irclog2html for #devlounge on 20050223

04:55.36*** join/#devlounge purl (
04:55.36*** topic/#devlounge is IT MIGHT LOOK HARMLESS BUT DON'T BE FOOLED: || Hate mornings? Show it:
05:16.46*** join/#devlounge purl (
05:16.46*** topic/#devlounge is IT MIGHT LOOK HARMLESS BUT DON'T BE FOOLED: || Hate mornings? Show it:
07:33.06ChipX86"Excuse me, is there someone you know who has or is a pain in the neck?" -- local hottub commercial
07:35.00grimwrong window again..
07:35.15grimi really need to write that focus follows eyes thing i keep talking about
07:35.45grimyou interested in helping? :)
07:36.18purple_cowhehe, you could probably use one of scanline's projects for that :)
07:36.20ChipX86way too many projects ;)
07:36.24ChipX86yeah really
07:36.45grimwhat does scanline have in the way of this..
07:36.53ChipX86what doesn't he?
07:36.58purple_cowhe was playing with computer vision stuff
07:37.16grimis it on
07:37.27ChipX86purple_cow: that's awesome
07:37.30ChipX86I need to visit.
07:37.39ChipX86I need another month of vacation time
07:38.15ChipX86:D I love the duck tracker
07:38.20ChipX86ooh, my new hackergotchi is on Planet GNOME
07:39.22ChipX86I look better in that one
07:41.05scanlinecyay, duck
07:42.05scanlineoh no, ChipX86 looks less like an angstful teen in this one
07:42.19ChipX86sadly, that other one was the best pic I had
07:42.47grimscanline: so how'd the focus follows head stuff turn out?
07:45.21scanlinegrim: kinda slow, and nauseating, but fun
07:45.54grimscanline: and this was with a firewire cam?
07:46.13scanlineit was processing it at 30fps, but that still feels slow for an input device
07:46.18scanlineand there was some latency due to the filtering
07:46.25grimscanline: my cam is usb 1.1... so it looks like i'll probably be waiting before i actually give it a go..
07:46.53ChipX86usb 1.1 will work. You just have to overclock it!
07:47.11scanlineto harness the power of sunspots and produce cognitive radiation?
07:47.42ChipX86yay Talim
07:48.50ChipX86boo lizard guy
07:49.52purple_cowlizard guy?
07:50.02ChipX86there's a lizard guy that killed me
08:00.58grimnight guys
10:01.44*** join/#devlounge mathrick (~mathrick@
17:43.11*** part/#devlounge a-atwood (
18:04.36*** join/#devlounge mathrick (~mathrick@
18:11.57kergothits too quiet in here.
18:17.19TDalways is
18:17.25kergothits broken
18:17.41TDinstead of working :(
18:18.03TDbasically red hat have this next-gen rendering team working on X and stuff
18:18.09TDand they're talking about new theming systems for GTK+
18:18.19TDraster pointed out that they're talking about what ejde/ewl already do
18:18.53kergothah right
18:19.19kergoththe e17 foundation libs are pretty impressive
18:19.29TDyeah. they actually have docs too now
18:19.33TDkergoth: already done!
18:19.42TDcheck out eem.avi, most amazing PDA gui i've ever seen
18:19.48ChipX86yeah, cool stuff
18:19.52TDthough the video only shows the menus. maybe that's all it can do :)
18:20.06TDone of the annoying things about rasters videos is the way they seem to repeat trivial actions over and over
18:20.12TDthey look great. but .... surely it can do more than that!?
18:20.35trekeyou mean raster's software does more than look pretty?
18:20.38kergothnod, should do a better job of showcasing each feature
18:21.56TDhmm "Because they change the APIs and do complete rewrites all of the time. E is not a serious desktop environment for people who want to get things done or develop software"
18:22.02TDin response to my question "why does nobody use these libs"?
18:22.07TDpretty much what i guessed in fact
18:29.12mathrickhas been slashdotted?
18:29.29mathrickit's always slow, but now it's super-slow
18:52.11*** join/#devlounge kergoth (
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18:52.45*** join/#devlounge kergoth__ (
18:55.48*** join/#devlounge mjg59 (
18:57.11*** join/#devlounge kergoth_ (
20:36.54*** join/#devlounge pb_ (~pb@2002:5168:d330:1:a00:1fff:fe06:93c)
20:54.20pb_heh, just got home and found my car in a different spot to where I left it this morning.
20:54.29pb_I guess the builders must have towed it out of their way or something.
20:58.19kergothokay, question for people in here who use gnupg/pgp
20:58.31kergothwhat do you generally set your expiration on the keypair to?
20:59.08kergoththats what i did, and then i lost my damn key when a drive went
20:59.14kergothso now i've got this key sitting on servers
20:59.29pb_ah.  yeah, it only works if you have backup so you can generate a revocation.
20:59.45kergothguess i _should_ just learn to back shit up for once
20:59.52kergothitd be nice to not lose my bookmarks every 6 months
21:00.59kergothi should buy some blank dvds and actually use the burner
21:01.22pb_smart thinking
21:01.39pb_I bought a tape drive last year, planning to use it to back up my $HOME, but I could never get the darn thing to work reliably.
21:01.47kergothah, thatd be useful
21:01.53pb_I should try again, I guess.  Maybe the linux firewire drivers have gotten better in the meantime.
21:01.54kergothordered an mp3 player last night
21:02.05pb_heh, very good
21:02.16kergothyeah, never got around to buying one
21:02.22pb_I accidentally bought an iPod while I was in the US the other week.  should get around to actually putting some music on it, I guess.
21:02.32kergothhow do you accidentally buy an iPod?
21:02.48pb_well, I was in this shopping mall, and there was an apple store.
21:02.53pb_and, well, one thing led to another
21:03.37pb_it's always tempting to buy stuff like that when I'm in the USA, because I can console myself with the thought that I'm only spending toy money.
21:19.56TDChipX86: so
21:20.06TDChipX86: after galago and autopackage and notifications are all massively succesful
21:20.15TDand we've given maintainership to some bright young spark with energy.
21:20.25TDhow do you fancy writing a streamable applications framework with me?
21:20.38TDand dual-licensing it under the GPL and making pots of cash whilst still being ethical in the stallmanist sense?
21:21.01TDpurple_cow: yeah
21:21.03ChipX86I have no interest :)
21:21.10TDChipX86: you suck :)
21:21.16ChipX86today, I'm worn out, and don't want to think about any extra work
21:21.22purple_cowTD: define?
21:21.23TDChipX86: i'm talking about, like, years in the future
21:21.48TDpurple_cow: web apps are good because they load nearly instantly, don't require installation, and work nearly anywhere. but DHTML sucks more than i can possible articulate
21:21.55ChipX86yeah, right now I feel like not doing anything years in the future. It's just a bad day for this discussion ;)
21:22.11TDso the challenge is: write a framework that is (a) tiny, (b) designed to force people to write modular, load-on-demand apps
21:22.16TDbut with the flexibility and richness of client side apps
21:22.17purple_cowso like java?
21:22.28TDjava is anything *but* streamable.
21:22.43TDyou can easily end up loading 100 classes just to get your app to do something. and the VM is like 35mb
21:22.46ChipX86it's everything but streamable!
21:22.51TDlol will be better in that regard
21:23.05TDhardly. it's just a clone of java
21:23.16TDthe thing with DHTML+JavaScript is that it forces people to write in unit form
21:23.22TDeach "screen" is a page. and it's loaded on demand. quickly
21:23.31TDhtml+javascript is tiny and mod_gzip makes it tinier
21:23.41ChipX86TD: yeah, they should fix that.
21:23.51TDso take those nice bits of web apps and put it into a framework actually designed for apps
21:23.55TDthen move to honolulu
21:23.57purple_cowTD: i think unless you have an execution environment already running, instant loading is a pipe dream
21:24.40TDwell, maybe
21:24.49TDwe're solving a similar problem with autopackage
21:25.08TDright now you just run the .package file, and it streams the components in as they're needed. now it could be a *lot* better
21:25.19TDthe minimum is about 200k of stuff, which could be improved a lot
21:25.25TDif you want the pretty GUI, that's another 150k or so.
21:25.29TDbut it's still acceptable.
21:25.40ChipX86we need a 3D GUI for package installation
21:25.46purple_cowwelp, i'm off to go prove that i know what a context-free language is
21:25.54kergothhave fun
21:25.54TDgood luck!
21:26.54ChipX86purple_cow: you should give examples like befunge
21:27.48TDno, seriously. i think it'd be a fascinating project to work on, because writing that kind of stuff is so different to "regular" apps
21:39.16TDespecially as it's a good excuse for some EXTREME CODING to reduce overhead
21:42.21kergothi should switch to more of a iterative development model in my projects
21:44.54TDin fact autopackage is a good case study in how you would go about actually doing streamable apps
21:45.01TDit reuses technology that's already on the system aggressively
21:45.15TDit comes in an executable form that downloads the core just in time.
21:45.29TDit's mostly text based, which compresses very well and is easy to script
22:28.25kergothanyone know if its possible to setup a gpg agent, and forward gpg bits back over ssh to the local agent from a remote box?
22:28.33kergoththat way you wouldnt need the keys on a remote mailserver you use mutt on
23:34.03ChipX86we just took a tour of the other building and I got to see what office I'm working in
23:34.11kergothcool, even
23:34.34ChipX86I've got a corner office overlooking a couple of fountains, the pond, and the balcony
23:34.39ChipX86covered in giant windows
23:34.51ChipX86with a little room just outside of it that separates us from the hallway
23:34.57ChipX86we want to stick interns there and have them make us food
23:35.06ChipX86Regis and I are sharing it
23:35.13ChipX86we're going to get a couch in there (it's more than big enough)
23:35.32ChipX86and we're just down the hall from the kitchen
23:36.22ChipX86lucked out :) although all the offices assigned to our team are rather spacious with a nice view
23:37.07pb_heh, very good.  our new building has no view at all, to speak of.
23:38.16pb_fairly spacious, though.  I think our four engineers get about 2000 square feet between them.
23:38.26CosmicPenguinWe have no view either, but the good news is that everybody has an office and *nobody* has a office with a window
23:39.08ChipX86every member of our team gets a window. Engineeres here arent' allowed to have cubicles unless there just isnt' any other way
23:48.36pb_CosmicPenguin: ah, heh.  we have plenty of windows, but they don't look out onto anything that's really worth looking at.

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