irclog2html for #devlounge on 20050221

01:37.25ChipX86oops, forgot to get jamie's box set up with her password
01:48.49*** join/#devlounge samyb (~samy@
01:50.08*** join/#devlounge rwilco (
02:06.21*** part/#devlounge rwilco (
03:48.35*** join/#devlounge marv (
04:01.04*** join/#devlounge xgrimx (~grim@grim.developer.guifications)
04:56.45*** part/#devlounge xgrimx (~grim@grim.developer.guifications)
09:00.52ChipX86TD[gone]: wake up!
09:28.43*** join/#devlounge sbahra (~sbahra@
09:50.41*** join/#devlounge samyb (~samy@
15:45.37TDunfortunately ChipX86|Sleep has sleppified
17:52.13*** join/#devlounge Samy (~samy@
17:57.14*** join/#devlounge samyb (~samy@
19:04.27*** join/#devlounge xgrimx (~grim@grim.developer.guifications)
19:15.59*** join/#devlounge pb_ (~pb@2002:5168:d330:1:a00:1fff:fe06:93c)
20:35.58kergoth_this channel doesnt have nearly enough BS'ing
20:36.17samybThere. :)
20:36.21ChipX86wow! I made $10 on destroymornings
20:38.24scanlineall of us BS in #tacobeam rather than here still :)
20:38.33scanlineexcept all the people that aren't in #tacobeam
20:38.45scanlinethey must never BS at all! for shame!
20:39.01ChipX86I like to BS in both
20:39.05kergoth_excel is the devil.
20:39.10ChipX86I'll just rig up a script so anything I say will be relayed to both channels
20:39.13kergoth_the devil, i say!
20:40.37kergoth_such complex instructions in this test case i wrote
20:40.41kergoth_a. run ts_print
20:40.46kergoth_b. touch pen to panel
20:40.48kergoth_c. release
20:40.50kergoth_d. repeat
20:41.07CosmicPenguinSomeone is bound to screw it up though
20:41.10kergoth_no doubt
20:49.33ChipX86a Destroy Mornings teddy bear!
21:10.13*** topic/#devlounge by ChipX86 -> IT MIGHT LOOK HARMLESS BUT DON'T BE FOOLED: || Hate mornings? Show it:
21:11.34xgrimxwow xfce just flaked out on me for the first time in a LONG time..
21:11.44xgrimxi can't seem to make my autohide toolbars show..
21:15.50*** join/#devlounge treke (
21:17.06CosmicPenguinautohide is flaky in general
21:23.10xgrimxyeah but is annoying when the panel is a dock and takes workarea space when it doesn't cover the whole width of the screen...
21:23.23xgrimxChipX86: whatd you add now? :P
21:23.29ChipX86bumper sticker :D
21:23.33purple_cowyay, ChipX86, hard at work
21:23.48ChipX86oh yeah
21:24.03xgrimxman i need to get the guifications logo contest going and set a cafepress store :)
21:24.14CosmicPenguincafepress is so damn cool
21:27.09kergoth_i should tape a destroymornings sticker on the outside of my cubicle
21:27.12kergoth_as a warning
21:27.26CosmicPenguinYou need destroy warnings tape like cops use
21:27.34kergoth_haha, yeah
21:27.37kergoth_string that up before coffee
21:27.40purple_cowyou know what would be a better warning?
21:27.41purple_cowa crossbow
21:27.58kergoth_i'd prefer a large knife or sword. more personal
21:28.18xgrimxooo destroy mornings sticky hands...  :)
21:28.26purple_cowtime for more school
21:32.42ChipX86I'm trying to get people at work to buy this stuff. Not to make money, but because it just rocks so much
21:33.01kergoth_the best promotion is probably just to wear the shirt
21:33.04xgrimxright... :P
21:33.13ChipX86that's hwat I do, and I use the mug
21:38.39CosmicPenguinI'm still waiting for the OE jockey shorts... :)
21:53.44*** join/#devlounge mathrick (~mathrick@
22:02.31purple_cowChipX86: i have another thing for you to bug alex about ;)
22:02.46purple_cowthe search & recently changed windows don't respect ctrl+w...
22:26.58ChipX86I really should get off my butt and buy an umbrella before the storm comes
22:27.09ChipX86the wind is already picking up
22:34.08ChipX86oh well, advertising :)
22:36.15ChipX86oops, wrong window
22:38.07ChipX86that was in reference to a blog entry :P I was pimping Fyre and autopackage
22:38.24xgrimxgrim@specter:~/programming/guifications2$ cvs up
22:38.24xgrimxssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
22:38.24xgrimxcvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
22:38.57ChipX86xgrimx: did I show you the pic Jamie gave me?
22:39.06purple_cowgotta love SF cvs
22:39.12xgrimxChipX86: if it's the one you linked in here the other day i saw it..
22:39.26ChipX86if you mean last night
22:39.33xgrimxwell whats worse about their cvs is that its not even on the damn status page!!
22:39.39xgrimxChipX86: possibly...
22:40.06xgrimxChipX86: remember i'm under the affects of bronchitis and a bunch of meds.. i'm not all here..
22:40.22ChipX86yeah :/
22:43.39xgrimxgrr this cvs stuff is retarded.. i just want to fix a quick bug..
22:44.38grimyeah and it's not just my laptop..
22:44.42grimson of a bitch..
22:44.56ChipX86you need an svn repo somewhere
22:45.01grimpurple_cow: i assume you're on fd.o now too?
22:45.05grimChipX86: i have my local one..
22:45.12ChipX86I can give you room on osiris
22:45.15grimbut i keep all the guifications release code on sf..
22:45.44grimby release i mean current release tree..
22:45.53grimlike 3.x isn't on sf yet.. only in my local tree..
22:48.37purple_cowgrim: nope
22:49.02purple_cowmost of my stuff is in a subversion server in our downstairs closet, and the rest is in gnome cvs
22:50.07grimpurple_cow: i see...
22:51.16grimwtf does XDDDD mean?
22:51.38ChipX86overly excited :D
22:51.53grimok.. and throw in bad english..
22:51.59grimtanks for this plugin , is the best xDDDD
22:52.33grimok.. but what about 'notification xDDDDDDD.'
22:52.39grimvery overly excited?
22:56.49scanlinevery fat chin?
23:00.20ChipX86trust me
23:00.29ChipX86my female friends use it a lot
23:02.40kergoth_who stole my motivation?
23:17.41pb_kergoth: you'd think that, if some aspiring thief wanted to steal motivation from someone, you'd be roughly last on their list of candidates.
23:18.09kergoth_hehe, indeed
23:19.24CosmicPenguinAnd if they did, they would probably end up giving it right back
23:24.12grimthe best part of the whole email was probably this though...
23:24.15grimIt pardons that
23:24.15grim> it bothers to you, but like not like doing it, nothing better ke to
23:24.15grim> loosen to one preguntillas XDDDD thanks to lose your time reading this
23:24.15grim> message "with my perfect ingles XDDDD"
23:24.24grimbah stupid evo, sorry
23:24.43grimi guess i should have checked it for new lines before sending..
23:55.50*** join/#devlounge marv (

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