irclog2html for #devlounge on 20050403

00:05.48CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7629 10fyre/TODO: add this, with tasks per-file. Some of these are concrete things that can be implemented right away, some are just mentions that we'll need to put some (well, a lot of) design work into it
00:54.46CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7630 10fyre/src/NavigationImage.cs: make mouse handling more intelligent
00:56.33Robot101what's navi?
01:17.26CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7631 10fyre/src/NavigationImage.cs: first steps toward optimizing the drawing on the navigation window
01:21.16CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7632 10fyre/ (TODO src/NavigationImage.cs): finish drawing optimization
01:22.54CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7633 10fyre/src/NavigationImage.cs: some commenting
01:43.17CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7634 10fyre/src/ (CanvasElement.cs Element.cs ElementList.cs PipelineEditor.cs): add a bunch of FIXME comments
02:28.35CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7635 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: start in on tracking extents
02:39.24CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7636 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: add some explaination about how drawing/layout extents interact
02:55.39CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7637 10fyre/src/ (9 files): give the drawing knowledge of it's scrollbars rather than just the adjustments, lots of ws
03:25.04CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7638 10fyre/src/ (PipelineDrawing.cs PipelineEditor.cs): go back to just using the adjustments, center the default drawing extents on the origin
04:12.04CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7639 10fyre/ (3 files in 2 dirs): yay, now we're getting events, with the help of a nicely placed event box
04:27.18CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7640 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: yay, we're getting custom cursors now, but they're really ugly!
05:05.04CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7641 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: add some byte arrays containing data for the hand cursors. still trying to figure out how to convert these to a string
06:11.01CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7642 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: hurray, it's creating cursors! shame they look like garbage...
06:23.09CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7643 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: get rid of the places we use the cursor at the moment, and add a note about the unimplemented function
06:25.04CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7644 10fyre/src/NavigationImage.cs: use a heavier box for our view window, ala gimp
06:52.44CIA-11spacegrant: 03dowty * r1132 10devices/ (7 files in 3 dirs):
06:52.44CIA-11spacegrant: This is an initial mechanical layout for the new Speck detector PCB. It's based
06:52.44CIA-11spacegrant: on measurements of a fabricated PCB, so it's probably wrong. I've been measuring
06:52.44CIA-11spacegrant: new values from the old board's manufacturing data, which I'll be committing
06:52.44CIA-11spacegrant: soon.
07:06.22CIA-11spacegrant: 03dowty * r1133 10devices/speck/mechanical-data.txt: Add a text file with notes on the mechanical layout of the original Speck boards
09:14.02CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1607 10web/htdocs/files/releases/packages/ubuntu/ (. hoary/): Create the ubuntu packages hierarchy.
09:21.41CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1608 10/releases/ (9 files in 9 dirs): Bring back the releases directory hierarchy.
09:23.55CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1609 10/ (12 files in 12 dirs): Move the release tags into the releases/ directories.
09:28.55CIA-11navi-misc: 03micah * r7645 10ledboard/bike-light/ (. bike-light.pdf bike-light.sch): Adding my first cut at a schematic for a microprocessor-controlled bicycle headlight that should draw about 3 watts at full brightness. 'Cuz why not.
09:58.09CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1610 10gnome-presence-applet/ (13 files in 2 dirs): Added a debian/ directory.
10:05.46CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1611 10gnome-presence-applet/debian/ (gnome-presence-applet.install rules): Make the debian stuff work.
10:07.27CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1612 10/releases/gnome-presence-applet/0.3.0/: Tag gnome-presence-applet 0.3.0 as release.
10:46.17CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7646 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: fix all those comments, before i forget. *now* it's bedtime
11:46.42*** join/#devlounge mathrick (~mathrick@
12:28.09CIA-11autopackage: 03mike * 10autopackage/main/TODO: update todo list a bit
12:49.03CIA-11autopackage: 03mike * 10autopackage/main/ (ChangeLog share/apkg-funclib share/installer.template): Fix misc --prefix bugs
12:51.04CIA-11autopackage: 03mike * 10autopackage/main/share/apkg-funclib: Untabify, reindent
17:12.16CIA-11autopackage: 03mike * 10autopackage/main/TODO: grrr
18:41.15CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1613 10eds-feed/ (13 files in 2 dirs): Add the debian directory.
18:44.05CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 070.3.0 * r1614 10eds-feed/: Release tag eds-feed 0.3.0.
18:45.16CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1615 10gnome-presence-applet/debian/rules: Fix a comment in debian/rules.
18:46.23CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1616 10galago-daemon/ (ChangeLog debian/control): We require libglib2.0-dev to build, not libglib2.0-0.
18:47.27CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1617 10galago-daemon/debian/changelog: Must update debian/changelog so I can rebuild this sucker.
18:51.35CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 070.3.1 * r1618 10galago-daemon/ (ChangeLog debian/changelog debian/control): Update the 0.3.1 release dir with the debian fixes.
18:58.36CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1619 10gaim-galago/ (13 files in 2 dirs): Added the debian directory.
19:05.08CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1620 10gnome-presence-applet/ (ChangeLog debian/changelog debian/control): Fix the summary. This is not the Galago presence daemon.
19:09.05CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 070.3.1 * r1621 10gaim-galago/: Release tag gaim-galago 0.3.1.
19:10.08CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 070.3.0 * r1622 10gnome-presence-applet/ (ChangeLog debian/changelog debian/control debian/rules): Update the 0.3.0 release branch for the debian changes.
19:27.50CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1623 10web/htdocs/releases: Update the releases list.
19:29.59CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1624 10web/htdocs/ (downloads.php releases): Make life easier on myself by having it auto-insert the version number into the file for each file in a release.
19:32.39CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1625 10web/htdocs/ (downloads.php releases): Ooh, and release number too. Now we're getting spiffy.
19:47.11CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1626 10web/htdocs/downloads.php: Make the downloads page code a lot more manageable.
19:51.28CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1627 10web/htdocs/downloads.php: Even more manageable! Woot.
19:51.50CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7647 10fyre/TODO: update
19:58.00*** part/#devlounge lurgy (~lurgy@
20:02.51CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1628 10web/htdocs/ (downloads.php site.css): Add suppor for alternate row stylings in the downloads page if I decide to use them.
20:26.12CIA-11autopackage: 03mike * 10autopackage/main/ (ChangeLog doc/docbook.xml): Mention common macros that "rewrite" your code to use newer versions
20:40.13CIA-11galago: 03chipx86 * r1629 10web/htdocs/releases: Fix the gaim-galago release number.
21:10.39CIA-11autopackage: 03mike * 10autopackage/main/ (ChangeLog release/autopackage-install): Add autopackage install prefix to the path
21:12.13CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7648 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: first steps toward managing document area
21:19.12CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7649 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: yay, it's starting to work!
21:25.52CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7650 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: initialize our value to the default layout extents position - buffer
21:40.07CIA-11navi-misc: 03micah * r7651 10ledboard/bike-light/ (. Makefile bike-light.asm Add some firmware for the bike headlight. This version cycles through 5 brightness levels, plus sleep mode
21:46.12CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7652 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: SUPAH SEXY DRAG ACTION!
22:15.59*** join/#devlounge kergoth (
22:16.44*** join/#devlounge kbot (
22:48.57CIA-11navi-misc: 03jupiter * r7653 10fyre/src/PipelineDrawing.cs: change default layout size to be smaller than the windows default size, so scrollbars start out maxed

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.