianfork
19:34.42KatolaZis it on freenode as well?
19:34.45MinceRhow should i phrase it?
19:34.58KatolaZI ermember I was there back in the days
19:35.18*** mode/#devuan [+o MinceR] by ChanServ
19:35.28*** topic/#devuan by MinceR -> Devuan discussion channel - Beta is out - forum on - irc logs - offtopic discussion: #debianfork
19:35.32*** mode/#devuan [-o MinceR] by MinceR
19:35.45*** part/#devuan henk (
19:36.00golinux. . . MinceR goes to work some magic
19:36.15golinuxMinceR: How did you do that so fast?
19:36.34MinceR/cs op #devuan, then /t space tab, then edited the line, pressed enter, /deop MinceR
19:37.16golinuxThat was a rhetorical question.  ;)
19:37.42DocScrutinizer05from my histroy:
19:37.46DocScrutinizer05>>Devuan development channel - TODO:,, - generic discussion->#debianfork | Logs: | Devuan News Issue 060:<<
19:38.23golinuxDocScrutinizer05:  Helen of?
19:38.43golinuxis being silly
19:38.57golinux<DocScrutinizer05> from my histroy:
19:39.43*** join/#devuan KatolaZ (~KatolaZ@
19:40.15*** mode/#devuan [+o MinceR] by ChanServ
19:40.26*** topic/#devuan by MinceR -> Devuan discussion channel - Beta is out - forum on - irc logs - Please take offtopic discussion to #debianfork
19:40.30*** mode/#devuan [-o MinceR] by MinceR
19:40.51DocScrutinizer05MinceR: what's /t space tab?
19:41.25MinceRirssi tab-completes "/t " to "/t <topic>" for easier editing
19:41.40MinceR(the space must be there, otherwise it will try to find a command starting with /t)
19:42.05MinceRweechat does this too, except its first suggestion is to clear the topic
19:42.33MachinaeWolfwhoa um: kernel:[20074.648839] do_IRQ: 2.123 No irq handler for vector
19:42.33DocScrutinizer05konversation is a tad more... wel GUI oriented
19:49.39InocuousI would like to get my cron script to append to the same file rather than replace it. I have this file name in the command for the log followed by this  2>&1
19:52.59KatolaZInocuous: ?
19:53.12DocScrutinizer052>>&1 ?
19:54.02InocuousI get a log, it just rewrites it every time.
19:57.43InocuousOk, that makes sense. thanks.
19:57.44DocScrutinizer05>>bla 2>>&1  same  >>bla 2>>bla  same &>>bla (bashism)
19:59.27InocuousI'll knoq in just a couple of minutes, it will run on the hour.
20:09.09DocScrutinizer05Inocuous: so did it work?
20:10.35DocScrutinizer05I guess it did, unless there's a typo somewhere ;-)
20:11.40Inocuoustypo'ed it I think. I copied the original from a help file. it's not quite right. I put in the double >> but that broke it. I'll follow your example for the next run.
20:12.26DocScrutinizer05note that this example uses a bashism, it won't work when you default shell isn't bash
20:13.02DocScrutinizer05>>bla 2>>&1   is the generic form
20:14.55DocScrutinizer05ooh wait, you say you ``have this file name in the command for the log´´? Like  "mycommand --logfile bla" ?  Then you need to use 2>>bla instead of 2>>&1
20:16.40DocScrutinizer05or rather this will still delete your logfile since mycommand prolly doesn't know to append.  Check if your mycommand knows --logfile STDOUT
20:18.18InocuousI'm strugging with this old style linux editor.
20:18.32MachinaeWolfno sound on goattraker? :(
20:18.49MachinaeWolfDocScrutinizer05: you'll be happy to hear it couldn't get all deps for steam so I removed it all
20:18.55MachinaeWolfI couldn't*
20:19.09DocScrutinizer05tbh I don't care
20:21.19*** join/#devuan Chanku (
20:22.01KatolaZok guys,
20:22.09KatolaZminimal devuan live boots in 96 MB :)
20:25.44KatolaZI am now in the process of shrinking the image further, as suggested in the ML
20:25.56KatolaZand I will also include a few more things here and there
20:36.55ChankuAlright so there seems to be a bit of an issue with the Desmume package in Devuan "Jessie".
20:37.13Chanku(I do hope I'm placing this in the right area :P )
20:40.12MachinaeWolfwell I found this but it now has a different error: no protocol specified Failed to connect to X server. Please synclient? :/
20:50.21*** join/#devuan weems (~hagrid@unaffiliated/weems)
20:54.22MachinaeWolfAnd whoa whoa, chsh doesn't detect zsh :o
20:55.44DocScrutinizer05man chsh
20:56.34DocScrutinizer05cat /etc/shells
20:56.49MachinaeWolf'chsh -s zsh' chsh: zsh is an invalid shell
21:02.32DocScrutinizer05honestly, do you know "man"?  >>The only restriction placed on the login shell is that the command name must be listed in /etc/shells, unless the invoker is the superuser, and then any value may be added.<<
21:04.14MachinaeWolfyes I know how to read a man page and on my regular user chsh -s /bin/zsh doesn't work
21:05.45MachinaeWolfand chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh also doesn't work
21:05.55MachinaeWolfno error but it's still on bash I can see that
21:09.38DocScrutinizer05grep `whoami` /etc/passwd
21:11.07DocScrutinizer05you're aware this only changes the FUTURE logins' shell, not your current one?
21:11.57MachinaeWolf...oh anywho in tty it says zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list. I had a previous zsh config file already
21:12.25DocScrutinizer05maybe take it to #debianfork ?
21:21.42*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~TwistedFa@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
21:27.04*** join/#devuan thewildweasel (
21:43.19*** join/#devuan coagen_ (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
22:20.17DocScrutinizer05Inocuous: sorry I told BS. "2>>&1" doesn't even work.  "2>&1" means you use the same filehandle that already got opened for &1, so when you do "1>>bla 2>&1" this appends for &1 and &2. However the issue with "mycmd --logfile bla" stands, in this case &1 isn't a filehandle to bla, so "2>&1" won't do anything either. You must teach mycmd to log to STDOUT (&1) or STDERR (&2), then you can change rewrite (>) to append (>>)
22:25.07DocScrutinizer05Inocuous: when mycmd doesn't know to log to STDERR, you can use something like "mycmd --logfile >(cat >>bla)"
22:30.41DocScrutinizer05((BS)) the terrible effects of a caffeine underdose ;-)
22:34.12*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
23:01.10InocuousOk, got it. thanks DocScrutinizer05
23:01.42InocuousIt's a learning process. :>)
23:01.54DocScrutinizer05that's the fun
23:45.48ksx4systemDocScrutinizer05: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null <= that's what I call hardcore
23:46.12ksx4system(do not execute this, ever)
23:46.30DocScrutinizer05meh, I prolly already did ;-)
23:47.16DocScrutinizer05but yeah, it's quite nasty
23:47.58ksx4systembash, always entertaining
23:48.28ksx4systemsometimes enough to act as caffeine replacement ;)
23:49.17ksx4systemeven hardware RNG doesn't help
23:50.12DocScrutinizer05also funny: cat /dev/kmem
23:50.39DocScrutinizer05save your files before you do
23:53.50ksx4systemwhatever *spins new virtual machine*
23:54.46ksx4systemcat: /dev/kmem: No such file or directory <= meh?
23:56.06DocScrutinizer05hmm, sometimes it doesn't exist
23:56.14ksx4systemDocScrutinizer05: doesn't exist on OpenVZ container, doesn't exist on this laptop too
23:56.24DocScrutinizer05jr@saturn:~> ll /dev/k*
23:56.26DocScrutinizer05crw-r-----  1 root kmem  1,   2  2. Mär 06:16 /dev/kmem
23:56.48ksx4system▮ ksx4system@luna ~ ▮ $ ls /dev | grep kmem
23:56.48ksx4system▮ ksx4system@luna ~ ▮ $
23:56.55DocScrutinizer05some security stuff
23:57.15ksx4systemflashy liquorix kernel 4.5.3 ;)
23:57.28DocScrutinizer05considered a security threat to have full memory access
23:58.08ksx4system:|: which language was this one?
23:58.20DocScrutinizer05anyway reading #0x00000 causes kernel ooops
23:58.56ksx4system(and no, :|: wasn't bash... powershell probably)

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