IRC log for #devuan on 20160506

00:08.57InocuousHere's a little something to spice up the desktop if anyone is interested.
00:24.11golinuxThat's the worst upload service of all.  Requires disabling AdBlock.  :(
00:33.34gci_adminI am sure all the women will be installing that background immediately Inocuous. :p
00:34.02MinceRimgur has become increasingly bloated
00:34.06MinceRnow it's nearly unusable
00:34.45MinceRtheir new ui is broken as well
00:34.47*** join/#devuan Scartozzo (
00:34.53gci_adminHere, if you want to spice up your desktop, use one of these:
00:35.15MinceRthe spice must flow
00:35.20InocuousI didn't have my blocker installed. I should do that.
00:38.26InocuousI'm not real sure on how to install flashplayer
00:39.17gci_admingolinux, use uBlock Origin instead of AdBlock. It works much better than AdBlock IME.
00:40.18ksx4systemgolinux: since when imgur requires to disable ad blocking? as gci_admin suggests use uBlock Origin :)
00:41.35ksx4systemInocuous: just don't, flash player is malware (literally)
00:41.58gci_adminInocuous, does HTML5 not work for you?
00:42.48InocuousI'm on youtube and it's telling me it needs flashplayer to show vidoes.
00:43.24ksx4system"use HTML5 whenever possible" or something
00:43.32gci_adminInocuous, really? What browser?
00:43.50Inocuousit's iceweasel
00:44.07gci_adminHmmm, let me check that in my Devuan VM ...
00:44.28ksx4systemgci_admin: you don't have to
00:44.47ksx4systemyes, HTML5 YouTube works in default Iceweasel on Devuan
00:45.07Inocuousis there a setting?
00:45.32ksx4systemclick that YT link and read one line below
00:45.43ksx4systemthis is a setting
00:47.44gci_adminYup, it works with HTML5 here.
00:49.15gci_adminHad to uninstall Flash to check though. Unfortunately I have to have Flash for some Flash based corporate tools.
00:50.49gci_adminWhy anyone ever thought that was a good idea is beyond my comprehension.
00:50.53tmyklebu_flash isn't bad.
00:51.09tmyklebu_html5 is far worse at graceful degradation.
00:51.33gci_adminNope, it is awful. Worse than bad. A big Flash based hole in security.
00:52.10tmyklebu_you think flash is a security hole but you don't think that having to upgrade your browser every 15 minutes is a bigger security problem?
00:52.32gci_adminI do not upgrade my browser every 15 minutes. You do?
00:52.46tmyklebu_firefox at least says "hey, this plugin is insecure; are you sure you want to run it?" before starting flash code.
00:53.06tmyklebu_i don't.  as a result, all this fancypants html5 stuff just doesn't work anymore.
00:53.11gci_adminYah, I know. Like I said, I have to have Flask for some corp stuff.
00:53.51gci_adminMust have been a Freudian slip "Flask". :D
00:54.11ksx4systemtmyklebu_: what the fsck? what degradation? :P
00:54.46InocuousI'm getting some of the video's now. thanks for that link. I hope it will take care of. Not a big fan of adobe.
00:54.47ksx4systemalso, flash is malware
00:55.13tmyklebu_google chrome *actually is* malware.  flash is just shitty.
00:55.50tmyklebu_they advertise that it sends your keystrokes to the mothership and all.
00:56.45ksx4systemfortunately you've got choice (there's a fsckton of open source WebKit/Blink browsers)
00:56.57tmyklebu_why the fuck can't you spell "fuck"?
00:57.28tmyklebu_if 'fsck' really is muscle-memory, go buy better storage. :)
00:58.19ksx4systembecause it's less mainstream to use *FUCK* word than a file system check (and yes, storage of some of my clients does suck)
01:00.11gci_adminThere is also Vivaldi browser, based on Chromium but without the spying. Or so I have heard.
01:00.58tmyklebu_heh, okay.
01:02.34gci_adminVivaldi is only available for Apple, Linux, and Microsoft systems, not FreeBSD, or I would have tried it by now.
01:03.15gci_adminI'll get around to installing it once I have my netbook configured with Devuan.
01:03.20ksx4systemgci_admin: or there's just Chromium ;) or Firefox (Iceweasel) if you can stand the slowness in exchange for complete peace of mind
01:04.01gci_adminksx4system, slowness is relative. I recall the days of 300 baud modems. ;)
01:04.17golinuxksx4system: I only recently (within the last few months) went to imgur for the first time. Have been there several times since then on devuan-related links
01:05.01ksx4systemgolinux: I used to have my own image host based on open source "Chevereto" script
01:05.24ksx4systemunfortunately no longer compatible with current PHP versions (and I'm not that good at PHP to fork and patch it)
01:05.46*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:05.51golinuxI don;t often post images to the open web.  And have no interest looking at them either
01:06.20gci_adminI have used my Dropbox Pro account to post a lot of content. Unfortunately some chiken littles complain it requires cookies. The HORROR! :p
01:07.51gci_adminOh, and Javascript! GASP!
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02:36.54InocuousLooking for a sound icon to show in the taskbar for quick sound adj. I dragged the sound miver icon and dropped it there. Is there a better way for this?
03:17.01Inocuousnever blink first
03:31.41*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
03:47.54Inocuousstill hasn't blinked
03:59.56*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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09:07.34Centurion_DanInocuous: you'll go blind...
09:09.43Inocuoushaha, probably will. :)
09:10.47Inocuousare you part of the dev team Centurion_Dan ?
09:20.02Centurion_DanInocuous: yup...
09:22.48Inocuousare there still libraries and things being added in to the package? There is a game that I play that depends on a specific library file. I'm not sure how common it is.
09:27.59InocuousIt it a matter of putting it out of other repositories and adding it to Devuan repositories?
09:28.24Inocuousputting = pulling* sorry
09:28.43hellekinInocuous: is there an existing debian package?
09:29.27DocScrutinizer05moin hellekin
09:29.51InocuousI'm guessing that there is.
09:29.56hellekinhi DocScrutinizer05.  I'll be going through the web issues today
09:30.15Centurion_DanInocuous: then it will be in Devuan already
09:30.30hellekinInocuous: then simply use the package manager to install it.  Did you try that?
09:30.31DocScrutinizer05hellekin: :-D
09:32.46DocScrutinizer05related: what doom to expect when installing debian packages?
09:33.05DocScrutinizer05dpkg -i
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09:35.13InocuousI would like to revisit this issue again in a few minutes. I didn't write record the library name. Maybe one of the experts could double check me. my methods are likely to be flawed.
09:35.17hellekinnot much: if it has silly dependencies it won't install.
09:36.06hellekinInocuous: you need to be specific for other people to help you. "a game" is not useful :)
09:37.36InocuousI don't want to slow down the process of more important issues. I'm just speaking in general, it's a big job what you folks are doing here right now.
09:39.06*** join/#devuan Guy- (
09:39.22Guy-is it just me, or is there a DNS problem with
09:40.15nextimedns ( the CDN where is hosted for DNS ) is under dDoS
09:41.23hellekinDNS will die of acute DDOS.  Then self-referential crypthostnames and content-addressed internet can thrive.  But without DRM please.
09:42.29nextimei will take care to add other secondary DNS in next few days to avoid issues like this one in future
09:44.10InocuousThis was my message concerning the missing lib: ./warsow.x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
09:44.39InocuousI tried ust and apt-get to load it, which failed and and apt-cache search to find it, that came up empty.
09:45.05argwingslibsdl2-2.0-0 ?
09:45.06InocuousNot sure if those are the correct steps, I'm a recovering ubuntu user
09:45.46Centurion_Danapt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0
09:45.51Centurion_DanInocuous: ^^
09:46.08Inocuousok, thanks, I'll give it a try.
09:46.11Inocuousthanks men.
09:46.29Centurion_Dansurprised that warsow doesn't pull it in as a dependency...
09:46.36nextimeInocuous: take care that actually we are experiencing some DNS issues for a dDoS attack
09:47.25nextimeCenturion_Dan: warsow isn't packaged in our nor devuan repos
09:47.29Guy-nextime: can't you increase the TTL on the DNS records, so that it keeps working for people who once resolve them successfully/
09:48.04Guy-ah, it's already relatively high    1384    IN      A
09:48.14*** join/#devuan crhylove (~rhy@
09:48.18Guy-did you do this recently?
09:48.33nextimeno, it's 1800 seconds from ages
09:48.53nextimei will inrcease it more anyway as some records are now stable
09:48.56crhyloveThe new beta is AWESOME.
09:49.01nextimeand also i will add other secondary dns
09:49.02crhyloveWorking very, very well for me.
09:49.14crhyloveI'd love to help redesign the initial mate layout.
09:49.15Inocuoussame here crhylove
09:49.24hellekincrhylove: welcome :)
09:50.35Guy-fwiw, I've been using Devuan ceres for months, still am, and it's great :)
09:51.16hellekincrhylove: do you have an existing configuration you want to share?  Does it require programming or packaging?  Can you do either or both?
09:51.21Inocuoussorry for the interuption nextime , I know you are busy. keep up the good work. things are really coming together.
09:51.35crhyloveI have an existing config.  You bet!
09:51.48crhyloveReally, it's just tweaking the layout a bit.
09:51.56crhyloveThe initial mate layout is really old school.
09:52.35hellekinI guess you can publish it on in STUDY or on a snippet on (URLs coming)
09:52.59hellekinwell, when DNS is back :]
09:53.05crhyloveI have to find better icons first.
09:53.08crhyloveBut will do.
09:54.32hellekin (post a new topic, you may not be able to post it there, no worries, I'll move it for you.  you can add a screenshot as well.)
09:55.19Guy-nextime: I can donate secondary DNS service, but I'm not sure how much help it'd be (the place where I can provide it is a low-powered vps on a 100mbps line)
09:55.49hellekinnext step would be to add a packaged version to devuan-for-review before it can enter devuan-packages.
09:56.37crhyloveOK.  I'll post a screenshot asap.  got better icons now. :)
09:57.24Guy-incidentally, what's a good way to choose a gtk3 theme in devuan? I tried cinnamon-control-center but it doesn't have a gtk3 theme selector
09:57.41Guy-the issue only arises due to firefox 46.0...
09:57.54parazydGuy-: maybe lxappearance?
09:58.29Guy-parazyd: seems to be gtk2
09:58.54parazydah ok
09:59.12parazyddunno, just mentioned it because i only use gtk2 but thought it might do gtk3 too
09:59.54Guy-kde-config-gtk-style _seems_ to work, but it has no preview
09:59.55crhyloveSo I'm in the study thing, how do I start a new topic?
10:00.21Guy-the problem I'm having is that firefox doesn't show scrollbar sliders/handles since 46.0, and I'm pretty sure this is to do with gtk-3
10:01.54hellekincrhylove: if you don't see a "new topic" icon, you lack privilege.  Wait a sec
10:02.03crhyloveI'm rhy on there.
10:05.41*** join/#devuan Marenz (
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10:07.45hellekincrhylove: I granted you member access ( so you can post.  Use the board or you can lose that status :)
10:09.24hellekinthanks to you!  Don't hesitate to PM me here or on talk for help.
10:09.58crhyloveIt just gives me the circle with a slash through it for the New Topic button.
10:10.29crhylovegood idea...
10:11.42DocScrutinizer05tbh that forum puzzles shit outa me
10:12.46DocScrutinizer05then otoh I'm no particular fan of fora anyway
10:13.19Guy-parazyd: thanks, that was useful
10:13.30parazyddid it work?
10:13.37Guy-I can switch gtk-3 themes now but firefox still doesn't show scrollbar handles
10:13.43Guy-(but the appearance changes otherwise)
10:13.53hellekinDocScrutinizer05: how does it puzzle you?
10:14.22DocScrutinizer05  for example
10:15.36muep_firefox may have its own implementation of scroll bars
10:16.02Guy-muep_: perhaps, but their appearance does change with the gtk-3 theme
10:16.09Guy-only the lack of the handle doesn't :)
10:16.43muep_it has pretty much always used its own toolkit, even if that toolkit does seem to implement stuff through gtk
10:17.11Guy-gtk-3 integration is a new feature of firefox 46.0
10:17.27Guy-coincidentally it's also the release that broke scrollbars (and some other widgets :)
10:17.31muep_I'd expect it to be comparable to the earlier gtk2 integration
10:17.35Guy-unfortunately it's still broken in 47.0
10:21.12DocScrutinizer05hellekin: my notion on the forum is irrelevant, I'm too oldschool to have a relevant criticism or judgement on it
10:21.49hellekincrhylove: moved it to STUDY.  Devuan>Packages is for discussing the package itself, with rules (you need to read a bit ;) and there's already a mate topic that you want to link to your topic to: by replying there)
10:22.05DocScrutinizer05after literally years I started to use some few vBulletin boards and they are all I know and am used to
10:22.28hellekinDocScrutinizer05: I think you're wrong.  This one combines Web (+wiki) and email.  You use email, don't you?
10:23.05hellekintry setting your preferences to receive email and reply :)
10:23.33crhylovehellekin, thanks.  I tried posting directly to study but it wouldn't let me... :/
10:23.51DocScrutinizer05I'm rather temped to set regex "[Devuan Discourse]" on my mail filters - I can't really use it
10:24.11*** join/#devuan egon0 (~quassel@2a01:1e8:e100:8035:8dad:339a:484c:731a)
10:24.40DocScrutinizer05honestly please ignore me regarding discourse, I'm a lost case
10:29.16hellekincrhylove: yeah that's weird I need to fix that.  In any case if you're not supposed to post in some topic, it should end up in misc.
10:30.43crhyloveno worries.
10:30.48crhyloveYou guys are kicking ass already.
10:30.56crhyloveloves you all!
10:31.57*** join/#devuan chri96 (c12bc72c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:33.49hellekincrhylove: fixed the image.  You can add your config file using markdown ``` blocks (or ~~~, whichever works)
10:34.10hellekinciao chri96 what's up?
10:34.42chri96I'm fine thanks and u?
10:34.44crhylovegreps where his config file is...
10:35.06chri96I have a question
10:35.22hellekinyou still have it :)
10:39.26chri96I would like to help Devuan. I'm a system engineer, now I have a possibility to provide a mirror server.
10:40.42chri96I have a optic fiber then I have 20 mb in upload
10:41.02chri96In your opinion it's possible to help Devuan?
10:41.26nextimechri96: if you like to add a mirror to our download zone,, there is a MIRROR.txt you can read on how to do that
10:42.10nextimeif you mean a repository mirror, we are organizing scripts to manage that, but they aren't yet ready, in a couple of weeks anyway we will publish somethign about that, i'm working on this issue
10:44.53chri96nextime: yes, in my idea it's a repository mirror
10:45.47parazydnextime: does that mean that ex. would also be a pool of mirrors?
10:48.30nextimeparazyd: : yes
10:54.32*** join/#devuan eugo (~eugo@unaffiliated/eugo)
11:04.12hellekinthat would be right?  No plural: it was already mentioned re: auto.mirror
11:05.34nextimehellekin: auto.mirror.d.o will be an auto http redirect to the closest mirror
11:05.59parazydhellekin: yes. i'm saying auto.mirror gets you to your country, and CC.mirror gets a random mirror from that pool
11:06.14nextime<country_code>.mirror.d.o will be a dns round robin on 1 or more mirror in the country, if available, or a cname to auto.mirror.d.o if not available
11:07.42DocScrutinizer05smells circular dependencies ;-)
11:08.15DocScrutinizer05must be right around next corner
11:10.51*** join/#devuan default_ (~default@
11:11.40nextimeDocScrutinizer05: : no, no circular
11:11.53nextimeauto.mirror doesn't go to CC.mirror
11:12.04nextimeauto.mirror goes to ONE mirror, the closest
11:12.29nextimeCC.mirror is a round robin on the mirror in CC OR a cname to auto.mirror
11:12.35nextimeso, no circular dependencies :)
11:15.53DocScrutinizer05nextime: I said it's not yet here :-)
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11:53.05fsmithredCenturion_Dan, jaromil - Had a chance to look at that yet? First impressions?
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12:38.07enycI'm being asked if  devuan  is suitable for deployment....
12:38.15enycDoes the beta at least work well?  interesting question
12:38.31Guy-enyc: there are many people for whom it works
12:38.58Guy-I've been running 'unstable' in production for months with no issues attributable to devuan
12:38.59fsmithredseems to work as well as debian
12:39.11Guy-which is hardly surprising
12:39.48fsmithredI did an upgrade of wheezy on encrypted lvm to devuan jessie that went flawlessly
12:40.42*** join/#devuan Guest38163 (~default@
12:41.23fsmithredbeen using devuan jessie (from a fresh install, not upgrade) since Feb.
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12:51.35nextimei'm using devuan in production on more than 60 machines now, both jessie and/or ceres, with no issues
12:52.19nextimebut be carefuk if you like to use ascii or ceres that *actually* there is an issue with libdbus that block upgrades and/or install of some packages, will be solved soon
12:52.33nextimeanyway, even if it seems to be rock solid
12:52.43nextimeand even if i use it extensively
12:53.11nextimeit's not yet suggested to use it in production, as it's a beta, not a stable yet
12:53.19nextimeso, do it at your own risk
13:00.35minnesotagsAll of life is a risk one way or another. I have it running in a "production" environment on a half-dozen bare metal machines that also run another ten or so virtual devuan machines. No issues attributable to Devuan.
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13:43.13nextimeminnesotags: i say that just cause i have to say that, we cannot say "use it in production" if we are in beta :)
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14:33.21minnesotagsnextime: :-)
14:39.14Inocuousmorning folks
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15:41.54ksx4systemis jessie-proposed-updates from Debian available via Devuan's
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15:55.17nextimeksx4system:  yes
15:55.35ksx4systemok, so I'll have to remove this one
15:55.47ksx4systemthanks nextime
15:56.09nextimeksx4system: if you are using devuan, you should NOT use ANY repo from debian
15:56.20nextimeit's ok to use unofficial repos if you like
15:56.25nextimebut don't use any debian repo
15:56.34nextimeALL debian packages are also available on devuan
15:56.46nextimeboth for backports, proposed-updates, security and so on
15:57.16nextime( with the only exception of the packages blacklisted, systemd and systemd-sysv )
15:57.30enycI'm curious how much needs to be 'changed' in devuan, presuming its' mostly only core / login / udev / etc.  related stuff that needs ''patching''/forking from debian
15:57.45ksx4systemnextime: besides of many unofficial repos (like Knot DNS) I've still had jessie-proposed-updates and backports with lower priority than Devuan's
15:57.57ksx4systembut now I'm actually sorting out my sources.list
15:58.03enycI'm (presuming) vast majority of packages don't have probelatic dependencies, nor sysvinit-incompatibility ??
15:58.08nextimeenyc: for jessie, ~ 300 packages ( 100 source packages )
15:58.11nextimebut in ascii will be more
15:58.39nextimeksx4system: : don't, use the equivalent devuan repos
15:58.45enycnextime: do you actively try to push  devuan-compatibility fixes  to debian packages  ?
15:59.19enycI managed to get the mythtv-packaging lot to  have sysvinit-compatibility  at least, though they haven't tried for proper debian-inclusion at all
15:59.25nextimeenyc: no, not anymore. We have forked cause pushing non-systemd packages was impossible in debian
15:59.27enycubuntu seem to be rather lax on inclusion
16:00.18enycwhat problems are there with  getting devuan built on all architectures ?
16:00.48nextimeenyc: in fact it isn't possibile for all packages, cause of sysadmin dependencies that make impossible to do that without making 2 versions of every package
16:01.31nextimeenyc: : getting devuan on all archs require machines to build packages for archs, qemu isn't enough for some packages
16:01.52nextimeand we don't have yet real and faster enough machines for all archs
16:02.13nextimebut we are working towards this issue and we will add archs as soon as possibile
16:03.07ksx4systemnextime: I just did that, apt-get dist-upgrade and I'll reboot now... hopefully it'll boot :D
16:04.35nextimeksx4system: in italy we say that saying "good luck" is bad, and it's better to say "in bocca al lupo" ( literally: "in the wolf's mouth" )
16:05.15nextime( or someone prefer also "in culo alla balena", literally "in the ass of a wale" (
16:09.09*** join/#devuan hunger (~quassel@kde/developer/hunger)
16:12.36ksx4systemabsolutely perfect, as expected :)
16:13.10ksx4systemonce again thanks for pointing my mystake nextime
16:18.59*** join/#devuan SylvieLorxu (
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16:48.47Inocuousthe devuan revolution has begun.
17:14.28minnesotagsSo, how has the whole "popcon" thing gone? How many downloads have their been?
17:27.02ksx4systemInocuous: viva la revolucion! :D
17:32.11Inocuousksx4system, I like it! haha
17:32.45*** join/#devuan CoolHand_1969 (
17:38.35minnesotagsMore like evolution.
17:43.43*** join/#devuan flrn (
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18:43.09*** topic/#devuan is Devuan discussion channel - Beta is out - forum on - irc logs
18:45.36ksx4systemrobert-e: thanks for notifying, no more tails for me too
18:52.34Lydia_KI read about that change :(
19:05.58InocuousI was looking for sublime in the package list, I saw what looked like couple of library files for it but nothing that looked like sublime 2 or 3
19:17.43*** join/#devuan Inocuous (
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19:20.24nextimeInocuous: contribute by packaging it for devuan!
19:20.33nextime( what's sublime, the editor? )
19:22.06*** join/#devuan githogori (
19:27.34Inocuouseditor/programming environment
19:27.46InocuousI don't know how to make packages
19:27.58*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
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19:28.45DusXMTInocuous: Usually, "upstream developers" just create a tarball with a build system like the autotools-based one, or a cmake-based one (there are other build systems out there as well, but these two are the most popular)
19:30.56DusXMTProbably better than "just a tarball" would be a versioning system repository (like a git one), with tarballs released at "release tags" (snapshots considered to be a release)
19:37.39Inocuousnecessity is the mother of invention. :)  I'll take a look at it and see what I can figure out.
19:39.34muep_isn't sublime proprietary?
19:41.02jaromilafaik is not free software. i believe we aren't allowed to distribute sublime, one has to install their bundle.
19:41.53nextimea ok
19:41.59jaromilabout Tails: we have a plan, there will be one based on Devuan
19:42.06nextimeif it isn't free software, it doesn't exists.
19:42.06jaromillooks at parazyd
19:43.14jaromilTails developers are out of touch. I wish intrigeri would reply my mails
19:43.56jaromilquite irresponsible of them to go on adopting something so new and call it "secure"
19:45.07Lydia_KIt really is.
19:45.39Lydia_KYou'd think security people would want simple well proven init, not some marass of new binaries that practically be re-written as they run they are so new.
19:46.33Lydia_K*that's practically being re-written
19:46.38Lydia_Kgod my typing is horrible today
19:46.54Lydia_KI must need a drink or something.
19:48.24*** join/#devuan dimkr (
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19:53.40muep_they seem to be using gnome and suchlike anyway. it's pretty clear they are not limiting their software setup to stuff that they could audit themselves
20:04.07*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
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20:49.43*** topic/#devuan is Devuan discussion channel - Beta is out - forum on - irc logs
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22:35.51ksx4systemhas 25th birthday :D
22:37.43Inocuousksx4system, just ignore it.
22:38.46Inocuoussomeone gave black balloons when I turned 30
22:40.19ksx4systemInocuous: and some black/pagan/doom metal on vinyl? that would pair well with black balloons... ;)
22:41.55ksx4systemjaromil: it wasn't quite irresponsible, it was a suicidal move for them (that much security aware users simply aren't going to use distro with malware as an init system)
22:43.24MinceR99 black balloons...
22:43.37ksx4systemmuep_: wasn't there XFCE in earlier versions?
22:43.47ksx4systemMinceR: Nena?
22:44.25antofoxhi guys, for case there is an Italian community?
22:49.35ksx4systemantofox: I don't know but I'm pretty sure that some people here speak Italian
22:50.35*** join/#devuan hellekin (hellekin@gateway/shell/gnu/x-wxyzrzvqgimcennx)
22:51.25antofoxok, grazie assaije
22:58.07*** join/#devuan boson (
23:06.39Centurion_Danfor those running ascii or unstable I've  built dbus1.10.8-1
23:08.07Centurion_Danto get it you'll need to add the <mirror>/devuan ascii-proposed main to your /etc/apt/sources.list
23:08.56Centurion_DanIf someone using desktop can test it I'd appreciate it.  I had to skip the automated tests due to bugs in them.
23:10.28gci_adminHappy birthday ksx4system. Here is my present for you: :D
23:10.51*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
23:12.04ksx4systemgci_admin: thanks \m/
23:20.11*** join/#devuan golinux (~golinux@unaffiliated/golinux)
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